Exemplo n.º 1
// rechercher cookie à partir de la position s (par exemple s=cookie.data)
// renvoie pointeur sur ligne, ou NULL si introuvable
// path est aligné à droite et cook_name peut être vide (chercher alors tout cookie)
// .doubleclick.net     TRUE    /       FALSE   1999999999      id      A
char *cookie_find(char *s, char *cook_name, char *domain, char *path) {
  char buffer[8192];
  char *a = s;

  while(*a) {
    int t;

    if (strnotempty(cook_name) == 0)
      t = 1;                    // accepter par défaut
      t = (strcmp(cookie_get(buffer, a, 5), cook_name) == 0);   // tester si même nom
    if (t) {                    // même nom ou nom qualconque
      char *chk_dom = cookie_get(buffer, a, 0); // domaine concerné par le cookie

      if (((int) strlen(chk_dom) <= (int) strlen(domain) &&
        strcmp(chk_dom, domain + strlen(domain) - strlen(chk_dom)) == 0) ||
        !cookie_cmp_wildcard_domain(chk_dom, domain)) {  // même domaine
        char *chk_path = cookie_get(buffer, a, 2);    // chemin concerné par le cookie

        if ((int) strlen(chk_path) <= (int) strlen(path)) {
          if (strncmp(path, chk_path, strlen(chk_path)) == 0) {       // même chemin
            return a;
    a = cookie_nextfield(a);
  return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void exec_asp( connection* conn )
	char key[20];
	key[16] = '\0';
	cookie_get( conn, "SESSIONKEY", key, 16 );
	conn->session = session_get( conn->client, key );
	if( !conn->session ){
		conn->code = 500;
		if( !(*key) || strcmp( conn->session->key, key ) != 0 )
			cookie_set( conn, "SESSIONKEY", "/", -1, conn->session->key );
		NEW( conn->data_send, MAX_DATASEND+4 );
		conn->data_size = 0;
		if( vdir_exec( conn->server, conn->current_dir, conn ) < 0 ){
			conn->code = 404;
		if( !conn->data_size )
			conn->data_size = strlen( conn->data_send );
Exemplo n.º 3
// gestion des cookie
// ajoute, dans l'ordre
// !=0 : erreur
int cookie_add(t_cookie * cookie, char *cook_name, char *cook_value,
               char *domain, char *path) {
  char buffer[8192];
  char *a = cookie->data;
  char *insert;
  char cook[16384];

  // effacer éventuel cookie en double
  cookie_del(cookie, cook_name, domain, path);
  if ((int) strlen(cook_value) > 1024)
    return -1;                  // trop long
  if ((int) strlen(cook_name) > 256)
    return -1;                  // trop long
  if ((int) strlen(domain) > 256)
    return -1;                  // trop long
  if ((int) strlen(path) > 256)
    return -1;                  // trop long
  if ((int) (strlen(cookie->data)
             + strlen(cook_value)
             + strlen(cook_name)
             + strlen(domain)
             + strlen(path)
             + 256) > cookie->max_len)
    return -1;                  // impossible d'ajouter

  insert = a;                   // insérer ici
  while(*a) {
    if (strlen(cookie_get(buffer, a, 2)) < strlen(path))        // long. path (le + long est prioritaire)
      a = cookie->data + strlen(cookie->data);  // fin
    else {
      a = strchr(a, '\n');      // prochain champ
      if (a == NULL)
        a = cookie->data + strlen(cookie->data);        // fin
      while(*a == '\n')
      insert = a;               // insérer ici
  // construction du cookie
  strcpybuff(cook, domain);
  strcatbuff(cook, "\t");
  strcatbuff(cook, "TRUE");
  strcatbuff(cook, "\t");
  strcatbuff(cook, path);
  strcatbuff(cook, "\t");
  strcatbuff(cook, "FALSE");
  strcatbuff(cook, "\t");
  strcatbuff(cook, "1999999999");
  strcatbuff(cook, "\t");
  strcatbuff(cook, cook_name);
  strcatbuff(cook, "\t");
  strcatbuff(cook, cook_value);
  strcatbuff(cook, "\n");
  if (!(((int) strlen(cookie->data) + (int) strlen(cook)) < cookie->max_len))
    return -1;                  // impossible d'ajouter
  cookie_insert(insert, cook);
  printf("add_new cookie: name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" domain=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"\n",
         cook_name, cook_value, domain, path);
  //printf(">>>cook: %s<<<\n",cookie->data);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
// lire cookies.txt
// lire également (Windows seulement) les *@*.txt (cookies IE copiés)
// !=0 : erreur
int cookie_load(t_cookie * cookie, const char *fpath, const char *name) {
  char catbuff[CATBUFF_SIZE];
  char buffer[8192];

  //  cookie->data[0]='\0';

  // Fusionner d'abord les éventuels cookies IE
#ifdef _WIN32
    WIN32_FIND_DATAA find;
    HANDLE h;
    char pth[MAX_PATH + 32];

    strcpybuff(pth, fpath);
    strcatbuff(pth, "*@*.txt");
    h = FindFirstFileA((char *) pth, &find);
    if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
      do {
        if (!(find.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
          if (!(find.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM)) {
            FILE *fp = fopen(fconcat(catbuff, fpath, find.cFileName), "rb");

            if (fp) {
              char cook_name[256];
              char cook_value[1000];
              char domainpathpath[512];
              char dummy[512];

              char domain[256]; // domaine cookie (.netscape.com)
              char path[256];   // chemin (/)
              int cookie_merged = 0;

              // Read all cookies
              while(!feof(fp)) {
                cook_name[0] = cook_value[0] = domainpathpath[0]
                  = dummy[0] = domain[0] = path[0] = '\0';
                linput(fp, cook_name, 250);
                if (!feof(fp)) {
                  linput(fp, cook_value, 250);
                  if (!feof(fp)) {
                    int i;

                    linput(fp, domainpathpath, 500);
                    /* Read 6 other useless values */
                    for(i = 0; !feof(fp) && i < 6; i++) {
                      linput(fp, dummy, 500);
                    if (strnotempty(cook_name)
                        && strnotempty(cook_value)
                        && strnotempty(domainpathpath)) {
                      if (ident_url_absolute(domainpathpath, domain, path) >= 0) {
                        cookie_add(cookie, cook_name, cook_value, domain, path);
                        cookie_merged = 1;
              if (cookie_merged)
                remove(fconcat(catbuff, fpath, find.cFileName));
            }                   // if fp
      } while(FindNextFileA(h, &find));

  // Ensuite, cookies.txt
    FILE *fp = fopen(fconcat(catbuff, fpath, name), "rb");

    if (fp) {
      char BIGSTK line[8192];

      while((!feof(fp)) && (((int) strlen(cookie->data)) < cookie->max_len)) {
        rawlinput(fp, line, 8100);
        if (strnotempty(line)) {
          if (strlen(line) < 8000) {
            if (line[0] != '#') {
              char domain[256]; // domaine cookie (.netscape.com)
              char path[256];   // chemin (/)
              char cook_name[1024];     // nom cookie (MYCOOK)
              char BIGSTK cook_value[8192];     // valeur (ID=toto,S=1234)

              strcpybuff(domain, cookie_get(buffer, line, 0));  // host
              strcpybuff(path, cookie_get(buffer, line, 2));    // path
              strcpybuff(cook_name, cookie_get(buffer, line, 5));       // name
              strcpybuff(cook_value, cookie_get(buffer, line, 6));      // value
              printf("%s\n", line);
              cookie_add(cookie, cook_name, cook_value, domain, path);
      return 0;
  return -1;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Retrieve URL, via the proxy in $proxyvar if necessary.
 * Modifies the string argument given.
 * Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success
static int
url_get(const char *origline, const char *proxyenv, const char *outfile)
	char pbuf[NI_MAXSERV], hbuf[NI_MAXHOST], *cp, *portnum, *path, ststr[4];
	char *hosttail, *cause = "unknown", *newline, *host, *port, *buf = NULL;
	int error, i, isftpurl = 0, isfileurl = 0, isredirect = 0, rval = -1;
	struct addrinfo hints, *res0, *res;
	const char * volatile savefile;
	char * volatile proxyurl = NULL;
	char *cookie = NULL;
	volatile int s = -1, out;
	volatile sig_t oldintr;
	FILE *fin = NULL;
	off_t hashbytes;
	const char *errstr;
	size_t len, wlen;
#ifndef SMALL
	char *sslpath = NULL, *sslhost = NULL;
	int ishttpsurl = 0;
	SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx = NULL;
#endif /* !SMALL */
	SSL *ssl = NULL;
	int status;

	newline = strdup(origline);
	if (newline == NULL)
		errx(1, "Can't allocate memory to parse URL");
	if (strncasecmp(newline, HTTP_URL, sizeof(HTTP_URL) - 1) == 0)
		host = newline + sizeof(HTTP_URL) - 1;
	else if (strncasecmp(newline, FTP_URL, sizeof(FTP_URL) - 1) == 0) {
		host = newline + sizeof(FTP_URL) - 1;
		isftpurl = 1;
	} else if (strncasecmp(newline, FILE_URL, sizeof(FILE_URL) - 1) == 0) {
		host = newline + sizeof(FILE_URL) - 1;
		isfileurl = 1;
#ifndef SMALL
	} else if (strncasecmp(newline, HTTPS_URL, sizeof(HTTPS_URL) - 1) == 0) {
		host = newline + sizeof(HTTPS_URL) - 1;
		ishttpsurl = 1;
#endif /* !SMALL */
	} else
		errx(1, "url_get: Invalid URL '%s'", newline);

	if (isfileurl) {
		path = host;
	} else {
		path = strchr(host, '/');		/* find path */
		if (EMPTYSTRING(path)) {
			if (isftpurl)
				goto noftpautologin;
			warnx("Invalid URL (no `/' after host): %s", origline);
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		*path++ = '\0';
		if (EMPTYSTRING(path)) {
			if (isftpurl)
				goto noftpautologin;
			warnx("Invalid URL (no file after host): %s", origline);
			goto cleanup_url_get;

	if (outfile)
		savefile = outfile;
		savefile = basename(path);

#ifndef SMALL
	if (resume && (strcmp(savefile, "-") == 0)) {
		warnx("can't append to stdout");
		goto cleanup_url_get;
#endif /* !SMALL */

	if (EMPTYSTRING(savefile)) {
		if (isftpurl)
			goto noftpautologin;
		warnx("Invalid URL (no file after directory): %s", origline);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	if (!isfileurl && proxyenv != NULL) {		/* use proxy */
#ifndef SMALL
		if (ishttpsurl) {
			sslpath = strdup(path);
			sslhost = strdup(host);
			if (! sslpath || ! sslhost)
				errx(1, "Can't allocate memory for https path/host.");
#endif /* !SMALL */
		proxyurl = strdup(proxyenv);
		if (proxyurl == NULL)
			errx(1, "Can't allocate memory for proxy URL.");
		if (strncasecmp(proxyurl, HTTP_URL, sizeof(HTTP_URL) - 1) == 0)
			host = proxyurl + sizeof(HTTP_URL) - 1;
		else if (strncasecmp(proxyurl, FTP_URL, sizeof(FTP_URL) - 1) == 0)
			host = proxyurl + sizeof(FTP_URL) - 1;
		else {
			warnx("Malformed proxy URL: %s", proxyenv);
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		if (EMPTYSTRING(host)) {
			warnx("Malformed proxy URL: %s", proxyenv);
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		*--path = '/';			/* add / back to real path */
		path = strchr(host, '/');	/* remove trailing / on host */
		if (!EMPTYSTRING(path))
			*path++ = '\0';		/* i guess this ++ is useless */

		path = strchr(host, '@');	/* look for credentials in proxy */
		if (!EMPTYSTRING(path)) {
			*path++ = '\0';
			cookie = strchr(host, ':');
			if (EMPTYSTRING(cookie)) {
				warnx("Malformed proxy URL: %s", proxyenv);
				goto cleanup_url_get;
			cookie  = malloc(COOKIE_MAX_LEN);
			b64_ntop(host, strlen(host), cookie, COOKIE_MAX_LEN);
			 * This removes the password from proxyenv,
			 * filling with stars
			for (host = strchr(proxyenv + 5, ':');  *host != '@';
				*host = '*';

			host = path;
		path = newline;

	if (isfileurl) {
		struct stat st;

		s = open(path, O_RDONLY);
		if (s == -1) {
			warn("Can't open file %s", path);
			goto cleanup_url_get;

		if (fstat(s, &st) == -1)
			filesize = -1;
			filesize = st.st_size;

		/* Open the output file.  */
		if (strcmp(savefile, "-") != 0) {
#ifndef SMALL
			if (resume)
				out = open(savefile, O_APPEND | O_WRONLY);
#endif /* !SMALL */
				out = open(savefile, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY |
					O_TRUNC, 0666);
			if (out < 0) {
				warn("Can't open %s", savefile);
				goto cleanup_url_get;
		} else
			out = fileno(stdout);

#ifndef SMALL
		if (resume) {
			if (fstat(out, &st) == -1) {
				warn("Can't fstat %s", savefile);
				goto cleanup_url_get;
			if (lseek(s, st.st_size, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
				warn("Can't lseek %s", path);
				goto cleanup_url_get;
			restart_point = st.st_size;
#endif /* !SMALL */

		/* Trap signals */
		oldintr = NULL;
		if (setjmp(httpabort)) {
			if (oldintr)
				(void)signal(SIGINT, oldintr);
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		oldintr = signal(SIGINT, abortfile);

		bytes = 0;
		hashbytes = mark;

		if ((buf = malloc(4096)) == NULL)
			errx(1, "Can't allocate memory for transfer buffer");

		/* Finally, suck down the file. */
		i = 0;
		while ((len = read(s, buf, 4096)) > 0) {
			bytes += len;
			for (cp = buf; len > 0; len -= i, cp += i) {
				if ((i = write(out, cp, len)) == -1) {
					warn("Writing %s", savefile);
					goto cleanup_url_get;
				else if (i == 0)
			if (hash && !progress) {
				while (bytes >= hashbytes) {
					(void)putc('#', ttyout);
					hashbytes += mark;
		if (hash && !progress && bytes > 0) {
			if (bytes < mark)
				(void)putc('#', ttyout);
			(void)putc('\n', ttyout);
		if (len != 0) {
			warn("Reading from file");
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		if (verbose)
			fputs("Successfully retrieved file.\n", ttyout);
		(void)signal(SIGINT, oldintr);

		rval = 0;
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	if (*host == '[' && (hosttail = strrchr(host, ']')) != NULL &&
	    (hosttail[1] == '\0' || hosttail[1] == ':')) {
		*hosttail++ = '\0';
	} else
		hosttail = host;

	portnum = strrchr(hosttail, ':');		/* find portnum */
	if (portnum != NULL)
		*portnum++ = '\0';

#ifndef SMALL
	if (debug)
		fprintf(ttyout, "host %s, port %s, path %s, save as %s.\n",
		    host, portnum, path, savefile);
#endif /* !SMALL */

	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
	hints.ai_family = family;
	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
#ifndef SMALL
	port = portnum ? portnum : (ishttpsurl ? httpsport : httpport);
#else /* !SMALL */
	port = portnum ? portnum : httpport;
#endif /* !SMALL */
	error = getaddrinfo(host, port, &hints, &res0);
	 * If the services file is corrupt/missing, fall back
	 * on our hard-coded defines.
	if (error == EAI_SERVICE && port == httpport) {
		snprintf(pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), "%d", HTTP_PORT);
		error = getaddrinfo(host, pbuf, &hints, &res0);
#ifndef SMALL
	} else if (error == EAI_SERVICE && port == httpsport) {
		snprintf(pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), "%d", HTTPS_PORT);
		error = getaddrinfo(host, pbuf, &hints, &res0);
#endif /* !SMALL */
	if (error) {
		warnx("%s: %s", gai_strerror(error), host);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	s = -1;
	for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next) {
		if (getnameinfo(res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen, hbuf,
		    sizeof(hbuf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST) != 0)
			strlcpy(hbuf, "(unknown)", sizeof(hbuf));
		if (verbose)
			fprintf(ttyout, "Trying %s...\n", hbuf);

		s = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol);
		if (s == -1) {
			cause = "socket";

		if (connect(s, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) < 0) {
			int save_errno;

			if (errno == EINTR)
				goto again;
			save_errno = errno;
			errno = save_errno;
			s = -1;
			cause = "connect";

		/* get port in numeric */
		if (getnameinfo(res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen, NULL, 0,
		    pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), NI_NUMERICSERV) == 0)
			port = pbuf;
			port = NULL;

#ifndef SMALL
		if (proxyenv && sslhost)
			proxy_connect(s, sslhost);
#endif /* !SMALL */
	if (s < 0) {
		warn("%s", cause);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

#ifndef SMALL
	if (ishttpsurl) {
		if (proxyenv && sslpath) {
			ishttpsurl = 0;
			proxyurl = NULL;
			path = sslpath;
		ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
		ssl = SSL_new(ssl_ctx);
		if (ssl == NULL || ssl_ctx == NULL) {
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		if (SSL_set_fd(ssl, s) == 0) {
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		if (SSL_connect(ssl) <= 0) {
			goto cleanup_url_get;
	} else {
		fin = fdopen(s, "r+");
#else /* !SMALL */
	fin = fdopen(s, "r+");
#endif /* !SMALL */

	if (verbose)
		fprintf(ttyout, "Requesting %s", origline);
	 * Construct and send the request. Proxy requests don't want leading /.
#ifndef SMALL
	cookie_get(host, path, ishttpsurl, &buf);
#endif /* !SMALL */
	if (proxyurl) {
		if (verbose)
			fprintf(ttyout, " (via %s)\n", proxyenv);
		 * Host: directive must use the destination host address for
		 * the original URI (path).  We do not attach it at this moment.
		if (cookie)
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n"
			    "Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s%s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n",
			    path, cookie, buf ? buf : "", HTTP_USER_AGENT);
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n%s%s\r\n\r\n",
			    path, buf ? buf : "", HTTP_USER_AGENT);

	} else {
		ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "GET /%s %s\r\nHost: ", path,
#ifndef SMALL
			resume ? "HTTP/1.1" :
#endif /* !SMALL */
		if (strchr(host, ':')) {
			char *h, *p;

			 * strip off scoped address portion, since it's
			 * local to node
			h = strdup(host);
			if (h == NULL)
				errx(1, "Can't allocate memory.");
			if ((p = strchr(h, '%')) != NULL)
				*p = '\0';
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "[%s]", h);
		} else
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "%s", host);

		 * Send port number only if it's specified and does not equal
		 * 80. Some broken HTTP servers get confused if you explicitly
		 * send them the port number.
#ifndef SMALL
		if (port && strcmp(port, (ishttpsurl ? "443" : "80")) != 0)
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, ":%s", port);
		if (resume) {
			int ret;
			struct stat stbuf;

			ret = stat(savefile, &stbuf);
			if (ret < 0) {
				if (verbose)
					fprintf(ttyout, "\n");
				warn("Can't open %s", savefile);
				goto cleanup_url_get;
			restart_point = stbuf.st_size;
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "\r\nRange: bytes=%lld-",
				(long long)restart_point);
#else /* !SMALL */
		if (port && strcmp(port, "80") != 0)
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, ":%s", port);
#endif /* !SMALL */
		ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "\r\n%s%s\r\n\r\n",
		    buf ? buf : "", HTTP_USER_AGENT);
		if (verbose)
			fprintf(ttyout, "\n");

#ifndef SMALL
#endif /* !SMALL */
	buf = NULL;

	if (fin != NULL && fflush(fin) == EOF) {
		warn("Writing HTTP request");
		goto cleanup_url_get;
	if ((buf = ftp_readline(fin, ssl, &len)) == NULL) {
		warn("Receiving HTTP reply");
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	while (len > 0 && (buf[len-1] == '\r' || buf[len-1] == '\n'))
		buf[--len] = '\0';
#ifndef SMALL
	if (debug)
		fprintf(ttyout, "received '%s'\n", buf);
#endif /* !SMALL */

	cp = strchr(buf, ' ');
	if (cp == NULL)
		goto improper;

	strlcpy(ststr, cp, sizeof(ststr));
	status = strtonum(ststr, 200, 416, &errstr);
	if (errstr) {
		warnx("Error retrieving file: %s", cp);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	switch (status) {
	case 200:	/* OK */
#ifndef SMALL
	case 206:	/* Partial Content */
#endif /* !SMALL */
	case 301:	/* Moved Permanently */
	case 302:	/* Found */
	case 303:	/* See Other */
	case 307:	/* Temporary Redirect */
		if (redirect_loop++ > 10) {
			warnx("Too many redirections requested");
			goto cleanup_url_get;
#ifndef SMALL
	case 416:	/* Requested Range Not Satisfiable */
		warnx("File is already fully retrieved.");
		goto cleanup_url_get;
#endif /* !SMALL */
		warnx("Error retrieving file: %s", cp);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	 * Read the rest of the header.
	filesize = -1;

	for (;;) {
		if ((buf = ftp_readline(fin, ssl, &len)) == NULL) {
			warn("Receiving HTTP reply");
			goto cleanup_url_get;

		while (len > 0 && (buf[len-1] == '\r' || buf[len-1] == '\n'))
			buf[--len] = '\0';
		if (len == 0)
#ifndef SMALL
		if (debug)
			fprintf(ttyout, "received '%s'\n", buf);
#endif /* !SMALL */

		/* Look for some headers */
		cp = buf;
#define CONTENTLEN "Content-Length: "
		if (strncasecmp(cp, CONTENTLEN, sizeof(CONTENTLEN) - 1) == 0) {
			cp += sizeof(CONTENTLEN) - 1;
			filesize = strtonum(cp, 0, LLONG_MAX, &errstr);
			if (errstr != NULL)
				goto improper;
#ifndef SMALL
			if (resume)
				filesize += restart_point;
#endif /* !SMALL */
#define LOCATION "Location: "
		} else if (isredirect &&
		    strncasecmp(cp, LOCATION, sizeof(LOCATION) - 1) == 0) {
			cp += sizeof(LOCATION) - 1;
			if (verbose)
				fprintf(ttyout, "Redirected to %s\n", cp);
			if (fin != NULL)
			else if (s != -1)
			rval = url_get(cp, proxyenv, outfile);
			return (rval);

	/* Open the output file.  */
	if (strcmp(savefile, "-") != 0) {
#ifndef SMALL
		if (resume)
			out = open(savefile, O_APPEND | O_WRONLY);
#endif /* !SMALL */
			out = open(savefile, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC,
		if (out < 0) {
			warn("Can't open %s", savefile);
			goto cleanup_url_get;
	} else
		out = fileno(stdout);

	/* Trap signals */
	oldintr = NULL;
	if (setjmp(httpabort)) {
		if (oldintr)
			(void)signal(SIGINT, oldintr);
		goto cleanup_url_get;
	oldintr = signal(SIGINT, aborthttp);

	bytes = 0;
	hashbytes = mark;


	/* Finally, suck down the file. */
	if ((buf = malloc(4096)) == NULL)
		errx(1, "Can't allocate memory for transfer buffer");
	i = 0;
	len = 1;
	while (len > 0) {
		len = ftp_read(fin, ssl, buf, 4096);
		bytes += len;
		for (cp = buf, wlen = len; wlen > 0; wlen -= i, cp += i) {
			if ((i = write(out, cp, wlen)) == -1) {
				warn("Writing %s", savefile);
				goto cleanup_url_get;
			else if (i == 0)
		if (hash && !progress) {
			while (bytes >= hashbytes) {
				(void)putc('#', ttyout);
				hashbytes += mark;
	if (hash && !progress && bytes > 0) {
		if (bytes < mark)
			(void)putc('#', ttyout);
		(void)putc('\n', ttyout);
	if (len != 0) {
		warn("Reading from socket");
		goto cleanup_url_get;
	if (
#ifndef SMALL
		!resume &&
#endif /* !SMALL */
		filesize != -1 && len == 0 && bytes != filesize) {
		if (verbose)
			fputs("Read short file.\n", ttyout);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	if (verbose)
		fputs("Successfully retrieved file.\n", ttyout);
	(void)signal(SIGINT, oldintr);

	rval = 0;
	goto cleanup_url_get;

	    "Auto-login using ftp URLs isn't supported when using $ftp_proxy");
	goto cleanup_url_get;

	warnx("Improper response from %s", host);

#ifndef SMALL
	if (ssl) {
#endif /* !SMALL */
	if (fin != NULL)
	else if (s != -1)
	return (rval);
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Retrieve URL, via the proxy in $proxyvar if necessary.
 * Modifies the string argument given.
 * Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success
static int
url_get(const char *origline, const char *proxyenv, const char *outfile)
	char pbuf[NI_MAXSERV], hbuf[NI_MAXHOST], *cp, *portnum, *path, ststr[4];
	char *hosttail, *cause = "unknown", *newline, *host, *port, *buf = NULL;
	char *epath, *redirurl, *loctail, *h, *p;
	int error, i, isftpurl = 0, isfileurl = 0, isredirect = 0, rval = -1;
	struct addrinfo hints, *res0, *res, *ares = NULL;
	const char * volatile savefile;
	char * volatile proxyurl = NULL;
	char *cookie = NULL;
	volatile int s = -1, out;
	volatile sig_t oldintr, oldinti;
	FILE *fin = NULL;
	off_t hashbytes;
	const char *errstr;
	ssize_t len, wlen;
#ifndef SMALL
	char *sslpath = NULL, *sslhost = NULL;
	char *locbase, *full_host = NULL, *auth = NULL;
	const char *scheme;
	int ishttpsurl = 0;
	SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx = NULL;
#endif /* !SMALL */
	SSL *ssl = NULL;
	int status;
	int save_errno;
	const size_t buflen = 128 * 1024;

	direction = "received";

	newline = strdup(origline);
	if (newline == NULL)
		errx(1, "Can't allocate memory to parse URL");
	if (strncasecmp(newline, HTTP_URL, sizeof(HTTP_URL) - 1) == 0) {
		host = newline + sizeof(HTTP_URL) - 1;
#ifndef SMALL
		scheme = HTTP_URL;
#endif /* !SMALL */
	} else if (strncasecmp(newline, FTP_URL, sizeof(FTP_URL) - 1) == 0) {
		host = newline + sizeof(FTP_URL) - 1;
		isftpurl = 1;
#ifndef SMALL
		scheme = FTP_URL;
#endif /* !SMALL */
	} else if (strncasecmp(newline, FILE_URL, sizeof(FILE_URL) - 1) == 0) {
		host = newline + sizeof(FILE_URL) - 1;
		isfileurl = 1;
#ifndef SMALL
		scheme = FILE_URL;
	} else if (strncasecmp(newline, HTTPS_URL, sizeof(HTTPS_URL) - 1) == 0) {
		host = newline + sizeof(HTTPS_URL) - 1;
		ishttpsurl = 1;
		scheme = HTTPS_URL;
#endif /* !SMALL */
	} else
		errx(1, "url_get: Invalid URL '%s'", newline);

	if (isfileurl) {
		path = host;
	} else {
		path = strchr(host, '/');		/* Find path */
		if (EMPTYSTRING(path)) {
			if (outfile) {			/* No slash, but */
				path=strchr(host,'\0');	/* we have outfile. */
				goto noslash;
			if (isftpurl)
				goto noftpautologin;
			warnx("No `/' after host (use -o): %s", origline);
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		*path++ = '\0';
		if (EMPTYSTRING(path) && !outfile) {
			if (isftpurl)
				goto noftpautologin;
			warnx("No filename after host (use -o): %s", origline);
			goto cleanup_url_get;


#ifndef SMALL
	 * Look for auth header in host, since now host does not
	 * contain the path. Basic auth from RFC 2617, valid
	 * characters for path are in RFC 3986 section 3.3.
	if (proxyenv == NULL &&
	    (!strcmp(scheme, HTTP_URL) || !strcmp(scheme, HTTPS_URL))) {
		if ((p = strchr(host, '@')) != NULL) {
			size_t authlen = (strlen(host) + 5) * 4 / 3;
			*p = 0;	/* Kill @ */
			if ((auth = malloc(authlen)) == NULL)
				err(1, "Can't allocate memory for "
			if (b64_ntop(host, strlen(host),
			    auth, authlen) == -1)
				errx(1, "error in base64 encoding");
			host = p + 1;
#endif	/* SMALL */

	if (outfile)
		savefile = outfile;
	else {
		if (path[strlen(path) - 1] == '/')	/* Consider no file */
			savefile = NULL;		/* after dir invalid. */
			savefile = basename(path);

	if (EMPTYSTRING(savefile)) {
		if (isftpurl)
			goto noftpautologin;
		warnx("No filename after directory (use -o): %s", origline);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

#ifndef SMALL
	if (resume && pipeout) {
		warnx("can't append to stdout");
		goto cleanup_url_get;
#endif /* !SMALL */

	if (!isfileurl && proxyenv != NULL) {		/* use proxy */
#ifndef SMALL
		if (ishttpsurl) {
			sslpath = strdup(path);
			sslhost = strdup(host);
			if (! sslpath || ! sslhost)
				errx(1, "Can't allocate memory for https path/host.");
#endif /* !SMALL */
		proxyurl = strdup(proxyenv);
		if (proxyurl == NULL)
			errx(1, "Can't allocate memory for proxy URL.");
		if (strncasecmp(proxyurl, HTTP_URL, sizeof(HTTP_URL) - 1) == 0)
			host = proxyurl + sizeof(HTTP_URL) - 1;
		else if (strncasecmp(proxyurl, FTP_URL, sizeof(FTP_URL) - 1) == 0)
			host = proxyurl + sizeof(FTP_URL) - 1;
		else {
			warnx("Malformed proxy URL: %s", proxyenv);
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		if (EMPTYSTRING(host)) {
			warnx("Malformed proxy URL: %s", proxyenv);
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		if (*--path == '\0')
			*path = '/';		/* add / back to real path */
		path = strchr(host, '/');	/* remove trailing / on host */
		if (!EMPTYSTRING(path))
			*path++ = '\0';		/* i guess this ++ is useless */

		path = strchr(host, '@');	/* look for credentials in proxy */
		if (!EMPTYSTRING(path)) {
			*path = '\0';
			cookie = strchr(host, ':');
			if (EMPTYSTRING(cookie)) {
				warnx("Malformed proxy URL: %s", proxyenv);
				goto cleanup_url_get;
			cookie  = malloc(COOKIE_MAX_LEN);
			if (cookie == NULL)
				errx(1, "out of memory");
			if (b64_ntop(host, strlen(host), cookie, COOKIE_MAX_LEN) == -1)
				errx(1, "error in base64 encoding");
			*path = '@'; /* restore @ in proxyurl */
			 * This removes the password from proxyurl,
			 * filling with stars
			for (host = 1 + strchr(proxyurl + 5, ':');  *host != '@';
				*host = '*';

			host = path + 1;
		path = newline;

	if (isfileurl) {
		struct stat st;

		s = open(path, O_RDONLY);
		if (s == -1) {
			warn("Can't open file %s", path);
			goto cleanup_url_get;

		if (fstat(s, &st) == -1)
			filesize = -1;
			filesize = st.st_size;

		/* Open the output file.  */
		if (!pipeout) {
#ifndef SMALL
			if (resume)
				out = open(savefile, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY |
					O_APPEND, 0666);

#endif /* !SMALL */
				out = open(savefile, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY |
					O_TRUNC, 0666);
			if (out < 0) {
				warn("Can't open %s", savefile);
				goto cleanup_url_get;
		} else
			out = fileno(stdout);

#ifndef SMALL
		if (resume) {
			if (fstat(out, &st) == -1) {
				warn("Can't fstat %s", savefile);
				goto cleanup_url_get;
			if (lseek(s, st.st_size, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
				warn("Can't lseek %s", path);
				goto cleanup_url_get;
			restart_point = st.st_size;
#endif /* !SMALL */

		/* Trap signals */
		oldintr = NULL;
		oldinti = NULL;
		if (setjmp(httpabort)) {
			if (oldintr)
				(void)signal(SIGINT, oldintr);
			if (oldinti)
				(void)signal(SIGINFO, oldinti);
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		oldintr = signal(SIGINT, abortfile);

		bytes = 0;
		hashbytes = mark;
		progressmeter(-1, path);

		if ((buf = malloc(buflen)) == NULL)
			errx(1, "Can't allocate memory for transfer buffer");

		/* Finally, suck down the file. */
		i = 0;
		oldinti = signal(SIGINFO, psummary);
		while ((len = read(s, buf, buflen)) > 0) {
			bytes += len;
			for (cp = buf; len > 0; len -= i, cp += i) {
				if ((i = write(out, cp, len)) == -1) {
					warn("Writing %s", savefile);
					signal(SIGINFO, oldinti);
					goto cleanup_url_get;
				else if (i == 0)
			if (hash && !progress) {
				while (bytes >= hashbytes) {
					(void)putc('#', ttyout);
					hashbytes += mark;
		signal(SIGINFO, oldinti);
		if (hash && !progress && bytes > 0) {
			if (bytes < mark)
				(void)putc('#', ttyout);
			(void)putc('\n', ttyout);
		if (len != 0) {
			warn("Reading from file");
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		progressmeter(1, NULL);
		if (verbose)
		(void)signal(SIGINT, oldintr);

		rval = 0;
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	if (*host == '[' && (hosttail = strrchr(host, ']')) != NULL &&
	    (hosttail[1] == '\0' || hosttail[1] == ':')) {
		*hosttail++ = '\0';
#ifndef SMALL
		if (asprintf(&full_host, "[%s]", host) == -1)
			errx(1, "Cannot allocate memory for hostname");
#endif /* !SMALL */
	} else
		hosttail = host;

	portnum = strrchr(hosttail, ':');		/* find portnum */
	if (portnum != NULL)
		*portnum++ = '\0';

#ifndef SMALL
	if (full_host == NULL)
		if ((full_host = strdup(host)) == NULL)
			errx(1, "Cannot allocate memory for hostname");
	if (debug)
		fprintf(ttyout, "host %s, port %s, path %s, "
		    "save as %s, auth %s.\n",
		    host, portnum, path, savefile, auth);
#endif /* !SMALL */

	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
	hints.ai_family = family;
	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
#ifndef SMALL
	port = portnum ? portnum : (ishttpsurl ? httpsport : httpport);
#else /* !SMALL */
	port = portnum ? portnum : httpport;
#endif /* !SMALL */
	error = getaddrinfo(host, port, &hints, &res0);
	 * If the services file is corrupt/missing, fall back
	 * on our hard-coded defines.
	if (error == EAI_SERVICE && port == httpport) {
		snprintf(pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), "%d", HTTP_PORT);
		error = getaddrinfo(host, pbuf, &hints, &res0);
#ifndef SMALL
	} else if (error == EAI_SERVICE && port == httpsport) {
		snprintf(pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), "%d", HTTPS_PORT);
		error = getaddrinfo(host, pbuf, &hints, &res0);
#endif /* !SMALL */
	if (error) {
		warnx("%s: %s", gai_strerror(error), host);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

#ifndef SMALL
	if (srcaddr) {
		hints.ai_flags |= AI_NUMERICHOST;
		error = getaddrinfo(srcaddr, NULL, &hints, &ares);
		if (error) {
			warnx("%s: %s", gai_strerror(error), srcaddr);
			goto cleanup_url_get;
#endif /* !SMALL */

	s = -1;
	for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next) {
		if (getnameinfo(res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen, hbuf,
		    sizeof(hbuf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST) != 0)
			strlcpy(hbuf, "(unknown)", sizeof(hbuf));
		if (verbose)
			fprintf(ttyout, "Trying %s...\n", hbuf);

		s = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol);
		if (s == -1) {
			cause = "socket";

#ifndef SMALL
		if (srcaddr) {
			if (ares->ai_family != res->ai_family) {
				s = -1;
				errno = EINVAL;
				cause = "bind";
			if (bind(s, ares->ai_addr, ares->ai_addrlen) < 0) {
				save_errno = errno;
				errno = save_errno;
				s = -1;
				cause = "bind";
#endif /* !SMALL */

		if (connect(s, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) < 0) {
			if (errno == EINTR)
				goto again;
			save_errno = errno;
			errno = save_errno;
			s = -1;
			cause = "connect";

		/* get port in numeric */
		if (getnameinfo(res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen, NULL, 0,
		    pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), NI_NUMERICSERV) == 0)
			port = pbuf;
			port = NULL;

#ifndef SMALL
		if (proxyenv && sslhost)
			proxy_connect(s, sslhost, cookie);
#endif /* !SMALL */
#ifndef SMALL
	if (srcaddr)
#endif /* !SMALL */
	if (s < 0) {
		warn("%s", cause);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

#ifndef SMALL
	if (ishttpsurl) {
		union { struct in_addr ip4; struct in6_addr ip6; } addrbuf;

		if (proxyenv && sslpath) {
			ishttpsurl = 0;
			proxyurl = NULL;
			path = sslpath;
		ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
		if (ssl_ctx == NULL) {
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		if (ssl_verify) {
			if (ssl_ca_file == NULL && ssl_ca_path == NULL)
				ssl_ca_file = _PATH_SSL_CAFILE;
			if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ssl_ctx,
			    ssl_ca_file, ssl_ca_path) != 1) {
				goto cleanup_url_get;
			SSL_CTX_set_verify(ssl_ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL);
			if (ssl_verify_depth != -1)
		if (ssl_ciphers != NULL &&
		    SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ssl_ctx, ssl_ciphers) == -1) {
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		ssl = SSL_new(ssl_ctx);
		if (ssl == NULL) {
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		if (SSL_set_fd(ssl, s) == 0) {
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		 * RFC4366 (SNI): Literal IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are not
		 * permitted in "HostName".
		if (inet_pton(AF_INET,  host, &addrbuf) != 1 &&
		    inet_pton(AF_INET6, host, &addrbuf) != 1) {
			if (SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(ssl, host) == 0) {
				goto cleanup_url_get;
		if (SSL_connect(ssl) <= 0) {
			goto cleanup_url_get;
		if (ssl_verify) {
			X509	*cert;

			cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);
			if (cert == NULL) {
				fprintf(ttyout, "%s: no server certificate\n",
				goto cleanup_url_get;

			if (ssl_check_hostname(cert, host) != 0) {
				fprintf(ttyout, "%s: host `%s' not present in"
				    " server certificate\n",
				    getprogname(), host);
				goto cleanup_url_get;

	} else {
		fin = fdopen(s, "r+");
#else /* !SMALL */
	fin = fdopen(s, "r+");
#endif /* !SMALL */

	if (verbose)
		fprintf(ttyout, "Requesting %s", origline);

	 * Construct and send the request. Proxy requests don't want leading /.
#ifndef SMALL
	cookie_get(host, path, ishttpsurl, &buf);
#endif /* !SMALL */

	epath = url_encode(path);
	if (proxyurl) {
		if (verbose)
			fprintf(ttyout, " (via %s)\n", proxyurl);
		 * Host: directive must use the destination host address for
		 * the original URI (path).  We do not attach it at this moment.
		if (cookie)
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n"
			    "Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s%s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n",
			    epath, cookie, buf ? buf : "", HTTP_USER_AGENT);
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n%s%s\r\n\r\n",
			    epath, buf ? buf : "", HTTP_USER_AGENT);

	} else {
#ifndef SMALL
		if (resume) {
			struct stat stbuf;

			if (stat(savefile, &stbuf) == 0)
				restart_point = stbuf.st_size;
				restart_point = 0;
		if (auth) {
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl,
			    "GET /%s %s\r\nAuthorization: Basic %s\r\nHost: ",
			    epath, restart_point ?
			    "HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close" : "HTTP/1.0",
			auth = NULL;
		} else
#endif	/* SMALL */
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "GET /%s %s\r\nHost: ", epath,
#ifndef SMALL
			    restart_point ? "HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close" :
#endif /* !SMALL */
		if (strchr(host, ':')) {
			 * strip off scoped address portion, since it's
			 * local to node
			h = strdup(host);
			if (h == NULL)
				errx(1, "Can't allocate memory.");
			if ((p = strchr(h, '%')) != NULL)
				*p = '\0';
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "[%s]", h);
		} else
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "%s", host);

		 * Send port number only if it's specified and does not equal
		 * 80. Some broken HTTP servers get confused if you explicitly
		 * send them the port number.
#ifndef SMALL
		if (port && strcmp(port, (ishttpsurl ? "443" : "80")) != 0)
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, ":%s", port);
		if (restart_point)
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "\r\nRange: bytes=%lld-",
				(long long)restart_point);
#else /* !SMALL */
		if (port && strcmp(port, "80") != 0)
			ftp_printf(fin, ssl, ":%s", port);
#endif /* !SMALL */
		ftp_printf(fin, ssl, "\r\n%s%s\r\n\r\n",
		    buf ? buf : "", HTTP_USER_AGENT);
		if (verbose)
			fprintf(ttyout, "\n");

#ifndef SMALL
#endif /* !SMALL */
	buf = NULL;

	if (fin != NULL && fflush(fin) == EOF) {
		warn("Writing HTTP request");
		goto cleanup_url_get;
	if ((buf = ftp_readline(fin, ssl, &len)) == NULL) {
		warn("Receiving HTTP reply");
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	while (len > 0 && (buf[len-1] == '\r' || buf[len-1] == '\n'))
		buf[--len] = '\0';
#ifndef SMALL
	if (debug)
		fprintf(ttyout, "received '%s'\n", buf);
#endif /* !SMALL */

	cp = strchr(buf, ' ');
	if (cp == NULL)
		goto improper;

	strlcpy(ststr, cp, sizeof(ststr));
	status = strtonum(ststr, 200, 416, &errstr);
	if (errstr) {
		warnx("Error retrieving file: %s", cp);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	switch (status) {
	case 200:	/* OK */
#ifndef SMALL
		 * When we request a partial file, and we receive an HTTP 200
		 * it is a good indication that the server doesn't support
		 * range requests, and is about to send us the entire file.
		 * If the restart_point == 0, then we are not actually
		 * requesting a partial file, and an HTTP 200 is appropriate.
		if (resume && restart_point != 0) {
			warnx("Server does not support resume.");
			restart_point = resume = 0;
	case 206:	/* Partial Content */
#endif /* !SMALL */
	case 301:	/* Moved Permanently */
	case 302:	/* Found */
	case 303:	/* See Other */
	case 307:	/* Temporary Redirect */
		if (redirect_loop++ > 10) {
			warnx("Too many redirections requested");
			goto cleanup_url_get;
#ifndef SMALL
	case 416:	/* Requested Range Not Satisfiable */
		warnx("File is already fully retrieved.");
		goto cleanup_url_get;
#endif /* !SMALL */
		warnx("Error retrieving file: %s", cp);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	 * Read the rest of the header.
	filesize = -1;

	for (;;) {
		if ((buf = ftp_readline(fin, ssl, &len)) == NULL) {
			warn("Receiving HTTP reply");
			goto cleanup_url_get;

		while (len > 0 && (buf[len-1] == '\r' || buf[len-1] == '\n'))
			buf[--len] = '\0';
		if (len == 0)
#ifndef SMALL
		if (debug)
			fprintf(ttyout, "received '%s'\n", buf);
#endif /* !SMALL */

		/* Look for some headers */
		cp = buf;
#define CONTENTLEN "Content-Length: "
		if (strncasecmp(cp, CONTENTLEN, sizeof(CONTENTLEN) - 1) == 0) {
			size_t s;
			cp += sizeof(CONTENTLEN) - 1;
			if ((s = strcspn(cp, " \t")))
				*(cp+s) = 0;
			filesize = strtonum(cp, 0, LLONG_MAX, &errstr);
			if (errstr != NULL)
				goto improper;
#ifndef SMALL
			if (restart_point)
				filesize += restart_point;
#endif /* !SMALL */
#define LOCATION "Location: "
		} else if (isredirect &&
		    strncasecmp(cp, LOCATION, sizeof(LOCATION) - 1) == 0) {
			cp += sizeof(LOCATION) - 1;
			if (strstr(cp, "://") == NULL) {
#ifdef SMALL
				errx(1, "Relative redirect not supported");
#else /* SMALL */
				if (*cp == '/') {
					locbase = NULL;
				} else {
					locbase = strdup(path);
					if (locbase == NULL)
						errx(1, "Can't allocate memory"
						    " for location base");
					loctail = strchr(locbase, '#');
					if (loctail != NULL)
						*loctail = '\0';
					loctail = strchr(locbase, '?');
					if (loctail != NULL)
						*loctail = '\0';
					loctail = strrchr(locbase, '/');
					if (loctail == NULL) {
						locbase = NULL;
					} else
						loctail[1] = '\0';
				/* Contruct URL from relative redirect */
				if (asprintf(&redirurl, "%s%s%s%s/%s%s",
				    scheme, full_host,
				    portnum ? ":" : "",
				    portnum ? portnum : "",
				    locbase ? locbase : "",
				    cp) == -1)
					errx(1, "Cannot build "
					    "redirect URL");
#endif /* SMALL */
			} else if ((redirurl = strdup(cp)) == NULL)
				errx(1, "Cannot allocate memory for URL");
			loctail = strchr(redirurl, '#');
			if (loctail != NULL)
				*loctail = '\0';
			if (verbose)
				fprintf(ttyout, "Redirected to %s\n", redirurl);
			if (fin != NULL)
			else if (s != -1)
			rval = url_get(redirurl, proxyenv, savefile);
			goto cleanup_url_get;

	/* Open the output file.  */
	if (!pipeout) {
#ifndef SMALL
		if (resume)
			out = open(savefile, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND,
#endif /* !SMALL */
			out = open(savefile, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC,
		if (out < 0) {
			warn("Can't open %s", savefile);
			goto cleanup_url_get;
	} else
		out = fileno(stdout);

	/* Trap signals */
	oldintr = NULL;
	oldinti = NULL;
	if (setjmp(httpabort)) {
		if (oldintr)
			(void)signal(SIGINT, oldintr);
		if (oldinti)
			(void)signal(SIGINFO, oldinti);
		goto cleanup_url_get;
	oldintr = signal(SIGINT, aborthttp);

	bytes = 0;
	hashbytes = mark;
	progressmeter(-1, path);


	/* Finally, suck down the file. */
	if ((buf = malloc(buflen)) == NULL)
		errx(1, "Can't allocate memory for transfer buffer");
	i = 0;
	len = 1;
	oldinti = signal(SIGINFO, psummary);
	while (len > 0) {
		len = ftp_read(fin, ssl, buf, buflen);
		bytes += len;
		for (cp = buf, wlen = len; wlen > 0; wlen -= i, cp += i) {
			if ((i = write(out, cp, wlen)) == -1) {
				warn("Writing %s", savefile);
				signal(SIGINFO, oldinti);
				goto cleanup_url_get;
			else if (i == 0)
		if (hash && !progress) {
			while (bytes >= hashbytes) {
				(void)putc('#', ttyout);
				hashbytes += mark;
	signal(SIGINFO, oldinti);
	if (hash && !progress && bytes > 0) {
		if (bytes < mark)
			(void)putc('#', ttyout);
		(void)putc('\n', ttyout);
	if (len != 0) {
		warn("Reading from socket");
		goto cleanup_url_get;
	progressmeter(1, NULL);
	if (
#ifndef SMALL
		!resume &&
#endif /* !SMALL */
		filesize != -1 && len == 0 && bytes != filesize) {
		if (verbose)
			fputs("Read short file.\n", ttyout);
		goto cleanup_url_get;

	if (verbose)
	(void)signal(SIGINT, oldintr);

	rval = 0;
	goto cleanup_url_get;

	    "Auto-login using ftp URLs isn't supported when using $ftp_proxy");
	goto cleanup_url_get;

	warnx("Improper response from %s", host);

#ifndef SMALL
	if (ssl) {
#endif /* !SMALL */
	if (fin != NULL)
	else if (s != -1)
	return (rval);