Exemplo n.º 1
void print_help(void)
  printf("\nSVM-light %s: Support Vector Machine, convert model to binary file %s\n",VERSION,VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   usage: svm_classify [options] model_file output_file\n\n");
  printf("options: -h         -> this help\n");
  printf("         -v [0..3]  -> verbosity level (default 1)\n");
  printf("         -B [0,1]    -> binary input files (default 1)\n");
Exemplo n.º 2
void print_help(void)
  printf("\nSVM-light %s: Support Vector Machine, classification module     %s\n",VERSION,VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   usage: svm_classify [options] example_file model_file output_file\n\n");
  printf("options: -h         -> this help\n");
  printf("         -v [0..3]  -> verbosity level (default 2)\n");
  printf("         -f [0,1]   -> 0: old output format of V1.0\n");
  printf("                    -> 1: output the value of decision function (default)\n\n");
void print_help(void)
  printf("\nSVM-struct classification module: %s, %s, %s\n",INST_NAME,INST_VERSION,INST_VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   includes SVM-struct %s for learning complex outputs, %s\n",STRUCT_VERSION,STRUCT_VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   includes SVM-light %s quadratic optimizer, %s\n",VERSION,VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   usage: svm_struct_classify [options] example_file model_file output_file\n\n");
  printf("options: -h         -> this help\n");
  printf("         -v [0..3]  -> verbosity level (default 2)\n\n");

T bdNew(void)
	struct T *p;
	p = calloc(1, (long)sizeof(*p));
	if (!p)
		mpFail("bdNew: Failed to calloc memory.");
	/* set up with single zero digit */
	p->digits = mpAlloc(1);
	p->digits[0] = 0;
	p->ndigits = 0;
	p->maxdigits = 1;
	//p->sign = 0;
	return p;
Exemplo n.º 5
void print_help()
  printf("\nSVM-struct learning module: %s, %s, %s\n",INST_NAME,INST_VERSION,INST_VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   includes SVM-struct %s for learning complex outputs, %s\n",STRUCT_VERSION,STRUCT_VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   includes SVM-light %s quadratic optimizer, %s\n",VERSION,VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   usage: svm_struct_learn [options] example_file model_file\n\n");
  printf("         example_file-> file with training data\n");
  printf("         model_file  -> file to store learned decision rule in\n");

  printf("General Options:\n");
  printf("         -?          -> this help\n");
  printf("         -v [0..3]   -> verbosity level (default 1)\n");
  printf("         -y [0..3]   -> verbosity level for svm_light (default 0)\n");
  printf("Learning Options:\n");
  printf("         -c float    -> C: trade-off between training error\n");
  printf("                        and margin (default 0.01)\n");
  printf("         -p [1,2]    -> L-norm to use for slack variables. Use 1 for L1-norm,\n");
  printf("                        use 2 for squared slacks. (default 1)\n");
  printf("         -o [1,2]    -> Rescaling method to use for loss.\n");
  printf("                        1: slack rescaling\n");
  printf("                        2: margin rescaling\n");
  printf("                        (default %d)\n",DEFAULT_RESCALING);
  printf("         -l [0..]    -> Loss function to use.\n");
  printf("                        0: zero/one loss\n");
  printf("                        ?: see below in application specific options\n");
  printf("                        (default %d)\n",DEFAULT_LOSS_FCT);
  printf("Optimization Options (see [2][5]):\n");
  printf("         -w [0,..,9] -> choice of structural learning algorithm (default %d):\n",(int)DEFAULT_ALG_TYPE);
  printf("                        0: n-slack algorithm described in [2]\n");
  printf("                        1: n-slack algorithm with shrinking heuristic\n");
  printf("                        2: 1-slack algorithm (primal) described in [5]\n");
  printf("                        3: 1-slack algorithm (dual) described in [5]\n");
  printf("                        4: 1-slack algorithm (dual) with constraint cache [5]\n");
  printf("                        9: custom algorithm in svm_struct_learn_custom.c\n");
  printf("         -e float    -> epsilon: allow that tolerance for termination\n");
  printf("                        criterion (default %f)\n",DEFAULT_EPS);
  printf("         -k [1..]    -> number of new constraints to accumulate before\n"); 
  printf("                        recomputing the QP solution (default 100) (-w 0 and 1 only)\n");
  printf("         -f [5..]    -> number of constraints to cache for each example\n");
  printf("                        (default 5) (used with -w 4)\n");
  printf("         -b [1..100] -> percentage of training set for which to refresh cache\n");
  printf("                        when no epsilon violated constraint can be constructed\n");
  printf("                        from current cache (default 100%%) (used with -w 4)\n");
  printf("SVM-light Options for Solving QP Subproblems (see [3]):\n");
  printf("         -n [2..q]   -> number of new variables entering the working set\n");
  printf("                        in each svm-light iteration (default n = q). \n");
  printf("                        Set n < q to prevent zig-zagging.\n");
  printf("         -m [5..]    -> size of svm-light cache for kernel evaluations in MB\n");
  printf("                        (default 40) (used only for -w 1 with kernels)\n");
  printf("         -h [5..]    -> number of svm-light iterations a variable needs to be\n"); 
  printf("                        optimal before considered for shrinking (default 100)\n");
  printf("         -# int      -> terminate svm-light QP subproblem optimization, if no\n");
  printf("                        progress after this number of iterations.\n");
  printf("                        (default 100000)\n");
  printf("Kernel Options:\n");
  printf("         -t int      -> type of kernel function:\n");
  printf("                        0: linear (default)\n");
  printf("                        1: polynomial (s a*b+c)^d\n");
  printf("                        2: radial basis function exp(-gamma ||a-b||^2)\n");
  printf("                        3: sigmoid tanh(s a*b + c)\n");
  printf("                        4: user defined kernel from kernel.h\n");
  printf("         -d int      -> parameter d in polynomial kernel\n");
  printf("         -g float    -> parameter gamma in rbf kernel\n");
  printf("         -s float    -> parameter s in sigmoid/poly kernel\n");
  printf("         -r float    -> parameter c in sigmoid/poly kernel\n");
  printf("         -u string   -> parameter of user defined kernel\n");
  printf("Output Options:\n");
  printf("         -a string   -> write all alphas to this file after learning\n");
  printf("                        (in the same order as in the training set)\n");
  printf("Application-Specific Options:\n");

  printf("\nMore details in:\n");
  printf("[1] T. Joachims, Learning to Align Sequences: A Maximum Margin Aproach.\n");
  printf("    Technical Report, September, 2003.\n");
  printf("[2] I. Tsochantaridis, T. Joachims, T. Hofmann, and Y. Altun, Large Margin\n");
  printf("    Methods for Structured and Interdependent Output Variables, Journal\n");
  printf("    of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), Vol. 6(Sep):1453-1484, 2005.\n");
  printf("[3] T. Joachims, Making Large-Scale SVM Learning Practical. Advances in\n");
  printf("    Kernel Methods - Support Vector Learning, B. Schölkopf and C. Burges and\n");
  printf("    A. Smola (ed.), MIT Press, 1999.\n");
  printf("[4] T. Joachims, Learning to Classify Text Using Support Vector\n");
  printf("    Machines: Methods, Theory, and Algorithms. Dissertation, Kluwer,\n");
  printf("    2002.\n");
  printf("[5] T. Joachims, T. Finley, Chun-Nam Yu, Cutting-Plane Training of Structural\n");
  printf("    SVMs, Machine Learning Journal, to appear.\n");
Exemplo n.º 6
void print_help()
  printf("\nSVM-light %s: Support Vector Machine, learning module     %s\n",VERSION,VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   usage: svm_learn [options] example_file model_file\n\n");
  printf("         example_file-> file with training data\n");
  printf("         model_file  -> file to store learned decision rule in\n");

  printf("General options:\n");
  printf("         -?          -> this help\n");
  printf("         -v [0..3]   -> verbosity level (default 1)\n");
  printf("Learning options:\n");
  printf("         -z {c,r,p}  -> select between classification (c), regression (r),\n");
  printf("                        and preference ranking (p) (default classification)\n");
  printf("         -c float    -> C: trade-off between training error\n");
  printf("                        and margin (default [avg. x*x]^-1)\n");
  printf("         -w [0..]    -> epsilon width of tube for regression\n");
  printf("                        (default 0.1)\n");
  printf("         -j float    -> Cost: cost-factor, by which training errors on\n");
  printf("                        positive examples outweight errors on negative\n");
  printf("                        examples (default 1) (see [4])\n");
  printf("         -b [0,1]    -> use biased hyperplane (i.e. x*w+b>0) instead\n");
  printf("                        of unbiased hyperplane (i.e. x*w>0) (default 1)\n");
  printf("         -i [0,1]    -> remove inconsistent training examples\n");
  printf("                        and retrain (default 0)\n");
  printf("Performance estimation options:\n");
  printf("         -x [0,1]    -> compute leave-one-out estimates (default 0)\n");
  printf("                        (see [5])\n");
  printf("         -o ]0..2]   -> value of rho for XiAlpha-estimator and for pruning\n");
  printf("                        leave-one-out computation (default 1.0) (see [2])\n");
  printf("         -k [0..100] -> search depth for extended XiAlpha-estimator \n");
  printf("                        (default 0)\n");
  printf("Transduction options (see [3]):\n");
  printf("         -p [0..1]   -> fraction of unlabeled examples to be classified\n");
  printf("                        into the positive class (default is the ratio of\n");
  printf("                        positive and negative examples in the training data)\n");
  printf("Kernel options:\n");
  printf("         -t int      -> type of kernel function:\n");
  printf("                        0: linear (default)\n");
  printf("                        1: polynomial (s a*b+c)^d\n");
  printf("                        2: radial basis function exp(-gamma ||a-b||^2)\n");
  printf("                        3: sigmoid tanh(s a*b + c)\n");
  printf("                        4: user defined kernel from kernel.h\n");
  printf("         -d int      -> parameter d in polynomial kernel\n");
  printf("         -g float    -> parameter gamma in rbf kernel\n");
  printf("         -s float    -> parameter s in sigmoid/poly kernel\n");
  printf("         -r float    -> parameter c in sigmoid/poly kernel\n");
  printf("         -u string   -> parameter of user defined kernel\n");
  printf("Optimization options (see [1]):\n");
  printf("         -q [2..]    -> maximum size of QP-subproblems (default 10)\n");
  printf("         -n [2..q]   -> number of new variables entering the working set\n");
  printf("                        in each iteration (default n = q). Set n<q to prevent\n");
  printf("                        zig-zagging.\n");
  printf("         -m [5..]    -> size of cache for kernel evaluations in MB (default 40)\n");
  printf("                        The larger the faster...\n");
  printf("         -e float    -> eps: Allow that error for termination criterion\n");
  printf("                        [y [w*x+b] - 1] >= eps (default 0.001)\n");
  printf("         -y [0,1]    -> restart the optimization from alpha values in file\n");
  printf("                        specified by -a option. (default 0)\n");
  printf("         -h [5..]    -> number of iterations a variable needs to be\n"); 
  printf("                        optimal before considered for shrinking (default 100)\n");
  printf("         -f [0,1]    -> do final optimality check for variables removed\n");
  printf("                        by shrinking. Although this test is usually \n");
  printf("                        positive, there is no guarantee that the optimum\n");
  printf("                        was found if the test is omitted. (default 1)\n");
  printf("         -y string   -> if option is given, reads alphas from file with given\n");
  printf("                        and uses them as starting point. (default 'disabled')\n");
  printf("         -# int      -> terminate optimization, if no progress after this\n");
  printf("                        number of iterations. (default 100000)\n");
  printf("Output options:\n");
  printf("         -l string   -> file to write predicted labels of unlabeled\n");
  printf("                        examples into after transductive learning\n");
  printf("         -a string   -> write all alphas to this file after learning\n");
  printf("                        (in the same order as in the training set)\n");
  printf("\nMore details in:\n");
  printf("[1] T. Joachims, Making Large-Scale SVM Learning Practical. Advances in\n");
  printf("    Kernel Methods - Support Vector Learning, B. Scholkopf and C. Burges and\n");
  printf("    A. Smola (ed.), MIT Press, 1999.\n");
  printf("[2] T. Joachims, Estimating the Generalization performance of an SVM\n");
  printf("    Efficiently. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2000.\n");
  printf("[3] T. Joachims, Transductive Inference for Text Classification using Support\n");
  printf("    Vector Machines. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML),\n");
  printf("    1999.\n");
  printf("[4] K. Morik, P. Brockhausen, and T. Joachims, Combining statistical learning\n");
  printf("    with a knowledge-based approach - A case study in intensive care  \n");
  printf("    monitoring. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 1999.\n");
  printf("[5] T. Joachims, Learning to Classify Text Using Support Vector\n");
  printf("    Machines: Methods, Theory, and Algorithms. Dissertation, Kluwer,\n");
  printf("    2002.\n\n");
Exemplo n.º 7
void print_help()
  printf("\nTree Kernels in SVM-light %s : SVM Learning module %s\n",VERSION,VERSION_DATE);
  printf("by Alessandro Moschitti, [email protected]\n");
  printf("University of Rome \"Tor Vergata\"\n\n");

  printf("   usage: svm_learn [options] example_file model_file\n\n");
  printf("         example_file-> file with training data\n");
  printf("         model_file  -> file to store learned decision rule in\n");

  printf("General options:\n");
  printf("         -?          -> this help\n");
  printf("         -v [0..3]   -> verbosity level (default 1)\n");
  printf("Learning options:\n");
  printf("         -z {c,r,p}  -> select between classification (c), regression (r),\n");
  printf("                        and preference ranking (p) (default classification)\n");
  printf("         -c float    -> C: trade-off between training error\n");
  printf("                        and margin (default [avg. x*x]^-1)\n");
  printf("         -w [0..]    -> epsilon width of tube for regression\n");
  printf("                        (default 0.1)\n");
  printf("         -j float    -> Cost: cost-factor, by which training errors on\n");
  printf("                        positive examples outweight errors on negative\n");
  printf("                        examples (default 1) (see [4])\n");
  printf("         -b [0,1]    -> use biased hyperplane (i.e. x*w+b>0) instead\n");
  printf("                        of unbiased hyperplane (i.e. x*w>0) (default 1)\n");
  printf("         -i [0,1]    -> remove inconsistent training examples\n");
  printf("                        and retrain (default 0)\n");
  printf("Performance estimation options:\n");
  printf("         -x [0,1]    -> compute leave-one-out estimates (default 0)\n");
  printf("                        (see [5])\n");
  printf("         -o ]0..2]   -> value of rho for XiAlpha-estimator and for pruning\n");
  printf("                        leave-one-out computation (default 1.0) (see [2])\n");
  printf("         -k [0..100] -> search depth for extended XiAlpha-estimator \n");
  printf("                        (default 0)\n");
  printf("Transduction options (see [3]):\n");
  printf("         -p [0..1]   -> fraction of unlabeled examples to be classified\n");
  printf("                        into the positive class (default is the ratio of\n");
  printf("                        positive and negative examples in the training data)\n");

  printf("Kernel options:\n");
  printf("         -t int      -> type of kernel function:\n");
  printf("                        0: linear (default)\n");
  printf("                        1: polynomial (s a*b+c)^d\n");
  printf("                        2: radial basis function exp(-gamma ||a-b||^2)\n");
  printf("                        3: sigmoid tanh(s a*b + c)\n");
  printf("                        4: user defined kernel from kernel.h\n");

  printf("                        5: combination of forest and vector sets according to W, V, S, C options\n");
  printf("                        11: re-ranking based on trees (each instance must have two trees),\n");
  printf("                        12: re-ranking based on vectors (each instance must have two vectors)\n");
  printf("                        13: re-ranking based on both tree and vectors (each instance must have\n");
  printf("                            two trees and two vectors)  \n");
  printf("         -W [S,A]    -> with an 'S', a tree kernel is applied to the sequence of trees of two input\n");
  printf("                        forests and the results are summed;  \n");
  printf("                     -> with an 'A', a tree kernel is applied to all tree pairs from the two forests\n");
  printf("                        (default 'S')\n");
  printf("         -V [S,A]    -> same as before but regarding sequences of vectors are used (default 'S' and\n");
  printf("                        the type of vector-based kernel is specified by the option -S)\n");
  printf("         -S [0,4]    -> kernel to be used with vectors (default polynomial of degree 3,\n");
  printf("                        i.e. -S = 1 and -d = 3)\n");
  printf("         -C [*,+,T,V]-> combination operator between forests and vectors (default 'T')\n");
  printf("                     -> 'T' only the contribution from trees is used (specified by option -W)\n");
  printf("                     -> 'V' only the contribution from vectors is used (specified by option -V)\n");
  printf("                     -> '+' or '*' sum or multiplication of the contributions from vectors and \n");
  printf("                            trees (default T) \n");
  printf("         -F [0,1,2,3]-> 0 = ST kernel, 1 = SST kernel, 2 = SST-bow, 3 = PT kernel (default 1)\n");
  printf("         -M float    -> Mu decay factor for PT kernel (default 0.4)\n");
  printf("         -L float    -> decay factor in tree kernel (default 0.4)\n");
  printf("         -S [0,4]    -> kernel to be used with vectors (default polynomial of degree 3, \n");
  printf("                        i.e. -S = 1 and -d = 3)\n");
  printf("         -T float    -> multiplicative constant for the contribution of tree kernels when -C = '+'\n");
  printf("         -N float    -> 0 = no normalization, 1 = tree normalization, 2 = vector normalization and \n");
  printf("                        3 = tree normalization of both trees and vectors. The normalization is applied \n");
  printf("                        to each individual tree or vector (default 3).\n");

  printf("         -u string   -> parameter of user defined kernel\n");
  printf("         -d int      -> parameter d in polynomial kernel\n");
  printf("         -g float    -> parameter gamma in rbf kernel\n");
  printf("         -s float    -> parameter s in sigmoid/poly kernel\n");
  printf("         -r float    -> parameter c in sigmoid/poly kernel\n");
  printf("         -u string   -> parameter of user defined kernel\n");
  printf("Optimization options (see [1]):\n");
  printf("         -q [2..]    -> maximum size of QP-subproblems (default 10)\n");
  printf("         -n [2..q]   -> number of new variables entering the working set\n");
  printf("                        in each iteration (default n = q). Set n<q to prevent\n");
  printf("                        zig-zagging.\n");
  printf("         -m [5..]    -> size of cache for kernel evaluations in MB (default 40)\n");
  printf("                        The larger the faster...\n");
  printf("         -e float    -> eps: Allow that error for termination criterion\n");
  printf("                        [y [w*x+b] - 1] >= eps (default 0.001)\n");
  printf("         -h [5..]    -> number of iterations a variable needs to be\n"); 
  printf("                        optimal before considered for shrinking (default 100)\n");
  printf("         -f [0,1]    -> do final optimality check for variables removed\n");
  printf("                        by shrinking. Although this test is usually \n");
  printf("                        positive, there is no guarantee that the optimum\n");
  printf("                        was found if the test is omitted. (default 1)\n");
  printf("Output options:\n");
  printf("         -l string   -> file to write predicted labels of unlabeled\n");
  printf("                        examples into after transductive learning\n");
  printf("         -a string   -> write all alphas to this file after learning\n");
  printf("                        (in the same order as in the training set)\n");
  printf("\nMore details in:\n");
  printf("[1] T. Joachims, Making Large-Scale SVM Learning Practical. Advances in\n");
  printf("    Kernel Methods - Support Vector Learning, B. Schölkopf and C. Burges and\n");
  printf("    A. Smola (ed.), MIT Press, 1999.\n");
  printf("[2] T. Joachims, Estimating the Generalization performance of an SVM\n");
  printf("    Efficiently. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2000.\n");
  printf("[3] T. Joachims, Transductive Inference for Text Classification using Support\n");
  printf("    Vector Machines. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML),\n");
  printf("    1999.\n");
  printf("[4] K. Morik, P. Brockhausen, and T. Joachims, Combining statistical learning\n");
  printf("    with a knowledge-based approach - A case study in intensive care  \n");
  printf("    monitoring. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 1999.\n");
  printf("[5] T. Joachims, Learning to Classify Text Using Support Vector\n");
  printf("    Machines: Methods, Theory, and Algorithms. Dissertation, Kluwer,\n");
  printf("    2002.\n\n");
  printf("\nFor Tree-Kernel details:\n");
  printf("[6] A. Moschitti, A study on Convolution Kernels for Shallow Semantic Parsing.\n");
  printf("    In proceedings of the 42-th Conference on Association for Computational\n");
  printf("    Linguistic, (ACL-2004), Barcelona, Spain, 2004.\n\n");
  printf("[7] A. Moschitti, Making tree kernels practical for natural language learning.\n");
  printf("    In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference for Computational\n");
  printf("    Linguistics, (EACL-2006), Trento, Italy, 2006.\n\n");
Exemplo n.º 8
void print_help()
  printf("\nSVM-struct learning module: %s, %s, %s\n",INST_NAME,INST_VERSION,INST_VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   includes SVM-struct %s for learning complex outputs, %s\n",STRUCT_VERSION,STRUCT_VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   includes SVM-light %s quadratic optimizer, %s\n",VERSION,VERSION_DATE);
  printf("   usage: svm_struct_learn [options] example_file model_file\n\n");
  printf("         example_file-> file with training data\n");
  printf("         model_file  -> file to store learned decision rule in\n");

  printf("General options:\n");
  printf("         -?          -> this help\n");
  printf("         -v [0..3]   -> verbosity level (default 1)\n");
  printf("         -y [0..3]   -> verbosity level for svm_light (default 0)\n");
  printf("Learning options:\n");
  printf("         -c float    -> C: trade-off between training error\n");
  printf("                        and margin (default 0.01)\n");
  printf("         -p [1,2]    -> L-norm to use for slack variables. Use 1 for L1-norm,\n");
  printf("                        use 2 for squared slacks. (default 1)\n");
  printf("         -o [1,2]    -> Slack rescaling method to use for loss.\n");
  printf("                        1: slack rescaling\n");
  printf("                        2: margin rescaling\n");
  printf("                        (default 1)\n");
  printf("         -l [0..]    -> Loss function to use.\n");
  printf("                        0: zero/one loss\n");
  printf("                        (default 0)\n");
  printf("Kernel options:\n");
  printf("         -t int      -> type of kernel function:\n");
  printf("                        0: linear (default)\n");
  printf("                        1: polynomial (s a*b+c)^d\n");
  printf("                        2: radial basis function exp(-gamma ||a-b||^2)\n");
  printf("                        3: sigmoid tanh(s a*b + c)\n");
  printf("                        4: user defined kernel from kernel.h\n");
  printf("         -d int      -> parameter d in polynomial kernel\n");
  printf("         -g float    -> parameter gamma in rbf kernel\n");
  printf("         -s float    -> parameter s in sigmoid/poly kernel\n");
  printf("         -r float    -> parameter c in sigmoid/poly kernel\n");
  printf("         -u string   -> parameter of user defined kernel\n");
  printf("Optimization options (see [2][3]):\n");
  printf("         -q [2..]    -> maximum size of QP-subproblems (default 10)\n");
  printf("         -n [2..q]   -> number of new variables entering the working set\n");
  printf("                        in each iteration (default n = q). Set n<q to prevent\n");
  printf("                        zig-zagging.\n");
  printf("         -m [5..]    -> size of cache for kernel evaluations in MB (default 40)\n");
  printf("                        The larger the faster...\n");
  printf("         -e float    -> eps: Allow that error for termination criterion\n");
  printf("                        (default 0.01)\n");
  printf("         -h [5..]    -> number of iterations a variable needs to be\n"); 
  printf("                        optimal before considered for shrinking (default 100)\n");
  printf("         -k [1..]    -> number of new constraints to accumulate before\n"); 
  printf("                        recomputing the QP solution (default 100)\n");
  printf("         -# int      -> terminate optimization, if no progress after this\n");
  printf("                        number of iterations. (default 100000)\n");
  printf("Output options:\n");
  printf("         -a string   -> write all alphas to this file after learning\n");
  printf("                        (in the same order as in the training set)\n");
  printf("Structure learning options:\n");

  printf("\nMore details in:\n");
  printf("[1] T. Joachims, Learning to Align Sequences: A Maximum Margin Aproach.\n");
  printf("    Technical Report, September, 2003.\n");
  printf("[2] I. Tsochantaridis, T. Hofmann, T. Joachims, and Y. Altun, Support Vector \n");
  printf("    Learning for Interdependent and Structured Output Spaces, ICML, 2004.\n");
  printf("[3] T. Joachims, Making Large-Scale SVM Learning Practical. Advances in\n");
  printf("    Kernel Methods - Support Vector Learning, B. Schölkopf and C. Burges and\n");
  printf("    A. Smola (ed.), MIT Press, 1999.\n");
  printf("[4] T. Joachims, Learning to Classify Text Using Support Vector\n");
  printf("    Machines: Methods, Theory, and Algorithms. Dissertation, Kluwer,\n");
  printf("    2002.\n\n");
Exemplo n.º 9
void SVMLightRunner::libraryPrintHelp()
  C_PRINTF("\nSVM-light %s: Support Vector Machine, learning module     %s\n",VERSION,VERSION_DATE);
Exemplo n.º 10
int parse_index_options(IndexOptions *o, char **argv) {
	int i,j;

	while ( *argv!=NULL && *argv[0]=='-' )
		/* option -- means no more options */
		if (strcmp(*argv,"--")==0) return i+1;

		case 'g': {
		        char *arg;
			if ((!arg) || 
			    set_scanner_option(o->sgrep,arg)==SGREP_ERROR) {
			    return SGREP_ERROR;
		case 'h':
		case 'i':
		case 'l': {
			char *endptr;
		        char *arg=get_arg(sgrep,&argv,&i,&j);
			if (!arg) return SGREP_ERROR;
			if (o->stop_word_limit<0 || *endptr!=0) {
			    sgrep_error(sgrep,"Invalid stop word limit '%s'\n",
			    return SGREP_ERROR;
		case 'm': {
			char *endptr;
		        char *arg=get_arg(sgrep,&argv,&i,&j);
			if (!arg) return SGREP_ERROR;
			if (o->available_memory<0 || *endptr!=0) {
			    sgrep_error(sgrep,"Invalid memory size '%s'\n",
			    return SGREP_ERROR;
		case 'L':
			if (!o->output_stop_word_file) return SGREP_ERROR;
		case 'S':
			if (!o->input_stop_word_file) return SGREP_ERROR;
		case 'V':
			printf("sgindex version %s compiled at %s\n",
		case 'v':
		case 'T':
#if 0
		case 'C':
		case 'R':
			sgrep_error(sgrep,"WARNING -R not working (yet)\n");
		case 'c':
		    if (o->file_name==NULL) return SGREP_ERROR;
		case 'x':
		    if (o->sgrep->index_file==NULL) return SGREP_ERROR;
		case 'q': {
		    const char *arg=get_arg(sgrep,&argv,&i,&j);
		    if (strcmp(arg,"terms")==0) {
		    } else {
			sgrep_error(sgrep,"Don't know how to query '%s'\n",
			return SGREP_ERROR;
		case 'F': {
		    char *arg;
		    if (arg==NULL) return SGREP_ERROR;
		    if (o->file_list_files==NULL) {
		case 'w':
			if (!o->sgrep->word_chars) return SGREP_ERROR;
			sgrep_error(sgrep,"Illegal option -%c\n",(*argv)[j]);
			return SGREP_ERROR;
		if ((*argv)[++j]==0)
	return i;