Exemplo n.º 1
int shouldBank(CConfigData *config)
	CMemReader& reader = CMemReader::getMemReader();

	CTibiaCharacter self;
	 reader.readSelfCharacter(& self);
	int belowCaps         = self.cap < config->capsLimit;

	int goldId       = CTibiaItem::getValueForConst("GP");
	int platId       = CTibiaItem::getValueForConst("PlatinumCoin");
	int crystalId    = CTibiaItem::getValueForConst("CrystalCoin");
	int goldCount    = countAllItemsOfType(goldId, true);
	int platCount    = countAllItemsOfType(platId, true);
	int crystalCount = countAllItemsOfType(crystalId, true);

	int totalCash = goldCount + platCount * 100 + crystalCount * 10000;
	int canChange = goldCount >= 100 || platCount >= 100;

	if (belowCaps)
		if (!config->changeGold && totalCash > config->cashOnHand || config->changeGold && canChange)
			return 1;
	if (!config->changeGold)
		if (totalCash >= config->minimumGoldToBank || totalCash < config->cashOnHand && config->drawUpTo)
			return 1;
			return 0;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int changeGold()
	CMemReader& reader = CMemReader::getMemReader();


	CTibiaCharacter self;
	 reader.readSelfCharacter(& self);
	float origcaps        = self.cap;
	int retval = 0;

	int goldId    = CTibiaItem::getValueForConst("GP");
	int goldCount = countAllItemsOfType(goldId, true);

	char buf[128];
	Sleep(500);//Give time for NPC window to open
	if (goldCount >= 100)
		Sleep(RandomTimeBankerSay(strlen("change gold")));
		CPackSender::sayNPC("change gold");
		sprintf(buf, "%d", goldCount / 100);

	if (CModuleUtil::waitForCapsChange(origcaps))
		retval = 1;

	int platId    = CTibiaItem::getValueForConst("PlatinumCoin");
	int platCount = countAllItemsOfType(platId, true);
	if (platCount >= 100)
		Sleep(RandomTimeBankerSay(strlen("change platinum")));
		CPackSender::sayNPC("change platinum");
		sprintf(buf, "%d", platCount / 100);

	if (CModuleUtil::waitForCapsChange(origcaps))
		retval = 1;

	return retval;
Exemplo n.º 3
int buyItems(CConfigData *config, int traderNum) {
	CMemReaderProxy reader;
	CPackSenderProxy sender;
	CTibiaItemProxy itemProxy;
	int itemCount, goldCount;
	int done = -1;

	if (itemProxy.getItemId(config->buyItem[traderNum].tradeItem[0].itemName)==0)
		return 1;

	int objectId;
	//char buf[64];
	Sleep (RandomTimeSellerSay(strlen("hi")));
	Sleep (800);//Give time for NPC window to open
	Sleep (RandomTimeSellerSay(strlen("trade")));
	Sleep (RandomTimeSeller());
	for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
		objectId = itemProxy.getItemId(config->buyItem[traderNum].tradeItem[j].itemName);
		//sprintf(buf, "Item Name: %s", config->buyItem[traderNum].tradeItem[j].itemName);
		if (objectId)
			itemCount = countAllItemsOfType(objectId,true);
		goldCount = countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("GP"),true);
		goldCount += countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("PlatinumCoin"),true) * 100;
		goldCount += countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("CrystalCoin"),true) * 10000;
		itemCount = config->buyItem[traderNum].tradeItem[j].quantityBuySell - itemCount;
		itemCount = goldCount / config->buyItem[traderNum].tradeItem[j].salePrice >= itemCount?itemCount:goldCount / config->buyItem[traderNum].tradeItem[j].salePrice;
		//sprintf(buf, "Item: %d\nGold: %d\nCount: %d",objectId, goldCount, itemCount);
		if (itemCount > 0) {
			CTibiaCharacter *self = reader.readSelfCharacter();
			sender.npcBuy(objectId, itemCount, 0, 0);
			Sleep (RandomTimeSeller());
			if (CModuleUtil::waitForCapsChange(self->cap)) {
				if (done!=0) done = 1;
				done =0;
			delete self;
	return done==1?1:0;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool shouldGo(CConfigData *config) {
	//char buf[64];
	CTibiaItemProxy itemProxy;
	CMemReaderProxy reader;
	CTibiaCharacter *self = reader.readSelfCharacter();

	int count = 0;
	bool should = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SELLERS; i++) {
		if (config->sellOnCap && self->cap < config->sellWhen && individualShouldGo(config, i)) 
			{delete self; return true;}
		if (config->sellOnSpace && !spaceAvailable() && individualShouldGo(config, i))
			{delete self; return true;}
		for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
			int objectId = itemProxy.getItemId(config->sellItem[i].tradeItem[j].itemName);
			if (objectId) {
				//sprintf(buf, "%s\nItem count: %d\nTrigger Quantity: %d", config->sellItem[i].tradeItem[j].itemName, countAllItemsOfType(objectId), config->sellItem[i].tradeItem[j].quantityBuySell);
				count = countAllItemsOfType(objectId);
				if (count && count >= config->sellItem[i].tradeItem[j].quantityBuySell)
					should = true;

		for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
			int objectId = itemProxy.getItemId(config->buyItem[i].tradeItem[j].itemName);
			if (objectId) {
				//sprintf(buf, "%s\nItem count: %d\nTrigger Quantity: %d", config->sellItem[i].tradeItem[j].itemName, countAllItemsOfType(objectId), config->sellItem[i].tradeItem[j].quantityBuySell);
				count = countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("GP"),true);
				count += countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("PlatinumCoin"),true) * 100;
				count += countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("CrystalCoin"),true) * 10000;
			if (countAllItemsOfType(objectId,true) < config->buyItem[i].tradeItem[j].triggerQuantity && count >= config->buyItem[i].tradeItem[j].salePrice)
				should = true;
//	should?AfxMessageBox("Should go"):AfxMessageBox("Should not go");
	delete self;
	return should;
Exemplo n.º 5
int individualShouldGo(CConfigData *config, int traderNum) {
	//char buf[64];
	CTibiaItemProxy itemProxy;
	CMemReaderProxy reader;
	int ret = NOGO;
	for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
		int objectId = itemProxy.getItemId(config->sellItem[traderNum].tradeItem[j].itemName);
		if (!objectId) break;

		//sprintf(buf, "Seller: %d\nObjectID: %d", traderNum+1, objectId);
		if (objectId && countAllItemsOfType(objectId) > 0)
			ret = SELLONLY;
	int count = -1;
	for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
		int objectId = itemProxy.getItemId(config->buyItem[traderNum].tradeItem[j].itemName);
		if (!objectId) break;
		//sprintf(buf, "Seller: %d\nObjectID: %d", traderNum+1, objectId);
		if (count==-1){
			count = countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("GP"),true);
			count += countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("PlatinumCoin"),true) * 100;
			count += countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("CrystalCoin"),true) * 10000;

		if (objectId && countAllItemsOfType(objectId,true) < config->buyItem[traderNum].tradeItem[j].quantityBuySell && count >= config->buyItem[traderNum].tradeItem[j].salePrice) {
			if (ret == SELLONLY)
				ret = DOBOTH;
				ret = BUYONLY;
//	if (ret == NOGO) AfxMessageBox("No business for this seller.");
//	if (ret == BUYONLY) AfxMessageBox("No SELL business for this seller.");
//	if (ret == SELLONLY) AfxMessageBox("No BUY business for this seller.");
//	if (ret == DOBOTH) AfxMessageBox("We have business for this seller.");
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
int canBank(CConfigData *config)
	CMemReader& reader = CMemReader::getMemReader();

	CTibiaCharacter self;
	 reader.readSelfCharacter(& self);

	int goldId       = CTibiaItem::getValueForConst("GP");
	int platId       = CTibiaItem::getValueForConst("PlatinumCoin");
	int crystalId    = CTibiaItem::getValueForConst("CrystalCoin");
	int goldCount    = countAllItemsOfType(goldId, true);
	int platCount    = countAllItemsOfType(platId, true);
	int crystalCount = countAllItemsOfType(crystalId, true);

	int totalCash = goldCount + platCount * 100 + crystalCount * 10000;
	int canChange = goldCount >= 100 || platCount >= 100;

	if (!config->changeGold && (totalCash > config->cashOnHand || totalCash < config->cashOnHand && config->drawUpTo) || config->changeGold && canChange)
		return 1;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
int depositGold()
	CMemReader& reader = CMemReader::getMemReader();

	CTibiaCharacter self;
	 reader.readSelfCharacter(& self);
	float origcaps        = self.cap;

	int moneycount = countAllItemsOfType(CTibiaItem::getValueForConst("GP"), true);
	moneycount += countAllItemsOfType(CTibiaItem::getValueForConst("PlatinumCoin"), true) * 100;
	moneycount += countAllItemsOfType(CTibiaItem::getValueForConst("CrystalCoin"), true) * 10000;
	Sleep(500);//Give time for NPC window to open
	Sleep(RandomTimeBankerSay(strlen("deposit all")));
	CPackSender::sayNPC("deposit all");
	if (CModuleUtil::waitForCapsChange(origcaps) || moneycount == 0)//return success if caps changed or if we might have had no money to begin with
		return 1;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
bool canGo(CConfigData *config) {
	CTibiaItemProxy itemProxy;
	CMemReaderProxy reader;

	int count = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SELLERS; i++) {
		//see if there's anything to 
		for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
			int objectId = itemProxy.getItemId(config->sellItem[i].tradeItem[j].itemName);
			if (objectId) {
				//sprintf(buf, "%s\nItem count: %d\nTrigger Quantity: %d", config->sellItem[i].tradeItem[j].itemName, countAllItemsOfType(objectId), config->sellItem[i].tradeItem[j].quantityBuySell);
				count = countAllItemsOfType(objectId);
				if (count) {
					return true;

		for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
			int objectId = itemProxy.getItemId(config->buyItem[i].tradeItem[j].itemName);
			if (objectId) {
				//sprintf(buf, "%s\nItem count: %d\nTrigger Quantity: %d", config->sellItem[i].tradeItem[j].itemName, countAllItemsOfType(objectId), config->sellItem[i].tradeItem[j].quantityBuySell);
				count = countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("GP"),true);
				count += countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("PlatinumCoin"),true) * 100;
				count += countAllItemsOfType(itemProxy.getValueForConst("CrystalCoin"),true) * 10000;
			if (countAllItemsOfType(objectId,true) < config->buyItem[i].tradeItem[j].quantityBuySell && count >= config->buyItem[i].tradeItem[j].salePrice)
				return true;
//	should?AfxMessageBox("Should go"):AfxMessageBox("Should not go");
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
int sellItems(CConfigData *config, int traderNum) {
	CMemReaderProxy reader;
	CPackSenderProxy sender;
	CTibiaItemProxy itemProxy;
	CMemConstData memConstData = reader.getMemConstData();
	CTibiaContainer *cont;
	int itemCount;
	int done = 0;

	if (itemProxy.getItemId(config->sellItem[traderNum].tradeItem[0].itemName)==0)
		return 1;

	Sleep (RandomTimeSellerSay(strlen("hi")));
	Sleep (800);//Give time for NPC window to open
	Sleep (RandomTimeSellerSay(strlen("trade")));
	Sleep (RandomTimeSeller());
	for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
		int objectId = itemProxy.getItemId(config->sellItem[traderNum].tradeItem[j].itemName);
		for (int contNr = 0; contNr < memConstData.m_memMaxContainers; contNr++) {
			cont = reader.readContainer(contNr);
			if (cont->flagOnOff) {
				int count = cont->itemsInside;
				for (int slotNr = count - 1; slotNr >= 0; slotNr--) {
					CTibiaItem *item = (CTibiaItem *)cont->items.GetAt(slotNr);
					if (item->objectId == objectId) {
						itemCount = countAllItemsOfType(objectId);
						CTibiaCharacter *self = reader.readSelfCharacter();
						sender.npcSell(objectId, itemCount);
						if (CModuleUtil::waitForCapsChange(self->cap)) {
							done = 1;
							delete self;
						delete self;
						done = 0;
			delete cont;
	return done;