Exemplo n.º 1
void EnemyPatroller::update(double dt) {
	if(!dying) {

		const int speed_gravity = 960;
		const double vision_range = 320;
		const double vision_min_range = 32;

		if(isGrounded()) {
			if (facing_direction == Facing::Left) {
				if(body->v.x > -walk_speed)
					cpBodyApplyImpulse(body, cpv(-500, 0), cpv(0, 0));
					facing_direction = Facing::Right;
			} else if (facing_direction  == Facing::Right) {
				if(body->v.x < walk_speed)
					cpBodyApplyImpulse(body, cpv(500, 0), cpv(0, 0));
					facing_direction = Facing::Left;
Exemplo n.º 2
void update_friction(int n)
	// kill lateral velocity
	const cpFloat max_lateral_impulse = 300;
	cpVect impulse = cpvmult(cpvneg(lateral_velocity(n)), cpBodyGetMass(tire[n]));
	//printf("%f\n", cpvlength(impulse));
	if(cpvlength(impulse) > max_lateral_impulse)
		impulse = cpvmult(impulse, max_lateral_impulse / cpvlength(impulse));
	cpBodyApplyImpulse(tire[n], impulse, cpvzero);

	// TODO - kill angular velocity?
	cpFloat inertia = cpBodyGetMoment(tire[n]);
	cpFloat av = cpBodyGetAngVel(tire[n]);
	if(av != 0)
		cpBodySetAngVel(tire[n], av / 1.2);
	// apply drag
	cpVect forward_normal = forward_velocity(n);
	cpFloat forward_speed = cpvlength(forward_normal);
	if(forward_speed < 1) {
		cpBodySetVel(tire[n], cpvzero);
	} else {
		forward_normal = cpvnormalize(forward_normal);
		cpFloat drag = -1 * forward_speed;
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(tire[n], cpvmult(forward_normal, drag), cpvzero);
Exemplo n.º 3
cpArbiterApplyImpulse(cpArbiter *arb)
	cpBody *a = arb->a->body;
	cpBody *b = arb->b->body;

	for(int i=0; i<arb->numContacts; i++){
		cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i];
		cpVect n = con->n;
		cpVect r1 = con->r1;
		cpVect r2 = con->r2;
		// Calculate the relative bias velocities.
		cpVect vb1 = cpvadd(a->v_bias, cpvmult(cpvperp(r1), a->w_bias));
		cpVect vb2 = cpvadd(b->v_bias, cpvmult(cpvperp(r2), b->w_bias));
		cpFloat vbn = cpvdot(cpvsub(vb2, vb1), n);
		// Calculate and clamp the bias impulse.
		cpFloat jbn = (con->bias - vbn)*con->nMass;
		cpFloat jbnOld = con->jBias;
		con->jBias = cpfmax(jbnOld + jbn, 0.0f);
		jbn = con->jBias - jbnOld;
		// Apply the bias impulse.
		cpVect jb = cpvmult(n, jbn);
		cpBodyApplyBiasImpulse(a, cpvneg(jb), r1);
		cpBodyApplyBiasImpulse(b, jb, r2);

		// Calculate the relative velocity.
		cpVect v1 = cpvadd(a->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(r1), a->w));
		cpVect v2 = cpvadd(b->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(r2), b->w));
		cpVect vr = cpvsub(v2, v1);
		cpFloat vrn = cpvdot(vr, n);
		// Calculate and clamp the normal impulse.
		cpFloat jn = -(con->bounce + vrn)*con->nMass;
		cpFloat jnOld = con->jnAcc;
		con->jnAcc = cpfmax(jnOld + jn, 0.0f);
		jn = con->jnAcc - jnOld;
		// Calculate the relative tangent velocity.
		cpVect t = cpvperp(n);
		cpFloat vrt = cpvdot(cpvadd(vr, arb->target_v), t);
		// Calculate and clamp the friction impulse.
		cpFloat jtMax = arb->u*con->jnAcc;
		cpFloat jt = -vrt*con->tMass;
		cpFloat jtOld = con->jtAcc;
		con->jtAcc = cpfmin(cpfmax(jtOld + jt, -jtMax), jtMax);
		jt = con->jtAcc - jtOld;
		// Apply the final impulse.
		cpVect j = cpvadd(cpvmult(n, jn), cpvmult(t, jt));
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(a, cpvneg(j), r1);
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(b, j, r2);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
applyImpulse(cpPulleyJoint *joint)
	cpBody* b1 = joint->constraint.a;
	cpBody* b2 = joint->constraint.b;
	cpVect r1 = joint->r1;
	cpVect r2 = joint->r2;

	// The magic and mystery below
	if (joint->state)
		cpVect v1 = cpvadd(b1->v, cpv(-b1->w * r1.y, b1->w * r1.x));
		cpVect v2 = cpvadd(b2->v, cpv(-b2->w * r2.y, b2->w * r2.x));

		cpFloat Cdot = -cpvdot(joint->u1, v1) - joint->ratio * cpvdot(joint->u2, v2);
		cpFloat impulse = joint->pulleyMass * (-Cdot);
		cpFloat oldImpulse = joint->jnAcc;
		joint->jnAcc = cpfmax(0.0f, joint->jnAcc + impulse);
		impulse = joint->jnAcc - oldImpulse;

		cpVect P1 = cpvmult(joint->u1, -impulse);
		cpVect P2 = cpvmult(joint->u2, -joint->ratio * impulse);
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(b1, P1, r1);
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(b2, P2, r2);

	if (joint->limitState1)
		cpVect v1 = cpvadd(b1->v, cpv(-b1->w * r1.y, b1->w * r1.x));

		cpFloat Cdot = -cpvdot(joint->u1, v1);
		cpFloat impulse = -joint->limitMass1 * Cdot;
		cpFloat oldImpulse = joint->jnAccLim1;
		joint->jnAccLim1 = cpfmax(0.0f, joint->jnAccLim1 + impulse);
		impulse = joint->jnAccLim1 - oldImpulse;

		cpVect P1 = cpvmult(joint->u1, -impulse);

		cpBodyApplyImpulse(b1, P1, r1);

	if (joint->limitState2)
		cpVect v2 = cpvadd(b2->v, cpv(-b2->w * r2.y, b2->w * r2.x));

		cpFloat Cdot = -cpvdot(joint->u2, v2);
		cpFloat impulse = -joint->limitMass2 * Cdot;
		cpFloat oldImpulse = joint->jnAccLim2;
		joint->jnAccLim2 = cpfmax(0.0f, joint->jnAccLim2 + impulse);
		impulse = joint->jnAccLim2 - oldImpulse;

		cpVect P2 = cpvmult(joint->u2, -impulse);

		cpBodyApplyImpulse(b2, P2, r2);
Exemplo n.º 5
cpArbiterPreStep(cpArbiter *arb, cpFloat dt_inv)
	cpShape *shapea = arb->a;
	cpShape *shapeb = arb->b;
	arb->e = shapea->e * shapeb->e;
	arb->u = shapea->u * shapeb->u;
	arb->target_v = cpvsub(shapeb->surface_v, shapea->surface_v);

	cpBody *a = shapea->body;
	cpBody *b = shapeb->body;
	for(int i=0; i<arb->numContacts; i++){
		cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i];
		// Calculate the offsets.
		con->r1 = cpvsub(con->p, a->p);
		con->r2 = cpvsub(con->p, b->p);
		// Calculate the mass normal.
		cpFloat mass_sum = a->m_inv + b->m_inv;
		cpFloat r1cn = cpvcross(con->r1, con->n);
		cpFloat r2cn = cpvcross(con->r2, con->n);
		cpFloat kn = mass_sum + a->i_inv*r1cn*r1cn + b->i_inv*r2cn*r2cn;
		con->nMass = 1.0f/kn;
		// Calculate the mass tangent.
		cpVect t = cpvperp(con->n);
		cpFloat r1ct = cpvcross(con->r1, t);
		cpFloat r2ct = cpvcross(con->r2, t);
		cpFloat kt = mass_sum + a->i_inv*r1ct*r1ct + b->i_inv*r2ct*r2ct;
		con->tMass = 1.0f/kt;
		// Calculate the target bias velocity.
		con->bias = -cp_bias_coef*dt_inv*cpfmin(0.0f, con->dist + cp_collision_slop);
		con->jBias = 0.0f;
		// Calculate the target bounce velocity.
		cpVect v1 = cpvadd(a->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(con->r1), a->w));
		cpVect v2 = cpvadd(b->v, cpvmult(cpvperp(con->r2), b->w));
		con->bounce = cpvdot(con->n, cpvsub(v2, v1))*arb->e;
		// Apply the previous accumulated impulse.
		cpVect j = cpvadd(cpvmult(con->n, con->jnAcc), cpvmult(t, con->jtAcc));
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(a, cpvneg(j), con->r1);
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(b, j, con->r2);
Exemplo n.º 6
// adds an asteroid shape to the cpSpace
cpBody * core_add_new_asteroid ( cpSpace *space, const int type, const double p1x, const double p1y, const double p2x, const double p2y, Color *color, const double orientation, const double friction, const double elasticity, const double density, const int index, cpVect impulse, cpVect offset ) {
    cpShape * shape;
    if ( type == CIRCLE_TYPE ) {
        shape = core_add_new_shape ( space, type, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, color, orientation, friction, elasticity, density, index );
    } else {
        shape = core_add_single_segment_shape ( space, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, color, friction, elasticity, density, index );
    } if ( shape == NULL ) return NULL;
    DrawShapeInfo * dsi = (DrawShapeInfo *) shape->data;
    dsi->space_shape_type = 1;
    // set collision type 
    cpShapeSetCollisionType ( shape, ASTEROID_COLLISION_TYPE );
    // apply impulse
    cpBody *body = cpShapeGetBody ( shape );
    impulse = cpv ( impulse.x * IMPULSE_MULTIPLIER, impulse.y * IMPULSE_MULTIPLIER );
    cpBodyApplyImpulse ( body, impulse, offset );
    return body;
Exemplo n.º 7
void update_drive()
	const cpFloat max_forward_speed = 150;
	const cpFloat max_backward_speed = -20;
	const cpFloat max_drive_force = 100;

	int i;
	for(i=0; i<1; i++) {
		cpFloat desired_speed = 0;

		// find desired speed
			desired_speed = max_forward_speed;
		else if(controls.back)
			desired_speed = max_backward_speed;

		// find speed
		cpVect forward_normal = cpvperp(cpvforangle(cpBodyGetAngle(tire[i])));
		cpFloat speed = cpvdot(forward_velocity(i), forward_normal);

		// apply force
		cpFloat force = 0;
		if(desired_speed > speed)
			force = max_drive_force;
		else if(desired_speed < speed)
			force = -max_drive_force;
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(tire[i], cpvmult(forward_normal, force), cpvzero);
void JumpAI(entity_t *ent)
	vec2_t temp_vec2;
	cpVect cp_temp;
	if(!ent->mData || !ent)
		printf("MoveAI given a null paramerter \n");

	//Standard Vars
	if(ent->mCollisionType != COLLISION_TYPE_RAGDOLL)
		ent->mCollisionType = COLLISION_TYPE_RAGDOLL;

	if(cpBodyKineticEnergy(ent->mPhysicsProperties->body) < 1 )
		temp_vec2.x = ent->mData->mVariables[AI_VAR_DIR_X];
		temp_vec2.y = ent->mData->mVariables[AI_VAR_DIR_Y];
		cp_temp = Vec2Cp(&temp_vec2);
		cp_temp = cpvnormalize(cp_temp);
		cp_temp = cpvmult(cp_temp, ent->mData->mVariables[AI_VAR_SPEED]);

		cpBodyApplyImpulse(ent->mPhysicsProperties->body, cp_temp, cpvzero);

Exemplo n.º 9
__declspec( dllexport ) void explosion( const void * _in, int in_size, void * _out, int out_sz )
	int i;
	Variable *var;
	cpBody *body;
	cpVect bp;
	float angle;
	float dist;
	float divi;
	float finalPower;
	cpVect position = PEEKVECT(INPUT_MEMBLOCK,4);
	for (i = 0;i != mVariableHandler.mSize;i++)
		var = mVariableHandler.mPtrArray[i];
		if (var == NULL)continue; 
		if (var->mType != VarTypeBody) continue;
		body = (cpBody*)var->mPtr;
		if (cpBodyIsStatic(body)) continue;
		bp = cpvsub(position,cpBodyGetPos(body));
		dist = cpvlength(bp)+0.1f;
		divi = (power/dist);
		finalPower = -min(power,divi*divi);
		angle = cpvtoangle(bp);
Exemplo n.º 10
static int cpBody_applyImpulse (lua_State *L){
  cpBody *b = check_cpBody(L, 1);
  cpVect j = check_cpVect(L, 2);
  cpVect r = check_cpVect(L, 4);
  cpBodyApplyImpulse(b, j, r);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool AnimationLayer::init()
	bool bRet = false;


		spriteSheet = SpriteBatchNode::create("running.png");


		//init running action
		Vector< SpriteFrame * > animFrames;

		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			String str = String::createWithFormat("runner%d.png",i)->getCString();

			SpriteFrame*  frame = SpriteFrameCache::getInstance()->getSpriteFrameByName(str.getCString());

		Animation *animation = Animation::createWithSpriteFrames(animFrames, 0.1);
		runningAction = RepeatForever::create(Animate::create(animation));

		//sprite = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("runner0.png");

		sprite = PhysicsSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("runner0.png");
		auto contentSize = sprite->getContentSize();

        this->body = cpBodyNew(1,cpMomentForBox(1, contentSize.width, contentSize.height));
        this->body->p = cpv(GlobalUtils::g_runnerStartX, GlobalUtils::g_groundHeight + contentSize.height/2);
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(this->body,cpv(150,0), cpv(0,0));
		cpSpaceAddBody(this->space, this->body);

		//init shape
        this->shape = cpBoxShapeNew(this->body,contentSize.width-14,contentSize.height);
        cpSpaceAddShape(this->space, this->shape);




        bRet = true;
	return bRet;
Exemplo n.º 12
// adds a fresstyle shape with impulse to the cpSpace 
void core_add_freestyle_shape_with_impulse ( cpSpace * space, cpVect* verts , const int num_verts, Color *color, const double friction, const double elasticity, const double density, const int index, cpVect impulse, cpVect offset ) {
    cpBody * body = core_add_freestyle_shape ( space, verts , num_verts, color, friction, elasticity, density, index );
    if ( body == NULL ) 
    // apply impulse
    impulse = cpv ( impulse.x*IMPULSE_MULTIPLIER, impulse.y*IMPULSE_MULTIPLIER );
    cpBodyApplyImpulse ( body, impulse, offset );
Exemplo n.º 13
cpArbiterApplyCachedImpulse(cpArbiter *arb)
	cpShape *shapea = arb->a;
	cpShape *shapeb = arb->b;
	arb->u = shapea->u * shapeb->u;
	arb->target_v = cpvsub(shapeb->surface_v, shapea->surface_v);

	cpBody *a = shapea->body;
	cpBody *b = shapeb->body;
	for(int i=0; i<arb->numContacts; i++){
		cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i];
		cpVect t = cpvperp(con->n);
		cpVect j = cpvadd(cpvmult(con->n, con->jnAcc), cpvmult(t, con->jtAcc));
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(a, cpvneg(j), con->r1);
		cpBodyApplyImpulse(b, j, con->r2);
Exemplo n.º 14
void BossSpider::update(float dt) {
	if(!dying) {
		time += dt;
		patrolTime += dt;

		const int speed_gravity = 960;
		const float vision_range = 320;
		const float vision_min_range = 32;

		if(facing_direction == Facing::Left) {
			if(body->v.x > -walk_speed)
				cpBodyApplyImpulse(body, cpv(-500, 0), cpv(0, 0));
			if(patrolTime > patrolInterval) {
				facing_direction = Facing::Right;
				patrolTime = 0;
		} else {
			if(body->v.x < walk_speed)
					cpBodyApplyImpulse(body, cpv(500, 0), cpv(0, 0));
			if(patrolTime > patrolInterval) {
				facing_direction = Facing::Left;
				patrolTime = 0;


		if(lastShot + shootInterval < time) {
			lastShot = time;
			EnemyCentipedeProjectile * projectile =
				new EnemyCentipedeProjectile(facing_direction, body->p.x, int(body->p.y - 20.0f));

Exemplo n.º 15
void Player::run(float dir)
	if (dir > 0)
		m_facingRight = true;
		m_facingRight = false;
	cpBodyApplyImpulse(m_pBody, cpv(dir, 0.0), cpv(0, 0));
Exemplo n.º 16
static JSBool
body_applyDirectionalImpulse(JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* vp)
  jsdouble amt;
  if (!JS_ConvertArguments(cx, argc, JS_ARGV(cx, vp), "d", &amt)) {
      /* Throw a JavaScript exception. */
      JS_ReportError(cx, "body_applyDirectionalImpulse: couldn't parse out amt");
      return JS_FALSE;

  JSObject* bodyObj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(cx, vp);

  cpBody* body = (cpBody*)JS_GetPrivate(cx, bodyObj);
  cpFloat angle = cpBodyGetAngle(body);
  double xAmt = -sin(angle) * amt;
  double yAmt = cos(angle) * amt;
  cpVect j = {xAmt, yAmt};
  cpBodyApplyImpulse(body, j, cpvzero);

  jsval rVal = JSVAL_VOID;
  JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, rVal);
  return JS_TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 17
// adds an impulse shape to the cpSpace 
cpBody * core_add_new_shape_with_impulse ( cpSpace *space, const int type, const double p1x, const double p1y, const double p2x, const double p2y, Color *color, const double orientation, const double friction, const double elasticity, const double density, const int index, cpVect impulse, cpVect offset ) {
    cpShape * shape;
    if ( type == BOX_TYPE || type == CIRCLE_TYPE ) {
        shape = core_add_new_shape ( space, type, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, color, orientation, friction, elasticity, density, index );
    } else {
        shape = core_add_single_segment_shape ( space, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, color, friction, elasticity, density, index );
    } if ( shape == NULL ) return NULL;
    DrawShapeInfo *info = cpShapeGetUserData ( shape );
    info->space_shape_type = SPACE_TYPE_PLANET_R;

    cpBody *body = cpShapeGetBody ( shape );
    impulse = cpv ( impulse.x * IMPULSE_MULTIPLIER, impulse.y * IMPULSE_MULTIPLIER );
    cpBodyApplyImpulse ( body, impulse, offset );
    return body;
Exemplo n.º 18
void PhysicsBody::applyImpulse(Point impulse, Point offset)
    cpBodyApplyImpulse(_info->body, PhysicsHelper::point2cpv(impulse), PhysicsHelper::point2cpv(offset));
Exemplo n.º 19
void cBody::ApplyImpulse( const cVect j, const cVect r ) {
	cpBodyApplyImpulse( mBody, tocpv( j ), tocpv( r ) );
Exemplo n.º 20
void PhysicsBody::applyImpulse(const Vect& impulse, const Vec2& offset)
    cpBodyApplyImpulse(_info->getBody(), PhysicsHelper::point2cpv(impulse), PhysicsHelper::point2cpv(offset));
Exemplo n.º 21
void fff::kitty::stopMovingRight(){
    if (!rightimpulse){
    cpBodyApplyImpulse(body, (cpVect){-640.f, 0.f}, cpvzero);
    rightimpulse = false;
Exemplo n.º 22
void fff::kitty::moveRight(){
    if (rightimpulse){
    cpBodyApplyImpulse(body, (cpVect){640.f, 0.f}, cpvzero);
    rightimpulse = true;
Exemplo n.º 23
void fff::kitty::stopMovingLeft(){
    if (!leftimpulse){
    cpBodyApplyImpulse(body, (cpVect){640.f, 0.f}, cpvzero);
    leftimpulse = false;
Exemplo n.º 24
void fff::kitty::moveLeft(){
    if (leftimpulse){
    cpBodyApplyImpulse(body, (cpVect){-640.f, 0.f}, cpvzero);
    leftimpulse = true;
Exemplo n.º 25
void worldEnt_applyImpulse(WorldEntity_t *aEntity, vec2_t aImpulse, vec2_t aOffset)
    cpBodyApplyImpulse(aEntity->cpBody, VEC2_TO_CPV(aImpulse), VEC2_TO_CPV(aOffset));
Exemplo n.º 26
void bmx_body_applyimpulse(cpBody * body, cpVect * impulse, cpVect * offset) {
	cpBodyApplyImpulse(body, *impulse, *offset);
Exemplo n.º 27
static VALUE
rb_cpBodyApplyImpulse(VALUE self, VALUE j, VALUE r) {
  cpBodyApplyImpulse(BODY(self), *VGET(j), *VGET(r));
  return self;
Exemplo n.º 28
void physics_apply_impulse_at(Entity ent, Vec2 impulse, Vec2 at)
    PhysicsInfo *info = entitypool_get(pool, ent);
    cpBodyApplyImpulse(info->body, cpv_of_vec2(impulse), cpv_of_vec2(at));
Exemplo n.º 29
void wrBodyApplyImpulse(cpBody *b, cpVect *j, cpVect *r) {
    cpBodyApplyImpulse(b, *j, *r);
Exemplo n.º 30
void Player::jump(float force)
	cpBodyApplyImpulse(m_pBody, cpv(0.0, force), cpvzero);