Exemplo n.º 1
AudioSystem::AudioSystem( uint32_t buffer_num, uint32_t source_num ) :
    _allocator( (( sizeof(AudioSource)+sizeof(AudioBuffer))*source_num*2 ) + ((sizeof(string_hash)+sizeof(AudioBuffer))*buffer_num * 2) ),
    _sources( _allocator.allocate( (sizeof(AudioSource)+sizeof(AudioBuffer))*source_num+10, align_of<AudioSource>::value ), (sizeof(AudioSource)+sizeof(AudioBuffer))*source_num+10 ),
    _buffers( _allocator.allocate( (sizeof(string_hash)+sizeof(AudioBuffer))*buffer_num+10, align_of<string_hash>::value ), (sizeof(string_hash)+sizeof(AudioBuffer))*buffer_num+10 )
    _device = crap::openAudioDevice();
    _context = crap::createAudioContext( _device );

    crap::setAudioContextCurrent( _context );

    for( uint32_t i=0; i< source_num; ++i )
        AudioSource source;
        createAudioSources( &source, 1 );
        _sources.push_back( source, InvalidAudioBuffer );

    for( uint32_t i=0; i<buffer_num; ++i )
        AudioBuffer buffer;
        createAudioBuffers( &buffer, 1);
        _buffers.push_back(buffer, "" );

    const uint32_t memory = (( sizeof(AudioSource)+sizeof(AudioBuffer))*source_num*2 ) + ((sizeof(string_hash)+sizeof(AudioBuffer))*buffer_num * 2);
    crap::log( LOG_CHANNEL_CORE | LOG_TYPE_INFO | LOG_TARGET_COUT, "AudioSystem with %i bytes memory, max. %i buffers and max. %i sources created", memory, buffer_num, source_num );
    setAudioDopplerEffects(1.f, 1.f);

    float32_t zero[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
    float32_t one[3] = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f};
    float32_t dir[6] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f };
    setListenerData( zero, zero, dir );
Exemplo n.º 2
void BufferOverride::doTheProcess(float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleFrames, bool replacing)

//-------------------------SAFETY CHECK----------------------
    // no memory allocations during interrupt
    // there must have not been available memory or something (like WaveLab goofing up),
    // so try to allocate buffers now
    if ( (buffer1 == NULL)
            || (buffer2 == NULL)

    // if the creation failed, then abort audio processing
    if (buffer1 == NULL)
    if (buffer2 == NULL)

    // this is a handy value to have during LFO calculations & wasteful to recalculate at every sample

    // calculate this scaler value to minimize calculations later during processOutput()
//	float inputGain = 1.0f - fDryWetMix;
//	float outputGain = fDryWetMix;
    float inputGain = sqrtf(1.0f - fDryWetMix);
    float outputGain = sqrtf(fDryWetMix);

//-----------------------TEMPO STUFF---------------------------
    // figure out the current tempo if we're doing tempo sync
    if ( onOffTest(fBufferTempoSync) ||
            (onOffTest(divisorLFO->fTempoSync) || onOffTest(bufferLFO->fTempoSync)) )
        // calculate the tempo at the current processing buffer
        if ( (fTempo > 0.0f) || (hostCanDoTempo != 1) )	// get the tempo from the user parameter
            currentTempoBPS = tempoScaled(fTempo) / 60.0f;
            needResync = false;	// we don't want it true if we're not syncing to host tempo
        else	// get the tempo from the host
            timeInfo = getTimeInfo(kBeatSyncTimeInfoFlags);
            if (timeInfo)
                if (kVstTempoValid & timeInfo->flags)
                    currentTempoBPS = (float)timeInfo->tempo / 60.0f;
                    currentTempoBPS = tempoScaled(fTempo) / 60.0f;
//				currentTempoBPS = ((float)tempoAt(reportCurrentPosition())) / 600000.0f;
                // but zero & negative tempos are bad, so get the user tempo value instead if that happens
                if (currentTempoBPS <= 0.0f)
                    currentTempoBPS = tempoScaled(fTempo) / 60.0f;
                // check if audio playback has just restarted & reset buffer stuff if it has (for measure sync)
                if (timeInfo->flags & kVstTransportChanged)
                    needResync = true;
                    currentForcedBufferSize = 1;
                    writePos = 1;
                    minibufferSize = 1;
                    prevMinibufferSize = 0;
                    smoothcount = smoothDur = 0;
            else	// do the same stuff as above if the timeInfo gets a null pointer
                currentTempoBPS = tempoScaled(fTempo) / 60.0f;
                needResync = false;	// we don't want it true if we're not syncing to host tempo

//-----------------------AUDIO STUFF---------------------------
    // here we begin the audio output loop, which has two checkpoints at the beginning
    for (long samplecount = 0; (samplecount < sampleFrames); samplecount++)
        // check if it's the end of this minibuffer
        if (readPos >= minibufferSize)

        // store the latest input samples into the buffers
        buffer1[writePos] = inputs[0][samplecount];
        buffer2[writePos] = inputs[1][samplecount];

        // get the current output without any smoothing
        float out1 = buffer1[readPos];
        float out2 = buffer2[readPos];

        // and if smoothing is taking place, get the smoothed audio output
        if (smoothcount > 0)
            // crossfade between the current input & its corresponding overlap sample
//			out1 *= 1.0f - (smoothStep * (float)smoothcount);	// current
//			out1 += buffer1[readPos+prevMinibufferSize] * smoothStep*(float)smoothcount;	// + previous
//			float smoothfract = smoothStep * (float)smoothcount;
//			float newgain = sqrt(1.0f - smoothfract);
//			float oldgain = sqrt(smoothfract);
//			out1 = (out1 * newgain) + (buffer1[readPos+prevMinibufferSize] * oldgain);
//			out1 = (out1 * sqrtFadeIn) + (buffer1[readPos+prevMinibufferSize] * sqrtFadeOut);
            out1 = (out1 * fadeInGain) + (buffer1[readPos+prevMinibufferSize] * fadeOutGain);
//			out2 *= 1.0f - (smoothStep * (float)smoothcount);	// current
//			out2 += buffer2[readPos+prevMinibufferSize] * smoothStep*(float)smoothcount;	// + previous
//			out2 = (out2 * newgain) + (buffer2[readPos+prevMinibufferSize] * oldgain);
//			out2 = (out2 * sqrtFadeIn) + (buffer2[readPos+prevMinibufferSize] * sqrtFadeOut);
            out2 = (out2 * fadeInGain) + (buffer2[readPos+prevMinibufferSize] * fadeOutGain);
//			smoothFract += smoothStep;
//			sqrtFadeIn = 0.5f * (sqrtFadeIn + (smoothFract / sqrtFadeIn));
//			sqrtFadeOut = 0.5f * (sqrtFadeOut + ((1.0f-smoothFract) / sqrtFadeOut));
            fadeInGain = (fadeOutGain * imaginaryFadePart) + (fadeInGain * realFadePart);
            fadeOutGain = (realFadePart * fadeOutGain) - (imaginaryFadePart * fadeInGain);

        // write the output samples into the output stream
        if (replacing)
            outputs[0][samplecount] = (out1 * outputGain) + (inputs[0][samplecount] * inputGain);
            outputs[1][samplecount] = (out2 * outputGain) + (inputs[1][samplecount] * inputGain);
            outputs[0][samplecount] += (out1 * outputGain) + (inputs[0][samplecount] * inputGain);
            outputs[1][samplecount] += (out2 * outputGain) + (inputs[1][samplecount] * inputGain);

        // increment the position trackers

//-----------------------MIDI STUFF---------------------------
    // check to see if there may be a note or pitchbend message left over that hasn't been implemented
    if (midistuff->numBlockEvents > 0)
        long eventcount;
        for (eventcount = 0; eventcount < midistuff->numBlockEvents; eventcount++)
            if (isNote(midistuff->blockEvents[eventcount].status))
                // regardless of whether it's a note-on or note-off, we've found some note message
                oldNote = true;
                // store the note & update the notes table if it's a note-on message
                if (midistuff->blockEvents[eventcount].status == kMidiNoteOn)
                    lastNoteOn = midistuff->blockEvents[eventcount].byte1;
                    // since we're not doing the fDivisor updating yet, this needs to be falsed
                    divisorWasChangedByHand = false;
                // otherwise remove the note from the notes table
            else if (midistuff->blockEvents[eventcount].status == ccAllNotesOff)
                oldNote = true;
        for (eventcount = (midistuff->numBlockEvents-1); (eventcount >= 0); eventcount--)
            if (midistuff->blockEvents[eventcount].status == kMidiPitchbend)
                // set this pitchbend message as lastPitchbend
                lastPitchbend = midistuff->blockEvents[eventcount].byte2;
                break;	// leave this for loop

    // always reset numBlockEvents because processEvents() may not get called before the next process()
    midistuff->numBlockEvents = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
void PLUGIN::processX(float **in, float **outputs, long samples, 
		      int replacing) {
  // float these 3 temp variables are for preserving states when looping through channels
  int writertemp;
  double read1temp, read2temp;
  // int versions of these float values, for reducing casting operations
  int speed1int, speed2int, read1int, read2int;
  int lowpass1pos, lowpass2pos;	// position trackers for the lowpass filters
  float r1val, r2val;	// delay buffer output values
  double bsize_float = (double)bsize;	// cut down on casting
  int filterMode1, filterMode2;	// the type of filtering to use in ultra hi-fi mode
  float mug1, mug2;	// make-up gain for lowpass filtering
//  float quietNoise = 1.0e-15f;	// value added into the buffers to prevent denormals

#if MAC
  // no memory allocations during interrupt
  // there must have not been available memory or something (like WaveLab goofing up), 
  // so try to allocate buffers now
  if ( ((buf1[0] == NULL) || (buf2[0] == NULL)) 
       || ((buf1[1] == NULL) || (buf2[1] == NULL)) 
  // if the creation failed, then abort audio processing
  if ( (buf1[0] == NULL) || (buf2[0] == NULL) )
  if ( (buf1[1] == NULL) || (buf2[1] == NULL) )

  SAMPLERATE = getSampleRate();
  if (SAMPLERATE <= 0.0f)   SAMPLERATE = 44100.0f;	// don't let something goofy happen

  filterMode1 = filterMode2 = useNothing;	// reset these for now
  if (quality == ultrahifi)
    // check to see if we need to lowpass the first delay head & init coefficients if so
    if (speed1 > 1.0f)
      filterMode1 = useLowpassIIR;
      speed1int = (int)speed1;
      // it becomes too costly to try to IIR at > 5x speeds, so switch to FIR filtering
      if (speed1int >= 5)
        filterMode1 = useLowpassFIR;
        mug1 = powf( (speed1*0.2f), 0.78f );	// compensate for gain lost from filtering
        // update the coefficients only if necessary
        if (speed1hasChanged)
          calculateFIRidealLowpassCoefficients((SAMPLERATE/speed1)*SHELF_START_IIR, SAMPLERATE, numFIRtaps, firCoefficients1);
          applyKaiserWindow(numFIRtaps, firCoefficients1, 60.0f);
          speed1hasChanged = false;
      else if (speed1hasChanged)
        filter1[0].calculateLowpassCoefficients((SAMPLERATE/speed1)*SHELF_START_IIR, SAMPLERATE);
        speed1hasChanged = false;
    // we need to highpass the delay head to remove mega sub bass
      filterMode1 = useHighpass;
      if (speed1hasChanged)
        filter1[0].calculateHighpassCoefficients(33.3f/speed1, SAMPLERATE);
        speed1hasChanged = false;

    // check to see if we need to lowpass the second delay head & init coefficients if so
    if (speed2 > 1.0f)
      filterMode2 = useLowpassIIR;
      speed2int = (int)speed2;
      if (speed2int >= 5)
        filterMode2 = useLowpassFIR;
        mug2 = powf( (speed2*0.2f), 0.78f );	// compensate for gain lost from filtering
        if (speed2hasChanged)
          calculateFIRidealLowpassCoefficients((SAMPLERATE/speed2)*SHELF_START_IIR, SAMPLERATE, numFIRtaps, firCoefficients2);
          applyKaiserWindow(numFIRtaps, firCoefficients2, 60.0f);
          speed2hasChanged = false;
      else if (speed2hasChanged)
        filter2[0].calculateLowpassCoefficients((SAMPLERATE/speed2)*SHELF_START_IIR, SAMPLERATE);
        speed2hasChanged = false;
    // we need to highpass the delay head to remove mega sub bass
      filterMode2 = useHighpass;
      if (speed2hasChanged)
        filter2[0].calculateHighpassCoefficients(33.3f/speed2, SAMPLERATE);
        speed2hasChanged = false;

  /////////////   M A R C S O U N D   //////////////
  // do it proper
  if (!tomsound) {
    // store these so that they can be restored before the next loop iteration
    read1temp = read1;
    read2temp = read2;
    writertemp = writer;

    for(int i=0; i < NUM_CHANNELS; i++) {	// channels loop
      lowpass1pos = (int)read1;
      lowpass2pos = (int)read2;

      for(long j=0; j < samples; j++) {	// samples loop

        read1int = (int)read1;
        read2int = (int)read2;

        /* read from read heads */
          // no interpolation or filtering
          case dirtfi:
            r1val = buf1[i][read1int];
            r2val = buf2[i][read2int];
          // spline interpolation, but no filtering
          case hifi:
//            r1val = interpolateLinear(buf1[i], read1, bsize, writer-read1int);
            r1val = interpolateHermite(buf1[i], read1, bsize, writer-read1int);
            r2val = interpolateHermite(buf2[i], read2, bsize, writer-read2int);
          // spline interpolation plus anti-aliasing lowpass filtering for high speeds 
          // or sub-bass-removing highpass filtering for low speeds
          case ultrahifi:
            float lp1, lp2;
            switch (filterMode1)
              case useHighpass:
              case useLowpassIIR:
                // interpolate the values in the IIR output history
                r1val = interpolateHermitePostFilter(&filter1[i], read1);
              case useLowpassFIR:
                // get 2 consecutive FIR output values for linear interpolation
                lp1 = processFIRfilter(buf1[i], numFIRtaps, firCoefficients1, 
                                       (read1int-numFIRtaps+bsize)%bsize, bsize);
                lp2 = processFIRfilter(buf1[i], numFIRtaps, firCoefficients1, 
                                       (read1int-numFIRtaps+1+bsize)%bsize, bsize);
                // interpolate output linearly (avoid shit sound) & compensate gain
                r1val = interpolateLinear2values(lp1, lp2, read1) * mug1;
                r1val = interpolateHermite(buf1[i], read1, bsize, writer-read1int);
            switch (filterMode2)
              case useHighpass:
              case useLowpassIIR:
                // interpolate the values in the IIR output history
                r2val = interpolateHermitePostFilter(&filter2[i], read2);
              case useLowpassFIR:
                // get 2 consecutive FIR output values for linear interpolation
                lp1 = processFIRfilter(buf2[i], numFIRtaps, firCoefficients2, 
                                       (read2int-numFIRtaps+bsize)%bsize, bsize);
                lp2 = processFIRfilter(buf2[i], numFIRtaps, firCoefficients2, 
                                       (read2int-numFIRtaps+1+bsize)%bsize, bsize);
                // interpolate output linearly (avoid shit sound) & compensate gain
                r2val = interpolateLinear2values(lp1, lp2, read2) * mug2;
                r2val = interpolateHermite(buf2[i], read2, bsize, writer-read2int);
          // dirt-fi style again for the safety net
            r1val = buf1[i][read1int];
            r2val = buf2[i][read2int];
        }	// end of quality switch

        // crossfade the last stored smoothing sample with 
        // the current sample if smoothing is in progress
        if (smoothcount1[i]) {
          r1val = ( r1val * (1.0f - (smoothstep1[i]*(float)smoothcount1[i])) ) 
                  + (lastr1val[i] * smoothstep1[i]*(float)smoothcount1[i]);
        if (smoothcount2[i]) {
          r2val = ( r2val * (1.0f - (smoothstep2[i]*(float)smoothcount2[i])) ) 
                  + (lastr2val[i] * smoothstep2[i]*(float)smoothcount2[i]);
        /* then write into buffer (w/ feedback) */

        // mix very quiet noise (-300 dB) into the input singal 
        // to hopefully avoid any denormal values from IIR filtering
/*        buf1[i][writer] = in[i][j] + (feed1 * r1val * mix1) + quietNoise;
        buf2[i][writer] = in[i][j] + (feed2 * r2val * mix2) + quietNoise;
        quietNoise = -quietNoise;	// flip its sign
        buf1[i][writer] = in[i][j] + (feed1 * r1val * mix1);
        buf2[i][writer] = in[i][j] + (feed2 * r2val * mix2);

        /* make output */
        if (replacing) 
          outputs[i][j] = (in[i][j]*drymix) + (r1val*mix1) + (r2val*mix2);
          outputs[i][j] += (in[i][j]*drymix) + (r1val*mix1) + (r2val*mix2);

        /* start smoothing stuff if the writer has 
           passed a reader or vice versa.
             (check the positions before wrapping around the heads)

        if ( ( (read1int < writer) && 
               (((int)(read1+(double)speed1)) >= (writer+1)) ) || 
             ( (read1int >= writer) && 
               (((int)(read1+(double)speed1)) <= (writer+1)) ) ) {
        /* check because, at slow speeds, 
        it's possible to go into this twice or more in a row */
          if (smoothcount1[i] <= 0) {
            // store the most recent output as the channel 1 smoothing sample
            lastr1val[i] = r1val;
            // truncate the smoothing duration if we're using too small of a buffer size
            smoothdur1[i] = 
              (SMOOTH_DUR > (int)(bsize_float/(double)speed1)) ? 
              (int)(bsize_float/(double)speed1) : SMOOTH_DUR;
            smoothstep1[i] = 1.0f / (float)smoothdur1[i];	// the scalar step value
            smoothcount1[i] = smoothdur1[i];	// set the counter to the total duration

        // channel 2 smoothing stuff
        if ( ( (read2int < writer) && 
               (((int)(read2+(double)speed2)) >= (writer+1)) ) || 
             ( (read2int >= writer) && 
               (((int)(read2+(double)speed2)) <= (writer+1)) ) ) {
          if (smoothcount2[i] <= 0) {
            // store the most recent output as the channel 2 smoothing sample
            lastr2val[i] = r2val;
            // truncate the smoothing duration if we're using too small of a buffer size
            smoothdur2[i] = 
              (SMOOTH_DUR > (int)(bsize_float/(double)speed2)) ? 
              (int)(bsize_float/(double)speed2) : SMOOTH_DUR;
            smoothstep2[i] = 1.0f / (float)smoothdur2[i];	// the scalar step value
            smoothcount2[i] = smoothdur2[i];	// set the counter to the total duration

        /* update rw heads */
        read1 += (double)speed1;
        read2 += (double)speed2;

        // wrap around the rw heads if they've gone past the end of the buffer
        writer %= bsize;
        if (read1 >= bsize_float)
          read1 = fmod(fabs(read1), bsize_float);
        if (read2 >= bsize_float)
          read2 = fmod(fabs(read2), bsize_float);

        // if we're doing IIR lowpass filtering, 
        // then we probably need to process a few consecutive samples in order 
        // to get the continuous impulse (or whatever you call that), 
        // probably whatever the speed multiplier is, that's how many samples
        if (filterMode1 == useLowpassIIR)
          int lowpasscount = 0;
          while (lowpasscount < speed1int)
            switch (speed1int - lowpasscount)
              case 1:
                lowpass1pos = (lowpass1pos + 1) % bsize;
              case 2:
                filter1[i].processH2(buf1[i], lowpass1pos, bsize);
                lowpass1pos = (lowpass1pos + 2) % bsize;
                lowpasscount += 2;
              case 3:
                filter1[i].processH3(buf1[i], lowpass1pos, bsize);
                lowpass1pos = (lowpass1pos + 3) % bsize;
                lowpasscount += 3;
                filter1[i].processH4(buf1[i], lowpass1pos, bsize);
                lowpass1pos = (lowpass1pos + 4) % bsize;
                lowpasscount += 4;
          read1int = (int)read1;
          // make sure that we don't need to do one more sample
          if ( ((lowpass1pos < read1int) && ((lowpass1pos+1) == read1int)) ||
               ((lowpass1pos == (bsize-1)) && (read1int == 0)) )
            lowpass1pos = (lowpass1pos+1) % bsize;
        // it's simpler for highpassing; 
        // we may not even need to process anything for this sample
        else if (filterMode1 == useHighpass)
          // only if we've traversed to a new integer sample position
          if ((int)read1 != read1int)

        // channel 2 filtering stuff
        if (filterMode2 == useLowpassIIR)
          int lowpasscount = 0;
          while (lowpasscount < speed2int)
            switch (speed2int - lowpasscount)
              case 1:
                lowpass2pos = (lowpass2pos + 1) % bsize;
              case 2:
                filter2[i].processH2(buf2[i], lowpass2pos, bsize);
                lowpass2pos = (lowpass2pos + 2) % bsize;
                lowpasscount += 2;
              case 3:
                filter2[i].processH3(buf2[i], lowpass2pos, bsize);
                lowpass2pos = (lowpass2pos + 3) % bsize;
                lowpasscount += 3;
                filter2[i].processH4(buf2[i], lowpass2pos, bsize);
                lowpass2pos = (lowpass2pos + 4) % bsize;
                lowpasscount += 4;
          read2int = (int)read2;
          if ( ((lowpass2pos < read2int) && ((lowpass2pos+1) == read2int)) ||
               ((lowpass2pos == (bsize-1)) && (read2int == 0)) )
            lowpass2pos = (lowpass2pos+1) % bsize;
        else if (filterMode2 == useHighpass)
          if ((int)read2 != read2int)
      }	/* end of samples loop */

      if (i == 0) {
        // restore these place-holders for the second loop iteration
        read1 = read1temp;
        read2 = read2temp;
        writer = writertemp;
    }	/* end of channels loop */
  }	/* end of if(TOMSOUND) */

  /////////////   T O M S O U N D   //////////////
  else {
      for(long j=0; j < samples; j++) {
        for(int i=0; i < NUM_CHANNELS; i++) {

	  /* read from read heads */

	  switch(quality) {
	    case dirtfi:
	      r1val = mix1 * buf1[i][(int)read1];
	      r2val = mix2 * buf1[i][(int)read2];
	    case hifi:
	    case ultrahifi:
	      r1val = mix1 * interpolateHermite(buf1[i], read1, bsize, 333);
	      r2val = mix2 * interpolateHermite(buf1[i], read2, bsize, 333);
	      r1val = mix1 * buf1[i][(int)read1];
	      r2val = mix2 * buf1[i][(int)read2];

	  /* then write into buffer (w/ feedback) */

	  buf1[i][writer] = 
	    in[i][j] + 
	    feed1 * r1val + 
	    feed2 * r2val;
	  /* update rw heads */
	  writer %= bsize;

	  read1 += (double)speed1;
	  read2 += (double)speed2;

	  if (read1 >= bsize_float)
	    read1 = fmod(fabs(read1), bsize_float);
	  if (read2 >= bsize_float)
	    read2 = fmod(fabs(read2), bsize_float);

	  /* make output */
	  if (replacing) 
	    outputs[i][j] = in[i][j] * drymix + r1val + r2val;
	    outputs[i][j] += in[i][j] * drymix + r1val + r2val;

Exemplo n.º 4
void transverb::resume() {

  bsize = bufferScaled(fBsize);