Exemplo n.º 1
int PeakIntegration::fitneighbours(int ipeak, std::string det_name, int x0,
                                   int y0, int idet, double qspan,
                                   PeaksWorkspace_sptr &Peaks,
                                   const detid2index_map &pixel_to_wi) {
  Geometry::IPeak &peak = Peaks->getPeak(ipeak);
  // Number of slices
  int TOFmax = 0;

  IAlgorithm_sptr slice_alg = createChildAlgorithm("IntegratePeakTimeSlices");
  slice_alg->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("InputWorkspace", inputW);
  std::ostringstream tab_str;
  tab_str << "LogTable" << ipeak;

  slice_alg->setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", tab_str.str());
  slice_alg->setProperty<PeaksWorkspace_sptr>("Peaks", Peaks);
  slice_alg->setProperty("PeakIndex", ipeak);
  slice_alg->setProperty("PeakQspan", qspan);

  int nPixels = std::max<int>(0, getProperty("NBadEdgePixels"));

  slice_alg->setProperty("NBadEdgePixels", nPixels);

  MantidVec &Xout = outputW->dataX(idet);
  MantidVec &Yout = outputW->dataY(idet);
  MantidVec &Eout = outputW->dataE(idet);
  TableWorkspace_sptr logtable = slice_alg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");


  TOFmax = static_cast<int>(logtable->rowCount());
  for (int iTOF = 0; iTOF < TOFmax; iTOF++) {
    Xout[iTOF] = logtable->getRef<double>(std::string("Time"), iTOF);
    if (m_IC) // Ikeda-Carpenter fit
      Yout[iTOF] = logtable->getRef<double>(std::string("TotIntensity"), iTOF);
      Eout[iTOF] =
          logtable->getRef<double>(std::string("TotIntensityError"), iTOF);
    } else {
      Yout[iTOF] = logtable->getRef<double>(std::string("ISAWIntensity"), iTOF);
      Eout[iTOF] =
          logtable->getRef<double>(std::string("ISAWIntensityError"), iTOF);

  // Find the pixel ID at that XY position on the rectangular detector
  int pixelID = peak.getDetectorID(); // det->getAtXY(x0,y0)->getID();

  // Find the corresponding workspace index, if any
  auto wiEntry = pixel_to_wi.find(pixelID);
  if (wiEntry != pixel_to_wi.end()) {
    size_t wi = wiEntry->second;
    // Set detectorIDs

  return TOFmax - 1;
void HFIRDarkCurrentSubtraction::exec()
  std::string output_message = "";
  // Reduction property manager
  const std::string reductionManagerName = getProperty("ReductionProperties");
  boost::shared_ptr<PropertyManager> reductionManager;
  if (PropertyManagerDataService::Instance().doesExist(reductionManagerName))
    reductionManager = PropertyManagerDataService::Instance().retrieve(reductionManagerName);
    reductionManager = boost::make_shared<PropertyManager>();
    PropertyManagerDataService::Instance().addOrReplace(reductionManagerName, reductionManager);

  // If the load algorithm isn't in the reduction properties, add it
  const bool persistent = getProperty("PersistentCorrection");
  if (!reductionManager->existsProperty("DarkCurrentAlgorithm") && persistent)
    AlgorithmProperty *algProp = new AlgorithmProperty("DarkCurrentAlgorithm");

  Progress progress(this,0.0,1.0,10);

  MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  const std::string fileName = getPropertyValue("Filename");
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr darkWS;
  std::string darkWSName = getPropertyValue("OutputDarkCurrentWorkspace");

  progress.report("Subtracting dark current");

  // Look for an entry for the dark current in the reduction table
  Poco::Path path(fileName);
  const std::string entryName = "DarkCurrent"+path.getBaseName();

  if (reductionManager->existsProperty(entryName))
    darkWS = reductionManager->getProperty(entryName);
    darkWSName = reductionManager->getPropertyValue(entryName);
    output_message += darkWSName + '\n';
  } else {
    // Load the dark current if we don't have it already
    if (darkWSName.size()==0)
      darkWSName = "__dark_current_"+path.getBaseName();
      setPropertyValue("OutputDarkCurrentWorkspace", darkWSName);

    IAlgorithm_sptr loadAlg;
    if (!reductionManager->existsProperty("LoadAlgorithm"))
      loadAlg = createChildAlgorithm("HFIRLoad", 0.1, 0.3);
      loadAlg->setProperty("Filename", fileName);
      loadAlg->setProperty("ReductionProperties", reductionManagerName);
    } else {
      IAlgorithm_sptr loadAlg0 = reductionManager->getProperty("LoadAlgorithm");
      const std::string loadString = loadAlg0->toString();
      loadAlg = Algorithm::fromString(loadString);
      loadAlg->setProperty("Filename", fileName);
      loadAlg->setProperty("ReductionProperties", reductionManagerName);
      loadAlg->setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", darkWSName);
    darkWS = loadAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
    output_message += "\n   Loaded " + fileName + "\n";
    if (loadAlg->existsProperty("OutputMessage"))
      std::string msg = loadAlg->getPropertyValue("OutputMessage");
      output_message += "   |" + Poco::replace(msg, "\n", "\n   |") + "\n";

    setProperty("OutputDarkCurrentWorkspace", darkWS);
    reductionManager->declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<>(entryName,"",Direction::Output));
    reductionManager->setPropertyValue(entryName, darkWSName);
    reductionManager->setProperty(entryName, darkWS);
  progress.report(3, "Loaded dark current");

  // Perform subtraction
  double darkTimer = getCountingTime(darkWS);
  double dataTimer = getCountingTime(inputWS);
  IAlgorithm_sptr scaleAlg = createChildAlgorithm("Scale", 0.3, 0.5);
  scaleAlg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", darkWS);
  scaleAlg->setProperty("Factor", dataTimer/darkTimer);
  scaleAlg->setProperty("Operation", "Multiply");
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr scaledDarkWS = scaleAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

  // Zero out timer and monitor so that we don't subtract them out
  for(size_t i=0; i<scaledDarkWS->dataY(0).size(); i++)
  IAlgorithm_sptr minusAlg = createChildAlgorithm("Minus", 0.5, 0.7);
  minusAlg->setProperty("LHSWorkspace", inputWS);
  minusAlg->setProperty("RHSWorkspace", scaledDarkWS);
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
  minusAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWS);
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr correctedWS = minusAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", correctedWS);
  setProperty("OutputMessage", "Dark current subtracted: "+output_message);

  progress.report("Subtracted dark current");

    IAlgorithm_sptr algo = createChildAlgorithm("CreateWorkspace", 0.7, 1.0);
    algo->setProperty< std::vector<double> >("DataX", std::vector<double>(2,0.0) );
    algo->setProperty< std::vector<double> >("DataY", y_values );
    algo->setProperty< std::vector<double> >("DataE", e_values );
    algo->setProperty<int>("NSpec", numSpec );

    inputWS = algo->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
    WorkspaceFactory::Instance().initializeFromParent(inputWSWvl, inputWS, false);
    // Sum up all the wavelength bins
    IAlgorithm_sptr childAlg = createChildAlgorithm("Integration");
    childAlg->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("InputWorkspace", inputWSWvl);
    inputWS = childAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

  // Define box around center of mass so that only pixels in an area
  // _centered_ on the latest center position are considered. At each
  // iteration we will recompute the bounding box, and we will make
  // it as large as possible. The largest box is defined as:
  double xmin0 = 0;
  double xmax0 = 0;
  double ymin0 = 0;
  double ymax0 = 0;

  // Starting values for the bounding box and the center
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Converts the output workspace back to histogram data if it was
 * converted to point data previously
void SplineSmoothing::convertToHistogram() {
  auto alg = createChildAlgorithm("ConvertToHistogram");
  alg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", m_outputWorkspace);
  m_outputWorkspace = alg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Call Fit as child algorithm for each spectra
 * @param index : the workspace index
void FindEPP::fitGaussian(int64_t index) {
  size_t spectrum = static_cast<size_t>(index);
  m_outWS->cell<int>(spectrum, 0) = static_cast<int>(spectrum);

  const auto &x = m_inWS->x(spectrum).rawData();
  const auto &y = m_inWS->y(spectrum).rawData();
  const auto &e = m_inWS->e(spectrum).rawData();

  // Find the maximum value and it's index
  const auto maxIt = std::max_element(y.begin(), y.end());
  const double height = *maxIt;
  size_t maxIndex = static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(y.begin(), maxIt));

  if (height > 0) {
    // Find how many bins are around maximum, that are above half-maximum
    // Initialize the distances of the half-maxima bins from maximum
    size_t leftHalf = maxIndex, rightHalf = x.size() - maxIndex - 1;

    // Find the first bin on the right side of maximum, that drops below
    // half-maximum
    for (auto it = maxIt; it != y.end(); ++it) {
      if (*it < 0.5 * height) {
        rightHalf = it - maxIt - 1;

    // Find the first bin on the left side of maximum, that drops below
    // half-maximum
    for (auto it = maxIt; it != y.begin(); --it) {
      if (*it < 0.5 * height) {
        leftHalf = maxIt - it - 1;
    g_log.debug() << "Peak in spectrum #" << spectrum
                  << " has last bins above 0.5*max at " << leftHalf << "\t"
                  << rightHalf << "\n";

    // We want to fit only if there are at least 3 bins (including the maximum
    // itself) above half-maximum
    if (rightHalf + leftHalf >= 2) {

      // Prepare the initial parameters for the fit
      double fwhm = x[maxIndex + rightHalf] - x[maxIndex - leftHalf];
      double sigma = fwhm / (2. * sqrt(2. * log(2.)));
      double center = x[maxIndex];
      double start = center - 3. * fwhm;
      double end = center + 3. * fwhm;

      std::stringstream function;
      function << "name=Gaussian,PeakCentre=";
      function << center << ",Height=" << height << ",Sigma=" << sigma;

      g_log.debug() << "Fitting spectrum #" << spectrum
                    << " with: " << function.str() << "\n";

      IAlgorithm_sptr fitAlg = createChildAlgorithm("Fit", 0., 0., false);
      fitAlg->setProperty("Function", function.str());
      fitAlg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", m_inWS);
      fitAlg->setProperty("WorkspaceIndex", static_cast<int>(spectrum));
      fitAlg->setProperty("StartX", start);
      fitAlg->setProperty("EndX", end);
      fitAlg->setProperty("CreateOutput", true);
      fitAlg->setProperty("OutputParametersOnly", true);

      const std::string status = fitAlg->getProperty("OutputStatus");
      ITableWorkspace_sptr fitResult = fitAlg->getProperty("OutputParameters");

      if (status == "success") {
        m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 1) = fitResult->cell<double>(1, 1);
        m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 2) = fitResult->cell<double>(1, 2);
        m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 3) = fitResult->cell<double>(2, 1);
        m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 4) = fitResult->cell<double>(2, 2);
        m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 5) = fitResult->cell<double>(0, 1);
        m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 6) = fitResult->cell<double>(0, 2);
        m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 7) = fitResult->cell<double>(3, 1);
        m_outWS->cell<std::string>(spectrum, 8) = status;
      } else {
        g_log.debug() << "Fit failed in spectrum #" << spectrum
                      << ". \nReason :" << status
                      << ". \nSetting the maximum.\n";
        m_outWS->cell<std::string>(spectrum, 8) = "fitFailed";
        m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 1) = x[maxIndex];
        m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 2) = 0.;
        m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 5) = height;
        m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 6) = e[maxIndex];

    } else {
      g_log.information() << "Found <=3 bins above half maximum in spectrum #"
                          << index << ". Not fitting.\n";
      m_outWS->cell<std::string>(spectrum, 8) = "narrowPeak";
      m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 1) = x[maxIndex];
      m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 2) = 0.;
      m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 5) = height;
      m_outWS->cell<double>(spectrum, 6) = e[maxIndex];
  } else {
    g_log.notice() << "Negative maximum in spectrum #" << spectrum
                   << ". Skipping.\n";
    m_outWS->cell<std::string>(spectrum, 8) = "negativeMaximum";
Exemplo n.º 6
void SANSSensitivityCorrection::exec() {
  // Output log
  m_output_message = "";

  Progress progress(this, 0.0, 1.0, 10);

  // Reduction property manager
  const std::string reductionManagerName = getProperty("ReductionProperties");
  boost::shared_ptr<PropertyManager> reductionManager;
  if (PropertyManagerDataService::Instance().doesExist(reductionManagerName)) {
    reductionManager =
  } else {
    reductionManager = boost::make_shared<PropertyManager>();

  if (!reductionManager->existsProperty("SensitivityAlgorithm")) {
    auto algProp = make_unique<AlgorithmProperty>("SensitivityAlgorithm");

  progress.report("Loading sensitivity file");
  const std::string fileName = getPropertyValue("Filename");

  // Look for an entry for the dark current in the reduction table
  Poco::Path path(fileName);
  const std::string entryName = "Sensitivity" + path.getBaseName();
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr floodWS;
  std::string floodWSName = "__sensitivity_" + path.getBaseName();

  if (reductionManager->existsProperty(entryName)) {
    std::string wsName = reductionManager->getPropertyValue(entryName);
    floodWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(
    m_output_message += "   |Using " + wsName + "\n";
        << "SANSSensitivityCorrection :: Using sensitivity workspace: "
        << wsName << "\n";
  } else {
    // Load the flood field if we don't have it already
    // First, try to determine whether we need to load data or a sensitivity
    // workspace...
    if (!floodWS && fileCheck(fileName)) {
      g_log.debug() << "SANSSensitivityCorrection :: Loading sensitivity file: "
                    << fileName << "\n";
      IAlgorithm_sptr loadAlg = createChildAlgorithm("Load", 0.1, 0.3);
      loadAlg->setProperty("Filename", fileName);
      Workspace_sptr floodWS_ws = loadAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
      floodWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(floodWS_ws);

      // Check that it's really a sensitivity file
      if (!floodWS->run().hasProperty("is_sensitivity")) {
        // Reset pointer
        g_log.error() << "A processed Mantid workspace was loaded but it "
                         "wasn't a sensitivity file!\n";

    // ... if we don't, just load the data and process it
    if (!floodWS) {
      // Read in default beam center
      double center_x = getProperty("BeamCenterX");
      double center_y = getProperty("BeamCenterY");
      if (isEmpty(center_x) || isEmpty(center_y)) {
        if (reductionManager->existsProperty("LatestBeamCenterX") &&
            reductionManager->existsProperty("LatestBeamCenterY")) {
          center_x = reductionManager->getProperty("LatestBeamCenterX");
          center_y = reductionManager->getProperty("LatestBeamCenterY");
          m_output_message +=
              "   |Setting beam center to [" +
              Poco::NumberFormatter::format(center_x, 1) + ", " +
              Poco::NumberFormatter::format(center_y, 1) + "]\n";
        } else
          m_output_message += "   |No beam center provided: skipping!\n";

      const std::string rawFloodWSName = "__flood_data_" + path.getBaseName();
      MatrixWorkspace_sptr rawFloodWS;
      if (!reductionManager->existsProperty("LoadAlgorithm")) {
        IAlgorithm_sptr loadAlg = createChildAlgorithm("Load", 0.1, 0.3);
        loadAlg->setProperty("Filename", fileName);
        if (!isEmpty(center_x) && loadAlg->existsProperty("BeamCenterX"))
          loadAlg->setProperty("BeamCenterX", center_x);
        if (!isEmpty(center_y) && loadAlg->existsProperty("BeamCenterY"))
          loadAlg->setProperty("BeamCenterY", center_y);
        loadAlg->setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", rawFloodWSName);
        Workspace_sptr tmpWS = loadAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
        rawFloodWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(tmpWS);
        m_output_message += "   | Loaded " + fileName + " (Load algorithm)\n";
      } else {
        // Get load algorithm as a string so that we can create a completely
        // new proxy and ensure that we don't overwrite existing properties
        IAlgorithm_sptr loadAlg0 =
        const std::string loadString = loadAlg0->toString();
        IAlgorithm_sptr loadAlg = Algorithm::fromString(loadString);
        loadAlg->setProperty("Filename", fileName);
        loadAlg->setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", rawFloodWSName);
        if (!isEmpty(center_x) && loadAlg->existsProperty("BeamCenterX"))
          loadAlg->setProperty("BeamCenterX", center_x);
        if (!isEmpty(center_y) && loadAlg->existsProperty("BeamCenterY"))
          loadAlg->setProperty("BeamCenterY", center_y);
        rawFloodWS = loadAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
        m_output_message += "   |Loaded " + fileName + "\n";
        if (loadAlg->existsProperty("OutputMessage")) {
          std::string msg = loadAlg->getPropertyValue("OutputMessage");
          m_output_message +=
              "   |" + Poco::replace(msg, "\n", "\n   |") + "\n";

      // Check whether we just loaded a flood field data set, or the actual
      // sensitivity
      if (!rawFloodWS->run().hasProperty("is_sensitivity")) {
        const std::string darkCurrentFile = getPropertyValue("DarkCurrentFile");

        // Look for a dark current subtraction algorithm
        std::string dark_result;
        if (reductionManager->existsProperty("DarkCurrentAlgorithm")) {
          IAlgorithm_sptr darkAlg =
          darkAlg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", rawFloodWS);
          darkAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", rawFloodWS);

          // Execute as-is if we use the sample dark current, otherwise check
          // whether a dark current file was provided.
          // Otherwise do nothing
          if (getProperty("UseSampleDC")) {
            if (darkAlg->existsProperty("OutputMessage"))
              dark_result = darkAlg->getPropertyValue("OutputMessage");
          } else if (!darkCurrentFile.empty()) {
            darkAlg->setProperty("Filename", darkCurrentFile);
            darkAlg->setProperty("PersistentCorrection", false);
            if (darkAlg->existsProperty("OutputMessage"))
              dark_result = darkAlg->getPropertyValue("OutputMessage");
              dark_result = "   Dark current subtracted\n";
        } else if (!darkCurrentFile.empty()) {
          // We need to subtract the dark current for the flood field but no
          // dark
          // current subtraction was set for the sample! Use the default dark
          // current algorithm if we can find it.
          if (reductionManager->existsProperty("DefaultDarkCurrentAlgorithm")) {
            IAlgorithm_sptr darkAlg =
            darkAlg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", rawFloodWS);
            darkAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", rawFloodWS);
            darkAlg->setProperty("Filename", darkCurrentFile);
            darkAlg->setProperty("PersistentCorrection", false);
            if (darkAlg->existsProperty("OutputMessage"))
              dark_result = darkAlg->getPropertyValue("OutputMessage");
          } else {
            // We are running out of options
            g_log.error() << "No dark current algorithm provided to load ["
                          << getPropertyValue("DarkCurrentFile")
                          << "]: skipped!\n";
            dark_result = "   No dark current algorithm provided: skipped\n";
        m_output_message +=
            "   |" + Poco::replace(dark_result, "\n", "\n   |") + "\n";

        // Look for solid angle correction algorithm
        if (reductionManager->existsProperty("SANSSolidAngleCorrection")) {
          IAlgorithm_sptr solidAlg =
          solidAlg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", rawFloodWS);
          solidAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", rawFloodWS);
          std::string msg = "Solid angle correction applied\n";
          if (solidAlg->existsProperty("OutputMessage"))
            msg = solidAlg->getPropertyValue("OutputMessage");
          m_output_message +=
              "   |" + Poco::replace(msg, "\n", "\n   |") + "\n";

        // Apply transmission correction as needed
        double floodTransmissionValue = getProperty("FloodTransmissionValue");
        double floodTransmissionError = getProperty("FloodTransmissionError");

        if (!isEmpty(floodTransmissionValue)) {
          g_log.debug() << "SANSSensitivityCorrection :: Applying transmission "
                           "to flood field\n";
          IAlgorithm_sptr transAlg =
          transAlg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", rawFloodWS);
          transAlg->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", rawFloodWS);
          transAlg->setProperty("TransmissionValue", floodTransmissionValue);
          transAlg->setProperty("TransmissionError", floodTransmissionError);
          transAlg->setProperty("ThetaDependent", true);
          rawFloodWS = transAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
          m_output_message += "   |Applied transmission to flood field\n";

        // Calculate detector sensitivity
        IAlgorithm_sptr effAlg = createChildAlgorithm("CalculateEfficiency");
        effAlg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", rawFloodWS);

        const double minEff = getProperty("MinEfficiency");
        const double maxEff = getProperty("MaxEfficiency");
        const std::string maskFullComponent =
        const std::string maskEdges = getPropertyValue("MaskedEdges");
        const std::string maskComponent = getPropertyValue("MaskedComponent");

        effAlg->setProperty("MinEfficiency", minEff);
        effAlg->setProperty("MaxEfficiency", maxEff);
        effAlg->setProperty("MaskedFullComponent", maskFullComponent);
        effAlg->setProperty("MaskedEdges", maskEdges);
        effAlg->setProperty("MaskedComponent", maskComponent);
        floodWS = effAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
      } else {
        floodWS = rawFloodWS;
      // Patch as needed
      if (reductionManager->existsProperty("SensitivityPatchAlgorithm")) {
        IAlgorithm_sptr patchAlg =
        patchAlg->setProperty("Workspace", floodWS);
        m_output_message += "   |Sensitivity patch applied\n";

      floodWS->mutableRun().addProperty("is_sensitivity", 1, "", true);
    std::string floodWSOutputName =
    if (floodWSOutputName.empty()) {
      setPropertyValue("OutputSensitivityWorkspace", floodWSName);
      AnalysisDataService::Instance().addOrReplace(floodWSName, floodWS);
          Kernel::make_unique<WorkspaceProperty<>>(entryName, floodWSName,
      reductionManager->setPropertyValue(entryName, floodWSName);
      reductionManager->setProperty(entryName, floodWS);
    setProperty("OutputSensitivityWorkspace", floodWS);

  progress.report(3, "Loaded flood field");

  // Check whether we need to apply the correction to a workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  if (inputWS) {
    // Divide sample data by detector efficiency
    IAlgorithm_sptr divideAlg = createChildAlgorithm("Divide", 0.6, 0.7);
    divideAlg->setProperty("LHSWorkspace", inputWS);
    divideAlg->setProperty("RHSWorkspace", floodWS);
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = divideAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

    // Copy over the efficiency's masked pixels to the reduced workspace
    IAlgorithm_sptr maskAlg = createChildAlgorithm("MaskDetectors", 0.75, 0.85);
    maskAlg->setProperty("Workspace", outputWS);
    maskAlg->setProperty("MaskedWorkspace", floodWS);

    setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWS);
              "Sensitivity correction computed\n" + m_output_message);

  progress.report("Performed sensitivity correction");