Graph(std::map<int,Read*> reads,std::vector<Overlap*> overlaps){ createVertices(reads); createEdges(overlaps); std::cout <<toString()<<"\n"; removeEmptyVertices(); for(Vertex *v:vertices){ v->sortEdges(); } }
void graph::loadFile(string filename) { string data1, data2; fstream file;; while (getline(file, data1)){ data2 = data1.substr(data1.find(';') + 1); data1 = data1.erase(data1.find(';'), data1.length()); adjacencyList.emplace(coordSet(stoi(data1.substr(0, data1.find(',') + 1)), stoi(data1.substr(data1.find(',') + 1)), stoi(data2.substr(0, data2.find(',') + 1)), stoi(data2.substr(data2.find(',') + 1))), neighbors); } createEdges(); }
Facet::Facet(Vertex *a, Vertex *b, Vertex *c) { m_vertices[0] = a; m_vertices[1] = b; m_vertices[2] = c; Vector3F e0 = *b->m_v - *a->m_v; e0.normalize(); Vector3F e1 = *c->m_v - *a->m_v; e1.normalize(); m_normal = e0.cross(e1); m_normal.normalize(); createEdges(); m_area = Facet::cumputeArea(a->m_v, b->m_v, c->m_v); }
CGImageRef Image::createAbstraction(float stylization, uint quantization) { pixel4b *rgbPixels = (pixel4b *) CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(_data); // Convert from RGB to Lab colorspace to perform operations on lightness channel. RGBtoLab(rgbPixels, _pixels); // Initial bilateral filter. bilateral(); // Extract edges. pixel3f *edges = createEdges(stylization); // Additional bilateral filtering. bilateral(); bilateral(); // Quantize lightness channel. quantize(quantization); // Overlay edges. overlayEdges(edges); // Convert back to RGB colorspace. LabtoRGB(_pixels, rgbPixels); // Create an image from the modified data. CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate( rgbPixels, _width, _height, _bitsPerComponent, _bytesPerRow, _colorSpaceRef, _bitmapInfo ); CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context); delete[] edges; return image; }
Facet::Facet(Vertex *a, Vertex *b, Vertex *c, Vector3F *d) { m_vertices[0] = a; m_vertices[1] = b; m_vertices[2] = c; Vector3F e0 = *b->m_v - *a->m_v; e0.normalize(); Vector3F e1 = *c->m_v - *a->m_v; e1.normalize(); m_normal = e0.cross(e1); m_normal.normalize(); Vector3F e2 = *d - *a->m_v; if( > 0.f) m_normal.reverse(); createEdges(); m_area = Facet::cumputeArea(a->m_v, b->m_v, c->m_v); }