Exemplo n.º 1
bool InputType::isOutOfRange(const String& value) const
    if (!isSteppable())
        return false;

    // This function should return true if either validity.rangeUnderflow or
    // validity.rangeOverflow are true.
    // If the INPUT has no value, they are false.
    const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
    if (!numericValue.isFinite())
        return false;

    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));
    return stepRange.hasRangeLimitations() && (numericValue < stepRange.minimum() || numericValue > stepRange.maximum());
Exemplo n.º 2
bool InputType::isInRange(const String& value) const
    if (!isSteppable())
        return false;

    // This function should return true if both of validity.rangeUnderflow and
    // validity.rangeOverflow are false.
    // If the INPUT has no value, they are false.
    const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
    if (!numericValue.isFinite())
        return true;

    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));
    return numericValue >= stepRange.minimum() && numericValue <= stepRange.maximum();
Exemplo n.º 3
void InputType::applyStep(int count, AnyStepHandling anyStepHandling, TextFieldEventBehavior eventBehavior, ExceptionCode& ec)
    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(anyStepHandling));
    if (!stepRange.hasStep()) {
        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;

    const Decimal current = parseToNumberOrNaN(element().value());
    if (!current.isFinite()) {
        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;
    Decimal newValue = current + stepRange.step() * count;
    if (!newValue.isFinite()) {
        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;

    const Decimal acceptableErrorValue = stepRange.acceptableError();
    if (newValue - stepRange.minimum() < -acceptableErrorValue) {
        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;
    if (newValue < stepRange.minimum())
        newValue = stepRange.minimum();

    const AtomicString& stepString = element().fastGetAttribute(stepAttr);
    if (!equalIgnoringCase(stepString, "any"))
        newValue = stepRange.alignValueForStep(current, newValue);

    if (newValue - stepRange.maximum() > acceptableErrorValue) {
        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;
    if (newValue > stepRange.maximum())
        newValue = stepRange.maximum();

    setValueAsDecimal(newValue, eventBehavior, ec);

    if (AXObjectCache* cache = element().document().existingAXObjectCache())
        cache->postNotification(&element(), AXObjectCache::AXValueChanged);
Exemplo n.º 4
String InputType::validationMessage() const
    String value = element().value();

    // The order of the following checks is meaningful. e.g. We'd like to show the
    // badInput message even if the control has other validation errors.
    if (hasBadInput())
        return badInputText();

    if (valueMissing(value))
        return valueMissingText();

    if (typeMismatch())
        return typeMismatchText();

    if (patternMismatch(value))
        return validationMessagePatternMismatchText();

    if (element().tooLong())
        return validationMessageTooLongText(numGraphemeClusters(value), element().maxLength());

    if (!isSteppable())
        return emptyString();

    const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
    if (!numericValue.isFinite())
        return emptyString();

    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));

    if (numericValue < stepRange.minimum())
        return validationMessageRangeUnderflowText(serialize(stepRange.minimum()));

    if (numericValue > stepRange.maximum())
        return validationMessageRangeOverflowText(serialize(stepRange.maximum()));

    if (stepRange.stepMismatch(numericValue)) {
        const String stepString = stepRange.hasStep() ? serializeForNumberType(stepRange.step() / stepRange.stepScaleFactor()) : emptyString();
        return validationMessageStepMismatchText(serialize(stepRange.stepBase()), stepString);

    return emptyString();
Exemplo n.º 5
void BaseMultipleFieldsDateAndTimeInputType::updateInnerTextValue()
    if (!m_dateTimeEditElement)

    DateTimeEditElement::LayoutParameters layoutParameters(element()->locale(), createStepRange(AnyIsDefaultStep));

    DateComponents date;
    const bool hasValue = parseToDateComponents(element()->value(), &date);
    if (!hasValue)
        setMillisecondToDateComponents(layoutParameters.stepRange.minimum().toDouble(), &date);

    setupLayoutParameters(layoutParameters, date);

    if (hasValue)
        m_dateTimeEditElement->setValueAsDate(layoutParameters, date);
        m_dateTimeEditElement->setEmptyValue(layoutParameters, date);
Exemplo n.º 6
void BaseMultipleFieldsDateAndTimeInputType::updateInnerTextValue()
    if (!m_dateTimeEditElement)

    DateTimeEditElement::LayoutParameters layoutParameters(element()->locale(), createStepRange(AnyIsDefaultStep));

    DateComponents date;
    const bool hasValue = parseToDateComponents(element()->value(), &date);
    if (!hasValue)
        setMillisecondToDateComponents(layoutParameters.stepRange.minimum().toDouble(), &date);

    setupLayoutParameters(layoutParameters, date);

    const AtomicString pattern = m_dateTimeEditElement->fastGetAttribute(HTMLNames::patternAttr);
    if (!pattern.isEmpty())
        layoutParameters.dateTimeFormat = pattern;

    if (hasValue)
        m_dateTimeEditElement->setValueAsDate(layoutParameters, date);
        m_dateTimeEditElement->setEmptyValue(layoutParameters, date);
Exemplo n.º 7
void BaseMultipleFieldsDateAndTimeInputType::updateInnerTextValue()
    if (!m_dateTimeEditElement)

    AtomicString direction = element()->locale().isRTL() ? AtomicString("rtl", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral) : AtomicString("ltr", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral);
    if (Element* container = firstElementChild(element()->userAgentShadowRoot()))
        container->setAttribute(HTMLNames::dirAttr, direction);

    DateTimeEditElement::LayoutParameters layoutParameters(element()->locale(), createStepRange(AnyIsDefaultStep));

    DateComponents date;
    const bool hasValue = parseToDateComponents(element()->value(), &date);
    if (!hasValue)
        setMillisecondToDateComponents(layoutParameters.stepRange.minimum().toDouble(), &date);

    setupLayoutParameters(layoutParameters, date);

    if (hasValue)
        m_dateTimeEditElement->setValueAsDate(layoutParameters, date);
        m_dateTimeEditElement->setEmptyValue(layoutParameters, date);
Exemplo n.º 8
double InputType::maximum() const
    return createStepRange(RejectAny).maximum().toDouble();
Exemplo n.º 9
void InputType::stepUpFromRenderer(int n)
    // The differences from stepUp()/stepDown():
    // Difference 1: the current value
    // If the current value is not a number, including empty, the current value is assumed as 0.
    //   * If 0 is in-range, and matches to step value
    //     - The value should be the +step if n > 0
    //     - The value should be the -step if n < 0
    //     If -step or +step is out of range, new value should be 0.
    //   * If 0 is smaller than the minimum value
    //     - The value should be the minimum value for any n
    //   * If 0 is larger than the maximum value
    //     - The value should be the maximum value for any n
    //   * If 0 is in-range, but not matched to step value
    //     - The value should be the larger matched value nearest to 0 if n > 0
    //       e.g. <input type=number min=-100 step=3> -> 2
    //     - The value should be the smaler matched value nearest to 0 if n < 0
    //       e.g. <input type=number min=-100 step=3> -> -1
    //   As for date/datetime-local/month/time/week types, the current value is assumed as "the current local date/time".
    //   As for datetime type, the current value is assumed as "the current date/time in UTC".
    // If the current value is smaller than the minimum value:
    //  - The value should be the minimum value if n > 0
    //  - Nothing should happen if n < 0
    // If the current value is larger than the maximum value:
    //  - The value should be the maximum value if n < 0
    //  - Nothing should happen if n > 0
    // Difference 2: clamping steps
    // If the current value is not matched to step value:
    // - The value should be the larger matched value nearest to 0 if n > 0
    //   e.g. <input type=number value=3 min=-100 step=3> -> 5
    // - The value should be the smaler matched value nearest to 0 if n < 0
    //   e.g. <input type=number value=3 min=-100 step=3> -> 2
    // n is assumed as -n if step < 0.

    if (!isSteppable())
    if (!n)

    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(AnyIsDefaultStep));

    // FIXME: Not any changes after stepping, even if it is an invalid value, may be better.
    // (e.g. Stepping-up for <input type="number" value="foo" step="any" /> => "foo")
    if (!stepRange.hasStep())

    EventQueueScope scope;
    const Decimal step = stepRange.step();

    int sign;
    if (step > 0)
        sign = n;
    else if (step < 0)
        sign = -n;
        sign = 0;

    String currentStringValue = element().value();
    Decimal current = parseToNumberOrNaN(currentStringValue);
    if (!current.isFinite()) {
        current = defaultValueForStepUp();
        const Decimal nextDiff = step * n;
        if (current < stepRange.minimum() - nextDiff)
            current = stepRange.minimum() - nextDiff;
        if (current > stepRange.maximum() - nextDiff)
            current = stepRange.maximum() - nextDiff;
        setValueAsDecimal(current, DispatchNoEvent, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
    if ((sign > 0 && current < stepRange.minimum()) || (sign < 0 && current > stepRange.maximum()))
        setValueAsDecimal(sign > 0 ? stepRange.minimum() : stepRange.maximum(), DispatchInputAndChangeEvent, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
    else {
        if (stepMismatch(element().value())) {
            const Decimal base = stepRange.stepBase();
            Decimal newValue;
            if (sign < 0)
                newValue = base + ((current - base) / step).floor() * step;
            else if (sign > 0)
                newValue = base + ((current - base) / step).ceiling() * step;
                newValue = current;

            if (newValue < stepRange.minimum())
                newValue = stepRange.minimum();
            if (newValue > stepRange.maximum())
                newValue = stepRange.maximum();

            setValueAsDecimal(newValue, n == 1 || n == -1 ? DispatchInputAndChangeEvent : DispatchNoEvent, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
            if (n > 1)
                applyStep(n - 1, AnyIsDefaultStep, DispatchInputAndChangeEvent, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
            else if (n < -1)
                applyStep(n + 1, AnyIsDefaultStep, DispatchInputAndChangeEvent, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
        } else
            applyStep(n, AnyIsDefaultStep, DispatchInputAndChangeEvent, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
Exemplo n.º 10
bool InputType::getAllowedValueStep(Decimal* step) const
    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));
    *step = stepRange.step();
    return stepRange.hasStep();
Exemplo n.º 11
String RangeInputType::sanitizeValue(const String& proposedValue) const
    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));
    const Decimal proposedNumericValue = parseToNumber(proposedValue, stepRange.defaultValue());
    return serializeForNumberType(stepRange.clampValue(proposedNumericValue));
Exemplo n.º 12
String RangeInputType::fallbackValue() const
    return serializeForNumberType(createStepRange(RejectAny).defaultValue());
Exemplo n.º 13
void InputType::stepUpFromLayoutObject(int n)
    // The only difference from stepUp()/stepDown() is the extra treatment
    // of the current value before applying the step:
    // If the current value is not a number, including empty, the current value is assumed as 0.
    //   * If 0 is in-range, and matches to step value
    //     - The value should be the +step if n > 0
    //     - The value should be the -step if n < 0
    //     If -step or +step is out of range, new value should be 0.
    //   * If 0 is smaller than the minimum value
    //     - The value should be the minimum value for any n
    //   * If 0 is larger than the maximum value
    //     - The value should be the maximum value for any n
    //   * If 0 is in-range, but not matched to step value
    //     - The value should be the larger matched value nearest to 0 if n > 0
    //       e.g. <input type=number min=-100 step=3> -> 2
    //     - The value should be the smaler matched value nearest to 0 if n < 0
    //       e.g. <input type=number min=-100 step=3> -> -1
    //   As for date/datetime-local/month/time/week types, the current value is assumed as "the current local date/time".
    //   As for datetime type, the current value is assumed as "the current date/time in UTC".
    // If the current value is smaller than the minimum value:
    //  - The value should be the minimum value if n > 0
    //  - Nothing should happen if n < 0
    // If the current value is larger than the maximum value:
    //  - The value should be the maximum value if n < 0
    //  - Nothing should happen if n > 0
    // n is assumed as -n if step < 0.

    if (!isSteppable())
    if (!n)

    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(AnyIsDefaultStep));

    // FIXME: Not any changes after stepping, even if it is an invalid value, may be better.
    // (e.g. Stepping-up for <input type="number" value="foo" step="any" /> => "foo")
    if (!stepRange.hasStep())

    EventQueueScope scope;
    const Decimal step = stepRange.step();

    int sign;
    if (step > 0)
        sign = n;
    else if (step < 0)
        sign = -n;
        sign = 0;

    Decimal current = parseToNumberOrNaN(element().value());
    if (!current.isFinite()) {
        current = defaultValueForStepUp();
        const Decimal nextDiff = step * n;
        if (current < stepRange.minimum() - nextDiff)
            current = stepRange.minimum() - nextDiff;
        if (current > stepRange.maximum() - nextDiff)
            current = stepRange.maximum() - nextDiff;
        setValueAsDecimal(current, DispatchNoEvent, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
    if ((sign > 0 && current < stepRange.minimum()) || (sign < 0 && current > stepRange.maximum())) {
        setValueAsDecimal(sign > 0 ? stepRange.minimum() : stepRange.maximum(), DispatchChangeEvent, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
    if ((sign > 0 && current >= stepRange.maximum()) || (sign < 0 && current <= stepRange.minimum()))
    applyStep(current, n, AnyIsDefaultStep, DispatchChangeEvent, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
Exemplo n.º 14
void InputType::applyStep(const Decimal& current, int count, AnyStepHandling anyStepHandling, TextFieldEventBehavior eventBehavior, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#dom-input-stepup

    StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(anyStepHandling));
    // 2. If the element has no allowed value step, then throw an
    // InvalidStateError exception, and abort these steps.
    if (!stepRange.hasStep()) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(InvalidStateError, "This form element does not have an allowed value step.");

    // 3. If the element has a minimum and a maximum and the minimum is greater
    // than the maximum, then abort these steps.
    if (stepRange.minimum() > stepRange.maximum())

    // 4. If the element has a minimum and a maximum and there is no value
    // greater than or equal to the element's minimum and less than or equal to
    // the element's maximum that, when subtracted from the step base, is an
    // integral multiple of the allowed value step, then abort these steps.
    Decimal alignedMaximum = stepRange.stepSnappedMaximum();
    if (!alignedMaximum.isFinite())

    Decimal base = stepRange.stepBase();
    Decimal step = stepRange.step();
    EventQueueScope scope;
    Decimal newValue = current;
    const AtomicString& stepString = element().fastGetAttribute(stepAttr);
    if (!equalIgnoringCase(stepString, "any") && stepRange.stepMismatch(current)) {
        // Snap-to-step / clamping steps
        // If the current value is not matched to step value:
        // - The value should be the larger matched value nearest to 0 if count > 0
        //   e.g. <input type=number value=3 min=-100 step=3> -> 5
        // - The value should be the smaller matched value nearest to 0 if count < 0
        //   e.g. <input type=number value=3 min=-100 step=3> -> 2

        if (count < 0) {
            newValue = base + ((newValue - base) / step).floor() * step;
        } else if (count > 0) {
            newValue = base + ((newValue - base) / step).ceil() * step;
    newValue = newValue + stepRange.step() * count;

    if (!equalIgnoringCase(stepString, "any"))
        newValue = stepRange.alignValueForStep(current, newValue);

    // 7. If the element has a minimum, and value is less than that minimum,
    // then set value to the smallest value that, when subtracted from the step
    // base, is an integral multiple of the allowed value step, and that is more
    // than or equal to minimum.
    // 8. If the element has a maximum, and value is greater than that maximum,
    // then set value to the largest value that, when subtracted from the step
    // base, is an integral multiple of the allowed value step, and that is less
    // than or equal to maximum.
    if (newValue > stepRange.maximum()) {
        newValue = alignedMaximum;
    } else if (newValue < stepRange.minimum()) {
        const Decimal alignedMinimum = base + ((stepRange.minimum() - base) / step).ceil() * step;
        DCHECK_GE(alignedMinimum, stepRange.minimum());
        newValue = alignedMinimum;

    // 9. Let value as string be the result of running the algorithm to convert
    // a number to a string, as defined for the input element's type attribute's
    // current state, on value.
    // 10. Set the value of the element to value as string.
    setValueAsDecimal(newValue, eventBehavior, exceptionState);

    if (AXObjectCache* cache = element().document().existingAXObjectCache())
Exemplo n.º 15
void RangeInputType::handleKeydownEvent(KeyboardEvent* event) {
  if (element().isDisabledOrReadOnly())

  const String& key = event->key();

  const Decimal current = parseToNumberOrNaN(element().value());

  StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));

  // FIXME: We can't use stepUp() for the step value "any". So, we increase
  // or decrease the value by 1/100 of the value range. Is it reasonable?
  const Decimal step =
      equalIgnoringCase(element().fastGetAttribute(stepAttr), "any")
          ? (stepRange.maximum() - stepRange.minimum()) / 100
          : stepRange.step();
  const Decimal bigStep =
      std::max((stepRange.maximum() - stepRange.minimum()) / 10, step);

  TextDirection dir = LTR;
  bool isVertical = false;
  if (element().layoutObject()) {
    dir = computedTextDirection();
    ControlPart part = element().layoutObject()->style()->appearance();
    isVertical = part == SliderVerticalPart;

  Decimal newValue;
  if (key == "ArrowUp")
    newValue = current + step;
  else if (key == "ArrowDown")
    newValue = current - step;
  else if (key == "ArrowLeft")
    newValue = (isVertical || dir == RTL) ? current + step : current - step;
  else if (key == "ArrowRight")
    newValue = (isVertical || dir == RTL) ? current - step : current + step;
  else if (key == "PageUp")
    newValue = current + bigStep;
  else if (key == "PageDown")
    newValue = current - bigStep;
  else if (key == "Home")
    newValue = isVertical ? stepRange.maximum() : stepRange.minimum();
  else if (key == "End")
    newValue = isVertical ? stepRange.minimum() : stepRange.maximum();
    return;  // Did not match any key binding.

  newValue = stepRange.clampValue(newValue);

  if (newValue != current) {
    EventQueueScope scope;
    TextFieldEventBehavior eventBehavior = DispatchInputAndChangeEvent;
    setValueAsDecimal(newValue, eventBehavior, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

    if (AXObjectCache* cache = element().document().existingAXObjectCache())
