Exemplo n.º 1
// startTracking()
void startTracking(IplImage * pImg, CvRect pHandRect,KalmanFilter &kfilter)
	float maxVal = 0.f;

	// Make sure internal data structures have been allocated
	if( !pHist ) createTracker(pImg);

	// Create a new hue image

    if(!((pHandRect.x<0)||(pHandRect.y<0)||((pHandRect.x+pHandRect.width)>pImg->width)||((pHandRect.y+pHandRect.height)>pImg->height))) {

	// Create a histogram representation for the hand
    cvSetImageROI( pHueImg, pHandRect );
    cvSetImageROI( pMask,   pHandRect );
    cvCalcHist( &pHueImg, pHist, 0, pMask );
    cvGetMinMaxHistValue( pHist, 0, &maxVal, 0, 0 );
    cvConvertScale( pHist->bins, pHist->bins, maxVal? 255.0/maxVal : 0, 0 );
    cvResetImageROI( pHueImg );
    cvResetImageROI( pMask );

	// Store the previous hand location
	prevHandRect =pHandRect;
	prevHandRect2 =pHandRect;

	//Pass the hand location to kalman initializer
// initAll()
int initAll()
	// Create the display window
	cvNamedWindow( DISPLAY_WINDOW, 1 );
	// Initialize tracker
	if( !createTracker(pframe) ) 
		return 0;
	// Set Camshift parameters
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
// startTracking()
void startTracking(IplImage * pImg, CvRect * pFaceRect)
	float maxVal = 0.f;

	// Make sure internal data structures have been allocated
	if( !pHist ) createTracker(pImg);

	// Create a new hue image

	// Create a histogram representation for the face
    cvSetImageROI( pHueImg, *pFaceRect );
    cvSetImageROI( pMask,   *pFaceRect );
    cvCalcHist( &pHueImg, pHist, 0, pMask );
    cvGetMinMaxHistValue( pHist, 0, &maxVal, 0, 0 );
    cvConvertScale( pHist->bins, pHist->bins, maxVal? 255.0/maxVal : 0, 0 );
    cvResetImageROI( pHueImg );
    cvResetImageROI( pMask );

	// Store the previous face location
	prevFaceRect = *pFaceRect;
Exemplo n.º 4
int initAll()

//	cout << "Use webcam? (Y/N)" <<endl;
//	char cc = fgetc(stdin);
	if( !initCapture(true,cam_id)) //!initCapture(cc == 'Y' || cc == 'y',cam_id) ) 
		return 0;

	if( !initFaceDet((OPENCV_ROOT + "/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml").c_str()))
		cerr << "failed initFaceDet with" << OPENCV_ROOT << "/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" << endl;
		return 0;
	// Startup message tells user how to begin and how to exit
	printf( "\n********************************************\n"
	        "To exit, click inside the video display,\n"
	        "then press the ESC key\n\n"
			"Press <ENTER> to begin"
			"\n********************************************\n" );

	// Create the display window
	cvNamedWindow( DISPLAY_WINDOW, 1 );

	// Initialize tracker
	if( !createTracker(pfd_pVideoFrameCopy) ) return 0;

	// Set Camshift parameters


	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char** argv){
  int i;
  unsigned int test_http_buffer = 0; /* Toggle repetitive requests to confirm queuing behavior */
  unsigned int test_http_total_requests = 25; /* To run over the request maximum a few times... */

  // This value will show with the word "nët" encoded as "n%c3%abt" on the query string
  char unicode_value[] = "Ech kan Glas iessen, daat deet mir nët wei";

  /* Static definition of a group of options (in stack space) */
  UASettings settings = {{
      {UA_DOCUMENT_PATH, 0, "/virtual/test/C"},
      {UA_DOCUMENT_TITLE, 0, "This is a test in C"},
      {UA_CUSTOM_DIMENSION, 5, "C library (5)"},
      {UA_CUSTOM_DIMENSION, 7, "Custom Dimension 7"},
      {UA_CUSTOM_METRIC, 5, "2451"}, /* A numeric string, custom metric index 5 */
      {UA_USER_AGENT, 0, "Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.0) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.14"},
      {UA_ANONYMIZE_IP, 0, "1"} /* IP anonymization for privacy-aware contexts (e.g. apps in EU) */

  /* createTracker() calls malloc for the entire size required by
   * the tracker; all memory it requires (except for CURL) is
   * allocated within this call. */
  UATracker tracker = createTracker("UA-XXXXX-Y", "abc1234", NULL);
  /* Override the User Agent HTTP header */
  tracker->user_agent = "user_agent_test";

  /* Enable queing 
   * This causes all requests to be queued until the "cleanup" phase
   * of the tracker's life (i.e. at removeTracker() below) */
  setTrackerOption(tracker, UA_OPTION_QUEUE, 1);

  /* Store these options permanently (for the lifetime of the tracker) */
  setParameters(tracker, & settings); 

  /* Send a pageview, with no additional options.
   * Processes only the parameters that are set permanently in the 
   * tracker. */
  printf("Sending core pageview\n");
  sendTracking(tracker, UA_PAGEVIEW, NULL);

  UAOptions mobileOptions = {{
    {UA_APP_ID, 0, "org.example.application"},
    {UA_APP_INSTALLER_ID, 0, "test-kit"},
    {UA_APP_NAME, 0, "My Application"},
    {UA_SCREEN_NAME, 0, "My Mobile Home Screen"},
    {UA_EVENT_CATEGORY, 0, "Mobile"},
    {UA_EVENT_ACTION, 0, "App Start"},
    {UA_EVENT_LABEL, 0, unicode_value} // This value will leverage the UTF-8 encoding

  printf("Sending mobile screenview\n");
  sendTracking(tracker, UA_SCREENVIEW, & mobileOptions);


  /* Static definition of a group of options (in stack space) */
  UAOptions opts = {{
    {UA_EVENT_CATEGORY, 0, "Event Category"},
    {UA_EVENT_ACTION, 0, "Event Action (C)"},
    {UA_EVENT_LABEL, 0, "Event Label"},
    {UA_CUSTOM_DIMENSION, 3, "Three"}

  /* Send a bunch of events with additional ephemeral options.
   * We're sending such a large batch to test the HTTP library's
   * non-blocking (queuing) behavior. 
    printf("Sending %d events\n", test_http_total_requests);
    for(i = 0; i < test_http_total_requests; i++){
      sendTracking(tracker, UA_EVENT, & opts); 

  /* Process the queued tracking, then clear the tracker's memory
   * and deallocate */

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
int main( int argc, char** argv )
	// Store the first detected face
	CvRect *pFaceRect = NULL;

	// Store the tracked face
	CvRect nextFaceRect;
	//CvBox2D faceBox; 

	// Points to draw the face rectangle
	CvPoint pt1 = cvPoint(0,0);
	CvPoint pt2 = cvPoint(0,0);
	char c = 0;  

	// Object faceDetection of the class "FaceDetection"
    FaceDetection faceDetection;

	// Object captureFrame of the class "CaptureFrame"
	CaptureFrame captureFrame; 

	// Create a new window 
    cvNamedWindow("tracked face", 1);

	printf("\nPress r to re-initialise tracking");

	// Capture from the camera

	bool finished = captureFrame.CaptureNextFrame(); // capture into frameCopy
	if (finished) // if video is finished
	   cvDestroyWindow("tracked face");
	   return 0;
    // Create the tracker
	   fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: tracking initialisation\n" );

	// Set Camshift parameters

	// Capture video until a face is detected
	pFaceRect = waitForFaceDetect(&faceDetection, &captureFrame);
	// Start tracking
	if (pFaceRect == NULL)
	 // Destroy the window previously created
	 cvDestroyWindow("tracked face");
	 return 0;
	// Start tracking
	startTracking(captureFrame.getFrameCopy(), pFaceRect);

	// Track the detected face using CamShift
		finished = captureFrame.CaptureNextFrame(); //capture to frameCopy
		if (finished) 
		  cvDestroyWindow("tracked face");
		  return 0;
		// Track the face in the new video frame
		nextFaceRect = track(captureFrame.getFrameCopy());
		//faceBox = track(captureFrame.getFrameCopy());

		pt1.x = nextFaceRect.x;
        pt1.y = nextFaceRect.y;
        pt2.x = pt1.x + nextFaceRect.width;
        pt2.y = pt1.y + nextFaceRect.height;

		// Draw face rectangle
		cvRectangle(captureFrame.getFrameCopy(), pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, 8, 0 );

		// Draw face ellipse
		//cvEllipseBox(captureFrame.getFrameCopy(), faceBox,
		             //CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, CV_AA, 0 );

		cvShowImage("tracked face", captureFrame.getFrameCopy());
		c = cvWaitKey(100);
			case 27: break;
			case 'r': printf("\nKey pressed for re-initialisation");
				// Capture video until a face is detected
				pFaceRect = waitForFaceDetect(&faceDetection, &captureFrame);
				if (pFaceRect == NULL) 
				 // Destroy the window previously created
				 cvDestroyWindow("tracked face");
			     return 0;
				// Start tracking
				startTracking(captureFrame.getFrameCopy(), pFaceRect);

	// Release the image and tracker

    // Destroy the window previously created
    cvDestroyWindow("tracked face");
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
int main( int argc, const char** argv )
    cv::CommandLineParser parser( argc, argv, keys );

    // Parse and validate input parameters
    std::string tracker_algorithm = parser.get<std::string>("1");
    std::string video_name = parser.get<std::string>("2");

    std::cout << "Tracker algorithm: " << tracker_algorithm << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Video name: " << video_name << std::endl;

    if( tracker_algorithm.empty() || video_name.empty() )
        std::cout << "Error: can't recognize tracking algorithm or open video" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // Open the video file
    cv::VideoCapture cap;
    cap.open( video_name );

    if( !cap.isOpened() )
        std::cout << "Error: could not initialize video capturing...\n";
        return 1;

    // Get the first frame
    cv::Mat frame;
    cap >> frame;

    // Initialize GTReader and PrecisionRecallEvaluator
    std::string argv3 = parser.get<std::string>("3");
    GTReader gt_reader(argv3);
    PrecisionRecallEvaluator pr_evaluator;

    // Initialize GUI
    GUI gui;
    cv::Rect bounding_box = gui.initBoundingBox(gt_reader.get(), frame);

    // Create Tracker
    cv::Ptr<Tracker> tracker = createTracker(tracker_algorithm);

    if (tracker == NULL)
        std::cout << "Error: can't create tracker \"" << tracker_algorithm << "\"" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    if (!tracker->init(frame, bounding_box))
        std::cout << "Error: can't initialize tracker..." << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // Run tracking
    while (true)
        // Fetch next frame
        cap >> frame;

        // Track object
        cv::Rect position;
        bool found = tracker->track(frame, position);

        // Compare the predicted position with ground truth, if known
        cv::Rect gt = gt_reader.next();
        cv::Scalar rect_color = cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0);
        if (gt_reader.isOpen() && !pr_evaluator.updateMetrics(position, gt))
            // Make rect red, if the prediction is incorrect
            rect_color = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255);

        // Display frame with predicted and ground truth rectangles, if known
        if (!gui.displayImage(frame,
                              found ? position : cv::Rect(),

    if (gt_reader.isOpen())
        std::pair<float, float> metrics = pr_evaluator.getMetrics();
        std::cout << "Precision:\t" << metrics.first << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Recall   :\t" << metrics.second << std::endl;

    return 0;