Exemplo n.º 1
 * Loads the given plugin from the specified library, including its
 * construction and destruction functions.
 * @param filepath full file path to the dynamic library containing the plugin
 * @param classname the full name of the class comprising the conversion plugin
 * @throws std::runtime_error
void Plugin::load(const std::string& filepath, const std::string& classname)
    const char *dlsym_error = dlerror();        // Reset error indicator

    // Attempt to open the library
    dll_ = std::shared_ptr<void>(dlopen(filepath.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY), dlclose);
    dlsym_error = dlerror();
    if (!dll_ || dlsym_error) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open library " + filepath +
                " (" + std::string(dlsym_error) + ")");

    // Construct the name of the factory function (make_PluginName)
    std::string maker("make_" + classname);
    // then try to open it
    typedef SequenceConverter* (*maker_type)();
    maker_type create_converter = (maker_type) dlsym(dll_.get(), maker.c_str());
    dlsym_error = dlerror();
    if (dlsym_error) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load plugin function " + maker +
                " ( " + std::string(dlsym_error) + ")");

    // Construct the name of the plugin destruction function (destroy_PluginName)
    std::string destroyer = "destroy_" + classname;
    // then try to open it
    typedef void (*destroyer_type)(SequenceConverter *);
    destroyer_type destroy_converter = (destroyer_type) dlsym(dll_.get(), destroyer.c_str());
    dlsym_error = dlerror();
    if (dlsym_error) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load plugin function " + destroyer +
                " (" + std::string(dlsym_error) + ")");

    // Make `new` SequenceConverter class from DLL
    try {
        converter_ = std::shared_ptr<SequenceConverter>(create_converter(), destroy_converter);
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create converter (" + std::string(e.what()) + ")");
Exemplo n.º 2
PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_vid_port_create( pj_pool_t *pool,
					     const pjmedia_vid_port_param *prm,
					     pjmedia_vid_port **p_vid_port)
    pjmedia_vid_port *vp;
    const pjmedia_video_format_detail *vfd;
    char dev_name[64];
    char fmt_name[5];
    pjmedia_vid_dev_cb vid_cb;
    pj_bool_t need_frame_buf = PJ_FALSE;
    pj_status_t status;
    unsigned ptime_usec;
    pjmedia_vid_dev_param vparam;
    pjmedia_vid_dev_info di;
    unsigned i;

    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && prm && p_vid_port, PJ_EINVAL);
    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(prm->vidparam.fmt.type == PJMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO &&
                     prm->vidparam.dir != PJMEDIA_DIR_NONE &&
                     prm->vidparam.dir != PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE_RENDER,

    /* Retrieve the video format detail */
    vfd = pjmedia_format_get_video_format_detail(&prm->vidparam.fmt, PJ_TRUE);
    if (!vfd)
	return PJ_EINVAL;

    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(vfd->fps.num, PJ_EINVAL);

    /* Allocate videoport */
    vp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, pjmedia_vid_port);
    vp->pool = pj_pool_create(pool->factory, "video port", 500, 500, NULL);
    vp->role = prm->active ? ROLE_ACTIVE : ROLE_PASSIVE;
    vp->dir = prm->vidparam.dir;
//    vp->cap_size = vfd->size;

    vparam = prm->vidparam;
    dev_name[0] = '\0';

    /* Get device info */
    if (vp->dir & PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE)
        status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(prm->vidparam.cap_id, &di);
        status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(prm->vidparam.rend_id, &di);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
        return status;

    pj_ansi_snprintf(dev_name, sizeof(dev_name), "%s [%s]",
                     di.name, di.driver);

    for (i = 0; i < di.fmt_cnt; ++i) {
        if (prm->vidparam.fmt.id == di.fmt[i].id)

    if (i == di.fmt_cnt) {
        /* The device has no no matching format. Pick one from
         * the supported formats, and later use converter to
         * convert it to the required format.
        pj_assert(di.fmt_cnt != 0);
        vparam.fmt.id = di.fmt[0].id;

    pj_strdup2_with_null(pool, &vp->dev_name, di.name);
    vp->stream_role = di.has_callback ? ROLE_ACTIVE : ROLE_PASSIVE;

    pjmedia_fourcc_name(vparam.fmt.id, fmt_name);

	      "Opening device %s for %s: format=%s, size=%dx%d @%d:%d fps",
	      vid_dir_name(prm->vidparam.dir), fmt_name,
	      vfd->size.w, vfd->size.h,
	      vfd->fps.num, vfd->fps.denum));

    ptime_usec = PJMEDIA_PTIME(&vfd->fps);
    pjmedia_clock_src_init(&vp->clocksrc, PJMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
                           prm->vidparam.clock_rate, ptime_usec);
    vp->sync_clocksrc.max_sync_ticks = 
        1000 / vp->clocksrc.ptime_usec;

    /* Create the video stream */
    pj_bzero(&vid_cb, sizeof(vid_cb));
    vid_cb.capture_cb = &vidstream_cap_cb;
    vid_cb.render_cb = &vidstream_render_cb;

    status = pjmedia_vid_dev_stream_create(&vparam, &vid_cb, vp,
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	goto on_error;

	      "Device %s opened: format=%s, size=%dx%d @%d:%d fps",
	      dev_name, fmt_name,
	      vparam.fmt.det.vid.size.w, vparam.fmt.det.vid.size.h,
	      vparam.fmt.det.vid.fps.num, vparam.fmt.det.vid.fps.denum));

    /* Subscribe to device's events */
    pjmedia_event_subscribe(NULL, &vidstream_event_cb,
                            vp, vp->strm);

    if (vp->dir & PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE) {
	pjmedia_format_copy(&vp->conv.conv_param.src, &vparam.fmt);
	pjmedia_format_copy(&vp->conv.conv_param.dst, &prm->vidparam.fmt);
    } else {
	pjmedia_format_copy(&vp->conv.conv_param.src, &prm->vidparam.fmt);
	pjmedia_format_copy(&vp->conv.conv_param.dst, &vparam.fmt);

    status = create_converter(vp);
    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	goto on_error;

    if (vp->role==ROLE_ACTIVE &&
        ((vp->dir & PJMEDIA_DIR_ENCODING) || vp->stream_role==ROLE_PASSIVE))
        pjmedia_clock_param param;

	/* Active role is wanted, but our device is passive, so create
	 * master clocks to run the media flow. For encoding direction,
         * we also want to create our own clock since the device's clock
         * may run at a different rate.
	need_frame_buf = PJ_TRUE;
        param.usec_interval = PJMEDIA_PTIME(&vfd->fps);
        param.clock_rate = prm->vidparam.clock_rate;
        status = pjmedia_clock_create2(pool, &param,
                                       (vp->dir & PJMEDIA_DIR_ENCODING) ?
                                       &enc_clock_cb: &dec_clock_cb,
                                       vp, &vp->clock);
        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
            goto on_error;

    } else if (vp->role==ROLE_PASSIVE) {
	vid_pasv_port *pp;

	/* Always need to create media port for passive role */
	vp->pasv_port = pp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, vid_pasv_port);
	pp->vp = vp;
	pp->base.get_frame = &vid_pasv_port_get_frame;
	pp->base.put_frame = &vid_pasv_port_put_frame;
	pjmedia_port_info_init2(&pp->base.info, &vp->dev_name,
			        prm->vidparam.dir, &prm->vidparam.fmt);

        need_frame_buf = PJ_TRUE;

    if (need_frame_buf) {
	const pjmedia_video_format_info *vfi;
	pjmedia_video_apply_fmt_param vafp;

	vfi = pjmedia_get_video_format_info(NULL, vparam.fmt.id);
	if (!vfi) {
	    status = PJ_ENOTFOUND;
	    goto on_error;

	pj_bzero(&vafp, sizeof(vafp));
	vafp.size = vparam.fmt.det.vid.size;
	status = vfi->apply_fmt(vfi, &vafp);
	if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
	    goto on_error;

        vp->frm_buf = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, pjmedia_frame);
        vp->frm_buf_size = vafp.framebytes;
        vp->frm_buf->buf = pj_pool_alloc(pool, vafp.framebytes);
        vp->frm_buf->size = vp->frm_buf_size;
        vp->frm_buf->type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;

        status = pj_mutex_create_simple(pool, vp->dev_name.ptr,
        if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
            goto on_error;

    *p_vid_port = vp;

    return PJ_SUCCESS;

    return status;