Exemplo n.º 1
static GESTimelinePipeline *
create_pipeline (gchar * load_path, gchar * save_path, int argc, char **argv,
    gchar * audio, gchar * video)
  GESTimelinePipeline *pipeline = NULL;
  GESTimeline *timeline = NULL;

  /* Timeline creation */
  if (load_path) {
    gchar *uri;

    g_printf ("Loading project from : %s\n", load_path);

    if (!(uri = ensure_uri (load_path))) {
      g_error ("couldn't create uri for '%s'", load_path);
      goto failure;
    g_printf ("reading from '%s' (arguments ignored)\n", load_path);
    if (!(timeline = ges_timeline_new_from_uri (uri))) {
      g_error ("failed to create timeline from file '%s'", load_path);
      goto failure;
    g_printf ("loaded project successfully\n");
    g_free (uri);
  } else
    /* Normal timeline creation */
  if (!(timeline = create_timeline (argc, argv, audio, video)))
    goto failure;

  /* save project if path is given. we do this now in case GES crashes or
   * hangs during playback. */
  if (save_path) {
    gchar *uri;
    if (!(uri = ensure_uri (save_path))) {
      g_error ("couldn't create uri for '%s", save_path);
      goto failure;
    ges_timeline_save_to_uri (timeline, uri);
    g_free (uri);

  /* In order to view our timeline, let's grab a convenience pipeline to put
   * our timeline in. */
  pipeline = ges_timeline_pipeline_new ();

  /* Add the timeline to that pipeline */
  if (!ges_timeline_pipeline_add_timeline (pipeline, timeline))
    goto failure;

  return pipeline;

    if (timeline)
      g_object_unref (timeline);
    if (pipeline)
      g_object_unref (pipeline);
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
main (int argc, gchar ** argv)
  GError *err = NULL;
  GOptionEntry options[] = {
  GOptionContext *ctx;
  GMainLoop *mainloop;
  GstBus *bus;

  ctx = g_option_context_new ("tests thumbnail supoprt (produces no output)");
  g_option_context_set_summary (ctx, "");
  g_option_context_add_main_entries (ctx, options, NULL);
  g_option_context_add_group (ctx, gst_init_get_option_group ());

  if (!g_option_context_parse (ctx, &argc, &argv, &err)) {
    g_print ("Error initializing: %s\n", err->message);
    g_option_context_free (ctx);
    exit (1);

  g_option_context_free (ctx);
  /* Initialize the GStreamer Editing Services */
  ges_init ();

  /* Create the pipeline */
  pipeline = create_timeline ();
  if (!pipeline)
    exit (-1);

  ges_pipeline_set_mode (pipeline, TIMELINE_MODE_PREVIEW);

  /* Play the pipeline */
  mainloop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);

  g_print ("thumbnailing every 1 seconds\n");
  g_timeout_add (1000, thumbnail_cb, pipeline);

  bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus (GST_PIPELINE (pipeline));
  gst_bus_add_signal_watch (bus);
  g_signal_connect (bus, "message", G_CALLBACK (bus_message_cb), mainloop);

  if (gst_element_set_state (GST_ELEMENT (pipeline),
    g_print ("Failed to start the encoding\n");
    return 1;
  g_main_loop_run (mainloop);

  gst_element_set_state (GST_ELEMENT (pipeline), GST_STATE_NULL);
  gst_object_unref (pipeline);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
/* **level\_data** is created and populated with
 * level specific entities. Some entities require further
 * initialization, such as the timeline.
 * A timeline allows creating a sequence of events
 * on a, well.. time line. Each event has a start time,
 * duration and callback function the will get called
 * each time the timeline is updated and if the event
 * is active.
 * We use a timeline to animate the title, creating 3
 * events: (1) slide the title into the screen (2)
 * make the title "bling" and (3) slide the title out
 * of the screen.
 * Using the SECOND and SECONDS constant is for
 * the sake of readability only.
static struct level_data* create_level_data(void)
    struct level_data* ldata = calloc(1, sizeof(*ldata));
    if (ldata == NULL) goto error;

    ldata->wizard = create_wizard();
    if (ldata->wizard == NULL) goto cleanup_level_data;

    if (prepare_title(&ldata->title) != 0) goto cleanup_level_data;
    if (prepare_tree(&ldata->tree) != 0) goto cleanup_level_data;

    ldata->grass_tile = create_image("res/grass_tile.png");
    if (ldata->grass_tile == NULL) goto cleanup_level_data;

    ldata->earth_tile = create_image("res/earth_tile.png");
    if (ldata->earth_tile == NULL) goto cleanup_level_data;

    play_animation(ldata->tree.sprite, ldata->tree.windblow);

    ldata->timeline = create_timeline();
    if (ldata->timeline == NULL) goto cleanup_level_data;
    append_event(ldata->timeline, 0, 1 * SECOND, before_title_in);
    append_event(ldata->timeline, 0, 1 * SECOND, slide_title_in);
    append_event(ldata->timeline, 0, 4 * SECONDS, bling_title);
    append_event(ldata->timeline, 0, 1 * SECOND, slide_title_out);

    ldata->font = create_font("res/font.png", 32, 4);
    if (ldata->font == NULL) goto cleanup_level_data;

    ldata->music = create_sound("res/wizard.ogg");
    play_sound(ldata->music, -1);
    return ldata;


    ERROR("Unable to create level data");
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
	io_logging_section(global_io.log, "Setting simulation parameter");
	io_logging_subsection(global_io.log, "Information from file");
#	ifdef WITH_MPI
	if (global_mpi.rank != 0) {
		io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(4), "Not setting up myself, will receive.");
	} else {
#	else
#	endif
		int32_t no_timestep;
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_BOXSIZE, (void *)&(simu.boxsize));
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_OMEGA0, (void *)&(simu.omega0));
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_OMEGAL, (void *)&(simu.lambda0));
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_PMASS, (void *)&(simu.pmass));
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_NOPART, (void *)&(simu.no_part));
#		ifdef MULTIMASS
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_NOVPART, (void *)&(simu.no_vpart));
#		else
		simu.no_vpart = (double)(simu.no_part);
#		endif
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_NOSPECIES, (void *)&(simu.no_species));
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_AINITIAL, (void *)&(simu.a_initial));
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_DOUBLE, (void *)&(simu.double_precision));
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_MMASS, (void *)&(simu.multi_mass));
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_MINWEIGHT, (void *)&(simu.min_weight));
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file, IO_FILE_GET_MAXWEIGHT, (void *)&(simu.max_weight));
		/* Copy over the information contained in the parameter file */
		simu.NGRID_DOM     = global_io.params->NGRID_DOM;
		simu.NGRID_MIN     = simu.NGRID_DOM;
		simu.Nth_dom       = global_io.params->Nth_dom;
		simu.Nth_ref       = global_io.params->Nth_ref;
    simu.lb_level      = global_io.params->lb_level;
    //fprintf(stderr,"simu.lb_level=%d global_io.params->lb_level=%d\n",simu.lb_level,global_io.params->lb_level);
    simu.MaxGatherRad  = global_io.params->MaxGatherRad;
    simu.UserDvir      = global_io.params->UserDvir;
    simu.UseRhoBack    = global_io.params->UseRhoBack;
		simu.NGRID_MAX     = global_io.params->NGRID_MAX;
		simu.AHF_MINPART   = global_io.params->AHF_MINPART;
		simu.AHF_VTUNE     = global_io.params->AHF_VTUNE;
    simu.GADGET_m2Msunh= global_io.params->GADGET_m2Msunh;
    simu.GADGET_l2Mpch = global_io.params->GADGET_l2Mpch;

#		ifdef AHF_LRSI
		simu.lrsi_beta     = global_io.params->lrsi_beta;
		simu.lrsi_r_s      = global_io.params->lrsi_r_s;
#		endif

#if (defined AHFmixHaloIDandSnapID || defined SUSSING2013)
    simu.isnap         = global_io.params->isnap;
		/* Set quantities given by constants */
#		ifdef NP_LIMIT
		simu.np_limit = TRUE;
#		else
		simu.np_limit = FALSE;
#		endif
		simu.mean_dens = (double) 1.0;
    simu.multi_mass = 1;
		simu.mmfocus  = 0;
		simu.hydro    = 0;
		simu.magneto  = 0;
		/* Set the time unit */
		simu.t_unit = 1/H0; // we assume that we only ever deal with
		                    // cosmological simulations...
		/* Set derived quantities */
		simu.SHIFT     = ((double)0.5000000/(double) simu.NGRID_DOM);
		simu.z_initial = (double)1.0/simu.a_initial - (double)1.0;
		simu.a_final   = (double)1.0/((double)1.0 + simu.z_final);
		simu.FourPiG   = 1.5*simu.omega0;
		/* Do some sanity checks */
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file,
		            IO_FILE_GET_NOTSTEP, (void *)&(no_timestep));
		if ( isless(fabs(simu.a_initial-simu.a_final), ZERO) ) {
			io_logging_warn(global_io.log, INT32_C(3),
			                "Since a_initial = %g is equal to "
			                "a_final = %g, create_timeline will not "
			                "function correctly, setting "
			                "a_initial = .1 * a_final = %g",
			                simu.a_initial, simu.a_final,
			                simu.a_final / 10.0);
			simu.a_initial = simu.a_final / 10.0;
		if ( simu.a_initial > simu.a_final ) {
			io_logging_warn(global_io.log, INT32_C(3),
			                "Since a_initial = %g is greater than "
			                "a_final = %g, create_timeline will not "
			                "function correctly, setting "
			                "a_initial = 0.001",
			                simu.a_initial, simu.a_final);
			simu.a_initial = 0.001;
      simu.z_initial = 1./simu.a_initial - 1.;
   } /* End of stuff done solely by process 0 */
    io_logging_subsection(global_io.log, "Gathering from reading processes");
#	ifdef WITH_MPI
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(4), "Broadcast of simulation parameters!");
    MPI_Bcast(&simu, sizeof(struct param_simu),
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(4), "Broadcast done.");
#	endif
    /* Create timeline */
    io_logging_subsection(global_io.log, "Local setup");
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(2), "Creating timeline from a = %g to a = %g",
                   simu.a_initial/10., simu.a_final);
    create_timeline(simu.a_initial/10., simu.a_final, &simu.timeline);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(2), "Timeline created");
    /* Set the SFC information */
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(2), "Setting volume boundaries");
#	ifdef AHFrestart
    if(global_io.params->ic_filetype != IO_FILE_ARES)
      fprintf(stderr,"AHFrestart only works together with ic_filetype=5\nPlease make sure that your input file is of this type and adjust AHF.input\nExiting now!\n");
    global_info.minkey = (sfc_key_t)( ((io_ares_t)(global_io.file))->header->minkey);
    global_info.maxkey = (sfc_key_t)( ((io_ares_t)(global_io.file))->header->maxkey);
    global_info.level = ((io_ares_t)(global_io.file))->header->lb_level;
#	else
    //    global_info.level = LOADBALANCE_DOMAIN_LEVEL;
    global_info.level = global_io.params->lb_level;
    global_info.minkey = (sfc_key_t)0;
    global_info.maxkey = (sfc_key_t)((1<<(3*global_info.level))-1);
#	endif
    global_info.ctype = SFC_CURVE_HILBERT;
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(2),  "  minkey: %"SFC_PRIkey, global_info.minkey);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(2),  "  maxkey: %"SFC_PRIkey, global_info.maxkey);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(2),  "  level : %i", global_info.level);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(2),  "  ctype : %s", sfc_curve_typestr(global_info.ctype));
    /* Now that we have the timeline, set the time variables */
    simu.super_t_initial = calc_super_t(simu.a_initial);
    simu.super_t_final   = calc_super_t(simu.a_final);
    simu.t_initial       = calc_t(simu.a_initial);
    simu.t_final         = calc_t(simu.a_final);
    /* FIXME
     * Not set or not properly set simu-structure members:
     * Hydro variables:
     * gamma
     * omegab
     * omegaDM
     * f_b
     * H_frac
     * T_init
     * e_init
     * med_weight
     * l_unit
     * m_unit
     * AHF variable:
     * no_halos
     * Unkown:
     * ifdef GAS_PARTICLES: no_gas
     * ifdef GADGET: no_stars
    /* Will use dummy values */
    simu.gamma    = 0.0;
    simu.omegab   = 0.0;
    simu.omegaDM  = simu.omega0;
    simu.f_b      = 0.0;
    simu.H_frac   = 0.0;
    simu.T_init   = 0.0;
    simu.B_init   = 0.0;
    simu.e_init   = 0.0;
    simu.no_halos = 0;
    simu.med_weight = simu.max_weight; // TODO: this is very conservative yet leads to more credible halos
    simu.l_unit = 0.0;
    simu.m_unit = 0.0;
    simu.no_gas   = 0;
    simu.no_stars = 0;
    //#	ifdef VERBOSE
    /* Be so kind and write everything to the logfile */
    io_logging_subsection(global_io.log, "Used simulation parameters");
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.omega0          :  %g", simu.omega0);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.lambda0         :  %g", simu.lambda0);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.boxsize         :  %g", simu.boxsize);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.a_initial       :  %g", simu.a_initial);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.a_final         :  %g", simu.a_final);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.z_initial       :  %g", simu.z_initial);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.z_final         :  %g", simu.z_final);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.t_initial       :  %g", simu.t_initial);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.t_final         :  %g", simu.t_final);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.super_t_initial :  %g", simu.super_t_initial);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.super_t_final   :  %g", simu.super_t_final);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.mean_dens       :  %g", simu.mean_dens);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.FourPiG         :  %g", simu.FourPiG);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.pmass           :  %g", simu.pmass);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.t_unit          :  %g", simu.t_unit);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.gamma           :  %g", simu.gamma);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.timeline (ptr)  :  %p", (void*)&(simu.timeline));
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.no_part         :  %lu", simu.no_part);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.no_vpart        :  %g", simu.no_vpart);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.no_species      :  %i", simu.no_species);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.no_halos        :  %lu", simu.no_halos);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.NGRID_DOM       :  %i", simu.NGRID_DOM);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.NGRID_MIN       :  %i", simu.NGRID_MIN);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.NGRID_MAX       :  %i", simu.NGRID_MAX);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.Nth_dom         :  %g", simu.Nth_dom);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.Nth_ref         :  %g", simu.Nth_ref);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.MaxGatherRad    :  %g", simu.MaxGatherRad);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.lb_level        :  %d", simu.lb_level);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.min_weight      :  %g", simu.min_weight);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.max_weight      :  %g", simu.max_weight);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.np_limit        :  %i", simu.np_limit);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.mmfocus         :  %i", simu.mmfocus);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.multi_mass      :  %i", simu.multi_mass);
    io_logging_msg(global_io.log, INT32_C(5), "simu.double_precision:  %i", simu.double_precision);
    //#	endif /* VERBOSE */
    //fprintf(stderr,"simu.lb_level=%d global_io.params->lb_level=%d\n",simu.lb_level,global_io.params->lb_level);

  static void
  local_startrunRetset(double *timecounter,
                       double *timestep,
                       int32_t *no_first_timestep)
	io_logging_subsection(global_io.log, "Setting time counter");
#	ifdef WITH_MPI
	if (global_mpi.rank == 0) {
#	else
#	endif
		double a_current;
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file,
		            IO_FILE_GET_NOTSTEP, (void *)no_first_timestep);
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file,
		            IO_FILE_GET_TSTEP, (void *)timestep);
		io_file_get(global_io.log, global_io.file,
		            IO_FILE_GET_A, (void *)&a_current);
		*timecounter = calc_super_t(a_current);
#	ifdef WITH_MPI
    MPI_Bcast(timecounter, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Bcast(timestep, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Bcast(no_first_timestep, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
#	endif