Exemplo n.º 1
long creature_move_direct_line_backwards(struct Thing *thing, struct Coord3d *nextpos, MoveSpeed speed)
    if (creature_turn_to_face_backwards(thing, nextpos) > 0)
        // Creature is turning - don't let it move
        creature_set_speed(thing, 0);
        return 2;
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(thing);
    creature_set_speed(thing, -speed);
    cctrl->flgfield_2 |= TF2_Unkn01;
    if (get_2d_box_distance(&thing->mappos, nextpos) > -2*cctrl->move_speed)
        ERRORDBG(3,"The %s index %d tried to reach (%d,%d) from (%d,%d) with excessive backward speed",
        cctrl->moveaccel.x.val = distance_with_angle_to_coord_x(cctrl->move_speed, thing->move_angle_xy);
        cctrl->moveaccel.y.val = distance_with_angle_to_coord_y(cctrl->move_speed, thing->move_angle_xy);
        cctrl->moveaccel.z.val = 0;
        return 1;
    } else
        cctrl->moveaccel.x.val = nextpos->x.val - (MapCoordDelta)thing->mappos.x.val;
        cctrl->moveaccel.y.val = nextpos->y.val - (MapCoordDelta)thing->mappos.y.val;
        cctrl->moveaccel.z.val = 0;
        return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
long creature_move_to_using_gates(struct Thing *thing, struct Coord3d *pos, MoveSpeed speed, long a4, NaviRouteFlags flags, TbBool backward)
    struct Coord3d nextpos;
    AriadneReturn follow_result;
    long i;
    SYNCDBG(18,"Starting to move %s index %d from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) with speed %d",thing_model_name(thing),
    if ( backward )
        // Rotate the creature 180 degrees to trace route with forward move
        i = (thing->move_angle_xy + LbFPMath_PI);
        thing->move_angle_xy = i & LbFPMath_AngleMask;
    follow_result = creature_follow_route_to_using_gates(thing, pos, &nextpos, speed, flags);
    SYNCDBG(18,"The %s index %d route result: %d, next pos (%d,%d)",thing_model_name(thing),(int)thing->index,(int)follow_result,(int)nextpos.x.stl.num,(int)nextpos.y.stl.num);
    if ( backward )
        // Rotate the creature back
        i = (thing->move_angle_xy + LbFPMath_PI);
        thing->move_angle_xy = i & LbFPMath_AngleMask;
    if ((follow_result == AridRet_PartOK) || (follow_result == AridRet_Val2))
        creature_set_speed(thing, 0);
        return -1;
    if (follow_result == AridRet_FinalOK)
        return  1;
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(thing);
    if ( backward )
        creature_move_direct_line_backwards(thing, &nextpos, speed);
        SYNCDBG(18,"Backward target set, speed %d, accel (%d,%d)",(int)cctrl->move_speed,(int)cctrl->moveaccel.x.val,(int)cctrl->moveaccel.y.val);
    } else
        creature_move_direct_line(thing, &nextpos, speed);
        SYNCDBG(18,"Forward target set, speed %d, accel (%d,%d)",(int)cctrl->move_speed,(int)cctrl->moveaccel.x.val,(int)cctrl->moveaccel.y.val);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
long creature_move_to_using_gates(struct Thing *thing, struct Coord3d *pos, MoveSpeed speed, long a4, NaviRouteFlags flags, TbBool backward)
    struct Coord3d nextpos;
    AriadneReturn follow_result;
    long i;
    SYNCDBG(18,"Starting to move %s index %d from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) with speed %d",thing_model_name(thing),
    if ( backward )
        // Rotate the creature 180 degrees to trace route with forward move
        i = (thing->move_angle_xy + LbFPMath_PI);
        thing->move_angle_xy = i & LbFPMath_AngleMask;
    follow_result = creature_follow_route_to_using_gates(thing, pos, &nextpos, speed, flags);
    SYNCDBG(18,"The %s index %d route result: %d, next pos (%d,%d)",thing_model_name(thing),(int)thing->index,(int)follow_result,(int)nextpos.x.stl.num,(int)nextpos.y.stl.num);
    if ( backward )
        // Rotate the creature back
        i = (thing->move_angle_xy + LbFPMath_PI);
        thing->move_angle_xy = i & LbFPMath_AngleMask;
    if ((follow_result == AridRet_PartOK) || (follow_result == AridRet_Val2))
        creature_set_speed(thing, 0);
        return -1;
    if (follow_result == AridRet_FinalOK)
        return  1;
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(thing);
    if ( backward )
        if (creature_turn_to_face_backwards(thing, &nextpos) > 0)
            // Creature is turning - don't let it move
            creature_set_speed(thing, 0);
        } else
            creature_set_speed(thing, -speed);
            cctrl->flgfield_2 |= TF2_Unkn01;
            if (get_2d_box_distance(&thing->mappos, &nextpos) > -2*cctrl->move_speed)
                ERRORDBG(3,"The %s index %d tried to reach (%d,%d) from (%d,%d) with excessive backward speed",
                cctrl->moveaccel.x.val = distance_with_angle_to_coord_x(cctrl->move_speed, thing->move_angle_xy);
                cctrl->moveaccel.y.val = distance_with_angle_to_coord_y(cctrl->move_speed, thing->move_angle_xy);
                cctrl->moveaccel.z.val = 0;
            } else
                cctrl->moveaccel.x.val = nextpos.x.val - (MapCoordDelta)thing->mappos.x.val;
                cctrl->moveaccel.y.val = nextpos.y.val - (MapCoordDelta)thing->mappos.y.val;
                cctrl->moveaccel.z.val = 0;
        SYNCDBG(18,"Backward target set, speed %d, accel (%d,%d)",(int)cctrl->move_speed,(int)cctrl->moveaccel.x.val,(int)cctrl->moveaccel.y.val);
    } else
        if (creature_turn_to_face(thing, &nextpos) > 0)
            // Creature is turning - don't let it move
            creature_set_speed(thing, 0);
        } else
            creature_set_speed(thing, speed);
            cctrl->flgfield_2 |= TF2_Unkn01;
            if (get_2d_box_distance(&thing->mappos, &nextpos) > 2*cctrl->move_speed)
                ERRORDBG(3,"The %s index %d tried to reach (%d,%d) from (%d,%d) with excessive forward speed",
                cctrl->moveaccel.x.val = distance_with_angle_to_coord_x(cctrl->move_speed, thing->move_angle_xy);
                cctrl->moveaccel.y.val = distance_with_angle_to_coord_y(cctrl->move_speed, thing->move_angle_xy);
                cctrl->moveaccel.z.val = 0;
            } else
                cctrl->moveaccel.x.val = nextpos.x.val - (MapCoordDelta)thing->mappos.x.val;
                cctrl->moveaccel.y.val = nextpos.y.val - (MapCoordDelta)thing->mappos.y.val;
                cctrl->moveaccel.z.val = 0;
        SYNCDBG(18,"Forward target set, speed %d, accel (%d,%d)",(int)cctrl->move_speed,(int)cctrl->moveaccel.x.val,(int)cctrl->moveaccel.y.val);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
long creature_tunnel_to(struct Thing *creatng, struct Coord3d *pos, short speed)
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(creatng);
    SYNCDBG(6,"Move %s from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) with speed %d",thing_model_name(creatng),(int)creatng->mappos.x.stl.num,(int)creatng->mappos.y.stl.num,(int)pos->x.stl.num,(int)pos->y.stl.num,(int)speed);
    //return _DK_creature_tunnel_to(creatng, pos, a3);
    long i;
    cctrl->navi.field_19[0] = 0;
    if (get_2d_box_distance(&creatng->mappos, pos) <= 32)
        // We've reached the destination
        creature_set_speed(creatng, 0);
        return 1;
    i = cctrl->party.long_8B;
    if ((i > 0) && (i < LONG_MAX))
    if ((pos->x.val != cctrl->navi.pos_final.x.val)
     || (pos->y.val != cctrl->navi.pos_final.y.val)
     || (pos->z.val != cctrl->navi.pos_final.z.val))
        pos->z.val = get_thing_height_at(creatng, pos);
        initialise_wallhugging_path_from_to(&cctrl->navi, &creatng->mappos, pos);
    long tnlret;
    tnlret = get_next_position_and_angle_required_to_tunnel_creature_to(creatng, pos, cctrl->party.byte_8F);
    if (tnlret == 2)
        i = cctrl->navi.field_15;
        if (cctrl->navi.field_17 != i)
            cctrl->navi.field_17 = i;
        } else
        if (cctrl->instance_id == CrInst_NULL)
            set_creature_instance(creatng, CrInst_TUNNEL, 0, 0, 0);
    MapCoordDelta dist;
    dist = get_2d_distance(&creatng->mappos, &cctrl->navi.pos_next);
    if (dist <= 16)
        creature_turn_to_face_angle(creatng, cctrl->navi.field_D);
        creature_set_speed(creatng, 0);
        return 0;
    if (dist > 768)
        ERRORLOG("Move %s index %d to (%d,%d) reset - wallhug distance %d too large",thing_model_name(creatng),(int)creatng->index,(int)pos->x.stl.num,(int)pos->y.stl.num,(int)dist);
        creature_set_speed(creatng, speed);
        return 0;
    if (creature_turn_to_face(creatng, &cctrl->navi.pos_next))
        creature_set_speed(creatng, 0);
        return 0;
    cctrl->moveaccel.x.val = cctrl->navi.pos_next.x.val - (MapCoordDelta)creatng->mappos.x.val;
    cctrl->moveaccel.y.val = cctrl->navi.pos_next.y.val - (MapCoordDelta)creatng->mappos.y.val;
    cctrl->moveaccel.z.val = 0;
    cctrl->flgfield_2 |= 0x01;
    creature_set_speed(creatng, min(speed,dist));
    return 0;