Exemplo n.º 1
void AbstractClipItem::updateKeyFramePos(const GenTime &pos, const double value)
    if (!m_keyframes.contains(m_editedKeyframe))
    int newpos = (int) pos.frames(m_fps);
    int min = (int) cropStart().frames(m_fps) - 1;
    int max = (int)(cropStart() + cropDuration()).frames(m_fps);
    QMap<int, int>::const_iterator i = m_keyframes.constBegin();
    while (i.key() < m_editedKeyframe) {
        min = qMax(i.key(), min);
    i = m_keyframes.constEnd() - 1;
    while (i.key() > m_editedKeyframe) {
        max = qMin(i.key(), max);
    if (newpos <= min)
        newpos = min + 1;
    if (newpos >= max)
        newpos = max - 1;

    double newval = qMax(value, 0.0);
    newval = qMin(newval, 100.0);
    newval = newval / m_keyframeFactor + m_keyframeOffset;
    if (m_editedKeyframe != newpos)
    m_keyframes[newpos] = (int) newval;
    m_editedKeyframe = newpos;
Exemplo n.º 2
void AbstractClipItem::updateSelectedKeyFrame()
    if (m_editedKeyframe == -1)
    QRectF br = sceneBoundingRect();
    double maxw = br.width() / cropDuration().frames(m_fps);
    double maxh = br.height() / 100.0 * m_keyframeFactor;
    update(br.x() + maxw *(m_selectedKeyframe - cropStart().frames(m_fps)) - 3, br.bottom() - (m_keyframes.value(m_selectedKeyframe) - m_keyframeOffset) * maxh - 3, 12, 12);
    m_selectedKeyframe = m_editedKeyframe;
    update(br.x() + maxw *(m_selectedKeyframe - cropStart().frames(m_fps)) - 3, br.bottom() - (m_keyframes.value(m_selectedKeyframe) - m_keyframeOffset) * maxh - 3, 12, 12);
Exemplo n.º 3
int AbstractClipItem::checkForSingleKeyframe()
    // Check if we have only one keyframe
    if (!m_keyframes.isEmpty() && m_keyframes.count() == 1) {
	int min = (int) cropStart().frames(m_fps);
	int max = (int)(cropStart() + cropDuration()).frames(m_fps) - 1;
	if (m_keyframes.contains(min)) {
	    // Add keyframe at end of clip to allow inserting a new keframe in between
	    m_keyframes[max] = m_keyframes.value(min);
	    return m_keyframes.value(min);
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 4
ItemInfo AbstractClipItem::info() const
    ItemInfo info = m_info;
    info.cropStart = cropStart();
    info.endPos = endPos();
    return info;
Exemplo n.º 5
void AbstractClipItem::resizeStart(int posx, bool hasSizeLimit, bool /*emitChange*/)
    GenTime durationDiff = GenTime(posx, m_fps) - m_info.startPos;
    if (durationDiff == GenTime()) return;

    if (type() == AVWidget && hasSizeLimit && (cropStart() + durationDiff < GenTime())) {
        durationDiff = GenTime() - cropStart();
    } else if (durationDiff >= cropDuration()) {
    m_info.startPos += durationDiff;

    // set to true if crop from start is negative (possible for color clips, images as they have no size limit)
    bool negCropStart = false;
    if (type() == AVWidget) {
        m_info.cropStart += durationDiff;
        if (m_info.cropStart < GenTime())
            negCropStart = true;

    m_info.cropDuration -= durationDiff;
    setRect(0, 0, cropDuration().frames(m_fps) - 0.02, rect().height());
    moveBy(durationDiff.frames(m_fps), 0);

    if (m_info.startPos != GenTime(posx, m_fps)) {
        GenTime diff = m_info.startPos - GenTime(posx, m_fps);

        if (type() == AVWidget)
            m_info.cropStart += diff;

        m_info.cropDuration -= diff;
        setRect(0, 0, cropDuration().frames(m_fps) - 0.02, rect().height());

    // set crop from start to 0 (isn't relevant as this only happens for color clips, images)
    if (negCropStart)
        m_info.cropStart = GenTime();
Exemplo n.º 6
int AbstractClipItem::mouseOverKeyFrames(QPointF pos, double maxOffset)
    const QRectF br = sceneBoundingRect();
    double maxw = br.width() / cropDuration().frames(m_fps);
    double maxh = br.height() / 100.0 * m_keyframeFactor;
    if (m_keyframes.count() > 0) {
        QMap<int, int>::const_iterator i = m_keyframes.constBegin();
        double x1;
        double y1;
        while (i != m_keyframes.constEnd()) {
            x1 = br.x() + maxw * (i.key() - cropStart().frames(m_fps));
            y1 = br.bottom() - (i.value() - m_keyframeOffset) * maxh;
            if (qAbs(pos.x() - x1) < maxOffset && qAbs(pos.y() - y1) < 10) {
                setToolTip('[' + QString::number((GenTime(i.key(), m_fps) - cropStart()).seconds(), 'f', 2) + i18n("seconds") + ", " + QString::number(i.value(), 'f', 1) + ']');
                return i.key();
            } else if (x1 > pos.x()) {
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 7
void AbstractClipItem::drawKeyFrames(QPainter *painter, const QTransform transformation, bool limitedKeyFrames)
    if (m_keyframes.count() < 1)
    QRectF br = rect();
    double maxw = br.width() / cropDuration().frames(m_fps);
    double maxh = br.height() / 100.0 * m_keyframeFactor;
    double start = cropStart().frames(m_fps);
    double x1, y1, x2, y2;
    bool antialiasing = painter->renderHints() & QPainter::Antialiasing;

    // draw line showing default value
    bool active = isSelected() || (parentItem() && parentItem()->isSelected());
    if (active) {
        x1 = br.x();
        x2 = br.right();
        if (limitedKeyFrames) {
            QMap<int, int>::const_iterator end = m_keyframes.constEnd();
            x2 = x1 + maxw * (end.key() - start);
            x1 += maxw * (m_keyframes.constBegin().key() - start);
        y1 = br.bottom() - (m_keyframeDefault - m_keyframeOffset) * maxh;
        QLineF l(x1, y1, x2, y1);
	QLineF l2 = transformation.map(l);
        painter->setPen(QColor(168, 168, 168, 180));
        painter->setPen(QColor(108, 108, 108, 180));
        painter->drawLine(l2.translated(0, 1));

    // draw keyframes
    QMap<int, int>::const_iterator i = m_keyframes.constBegin();
    QColor color(Qt::blue);
    QLineF l2;
    x1 = br.x() + maxw * (i.key() - start);
    y1 = br.bottom() - (i.value() - m_keyframeOffset) * maxh;

    // make sure line begins with clip beginning
    if (!limitedKeyFrames && i.key() != start) {
        QLineF l(br.x(), y1, x1, y1);
        l2 = transformation.map(l);
    while (i != m_keyframes.constEnd()) {
        if (i.key() == m_editedKeyframe)
            color = QColor(Qt::red);
            color = QColor(Qt::blue);
        if (i == m_keyframes.constEnd() && m_keyframes.count() != 1)

        if (m_keyframes.count() == 1) {
            x2 = br.right();
            y2 = y1;
        } else {
            x2 = br.x() + maxw * (i.key() - start);
            y2 = br.bottom() - (i.value() - m_keyframeOffset) * maxh;
        QLineF l(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        l2 = transformation.map(l);
        if (active) {
            const QRectF frame(l2.x1() - 3, l2.y1() - 3, 6, 6);
            painter->fillRect(frame, color);
        x1 = x2;
        y1 = y2;

    // make sure line ends at clip end
    if (!limitedKeyFrames && x1 != br.right()) {
        QLineF l(x1, y1, br.right(), y1);

    if (active && m_keyframes.count() > 1) {
        const QRectF frame(l2.x2() - 3, l2.y2() - 3, 6, 6);
        painter->fillRect(frame, color);

    painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, antialiasing);
Exemplo n.º 8
void AbstractClipItem::resizeStart(int posx, bool hasSizeLimit, bool /*emitChange*/)
    GenTime durationDiff = GenTime(posx, m_fps) - m_info.startPos;
    if (durationDiff == GenTime()) return;

    if (type() == AVWIDGET && hasSizeLimit && (cropStart() + durationDiff < GenTime())) {
        durationDiff = GenTime() - cropStart();
    } else if (durationDiff >= cropDuration()) {
        /*if (cropDuration() > GenTime(3, m_fps)) durationDiff = GenTime(3, m_fps);
        else return;*/
    m_info.startPos += durationDiff;

    // set to true if crop from start is negative (possible for color clips, images as they have no size limit)
    bool negCropStart = false;
    if (type() == AVWIDGET) {
        m_info.cropStart += durationDiff;
        if (m_info.cropStart < GenTime())
            negCropStart = true;

    m_info.cropDuration -= durationDiff;
    setRect(0, 0, cropDuration().frames(m_fps) - 0.02, rect().height());
    moveBy(durationDiff.frames(m_fps), 0);

    if (m_info.startPos != GenTime(posx, m_fps)) {
        //kDebug() << "//////  WARNING, DIFF IN XPOS: " << pos().x() << " == " << m_info.startPos.frames(m_fps);
        GenTime diff = m_info.startPos - GenTime(posx, m_fps);

        if (type() == AVWIDGET)
            m_info.cropStart += diff;

        m_info.cropDuration -= diff;
        setRect(0, 0, cropDuration().frames(m_fps) - 0.02, rect().height());
        //kDebug()<<"// NEW START: "<<m_startPos.frames(25)<<", NW DUR: "<<m_cropDuration.frames(25);

    // set crop from start to 0 (isn't relevant as this only happens for color clips, images)
    if (negCropStart)
        m_info.cropStart = GenTime();

    //kDebug() << "-- NEW CLIP=" << startPos().frames(25) << "-" << endPos().frames(25);
    //setRect((double) m_startPos.frames(m_fps) * scale, rect().y(), (double) m_cropDuration.frames(m_fps) * scale, rect().height());

    /*    if (durationDiff < GenTime()) {
            QList <QGraphicsItem *> collisionList = collidingItems(Qt::IntersectsItemBoundingRect);
            for (int i = 0; i < collisionList.size(); ++i) {
                QGraphicsItem *item = collisionList.at(i);
                if (item->type() == type() && item->pos().x() < pos().x()) {
                    kDebug() << "/////////  COLLISION DETECTED!!!!!!!!!";
                    GenTime diff = ((AbstractClipItem *)item)->endPos() + GenTime(1, m_fps) - m_startPos;
                    setRect(0, 0, (m_cropDuration - diff).frames(m_fps) - 0.02, rect().height());
                    setPos((m_startPos + diff).frames(m_fps), pos().y());
                    m_startPos += diff;
                    if (type() == AVWIDGET) m_cropStart += diff;
                    m_cropDuration = m_cropDuration - diff;