Exemplo n.º 1
static int Load_LP_File_(CSOUND *csound, const char *filnam,
                          char **allocp, int32 *len)
    FILE *f;
    int length = 4096;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    int          j = 0;
    MYFLT x;
    char *all, *p;
    LPHEADER lph = {0,0,0,0,0.0,0.0,0.0,{0}};
    char buff[120];

    f = fopen(filnam, "r");
    csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, filnam, CSFTYPE_LPC, 0, 0);
    all = (char *)csound->Malloc(csound, (size_t) length);
    for (i=0; i<6; i++) fgetc(f); /* Skip LPANAL */
    if (4!=fscanf(f, "%d %d %d %d\n",
                  &lph.headersize, &lph.lpmagic, &lph.npoles, &lph.nvals))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Ill-formed LPC file\n"));
    fgets(buff, 120, f);
    lph.framrate = (MYFLT)cs_strtod(buff, &p);
    lph.srate = (MYFLT)cs_strtod(p, &p);
    lph.duration = (MYFLT)cs_strtod(p, &p);
    /* lph.text[0] = (char)strtol(p, &p, 0); */
    /* lph.text[1] = (char)strtol(p, &p, 0); */
    /* lph.text[2] = (char)strtol(p, &p, 0); */
    /* lph.text[3] = (char)strtol(p, &p, 0); */
    /* printf("LPHeader %d %d %d %d\n%f %f %f\n", */
    /*        lph.headersize, lph.lpmagic, lph.npoles, lph.nvals, */
    /*        lph.framrate, lph.srate, lph.duration); */
    /* fscanf(f, "%f %f %f %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x\n", */
    /*        &lph.framrate, &lph.srate, &lph.duration, */
    /*        &lph.text[0], &lph.text[1], &lph.text[2], &lph.text[3]); */
    // This needs surgery if in/out different MYFLT sizes *** FIX ME ***
    lph.headersize = sizeof(int32)*4+sizeof(MYFLT)*3;
    memcpy(&all[0], &lph, lph.headersize);

    /* Read data until end, pack as MYFLTs */
    for (i=lph.headersize;;i+=sizeof(MYFLT)) {
      /* Expand as necessary */
      if (i>=length-sizeof(MYFLT)-8) {
        //printf("expanding from %p[%d] to\n", all, length);
        all = csound->ReAlloc(csound, all, length+=4096);
        //printf("i=%d                     %p[%d]\n", i, all, length);
      x = read_ieee(f, &j);
      if (j) break;
      memcpy(&all[i], &x, sizeof(MYFLT));
    fclose(f);                                  /*   and close it      */
    printf("length=%d i=%u\n", length, i);
    *len = i;
    all = csound->ReAlloc(csound, all, i);
    *allocp = all;
    return 0;                                   /*   return 0 for OK   */
Exemplo n.º 2
static int Load_CV_File_(CSOUND *csound, const char *filnam,
                          char **allocp, int32 *len)
    FILE *f;
    int length = 4096;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    int          j = 0;
    MYFLT x;
    char *all;
    CVSTRUCT cvh = {0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0,0,{0}};
    char buff[120];
    char *p;

    f = fopen(filnam, "r");
    csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, filnam, CSFTYPE_CVANAL, 0, 0);
    all = (char *)csound->Malloc(csound, (size_t) length);
    (void)fgets(buff, 120, f); /* Skip CVANAL */
    cvh.magic = CVMAGIC;
    p = fgets(buff, 120, f);
    if (p==NULL) return csoundInitError(csound, Str("Ill-formed CV file\n"));
    cvh.headBsize = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    cvh.dataBsize = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    cvh.dataFormat = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    cvh.samplingRate = (MYFLT)cs_strtod(p, &p);
    cvh.src_chnls = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    cvh.channel = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    cvh.Hlen = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    cvh.Format = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    /* fscanf(f, "%d %d %d %g %d %d %d %d\n",  */
    /*        &cvh.headBsize, &cvh.dataBsize, &cvh.dataFormat, */
    /*        &cvh.samplingRate, &cvh.src_chnls, &cvh.channel, */
    /*        &cvh.Hlen, &cvh.Format); */
    cvh.headBsize = sizeof(int32)*8 + sizeof(MYFLT);
    memcpy(&all[0], &cvh, sizeof(CVSTRUCT));

    /* Read data until end, pack as MYFLTs */
    for (i=sizeof(CVSTRUCT);;i+=sizeof(MYFLT)) {
      /* Expand as necessary */
      if (i>=length-sizeof(MYFLT)-4) {
        //printf("expanding from %p[%d] to\n", all, length);
        all = csound->ReAlloc(csound, all, length+=4096);
        //printf("i=%d                     %p[%d]\n", i, all, length);
      }      x = read_ieee(f, &j);
      if (j) break;
      memcpy(&all[i], &x, sizeof(MYFLT));
    fclose(f);                                  /*   and close it      */
    //printf("length=%d i=%d\n", length, i);
    *len = i;
    all = csound->ReAlloc(csound, all, i);
    *allocp = all;
    return 0;                                   /*   return 0 for OK   */
Exemplo n.º 3
static MYFLT read_ieee(FILE* f, int *end)
    char buff[120];
    double x;
    char *p = fgets(buff, 120, f);

    if (p==NULL || feof(f)) {
      *end = 1;
      return FL(0.0);
    x = cs_strtod(buff, NULL);
    return (MYFLT)x;
    /* union { */
    /*   double d; */
    /*   struct {int  j,k;}  n; */
    /*   int64_t  i; */
    /* } x; */
    /* int sign=1, ex; */
    /* int64_t man; */
    /* int64_t bit = 1; */
    /* char buff[32]; */
    /* char *p; */
    /* bit <<= 62; */
    /* p = fgets(buff, 32, f); */
    /* printf("... %s", buff); */
    /* if (p==NULL || feof(f)) { */
    /*   printf("ending\n"); */
    /*   *end = 1; */
    /*   return FL(0.0); */
    /* } */
    /* if (strstr(p, "0x0p+0")) { */
    /*   return FL(0.0); */
    /* } */
    /* if (buff[0]=='-') sign=-1; */
    /* p = strchr(buff, '.')+1; */
    /* sscanf(p, "%lxp%d", &man, &ex); */
    /* x.i = man; */
    /* if (man!=(int64_t)0) x.i |= bit; */
    /* x.d = ldexp(x.d, ex-1); */
    /* if (sign<0) x.d =-x.d; */
    /* return (MYFLT)x.d; */
Exemplo n.º 4
/* Callback for json_walk() */
static void frozen_cb(void *data, const char *name, size_t name_len,
                      const char *path, const struct json_token *token) {
  struct json_parse_ctx *ctx = (struct json_parse_ctx *) data;
  v7_val_t v = V7_UNDEFINED;

  (void) path;

  v7_own(ctx->v7, &v);

  switch (token->type) {
      v = v7_mk_string(ctx->v7, token->ptr, token->len, 1 /* copy */);
      v = v7_mk_number(ctx->v7, cs_strtod(token->ptr, NULL));
    case JSON_TYPE_TRUE:
      v = v7_mk_boolean(ctx->v7, 1);
      v = v7_mk_boolean(ctx->v7, 0);
    case JSON_TYPE_NULL:
      v = V7_NULL;
      v = v7_mk_object(ctx->v7);
      v = v7_mk_array(ctx->v7);

      /* Object or array has finished: deallocate its frame */
      ctx->frame = free_json_frame(ctx, ctx->frame);
    } break;

      LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Wrong token type %d\n", token->type));

  if (!v7_is_undefined(v)) {
    if (name != NULL && name_len != 0) {
      /* Need to define a property on the current object/array */
      if (v7_is_object(ctx->frame->val)) {
        v7_set(ctx->v7, ctx->frame->val, name, name_len, v);
      } else if (v7_is_array(ctx->v7, ctx->frame->val)) {
         * TODO(dfrank): consult name_len. Currently it's not a problem due to
         * the implementation details of frozen, but it might change
        int idx = (int) cs_strtod(name, NULL);
        v7_array_set(ctx->v7, ctx->frame->val, idx, v);
      } else {
        LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Current value is neither object nor array\n"));
    } else {
      /* This is a root value */
      assert(ctx->frame == NULL);

       * This value will also be the overall result of JSON parsing
       * (it's already owned by the `v7_alt_json_parse()`)
      ctx->result = v;

    if (token->type == JSON_TYPE_OBJECT_START ||
        token->type == JSON_TYPE_ARRAY_START) {
      /* New object or array has just started, so we need to allocate a frame
       * for it */
      struct json_parse_frame *new_frame = alloc_json_frame(ctx, v);
      new_frame->up = ctx->frame;
      ctx->frame = new_frame;

  v7_disown(ctx->v7, &v);
Exemplo n.º 5
static void sensLine(CSOUND *csound, void *userData)
    char    *cp, *Linestart, *Linend;
    int     c, n, pcnt;

    while (1) {
      Linend = STA(Linep);
      if (csound->Linefd >= 0) {
        n = read(csound->Linefd, Linend, STA(Linebufend) - Linend);
        Linend += (n > 0 ? n : 0);
      if (Linend <= STA(Linebuf))
      Linestart = STA(Linebuf);
      cp = Linestart;

      while (containsLF(Linestart, Linend)) {
        EVTBLK  e;
        char    *sstrp = NULL;
        int     scnt = 0;
        int     strsiz = 0;
        memset(&e, 0, sizeof(EVTBLK));
        e.strarg = NULL; e.scnt = 0;
        c = *cp;
        while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')   /* skip initial white space */
          c = *(++cp);
        if (c == LF) {                  /* if null line, bugout     */
          Linestart = (++cp);
        switch (c) {                    /* look for legal opcode    */
        case 'e':                       /* Quit realtime            */
        case 'i':
        case 'q':
        case 'f':
        case 'a':
          e.opcod = c;
          csound->ErrorMsg(csound, Str("unknown opcode %c"), c);
          goto Lerr;
        }                                       /* for params that follow:  */
        pcnt = 0;
        do {
          char  *newcp;
          do {                                  /* skip white space */
            c = *(++cp);
          } while (c == ' ' || c == '\t');
          if (c == LF)
          if (c == '"') {                       /* if find character string */
            if (e.strarg == NULL)
              e.strarg = sstrp = csound->Malloc(csound, strsiz=SSTRSIZ);
            n = scnt;
            while (n-->0) sstrp += strlen(sstrp)+1;
            n = 0;
            while ((c = *(++cp)) != '"') {
              if (UNLIKELY(c == LF)) {
                csound->ErrorMsg(csound, Str("unmatched quotes"));
                goto Lerr;
              sstrp[n++] = c;                   /*   save in private strbuf */
              if (UNLIKELY((sstrp-e.strarg)+n >= strsiz-10)) {
                e.strarg = csound->ReAlloc(csound, e.strarg, strsiz+=SSTRSIZ);
                sstrp = e.strarg+n;
            sstrp[n] = '\0';
              union {
                MYFLT d;
                int32 i;
              } ch;
              ch.d = SSTRCOD; ch.i += scnt++;
              e.p[pcnt] = ch.d;           /* set as string with count */
            e.scnt = scnt;
          if (UNLIKELY(!(isdigit(c) || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.')))
            goto Lerr;
          if (c == '.' &&                       /*  if lone dot,       */
              ((n = cp[1]) == ' ' || n == '\t' || n == LF)) {
            if (UNLIKELY(e.opcod != 'i' ||
                         STA(prve).opcod != 'i' || pcnt > STA(prve).pcnt)) {
              csound->ErrorMsg(csound, Str("dot carry has no reference"));
              goto Lerr;
            }                                   /*        pfld carry   */
            e.p[pcnt] = STA(prve).p[pcnt];
            if (UNLIKELY(ISSTRCOD(e.p[pcnt]))) {
              csound->ErrorMsg(csound, Str("cannot carry string p-field"));
              goto Lerr;
          e.p[pcnt] = (MYFLT) cs_strtod(cp, &newcp);
          cp = newcp - 1;
        } while (pcnt < PMAX);
        if (e.opcod =='f' && e.p[1]<FL(0.0)); /* an OK case */
        else        /* check sufficient pfields */
          if (UNLIKELY(pcnt < 3 && e.opcod != 'e')) {
            csound->ErrorMsg(csound, Str("too few pfields"));
            goto Lerr;
        if (UNLIKELY(pcnt > 1 && e.p[2] < FL(0.0))) {
          csound->ErrorMsg(csound, Str("-L with negative p2 illegal"));
          goto Lerr;
        e.pcnt = pcnt;                          /*   &  record pfld count    */
        if (e.opcod == 'i') {                   /* do carries for instr data */
          memcpy((void*) &STA(prve), (void*) &e,
                 (size_t) ((char*) &(e.p[pcnt + 1]) - (char*) &e));
          /* FIXME: how to carry string args ? */
          STA(prve).strarg = NULL;
        if (UNLIKELY(pcnt >= PMAX && c != LF)) {
          csound->ErrorMsg(csound, Str("too many pfields"));
          while (*(++cp) != LF)                 /* flush any excess data     */
        Linestart = (++cp);
        insert_score_event_at_sample(csound, &e, csound->icurTime);
        n = cp - Linestart;                     /* error position */
        while (*cp != LF)
          cp++;                                 /* go on to LF    */
        *cp = '\0';                             /*  & insert NULL */
        csound->ErrorMsg(csound, Str("illegal RT scoreline:\n%s\n%*s"),
                                 Linestart, n + 1, "^");  /* mark the error */
        Linestart = (++cp);
      if (Linestart != &(STA(Linebuf)[0])) {
        int len = (int) (Linend - Linestart);
        /* move any remaining characters to the beginning of the buffer */
        for (n = 0; n < len; n++)
          STA(Linebuf)[n] = Linestart[n];
        n = (int) (Linestart - &(STA(Linebuf)[0]));
        STA(Linep) -= n;
        Linend -= n;
      if (Linend == STA(Linep))      /* return if no more data is available  */
      STA(Linep) = Linend;                       /* accum the chars          */