Exemplo n.º 1
void set_maxtop(char *maxtop)
int iret;
char *cpos,outstr[80];
cpos = cst_split(maxtop, ';', 79, outstr, &iret);

if ( iret == 0 )
   cst_numb( outstr, &maxtop_col, &iret);

if ( cpos != NULL )
   in_filt( cpos, &maxtop_filter, &iret, strlen(cpos));
Exemplo n.º 2
void shn_dfhr ( int *idst, float *rlat, float *rlon, int *idiff, int *iret )
 * shn_dfhr								*
 *									*
 * Given a location defined by a latitude/longitude pair, this function	*
 * determines the offset (in hours) between GMT and the local time at	*
 * that location.							*
 *									*
 * shn_dfhr ( *idst, *rlat, *rlon, *idiff, *iret )			*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	*idst		int		Flag denoting whether the	*
 *					current	report date-time occurs	*
 *					during Daylight	Savings Time:	*
 *					   0 = No			*
 *					   1 = Yes			*
 *	*rlat		float		Latitude of location		*
 *	*rlon		float		Longitude of location		*
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *	*idiff		int		Difference (in hours) determined*
 *					by subtracting GMT from the	*
 *					local time at the given location*
 *	*iret		int		Return code:			*
 *					   0 = normal return		*
 *					  -1 = a problem occurred	*
 **                                                                     *
 *  Log:                                                                *
 *  J. Ator/NCEP         04/05                                          *
	char cbndtp[8] = "TZ_BNDS";
	char cwrkst[80];
	char info[128];

	int ier;

	*iret = -1;

	clo_tqbnd ( cbndtp, *rlat, *rlon, cwrkst, &ier );
	if ( ier != 0 ) {

	clo_bginfo ( cbndtp, 0, info, &ier ); 
	if ( ier != 0 ) {

	if ( *idst ) {
	    cst_gtag ( "GMT_DST_OFFSET", (const char *) info, " ", cwrkst, &ier );
	else {
	    cst_gtag ( "GMT_OFFSET"    , (const char *) info, " ", cwrkst, &ier );
	if ( ier != 0 ) {

	cst_numb ( cwrkst, idiff, &ier );
	if ( ier != 0 ) {

	*iret = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
void wbc_dcty ( char **ugc_arr, char **cnam_arr, char **st_arr, int *ncnty, 
		char *eday, char *ehour, int *len1, int *ugcln, int *vtecln,
		char *prdcod, char *actn, char *offid, char *phen, 
		char *sigcd, char *etn,	int vtime[], int etime[], 
		char **ind_arr, char *cntystr, int *iret )
 * wbc_dcty                                                             *
 *                                                                      *
 * This program formats the UGC line for each state and the list of 	*
 * county names and independent city names. 				* 
 *                                                                      *
 * wbc_dcty ( ugc_arr, cnam_arr, st_arr, ncnty, eday, ehour, len1, 	*
 *	      ugcln, vtecln, prdcod, actn, offid, phen sigcd, etn,	*
 *            vtime, etime, ind_arr, cntystr, iret )         		*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	**ugc_arr	char		UG codes array			*
 *	**cnam_arr	char		County names array		*
 *	**st_arr	char		County states array		*
 *	ncnty		int		Number of counties in the arrays*
 *	*eday		int		Date (DD)			*
 *	*ehour		char		Hour (HH)			*
 *	len1		int		Max length of 'cntystr'		*
 *	*ugcln		int		Flag for printing UG codes	*
 *					   0 - Only county names	*
 *					   1 - UG codes and counties	*
 *	*vtecln		int		Flag for writing VTEC line	*
 *					   0 - No VTEC line in product	*
 *					   1 - Use VTEC; No prod code	*
 *					   2 - Use VTEC; Use prod code	*
 * 	*prdcod		char		VTEC product type code		*
 * 	*actn		char		VTEC action code		*	
 * 	*offid		char		VTEC issuing office id 		*	
 * 	*phen		char		VTEC phenonmena code		*	
 * 	*sigcd		char		VTEC significant action code	*	
 * 	*etn		char		VTEC event tracking number	*	
 * 	vtime[]		int		VTEC start time 		*	
 * 	etime[]		int 		VTEC ending time 		*	
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *	**ind_arr	char		Independent cities array	*
 *	*cntystr	char		County/independent cities string*
 *      *iret           int		Return Code                     *
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -1 = max size of cntystr reached
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	 5/03   					*
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	11/03		Fixed memory deallocation	*
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	 1/04		Added VTEC parameters to call   *
 * T. Piper/SAIC	02/04	Removed unused variables lenug, itype,	*
 *				iugcnt, and oneln 			*
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	 2/04		Removed printf statement	* 
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	 4/04	Add 'NEW' vs. 'CON'/'CAN' start time	*	
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	 4/04   Added marine zone logic and formatting  *
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	 7/04   Inc. arrays cntyname,cname,holdw,ugcstr *
 * T. Piper/SAIC	12/05	Updated cst_wrap for CSC		*
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	 2/06	Use len1 to check for mem leaks;set iret*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		04/06	Added parameter in cst_wrap 		*
    int     ii, jj, ik, im, ier, len, six, srch; 
    int	    lenc;
    int     ier1;
    int     inumb, iugc, indy, icnt, iind, numcnty, ietn;
    char    stid[3], name[22], county[9], cname[33], ctyind[19];
    char    tmpw[5000], holdw[5000], parish[9], rmname[9], cntyname[33];
    char    blank[2]={' '}, ugcstr[1500], **cty_arr, vtec[49], zname[256];
    *iret = 0;

    ier = 0;
    ier1 = 0;
    ii = 0;
    jj = 0;
    six = 6;
    srch = 2;
    cntystr[0] = '\0';
    strcpy( county, "COUNTIES");
    strcpy( parish, "PARISHES");
    strcpy( ctyind, "INDEPENDENT CITIES");
    strcpy( rmname, "CITY OF ");

    cty_arr = (char **)malloc(*ncnty * sizeof(char *));
    * Set up county watch section. 

     iugc = 0;
     while ( ii < *ncnty ) {
         strcpy(stid, st_arr[ii]);
         tb_idst ( stid, name, &ier1, strlen(stid), sizeof(name) ); 

	 * Setting up the zone county string.

	 if ( *ugcln == 1 ) {
	     holdw[0] = '\0';
	     tmpw[0] = '\0';
	     cst_numb (ugc_arr[iugc]+3, &numcnty, &ier);

	     ik = 0;
             while  ( (iugc < *ncnty) && 
	             ( (strcmp(st_arr[iugc], stid) == 0 ) ) ){
		 if ( iugc < *ncnty ) {
    		    cty_arr[ik] = (char *)malloc((six+1) * sizeof(char));
		    strcpy ( cty_arr[ik], ugc_arr[iugc] );

	     * Check if a Great Lake or Lake St. Clair is the name.
	     * Reset error code if it is to group all lake UG codes
	     * together.

	     if ( ( strcmp(name,"LAKE HURON") == 0 ) || 
	          ( strcmp(name,"LAKE ONTARIO") == 0 ) || 
	          ( strcmp(name,"LAKE MICHIGAN") == 0 ) ||
	          ( strcmp(name,"LAKE ST. CLAIR") == 0 ) ||
	          ( strcmp(name,"LAKE ERIE") == 0 ) ||
	          ( strcmp(name,"LAKE SUPERIOR") == 0 ) ) ier1 = -15;
	     * Check if another marine zone region follows. If so, append it to
	     * the current marine zones in the UGC array.

	     if ( (ier1 < 0 ) && ( (iugc < *ncnty) &&
	           (ugc_arr[iugc][2] == 'Z' ) ) ) {

                 while  ( (iugc < *ncnty) && (ugc_arr[iugc][2] == 'Z') ) {
		     if ( iugc < *ncnty ) {
    		         cty_arr[ik] = (char *)malloc((six+1) * sizeof(char));
		         strcpy ( cty_arr[ik], ugc_arr[iugc] );

	     utl_ugcp ( cty_arr, &ik, eday, ehour, &len, ugcstr, &ier);

             if ( ik > 1 ) {
                 for( im = 0; im < ik-1; im++ ) {
                     free( cty_arr[im] );
	     else {
                 free( cty_arr[0] );

             strcat (tmpw, ugcstr );
             strcat (tmpw, EOL );

	     * Setting up the VTEC string.

	     if ( *vtecln == 1 ) {
		 cst_numb ( etn, &ietn, &ier);
	         if ( strcmp ( actn, "NEW") == 0 ) {
		 sprintf( vtec, 
		  actn, offid, phen, sigcd, ietn,
		  vtime[0]%100, vtime[1], vtime[2], vtime[3], vtime[4],
		  etime[0]%100, etime[1], etime[2], etime[3], etime[4]);
		 else {
		 sprintf( vtec, 
		  actn, offid, phen, sigcd, ietn,
		  etime[0]%100, etime[1], etime[2], etime[3], etime[4]);
                  strcat (tmpw, vtec );
                  strcat (tmpw, EOL );
	     else if ( *vtecln == 2 ) {
		 cst_numb ( etn, &ietn, &ier);
	         if ( strcmp ( actn, "NEW") == 0 ) {
		 sprintf( vtec, 
		   prdcod, actn, offid, phen, sigcd, ietn,
		   vtime[0]%100, vtime[1], vtime[2], vtime[3], vtime[4],
		   etime[0]%100, etime[1], etime[2], etime[3], etime[4]);
		 else {
		 sprintf( vtec, 
		   prdcod, actn, offid, phen, sigcd, ietn,
		   etime[0]%100, etime[1], etime[2], etime[3], etime[4]);
                  strcat (tmpw, vtec );
                  strcat (tmpw, EOL );

             strcat (tmpw, EOL );
             strcat( cntystr, tmpw);

	 * Setting up the states included string.

	 tmpw[0] = '\0';
	 if ( ugc_arr[ii][2] != 'Z' ) {
          sprintf ( tmpw, "%s \n", stid);
          strcat( cntystr, tmpw);
	  if ( strcmp ( stid,"LA") != 0 ) {
	     sprintf ( tmpw, ".    %s %s INCLUDED ARE\n\n", 
	               name, county);
	 else {
	     sprintf ( tmpw, ".    %s %s INCLUDED ARE\n\n", 
	               name, parish);
         strcat( cntystr, tmpw);

         jj = 0;
	 iind = 0;
	 indy = 0;
	 holdw[0] = '\0';
         while ( ( ii < *ncnty ) &&
		 ( strcmp(st_arr[ii], stid) == 0 ) ) {

              if ( jj == 3 ) { 
                  strcat(holdw, "\n");
                  strcat( cntystr, holdw);
                 jj = 0;

	      cst_rnan (  cnam_arr[ii], cname, &ier );
	      cst_lcuc ( cname, cname, &ier );

	      * Check for independent cities.
	      cst_rmst (cname, rmname, &inumb, cntyname, &ier);
              if ( inumb == 0 ) {
	          strcpy ( cname, cntyname );

	      cst_numb (ugc_arr[ii]+3, &numcnty, &ier);
	      if (  numcnty > 509 ) {
		   strcpy ( ind_arr[iind], cname );
		   indy = 1;
	      else {
	          * Print out names of counties. Set spacing for columns
		  * 2 and 3.

		  if ( jj < 1 ) {
                      sprintf ( holdw, "%-21s", cname);
		  else {
                      sprintf ( holdw, "%-20s", cname);
                  strcat( cntystr, holdw);
	          holdw[0] = '\0';
          strcat( cntystr, holdw);

	  tmpw[0] = '\0';
	  if ( indy == 0 ) {
              if ( ii >= *ncnty ) {
	          strcat ( tmpw, "\n$$\n\n");
	          if ( *ugcln ) {
		    strcat ( tmpw, "\n");
                  strcat( cntystr, tmpw);
              else {
	          if ( (ii == ( *ncnty - 1) ) || 
		    ( strcmp(st_arr[ii+1], stid) != 0 ) ) {
	              strcat ( tmpw, "\n$$\n\n");
	              if ( *ugcln ) {
		        strcat ( tmpw, "\n");
                      strcat( cntystr, tmpw);

          *  Print out independent cities list.

	  tmpw[0] = '\0';
	  holdw[0] = '\0';
	  lenc = strlen (cntystr);
          /*  Subtract 500 characters (for constant/known text throughout) */
	  lenc = lenc - 500;
          if (  indy  != 0 ) {
              cst_sort( srch, &iind, ind_arr, &iind, ind_arr, &ier );
	      if  ( ii == 0 )  {
		  strcat(tmpw, "\n\n");
	      } else {
		  strcat(tmpw, "\n\n\n");
	      if ( *ugcln ) {
                  sprintf ( holdw, "%s %s INCLUDED ARE\n\n", name, ctyind);
	      else {
                  sprintf ( holdw, "%s %s INCLUDED \n\n", name, ctyind);
              strcat( tmpw, holdw);
	      lenc = lenc + strlen (tmpw);
	      if ( lenc >= *len1 ) {
		  *iret = -1;
              strcat( cntystr, tmpw);

	      tmpw[0] = '\0';
	      holdw[0] = '\0';
	      * Set spacing for columns 2 and 3.

              jj = 0;
              for ( icnt = 0; icnt <  iind; icnt++ ){
		   if ( jj < 1 ) {
                       sprintf ( holdw, "%-21s", ind_arr[icnt]);
		   else {
                       sprintf ( holdw, "%-20s", ind_arr[icnt]);
                   strcat( cntystr, holdw);
	      lenc = lenc + strlen (holdw);
	      if ( lenc >= *len1 ) {
		  *iret = -1;

		   * Only add new line if the column lengths aren't
		   * even.

                   if ( ( jj == 3 ) && ( icnt != iind-1 ) ){
                       strcat(cntystr, "\n");
                       jj = 0;
              strcat ( cntystr, "\n$$\n\n");
              if ( *ugcln ) strcat ( cntystr, "\n");
	 else {

	     * Write out all of the marine zone names under one heading.

	     len = LINE_LEN;
	     sprintf ( tmpw, "CW \n\n");
	     strcat ( cntystr, tmpw);
	     sprintf ( tmpw, ".    ADJACENT COASTAL WATERS INCLUDED ARE\n\n" );
             strcat( cntystr, tmpw);

	     holdw[0] = '\0';
	     tmpw[0] = '\0';
             while  ( (ii < *ncnty) && (ugc_arr[ii][2] == 'Z') ) {
	         cst_rnan (  cnam_arr[ii], zname, &ier );
		 cst_rpst ( zname, ",", "", zname, &ier );
		 cst_rpst ( zname, ",", "", zname, &ier );
		 cst_lcuc ( zname, zname, &ier );

	         sprintf(holdw,"%s \n\n", zname);
		 cst_wrap ( holdw, blank, &len, EOL, (char *)NULL, tmpw, &ier );
	      lenc = lenc + strlen (tmpw);
	      if ( lenc >= *len1 ) {
		  *iret = -1;
	         strcat(cntystr, tmpw);
	         holdw[0] = '\0';
	         tmpw[0] = '\0';
             strcat ( cntystr, "$$\n");
     if (cty_arr) {
          free( (char **) cty_arr);
Exemplo n.º 4
void dc_init ( char *prgnam, int argc, char **argv, int numexp, 
				char parms[][DCMXLN], int *num, int *iret )
 * dc_init								*
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine initializes the bridge and decoder parameters and	*
 * processes the command line options.					*
 *                                                                      *
 * dc_init ( prgnam, argc, argv, numexp, parms, num, iret )		*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*prgnam		char		Program name			*
 *	argc		int		Number of command line args	*
 *	**argv		char		Command line arguments		*
 *	numexp		int		Number of expected parameters	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	parms[][DCMXLN]	char		Parameters found on command line*
 *	*num		int		Number of parameters found	*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					   0 = normal return		*
 *					 -11 = no command line args	*
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * A. Chang/EAi		 5/95						*
 * S. Jacobs/NMC	 7/95	Update and clean up			*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 6/96	Updated documentation; Changed atoi to	*
 *				cst_numb; Removed the +3 return	code;	*
 *				Changed ldfd to a FILE stream - fplog	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 7/96	Reorganized the source code		*
 * K. Tyle/GSC		 7/96	NT_HELP --> IP_HELP			*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 7/96	Removed log file open			*
 * K. Tyle/GSC		 1/97	Added calls to IN_BDTA and ER_STAT;	*
 *				changed numerr in startup dc_wclg call	*
 * K. Tyle/GSC		 1/97	Use iflg in call to ER_STAT		*
 * D. Kidwell/NCEP	 9/97	Added version number to help option     *
 * I. Durham/GSC	 5/98	Changed underscore decl. to an include	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 1/00	Added command line input of env vars	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 2/01	Removed all references to ulog		*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 8/02	Added version to log file		*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	07/05	Added -w input parameter		*
 * H. Zeng/SAIC		08/05	Added second station table		*
 * L. Hinson/AWC        06/08   Add -r circular flag switch             *
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 3/12	Add $HOME to the logs directory		*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	12/13	Added more options for log location	*
	int	ch, i, errflg, ier;
	int	pagflg = G_FALSE;
	int	iflg   = G_TRUE;

**	These variables are used for logging errors and notices.
	char	tdclog[DCMXLN];
	int	logflg, ibuf;
	char	errstr[DCMXLN];
	char	version[128];

**	These variables are used by getopt. Unset the error reporting.
	char		optver[20];

	*iret = 0;

**	Set the process ID for log messages.
	ipid = (int) getpid ();

**	Initialize the bulletin counter.
	nbull = 0;

**	Save the program name as a global variable.
	strcpy ( cprgnm, prgnam );

**	Set up the signal handlers.
	dc_sgnl ( );
**	Get and process the command line options.
**	Set the default values for parsing the command line.
	strcpy ( curtim, "SYSTEM" );
	cst_uclc ( cprgnm, tdclog, &ier );
	strcat ( tdclog, ".log" );
	logflg    = G_FALSE;
	itmout    = DCDFTM;
	irltim    = G_TRUE;
	txtflg    = G_TRUE;
        circflg   = G_FALSE;
	ivrblv    = 0;
	prmfil[0] = CHNULL;
	stntbl[0] = CHNULL;
	iadstn    = IMISSD;
	maxtim    = IMISSD;
	nhours    = IMISSD;
	iwndht    = IMISSD;

**	Get the valid options from the command line.
**	The valid options are:
**		-v	Set the level of verbosity for the logs
**		-c	Set the "current" time
**		-b	Number of hours to decode prior to "current" time
**		-d	Set the decoder log file name
**		-t	Set the interval for the time out
**		-p	Set the parameter packing table
**		-s	Set the station table
**		-S	Set the second station table
**		-a	Set the number of additional stations
**		-m	Set the max number of times
**		-e	Set an environment variable=value
**		-n	Set a flag to NOT save the text data
**              -r      Set a flag to force circular files
**		-w	Set the cutoff "close-to-the-surface" height
**		-h	Print the help file, then exit the program
	opterr = 1;
	errflg = 0;
	while ( ( ch = getopt ( argc, argv,
				"v:c:b:d:t:p:s:S:a:m:e:w:nhr" ) ) != EOF ) {
	    switch ( ch ) {
		case 'v':
			cst_numb ( optarg, &ivrblv, &ier );
			if  ( ivrblv < 0 )  ivrblv = 0;
		case 'c':
			strcpy ( curtim, optarg );
			irltim = G_FALSE;
		case 'b':
			cst_numb ( optarg, &nhours, &ier );
		case 'd':
			strcpy ( tdclog, optarg );
			logflg = G_TRUE;
		case 't':
			cst_numb ( optarg, &itmout, &ier );
			if  ( itmout < 1 )  itmout = DCDFTM;
		case 'p':
			strcpy ( prmfil, optarg );
		case 's':
			strcpy ( stntbl, optarg );
		case 'S':
			strcpy ( stntb2, optarg );
		case 'a':
			cst_numb ( optarg, &iadstn, &ier );
		case 'm':
			cst_numb ( optarg, &maxtim, &ier );
		case 'e':
			envobj = (envlist *) malloc ( sizeof(envlist) );
			envobj->env = malloc ( strlen(optarg)+1 );
			strcpy ( envobj->env, optarg );
			envobj->env[strlen(optarg)] = '\0';
			envobj->next = envhead;
			envhead = envobj;
		case 'n':
			txtflg = G_FALSE;
		case 'w':
			cst_numb ( optarg, &iwndht, &ier );
                case 'r':
                        circflg = G_TRUE;
		case 'h':
			ip_help ( cprgnm, &pagflg, &ier,
				  strlen(cprgnm) );
			strcpy ( cprgnm, "DECODE" );
			ip_help ( cprgnm, &pagflg, &ier,
				  strlen(cprgnm) );
			ss_vers ( optver, &ier,
				  sizeof (optver) );
			printf ( ">%s<\n", optver );
			exit ( 0 );
		case '?':

**	Initialize GEMPAK and set error reporting parameters.
	in_bdta ( &ier );
	ibuf = 1;
	er_stat ( &ivrblv, &ibuf, &iflg, &ier );

**	Open the decoder log.
**	If the processing is in real-time add the directory to the 
**	file name.
	if  ( !logflg && irltim )
	    if ( tdclog[0] == '/' ) {
		strcpy ( dcdlog, tdclog );
	    else if ( getenv("GEMPAK_DECODER_LOGS") ) {
		strcpy ( dcdlog, "$GEMPAK_DECODER_LOGS/" );
		strcat ( dcdlog, tdclog );
	    else {
		strcpy ( dcdlog, "$HOME/" );
		strcat ( dcdlog, tdclog );
	    strcpy ( dcdlog, tdclog );

**	Send a start up message to the decoder log.
	ss_vers ( version, &ier, sizeof(version) );
	dc_wclg ( 0, "DCINIT", 3, version, &ier );

**	Set all of the environment variables.
	envobj = envhead;
	while ( envobj != NULL ) {
	    if  ( putenv ( envobj->env ) != 0 )  {
		strcpy ( errstr, envobj->env );
		dc_wclg ( 0, "DCINIT", -17, errstr, &ier );
	    envobj = envobj->next;

**	Adjust argc and argv by the option index.
	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;

**	Initialize the output string array.
	for ( i = 0; i < numexp; i++ )
	    strcpy ( parms[i], " " );

**	Get the decoder specific parameters.
	*num = argc;

	if  ( *num == 0 )
**	    If there are no parameters write a message and return
**	    with an error.
	    *iret = -11;
	    dc_wclg ( 0, "DCINIT", *iret, " ", &ier );
**	    Otherwise, set the parameters to be returned.
	    for ( i = 0; i < *num; i++ )
		if  ( i < numexp )  strcpy ( parms[i], argv[i] );
Exemplo n.º 5
void na_gtbl ( const char *cpyfil, char *name, char *proj, int *nxgd,
               int *nygd, float *garea, float *rnvblk, float *anlblk,
	       int *iret )
 * na_gtbl								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine finds grid INNAME (a numerical or character          *
 * identifier prefaced by '#') in a grid navigation table, then makes 	*
 * the navigation and analysis blocks.  The grid navigation is set up	*
 * in GEMPLT in order to check its validity.				*
 *									*
 * na_gtbl ( cpyfil, name, proj, nxgd, nygd, garea, rnvblk, anlblk,	*
 *           iret )							*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*cpyfil		const char	Input for CPYFIL		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*name		char		Name of selected grid		*
 *	*proj		char		Grid projection			*
 *	*nxgd		int		Number of points in x dir	*
 *	*nygd		int		Number of points in y dir	*
 *	*garea		float		Grid corners			*
 *	*rnvblk		float		Grid navigation block		*
 *	*anlblk		float		Grid analysis block		*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					 +1 = EXIT entered		*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -4 = invalid navigation	*
 *					 -9 = grid not found in table	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Jacobs/EAI	 7/93		Copied from GDCTBL		*
 * D. Keiser/GSC	12/95		Changed FL_TOPN to FL_TBOP	*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 7/06		Recoded from Fortran		*
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP      10/06   Added call to GR_VNAV                   *
    char gntrec[81], namgd[5], c2name[9], buffer[LLMXLN];
    float angl1, angl2, angl3, dbnds[4], deln;
    int angflg, found, valid;
    int iebnds[4], ingrdn, numgd, extnd, ier, ier1, iernum, navsz, i;
    FILE *lungrd;
    *iret = 0;
    name[0] = '\0';

     * Get the grid number (INGRDN) out of NAME; a conversion error
     * sets IERNUM .ne. 0 and it is assumed that NAME is a type.
    cst_lcuc ( (char *)cpyfil, c2name, &ier );
    strcpy ( name, &c2name[1] );
    cst_numb ( name, &ingrdn, &iernum );

     * Open the table of valid grid types.
    lungrd = cfl_tbop ( "grdnav.tbl", "grid", &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "CFL", &ier, "grdnav.tbl", &ier1,
	          strlen("CFL"), strlen("grdnav.tbl") );
	*iret = -9;

     * List the table contents for the user, if requested.
    if ( strcmp ( name, "LIST" ) == 0 ) {
	while ( ! feof ( lungrd) ) {
	    cfl_trln ( lungrd, sizeof(gntrec), gntrec, &ier );
	    if ( ier != 0 ) break;

	    printf ( "%-79.79s\n", gntrec );

	 * Rewind the table file.
	cfl_seek ( lungrd, 0, SEEK_SET, &ier );

	 * Prompt user for grid choice.
	printf ( "Enter grid id or number or type EXIT: " );
	scanf ( " %s", name );
	if ( name[0] == 'e' || name[0] == 'E' ) {
	    *iret = +1;
	cst_lcuc ( name, name, &ier );
	cst_numb ( name, &ingrdn, &iernum );

     * Read through the list of valid grid types/numbers to get 
     * navigation/analysis information.
    found = G_FALSE;
    while ( ! feof ( lungrd ) ) {
    	cfl_trln ( lungrd, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &ier );
	if ( ier != 0 ) break;

	sscanf ( buffer, "%s %d %s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d %f %d",
                 namgd, &numgd, proj, &angl1, &angl2, &angl3,
		 &garea[0], &garea[1], &garea[2], &garea[3],
		 nxgd, nygd, &deln, &extnd );
	if ( strcmp ( name, namgd ) == 0 || ingrdn == numgd ) {
	    found = G_TRUE;
    cfl_clos ( lungrd, &ier );

     * Bail out if NAME wasn't found in the table.
    if ( found == G_FALSE ) {
	*iret = -9;

     * Fill navigation block.
    angflg = G_TRUE;
    gr_vnav  ( proj, nxgd, nygd, &garea[0], &garea[1],
                &garea[2], &garea[3], &angl1, &angl2, &angl3,
		&angflg, &valid, &ier, strlen(proj) );

    if ( ier == 0 )
       grc_mnav  ( proj, nxgd, nygd, &garea[0], &garea[1],
                   &garea[2], &garea[3], &angl1, &angl2, &angl3,
                   &angflg, rnvblk, &ier );
    else {
       *iret = -2;

     * Set up navigation in GEMPLT to check validity.
    navsz = 13;
    grc_snav  ( &navsz, rnvblk, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	*iret = -4;

     * Make an analysis block.
    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
	iebnds[i] = extnd;
	dbnds [i] = RMISSD;
    grc_mbn2 ( &deln, iebnds, dbnds, rnvblk, anlblk, &ier );

Exemplo n.º 6
void gdgwrt ( const float *grid, const char *time1, const char *time2,
              const int *level1, const int *level2, const int *ivcord,
	      const char *parm, const char *grdnam, const char *gpack,
	      const int *ihzrmp, const int *idrct, int *iret )
 * gdgwrt								*
 *									*
 * This subrutine writes a warning message if a grid is already in	*
 * the file.  The grid identifier is written and the user is prompted	*
 * to accept the grid, change the parameter name or exit.		*
 *									*
 * gdgwrt ( grid, time1, time2, level1, level2, ivcord, parm, grdnam,	*
 *          gpack, ihzrmp, idrct, iret )				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*grid		const float	Grid of data			*
 *	*time1		const char	Grid date/time			*
 *	*time2		const char	Grid date/time			*
 *	*level1		const int	Grid levels			*
 *	*level2		const int	Grid levels			*
 *	*ivcord		const int	Grid vertical coordinate	*
 *	*parm		const char	Grid parameter name		*
 *	*grdnam		const char	User specified grid name	*
 *	*gpack		const char	Grid packing information	*
 *	*ihzrmp		const int	Horizontal remapping		*
 *	*idrct		const int	Directional flag		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  2 = user entered EXIT		*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -7 = error writing grid	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * M. Goodman/RDS	10/85						*
 * M. desJardins/GSFC	 7/87	Rewritten				*
 * M. desJardins/GSFC	 8/88	GEMPAK 4				*
 * S. Schotz/GSC	 6/90	Get respnd locally from IP_RESP		*
 * K. Brill/NMC		02/91   Added in-line parameters		*
 * K. Brill/NMC		07/92	Change gname to upper case (J. Whistler)*
 * K. Brill/NMC		07/92	Added % in-line parameter		*
 * K. Brill/EMC		11/97	Fixed in-line parm: i->ii in DO ii loop	*
 * M. Li/SAIC		04/04	Added ihzrmp, and idrct			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 1/05	Modified for time/file management	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		12/05	Initialized ighdr			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 9/06	Recoded from Fortran			*
    char gname[13], gtime[21], glevl[13], gcord[13], answer[13], vparm[13],
         timout1[21], timout2[21], gdnbuf[LLMXLN+1], *pchr;
    int respnd, exist, tltflg, pagflg, newln, rplc;
    int ighdr[LLGDHD], levout1, levout2, ivcout;
    int dowhat, inam, ihat, iaat, ipct, len, zero, ii, ier;
    *iret = 0;
    tltflg = G_TRUE;
    pagflg = G_FALSE;
    newln  = G_FALSE;
    rplc   = G_TRUE;
    zero = 0;
    inam = 0;
    ihat = 0;
    iaat = 0;
    ipct = 0;

     * Get name of grid to use along with in-line parameters.
    if ( strlen(grdnam) > 0 ) {
        dowhat = DONAM;
        cst_lcuc ( (char *)grdnam, gdnbuf, &ier );
        for ( pchr = gdnbuf; *pchr != '\0'; pchr++ ) {
	    if ( *pchr == '^' ) dowhat = DOHAT;
	    if ( *pchr == '@' ) dowhat = DOAAT;
	    if ( *pchr == '%' ) dowhat = DOPCT;

	    switch ( dowhat ) {
	         * Retrieve grid name.
	        case DONAM:
		    gname[inam++] = *pchr;

		 * Retrieve in-line time.
		case DOHAT:
		    if ( *pchr == '^' ) continue;
		    gtime[ihat++] = *pchr;

		 * Retrieve in-line level.
		case DOAAT:
		    if ( *pchr == '@' ) continue;
		    glevl[iaat++] = *pchr;

		 * Retrieve in-line vertical coordinate.
		case DOPCT:
		    if ( *pchr == '%' ) continue;
		    gcord[ipct++] = *pchr;
	gname[inam] = '\0';
	gtime[ihat] = '\0';
	glevl[iaat] = '\0';
	gcord[ipct] = '\0';
    if ( inam == 0 ) strcpy ( gname, parm );
    if ( ihat > 0 ) {
        strcpy ( timout1, gtime );
	timout2[0] = '\0';
    } else {
        strcpy ( timout1, time1 );
        strcpy ( timout2, time2 );

    if ( iaat > 0 ) {
	cst_numb ( glevl, &levout1, &ier );
        levout2 = -1;
    } else {
        levout1 = *level1;
        levout2 = *level2;
    if ( ipct > 0 ) {
        clv_cord ( gcord, vparm, &ivcout, &ier );
    } else {
        ivcout = *ivcord;

     * Check if the grid already exists in the grid file.
     * Write message that grid will be replaced.
    cst_lcuc ( gname, gname, &ier );
    dgc_qgrd  ( timout1, timout2, &levout1, &levout2, &ivcout, gname,
        &exist, &ier );
    if ( ier == 0 && exist == G_TRUE ) {
	printf ( "  This grid is already in file.  It will be replaced.\n" );

     * Write the grid identifiers.
    printf ( "\n" );
    grc_wtrm  ( stdout, &tltflg, &zero, timout1, timout2, &levout1,
        &levout2, &ivcout, gname, &ier );

     * Allow user to enter a new parameter name.
    ip_resp ( &respnd, &ier );
    if ( respnd == G_TRUE ) {
	tm_str ( "Enter a new grid parameter name, <cr> to accept",
	    &pagflg, &newln, answer, iret,
	    strlen("Enter a new grid parameter name, <cr> to accept"), 13 );
	st_null ( answer, answer, &len, &ier, 13, 13 );

	 * Return if the user typed EXIT.
	if ( *iret == 2 ) return;

	 * Check if user entered new name.
	if ( *iret == 0 ) strcpy ( gname, answer );

     * Write out the grid and check for errors.
    for ( ii = 0; ii < LLGDHD; ii++ ) ighdr[ii] = 0;
    if ( *ihzrmp != IMISSD ) ighdr[0] = *ihzrmp;
    if ( *idrct  != IMISSD ) ighdr[1] = *idrct;

    dgc_nwdt ( grid, timout1, timout2, &levout1, &levout2, &ivcout, gname,
        ighdr, gpack, &rplc, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen(" ") );
	*iret = -7;

Exemplo n.º 7
void cst_ilst ( char *str, char sep, int def, int nexp, int *intptr, 
						int *num, int *iret )
 * cst_ilst								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine breaks a string containing a list of integers into 	*
 * an array of integers.  The separator for the integers is input as	*
 * SEP.  If the seperator is a blank, multiple blanks will be treated	*
 * as one.  If null strings are	encounteded or fewer than NEXP strings	*
 * are found in the string, the appropriate intptr locations are set to	*
 * DEF.									*
 *									*
 * Range strings (with optional increments) are indicated with a hyphen	*
 * (i.e., 3-9 or 3-12-3) and are processed into the INTPTR array.	*
 *									*
 * cst_ilst ( str, sep, def, nexp, intptr, num, iret )			*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*str		char		Input string			*
 *	sep		char		Separator			*
 *	def		int	 	Default value			*
 *	nexp		int		Number of expected values	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*intptr		int		Pointer to integer values	*
 *	*num		int		Number of integers returned	*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  1 = more than nexp values	*
 *					  0 = normal			*
 *					 -1 = invalid nexp		*
 *					 -3 = invalid substring		*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * L. Williams/EAI	 4/96						*
 * L. Williams/EAI	 6/96	check for missing data			*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 8/96	Updated header format			*
 * G. Krueger/EAI	10/97	Removed MALLOC, RSPTB			*
char	strbuf[160], alpha[10], omega[10], rinc[10];
int	ielt, ichar, jchar, len, lenss;
int	begin, end, inc, tp, ival, intgr, ier, err;

	*iret = 0;
	*num = 0;

	 * check the number of expected values
	if( nexp <= 0 ) {
	   intptr = 0;
	   *iret = -1;

	 * initialize output array to default value
	for( ielt=0; ielt < nexp; ielt++ )
	     intptr[ielt] = def;

	 * process the input string into an array of integer numbers
	jchar = 0;
	ielt = 0;
	*strbuf = '\0';
	len = strlen (str);
	for ( ichar = 0; ichar < len; ichar++ )
	    if (str[ichar] == '\t' || str[ichar] == ' ') {
		if (sep != ' ') {
		} else if ( (sep == ' ') &&
			    (str[ichar+1] == '\t' && str[ichar+1] == ' ') ) {
	    if ( str[ichar] == sep ) {
		 * character is a separator, finish the current array
		 * element
		strbuf[jchar] = '\0';
		cst_lstr( strbuf, &lenss, &ier );
		if ( lenss != 0 ) {
		    cst_rang( strbuf, alpha, omega, rinc, &tp, &ier );
		    if ( tp ) {
			 * this is a range
			cst_numb( alpha, &begin, &ier );
			cst_numb( omega, &end, &err );
			if ( ( ier == -2 ) || ( err == -2 ) ) {
			    *iret = -3;
			} else {
			    inc = 1;
			    if ( tp != 1 ) inc = atoi( rinc );
			    for ( ival=begin; ival <= end; ival += inc ) 
				if ( ielt < nexp ) {
				    intptr[ielt] = ival;
		    } else {
			 * this is a simple integer
			cst_numb( strbuf, &intgr, &ier );
			if ( ier == -2 ) {
			    *iret = -3;
			} else {
			    intptr[ielt] = intgr;
		 * work on the next array element
		jchar = 0;
		*strbuf = '\0';
		if ( ielt >= nexp ) {
		    *iret = 1;
	    } else {
		 * otherwise, append the character to the buffer
		strbuf[jchar] = str[ichar];
	 * finish the last array element
	strbuf[jchar] = '\0';
	cst_lstr( strbuf, &lenss, &ier );
	if ( lenss != 0 ) {
	    cst_rang( strbuf, alpha, omega, rinc, &tp, &ier );
	    if ( tp ) {
		 * this is a range
		cst_numb( alpha, &begin, &ier );
		cst_numb( omega, &end, &err );
		if ( ( ier == -2 ) || ( err == -2 ) ) {
		    *iret = -3;
		} else {
		    inc = 1;
		    if ( tp != 1 ) inc = atoi( rinc );
		    for ( ival=begin; ival <= end; ival += inc ) 
			if ( ielt < nexp ) {
			    intptr[ielt] = ival;
	    } else {
		 * this is a simple integer
		cst_numb( strbuf, &intgr, &ier );
		if ( ier == -2 ) {
		    *iret = -3;
		} else {
		    intptr[ielt] = intgr;
	*num = ielt;
	if ( *num > nexp ) *num = nexp;
Exemplo n.º 8
void dg_prft ( const char *time1, const char *time2, const int *level1,
               const int *level2, const int *ivcord, const char *parm,
	       int *num, int *iret )
 * dg_prft								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine accumulates precipitation over a given time period.	*
 * The time period is hh hours given in the parameter name which has	*
 * the form PhhM or PhhI.  Conversions to inches or millimeters will	*
 * be automatic.							*
 *									*
 * The following assumptions are made:					*
 *									*
 *	1.  The precipitation totals exist at forecast times		*
 *	    at regular intervals in whole hours.			*
 *									*
 *	2.  At regular intervals the precipitation is given for		*
 *	    the entire interval.  This is a major interval.		*
 *									*
 *	3.  At regular subintervals within the major intervals,		*
 *	    the precipitation is accumulated since the start of		*
 *	    the major interval.						*
 *									*
 * dg_prft ( time1, time2, level1, level2, ivcord, parm, num, iret )    *
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *      *time1          const char      Date/time                       *
 *      *time2          const char      Date/time                       *
 *      *level1         const int       Level                           *
 *      *level2         const int       Level                           *
 *      *ivcord         const int       Vertical coordinate             *
 *      *parm           const char      Parameter name                  *
 *									*
 * Input and output parameters:						*
 *      *num            int             Location of grid                *
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *      *iret           int             Return code                     *
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -7 = grid cannot be found	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * K. Brill/NMC		10/92						*
 * K. Brill/NMC		 2/93	Use first character of parm 		*
 * M. desJardins/NMC	 7/92	DG_UHDR --> DG_UPSG			*
 * K. Brill/NMC		11/93	Take care of negative precip		*
 * M. desJardins/NMC	 3/94	Reorganize				*
 * S. Jacobs/NMC	10/94	Check for parms w/ PR which aren't rates*
 * K. Brill/NMC		 5/95	Add 3-h major interval			*
 * T. Lee/GSC		 4/96	Single dimension for dgg		*
 * K. Brill/HPC		11/02	Eliminate use of the SUBA logical array	*
 * K. Brill/HPC		 2/03	Call DG_FRIG to free internal grids	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		10/03	Increased temporal resolution for hrly	*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		 1/04	Handled Canadian precip. grids		*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 1/05	Fixed bug for GFS data			*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 9/05	Fixed counter when in CANADIAN mode	*
 * R. Tian/SAIC          2/06   Recoded from Fortran                 	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 8/09	Added 1hr to major interval list	*
     * Set possible subinterval accumulation periods.
    char cdt[NDT][3] = { "03", "06", "09", "12", "01", "02",
			 "04", "05", "07", "08", "10", "11", 
			 "24", "48" };
    int idt[NDT]     = {  3,    6,    9,    12,   1,    2,
    			  4,    5,    7,    8,    10,   11,
			  24,   48 };
     * Set possible major interval lengths (hours).
    char cdtm[NDTM][4] = { "01", "03", "06", "12", "24" };
    int idtm[NDTM]     = {   1,    3,    6,   12,   24 };

    char thold[5], pnum[14], fstchr, lstchr, accum[73], ftype, ftime[4],
        time21[21], time22[21];
    float rmult, signp;
    int intdtf[3], jvcord, iacc, lenstr, ihrs, ihhlst, iptime, lenst,
        numsub, nummaj, majts, iz, itet, i, ier, ierr;
    int done;
    *iret = -7;

     * Set the vertical coordinate to missing since it can be ignored.
    jvcord = -1;

     * Check to see if precipitation rate is requested.  If so,
     * check for the data immediately.
    if ( strncmp ( parm, "PR", 2 ) == 0 ) {
	strcpy ( accum, &parm[2] );
	cst_numb ( accum, &iacc, &ierr );
	if ( ierr == 0 ) {
	    dg_grdr ( time1, time2, level1, level2, &jvcord, parm, num, iret );

     * Check that precipitation in form P|S|C nnn I|M has been requested.
    cst_lstr ( (char *)parm, &lenstr, &ier );
    if ( lenstr <= 2 ) return;
    fstchr = parm[0];
    if ( ( fstchr != 'P' ) && ( fstchr != 'S' ) && ( fstchr != 'C' ) ) return;
    lstchr = parm[lenstr-1];
    if ( ( lstchr != 'I' ) && ( lstchr != 'M' ) ) return;

     * Get number of hours for the precipitation accumulation.
    strncpy ( pnum, &parm[1], lenstr - 2 );
    pnum[lenstr-2] = '\0';
    cst_numb ( pnum, &ihrs, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) return;

     * Check to see if precipitation can be found as a rate or as a
     * combination of P, S, C precipitation values.
    dg_prcp ( time1, time2, level1, level2, &jvcord, parm, num, iret );
    if ( *iret == 0 ) return;

     * Get the forecast time for this grid.
    tg_ctoi ( (char *)time1, intdtf, &ier, strlen(time1) );
    if ( intdtf[2] == 0 ) return;

     * Read data based on forecast hours (for Canadian data)
    ctg_cftm ( intdtf[2], &ftype, ftime, &ier );
    if ( ftime[0] == '0' ) { 
	pnum[0] = fstchr;
	strcpy ( &pnum[1], &ftime[1] );
	lenstr = strlen ( pnum );
	pnum[lenstr] = lstchr;
	pnum[lenstr+1] = '\0';
    } else {
	pnum[0] = fstchr;
	strcpy ( &pnum[1], ftime );
	lenstr = strlen ( pnum );
	pnum[lenstr] = lstchr;
	pnum[lenstr+1] = '\0';
    dg_prcp ( time1, time2, level1, level2, &jvcord, pnum, num, &ier );

     * Get the accumulation at present time, over x hours, where
     * x is to be determined by looping over the possiblities.
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	i = -1;
	while ( ( ier != 0 ) && ( i < NDT - 1 ) ) {
	    if ( idt[i] != ihrs ) {
		pnum[0] = fstchr;
		strcpy ( &pnum[1], cdt[i] );
		lenstr = strlen ( pnum );
		pnum[lenstr] = lstchr;
		pnum[lenstr+1] = '\0';
		dg_prcp ( time1, time2, level1, level2, &jvcord, pnum,
		          num, &ier );

	 * If some value for precipitation was found, check the number 
	 * of hours accumulated.
	if ( ier == 0 ) {
	    ihhlst = idt[i];
	} else {
    } else {
	cst_numb ( ftime, &ihhlst, iret );

    strcpy ( time22, time2 );
    if ( ihhlst > ihrs ) {
	 * Go back IHRS hours, get the accumulation at that
	 * forecast time and subtract.
	intdtf[2] = intdtf[2] - ihrs * 100;
	ctg_itoc ( intdtf, time21, &ier );
	iptime = ihhlst - ihrs;
	cst_inch ( iptime, thold, &ier );
	cst_lstr ( thold, &lenst, &ier );
	if ( lenst == 1 ) {
	    pnum[0] = fstchr;
	    pnum[1] = '0';
	    pnum[2] = thold[0];
	    pnum[3] = lstchr;
	    pnum[4] = '\0';
	} else {
	    pnum[0] = fstchr;
	    strcpy ( &pnum[1], thold );
	    lenstr = strlen ( pnum );
	    pnum[lenstr] = lstchr;
	    pnum[lenstr+1] = '\0';
	dg_nxts ( &numsub, &ier );
	dg_prcp ( time21, time22, level1, level2, &jvcord, pnum,
	          &numsub, iret );
	if ( *iret == 0 ) {
	    rmult = -1.;
	    pd_prcp ( _dggrid.dgg[(*num)-1].grid, _dggrid.dgg[numsub-1].grid,
		&rmult, &_dgfile.kxyd, _dggrid.dgg[(*num)-1].grid, &ier );
	dg_frig ( &numsub, &ier );
    } else {
	 * Accumulate the precipitation.  Total elapsed time is itet.
	itet = ihhlst;
	dg_nxts ( &nummaj, &ier );
	done = G_FALSE;
	while ( done == G_FALSE ) {
	     * Go back IHHLST hours, get accum. and sum it in.
	    intdtf[2] = intdtf[2] - ihhlst * 100;
	    ctg_itoc ( intdtf, time21, &ier );

	     * Determine the major time step.
	    ier = 999;
	    i = -1;
	    while ( ( ier != 0 ) && ( i < NDTM - 1 ) ) {
		pnum[0] = fstchr;
		strcpy ( &pnum[1], cdtm[i] );
		lenstr = strlen ( pnum );
		pnum[lenstr] = lstchr;
		pnum[lenstr+1] = '\0';
		dg_prcp ( time21, time22, level1, level2, &jvcord,
		          pnum, &nummaj, &ier );
	    if ( ier != 0 ) {
		*iret = -7;
		dg_frig ( &nummaj, &ier );
	    majts = idtm[i];

	     * Add in the accumulation.
	    signp = 1.;
	    pd_prcp ( _dggrid.dgg[(*num)-1].grid, _dggrid.dgg[nummaj-1].grid,
		&signp, &_dgfile.kxyd, _dggrid.dgg[(*num)-1].grid, &ier );

	     * Increment elapsed time.
	    itet += majts;
	    if ( itet == ihrs ) {
		done = G_TRUE;
		*iret = 0;
	    } else if ( itet < ihrs ) {
		ihhlst = majts;
	    } else {
		 * Subtract out over accumulation.
		iz = ( ihrs - itet ) + majts;
		intdtf[2] = intdtf[2] - iz * 100;
		ctg_itoc ( intdtf, time21, &ier );
		iptime = majts - iz;
		cst_inch ( iptime, thold, &ier );
		cst_lstr ( thold, &lenst, &ier );
		if ( lenst == 1 ) {
	    	    pnum[0] = fstchr;
	    	    pnum[1] = '0';
	    	    pnum[2] = thold[0];
	    	    pnum[3] = lstchr;
	    	    pnum[4] = '\0';
		} else {
	    	    pnum[0] = fstchr;
	    	    strcpy ( &pnum[1], thold );
	    	    lenstr = strlen ( pnum );
	    	    pnum[lenstr] = lstchr;
	    	    pnum[lenstr+1] = '\0';
		dg_prcp ( time21, time22, level1, level2, &jvcord, pnum,
		          &nummaj, &ier );
		if ( ier == 0 ) {
		    signp = -1.;
		    pd_prcp ( _dggrid.dgg[(*num)-1].grid,
		              _dggrid.dgg[nummaj-1].grid, &signp, &_dgfile.kxyd,
			      _dggrid.dgg[(*num)-1].grid, &ier );
		    *iret = 0;
		} else {
		    *iret = -7;
		    dg_frig ( &nummaj, &ier );
		done = G_TRUE;
	dg_frig ( &nummaj, &ier );

Exemplo n.º 9
void gdgpds ( const char *pdsval, const char *vercen, const float *rnvblk,
              const char *gparm, const int *ivcord, const int *level1,
	      const int *level2, const int *havbms, const int *ip10sc,
	      const char *lasttm, const char *gdttm1, const char *gdttm2,
	      const char *gbtbls, const int *igpds, int *nbpds,
              unsigned char *cpds, char *cdd, char *chhmm, int *iret )
 * gdgpds								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine bridges the gap between the user input and PDS_MAKE.	*
 * The PDS byte array is returned.					*
 * 									*
 * gdgpds  ( pdsval, vercen, rnvblk, gparm, ivcord, level1, level2,	*
 *           havbms, ip10sc, lasttm, gdttm1, gdttm2, gbtbls, igpds,	*
 *           nbpds, cpds, cdd, chhmm, iret )				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*pdsval		const char	User input override PDS numbers	*
 *	*vercen		const char	User input for octets 4,5,6,26  *
 *	*rnvblk		const float	Grid navigation block		*
 *	*gparm		const char	Grid parameter from DG_GRID	*
 *	*ivcord		connst int	Grid vert coord # from DG_GRID	*
 *	*level1		const int	Grid level from DG_GRID		*
 *	*level2		const int	Grid level from DG_GRID		*
 *	*havbms		const int	Flag for existence of BMS	*
 *	*ip10sc		const int	Power of 10 scale factor	*
 *	*lasttm		const char	Last grid time			*
 *	*gdttm1		const char	Grid time from DG_GRID		*
 *	*gdttm2		const char	Grid time from DG_GRID		*
 *	*gbtbls		const char	User input for GRIB tables	*
 *	*igpds		const int	Grid navigation # from CPYFIL	*
 *									*
 * Input and output parameter:						*
 *	*nbpds		int		Input:  Max length for PDS	*
 *					Output: Actual length of PDS	*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*cpds		unsigned char	PDS array			*
 *	*cdd		char		2-digit day of month		*
 *	*chhmm		char		Hour minute of data		*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * K. Brill/HPC		08/99						*
 * K. Brill/HPC		 2/00	Add IGPDS				*
 * K. Brill/HPC		 3/00	Avoid character assignment to itself	*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		10/06	Recoded from Fortran			*
    char *pchr, gvcord[5], gdnbuf[LLMXLN], flgdtm1[21], flgdtm2[21],
         otime[21], oparm[13], ovcrd[13], olevl[17], c2d[3], cdum[3], cyr[3];
    int dowhat, inam, ihat, iaat, ipct, iyr, num, noptv, idoc, idngp,
        idosc, ipos[4], ier;
    *iret = 0;
    inam = 0;
    ihat = 0;
    iaat = 0;
    ipct = 0;
    oparm[0] = '\0';
    otime[0] = '\0';
    olevl[0] = '\0';
    ovcrd[0] = '\0';

     * Decode the override grid identifier parameters:
    if ( strlen(pdsval) > 0 ) {
        dowhat = DONAM;
	cst_lcuc ( (char *)pdsval, gdnbuf, &ier );
        for ( pchr = gdnbuf; *pchr != '\0'; pchr++ ) {
            if ( *pchr == '^' ) dowhat = DOHAT;
            if ( *pchr == '@' ) dowhat = DOAAT;
            if ( *pchr == '%' ) dowhat = DOPCT;

            switch ( dowhat ) {
                 * Retrieve grid name.
                case DONAM:
                    oparm[inam++] = *pchr;

                 * Retrieve in-line time.
                case DOHAT:
                    if ( *pchr == '^' ) continue;
                    otime[ihat++] = *pchr;

                 * Retrieve in-line level.
                case DOAAT:
                    if ( *pchr == '@' ) continue;
                    olevl[iaat++] = *pchr;

                 * Retrieve in-line vertical coordinate.
                case DOPCT:
                    if ( *pchr == '%' ) continue;
                    ovcrd[ipct++] = *pchr;
        oparm[inam] = '\0';
        otime[ihat] = '\0';
        olevl[iaat] = '\0';
        ovcrd[ipct] = '\0';

     * Check for override on the date/time stamp.
    if ( ihat > 0 ) {
        strcpy ( flgdtm1, otime );
	flgdtm2[0] = '\0';
    } else {
	 * Add century to YYMMDD.
	if ( strchr ( gdttm1, '/' ) - gdttm1 < 8 ) {
	    strncpy ( cyr, gdttm1, 2 );
	    cyr[2] = '\0';
	    cst_numb ( cyr, &iyr, &ier );
	    if ( iyr < 70 ) {
	        strcpy ( flgdtm1, "20" );
		strcat ( flgdtm1, gdttm1 );
	    } else {
	        strcpy ( flgdtm1, "19" );
		strcat ( flgdtm1, gdttm1 );
	} else {
            strcpy ( flgdtm1, gdttm1 );
	flgdtm2[0] = '\0';

     * Next, set the OCTET 4, 5, 6, and 26 values.
    cst_ilst ( (char *)vercen, '/', 0, 4, ipos, &num, &ier );
    if ( ipos[0] != 0 ) {
	noptv = ipos[0];
    } else {
	noptv = 2;
    if ( ipos[1] != 0 ) {
	idoc = ipos[1];
    } else {
	idoc = 7;
    if  ( ipos[2] != 0 ) {
	idngp = ipos[2];
    } else {
	idngp = 0;
    if ( ipos[3] != 0 ) {
	idosc = ipos[3];
    } else {
	idosc = 5;

     * Translate vertical coordinate number as character string.
    if ( *ivcord == 0 ) {
	strcpy ( gvcord, "NONE" );
    } else if ( *ivcord == 1 ) {
	strcpy ( gvcord, "PRES" );
    } else if ( *ivcord == 2 ) {
	strcpy ( gvcord, "THTA" );
    } else if ( *ivcord == 3 ) {
	strcpy ( gvcord, "HGHT" );
    } else if ( *ivcord == 4 ) {
	strcpy ( gvcord, "SGMA" );
    } else if ( *ivcord == 5 ) {
	strcpy ( gvcord, "DPTH" );
    } else {
	strcpy ( gvcord, "NULL" );

     * Build the PDS now.
    pds_make( &noptv, &idoc, &idngp, &idosc, rnvblk, gparm, oparm, gvcord,
        ovcrd, level1, level2, olevl, havbms, ip10sc, lasttm, flgdtm1, flgdtm2,
	gbtbls, igpds, nbpds, cpds, ipos, iret );

     * Convert day, hour, and minute in IPOS to characters.
    cst_inch ( ipos[0], c2d, &ier );
    if ( ipos[0] < 10 ) {
        cdum[0] = '0';
        cdum[1] = c2d[0];
        cdum[2] = '\0';
    } else {
	strcpy ( cdum, c2d );
    strcpy ( cdd, cdum );
    cst_inch ( ipos[1], c2d, &ier );
    if ( ipos[1] < 10 ) {
        cdum[0] = '0';
        cdum[1] = c2d[0];
        cdum[2] = '\0';
    } else {
	strcpy ( cdum, c2d );
    strncpy ( chhmm, cdum, 2 );
    cst_inch ( ipos[2], c2d, &ier );
    if ( ipos[2] < 10 ) {
        cdum[0] = '0';
        cdum[1] = c2d[0];
        cdum[2] = '\0';
    } else {
	strcpy ( cdum, c2d );
    strncpy ( &chhmm[2], cdum, 2 );
    chhmm[4] = '\0';

Exemplo n.º 10
void dg_pfun ( const char *func, int *iret )
 * dg_pfun								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine parses a diagnostic function entered by the user.	*
 * The output is returned in the diagnostic function tables.  In-line	*
 * parameters may be appended to an operand in any combination.  The	*
 * flags are:								*
 *									*
 *     Parameter:   time   level   ivcord				*
 *     Flag:         ^       @       %					*
 *									*
 * dg_pfun ( func, iret )						*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*func		const char	Input function			*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *				  	  0 = normal return		*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * M. desJardins/GSFC	10/85						*
 * J. Nielsen/MIT	 4/88	Added ^ and & 				*
 * M. desJardins/GSFC	 7/88	Added %; changed & to @ for TAE		*
 * K. Brill/GSC 	 9/89   Addd +					*
 * K. Brill/NMC		 5/93	Assume FUNC is already upper case	*
 * M. desJardins/NMC	 8/93	Use MMFILE as maximum number of files	*
 * S. Jacobs/EAI	 9/93	Fixed typo				*
 * P. Bruehl/Unidata     8/94   Increased dimension on f from 20 to 36	*
 *				to allow for grids w/ 2 times after "^"	*
 * T. Piper/GSC		 7/01	Fixed typo f*30 -> f*36			*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	09/05	Added call to ST_NARG			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 2/06	Recoded from Fortran			*
    char f[37], c, dfunc[133];
    int dtm, lev, vcr, fil;
    int nf, iend, ival, ier, i;
     * Initialize variables.
    *iret  = 0;
    _dgtabl.ltabl = -1;
    memset ( f, 0, sizeof(f) );
    nf = 0;
    strcpy ( dfunc, func );
    cst_lstr ( dfunc, &iend, &ier );

     * First replace brackets with parentheses and semicolons with commas.
     * Brackets and semicolons may be used to make the function easier to
     * enter in the TAE tutor.
    for ( i = 0;  i < iend; i++ ) {
	c  =  dfunc[i];
	if ( c == '[' ) dfunc[i] = '(';
	if ( c == ']' ) dfunc[i] = ')';
	if ( c == ';' ) dfunc[i] = ',';

     * Loop through input string checking each character.
    dtm = G_FALSE;
    lev = G_FALSE;
    vcr = G_FALSE;
    fil = G_FALSE;

    for ( i = 0; i < iend; i++ ) {
	c = dfunc[i];

	if ( c == ' ' ) {
	     * Do nothing for blanks.
	} else if ( c == '(' ) {
	     * Left parentheses, (, indicate the end of a function.
	    if ( nf != 0 ) {
	        strcpy ( _dgtabl.ctabl[_dgtabl.ltabl], "*" );
		strcat ( _dgtabl.ctabl[_dgtabl.ltabl], f );
		cst_narg ( dfunc, i, ',', &_dgtabl.nfargs[_dgtabl.ltabl], &ier );
    		memset ( f, 0, sizeof(f) );
		nf = 0;

	} else if ( ( c == ')' ) || ( c == ',' ) || ( c == '%' ) ||
	            ( c == '^' ) || ( c == '@' ) || ( c == '+' ) ) {
	     * Right parentheses, ), or commas indicate end of a parm.
	     * %, ^, @, + flag end of parm and beginning of vcord, time
	     * level or file number.
	    if ( nf != 0 ) {
		if ( dtm == G_TRUE ) {
		    if ( _dgtabl.ltabl > -1 ) {
		        strcpy ( _dgtabl.cgdttm[_dgtabl.ltabl], f );
		    dtm = G_FALSE;
		} else if ( lev == G_TRUE ) {
		    if ( _dgtabl.ltabl > -1 ) {
		        strcpy ( _dgtabl.clevel[_dgtabl.ltabl], f );
		    lev = G_FALSE;
		} else if ( vcr == G_TRUE ) {
		    if ( _dgtabl.ltabl > -1 ) {
		        strcpy ( _dgtabl.cvcord[_dgtabl.ltabl], f );
		    vcr = G_FALSE;
		} else if ( fil == G_TRUE ) {
		    if ( _dgtabl.ltabl >= 0 ) {
			cst_numb ( f, &ival, &ier );
			if ( ( ival > 0 ) && ( ival <= MMFILE ) ) {
			    _dgtabl.icflnm[_dgtabl.ltabl] = ival;
		    fil = G_FALSE;
		} else {
		    strcpy ( _dgtabl.ctabl[_dgtabl.ltabl], f );
		    _dgtabl.nfargs[_dgtabl.ltabl] = 0;
		    _dgtabl.clevel[_dgtabl.ltabl][0] = '\0';
		    _dgtabl.cvcord[_dgtabl.ltabl][0] = '\0';
		    strcpy ( _dgtabl.cgdttm[_dgtabl.ltabl], _dginpt.ingdtm );
		    _dgtabl.icflnm[_dgtabl.ltabl] = 1;
    		memset ( f, 0, sizeof(f) );
		nf = 0;
		if ( c == '%' )  vcr = G_TRUE;
		if ( c == '^' )  dtm = G_TRUE;
		if ( c == '@' )  lev = G_TRUE;
		if ( c == '+' )  fil = G_TRUE;
	} else if ( i == iend - 1) {
	     * At end of function, check for single parameter.
	    f[nf++] = c;
	    if ( dtm == G_TRUE ) {
		if ( _dgtabl.ltabl > -1 ) {
		    strcpy ( _dgtabl.cgdttm[_dgtabl.ltabl], f );
		dtm = G_FALSE;
	    } else if ( lev == G_TRUE ) {
		if ( _dgtabl.ltabl > -1 ) {
		    strcpy ( _dgtabl.clevel[_dgtabl.ltabl], f );
		lev = G_FALSE;
	    } else if ( vcr == G_TRUE ) {
		if ( _dgtabl.ltabl > -1 ) {
		    strcpy ( _dgtabl.cvcord[_dgtabl.ltabl], f );
		vcr = G_FALSE;
	    } else if ( fil == G_TRUE ) {
		if ( _dgtabl.ltabl > -1 ) {
		    cst_numb ( f, &ival, &ier );
		    if ( ( ival > 0 ) && ( ival <= MMFILE ) ) {
			_dgtabl.icflnm[_dgtabl.ltabl] = ival;
		fil = G_FALSE;
	    } else {
		strcpy ( _dgtabl.ctabl[_dgtabl.ltabl], f );
		_dgtabl.nfargs[_dgtabl.ltabl] = 0;
		_dgtabl.clevel[_dgtabl.ltabl][0] = '\0';
		_dgtabl.cvcord[_dgtabl.ltabl][0] = '\0';
		strcpy ( _dgtabl.cgdttm[_dgtabl.ltabl], _dginpt.ingdtm );
		_dgtabl.icflnm[_dgtabl.ltabl] = 1;
	} else {
	     * Otherwise, add this character to the function name.
	    f[nf++] = c;

     * Compute the area to include.
    dg_sare ( &ier );

Exemplo n.º 11
void ctb_hfread ( int *iret )
 * ctb_pfread								*
 *									*
 * This function reads the info from the Hershey Fonts tables.		*
 * 									*
 * The Hershey Font coordinates are encoded using the ASCII characters.	*
 * Each character pair represents a coordinate in the drawing system	*
 * with 'R,R' as the origin. To get the coordinate values, subtract	*
 * 'R' from the given character. For example, the pair 'SB' corresponds	*
 * to (+1,-16).								*
 *									*
 * ctb_hfread ( iret )							*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *				  	  -1 = cannot open or read table*
 *				  	 -12 = cannot allocate memory	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	10/07	Created					*
 * T. Piper/SAIC	03/08	Replaced cmm functions with Macros	*
    FILE	*fp;
    char	buffer[256], av[6];
    int		ii, nr, ier, ifont, ier2, jj, kk, nf, one = 1;

    font_tbl_name_t   tbl[] = {	{"hfont03.tbl",  3},
				{"hfont23.tbl", 23},
				{"hfont04.tbl",  4},
				{"hfont14.tbl", 14},
				{"hfont24.tbl", 24},
				{"hfont34.tbl", 34} };

  *iret = G_NORMAL;

 * Allocate space for all of the font structures.
  nf = sizeof(tbl)/sizeof(tbl[0]);
  G_MALLOC ( _hfontTbl, HF_font_t, nf, "ctb_hfread - _hfontTbl");
  if ( _hfontTbl == NULL ) {
    *iret = -12;

  _nhfont = 0;
  for ( ifont = 0; ifont < nf; ifont++ )  {
 *  Read the font table and add entries into the structure. 
    nr = 0;
    fp = cfl_tbop ( tbl[ifont].table_name, "hershey", &ier );
    if ( ier == 0 ) { 
	cfl_tbnr ( fp, &nr, &ier);
    if ( nr == 0 ) {
	cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
        *iret = -1;
    _hfontTbl[ifont].font_code = tbl[ifont].font_num;

 *  Allocate space for the characters.
    G_MALLOC ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character, HF_char_t, nr, "ctb_hfread - _hfontTbl[ifont].character");
    if ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character == NULL ) {
	cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
	*iret = -12;
 * Read table entries into the structure.
    ii = 0;

/* Read the next line from the file */
    cfl_trln ( fp, 256, buffer, &ier );

 * Process the file while there is no error and
 * the end of the file has not been reached.
    while ( ier >= 0 && ier != 4 ) {

        if ( ier == 0 ) {

	    G_MALLOC ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point_code, char,  
		    strlen(buffer)+1, " ctb_hfread - _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point_code");
	    if ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point_code == NULL ) {
		cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
		*iret = -12;
	    strcpy ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point_code, buffer );

/* Get the character ASCII code */
	    cst_ncpy ( av, &(buffer[0]), 5, &ier2 );
	    cst_numb ( av, &(_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].ascii_val),
		       &ier2 );

 * Get the number of points for the character
 * (The number in the file includes the X min and max,
 *  so subtract one)
	    cst_ncpy ( av, &(buffer[5]), 3, &ier2 );
	    cst_numb ( av, &(_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].npts),
			&ier2 );

/* Get the X min and max */
	    _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].xmin = buffer[8] - 'R';
	    _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].xmax = buffer[9] - 'R';

/* Get the coordinates, if the number of points is > 0 */
	    if ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].npts > 0 ) {
		G_MALLOC ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point, HF_point_t,
			" ctb_hfread - _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point");
                if ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point == NULL ) {
		    cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
		    *iret = -12;

 * Check for " R", which denotes a "pen up".
 * If there is a pen up code, set the points to missing.
 * Otherwise, decode the coordinate values.
		kk = 10;
		for ( jj = 0;
		      jj < _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].npts;
		      jj++ ) {
		    if ( strncmp ( &(buffer[kk]), " R", 2 ) == 0 ) {
			_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[jj].x = -99;
			_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[jj].y = -99;
			kk += 2;
		    else {
			_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[jj].x =
						buffer[kk] - 'R'; kk++;
			_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[jj].y =
						buffer[kk] - 'R'; kk++;

 * If there are no character codes,
 * set one point at the origin
	    else {
		G_MALLOC ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point, HF_point_t,
				one, " ctb_hfread - _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point");
		if ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point == NULL ) {
		    cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
		    *iret = -12;
		_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[0].x = 0;
		_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[0].y = 0;

/* Read the next line from the file */
	cfl_trln ( fp, 256, buffer, &ier );


/* Set the number of characters for the font */
    _hfontTbl[ifont].numchr = ii;

/* Close the font table */
    cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );

/* Increase the count for the number of fonts */
Exemplo n.º 12
int main ( void )
 * TESTGPC								*
 *									*
 * This program tests the GPC contributed library public functions.	*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 2/04						*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	10/06	Added GPC_SET_EPSILON			*
int		ii, cont, numsub, which, ier;
int		operation, readholeflag, writeholeflag, hole;
int		nverts=0;
double		e;
char		select[8];
float		xv[LLMXPT], yv[LLMXPT];
char		filnam[256], buffer[80];
int		pagflg;
char    	errgrp[8];
FILE		*fpread, *fpwrite;
gpc_polygon	subject_polygon, clip_polygon, result_polygon;
gpc_vertex_list	contour;
    cont = G_FALSE;

     * Structure initializations.
    subject_polygon.num_contours = 0;
    subject_polygon.hole         = (int*)NULL;
    subject_polygon.contour      = (gpc_vertex_list*)NULL;
    clip_polygon.num_contours    = 0;
    result_polygon.num_contours  = 0;
    contour.vertex 		 = (gpc_vertex*)NULL;
    contour.num_vertices 	 = 0;

    while ( cont == G_FALSE ) {
        printf ( "\n\n" );
        printf ( "*** ORIGINAL GPC PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***\n");
        printf ( "   1 = GPC_READ_POLYGON    2 = GPC_WRITE_POLYGON \n");
        printf ( "   3 = GPC_ADD_CONTOUR     4 = GPC_POLYGON_CLIP \n");
        printf ( "   5 = GPC_FREE_POLYGON     \n");
        printf ( "*** GPC PUBLIC FUNCTION ADD-ONS ***\n");
        printf ( "  11 = GPC_CREATE_VERTEX_LIST   \n");
	printf ( "  12 = GPC_GET_VERTEX_LIST      \n");
	printf ( "  13 = GPC_GET_VERTEX_AREA      \n");
	printf ( "  14 = GPC_SET_EPSILON      \n");
        printf ( "*** HELP ***\n");
	printf ( "  99 = HELP on INPUT FILE FORMATS \n");
        printf ( "\n" );
        printf ( "Select a subroutine number or type EXIT: " );
        scanf ( " %s", select );
        switch ( select[0] ) {
    	    case 'e':
    	    case 'E':
    		cont = G_TRUE;
    		numsub = atoi ( select );

        if ( numsub == 1 ) {

	    printf("Make sure your polygon file is in the proper format:\n");

	    printf("<vertex-list> \n");

	    printf ( "Enter filename to read polygon from : \n");
	    scanf ( " %s", filnam );

	    printf ( "Enter whether file format contains hole flags (%d-FALSE,%d-TRUE) :\n",
		  G_FALSE, G_TRUE );
	    scanf ( " %d", &readholeflag );

	    printf ( "Enter which polygon (%d-SUBJECT,%d-CLIP) :\n",
	    scanf ( " %d", &which );

	    fpread = (FILE *)cfl_ropn ( filnam, "", &ier );
	    if ( ier == G_NORMAL )  {
	      if ( which == SUBJECT )
	        gpc_read_polygon ( fpread, readholeflag, &subject_polygon );
	      else if ( which == CLIP )
	        gpc_read_polygon ( fpread, readholeflag, &clip_polygon );
		printf("Invalid polygon type\n");
	      cfl_clos ( fpread, &ier );
	    else  {
	      printf("Unable to open file %s\n", filnam );

        if ( numsub == 2 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter filename to write polygon to : \n");
	    scanf ( " %s", filnam );

	    printf ( "Enter the write hole flag (%d-FALSE,%d-TRUE):\n",
		  G_FALSE, G_TRUE );
	    scanf ( " %d", &writeholeflag );

	    printf ( "Enter which polygon (%d-SUBJECT,%d-CLIP,%d-RESULT):\n",
	    scanf ( " %d", &which );

	    fpwrite = (FILE *)cfl_wopn ( filnam, &ier );
	    if ( ier == G_NORMAL )  {
	      if ( which == SUBJECT )
	        gpc_write_polygon ( fpwrite, writeholeflag, &subject_polygon );
	      else if ( which == CLIP )
	        gpc_write_polygon ( fpwrite, writeholeflag, &clip_polygon );
	      else if ( which == RESULT )
	        gpc_write_polygon ( fpwrite, writeholeflag, &result_polygon );
		printf("Invalid polygon type\n");
	      cfl_clos ( fpwrite, &ier );
	    else  {
	      printf("Unable to open file %s\n", filnam );

	if ( numsub == 3 ) {

	    if ( nverts == 0 )  {
		printf("Must first create a vertex list (option 11)\n");
	    else  {

	        printf ( "Enter which polygon (%d-SUBJECT,%d-CLIP,%d-RESULT) to add vertex list to:\n",
	        scanf ( " %d", &which );

	        printf ( "Enter the hole flag (%d-HOLE,%d-NOT A HOLE):\n",
		      G_TRUE, G_FALSE );
	        scanf ( " %d", &hole );

	        if ( which == SUBJECT )  {
		    gpc_add_contour ( &subject_polygon, &contour, hole );
		else if ( which == CLIP )  {
		    gpc_add_contour ( &clip_polygon, &contour, hole );
		else {
		    printf("Invalid polygon\n");

	if ( numsub == 4 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter operation (%d-GPC_DIFF,%d-GPC_INT,%d-GPC_XOR,%d-GPC_UNION):\n",
	    scanf ( " %d", &operation );

	    gpc_polygon_clip ( operation, &subject_polygon,
		    &clip_polygon, &result_polygon );

        if ( numsub == 5 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter which polygon (%d-SUBJECT,%d-CLIP,%d-RESULT,%d-ALL) to free contours:\n ",
	    scanf ( " %d", &which );

	    if ( which == SUBJECT || which == ALL )  {
    	        if ( subject_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
		    gpc_free_polygon ( &subject_polygon );
	    else if ( which == CLIP || which == ALL )  {
    	        if ( clip_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
        	    gpc_free_polygon ( &clip_polygon );
	    else if ( which == RESULT || which == ALL )  {
    	        if ( result_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
        	    gpc_free_polygon ( &result_polygon );

        if ( numsub == 11 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter either the number of points in polygon (to be followed by entering the points), or a filename to read points from: \n");
	    scanf ( " %s", filnam );

	    cst_numb ( filnam, &nverts, &ier );

	    if ( ier == 0 )  {
	        for ( ii = 0; ii < nverts; ii++ )
		    scanf ( "%f %f", &(xv[ii]), &(yv[ii]) );
    	        if ( contour.vertex != (gpc_vertex*)NULL )
		    free ( contour.vertex );
	        gpc_cvlist ( nverts, xv, yv, &contour, &ier );
	    else  {
	        printf ( "Note that the file format is simply a list of coordinate pairs separated by whitespace.\nThe number of points will be counted automatically. For instance, a file containing:\n0 0\n0 1\n1 1\nyields a vertex list of three points.\n\n");
		nverts = 0;
	        fpread = (FILE *)cfl_tbop ( filnam, "", &ier );
	        if ( ier == G_NORMAL )  {
		    cfl_trln ( fpread, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &ier );
		    while ( ier == 0 )  {
			sscanf ( buffer, "%f %f", 
			    &(xv[nverts]), &(yv[nverts]) );
			    nverts += 1;
			cfl_trln ( fpread, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &ier );
		    printf("EOF reached in file %s, number of vertices = %d\n", 
			    filnam, nverts );
		    cfl_clos( fpread, &ier );
    	            if ( contour.vertex != (gpc_vertex*)NULL )
		    	free ( contour.vertex );
	            gpc_cvlist ( nverts, xv, yv, &contour, &ier );

        if ( numsub == 12 ) {

	    gpc_gvlist ( &contour, &nverts, xv, yv, &ier );

	    printf("gpc_gvlist, ier = %d\n", ier );

	    printf("Number of vertices = %d\n", nverts );
	    for ( ii = 0; ii < nverts; ii++ )
		printf ( "%d - %f %f\n", ii, xv[ii], yv[ii] );

        if ( numsub == 13 ) {

	    printf ( "Area of contour is %f\n", gpc_gvarea(&contour) );

        if ( numsub == 14 ) {

	    scanf ( " %lf", &e );

	    gpc_set_epsilon ( e );

        if ( numsub == 99 ) {

	    pagflg = G_FALSE;
	    strcpy ( errgrp, "TESTGPC" );
	    ip_help ( errgrp, &pagflg, &ier, strlen(errgrp) );


    if ( subject_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
	gpc_free_polygon ( &subject_polygon );
    if ( clip_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
        gpc_free_polygon ( &clip_polygon );
    if ( result_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
        gpc_free_polygon ( &result_polygon );
    if ( contour.vertex != (gpc_vertex*)NULL )
	free ( contour.vertex );

