Exemplo n.º 1
// computes moving averages from x of window width w
extern "C" SEXP rthma(SEXP x, SEXP w, SEXP nthreads)
  SEXP xb;
  const int xas = LENGTH(x);
  const int wa = INTEGER(w)[0];
  // set up device vector and copy xa to it
  thrust::device_vector<double> dx(REAL(x), REAL(x)+xas);
  if (xas < wa)
    return R_NilValue;
  // allocate device storage for cumulative sums, and compute them
  thrust::device_vector<double> csums(xas + 1);
  thrust::exclusive_scan(dx.begin(), dx.end(), csums.begin());
  // need one more sum at (actually past) the end
  csums[xas] = REAL(x)[xas-1] + csums[xas-1];
  // compute moving averages from cumulative sums
  PROTECT(xb = allocVector(REALSXP, xas - wa + 1));
  thrust::transform(csums.begin() + wa, csums.end(), 
    csums.begin(), REAL(xb), minus_and_divide(double(wa)));
  return xb;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool GPUMatrixTest::performTest()
    cout << "Creating 2x2 matrix" << endl;
    Matrix a(2, 2, generators::zero);
    a(0,1) = 2;
    a(1,0) = 4;
    cout << a;

    cout << "Creating 2x3 matrix" << endl;
    Matrix b(2, 3, generators::zero);
    b(0,0) = 3;
    b(1,0) = 5;
    b(0,1) = 7;
    b(1,2) = 6;
    cout << b;

    // Matrix * Matrix on CPU
    //const double correctResultMult[] = {10, 0, 12, 12, 28, 0};
    Matrix c(2, 3);
    cout << "---" << endl
         << "Product on CPU:" << endl;
    a.multWithMatrix(b, &c);
    cout << c;

    // Matrix * Matrix on GPU
    GPUMatrix a_d(a);
    Matrix agpu(2,2, generators::zero);
    cout << agpu << endl;
    //return true;

    GPUMatrix b_d(b);
    GPUMatrix c_d(c);
    a_d.multWithMatrix(b_d, &c_d);
    Matrix cgpu(2, 3, generators::zero);
    cout << "Product on GPU:" << endl << cgpu;

    Matrix d(9, 10, generators::random);
    cout << "D = " << endl << d;
    GPUMatrix d_d(d);
    // Row sum
    GPUMatrix rsums_d(d.rows(), 1); // "col vector"
    Matrix rsums(d.rows(), 1);
    cout << "Row sums of D: " << endl;
    cout << rsums << endl;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d.rows(); ++i) {
        //cout << sums(i, 0) << " ";
        if (!epsilonCheck(rsums(i, 0), d.rowSum(i), 1e-6))
            return false;
    // Col sum
    GPUMatrix csums_d(1, d.cols()); // "row vector"
    Matrix csums(1, d.cols());
    cout << "Column sums of D: " << endl;
    cout << csums << endl;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d.cols(); ++i) {
        //cout << sums(i, 0) << " ";
        if (!epsilonCheck(csums(0, i), d.colSum(i), 1e-6))
            return false;
    // Matrix + Matrix on GPU
    Matrix e(9, 10, generators::random);
    cout << "E = " << endl << e;
    GPUMatrix e_d(e);
    GPUMatrix f_d(9, 10);
    Matrix fgpu(9, 10, generators::zero);
    d_d.add(e_d, &f_d);
    cout << "Result D+E: " << endl << fgpu << endl;
    d_d.sub(e_d, &f_d);
    cout << "Result D-E: " << endl << fgpu << endl;

    d_d.elementWiseMult(e_d, &f_d);
    cout << "Result D.*E: " << endl << fgpu << endl;

    d_d.elementWiseDiv(e_d, &f_d);
    cout << "Result D./E: " << endl << fgpu << endl;

    d_d.elementWisePow(2.5, &f_d);
    cout << "Result D.^2.5: " << endl << fgpu << endl;
    // Scaling
    const double alpha = .5f;
    f_d.scale(alpha, 2, 4);
    cout << "Scale columns 2 to 4 by " << alpha << ":" << endl << fgpu << endl;
    // Zero of submatrix
    f_d.zero(2, 3, 7, 8);
    cout << "Set [2,3]->[7,8] to zero:" << endl << fgpu << endl;
    // Zero whole matrix
    cout << "Zero matrix:" << endl << fgpu << endl;

    // Large matrix multiplication and verification against CPU gold standard
    cout << "Matrix multiplication on CPU ... " << endl;
    int m = 999;
    int k = 199;
    int n = 1;
    Matrix left(m, k, generators::random);
    Matrix right(k, n, generators::unity);
    Matrix resultCPU(m, n);
    left.multWithMatrix(right, &resultCPU);
    cout << "Matrix multiplication on GPU ... " << endl;
    GPUMatrix leftGPU(left);
    GPUMatrix rightGPU(right);
    GPUMatrix resultGPU(resultCPU.rows(), resultCPU.cols());
    Matrix    resultGPUtransfer(resultCPU.rows(), resultCPU.cols());
    leftGPU.multWithMatrix(rightGPU, &resultGPU);
    //cout << resultGPUtransfer << endl;
    int nwarn = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < resultCPU.rows(); ++i) {
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < resultCPU.cols(); ++j) {
            if (abs(resultCPU(i, j) - resultGPUtransfer(i, j)) > 1e-3) {
                cout << "WARN " << i << " " << j << ": CPU = " << resultCPU(i, j) << "; GPU = " << resultGPUtransfer(i, j) << endl;
                if (nwarn > 50)
                    return false;
    return true;