void luaL_setcdatagc(struct lua_State *L, int idx) { /* Calculate absolute value in the stack. */ if (idx < 0) idx = lua_gettop(L) + idx + 1; /* Code below is based on ffi_gc() from luajit/src/lib_ffi.c */ /* Get cdata from the stack */ assert(lua_type(L, idx) == LUA_TCDATA); GCcdata *cd = cdataV(L->base + idx - 1); /* Get finalizer from the stack */ TValue *fin = lj_lib_checkany(L, lua_gettop(L)); #if !defined(NDEBUG) CTState *cts = ctype_cts(L); CType *ct = ctype_raw(cts, cd->ctypeid); (void) ct; assert(ctype_isptr(ct->info) || ctype_isstruct(ct->info) || ctype_isrefarray(ct->info)); #endif /* !defined(NDEBUG) */ /* Set finalizer */ lj_cdata_setfin(L, cd, gcval(fin), itype(fin)); /* Pop finalizer */ lua_pop(L, 1); }
static TRef crec_tv_ct(jit_State *J, CType *s, CTypeID sid, TRef sp) { CTState *cts = ctype_ctsG(J2G(J)); CTInfo sinfo = s->info; lua_assert(!ctype_isenum(sinfo)); if (ctype_isnum(sinfo)) { IRType t = crec_ct2irt(s); TRef tr; if (t == IRT_CDATA) goto err_nyi; /* NYI: copyval of >64 bit integers. */ tr = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, t), sp, 0); if (t == IRT_FLOAT || t == IRT_U32) { /* Keep uint32_t/float as numbers. */ tr = emitconv(tr, IRT_NUM, t, 0); } else if (t == IRT_I64 || t == IRT_U64) { /* Box 64 bit integer. */ TRef dp = emitir(IRTG(IR_CNEW, IRT_CDATA), lj_ir_kint(J, sid), TREF_NIL); TRef ptr = emitir(IRT(IR_ADD, IRT_PTR), dp, lj_ir_kintp(J, sizeof(GCcdata))); emitir(IRT(IR_XSTORE, t), ptr, tr); return dp; } else if ((sinfo & CTF_BOOL)) { /* Assume not equal to zero. Fixup and emit pending guard later. */ lj_ir_set(J, IRTGI(IR_NE), tr, lj_ir_kint(J, 0)); J->postproc = LJ_POST_FIXGUARD; tr = TREF_TRUE; } return tr; } else if (ctype_isptr(sinfo)) { IRType t = (LJ_64 && s->size == 8) ? IRT_P64 : IRT_P32; sp = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, t), sp, 0); } else if (ctype_isrefarray(sinfo) || ctype_isstruct(sinfo)) { cts->L = J->L; sid = lj_ctype_intern(cts, CTINFO_REF(sid), CTSIZE_PTR); /* Create ref. */ } else if (ctype_iscomplex(sinfo)) { /* Unbox/box complex. */ IRType t = s->size == 2*sizeof(double) ? IRT_NUM : IRT_FLOAT; ptrdiff_t esz = (ptrdiff_t)(s->size >> 1); TRef ptr, tr1, tr2, dp; dp = emitir(IRTG(IR_CNEW, IRT_CDATA), lj_ir_kint(J, sid), TREF_NIL); tr1 = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, t), sp, 0); ptr = emitir(IRT(IR_ADD, IRT_PTR), sp, lj_ir_kintp(J, esz)); tr2 = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, t), ptr, 0); ptr = emitir(IRT(IR_ADD, IRT_PTR), dp, lj_ir_kintp(J, sizeof(GCcdata))); emitir(IRT(IR_XSTORE, t), ptr, tr1); ptr = emitir(IRT(IR_ADD, IRT_PTR), dp, lj_ir_kintp(J, sizeof(GCcdata)+esz)); emitir(IRT(IR_XSTORE, t), ptr, tr2); return dp; } else {
void * luaL_pushcdata(struct lua_State *L, uint32_t ctypeid) { /* * ctypeid is actually has CTypeID type. * CTypeId is defined somewhere inside luajit's internal * headers. */ assert(sizeof(ctypeid) == sizeof(CTypeID)); /* Code below is based on ffi_new() from luajit/src/lib_ffi.c */ /* Get information about ctype */ CTSize size; CTState *cts = ctype_cts(L); CTInfo info = lj_ctype_info(cts, ctypeid, &size); /* Only numbers and pointers are implemented */ assert(ctype_isnum(info) || ctype_isptr(info)); (void) info; assert(size != CTSIZE_INVALID); /* Allocate a new cdata */ GCcdata *cd = lj_cdata_new(cts, ctypeid, size); /* Anchor the uninitialized cdata with the stack. */ TValue *o = L->top; setcdataV(L, o, cd); incr_top(L); /* * lj_cconv_ct_init is omitted because it actually does memset() * Caveats: cdata memory is returned uninitialized */ /* * __gc is omitted because it is only needed for structs. * Caveats: struct are not supported by this function. * Please set finalizer using luaL_setcdatagc() if you need. */ lj_gc_check(L); return cdataptr(cd); }
/* Convert CType to IRType. */ static IRType crec_ct2irt(CType *ct) { if (LJ_LIKELY(ctype_isnum(ct->info))) { if ((ct->info & CTF_FP)) { if (ct->size == sizeof(double)) return IRT_NUM; else if (ct->size == sizeof(float)) return IRT_FLOAT; } else { uint32_t b = lj_fls(ct->size); if (b <= 3) return IRT_I8 + 2*b + ((ct->info & CTF_UNSIGNED) ? 1 : 0); } } else if (ctype_isptr(ct->info)) { return (LJ_64 && ct->size == 8) ? IRT_P64 : IRT_P32; } else if (ctype_iscomplex(ct->info)) { if (ct->size == 2*sizeof(double)) return IRT_NUM; else if (ct->size == 2*sizeof(float)) return IRT_FLOAT; } return IRT_CDATA; }
/* Index C data by a TValue. Return CType and pointer. */ CType *lj_cdata_index(CTState *cts, GCcdata *cd, cTValue *key, uint8_t **pp, CTInfo *qual) { uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd); CType *ct = ctype_get(cts, cd->ctypeid); ptrdiff_t idx; /* Resolve reference for cdata object. */ if (ctype_isref(ct->info)) { lua_assert(ct->size == CTSIZE_PTR); p = *(uint8_t **)p; ct = ctype_child(cts, ct); } collect_attrib: /* Skip attributes and collect qualifiers. */ while (ctype_isattrib(ct->info)) { if (ctype_attrib(ct->info) == CTA_QUAL) *qual |= ct->size; ct = ctype_child(cts, ct); } lua_assert(!ctype_isref(ct->info)); /* Interning rejects refs to refs. */ if (tvisint(key)) { idx = (ptrdiff_t)intV(key); goto integer_key; } else if (tvisnum(key)) { /* Numeric key. */ #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Workaround for MSVC bug. */ volatile #endif lua_Number n = numV(key); idx = LJ_64 ? (ptrdiff_t)n : (ptrdiff_t)lj_num2int(n); integer_key: if (ctype_ispointer(ct->info)) { CTSize sz = lj_ctype_size(cts, ctype_cid(ct->info)); /* Element size. */ if (sz == CTSIZE_INVALID) lj_err_caller(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_INVSIZE); if (ctype_isptr(ct->info)) { p = (uint8_t *)cdata_getptr(p, ct->size); } else if ((ct->info & (CTF_VECTOR|CTF_COMPLEX))) { if ((ct->info & CTF_COMPLEX)) idx &= 1; *qual |= CTF_CONST; /* Valarray elements are constant. */ } *pp = p + idx*(int32_t)sz; return ct; } } else if (tviscdata(key)) { /* Integer cdata key. */ GCcdata *cdk = cdataV(key); CType *ctk = ctype_raw(cts, cdk->ctypeid); if (ctype_isenum(ctk->info)) ctk = ctype_child(cts, ctk); if (ctype_isinteger(ctk->info)) { lj_cconv_ct_ct(cts, ctype_get(cts, CTID_INT_PSZ), ctk, (uint8_t *)&idx, cdataptr(cdk), 0); goto integer_key; } } else if (tvisstr(key)) { /* String key. */ GCstr *name = strV(key); if (ctype_isstruct(ct->info)) { CTSize ofs; CType *fct = lj_ctype_getfieldq(cts, ct, name, &ofs, qual); if (fct) { *pp = p + ofs; return fct; } } else if (ctype_iscomplex(ct->info)) { if (name->len == 2) { *qual |= CTF_CONST; /* Complex fields are constant. */ if (strdata(name)[0] == 'r' && strdata(name)[1] == 'e') { *pp = p; return ct; } else if (strdata(name)[0] == 'i' && strdata(name)[1] == 'm') { *pp = p + (ct->size >> 1); return ct; } } } else if (cd->ctypeid == CTID_CTYPEID) {