Exemplo n.º 1
void QtViewportHandler::zoomToAreaGestureEnded(const QPointF& touchPoint, const QRectF& targetArea)
    // This can only happen as a result of a user interaction.

    if (!targetArea.isValid())

    if (m_suspendCount)

    const int margin = 10; // We want at least a little bit of margin.
    QRectF endArea = itemRectFromCSS(targetArea.adjusted(-margin, -margin, margin, margin));

    const QRectF viewportRect = m_viewportItem->boundingRect();

    qreal targetCSSScale = viewportRect.size().width() / endArea.size().width();
    qreal endCSSScale = innerBoundedCSSScale(qMin(targetCSSScale, qreal(2.5)));
    qreal endItemScale = itemScaleFromCSS(endCSSScale);
    qreal currentScale = m_pageItem->contentsScale();

    // We want to end up with the target area filling the whole width of the viewport (if possible),
    // and centralized vertically where the user requested zoom. Thus our hotspot is the center of
    // the targetArea x-wise and the requested zoom position, y-wise.
    const QPointF hotspot = QPointF(endArea.center().x(), itemCoordFromCSS(touchPoint.y()));
    const QPointF viewportHotspot = viewportRect.center();

    QPointF endPosition = hotspot * endCSSScale - viewportHotspot;

    QRectF endPosRange = computePosRangeForPageItemAtScale(endItemScale);
    endPosition = boundPosition(endPosRange.topLeft(), endPosition, endPosRange.bottomRight());

    QRectF endVisibleContentRect(endPosition / endItemScale, viewportRect.size() / endItemScale);

    enum { ZoomIn, ZoomBack, ZoomOut, NoZoom } zoomAction = ZoomIn;

    if (!m_scaleStack.isEmpty()) {
        // Zoom back out if attempting to scale to the same current scale, or
        // attempting to continue scaling out from the inner most level.
        // Use fuzzy compare with a fixed error to be able to deal with largish differences due to pixel rounding.
        if (fuzzyCompare(endItemScale, currentScale, 0.01)) {
            // If moving the viewport would expose more of the targetRect and move at least 40 pixels, update position but do not scale out.
            QRectF currentContentRect(m_viewportItem->contentPos() / currentScale, viewportRect.size() / currentScale);
            QRectF targetIntersection = endVisibleContentRect.intersected(targetArea);
            if (!currentContentRect.contains(targetIntersection) && (qAbs(endVisibleContentRect.top() - currentContentRect.top()) >= 40 || qAbs(endVisibleContentRect.left() - currentContentRect.left()) >= 40))
                zoomAction = NoZoom;
                zoomAction = ZoomBack;
        } else if (fuzzyCompare(endItemScale, m_zoomOutScale, 0.01))
            zoomAction = ZoomBack;
        else if (endItemScale < currentScale)
            zoomAction = ZoomOut;

    switch (zoomAction) {
    case ZoomIn:
        m_scaleStack.append(ScaleStackItem(currentScale, m_viewportItem->contentPos().x()));
        m_zoomOutScale = endItemScale;
    case ZoomBack: {
        ScaleStackItem lastScale = m_scaleStack.takeLast();
        endItemScale = lastScale.scale;
        endCSSScale = cssScaleFromItem(lastScale.scale);
        // Recalculate endPosition and bound it according to new scale.
        endPosition.setY(hotspot.y() * endCSSScale - viewportHotspot.y());
        endPosRange = computePosRangeForPageItemAtScale(endItemScale);
        endPosition = boundPosition(endPosRange.topLeft(), endPosition, endPosRange.bottomRight());
        endVisibleContentRect = QRectF(endPosition / endItemScale, viewportRect.size() / endItemScale);
    case ZoomOut:
        // Unstack all scale-levels deeper than the new level, so a zoom-back won't end up zooming in.
        while (!m_scaleStack.isEmpty() && m_scaleStack.last().scale >= endItemScale)
        m_zoomOutScale = endItemScale;
    case NoZoom:

Exemplo n.º 2
void PageViewportControllerClientQt::zoomToAreaGestureEnded(const QPointF& touchPoint, const QRectF& targetArea)
    // This can only happen as a result of a user interaction.

    if (!targetArea.isValid())

    if (m_scrollChange.inProgress() || m_scaleChange.inProgress())

    const float margin = 10; // We want at least a little bit of margin.
    QRectF endArea = targetArea.adjusted(-margin, -margin, margin, margin);

    const QRectF viewportRect = m_viewportItem->boundingRect();

    qreal minViewportScale = qreal(2.5);
    qreal targetScale = viewportRect.size().width() / endArea.size().width();
    targetScale = m_controller->innerBoundedViewportScale(qMin(minViewportScale, targetScale));
    qreal currentScale = m_pageItem->contentsScale();

    // We want to end up with the target area filling the whole width of the viewport (if possible),
    // and centralized vertically where the user requested zoom. Thus our hotspot is the center of
    // the targetArea x-wise and the requested zoom position, y-wise.
    const QPointF hotspot = QPointF(endArea.center().x(), touchPoint.y());
    const QPointF viewportHotspot = viewportRect.center();

    QPointF endPosition = hotspot - viewportHotspot / targetScale;
    endPosition = m_controller->clampViewportToContents(endPosition, targetScale);
    QRectF endVisibleContentRect(endPosition, viewportRect.size() / targetScale);

    enum { ZoomIn, ZoomBack, ZoomOut, NoZoom } zoomAction = ZoomIn;

    // Zoom back out if attempting to scale to the same current scale, or
    // attempting to continue scaling out from the inner most level.
    // Use fuzzy compare with a fixed error to be able to deal with largish differences due to pixel rounding.
    if (!m_scaleStack.isEmpty() && fuzzyCompare(targetScale, currentScale, 0.01)) {
        // If moving the viewport would expose more of the targetRect and move at least 40 pixels, update position but do not scale out.
        QRectF currentContentRect(m_viewportItem->mapRectToWebContent(viewportRect));
        QRectF targetIntersection = endVisibleContentRect.intersected(targetArea);
        if (!currentContentRect.contains(targetIntersection)
            && (qAbs(endVisibleContentRect.top() - currentContentRect.top()) >= 40
            || qAbs(endVisibleContentRect.left() - currentContentRect.left()) >= 40))
            zoomAction = NoZoom;
            zoomAction = ZoomBack;
    } else if (fuzzyCompare(targetScale, m_zoomOutScale, 0.01))
        zoomAction = ZoomBack;
    else if (targetScale < currentScale)
        zoomAction = ZoomOut;

    switch (zoomAction) {
    case ZoomIn:
        m_scaleStack.append(ScaleStackItem(currentScale, m_viewportItem->contentPos().x() / currentScale));
        m_zoomOutScale = targetScale;
    case ZoomBack: {
        if (m_scaleStack.isEmpty()) {
            targetScale = m_controller->minimumContentsScale();
            endPosition.setY(hotspot.y() - viewportHotspot.y() / targetScale);
            m_zoomOutScale = 0;
        } else {
            ScaleStackItem lastScale = m_scaleStack.takeLast();
            targetScale = lastScale.scale;
            // Recalculate endPosition and clamp it according to the new scale.
            endPosition.setY(hotspot.y() - viewportHotspot.y() / targetScale);
        endPosition = m_controller->clampViewportToContents(endPosition, targetScale);
        endVisibleContentRect = QRectF(endPosition, viewportRect.size() / targetScale);
    case ZoomOut:
        // Unstack all scale-levels deeper than the new level, so a zoom-back won't end up zooming in.
        while (!m_scaleStack.isEmpty() && m_scaleStack.last().scale >= targetScale)
        m_zoomOutScale = targetScale;
    case NoZoom:
