Exemplo n.º 1
void QgsStyleManagerDialog::populateSymbols( const QStringList& symbolNames, bool check )
  QStandardItemModel* model = qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel*>( listItems->model() );

  int type = currentItemType();

  for ( int i = 0; i < symbolNames.count(); ++i )
    QString name = symbolNames[i];
    QgsSymbol* symbol = mStyle->symbol( name );
    if ( symbol && symbol->type() == type )
      QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem( name );
      QIcon icon = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::symbolPreviewIcon( symbol, listItems->iconSize() );
      item->setIcon( icon );
      item->setData( name ); // used to find out original name when user edited the name
      item->setCheckable( check );
      item->setToolTip( name );
      // add to model
      model->appendRow( item );
    delete symbol;
  selectedSymbolsChanged( QItemSelection(), QItemSelection() );
  symbolSelected( listItems->currentIndex() );
Exemplo n.º 2
void QgsStyleManagerDialog::populateList()
  if ( currentItemType() > 3 )
    Q_ASSERT( 0 && "not implemented" );
  groupChanged( groupTree->selectionModel()->currentIndex() );
Exemplo n.º 3
void QgsStyleManagerDialog::editItem()
  bool changed = false;
  if ( currentItemType() < 3 )
    changed = editSymbol();
  else if ( currentItemType() == 3 )
    changed = editColorRamp();
    Q_ASSERT( 0 && "not implemented" );

  if ( changed )
Exemplo n.º 4
void QgsStyleManagerDialog::removeItem()
  bool changed = false;
  if ( currentItemType() < 3 )
    changed = removeSymbol();
  else if ( currentItemType() == 3 )
    changed = removeColorRamp();
    Q_ASSERT( 0 && "not implemented" );

  if ( changed )
Exemplo n.º 5
void QgsStyleManagerDialog::on_tabItemType_currentChanged( int )
  // when in Color Ramp tab, add menu to add item button and hide "Export symbols as PNG/SVG"
  bool flag = currentItemType() != 3;
  btnAddItem->setMenu( flag ? nullptr : mMenuBtnAddItemColorRamp );
  actnExportAsPNG->setVisible( flag );
  actnExportAsSVG->setVisible( flag );

  // set icon and grid size, depending on type
  if ( currentItemType() == 1 || currentItemType() == 3 )
    listItems->setIconSize( QSize( 75, 50 ) );
    listItems->setGridSize( QSize( 100, 80 ) );
    listItems->setIconSize( QSize( 50, 50 ) );
    listItems->setGridSize( QSize( 75, 80 ) );

void QgsStyleV2ManagerDialog::on_tabItemType_currentChanged( int )
  // when in Color Ramp tab, add menu to add item button
  if ( currentItemType() == 3 )
    QStringList rampTypes;
    rampTypes << tr( "Gradient" ) << tr( "Random" ) << tr( "ColorBrewer" );
    rampTypes << tr( "cpt-city" ); // todo, only for rasters?
    QMenu* menu = new QMenu( btnAddItem );
    foreach ( QString rampType, rampTypes )
      menu->addAction( rampType );
Exemplo n.º 7
void QgsStyleManagerDialog::tabItemType_currentChanged( int )
  // when in Color Ramp tab, add menu to add item button and hide "Export symbols as PNG/SVG"
  bool flag = currentItemType() != 3;
  searchBox->setPlaceholderText( flag ? tr( "Filter symbols…" ) : tr( "Filter color ramps…" ) );
  btnAddItem->setMenu( flag ? nullptr : mMenuBtnAddItemColorRamp );
  actnExportAsPNG->setVisible( flag );
  actnExportAsSVG->setVisible( flag );

  listItems->setIconSize( QSize( 100, 90 ) );
  listItems->setGridSize( QSize( 120, 110 ) );

Exemplo n.º 8
bool QgsStyleManagerDialog::addSymbol()
  // create new symbol with current type
  QgsSymbol* symbol;
  QString name = tr( "new symbol" );
  switch ( currentItemType() )
    case QgsSymbol::Marker:
      symbol = new QgsMarkerSymbol();
      name = tr( "new marker" );
    case QgsSymbol::Line:
      symbol = new QgsLineSymbol();
      name = tr( "new line" );
    case QgsSymbol::Fill:
      symbol = new QgsFillSymbol();
      name = tr( "new fill symbol" );
      Q_ASSERT( 0 && "unknown symbol type" );
      return false;

  // get symbol design
  // NOTE : Set the parent widget as "this" to notify the Symbol selector
  //        that, it is being called by Style Manager, so recursive calling
  //        of style manager and symbol selector can be arrested
  //        See also: editSymbol()
  QgsSymbolSelectorDialog dlg( symbol, mStyle, nullptr, this );
  if ( dlg.exec() == 0 )
    delete symbol;
    return false;

  // get unique name
  bool nameInvalid = true;

  while ( nameInvalid )
    bool ok;
    name = QInputDialog::getText( this, tr( "Symbol Name" ),
                                  tr( "Please enter a name for new symbol:" ),
                                  QLineEdit::Normal, name, &ok );
    if ( !ok )
      delete symbol;
      return false;
    // validate name
    if ( name.isEmpty() )
      QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Save symbol" ),
                            tr( "Cannot save symbol without name. Enter a name." ) );
    else if ( mStyle->symbolNames().contains( name ) )
      int res = QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Save symbol" ),
                                      tr( "Symbol with name '%1' already exists. Overwrite?" )
                                      .arg( name ),
                                      QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No );
      if ( res == QMessageBox::Yes )
        nameInvalid = false;
      // valid name
      nameInvalid = false;

  // add new symbol to style and re-populate the list
  mStyle->addSymbol( name, symbol, true );
  // TODO groups and tags
  mModified = true;
  return true;