Exemplo n.º 1
cliparound(x, y)-- Make sure that the user is more-or-less centered on the
                   screen if the playing area is larger than the screen.
                -- This function is only defined if CLIPPING is defined.
void curses_cliparound(int x, int y)
    int sx, sy, ex, ey;
    boolean redraw = curses_map_borders(&sx, &sy, &ex, &ey, x, y);
    if (redraw)
        curses_draw_map(sx, sy, ex, ey);
Exemplo n.º 2
	Naive Path Code: placeholders to give demo output

	This is placeholder code that does not find the
	lowest cost path. You will need to not call this function
	and instead write make_path with your own implementation
	of the algorithm.

	The code here is extremely simple just to produce output.
	This is not an accurate guide for how your algorithm should
void naive_path(struct map *map,
	int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
	int i, j;

	/* set flags for the goal and start squares */
	map->grid[y0*map->width+x0].flags |= SQ_FLAG_START;
	map->grid[y1*map->width+x1].flags |= SQ_FLAG_GOAL;

	i = x0;
	j = y0;
	while ((i != x1) || (j != y1)) {
		if (i > x1) { i--; }
		else if (i < x1) { i++; }
		else if (j > y1) { j--; }
		else if (j < y1) { j++; }
		map->grid[j*map->width+i].flags |= SQ_FLAG_ENQUEUED;
		map->grid[j*map->width+i].flags &= ~SQ_FLAG_ENQUEUED;
		map->grid[j*map->width+i].flags |= SQ_FLAG_VISITED;

	/* finally mark the "path" */
	i = x0;
	j = y0;
	while ((i != x1) || (j != y1)) {
		if (i > x1) { i--; }
		else if (i < x1) { i++; }
		else if (j > y1) { j--; }
		else if (j < y1) { j++; }
		map->grid[j*map->width+i].flags |= SQ_FLAG_PATH;

Exemplo n.º 3
/* find the lowest cost path and mark it on the map */
void make_path(struct map *map,
	int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
    int start, end, cost, i, index, mdistance;
    pq_t * pq;
    int edges[4];
    pq = pq_create();
    cost = 0;
    start = y0 * map->width + x0;
    end = y1 * map->width + x1;
    map->grid[start].flags |= SQ_FLAG_START;
    map->grid[end].flags |= SQ_FLAG_GOAL;
    map->grid[start].glyph = 'A';
    map->grid[end].glyph = 'B';
    if(map->grid[start].cost == -1 || map->grid[end].cost == -1)
        map->cost = -1;

    mdistance = man_distance(start, end, map);
    if(!pq_enqueue(pq, start, map->grid[start].cost
                            + mdistance)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
        if(!pq_dequeue(pq, &index, &cost)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
 * Kill two birds with one stone (Visited == enqueued in this case)
        map->grid[index].flags |= SQ_FLAG_VISITED;
        map->grid[index].flags &= ~SQ_FLAG_ENQUEUED;
        if(index == end) break;
        get_edges(index, edges, map);
        for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if(edges[i] != -1)
                map->grid[edges[i]].parent = index;
                mdistance = man_distance(edges[i], end, map);
                if(!pq_enqueue(pq, edges[i], 
                        (cost) + map->grid[edges[i]].cost))
                map->grid[edges[i]].flags |= SQ_FLAG_ENQUEUED;
                map->grid[edges[i]].flags |= SQ_FLAG_VISITED;
 * This next section will fill the path array in the map struct by iterating
 * through the path found in the above code, which is done by following each
 * node's parent.
 * It will begin with setting the total cost of the path to the cost of the
 * end node, then working backwards towards the start node which has a zero cost
 * (which is actually appended to the total cost).
 * It will then begin iteration, setting the glyph and flags, then setting the 
 * start and end node's glyphs, as these will be set with 'o' during the loop.
 * If the start and the end have the same coordinates, there will be a zero cost
 * because the only node which is appended to the total is the end, which is
 * the start, which has a zero cost.
    i = end;

 * Instantiate the path array
    map->path = safe_malloc(map->width * map->height * sizeof(int));
    map->path_index = 0;
    map->cost = -1;
 * Dont include the start node's cost in the calculation
    map->grid[start].cost = 0;
 * Make sure the start node's parent is 0;
    map->grid[start].parent = 0;
    map->cost = map->grid[i].cost;
     This will miss the start node, therefore we will append it after the loop   
        map->grid[i].flags |= SQ_FLAG_PATH;
        map->grid[i].glyph = 'o';
        map->path[map->path_index++] = i;
        i = map->grid[i].parent;
        map->cost += map->grid[i].cost;
    map->path[map->path_index++] = i;
    map->grid[start].glyph = 'A';
    map->grid[end].glyph = 'B';