Exemplo n.º 1
static void _pgmvcp_gfaCalc ( VG_DBStruct *el, float dx, float dy, Boolean grp )
 * _pgmvcp_gfaCalc                                                      *
 *                                                                      *
 * Internal function for MOVE/COPY GFA's atribute box location.		*
 *                                                                      *
 * static void _pgmvcp_gfaCalc ()                 			*
 *      *el               VG_DBStruct	Pointer to gfa element		*
 *       dx               float		Increment on X axis		*
 *       dy               float		Increment on Y axis		*
 *       grp              Boolean	Group mode or not		*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * J. Wu/SAIC		02/04	initial coding				*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		10/04	Access GFA attr with cvg_getFld()	*
    int		np, ier;
    float	delx, dely, xx, yy, nlat, nlon;
    char	value[32];
 * For group drag/drop, use the given dx, dy as the "delta" increment.
    delx = dx;
    dely = dy;
 * For single element drag/drop, recalculate the "delta" increment. 
    if ( !grp && _dcN > 0 ) {
        delx = *(_dcX + _nearPt) - _origX;
        dely = *(_dcY + _nearPt) - _origY;
 * Adjust attribute text box location.
    np = 1;
    cvg_getFld ( el, TAG_GFA_LAT, value, &ier );
    nlat = atof ( value );
    cvg_getFld ( el, TAG_GFA_LON, value, &ier );
    nlon = atof ( value );
    gtrans ( sys_M, sys_D, &np, &nlat, &nlon,
		 &xx, &yy, &ier, strlen(sys_M), strlen(sys_D) );
    xx += delx;
    yy += dely;
    gtrans ( sys_D, sys_M, &np, &xx, &yy, &nlat,&nlon,
		 &ier, strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) );    
    sprintf ( value, "%7.2f", nlat );
    cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_LAT, value, &ier );

    sprintf ( value, "%7.2f", nlon );
    cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_LON, value, &ier );
Exemplo n.º 2
void recalcGFAtLblArwLoc(VG_DBStruct *el)
 * recalcGFAtLblArwLoc                                             *
 *                                                                     *
 *  This routine recomputes a location for the text box and associated *
 *  arrow to be positioned at the eastern most vertex of a polygon     *
 *  Its purpose, in the context of this module, was to correct         *
 *  problems with a dangling text label arrow, that may be a result of *
 *  a clipping operation on a polygon that's intersected the boundary  *
 *                                                                     *
 *  Input/Output parameter:                                            *
 *        *el      VG_DBStruct      Pointer to VG record structure     *
 *                                                                     *
 *                                                                     *
 **                                                                    *
 *  Log:                                                               *
 *  L. Hinson/AWC     07/07  Created                                   *
    int i, npts, ier;
    float ernlon=-999.0;
    float ernlat=0.0;
    char slat[20], slon[20];
    npts = el->elem.gfa.info.npts;
    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++)
        if (el->elem.gfa.latlon[i+npts] > ernlon) {
    sprintf(slat, " %5.2f", ernlat);
    sprintf(slon, " %5.2f", ernlon);
    cvg_setFld (el, TAG_GFA_LAT, slat, &ier);
    cvg_setFld (el, TAG_GFA_LON, slon, &ier);
    cvg_setFld (el, TAG_GFA_ARROW_LAT, slat, &ier);
    cvg_setFld (el, TAG_GFA_ARROW_LON, slon, &ier);
Exemplo n.º 3
void ces_get ( int subtyp, VG_DBStruct *el, int *iret )
 * ces_get								*
 *									*
 * This function gets settings for a type of element into the header	*
 * of the passed in element.  The passed in element is also queried to	*
 * determine what type of element to retrieve settings for.		*
 *									*
 * ces_get ( subtyp, el, iret )						*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	subtyp		int		Element subtype			*
 *									*
 * Input/Output parameters:						*
 *	*el		VG_DBStruct	Element as mask and returned	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					 -2 = Unable to get settings	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 8/97	Created					*
 * C. Lin/EAi		10/97	Add WBOX_ELM				*
 * M. Linda/GSC		10/97	Corrected the prologue format		*
 * C. Lin/EAi		11/97	use CLASS_WATCHES for WBOX_ELM		*
 * C. Lin/EAi		11/97	add front strenth, wind line width	*
 * S. Law/GSC		03/98	loads size and hdsiz for CLASS_WINDS	*
 * F.J. Yen/NCEP	 4/98	Rename from ces_elset.Clean up. Add text*
 * F.J. Yen/NCEP	 4/98	Set hsiz for BARB_ELM			*
 * W. Li/EAI		04/98	Add DARR and HASH in CLASS_WIND		*
 * W. Li/EAI		07/98	Added txt_attrib's text value setting	*
 * C. Lin/EAI		09/98	Added smoothing level hdr.unused1	*
 * A. Hardy/GSC		12/98	Added CLASS_CIRCLE			*
 * W. Li/EAI		03/99	Added latitude/longitude for symbols	*
 * S. Law/GSC		03/99	added filled and closed			*
 * S. Law/GSC		05/99	Added CLASS_TRACKS			*
 * S. Law/GSC		07/99	Added CLASS_SIGMETS			*
 * S. Law/GSC		08/99	updated element				*
 * S. Law/GSC		02/00	added CFF catch to SIGMETS		*
 * J. Wu/GSC		02/01	Modified 'unused1' in VG to 'smooth'	*
 * H. Zeng/EAI		02/01	added group type info.			*
 * H. Zeng/EAI		03/01	modified to allow invalid group name	*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		11/02	add class LIST				*
 * H. Zeng/XTRIA	01/03	added marker info. for Watch		*
 * H. Zeng/XTRIA	03/03	special handling for grp_typ		*
 * H. Zeng/XTRIA	07/03	added VOLC_ELM and ASHCLD_ELM		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		09/03	add CLASS_MET -> JET_ELM		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		01/04	add CLASS_MET -> GFA_ELM		*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		02/04	added CLASS_MET -> TCA_ELM		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		10/04	remove line width from GFA_ELM		*
 * T. Piper/SAIC	12/05	redone for NEW Setting_t structure	*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		12/05	add line width for GFA			*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		07/06	add line type and line element for GFA	*
 * L. Hinson/AWC        12/06   add text color, size, font, hw, width,  *
 *                              alignment for GFA                       *
 * L. Hinson/AWC        06/07   add arrow size for GFA                  *
 * L. Hinson/AWC        07/09   add fills, linetype, szarrow, text size *
 *                              font, hw, width, alignment, and text    *
 *                              Layout to CCF                           *
 * L. Hinson/AWC        01/12   Add CLASS_MET -> SGWX_ELM               *
    char	logstr[10], grp[4], grp_typ[25], *ptr, widthStr[8];
    char	lineType[ 8 ], lineElm[ 8 ];
    int		ier1, ier2, ii, indx, loglev, grpid;
    char        arrowSize[6];
    char        txtColr[2], txtFont[2], txtHw[2], txtWidth[2];
    char        txtAlign[2], txtSize[6];

    *iret = G_NORMAL;

     * Retrieve the index to this type of element in the settings
     * array by making a call to ces_getinx.
    ces_getinx(el, subtyp, &indx, iret);
    if (*iret == -2)
	loglev = 2;
	strcpy(grp, "CES");
	sprintf(logstr, "%i", subtyp);
	er_lmsg ( &loglev, grp, iret, logstr, &ier1, strlen(grp),
			strlen(logstr) );

     * Using the index, retrieve the settings for the element from
     * the settings array.  Key off the vg_type field in the VG
     * element.  
    el->hdr.maj_col = set[indx].maj_col;
    el->hdr.min_col = set[indx].min_col;
    el->hdr.smooth  = 0;

    strcpy ( grp_typ, set[indx].grp_typ );
    ptr = strtok ( grp_typ, "/" );

    ces_gtgid( ptr, &grpid, &ier2 );
    if( ier2 == 0 ) {
      el->hdr.grptyp  = (char)grpid;
    else {
      el->hdr.grptyp  = NON_GRPID;

    switch (el->hdr.vg_class) {

      case CLASS_FRONTS:

	/* FRONT_ELM */
	el->elem.frt.info.fcode		= set[indx].subtyp;
	el->elem.frt.info.fpipsz	= set[indx].info.frt->fpipsz;
	el->elem.frt.info.fpipst	= set[indx].info.frt->fpipst;
	el->elem.frt.info.fpipdr	= set[indx].info.frt->fpipdr;
	el->elem.frt.info.fwidth	= set[indx].info.frt->fwidth;
	el->hdr.smooth			= set[indx].smooth;

      case CLASS_WATCHES:

	/* WBOX_ELM */
	el->elem.wbx.info.w_type	= set[indx].info.wbx->w_type;
	el->elem.wbx.info.w_number	= set[indx].info.wbx->w_number;
	el->elem.wbx.info.w_mrktyp	= set[indx].info.wbx->w_mrktyp;
	el->elem.wbx.info.w_mrksiz	= set[indx].info.wbx->w_mrksiz;
	el->elem.wbx.info.w_mrkwid	= set[indx].info.wbx->w_mrkwid;

      case CLASS_CIRCLE:

	el->elem.cir.info.lintyp	= set[indx].info.cir->lintyp;
	el->elem.cir.info.lthw		= set[indx].info.cir->lthw;
	el->elem.cir.info.width		= set[indx].info.cir->width;
	el->elem.cir.info.lwhw		= set[indx].info.cir->lwhw;

      case CLASS_LINES:

	switch (el->hdr.vg_type) {
	  case LINE_ELM:
	    el->elem.lin.info.lintyp	= set[indx].info.lin->lintyp;
	    el->elem.lin.info.lthw	= set[indx].info.lin->lthw;
	    el->elem.lin.info.width	= set[indx].info.lin->width;
	    el->elem.lin.info.lwhw	= set[indx].info.lin->lwhw;
	    el->hdr.smooth		= set[indx].smooth;
	    el->hdr.filled		= set[indx].filled;
	    el->hdr.closed		= set[indx].closed;

	  case SPLN_ELM:
	    el->elem.spl.info.spltyp	= set[indx].info.spl->spltyp;
	    el->elem.spl.info.splstr	= set[indx].info.spl->splstr;
	    el->elem.spl.info.spldir	= set[indx].info.spl->spldir;
	    el->elem.spl.info.splsiz	= set[indx].info.spl->splsiz;
	    el->elem.spl.info.splwid	= set[indx].info.spl->splwid;
	    el->hdr.smooth		= set[indx].smooth;
	    el->hdr.filled		= set[indx].filled;
	    el->hdr.closed		= set[indx].closed;

	    *iret = -2;

      case CLASS_SYMBOLS:

	el->elem.sym.info.width 	= set[indx].info.sym->info.width;
	el->elem.sym.info.size		= set[indx].info.sym->info.size;
	el->elem.sym.data.latlon[0]	= set[indx].info.sym->data.latlon[0];
	el->elem.sym.data.latlon[1]	= set[indx].info.sym->data.latlon[1];

      case CLASS_WINDS:

	switch (el->hdr.vg_type) {
	  case ARROW_ELM:		/* WIND ARROWS */
	  case BARB_ELM:		/* WIND BARBS */
	  case DARR_ELM:		/* DIRECTION */
	  case HASH_ELM:		/* HASH MAKE */		
	    el->elem.wnd.info.wndtyp	= set[indx].info.wnd->wndtyp;
	    el->elem.wnd.info.width	= set[indx].info.wnd->width;
	    el->elem.wnd.info.size	= set[indx].info.wnd->size;
	    el->elem.wnd.info.hdsiz	= set[indx].info.wnd->hdsiz;

	    *iret = -2;

      case CLASS_TEXT:

	switch (el->hdr.vg_type) {
	  case TEXT_ELM:
	  case TEXTC_ELM:
	    el->elem.txt.info.rotn	= set[indx].info.txt->info.rotn;
	    el->elem.txt.info.sztext	= set[indx].info.txt->info.sztext;
	    el->elem.txt.info.itxfn	= set[indx].info.txt->info.itxfn;
	    el->elem.txt.info.ithw	= set[indx].info.txt->info.ithw;
	    el->elem.txt.info.iwidth	= set[indx].info.txt->info.iwidth;
	    el->elem.txt.info.ialign	= set[indx].info.txt->info.ialign;
	    strcpy(el->elem.txt.text, set[indx].info.txt->text);

	  case SPTX_ELM:
	    el->elem.spt.info.rotn	= set[indx].info.spt->text.info.rotn; 
	    el->elem.spt.info.sztext	= set[indx].info.spt->text.info.sztext;
	    el->elem.spt.info.sptxtyp	= set[indx].info.spt->text.info.sptxtyp;
	    el->elem.spt.info.turbsym	= set[indx].info.spt->text.info.turbsym;
	    el->elem.spt.info.itxfn	= set[indx].info.spt->text.info.itxfn;
	    el->elem.spt.info.ithw	= set[indx].info.spt->text.info.ithw;
	    el->elem.spt.info.iwidth	= set[indx].info.spt->text.info.iwidth;
	    el->elem.spt.info.ialign	= set[indx].info.spt->text.info.ialign;
	    strcpy(el->elem.spt.text, set[indx].info.spt->text.text);

	    *iret = -2;

      case CLASS_TRACKS:
	el->elem.trk.info.ltype1	= set[indx].info.trk->ltype1;
	el->elem.trk.info.ltype2	= set[indx].info.trk->ltype2;
	el->elem.trk.info.mtype1	= set[indx].info.trk->mtype1;
	el->elem.trk.info.mtype2	= set[indx].info.trk->mtype2;
	el->elem.trk.info.width		= set[indx].info.trk->width;
	el->elem.trk.info.incr		= set[indx].info.trk->incr;

      case CLASS_SIGMETS:

	if (el->hdr.vg_type == VOLC_ELM) {
	    el->elem.vol.info.width	= set[indx].info.vol->width;
	    el->elem.vol.info.size	= set[indx].info.vol->size;
	else if (el->hdr.vg_type != SIGCCF_ELM &&
		 el->hdr.vg_type != ASHCLD_ELM    ) {
	    el->elem.sig.info.lintyp	= set[indx].info.sig->lintyp;
	    el->elem.sig.info.linwid	= set[indx].info.sig->linwid;

	    el->elem.sig.info.status	= 0;
	    el->elem.sig.info.seqnum	= 0;

	    strcpy (el->elem.sig.info.remarks, "");
	} else if (el->hdr.vg_type == SIGCCF_ELM) {
          el->elem.ccf.info.fillhi = set[indx].info.ccf->fillhi;
          el->elem.ccf.info.fillmed = set[indx].info.ccf->fillmed;
          el->elem.ccf.info.filllow = set[indx].info.ccf->filllow;
          el->elem.ccf.info.linetype = set[indx].info.ccf->linetype;
          el->elem.ccf.info.szarrow = set[indx].info.ccf->szarrow;
          el->elem.ccf.spt.info.sztext = set[indx].info.ccf->info.sztext;
          el->elem.ccf.spt.info.itxfn = set[indx].info.ccf->info.itxfn;
          el->elem.ccf.spt.info.ithw = set[indx].info.ccf->info.ithw;
          el->elem.ccf.spt.info.iwidth = set[indx].info.ccf->info.iwidth;
          el->elem.ccf.spt.info.ialign = set[indx].info.ccf->info.ialign;
          strcpy(el->elem.ccf.textLayout, set[indx].info.ccf->textLayout);

      case CLASS_LIST:
	el->elem.lst.info.subtyp	= set[indx].info.lst->subtyp;
	el->elem.lst.info.mrktyp	= set[indx].info.lst->mrktyp;
	el->elem.lst.info.mrksiz	= set[indx].info.lst->mrksiz;
	el->elem.lst.info.mrkwid	= set[indx].info.lst->mrkwid;

      case CLASS_MET:

	switch (el->hdr.vg_type) {
	  case JET_ELM:
	    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_JETPTS; ii++ ) {
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].wndcol		= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].wndcol;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].wnd.info.size	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].wnd.info.size;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].wnd.info.width	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].wnd.info.width;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].wnd.info.wndtyp	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].wnd.info.wndtyp;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].wnd.info.hdsiz	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].wnd.info.hdsiz;

		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].sptcol		= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].sptcol;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.info.sztext	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.sztext;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.info.itxfn	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.itxfn;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.info.ithw	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.ithw;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.info.iwidth	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.iwidth;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.info.ialign	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.ialign;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.info.rotn	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.rotn;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.info.sptxtyp	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.sptxtyp;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.info.turbsym	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.turbsym;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.info.txtcol	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.txtcol;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.info.filcol	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.filcol;
		el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.info.lincol	= set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.lincol;

		strcpy(el->elem.jet.barb[ii].spt.text, set[indx].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.text);

		el->elem.jet.hash[ii].wndcol		= set[indx].info.jet->hash[ii].wndcol;
		el->elem.jet.hash[ii].wnd.info.size	= set[indx].info.jet->hash[ii].wnd.info.size;
		el->elem.jet.hash[ii].wnd.info.width	= set[indx].info.jet->hash[ii].wnd.info.width;
		el->elem.jet.hash[ii].wnd.info.wndtyp	= set[indx].info.jet->hash[ii].wnd.info.wndtyp;
		el->elem.jet.hash[ii].wnd.info.hdsiz	= set[indx].info.jet->hash[ii].wnd.info.hdsiz;
	    el->hdr.smooth			= set[indx].smooth;
	    el->hdr.filled			= set[indx].filled;
	    el->hdr.closed			= set[indx].closed;
	    el->elem.jet.line.splcol		= set[indx].info.jet->splcol;
	    el->elem.jet.line.spl.info.spltyp	= set[indx].info.jet->line.spltyp;
	    el->elem.jet.line.spl.info.splsiz	= set[indx].info.jet->line.splsiz;
	    el->elem.jet.line.spl.info.splwid	= set[indx].info.jet->line.splwid;
	    el->elem.jet.line.spl.info.splstr	= set[indx].info.jet->line.splstr;
	    el->elem.jet.line.spl.info.spldir	= set[indx].info.jet->line.spldir;
	  case GFA_ELM:

	      sprintf ( widthStr, "%d", set[indx].info.gfa->linwid );
	      cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_LINEWIDTH, widthStr, &ier1 );

	      sprintf ( lineElm, "%d", set[indx].info.gfa->linelm );
	      cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_LINELM, lineElm, &ier1 );

	      sprintf ( lineType, "%d", set[indx].info.gfa->lintyp );
	      cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_LINTYP, lineType, &ier1 );
              sprintf ( arrowSize, "%4.2f", set[indx].info.gfa->szarrow );
              cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_ARROWSZ, arrowSize, &ier1 );

              sprintf ( txtColr, "%d", set[indx].info.gfa->info.txtcol );
              cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_TXTCLR, txtColr, &ier1 );
              sprintf ( txtSize, "%4.2f", set[indx].info.gfa->info.sztext );
              cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_TXTSZ, txtSize, &ier1 );
              sprintf ( txtFont, "%d", set[indx].info.gfa->info.itxfn );
              cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_TXTFN, txtFont, &ier1 );
              sprintf ( txtHw, "%d", set[indx].info.gfa->info.ithw);
              cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_TXTHW, txtHw, &ier1 );
              sprintf ( txtWidth, "%d", set[indx].info.gfa->info.iwidth);
              cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_TXTWDTH, txtWidth, &ier1 );
              sprintf ( txtAlign, "%d", set[indx].info.gfa->info.ialign);
              cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_TXTALGN, txtAlign, &ier1 );
              cvg_setFld ( el, TAG_GFA_TXTLYT, set[indx].info.gfa->textLayout,
                           &ier1 );


          case SGWX_ELM:
            el->elem.sgwx.info.lineelm  = set[indx].info.sgwx->lineelm;
            el->elem.sgwx.info.linetype = set[indx].info.sgwx->linetype;
            el->elem.sgwx.info.linewidth = set[indx].info.sgwx->linewidth;
            el->elem.sgwx.info.szarrow = set[indx].info.sgwx->szarrow;
            el->elem.sgwx.spt.info.sztext = set[indx].info.sgwx->info.sztext;
            el->elem.sgwx.spt.info.itxfn = set[indx].info.sgwx->info.itxfn;
            el->elem.sgwx.spt.info.ithw = set[indx].info.sgwx->info.ithw;
            el->elem.sgwx.spt.info.iwidth = set[indx].info.sgwx->info.iwidth;
            el->elem.sgwx.spt.info.ialign = set[indx].info.sgwx->info.ialign;
            el->elem.sgwx.spt.info.filcol = 0;
            el->elem.sgwx.spt.info.txtcol = set[indx].maj_col;
            el->hdr.smooth = 1;
            el->hdr.closed = 1;
	  case TCA_ELM:

	    *iret = -2;
	}  /*  End of  'switch (el->hdr.vg_type)'  */

	*iret = -2;
    }  /*  End of  'switch (el->hdr.vg_class)'  */
    if (*iret !=0) {
      loglev = 2;
      strcpy(grp, "CES");
      sprintf(logstr, "%i", subtyp);
      er_lmsg ( &loglev, grp, iret, logstr, &ier1, strlen(grp),
                strlen(logstr) );

Exemplo n.º 4
static void _pgmvcp_elDropEh ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt, XEvent *event,
							Boolean *ctdr )
 * _pgmvcp_elDropEh                                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function is the callback for a drop on a selected element.      *
 *                                                                      *
 * static void _pgmvcp_elDropEh (w, clnt, event, ctdr)			*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      w               Widget          Parent widget                   *
 *      clnt		XtPointer       State information record        *
 *      *event          XEvent          Button press event record       *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * E. Safford/GSC       06/97   Modified to handle Special Text         *
 * E. Wehner/EAi        07/97   Remove offsets when replacing text.     *
 * E. Safford/GSC       07/97   Fixed drag with special text problem    *
 * E. Wehner/EAi        08/97   Remove watch box slide                  *
 * C. Lin/EAI            8/97   Add offsets for 'S' coord(roam)         *
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP      9/97   Combine into NxmDraw for new vgstruct.h *
 * E. Wehner/EAi         9/97   Remove graphics info record             *
 * C. Lin/EAi           10/97   rename from NxmDrSlDropCb, cleanup      *
 * C. Lin/EAi           10/97   add WBOX_ELEM related functions         *
 * C. Lin/EAi           11/97   further cleanup                         *
 * E. Safford/GSC       02/98   add _storedEl for undo function         *
 * S. Law/GSC           04/98   added copy function                     *
 * E. Safford/GSC       04/98   added FUNC_SELECT to FUNC_MOVE ops      *
 * S. Law/GSC           05/98   cleaned up drag, added group box        *
 * E. Safford/GSC       05/98   mod for new undo routines               *
 * E. Safford/GSC       05/98   move to nmap_pgmvcp.c                   *
 * E. Safford/GSC       06/98   split from mvcpDrop.c                   *
 * G. Krueger/EAI       06/98   Uniform status hints                    *
 * E. Safford/GSC       07/98   reset _dcN for closed figures           *
 * C. Lin/EAI       	08/98   fix ghosting problem & reset _dragCount *
 * G. Krueger/EAI	09/98	Added ghost veiling			*
 * G. Krueger/EAI	10/98	Using table for hints			*
 * E. Safford/GSC	12/98	modify refresh to limit area affected	*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 4/99	remove call to pgwlst_update		*
 * E. Safford/GSC	11/00	wipe the county list for watches     	*
 * H. Zeng/EAI          11/00   changed for the new undo design         *
 * H. Zeng/EAI          11/00   changed cvg_rdrec() parameters          *
 * A. Hardy/GSC         11/00   renamed coordinate system declaration   *
 * H. Zeng/EAI          12/00   modified for multiple undo steps        *
 * J. Wu/SAIC		12/01	add layer in crg_set() call		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		01/02	add layer in crg_get() call		*
 * T. Lee/SAIC          11/03   added user directory to work_file       *
 * T. Lee/SAIC		11/03	used cvg_getworkfile			*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		11/03	adjust jet barb/hash position		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		02/04	adjust gfa attribute box position	*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		07/04	add filter param. to crg_get()		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		07/04	free GFA block memory			*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		02/05	add a call to snap for GFA		*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	06/05	allow smear to get smaller on edit	*
 * S. Danz/AWC		07/06	Added new cvg_delet placement argument	*
 * S. Danz/AWC          08/06   New flag to pgvgf_saveNewElm to place el*
 * S. Danz/AWC          08/06   Updated to use cvg_checkplace to find   *
 * 				area impacted and call crg_rebuild()    *
 * S. Danz/AWC          02/07   Add logic to update GFA centroid 	*
 * L. Hinson/AWC        07/09   Add code to update CCF centroid         *
int         location, ier, currfunc, new_location, num, layer, el_layer;
int         found, update_crg, one = 1;
float       llx, lly, urx, ury; 
float       x_cntr, y_cntr, c_lat, c_lon, area;
float       o_llx, o_lly, o_urx, o_ury, inf_bbox[4];
char	    value[32];
VG_DBStruct el, del_el;
filter_t    filter;

    _dragCount = 0;

    if ( _wboxElm )  {
	pgwpts_setSnap (TRUE);
	_pgmvcp_wboxCalc ( );

    if (!_midDrag)

    _midDrag = FALSE;

    update_crg = 0;

    currfunc = pgpalw_getCurOperId();

    location = pgactv_getElmLoc();
    cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), location, &el, &ier);

    crg_getinx (location, &num, &ier);
    crg_get (num, &el_layer, filter, &o_llx, &o_lly, &o_urx, &o_ury, &ier);
    pghdlb_deselectEl (location, FALSE); 

    if ((currfunc == FUNC_MOVE) || (currfunc == FUNC_SELECT)) {

 * Mark elements in placement that are effected by
 * the delete, and get the area of influence back
        cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), location, &del_el, &ier);
        cvg_checkplace(&del_el, 1, location, &found, inf_bbox, &ier);
        if (found > 0) {

 * Update the refresh extent if the area impacted by
 * placement was bigger than the area passed in
            o_llx = G_MIN(o_llx, inf_bbox[0]);
            o_lly = G_MIN(o_lly, inf_bbox[2]);
            o_urx = G_MAX(o_urx, inf_bbox[1]);
            o_ury = G_MAX(o_ury, inf_bbox[3]);
            update_crg = 1;

 * Free TCA/GFA memory
        if ( del_el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeBkpts ( &del_el );
        else if ( del_el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeElPtr ( &del_el );

 *  delete old element
	cvg_delet (cvg_getworkfile(), location, TRUE, &ier);
	crg_clear (num, &ier);
        pgundo_storeThisLoc(location, UNDO_DEL, &ier);

    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == WBOX_ELM )  {

        pgwbxw_getAnchor ( 0, el.elem.wbx.info.w_a0id,
                        &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a0lt, &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a0ln,
                        &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a0dis, el.elem.wbx.info.w_a0dir,
                        &ier );

        pgwbxw_getAnchor ( 1, el.elem.wbx.info.w_a1id,
                        &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a1lt, &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a1ln,
                        &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a1dis, el.elem.wbx.info.w_a1dir,
                        &ier );

 *  Wipe the county list
 	el.elem.wbx.info.numcnty = 0;

 *  adjust jet barb/hash position accordingly
    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == JET_ELM )  {
        _pgmvcp_jetCalc ( &el, 0, 0, False );
    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == SIGCCF_ELM ) {
      _pgmvcp_ccfCalc ( &el, 0, 0, False );
      gtrans ( sys_D, sys_M, &_dcN, _dcX, _dcY, 
		 &(el.elem.ccf.latlon[0]), &(el.elem.ccf.latlon[_dcN]), &ier,
		 strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) );
      _dcN = el.elem.ccf.info.npts;
      cvg_todev ( &el, &_dcN, _dcX, _dcY, &ier );
      if ( el.hdr.closed ) {
        cgr_centroid ( _dcX, _dcY, &_dcN, &x_cntr, &y_cntr, &area, &ier );
      } else {
        x_cntr = _dcX[0] ;
        y_cntr = _dcY[0] ;
      gtrans( sys_D, sys_M, &one, &x_cntr, &y_cntr, &c_lat, &c_lon, &ier, 
	    strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) 
      el.elem.ccf.info.arrowlat = c_lat;
      el.elem.ccf.info.arrowlon = c_lon;
 *  adjust GFA attribute box position accordingly
    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {

        _pgmvcp_gfaCalc ( &el, 0, 0, False );

	gtrans ( sys_D, sys_M, &_dcN, _dcX, _dcY, 
		 &(el.elem.gfa.latlon[0]), &(el.elem.gfa.latlon[_dcN]), &ier,
		 strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) );

	pgsmear_snapEl ( FALSE, &el, &ier );

	_dcN = el.elem.gfa.info.npts;

	cvg_todev( &el, &_dcN, _dcX, _dcY, &ier );

	if ( pggfaw_isClosed() ) {
	    cgr_centroid( _dcX, _dcY, &_dcN, &x_cntr, &y_cntr, &area, &ier );
	} else {
	    x_cntr = _dcX[ 0 ];
	    y_cntr = _dcY[ 0 ];
	gtrans( sys_D, sys_M, &one, &x_cntr, &y_cntr, &c_lat, &c_lon, &ier, 
	    strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) 

	sprintf ( value, "%7.2f", c_lat );
	cvg_setFld ( &el, TAG_GFA_ARROW_LAT, value, &ier );
	sprintf ( value, "%7.2f", c_lon );
	cvg_setFld ( &el, TAG_GFA_ARROW_LON, value, &ier );
 *  save new element
    pgvgf_saveNewElm(NULL, sys_D, &el, _dcN, _dcX, _dcY, FALSE, 
    		&new_location, &ier);
    pgundo_storeThisLoc (new_location, UNDO_ADD, &ier);
 * Free TCA/GFA memory
    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
    else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
        cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );

    cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), new_location, &el, &ier);
    layer = pglayer_getCurLayer( );
    crg_set (&el, new_location, layer, &ier);
    pgactv_setActvElm (&el, new_location);

    crg_getinx (new_location, &num, &ier);
    crg_get(num, &el_layer, filter, &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury, &ier);

    if (o_llx < llx)
        llx = o_llx;
    if (o_lly < lly)
        lly = o_lly;
    if (o_urx > urx)
        urx = o_urx;
    if (o_ury > ury)
        ury = o_ury;

 * Mark elements in placement that are effected by
 * the new element, and get the area of influence back
    cvg_checkplace(&el, 0, new_location, &found, inf_bbox, &ier);
    if (found > 0) {

 * Update the refresh extent if the area impacted by
 * placement was bigger than the area passed in
        llx = G_MIN(llx, inf_bbox[0]);
        lly = G_MIN(lly, inf_bbox[2]);
        urx = G_MAX(urx, inf_bbox[1]);
        ury = G_MAX(ury, inf_bbox[3]);
        update_crg = 1;

    xpgpaste (llx, lly, urx, ury, &ier);
    cvg_rfrsh (NULL, llx, lly, urx, ury, &ier);

 * If we may have impacted other elements with placement
 * we will need to rebuild the range records
    if (update_crg) {

    pghdlb_select (&el, new_location);

 * Free TCA/GFA memory
    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
    else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
        cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );

    mbotw_mouseSet(LMHINT_DRAG, MMHINT_DONE);
Exemplo n.º 5
static void pgconn_smear ( int loc1,  int loc2, VG_DBStruct *elOut,
			  int *nout, float *outX, float *outY )
 * pgconn_smear	                                          		*
 *                                                                      *
 * This function smears two selected GFA elements.  If the two GFAs	*
 * intersect, they are combined using "union";  otherwise, they are	*
 * combined using "shrink-wrap" algorithm.				*
 *									*
 * static void pgconn_smear ( loc1, loc2, elOut, nout, outX, outY )	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	loc1		int		Location of first GFA element	*
 *	loc2		int		Location of second GFA element	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:                                             	*
 *      *elOut		VG_DBStruct	GFA element			*
 *	*nout		int		number of smear points		*
 *	outX[]		float		x of smear points in sys_D	*
 *	outY[]		float		y of smear points in sys_D	*
 *									*
 * Return parameters:                                             	*
 *    			None			       		 	*
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * J. Wu/SAIC		06/07	initial coding				*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		09/07	add "unionOnly" into pgsmear_smear	*
    int		ii, jj, npts, ier, GFA_loc[2], ntmp;
    char	value[10];
    float	*xtmp, *ytmp, *lat, *lon;
    Boolean	repeat;
 *  Set computational projection
    ncw_set ( );
    ncw_sproj ( "PREFS" );
 *  Smear
 *  Note: pgsmear_smear() needs following options for "join" GFAs:
 *        "skipFzlvl"	- False: closed FZLVL could be joined.
 *        "useAllShapShots"	- True:  snapshots' status doesn't matter.
 *        "reducePts"	- False: no point reduction performed.
    GFA_loc[ 0 ] = loc1;	    
    GFA_loc[ 1 ] = loc2;	    
    pgsmear_smear ( 2, GFA_loc, False, _primaryEl.hdr.maj_col, 0, 
		    NULL, False, False, True, False, True,		  
		    elOut, nout, outX, outY );
 *  Remove repeated points
    ntmp = *nout;
    G_MALLOC ( xtmp, float, ntmp, "pgsmear_doSnap xtmp" );
    G_MALLOC ( ytmp, float, ntmp, "pgsmear_doSnap ytmp" );
    G_MALLOC ( lat, float, ntmp, "pgconn_select: lat" );
    G_MALLOC ( lon, float, ntmp, "pgconn_select: lon" );
    npts = 0;
    for ( ii = 0; ii < *nout; ii++ ) {

	repeat = False;

	for ( jj = ii + 1; jj < ntmp; jj++ ) {

	    if ( ( fabs ( outX[ ii ] - outX[ jj ] ) < .0001 ) &&

	         ( fabs ( outY[ ii ] - outY[ jj ] ) < .0001 ) ) {

	       repeat = True;


	if ( !repeat ) {

	   xtmp[ npts ] = outX[ ii ];
	   ytmp[ npts ] = outY[ ii ];
 *  Convert device (x,y) to (lat,lon) and put into el. 
    gtrans ( sys_D, sys_M, &npts, xtmp, ytmp, lat, lon, &ier,
    	     strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) );

    if ( npts > 0 ) {

       elOut->elem.gfa.info.npts = npts;

       for ( ii = 0; ii < npts; ii++ ) {

           elOut->elem.gfa.latlon[ ii ] 	 = lat[ ii ];
           elOut->elem.gfa.latlon[ ii + npts ]   = lon[ ii ];

 *  Unset computational projection and back to current projection
    ncw_unset ( );
 *  Snap if the first polygon is an airmet or outlook.
    cvg_getFld ( &_primaryEl, TAG_GFA_FCSTHR, value, &ier );
    if ( strchr ( value, '-' ) ) {                                              
	pgsmear_snapEl ( True, elOut, &ier );			
 *  Convert into device for ghosting in current projection.
    *nout = elOut->elem.gfa.info.npts;
    gtrans ( sys_M, sys_D, nout, elOut->elem.gfa.latlon,
	     &(elOut->elem.gfa.latlon[*nout]), outX, outY,
	     &ier, strlen(sys_M), strlen(sys_D) );
    G_MALLOC ( xtmp, float, ntmp, "pgconn_smear xtmp" );
    G_MALLOC ( ytmp, float, ntmp, "pgconn_smear ytmp" );
    G_MALLOC ( lat, float, ntmp, "pgconn_smear lat" );
    G_MALLOC ( lon, float, ntmp, "pgconn_smear lon" );

 *  Adopt the first selected GFA's attributes.
    cvg_getFld ( &_primaryEl, TAG_GFA_FCSTHR, value, &ier );
    cvg_setFld ( elOut, TAG_GFA_FCSTHR, value, &ier );
    cvg_getFld ( &_primaryEl, TAG_GFA_SUBTYPE, value, &ier );
    cvg_setFld ( elOut, TAG_GFA_SUBTYPE, value, &ier );		    
    ces_get( atoi( value ), elOut, &ier );
    elOut->hdr.maj_col = _primaryEl.hdr.maj_col;
    elOut->hdr.min_col = _primaryEl.hdr.min_col;