PyObject *getTanimotoSimMat(python::object bitVectList) { // we will assume here that we have a either a list of ExplicitBitVectors or // SparseBitVects int nrows = python::extract<int>(bitVectList.attr("__len__")()); CHECK_INVARIANT(nrows > 1, ""); // First check what type of vector we have python::object v1 = bitVectList[0]; python::extract<ExplicitBitVect> ebvWorks(v1); python::extract<SparseBitVect> sbvWorks(v1); if(!ebvWorks.check() && !sbvWorks.check()) { throw_value_error("GetTanimotoDistMat can only take a sequence of ExplicitBitVects or SparseBitvects"); } npy_intp dMatLen = nrows*(nrows-1)/2; PyArrayObject *simRes = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(1, &dMatLen, NPY_DOUBLE); double *sMat = (double *)simRes->data; if (ebvWorks.check()) { PySequenceHolder<ExplicitBitVect> dData(bitVectList); MetricMatrixCalc<PySequenceHolder<ExplicitBitVect>, ExplicitBitVect> mmCalc; mmCalc.setMetricFunc(&TanimotoSimilarityMetric<ExplicitBitVect, ExplicitBitVect>); mmCalc.calcMetricMatrix(dData, nrows, 0, sMat); } else if (sbvWorks.check()) { PySequenceHolder<SparseBitVect> dData(bitVectList); MetricMatrixCalc<PySequenceHolder<SparseBitVect>, SparseBitVect> mmCalc; mmCalc.setMetricFunc(&TanimotoSimilarityMetric<SparseBitVect, SparseBitVect>); mmCalc.calcMetricMatrix(dData, nrows, 0, sMat); } return PyArray_Return(simRes); }
bool PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::ReadMayaAttribute( const MFnDependencyNode& depNode, const MString& name, VtVec3fArray* val) { MStatus status; depNode.attribute(name, &status); if (status == MS::kSuccess) { MPlug plug = depNode.findPlug(name); MObject dataObj; if ( (plug.getValue(dataObj) == MS::kSuccess) && (dataObj.hasFn(MFn::kVectorArrayData)) ) { MFnVectorArrayData dData(dataObj, &status); if (status == MS::kSuccess) { MVectorArray arrayValues = dData.array(); size_t numValues = arrayValues.length(); val->resize(numValues); for (size_t i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) { (*val)[i].Set( arrayValues[i][0], arrayValues[i][1], arrayValues[i][2]); } return true; } } } return false; }
// return a simulation data of the simulated path for the diffusion process Utilities::SimulationData DiffusionProcess::simulate(const std::vector<double> &dDates, std::size_t iNPaths) const { std::vector<std::vector<double> > dData(iNPaths, std::vector<double>(dDates.size(), 0.0)); for (std::size_t iPath = 0 ; iPath < iNPaths ; ++iPath) { dData[iPath] = simulate1path(dDates); } Utilities::SimulationData result(dData, dDates); return result; }
DungeonData MysteryDungeonMaker::DungeonData() { ::DungeonData dData(dungeonSize->DungeonHeight(), dungeonSize->DungeonWidth()); const size_t rowNum = dungeonSize->DungeonHeight(); const size_t columnNum = dungeonSize->DungeonWidth(); for (size_t i = 0; i < rowNum; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < columnNum; j++) { dData.AddType(Component(i, j), tiles[i][j]); } } return dData; }
/********************************* * loadData関数 * @param string filename ファイル名 * @param char delim 分割文字列 * @return dData データ * @note : 行の先頭が"#"の時は読み飛ばす * : "@"から始まるデータはラベル ********************************/ dData loadData(string filename, const char delim) { ifstream ifs(filename.c_str()); string line; stringstream ss; vector<string> strs; vector<string> label; bool setLabel; // int len; int dim; vector<double> dat; // ファイル読み込みを失敗した場合 if ( { cout << "File load error. (" << filename << ")" << endl; return dData(); } // ファイルの中身を1行ずつ読み込み len = 0; while (getline(ifs, line)) { if ('#' == (line.c_str())[0] || line.size() < 1) { continue; } double val; strs = split(line, delim); dim = (int) strs.size(); setLabel = false; for (int d = 0; d < (int) strs.size(); d++) { if ('@' == (strs[d].c_str())[0] && !setLabel) { setLabel = true; label.push_back(strs[d]); continue; } // 文字列から数値に変換 ss << strs[d]; ss >> val; dat.push_back(val); ss.clear(); // 状態をクリア. ss.str(""); // 文字列をクリア. } ++len; } // 結果保存用 double *res = new double[len * dim]; for (int p = 0; p < len * dim; p++) { res[p] = dat[p]; } if (setLabel) { --dim; } return dData(res, len, dim, label); }
int MeshRegion::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker) { // get my current database tag // NOTE - dbTag equals 0 if not sending to a database OR has not yet been sent int myDbTag = this->getDbTag(); // into an ID we place all info needed to determine state of MeshRegion ID lpData(6); if (theChannel.recvID(myDbTag, commitTag, lpData) < 0) { opserr << "MeshRegion::recvSelf - channel failed to recv the initial ID\n"; return -1; } // only recv the nodes & ele if not current if (currentGeoTag != lpData(0)) { currentGeoTag = lpData(0); this->setTag(lpData(1)); int numEle = lpData(2); int numNod = lpData(3); if (theNodes != 0) { delete theNodes; theNodes = 0; } if (theElements != 0) { delete theElements; theElements = 0; } if (numEle != 0) theElements = new ID(numEle); if (numNod != 0) theNodes = new ID(numNod); if (numNod != 0) if (theChannel.recvID(dbNod, currentGeoTag, *theNodes) < 0) { opserr << "MeshRegion::sendSelf - channel failed to recv the nodes\n"; return -1; } if (numEle != 0) if (theChannel.recvID(dbEle, currentGeoTag, *theElements) < 0) { opserr << "MeshRegion::sendSelf - channel failed to recv the elements\n"; return -1; } Vector dData(4); if (theChannel.sendVector(dbEle, currentGeoTag, dData) < 0) { opserr << "MeshRegion::sendSelf - channel failed to send the elements\n"; return -1; } alphaM = dData(0); betaK = dData(1); betaK0 = dData(2); betaKc = dData(3); } this->setRayleighDampingFactors(alphaM, betaK, betaK0, betaKc); return 0; }
int MeshRegion::sendSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel) { // get my current database tag // NOTE - dbTag equals 0 if not sending to a database OR has not yet been sent int myDbTag = this->getDbTag(); // into an ID we place all info needed to determine state of LoadPattern ID lpData(6); lpData(0) = currentGeoTag; lpData(1) = this->getTag(); int numEle= theElements->Size(); int numNod = theNodes->Size(); lpData(2) = numEle; lpData(3) = numNod; if (dbNod == 0) { dbNod = theChannel.getDbTag(); dbEle = theChannel.getDbTag(); } lpData(4) = dbNod; lpData(5) = dbEle; if (theChannel.sendID(myDbTag, commitTag, lpData) < 0) { opserr << "MeshRegion::sendSelf - channel failed to send the initial ID\n"; return -1; } // now check if data defining the objects in the LoadPAttern needs to be sent // NOTE THIS APPROACH MAY NEED TO CHANGE FOR VERY LARGE PROBLEMS IF CHANNEL CANNOT // HANDLE VERY LARGE ID OBJECTS. if (lastGeoSendTag != currentGeoTag) { if (numNod != 0) if (theChannel.sendID(dbNod, currentGeoTag, *theNodes) < 0) { opserr << "MeshRegion::sendSelf - channel failed to send the nodes\n"; return -1; } if (numEle != 0) if (theChannel.sendID(dbEle, currentGeoTag, *theElements) < 0) { opserr << "MeshRegion::sendSelf - channel failed to send the elements\n"; return -1; } Vector dData(4); dData(0) = alphaM; dData(1) = betaK; dData(2) = betaK0; dData(3) = betaKc; if (theChannel.sendVector(dbEle, currentGeoTag, dData) < 0) { opserr << "MeshRegion::sendSelf - channel failed to send the elements\n"; return -1; } // set the lst send db tag so we don't have to send them again unless they change lastGeoSendTag = currentGeoTag; } return 0; }
void Record::Write( ISocket& socket ) const { socket.Send( &mType, sizeof( unsigned char ) ); socket.Send( &mVersion.Major, sizeof( unsigned char ) ); socket.Send( &mVersion.Minor, sizeof( unsigned char ) ); if( mEncryption->Name() != "None" ) { std::vector<unsigned char> dData( mData.begin(), mData.end() ); /* Calculate MAC */ std::vector<unsigned char> signiture; Insert( signiture, htonll( RecordsSent ) ); Insert( signiture, (unsigned char) mType ); Insert( signiture, (unsigned char) mVersion.Major ); Insert( signiture, (unsigned char) mVersion.Minor ); Insert( signiture, htons( (unsigned short) mData.size() ) ); signiture.insert( signiture.end(), mData.begin(), mData.end() ); std::vector<unsigned char> hash = mEncryption->CalculateHash( signiture ); RecordsSent++; dData.insert( dData.end(), hash.begin(), hash.end() ); /* Calculate Padding */ unsigned int size = dData.size(); unsigned int remainder = 16 - (size - (16 * std::floor( dData.size() / 16.0 ))); if( remainder != 0 ){ remainder--; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < remainder; i++ ){ dData.push_back( remainder ); } } dData.push_back( remainder ); std::vector<unsigned char> eData = mEncryption->Encrypt( dData ); unsigned short length = htons( eData.size() ); socket.Send( &length, sizeof( unsigned short ) ); socket.Send( &eData[0], sizeof( unsigned char ) * eData.size() ); //std::cout << "Encrypted: " << std::dec << (int)eData.size() << std::endl; //for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < eData.size(); i++ ){ // std::cout << std::hex << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill('0') << (int) eData[i] << " ";; // if( (i + 1) % 16 == 0 ) std::cout << std::endl; //} //std::cout << std::endl; }else{ unsigned short length = htons( mLength ); socket.Send( &length, sizeof( unsigned short ) ); socket.Send( &mData[0], sizeof( unsigned char ) * mLength ); //std::cout << "Sent: " << std::dec << (int)mData.size() << std::endl; //for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < mData.size(); i++ ){ // std::cout << std::hex << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill('0') << (int) mData[i] << " ";; // if( (i + 1) % 16 == 0 ) std::cout << std::endl; //} //std::cout << std::endl; } //std::cout << std::endl; }
bool CDropManager::loadDropData(MYSQL * _dataDB) { CDBCmd cmdHead; cmdHead.Init(_dataDB); std::string sql = "SELECT * FROM t_drop_item_head ORDER BY a_drop_idx"; cmdHead.SetQuery(sql); if( !cmdHead.Open() || !cmdHead.MoveFirst() ) { GAMELOG << init("EVENT_AUTOMATION_WARN") << "NO EXIST TABLE DROP ITEM HEAD" << end; return false;\ } if( cmdHead.m_nrecords < 1 ) { GAMELOG << init("EVENT_AUTOMATION_WARN") << "EMPTY TABLE DROP ITEM HEAD" << end; return false; } CDBCmd cmdData; cmdData.Init(_dataDB); int dropIndex=0, dropType=0, levelmini=0, levelMaxi=0, dropProb=0, probPerLevel=0, party=1, boss=1; CLCString npclist; CLCString levelsection(256); do { if( !cmdHead.GetRec("a_drop_idx", dropIndex) || !cmdHead.GetRec("a_drop_type", dropType) || !cmdHead.GetRec("a_level_mini", levelmini) || !cmdHead.GetRec("a_level_maxi", levelMaxi) || !cmdHead.GetRec("a_prob", dropProb) || !cmdHead.GetRec("a_prob_level", probPerLevel) || !cmdHead.GetRec("a_npc_type_party", party) || !cmdHead.GetRec("a_npc_type_boss", boss) || !cmdHead.GetRec("a_npc", npclist) || !cmdHead.GetRec("a_level_section", levelsection) ) { GAMELOG << init("EVENT_AUTOMATION_WARN") << "NOT MATCHING FIELD IN TABLE DROP ITEM HEAD" << end; return false; } std::string select_drop_item_data_sql = boost::str(boost::format("SELECT * FROM t_drop_item_data WHERE a_drop_idx=%d ") % dropIndex); cmdData.SetQuery( select_drop_item_data_sql ); if( !cmdData.Open() ) { GAMELOG << init("EVENT_AUTOMATION_WARN") << "NO EXIST TABLE DROP ITEM DATA" << end; return false; } if( !cmdData.MoveFirst() ) continue; if( cmdData.m_nrecords < 1 ) continue; CDropInfo dData(dropIndex, dropType, levelmini, levelMaxi, dropProb, probPerLevel, party, boss); const char* pArg = npclist; char buf[8]= {0,}; int npcIndex=0; while (*pArg) { pArg = AnyOneArg(pArg, buf); npcIndex = atoi(buf); if( npcIndex > 0 ) dData.addNpc( npcIndex); } pArg = levelsection; int lvlstart, lvlend, lvlprob; while (*pArg) { pArg = AnyOneArg(pArg, buf); lvlstart = atoi(buf); pArg = AnyOneArg(pArg, buf); lvlend = atoi(buf); pArg = AnyOneArg(pArg, buf); lvlprob = atoi(buf); if( lvlprob > 0 ) { CProbByLevelSection ls(lvlstart, lvlend, lvlprob); dData.addLevelSection( ls ); } } int index=0, plus=0, flag=0, prob=0, jobFlag =0; LONGLONG count=0; do { if( !cmdData.GetRec("a_item_idx", index) || !cmdData.GetRec("a_plus", plus) || !cmdData.GetRec("a_flag", flag) || !cmdData.GetRec("a_count", count) || !cmdData.GetRec("a_prob", prob) || !cmdData.GetRec("a_job_flag", jobFlag) ) { GAMELOG << init("EVENT_AUTOMATION_WARN") << "NOT MATCHING FIELD IN TABLE DROP ITEM DATA" << end; return false; } CDropItemData diData(index, plus, flag, count, prob, jobFlag ); dData.addItem( diData ); } while( cmdData.MoveNext() ); m_dataList.insert( std::map<int,CDropInfo>::value_type( dropIndex, dData ) ); } while( cmdHead.MoveNext() ); return true; }