Exemplo n.º 1
    dVector3 anchor;
    dJointGetPUAnchor(this, anchor);
    setAnchors( this, anchor[0], anchor[1], anchor[2], anchor1, anchor2 );

    dVector3 ax1, ax2, ax3;
    dJointGetPUAxis1(this, ax1);
    dJointGetPUAxis2(this, ax2);
    dJointGetPUAxis3(this, ax3);

    if ( flags & dJOINT_REVERSE )
        setAxes( this, ax1[0], ax1[1], ax1[2], NULL, axis2 );
        setAxes( this, ax2[0], ax2[1], ax2[2], axis1, NULL );
        setAxes( this, ax1[0], ax1[1], ax1[2], axis1, NULL );
        setAxes( this, ax2[0], ax2[1], ax2[2], NULL, axis2 );

    setAxes( this, ax3[0], ax3[1], ax3[2], axisP1, NULL );

Exemplo n.º 2
// simulation loop
static void simLoop (int pause)
  static bool todo = false;
  if ( todo ) { // DEBUG
    static int cnt = 0;

    if (cnt == 5)
      command ( 'q' );
    if (cnt == 10)

  if (!pause) {
    double simstep = 0.01; // 10ms simulation steps
    double dt = dsElapsedTime();

    int nrofsteps = (int) ceilf (dt/simstep);
    if (!nrofsteps)
      nrofsteps = 1;

    for (int i=0; i<nrofsteps && !pause; i++) {
      dSpaceCollide (space,0,&nearCallback);
      dWorldStep (world, simstep);

      dJointGroupEmpty (contactgroup);


    dReal radius, length;

    dsSetTexture (DS_WOOD);

    drawBox (geom[W], 1,1,0);

    drawBox (geom[EXT], 0,1,0);

    dVector3 anchorPos;

    dReal ang1 = 0;
    dReal ang2 = 0;
    dVector3 axisP, axisR1, axisR2;

    if ( dJointTypePU == type ) {
      dPUJoint *pu = dynamic_cast<dPUJoint *> (joint);
      ang1 = pu->getAngle1();
      ang2 = pu->getAngle2();
      pu->getAxis1 (axisR1);
      pu->getAxis2 (axisR2);
      pu->getAxisP (axisP);

      dJointGetPUAnchor (pu->id(), anchorPos);
    else if ( dJointTypePR == type ) {
      dPRJoint *pr = dynamic_cast<dPRJoint *> (joint);
      pr->getAxis1 (axisP);
      pr->getAxis2 (axisR1);

      dJointGetPRAnchor (pr->id(), anchorPos);

    // Draw the axisR
    if ( geom[INT] ) {
      dsSetColor (1,0,1);
      dVector3 l;
      dGeomBoxGetLengths (geom[INT], l);

      const dReal *rotBox = dGeomGetRotation (geom[W]);

      dVector3 pos;
      for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
        pos[i] = anchorPos[i] - 0.5*extDim[Z]*axisP[i];
      dsDrawBox (pos, rotBox, l);

    dsSetTexture (DS_CHECKERED);
    if ( geom[AXIS1] ) {
      dQuaternion q, qAng;
      dQFromAxisAndAngle (qAng,axisR1[X], axisR1[Y], axisR1[Z], ang1);
      dGeomGetQuaternion (geom[AXIS1], q);

      dQuaternion qq;
      dQMultiply1 (qq, qAng, q);
      dMatrix3 R;
      dQtoR (qq,R);

      dGeomCylinderGetParams (dGeomTransformGetGeom (geom[AXIS1]), &radius, &length);
      dsSetColor (1,0,0);
      dsDrawCylinder (anchorPos, R, length, radius);

    if ( dJointTypePU == type && geom[AXIS2] ) {
      //dPUJoint *pu = dynamic_cast<dPUJoint *> (joint);

      dQuaternion q, qAng, qq, qq1;
      dGeomGetQuaternion (geom[AXIS2], q);

      dQFromAxisAndAngle (qAng, 0, 1, 0, ang2);
      dQMultiply1 (qq, qAng, q);

      dQFromAxisAndAngle (qAng,axisR1[X], axisR1[Y], axisR1[Z], ang1);

      dQMultiply1 (qq1, qAng, qq);

      dMatrix3 R;
      dQtoR (qq1,R);

      dGeomCylinderGetParams (dGeomTransformGetGeom (geom[AXIS2]), &radius, &length);
      dsSetColor (0,0,1);
      dsDrawCylinder (anchorPos, R, length, radius);

    dsSetTexture (DS_WOOD);

    // Draw the anchor
    if ( geom[ANCHOR] ) {
      dsSetColor (1,1,1);
      dVector3 l;
      dGeomBoxGetLengths (geom[ANCHOR], l);

      const dReal *rotBox = dGeomGetRotation (geom[D]);
      const dReal *posBox = dGeomGetPosition (geom[D]);

      dVector3 e;
      for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
        e[i] = posBox[i] - anchorPos[i];
      dNormalize3 (e);

      dVector3 pos;
      for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
        pos[i] = anchorPos[i] + 0.5 * l[Z]*e[i];
      dsDrawBox (pos, rotBox, l);

    drawBox (geom[D], 1,1,0);