Exemplo n.º 1
void Selector::filter_photons(){
	for(int phoInd = 0; phoInd < tree->nPho_; ++phoInd){
		double eta = tree->phoEta_[phoInd];
		double et = tree->phoEt_[phoInd];

		Pho03ChHadIso.push_back(    tree->phoPFChIso_[phoInd]   - tree->rho2012_ * phoEffArea03ChHad(eta) );
		Pho03ChHadSCRIso.push_back( tree->phoSCRChIso_[phoInd]  - tree->rho2012_ * phoEffArea03ChHad(eta) );
		Pho03NeuHadIso.push_back(   tree->phoPFNeuIso_[phoInd]  - tree->rho2012_ * phoEffArea03NeuHad(eta) );
		Pho03PhoIso.push_back(      tree->phoPFPhoIso_[phoInd]  - tree->rho2012_ * phoEffArea03Pho(eta) );
		Pho03PhoSCRIso.push_back(   tree->phoSCRPhoIso_[phoInd] - tree->rho2012_ * phoEffArea03Pho(eta) );

		// manual spike cleaning
		if (dR(tree->phoEta_[phoInd], tree->phoPhi_[phoInd], -1.76, 1.37) < 0.05) continue;
		if (dR(tree->phoEta_[phoInd], tree->phoPhi_[phoInd],  2.37, 2.69) < 0.05) continue;		

		int region = 0; //barrel
		if(TMath::Abs( eta )>1.5) region = 1; //endcap
		bool phoPresel = fidEtaPass( eta ) &&
						et > pho_Et_cut &&
						( pho_noPixelSeed_cut || tree->phohasPixelSeed_[phoInd] == 0 ) &&
						( pho_noEleVeto_cut || tree->phoEleVeto_[phoInd] == 0 ) &&
						tree->phoIsConv_[phoInd] == photonID_IsConv[region][pho_ID_ind] &&
						tree->phoHoverE_[phoInd] < photonID_HoverE[region][pho_ID_ind] &&
						Pho03NeuHadIso[phoInd] < 
			(photonID_RhoCorrR03NeuHadIso_0[region][pho_ID_ind] + et * photonID_RhoCorrR03NeuHadIso_1[region][pho_ID_ind]);
			PhoPassSih.push_back( tree->phoSigmaIEtaIEta_[phoInd] < photonID_SigmaIEtaIEta[region][pho_ID_ind] );
			PhoPassChHadIso.push_back( Pho03ChHadIso[phoInd] < photonID_RhoCorrR03ChHadIso[region][pho_ID_ind] );
			PhoPassPhoIso.push_back( Pho03PhoIso[phoInd] < photonID_RhoCorrR03PhoIso_0[region][pho_ID_ind] + et * photonID_RhoCorrR03PhoIso_1[region][pho_ID_ind] );
Exemplo n.º 2
LIBeam3dNL :: updateTempTriad(TimeStep *tStep)
    // test if not previously done
    if ( tStep->giveSolutionStateCounter() == tempTcCounter ) {

    FloatArray u, centreSpin(3);
    FloatMatrix dR(3, 3);

    // ask element's displacement increments
    this->computeVectorOf(EID_MomentumBalance, VM_Incremental, tStep, u);

    // interpolate spin at the centre
    centreSpin.at(1) = 0.5 * ( u.at(4) + u.at(10) );
    centreSpin.at(2) = 0.5 * ( u.at(5) + u.at(11) );
    centreSpin.at(3) = 0.5 * ( u.at(6) + u.at(12) );

    // compute rotation matrix from centreSpin pseudovector
    this->computeRotMtrx(dR, centreSpin);

    // update triad
    tempTc.beProductOf(dR, tc);
    // remember timestamp
    tempTcCounter = tStep->giveSolutionStateCounter();
Exemplo n.º 3
void ProcessEvent(Everything &ev, Everything &evout)
  int Nmuons = ev.GetInt("Glb_nptl");
  auto muonpT = ev["Glb_pt"];
  auto muonphi = ev["Glb_phi"];
  auto muoneta = ev["Glb_eta"];
  auto muonchi2ndof = ev["Glb_glbChi2_ndof"];
  auto muonnhits = ev.GetVInt("Glb_nValMuHits");
  auto muonpxhits = ev.GetVInt("Glb_nValPixHits");
  auto muonnMatchedStations = ev.GetVInt("Glb_nMatchedStations");
  auto muontrkDxy = ev["Glb_trkDxy"];
  auto muontrkDz = ev["Glb_trkDz"];
  auto muontrkLayerWM = ev.GetVInt("Glb_trkLayerWMeas");

  //Glb_pt>7 && fabs(Glb_eta)<2 && Glb_nMatchedStations>1  && Glb_glbChi2_ndof<10 && Glb_nValMuHits>0 && Glb_nValPixHits>2 && Glb_trkDxy<0.2 && Glb_trkDz<0.5 && Glb_trkLayerWMeas>5)

  int njets = ev.GetInt("nref");
  auto jtpt = ev["jtpt"];
  auto jtphi = ev["jtphi"];
  auto jteta = ev["jteta"];

  for (int j=0;j<njets;j++) {

    float jeteta = jteta[j], jetpt = jtpt[j], jetphi = jtphi[j];
    int indexClosest = -1; double dRclosest = 999; 
    double jetmuonpt=0, jetmuonphi=0, jetmuoneta=0, jetmuonptrel = 0, jetmuonip3d = 0;

    for (int m=0;m<Nmuons;m++)
      if (fabs(muoneta[m])<2 && muonnMatchedStations[m]>1 && muonchi2ndof[m]<10 
          && muonnhits[m]>0 && muonpxhits[m]>2 && muontrkDxy[m]<0.2 && muontrkDz[m]<0.5)
       double dR_jm = dR(muonphi[m], muoneta[m], jetphi,jeteta);
       if (dR_jm<0.4 && dR_jm<dRclosest) { indexClosest = m; dRclosest = dR_jm; }

     if (indexClosest>=0) {
      jetmuonpt = muonpT[indexClosest]; 
      jetmuonphi = muonphi[indexClosest]; 
      jetmuoneta = muoneta[indexClosest];
      jetmuonptrel=getPtRel(jetpt, jeteta, jetphi, jetmuonpt, jetmuoneta, jetmuonphi);
      jetmuonip3d = sqrt(muontrkDxy[indexClosest]*muontrkDxy[indexClosest] + muontrkDz[indexClosest]*muontrkDz[indexClosest]);

    //copy other jet stuff
Exemplo n.º 4
double Histogrammer::minDrPhoB(int PhoInd, EventTree* tree){
	// find the closest b-jet
	TLorentzVector b;
	TLorentzVector bBar;
	int phoGen=-1;
	double mindr = 999.0;
	for( int mcI = 0; mcI < tree->nMC_; ++mcI){
		if( tree->mcIndex->at(mcI) == tree->phoGenIndex_->at(PhoInd) ) 
		if( tree->mcPID->at(mcI) == 5) 
			b.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->mcPt->at(mcI), tree->mcEta->at(mcI), tree->mcPhi->at(mcI), tree->mcMass->at(mcI));
		if( tree->mcPID->at(mcI) == -5) 
			bBar.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->mcPt->at(mcI), tree->mcEta->at(mcI), tree->mcPhi->at(mcI), tree->mcMass->at(mcI));
	if( phoGen > 0 && b.Pt() > 0.0001 && bBar.Pt() > 0.0001 ) {
		mindr = std::min(dR(tree->mcEta->at(phoGen), tree->mcPhi->at(phoGen), b.Eta(), b.Phi()),
						 dR(tree->mcEta->at(phoGen), tree->mcPhi->at(phoGen), bBar.Eta(), bBar.Phi()));
	return mindr;
Exemplo n.º 5
int minDrIndex(double myEta, double myPhi, std::vector<float> *etas, std::vector<float> *phis){
	double mindr = 999.0;
	double dr;
	int bestInd = -1;
	for( int oind = 0; oind < etas->size(); oind++){
		dr = dR(myEta, myPhi, etas->at(oind), phis->at(oind));
		if( mindr > dr ) {
			mindr = dr;
			bestInd = oind;
	return bestInd;
Exemplo n.º 6
int Histogrammer::minDrIndex(double myEta, double myPhi, std::vector<int> Inds, std::vector<float> *etas, std::vector<float> *phis){
	double mindr = 999.0;
	double dr;
	int bestInd = -1;
	for( std::vector<int>::iterator it = Inds.begin(); it != Inds.end(); ++it){
		dr = dR(myEta, myPhi, etas->at(*it), phis->at(*it));
		if( mindr > dr ) {
			mindr = dr;
			bestInd = *it;
	return bestInd;
Exemplo n.º 7
Matrix4x4 TransformDerivative::asHomogeneousTransformDerivative() const
    Matrix4x4 ret;

    Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix<double,4,4,Eigen::RowMajor> > retEigen(ret.data());

    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> dp(this->posDerivative.data());
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3,Eigen::RowMajor> > dR(this->rotDerivative.data());

    retEigen.block<3,3>(0,0) = dR;
    retEigen.block<3,1>(0,3) = dp;

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 8
SpatialForceVector TransformDerivative::transform(const Transform& transform,
                                                  SpatialForceVector& other)
    SpatialForceVector ret;

    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> p(transform.getPosition().data());
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3,Eigen::RowMajor> > R(transform.getRotation().data());
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> dp(this->posDerivative.data());
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3,Eigen::RowMajor> > dR(this->rotDerivative.data());

    toEigen(ret.getLinearVec3()) = dR*toEigen(other.getLinearVec3());
    toEigen(ret.getAngularVec3())  =  dR*toEigen(other.getAngularVec3())
                                    + p.cross(toEigen(ret.getLinearVec3()))
                                    + dp.cross(R*toEigen(other.getLinearVec3()));

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 9
TransformDerivative TransformDerivative::operator*(const Transform& otherTransform) const
    TransformDerivative ret;

    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> dp(this->posDerivative.data());
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3,Eigen::RowMajor> > dR(this->rotDerivative.data());

    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> other_p(otherTransform.getPosition().data());
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3,Eigen::RowMajor> > other_R(otherTransform.getRotation().data());

    Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d> ret_dp(ret.posDerivative.data());
    Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3,Eigen::RowMajor> >ret_dR(ret.rotDerivative.data());

    ret_dR = dR*other_R;
    ret_dp = dR*other_p+dp;

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 10
Matrix6x6 TransformDerivative::asAdjointTransformDerivative(const Transform& transform) const
    Matrix6x6 ret;

    Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6,Eigen::RowMajor> > retEigen(ret.data());

    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> dp(this->posDerivative.data());
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3,Eigen::RowMajor> > dR(this->rotDerivative.data());

    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> p(transform.getPosition().data());
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3,Eigen::RowMajor> > R(transform.getRotation().data());

    retEigen.block<3,3>(0,0) = dR;
    retEigen.block<3,3>(0,3) = mySkeww(dp)*R+mySkeww(p)*dR;
    retEigen.block<3,3>(3,3) = dR;

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 11
int makeDiPhotonMass::MCTruthMatch(int jpho){
   int phoInd = -1;

   for(int imc = 0; imc < nMC; ++imc){
      if( mcPID->at(imc) != 22) continue;
      if( mcPt->at(imc) < 20) continue;
      bool match_gen = dR((*mcEta)[imc], (*mcPhi)[imc], (*phoSCEta)[jpho], (*phoSCPhi)[jpho]) < 0.05;
      if(match_gen && phoInd < 0) phoInd = imc;

   if(phoInd >= 0){
      if(((*mcParentage)[phoInd]&4)==0) return 1;
	 return 2;
   } else {
      return 3;

Exemplo n.º 12
int secondMinDrIndex(int myInd, EventTree* tree){
	double myEta = tree->mcEta->at(myInd);
	double myPhi = tree->mcPhi->at(myInd);
	int myPID = tree->mcPID->at(myInd);
	double mindr = 999.0;
	double dr;
	int bestInd = -1;
	for( int oind = 0; oind < tree->nMC_; oind++){
		if(oind == myInd) continue;
		if(tree->mcMass->at(oind) > 10.0) continue;
		int opid = abs(tree->mcPID->at(oind));
		if(opid == 12 || opid == 14 || opid == 16) continue;
		dr = dR(myEta, myPhi, tree->mcEta->at(oind), tree->mcPhi->at(oind));
		if( mindr > dr ) {
			mindr = dr;
			bestInd = oind;
	return bestInd;
Exemplo n.º 13
  void registerDerivativeTest()
    FunctionParserAD R;
    std::string func = "x*a";

    // Parse the input expression into bytecode
    R.Parse(func, "x,a");

    // add a new variable y and map it to the da/dx derivative
    R.RegisterDerivative("a", "x", "y");

    // parameter vector
    double p[3];
    double & x = p[0];
    double & a = p[1];
    double & y = p[2];

    FunctionParserAD dR(R);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL (dR.AutoDiff("x"), -1);
    // dR = a+x*y

    FunctionParserAD d2R(dR);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL (d2R.AutoDiff("x"), -1);
    // d2R = 2*y

    // we probe the parsers and check if they agree with the reference solution
    for (x = -1.0; x < 1.0; x+=0.3726)
      for (a = -1.0; a < 1.0; a+=0.2642)
        for (y = -1.0; y < 1.0; y+=0.3156)
          CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(R.Eval(p), x*a, 1.e-12);
          CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(dR.Eval(p), a+x*y, 1.e-12);
          CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(d2R.Eval(p), 2*y, 1.e-12);
Exemplo n.º 14
    DSPOSV computes the solution to a real system of linear equations
        A * X = B,
    where A is an N-by-N symmetric positive definite matrix and X and B
    are N-by-NRHS matrices.

    DSPOSV first attempts to factorize the matrix in real SINGLE PRECISION
    and use this factorization within an iterative refinement procedure
    to produce a solution with real DOUBLE PRECISION norm-wise backward error
    quality (see below). If the approach fails the method switches to a
    real DOUBLE PRECISION factorization and solve.

    The iterative refinement is not going to be a winning strategy if
    the ratio real SINGLE PRECISION performance over real DOUBLE PRECISION
    performance is too small. A reasonable strategy should take the
    number of right-hand sides and the size of the matrix into account.
    This might be done with a call to ILAENV in the future. Up to now, we
    always try iterative refinement.

    The iterative refinement process is stopped if
        ITER > ITERMAX
    or for all the RHS we have:
        o ITER is the number of the current iteration in the iterative
          refinement process
        o RNRM is the infinity-norm of the residual
        o XNRM is the infinity-norm of the solution
        o ANRM is the infinity-operator-norm of the matrix A
        o EPS is the machine epsilon returned by DLAMCH('Epsilon')
    The value ITERMAX and BWDMAX are fixed to 30 and 1.0D+00 respectively.

    uplo    magma_uplo_t
      -     = MagmaUpper:  Upper triangle of A is stored;
      -     = MagmaLower:  Lower triangle of A is stored.

    n       INTEGER
            The number of linear equations, i.e., the order of the
            matrix A.  N >= 0.

    nrhs    INTEGER
            The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
            of the matrix B.  NRHS >= 0.

    dA      DOUBLE PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (LDDA,N)
            On entry, the symmetric matrix A.  If UPLO = MagmaUpper, the leading
            N-by-N upper triangular part of A contains the upper
            triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly lower
            triangular part of A is not referenced.  If UPLO = MagmaLower, the
            leading N-by-N lower triangular part of A contains the lower
            triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly upper
            triangular part of A is not referenced.
            On exit, if iterative refinement has been successfully used
            (INFO.EQ.0 and ITER.GE.0, see description below), then A is
            unchanged, if double factorization has been used
            (INFO.EQ.0 and ITER.LT.0, see description below), then the
            array dA contains the factor U or L from the Cholesky
            factorization A = U**T*U or A = L*L**T.

    ldda    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dA.  LDDA >= max(1,N).

    dB      DOUBLE PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (LDDB,NRHS)
            The N-by-NRHS right hand side matrix B.

    lddb    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dB.  LDDB >= max(1,N).

    dX      DOUBLE PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (LDDX,NRHS)
            If INFO = 0, the N-by-NRHS solution matrix X.

    lddx    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dX.  LDDX >= max(1,N).

    dworkd  (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (N*NRHS)
            This array is used to hold the residual vectors.

    dworks  (workspace) SINGLE PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (N*(N+NRHS))
            This array is used to store the real single precision matrix
            and the right-hand sides or solutions in single precision.

    iter    INTEGER
      -     < 0: iterative refinement has failed, double precision
                 factorization has been performed
        +        -1 : the routine fell back to full precision for
                      implementation- or machine-specific reasons
        +        -2 : narrowing the precision induced an overflow,
                      the routine fell back to full precision
        +        -3 : failure of SPOTRF
        +        -31: stop the iterative refinement after the 30th iteration
      -     > 0: iterative refinement has been successfully used.
                 Returns the number of iterations

    info    INTEGER
      -     = 0:  successful exit
      -     < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
      -     > 0:  if INFO = i, the leading minor of order i of (DOUBLE
                  PRECISION) A is not positive definite, so the
                  factorization could not be completed, and the solution
                  has not been computed.

    @ingroup magma_dposv_driver
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_uplo_t uplo, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs,
    magmaDouble_ptr dA, magma_int_t ldda,
    magmaDouble_ptr dB, magma_int_t lddb,
    magmaDouble_ptr dX, magma_int_t lddx,
    magmaDouble_ptr dworkd, magmaFloat_ptr dworks,
    magma_int_t *iter,
    magma_int_t *info)
    #define dB(i,j)     (dB + (i) + (j)*lddb)
    #define dX(i,j)     (dX + (i) + (j)*lddx)
    #define dR(i,j)     (dR + (i) + (j)*lddr)
    #define dSX(i,j)    (dSX + (i) + (j)*lddsx)

    // Constants
    const double      BWDMAX  = 1.0;
    const magma_int_t ITERMAX = 30;
    const double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    const double c_one     = MAGMA_D_ONE;
    const magma_int_t ione  = 1;
    // Local variables
    magmaDouble_ptr dR;
    magmaFloat_ptr dSA, dSX;
    double Xnrmv, Rnrmv;
    double          Anrm, Xnrm, Rnrm, cte, eps;
    magma_int_t     i, j, iiter, lddsa, lddsx, lddr;

    /* Check arguments */
    *iter = 0;
    *info = 0;
    if ( n < 0 )
        *info = -1;
    else if ( nrhs < 0 )
        *info = -2;
    else if ( ldda < max(1,n))
        *info = -4;
    else if ( lddb < max(1,n))
        *info = -7;
    else if ( lddx < max(1,n))
        *info = -9;

    if (*info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) );
        return *info;

    if ( n == 0 || nrhs == 0 )
        return *info;

    lddsa = n;
    lddsx = n;
    lddr  = n;
    dSA = dworks;
    dSX = dSA + lddsa*n;
    dR  = dworkd;

    magma_queue_t queue;
    magma_device_t cdev;
    magma_getdevice( &cdev );
    magma_queue_create( cdev, &queue );
    eps  = lapackf77_dlamch("Epsilon");
    Anrm = magmablas_dlansy( MagmaInfNorm, uplo, n, dA, ldda, (double*)dworkd, n*nrhs, queue );
    cte  = Anrm * eps * magma_dsqrt( n ) * BWDMAX;

     * Convert to single precision
    magmablas_dlag2s( n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dSX, lddsx, queue, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto fallback;

    magmablas_dlat2s( uplo, n, dA, ldda, dSA, lddsa, queue, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto fallback;
    // factor dSA in single precision
    magma_spotrf_gpu( uplo, n, dSA, lddsa, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -3;
        goto fallback;
    // solve dSA*dSX = dB in single precision
    magma_spotrs_gpu( uplo, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, dSX, lddsx, info );

    // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
    magmablas_slag2d( n, nrhs, dSX, lddsx, dX, lddx, queue, info );
    magmablas_dlacpy( MagmaFull, n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dR, lddr, queue );
    if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
        magma_dsymv( uplo, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, 1,
                     c_one,     dR, 1, queue );
    else {
        magma_dsymm( MagmaLeft, uplo, n, nrhs,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, lddx,
                     c_one,     dR, lddr, queue );

    // TODO: use MAGMA_D_ABS( dX(i,j) ) instead of dlange?
    for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
        i = magma_idamax( n, dX(0,j), 1, queue ) - 1;
        magma_dgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1, queue );
        Xnrm = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );

        i = magma_idamax( n, dR(0,j), 1, queue ) - 1;
        magma_dgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1, queue );
        Rnrm = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );

        if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
            goto refinement;
    *iter = 0;
    goto cleanup;
    //return *info;

    for( iiter=1; iiter < ITERMAX; ) {
        *info = 0;
        // convert residual dR to single precision dSX
        magmablas_dlag2s( n, nrhs, dR, lddr, dSX, lddsx, queue, info );
        if (*info != 0) {
            *iter = -2;
            goto fallback;
        // solve dSA*dSX = R in single precision
        magma_spotrs_gpu( uplo, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, dSX, lddsx, info );

        // Add correction and setup residual
        // dX += dSX [including conversion]  --and--
        // dR = dB
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            magmablas_dsaxpycp( n, dSX(0,j), dX(0,j), dB(0,j), dR(0,j), queue );

        // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
        if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
            magma_dsymv( uplo, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, 1,
                         c_one,     dR, 1, queue );
        else {
            magma_dsymm( MagmaLeft, uplo, n, nrhs,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, lddx,
                         c_one,     dR, lddr, queue );

        // TODO: use MAGMA_D_ABS( dX(i,j) ) instead of dlange?
        /*  Check whether the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy the
         *  stopping criterion. If yes, set ITER=IITER > 0 and return. */
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            i = magma_idamax( n, dX(0,j), 1, queue ) - 1;
            magma_dgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1, queue );
            Xnrm = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );

            i = magma_idamax( n, dR(0,j), 1, queue ) - 1;
            magma_dgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1, queue );
            Rnrm = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );

            if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
                goto L20;

        /*  If we are here, the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy
         *  the stopping criterion, we are good to exit. */
        *iter = iiter;
        goto cleanup;
        //return *info;
    /* If we are at this place of the code, this is because we have
     * performed ITER=ITERMAX iterations and never satisified the
     * stopping criterion. Set up the ITER flag accordingly and follow
     * up on double precision routine. */
    *iter = -ITERMAX - 1;

    /* Single-precision iterative refinement failed to converge to a
     * satisfactory solution, so we resort to double precision. */
    magma_dpotrf_gpu( uplo, n, dA, ldda, info );
    if (*info == 0) {
        magmablas_dlacpy( MagmaFull, n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dX, lddx, queue );
        magma_dpotrs_gpu( uplo, n, nrhs, dA, ldda, dX, lddx, info );
    magma_queue_destroy( queue );
    return *info;
Exemplo n.º 15
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv);
  Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm
    = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm();

  // This little trick lets us print to std::cout only if a (dummy) command-line argument is provided.
  int iprint = argc - 1;
  Teuchos::RCP<std::ostream> outStream;
  Teuchos::oblackholestream bhs; // outputs nothing
  if (iprint > 0 && Teuchos::rank<int>(*comm)==0)
    outStream = Teuchos::rcp(&std::cout, false);
    outStream = Teuchos::rcp(&bhs, false);

  int errorFlag  = 0;

  try {
    /************************* CONSTRUCT ROL ALGORITHM ********************************************/
    // Get ROL parameterlist
    std::string filename = "input.xml";
    Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> parlist = Teuchos::rcp( new Teuchos::ParameterList() );
    Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFile( filename, parlist.ptr() );
    RealT initZ = parlist->sublist("Problem Description").get("Initial Control Guess", 0.0);
    RealT cvarLevel = parlist->sublist("Problem Description").get("CVaR Level", 0.8);
    RealT pfuncSmoothing = parlist->sublist("Problem Description").get("Plus Function Smoothing Parameter", 1e-2);
    /************************* CONSTRUCT VECTORS **************************************************/
    // Build control vectors
    int nx = 256;
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > x1_rcp  = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT>(nx+2,0.0) );
    //ROL::StdVector<RealT> x1(x1_rcp);
      Teuchos::RCP<ROL::StdVector<RealT> > x1 = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::StdVector<RealT>(x1_rcp));
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > x2_rcp  = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT>(nx+2,0.0) );
    ROL::StdVector<RealT> x2(x2_rcp);
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > x3_rcp  = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT>(nx+2,0.0) );
    ROL::StdVector<RealT> x3(x3_rcp);
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > z_rcp  = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT>(nx+2,0.0) );
    //ROL::StdVector<RealT> z(z_rcp);
      Teuchos::RCP<ROL::StdVector<RealT> > z = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::StdVector<RealT>(z_rcp));
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > xr_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT>(nx+2,0.0) );
    ROL::StdVector<RealT> xr(xr_rcp);
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > d_rcp  = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT>(nx+2,0.0) );
    //ROL::StdVector<RealT> d(d_rcp);
      Teuchos::RCP<ROL::StdVector<RealT> > d = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::StdVector<RealT>(d_rcp));
    for ( int i = 0; i < nx+2; i++ ) {
      (*xr_rcp)[i] = random<RealT>(comm);
      (*d_rcp)[i]  = random<RealT>(comm);
      (*z_rcp)[i]  = initZ;
    ROL::RiskVector<RealT> zR(z,true), x1R(x1,true), dR(d,true);
    // Build state and adjoint vectors
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > u_rcp  = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT>(nx,1.0) );
    ROL::StdVector<RealT> u(u_rcp);
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > p_rcp  = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT>(nx,0.0) );
    ROL::StdVector<RealT> p(p_rcp);
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Vector<RealT> > up = Teuchos::rcp(&u,false);
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Vector<RealT> > pp = Teuchos::rcp(&p,false);
    /************************* CONSTRUCT SOL COMPONENTS *******************************************/
    // Build samplers
    int dim = 4;
    int nSamp = parlist->sublist("Problem Description").get("Number of Samples", 20);
    std::vector<RealT> tmp(2,0.0); tmp[0] = -1.0; tmp[1] = 1.0;
    std::vector<std::vector<RealT> > bounds(dim,tmp);
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::BatchManager<RealT> > bman
      = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::StdTeuchosBatchManager<RealT,int>(comm));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::SampleGenerator<RealT> > sampler
      = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::MonteCarloGenerator<RealT>(nSamp,bounds,bman,false,false,100));
    /************************* CONSTRUCT OBJECTIVE FUNCTION ***************************************/
    // Build risk-averse objective function
    RealT alpha = 1.e-3;
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::ParametrizedObjective_SimOpt<RealT> > pobjSimOpt
      = Teuchos::rcp(new Objective_BurgersControl<RealT>(alpha,nx));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::ParametrizedEqualityConstraint_SimOpt<RealT> > pconSimOpt
      = Teuchos::rcp(new EqualityConstraint_BurgersControl<RealT>(nx));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::ParametrizedObjective<RealT> > pObj
      = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::Reduced_ParametrizedObjective_SimOpt<RealT>(pobjSimOpt,pconSimOpt,up,pp));
    //Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Objective<RealT> > obj = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::RiskNeutralObjective<RealT>(pObj, sampler, true));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Distribution<RealT> > dist = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::Parabolic<RealT>(-0.5, 0.5));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::PlusFunction<RealT> > pfunc = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::PlusFunction<RealT>(dist, pfuncSmoothing));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::RiskMeasure<RealT> > rmeas = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::CVaR<RealT>(cvarLevel, 1.0, pfunc));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Objective<RealT> > obj = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::RiskAverseObjective<RealT>(pObj, rmeas, sampler));
    // Test parametrized objective functions
    *outStream << "Check Derivatives of Parametrized Objective Function\n";
    ROL::Algorithm<RealT> algors("Trust Region", *parlist);
    //algors.run(z, *obj, true, *outStream);
    algors.run(zR, *obj, true, *outStream);
    /****************** CONSTRUCT SIMULATED CONSTRAINT AND VECTORS ********************************/

    // Construct SimulatedEqualityConstraint.
    int useW = parlist->sublist("Problem Description").get("Use Constraint Weights", true);
    ROL::SimulatedEqualityConstraint<RealT> simcon(sampler, pconSimOpt, useW);
    // Construct SimulatedObjective.
    ROL::SimulatedObjectiveCVaR<RealT> simobj(sampler, pobjSimOpt, pfunc, cvarLevel);
    // Simulated vectors.
    std::vector<Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Vector<RealT> > > xu_rcp;
    std::vector<Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Vector<RealT> > > vu_rcp;
    int nvecloc = sampler->numMySamples();
    RealT right = 1, left = 0;
    for( int k=0; k<nvecloc; ++k ) {
      Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > xuk_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT>(nx,1.0) );
      Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > vuk_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<RealT>(nx,1.0) );
      Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Vector<RealT> > xuk = Teuchos::rcp( new ROL::StdVector<RealT>( xuk_rcp ) );
      Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Vector<RealT> > vuk = Teuchos::rcp( new ROL::StdVector<RealT>( vuk_rcp ) );
      for( int i=0; i<nx; ++i ) {
        (*xuk_rcp)[i] = ( (RealT)rand() / (RealT)RAND_MAX ) * (right - left) + left;
        (*vuk_rcp)[i] = ( (RealT)rand() / (RealT)RAND_MAX ) * (right - left) + left;
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::SimulatedVector<RealT> > xu = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::SimulatedVector<RealT>(xu_rcp, bman));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::SimulatedVector<RealT> > vu = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::SimulatedVector<RealT>(vu_rcp, bman));
    // SimOpt vectors.
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > zvec_rcp = Teuchos::rcp(new std::vector<RealT>(nx+2,0.0));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::StdVector<RealT> > zvec = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::StdVector<RealT>(zvec_rcp));
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<RealT> > dvec_rcp = Teuchos::rcp(new std::vector<RealT>(nx+2,0.0));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::StdVector<RealT> > dvec = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::StdVector<RealT>(dvec_rcp));
    for ( int i = 0; i < nx+2; i++ ) {
      (*zvec_rcp)[i] = random<RealT>(comm);
      (*dvec_rcp)[i] = random<RealT>(comm);
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::RiskVector<RealT> > rz = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::RiskVector<RealT>(zvec, true));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::RiskVector<RealT> > rd = Teuchos::rcp(new ROL::RiskVector<RealT>(dvec, true));
    ROL::Vector_SimOpt<RealT> x(xu, rz);
    ROL::Vector_SimOpt<RealT> v(vu, rd);

    *outStream << std::endl << "TESTING SimulatedEqualityConstraint" << std::endl; 
    simcon.checkApplyJacobian(x, v, *vu, true, *outStream);
    simcon.checkAdjointConsistencyJacobian(*vu, v, x, *vu, x, true, *outStream);
    simcon.checkApplyAdjointHessian(x, *vu, v, x, true, *outStream);
    *outStream << std::endl << "TESTING SimulatedObjective" << std::endl;
    RealT tol = 1e-8;
    simobj.value(x, tol);
    simobj.checkGradient(x, v, true, *outStream);
    simobj.checkHessVec(x, v, true, *outStream);

    ROL::Algorithm<RealT> algo("Composite Step", *parlist);
    ROL::Algorithm<RealT> algo2("Composite Step", *parlist);
    ROL::Algorithm<RealT> algo3("Composite Step", *parlist);
    ROL::Algorithm<RealT> algo4("Composite Step", *parlist);
    ROL::Algorithm<RealT> algo5("Composite Step", *parlist);
    for ( int i = 0; i < nx+2; i++ ) {
      (*zvec_rcp)[i] = initZ;
    ROL::SimulatedObjectiveCVaR<RealT> simobjExpval(sampler, pobjSimOpt, pfunc, 0.0);
    ROL::SimulatedObjectiveCVaR<RealT> simobjCVaR3(sampler, pobjSimOpt, pfunc, 0.3);
    ROL::SimulatedObjectiveCVaR<RealT> simobjCVaR6(sampler, pobjSimOpt, pfunc, 0.6);
    ROL::SimulatedObjectiveCVaR<RealT> simobjCVaR7(sampler, pobjSimOpt, pfunc, 0.6);
    algo2.run(x, *vu, simobjExpval, simcon, true, *outStream);
    algo3.run(x, *vu, simobjCVaR3, simcon, true, *outStream);
    algo4.run(x, *vu, simobjCVaR6, simcon, true, *outStream);
    algo5.run(x, *vu, simobjCVaR7, simcon, true, *outStream);
    algo.run(x, *vu, simobj, simcon, true, *outStream);

    // Output control to file.
    if (Teuchos::rank<int>(*comm)==0) {
      std::ofstream file;
      for ( int i = 0; i < nx+2; ++i ) {
        file << (*zvec_rcp)[i] << "\n";

    ROL::RiskVector<RealT> &rxfz = Teuchos::dyn_cast<ROL::RiskVector<RealT> >(*(x.get_2()));
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Vector<RealT> > rfz = rxfz.getVector();
    ROL::StdVector<RealT> &rfz_std = Teuchos::dyn_cast<ROL::StdVector<RealT> >(*rfz);
    ROL::Algorithm<RealT> algors2("Trust Region", *parlist);
    algors2.run(zR, *obj, true, *outStream);

  catch (std::logic_error err) {
    *outStream << err.what() << "\n";
    errorFlag = -1000;
  }; // end try

  if (errorFlag != 0)
    std::cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED\n";
    std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED\n";

  return 0;
    int MaxwellCorrectionGadget::
        process(GadgetContainerMessage<ISMRMRD::ImageHeader>* m1,
        GadgetContainerMessage< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >* m2)
        if (maxwell_coefficients_present_) {
            //GDEBUG("Got coefficients\n");

            int Nx = m2->getObjectPtr()->get_size(0);
            int Ny = m2->getObjectPtr()->get_size(1);
            int Nz = m2->getObjectPtr()->get_size(2);

            float dx = m1->getObjectPtr()->field_of_view[0] / Nx;
            float dy = m1->getObjectPtr()->field_of_view[1] / Ny;
            float dz = m1->getObjectPtr()->field_of_view[2] / Nz;

            GDEBUG("Nx = %d, Ny = %d, Nz = %d\n", Nx, Ny, Nz);
            GDEBUG("dx = %f, dy = %f, dz = %f\n", dx, dy, dz);
            GDEBUG("img_pos_x = %f, img_pos_y = %f, img_pos_z = %f\n", m1->getObjectPtr()->position[0], m1->getObjectPtr()->position[1], m1->getObjectPtr()->position[2]);

            std::vector<float> dR(3,0);
            std::vector<float> dP(3,0);
            std::vector<float> dS(3,0);
            std::vector<float> p(3,0);

            for (int z = 0; z < Nz; z++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < Ny; y++) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < Nx; x++) {

                        dR[0] = (x-Nx/2+0.5) * dx * m1->getObjectPtr()->read_dir[0];
                        dR[1] = (x-Nx/2+0.5) * dx * m1->getObjectPtr()->read_dir[1];
                        dR[2] = (x-Nx/2+0.5) * dx * m1->getObjectPtr()->read_dir[2];

                        dP[0] = (y-Ny/2+0.5) * dy * m1->getObjectPtr()->phase_dir[0];
                        dP[1] = (y-Ny/2+0.5) * dy * m1->getObjectPtr()->phase_dir[1];
                        dP[2] = (y-Ny/2+0.5) * dy * m1->getObjectPtr()->phase_dir[2];

                        if (Nz > 1) {
                            dS[0] = (z-Nz/2+0.5) * dz * m1->getObjectPtr()->slice_dir[0];
                            dS[1] = (z-Nz/2+0.5) * dz * m1->getObjectPtr()->slice_dir[1];
                            dS[2] = (z-Nz/2+0.5) * dz * m1->getObjectPtr()->slice_dir[2];

                        p[0] = m1->getObjectPtr()->position[0] + dP[0] + dR[0] + dS[0];
                        p[1] = m1->getObjectPtr()->position[1] + dP[1] + dR[1] + dS[1];
                        p[2] = m1->getObjectPtr()->position[2] + dP[2] + dR[2] + dS[2];

                        //Convert to centimeters
                        p[0] = p[0]/1000.0;
                        p[1] = p[1]/1000.0;
                        p[2] = p[2]/1000.0;

                        float delta_phi = maxwell_coefficients_[0]*p[2]*p[2] +
                            maxwell_coefficients_[1]*(p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1]) + 
                            maxwell_coefficients_[2]*p[0]*p[2] + 

                        long index = z*Ny*Nx+y*Nx+x;
                        std::complex<float>* data_ptr = m2->getObjectPtr()->get_data_ptr();

                        std::complex<float> correction = std::polar(1.0f,static_cast<float>(2*M_PI*delta_phi));

                        data_ptr[index] *= correction;


        if (this->next()->putq(m1) < 0) {
            GDEBUG("Unable to put data on next Gadgets Q\n");
            return GADGET_FAIL;
        return GADGET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 17
extern "C" magma_int_t
magma_zcposv_gpu(char uplo, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs,
                 magmaDoubleComplex *dA, magma_int_t ldda,
                 magmaDoubleComplex *dB, magma_int_t lddb,
                 magmaDoubleComplex *dX, magma_int_t lddx,
                 magmaDoubleComplex *dworkd, magmaFloatComplex *dworks,
                 magma_int_t *iter, magma_int_t *info)
/*  -- MAGMA (version 1.4.0) --
       Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
       Univ. of California, Berkeley
       Univ. of Colorado, Denver
       August 2013

    ZCPOSV computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations
       A * X = B,
    where A is an N-by-N Hermitian positive definite matrix and X and B
    are N-by-NRHS matrices.

    ZCPOSV first attempts to factorize the matrix in complex SINGLE PRECISION
    and use this factorization within an iterative refinement procedure
    to produce a solution with complex DOUBLE PRECISION norm-wise backward error
    quality (see below). If the approach fails the method switches to a
    complex DOUBLE PRECISION factorization and solve.

    The iterative refinement is not going to be a winning strategy if
    the ratio complex SINGLE PRECISION performance over complex DOUBLE PRECISION
    performance is too small. A reasonable strategy should take the
    number of right-hand sides and the size of the matrix into account.
    This might be done with a call to ILAENV in the future. Up to now, we
    always try iterative refinement.

    The iterative refinement process is stopped if
        ITER > ITERMAX
    or for all the RHS we have:
        o ITER is the number of the current iteration in the iterative
          refinement process
        o RNRM is the infinity-norm of the residual
        o XNRM is the infinity-norm of the solution
        o ANRM is the infinity-operator-norm of the matrix A
        o EPS is the machine epsilon returned by DLAMCH('Epsilon')
    The value ITERMAX and BWDMAX are fixed to 30 and 1.0D+00 respectively.

    UPLO    (input) CHARACTER
            = 'U':  Upper triangle of A is stored;
            = 'L':  Lower triangle of A is stored.

    N       (input) INTEGER
            The number of linear equations, i.e., the order of the
            matrix A.  N >= 0.

    NRHS    (input) INTEGER
            The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
            of the matrix B.  NRHS >= 0.

    dA      (input or input/output) COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (LDDA,N)
            On entry, the Hermitian matrix A.  If UPLO = 'U', the leading
            N-by-N upper triangular part of A contains the upper
            triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly lower
            triangular part of A is not referenced.  If UPLO = 'L', the
            leading N-by-N lower triangular part of A contains the lower
            triangular part of the matrix A, and the strictly upper
            triangular part of A is not referenced.
            On exit, if iterative refinement has been successfully used
            (INFO.EQ.0 and ITER.GE.0, see description below), then A is
            unchanged, if double factorization has been used
            (INFO.EQ.0 and ITER.LT.0, see description below), then the
            array dA contains the factor U or L from the Cholesky
            factorization A = U**T*U or A = L*L**T.

    LDDA    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dA.  LDDA >= max(1,N).

    dB      (input) COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (LDDB,NRHS)
            The N-by-NRHS right hand side matrix B.

    LDDB    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dB.  LDDB >= max(1,N).

    dX      (output) COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (LDDX,NRHS)
            If INFO = 0, the N-by-NRHS solution matrix X.

    LDDX    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dX.  LDDX >= max(1,N).

    dworkd  (workspace) COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (N*NRHS)
            This array is used to hold the residual vectors.

    dworks  (workspace) COMPLEX array on the GPU, dimension (N*(N+NRHS))
            This array is used to store the complex single precision matrix
            and the right-hand sides or solutions in single precision.

    ITER    (output) INTEGER
            < 0: iterative refinement has failed, double precision
                 factorization has been performed
                 -1 : the routine fell back to full precision for
                      implementation- or machine-specific reasons
                 -2 : narrowing the precision induced an overflow,
                      the routine fell back to full precision
                 -3 : failure of SPOTRF
                 -31: stop the iterative refinement after the 30th iteration
            > 0: iterative refinement has been successfully used.
                 Returns the number of iterations

    INFO    (output) INTEGER
            = 0:  successful exit
            < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
            > 0:  if INFO = i, the leading minor of order i of (DOUBLE
                  PRECISION) A is not positive definite, so the
                  factorization could not be completed, and the solution
                  has not been computed.

    =====================================================================    */

    #define dB(i,j)     (dB + (i) + (j)*lddb)
    #define dX(i,j)     (dX + (i) + (j)*lddx)
    #define dR(i,j)     (dR + (i) + (j)*lddr)
    #define dSX(i,j)    (dSX + (i) + (j)*lddsx)

    magmaDoubleComplex c_neg_one = MAGMA_Z_NEG_ONE;
    magmaDoubleComplex c_one     = MAGMA_Z_ONE;
    magma_int_t     ione  = 1;
    magmaDoubleComplex *dR;
    magmaFloatComplex  *dSA, *dSX;
    magmaDoubleComplex Xnrmv, Rnrmv;
    double          Anrm, Xnrm, Rnrm, cte, eps;
    magma_int_t     i, j, iiter, lddsa, lddsx, lddr;

    /* Check arguments */
    *iter = 0;
    *info = 0;
    if ( n < 0 )
        *info = -1;
    else if ( nrhs < 0 )
        *info = -2;
    else if ( ldda < max(1,n))
        *info = -4;
    else if ( lddb < max(1,n))
        *info = -7;
    else if ( lddx < max(1,n))
        *info = -9;

    if (*info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) );
        return *info;

    if ( n == 0 || nrhs == 0 )
        return *info;

    lddsa = n;
    lddsx = n;
    lddr  = n;
    dSA = dworks;
    dSX = dSA + lddsa*n;
    dR  = dworkd;

    eps  = lapackf77_dlamch("Epsilon");
    Anrm = magmablas_zlanhe('I', uplo, n, dA, ldda, (double*)dworkd );
    cte  = Anrm * eps * pow((double)n, 0.5) * BWDMAX;

     * Convert to single precision
    magmablas_zlag2c( n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dSX, lddsx, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto FALLBACK;

    magmablas_zlat2c( uplo, n, dA, ldda, dSA, lddsa, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto FALLBACK;
    // factor dSA in single precision
    magma_cpotrf_gpu( uplo, n, dSA, lddsa, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -3;
        goto FALLBACK;
    // solve dSA*dSX = dB in single precision
    magma_cpotrs_gpu( uplo, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, dSX, lddsx, info );

    // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
    magmablas_clag2z( n, nrhs, dSX, lddsx, dX, lddx, info );
    magmablas_zlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dR, lddr );
    if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
        magma_zhemv( uplo, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, 1,
                     c_one,     dR, 1 );
    else {
        magma_zhemm( MagmaLeft, uplo, n, nrhs,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, lddx,
                     c_one,     dR, lddr );

    // TODO: use MAGMA_Z_ABS( dX(i,j) ) instead of zlange?
    for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
        i = magma_izamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
        magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
        Xnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );

        i = magma_izamax ( n, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
        magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
        Rnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );

        if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
            goto REFINEMENT;
    *iter = 0;
    return *info;

    for( iiter=1; iiter < ITERMAX; ) {
        *info = 0;
        // convert residual dR to single precision dSX
        magmablas_zlag2c( n, nrhs, dR, lddr, dSX, lddsx, info );
        if (*info != 0) {
            *iter = -2;
            goto FALLBACK;
        // solve dSA*dSX = R in single precision
        magma_cpotrs_gpu( uplo, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, dSX, lddsx, info );

        // Add correction and setup residual
        // dX += dSX [including conversion]  --and--
        // dR = dB
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            magmablas_zcaxpycp( n, dSX(0,j), dX(0,j), dB(0,j), dR(0,j) );

        // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
        if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
            magma_zhemv( uplo, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, 1,
                         c_one,     dR, 1 );
        else {
            magma_zhemm( MagmaLeft, uplo, n, nrhs,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, lddx,
                         c_one,     dR, lddr );

        /*  Check whether the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy the
         *  stopping criterion. If yes, set ITER=IITER>0 and return. */
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            i = magma_izamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
            magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
            Xnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );

            i = magma_izamax ( n, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
            magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
            Rnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );

            if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
                goto L20;

        /*  If we are here, the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy
         *  the stopping criterion, we are good to exit. */
        *iter = iiter;
        return *info;
    /* If we are at this place of the code, this is because we have
     * performed ITER=ITERMAX iterations and never satisified the
     * stopping criterion. Set up the ITER flag accordingly and follow
     * up on double precision routine. */
    *iter = -ITERMAX - 1;

    /* Single-precision iterative refinement failed to converge to a
     * satisfactory solution, so we resort to double precision. */
    magma_zpotrf_gpu( uplo, n, dA, ldda, info );
    if (*info == 0) {
        magmablas_zlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dX, lddx );
        magma_zpotrs_gpu( uplo, n, nrhs, dA, ldda, dX, lddx, info );
    return *info;
Exemplo n.º 18
extern "C" magma_int_t
magma_dsgesv_gpu(char trans, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs,
                 double *dA, magma_int_t ldda,
                 magma_int_t *ipiv,  magma_int_t *dipiv,
                 double *dB, magma_int_t lddb,
                 double *dX, magma_int_t lddx,
                 double *dworkd, float *dworks,
                 magma_int_t *iter, magma_int_t *info)
/*  -- MAGMA (version 1.4.0) --
       Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
       Univ. of California, Berkeley
       Univ. of Colorado, Denver
       August 2013

    DSGESV computes the solution to a real system of linear equations
       A * X = B or A' * X = B
    where A is an N-by-N matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

    DSGESV first attempts to factorize the matrix in real SINGLE PRECISION
    and use this factorization within an iterative refinement procedure
    to produce a solution with real DOUBLE PRECISION norm-wise backward error
    quality (see below). If the approach fails the method switches to a
    real DOUBLE PRECISION factorization and solve.

    The iterative refinement is not going to be a winning strategy if
    the ratio real SINGLE PRECISION performance over real DOUBLE PRECISION
    performance is too small. A reasonable strategy should take the
    number of right-hand sides and the size of the matrix into account.
    This might be done with a call to ILAENV in the future. Up to now, we
    always try iterative refinement.
    The iterative refinement process is stopped if
        ITER > ITERMAX
    or for all the RHS we have:
        o ITER is the number of the current iteration in the iterative
          refinement process
        o RNRM is the infinity-norm of the residual
        o XNRM is the infinity-norm of the solution
        o ANRM is the infinity-operator-norm of the matrix A
        o EPS is the machine epsilon returned by DLAMCH('Epsilon')
    The value ITERMAX and BWDMAX are fixed to 30 and 1.0D+00 respectively.

    TRANS   (input) CHARACTER*1
            Specifies the form of the system of equations:
            = 'N':  A * X = B  (No transpose)
            = 'T':  A'* X = B  (Transpose)
            = 'C':  A'* X = B  (Conjugate transpose = Transpose)

    N       (input) INTEGER
            The number of linear equations, i.e., the order of the
            matrix A.  N >= 0.

    NRHS    (input) INTEGER
            The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
            of the matrix B.  NRHS >= 0.

    dA      (input or input/output) DOUBLE PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (ldda,N)
            On entry, the N-by-N coefficient matrix A.
            On exit, if iterative refinement has been successfully used
            (info.EQ.0 and ITER.GE.0, see description below), A is
            unchanged. If double precision factorization has been used
            (info.EQ.0 and ITER.LT.0, see description below), then the
            array dA contains the factors L and U from the factorization
            A = P*L*U; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored.

    ldda    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dA.  ldda >= max(1,N).

    IPIV    (output) INTEGER array, dimension (N)
            The pivot indices that define the permutation matrix P;
            row i of the matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i).
            Corresponds either to the single precision factorization
            (if info.EQ.0 and ITER.GE.0) or the double precision
            factorization (if info.EQ.0 and ITER.LT.0).

    dIPIV   (output) INTEGER array on the GPU, dimension (min(M,N))
            The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the
            matrix was moved to row IPIV(i).

    dB      (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (lddb,NRHS)
            The N-by-NRHS right hand side matrix B.

    lddb    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dB.  lddb >= max(1,N).

    dX      (output) DOUBLE PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (lddx,NRHS)
            If info = 0, the N-by-NRHS solution matrix X.

    lddx    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dX.  lddx >= max(1,N).

    dworkd  (workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (N*NRHS)
            This array is used to hold the residual vectors.

    dworks  (workspace) SINGLE PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (N*(N+NRHS))
            This array is used to store the real single precision matrix
            and the right-hand sides or solutions in single precision.

    iter    (output) INTEGER
            < 0: iterative refinement has failed, double precision
                 factorization has been performed
                 -1 : the routine fell back to full precision for
                      implementation- or machine-specific reasons
                 -2 : narrowing the precision induced an overflow,
                      the routine fell back to full precision
                 -3 : failure of SGETRF
                 -31: stop the iterative refinement after the 30th iteration
            > 0: iterative refinement has been successfully used.
                 Returns the number of iterations
    info   (output) INTEGER
            = 0:  successful exit
            < 0:  if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
            > 0:  if info = i, U(i,i) computed in DOUBLE PRECISION is
                  exactly zero.  The factorization has been completed,
                  but the factor U is exactly singular, so the solution
                  could not be computed.
    =====================================================================    */

    #define dB(i,j)     (dB + (i) + (j)*lddb)
    #define dX(i,j)     (dX + (i) + (j)*lddx)
    #define dR(i,j)     (dR + (i) + (j)*lddr)
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    double c_one     = MAGMA_D_ONE;
    magma_int_t     ione  = 1;
    double *dR;
    float  *dSA, *dSX;
    double Xnrmv, Rnrmv;
    double          Anrm, Xnrm, Rnrm, cte, eps;
    magma_int_t     i, j, iiter, lddsa, lddr;
    /* Check arguments */
    *iter = 0;
    *info = 0;
    if ( n < 0 )
        *info = -1;
    else if ( nrhs < 0 )
        *info = -2;
    else if ( ldda < max(1,n))
        *info = -4;
    else if ( lddb < max(1,n))
        *info = -8;
    else if ( lddx < max(1,n))
        *info = -10;
    if (*info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) );
        return *info;
    if ( n == 0 || nrhs == 0 )
        return *info;

    lddsa = n;
    lddr  = n;
    dSA = dworks;
    dSX = dSA + lddsa*n;
    dR  = dworkd;
    eps  = lapackf77_dlamch("Epsilon");
    Anrm = magmablas_dlange('I', n, n, dA, ldda, (double*)dworkd );
    cte  = Anrm * eps * pow((double)n, 0.5) * BWDMAX;
     * Convert to single precision
    //magmablas_dlag2s( n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dSX, lddsx, info );  // done inside dsgetrs with pivots
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto FALLBACK;
    magmablas_dlag2s( n, n, dA, ldda, dSA, lddsa, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto FALLBACK;
    // factor dSA in single precision
    magma_sgetrf_gpu( n, n, dSA, lddsa, ipiv, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -3;
        goto FALLBACK;
    // Generate parallel pivots
        magma_int_t *newipiv;
        magma_imalloc_cpu( &newipiv, n );
        if ( newipiv == NULL ) {
            *iter = -3;
            goto FALLBACK;
        swp2pswp( trans, n, ipiv, newipiv );
        magma_setvector( n, sizeof(magma_int_t), newipiv, 1, dipiv, 1 );
        magma_free_cpu( newipiv );
    // solve dSA*dSX = dB in single precision
    // converts dB to dSX and applies pivots, solves, then converts result back to dX
    magma_dsgetrs_gpu( trans, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, dipiv, dB, lddb, dX, lddx, dSX, info );
    // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
    magmablas_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dR, lddr );
    if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
        magma_dgemv( trans, n, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, 1,
                     c_one,     dR, 1 );
    else {
        magma_dgemm( trans, MagmaNoTrans, n, nrhs, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, lddx,
                     c_one,     dR, lddr );
    // TODO: use MAGMA_D_ABS( dX(i,j) ) instead of dlange?
    for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
        i = magma_idamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
        magma_dgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
        Xnrm = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );
        i = magma_idamax ( n, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
        magma_dgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
        Rnrm = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );
        if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
            goto REFINEMENT;
    *iter = 0;
    return *info;

    for( iiter=1; iiter < ITERMAX; ) {
        *info = 0;
        // convert residual dR to single precision dSX
        // solve dSA*dSX = R in single precision
        // convert result back to double precision dR
        // it's okay that dR is used for both dB input and dX output.
        magma_dsgetrs_gpu( trans, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, dipiv, dR, lddr, dR, lddr, dSX, info );
        if (*info != 0) {
            *iter = -3;
            goto FALLBACK;
        // Add correction and setup residual
        // dX += dR  --and--
        // dR = dB
        // This saves going through dR a second time (if done with one more kernel).
        // -- not really: first time is read, second time is write.
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            magmablas_daxpycp( n, dR(0,j), dX(0,j), dB(0,j) );
        // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
        if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
            magma_dgemv( trans, n, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, 1,
                         c_one,     dR, 1 );
        else {
            magma_dgemm( trans, MagmaNoTrans, n, nrhs, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, lddx,
                         c_one,     dR, lddr );
        /*  Check whether the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy the
         *  stopping criterion. If yes, set ITER=IITER>0 and return. */
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            i = magma_idamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
            magma_dgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
            Xnrm = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );
            i = magma_idamax ( n, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
            magma_dgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
            Rnrm = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );
            if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
                goto L20;
        /*  If we are here, the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy
         *  the stopping criterion, we are good to exit. */
        *iter = iiter;
        return *info;
    /* If we are at this place of the code, this is because we have
     * performed ITER=ITERMAX iterations and never satisified the
     * stopping criterion. Set up the ITER flag accordingly and follow
     * up on double precision routine. */
    *iter = -ITERMAX - 1;
    /* Single-precision iterative refinement failed to converge to a
     * satisfactory solution, so we resort to double precision. */
    magma_dgetrf_gpu( n, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, info );
    if (*info == 0) {
        magmablas_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dX, lddx );
        magma_dgetrs_gpu( trans, n, nrhs, dA, ldda, ipiv, dX, lddx, info );
    return *info;
Exemplo n.º 19
    CGERFS  improve the computed solution to a system of linear

    The iterative refinement process is stopped if
        ITER > ITERMAX
    or for all the RHS we have:
        o ITER is the number of the current iteration in the iterative
          refinement process
        o RNRM is the infinity-norm of the residual
        o XNRM is the infinity-norm of the solution
        o ANRM is the infinity-operator-norm of the matrix A
        o EPS is the machine epsilon returned by SLAMCH('Epsilon')
    The value ITERMAX and BWDMAX are fixed to 30 and 1.0D+00 respectively.

    trans   magma_trans_t
            Specifies the form of the system of equations:
      -     = MagmaNoTrans:    A    * X = B  (No transpose)
      -     = MagmaTrans:      A**T * X = B  (Transpose)
      -     = MagmaConjTrans:  A**H * X = B  (Conjugate transpose)

    n       INTEGER
            The number of linear equations, i.e., the order of the
            matrix A.  N >= 0.

    nrhs    INTEGER
            The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
            of the matrix B.  NRHS >= 0.

    dA      COMPLEX array on the GPU, dimension (ldda,N)
            the N-by-N coefficient matrix A.
    ldda    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dA.  ldda >= max(1,N).

    dB      COMPLEX array on the GPU, dimension (lddb,NRHS)
            The N-by-NRHS right hand side matrix B.

    lddb    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dB.  lddb >= max(1,N).

    @param[in, out]
    dX      COMPLEX array on the GPU, dimension (lddx,NRHS)
            On entry, the solution matrix X, as computed by
            CGETRS_NOPIV.  On exit, the improved solution matrix X.

    lddx    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dX.  lddx >= max(1,N).

    dworkd  (workspace) COMPLEX array on the GPU, dimension (N*NRHS)
            This array is used to hold the residual vectors.

    dAF     COMPLEX array on the GPU, dimension (ldda,n)
            The factors L and U from the factorization A = L*U
            as computed by CGETRF_NOPIV.

    iter    INTEGER
      -     < 0: iterative refinement has failed, real
                 factorization has been performed
        +        -1 : the routine fell back to full precision for
                      implementation- or machine-specific reasons
        +        -2 : narrowing the precision induced an overflow,
                      the routine fell back to full precision
        +        -3 : failure of SGETRF
        +        -31: stop the iterative refinement after the 30th iteration
      -     > 0: iterative refinement has been successfully used.
                 Returns the number of iterations
    info   INTEGER
      -     = 0:  successful exit
      -     < 0:  if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
      -     > 0:  if info = i, U(i,i) computed in REAL is
                  exactly zero.  The factorization has been completed,
                  but the factor U is exactly singular, so the solution
                  could not be computed.

    @ingroup magma_cgesv_driver
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_trans_t trans, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs,
    magmaFloatComplex_ptr dA, magma_int_t ldda,
    magmaFloatComplex_ptr dB, magma_int_t lddb,
    magmaFloatComplex_ptr dX, magma_int_t lddx,
    magmaFloatComplex_ptr dworkd, magmaFloatComplex_ptr dAF,
    magma_int_t *iter,
    magma_int_t *info)
    #define dB(i,j)     (dB + (i) + (j)*lddb)
    #define dX(i,j)     (dX + (i) + (j)*lddx)
    #define dR(i,j)     (dR + (i) + (j)*lddr)
    magmaFloatComplex c_neg_one = MAGMA_C_NEG_ONE;
    magmaFloatComplex c_one     = MAGMA_C_ONE;
    magma_int_t     ione  = 1;
    magmaFloatComplex_ptr dR;
    magmaFloatComplex Xnrmv, Rnrmv;
    float          Anrm, Xnrm, Rnrm, cte, eps;
    magma_int_t     i, j, iiter, lddsa, lddr;
    /* Check arguments */
    *iter = 0;
    *info = 0;
    if ( n < 0 )
        *info = -1;
    else if ( nrhs < 0 )
        *info = -2;
    else if ( ldda < max(1,n))
        *info = -4;
    else if ( lddb < max(1,n))
        *info = -8;
    else if ( lddx < max(1,n))
        *info = -10;
    if (*info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) );
        return *info;
    if ( n == 0 || nrhs == 0 )
        return *info;

    lddsa = n;
    lddr  = n;
    dR  = dworkd;
    eps  = lapackf77_slamch("Epsilon");
    Anrm = magmablas_clange(MagmaInfNorm, n, n, dA, ldda, (float*)dworkd );
    cte  = Anrm * eps * pow( (float)n, (float)0.5 ) * BWDMAX;
    // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in real
    magmablas_clacpy( MagmaUpperLower, n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dR, lddr );
    if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
        magma_cgemv( trans, n, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, 1,
                     c_one,     dR, 1 );
    else {
        magma_cgemm( trans, MagmaNoTrans, n, nrhs, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, lddx,
                     c_one,     dR, lddr );
    // TODO: use MAGMA_C_ABS( dX(i,j) ) instead of clange?
    for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
        i = magma_icamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
        magma_cgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
        Xnrm = lapackf77_clange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );
        i = magma_icamax ( n, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
        magma_cgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
        Rnrm = lapackf77_clange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );

 //       printf("Rnrm : %e, Xnrm*cte : %e\n", Rnrm, Xnrm*cte);

        if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
            goto REFINEMENT;
    *iter = 0;
    return *info;

    for( iiter=1; iiter < ITERMAX; ) {
        *info = 0;
        // solve dAF*dX = dR 
        // it's okay that dR is used for both dB input and dX output.
        magma_cgetrs_nopiv_gpu( trans, n, nrhs, dAF, lddsa, dR, lddr, info );
        if (*info != 0) {
            *iter = -3;
            goto FALLBACK;
        // Add correction and setup residual
        // dX += dR  --and--
        // dR = dB
        // This saves going through dR a second time (if done with one more kernel).
        // -- not really: first time is read, second time is write.
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            magmablas_caxpycp2( n, dR(0,j), dX(0,j), dB(0,j) );
        // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in real
        if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
            magma_cgemv( trans, n, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, 1,
                         c_one,     dR, 1 );
        else {
            magma_cgemm( trans, MagmaNoTrans, n, nrhs, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, lddx,
                         c_one,     dR, lddr );
        /*  Check whether the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy the
         *  stopping criterion. If yes, set ITER=IITER > 0 and return. */
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            i = magma_icamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
            magma_cgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
            Xnrm = lapackf77_clange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );
            i = magma_icamax ( n, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
            magma_cgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
            Rnrm = lapackf77_clange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );
            if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
                goto L20;
        /*  If we are here, the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy
         *  the stopping criterion, we are good to exit. */
        *iter = iiter;
        return *info;

    /* If we are at this place of the code, this is because we have
     * performed ITER=ITERMAX iterations and never satisified the
     * stopping criterion. Set up the ITER flag accordingly. */
    *iter = -ITERMAX - 1;
    /* Iterative refinement failed to converge to a
     * satisfactory solution. */
    return *info;
Exemplo n.º 20
    ZCGESV computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations
       A * X = B,  A**T * X = B,  or  A**H * X = B,
    where A is an N-by-N matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

    ZCGESV first attempts to factorize the matrix in complex SINGLE PRECISION
    and use this factorization within an iterative refinement procedure
    to produce a solution with complex DOUBLE PRECISION norm-wise backward error
    quality (see below). If the approach fails the method switches to a
    complex DOUBLE PRECISION factorization and solve.

    The iterative refinement is not going to be a winning strategy if
    the ratio complex SINGLE PRECISION performance over complex DOUBLE PRECISION
    performance is too small. A reasonable strategy should take the
    number of right-hand sides and the size of the matrix into account.
    This might be done with a call to ILAENV in the future. Up to now, we
    always try iterative refinement.

    The iterative refinement process is stopped if
        ITER > ITERMAX
    or for all the RHS we have:
        o ITER is the number of the current iteration in the iterative
          refinement process
        o RNRM is the infinity-norm of the residual
        o XNRM is the infinity-norm of the solution
        o ANRM is the infinity-operator-norm of the matrix A
        o EPS is the machine epsilon returned by DLAMCH('Epsilon')
    The value ITERMAX and BWDMAX are fixed to 30 and 1.0D+00 respectively.

    trans   magma_trans_t
            Specifies the form of the system of equations:
      -     = MagmaNoTrans:    A    * X = B  (No transpose)
      -     = MagmaTrans:      A**T * X = B  (Transpose)
      -     = MagmaConjTrans:  A**H * X = B  (Conjugate transpose)

    n       INTEGER
            The number of linear equations, i.e., the order of the
            matrix A.  N >= 0.

    nrhs    INTEGER
            The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
            of the matrix B.  NRHS >= 0.

    dA      COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (ldda,N)
            On entry, the N-by-N coefficient matrix A.
            On exit, if iterative refinement has been successfully used
            (info.EQ.0 and ITER.GE.0, see description below), A is
            unchanged. If double precision factorization has been used
            (info.EQ.0 and ITER.LT.0, see description below), then the
            array dA contains the factors L and U from the factorization
            A = P*L*U; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored.

    ldda    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dA.  ldda >= max(1,N).

    ipiv    INTEGER array, dimension (N)
            The pivot indices that define the permutation matrix P;
            row i of the matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i).
            Corresponds either to the single precision factorization
            (if info.EQ.0 and ITER.GE.0) or the double precision
            factorization (if info.EQ.0 and ITER.LT.0).

    dipiv   INTEGER array on the GPU, dimension (N)
            The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= N, after permuting, row i of the
            matrix was moved to row dIPIV(i).
            Note this is different than IPIV, where interchanges
            are applied one-after-another.

    dB      COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (lddb,NRHS)
            The N-by-NRHS right hand side matrix B.

    lddb    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dB.  lddb >= max(1,N).

    dX      COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (lddx,NRHS)
            If info = 0, the N-by-NRHS solution matrix X.

    lddx    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dX.  lddx >= max(1,N).

    dworkd  (workspace) COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (N*NRHS)
            This array is used to hold the residual vectors.

    dworks  (workspace) COMPLEX array on the GPU, dimension (N*(N+NRHS))
            This array is used to store the complex single precision matrix
            and the right-hand sides or solutions in single precision.

    iter    INTEGER
      -     < 0: iterative refinement has failed, double precision
                 factorization has been performed
        +        -1 : the routine fell back to full precision for
                      implementation- or machine-specific reasons
        +        -2 : narrowing the precision induced an overflow,
                      the routine fell back to full precision
        +        -3 : failure of SGETRF
        +        -31: stop the iterative refinement after the 30th iteration
      -     > 0: iterative refinement has been successfully used.
                 Returns the number of iterations

    info   INTEGER
      -     = 0:  successful exit
      -     < 0:  if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
      -     > 0:  if info = i, U(i,i) computed in DOUBLE PRECISION is
                  exactly zero.  The factorization has been completed,
                  but the factor U is exactly singular, so the solution
                  could not be computed.

    @ingroup magma_zgesv_driver
extern "C" magma_int_t
magma_zcgesv_gpu(magma_trans_t trans, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs,
                 magmaDoubleComplex *dA, magma_int_t ldda,
                 magma_int_t *ipiv,  magma_int_t *dipiv,
                 magmaDoubleComplex *dB, magma_int_t lddb,
                 magmaDoubleComplex *dX, magma_int_t lddx,
                 magmaDoubleComplex *dworkd, magmaFloatComplex *dworks,
                 magma_int_t *iter, magma_int_t *info)
#define dB(i,j)     (dB + (i) + (j)*lddb)
#define dX(i,j)     (dX + (i) + (j)*lddx)
#define dR(i,j)     (dR + (i) + (j)*lddr)

    magmaDoubleComplex c_neg_one = MAGMA_Z_NEG_ONE;
    magmaDoubleComplex c_one     = MAGMA_Z_ONE;
    magma_int_t     ione  = 1;
    magmaDoubleComplex *dR;
    magmaFloatComplex  *dSA, *dSX;
    magmaDoubleComplex Xnrmv, Rnrmv;
    double          Anrm, Xnrm, Rnrm, cte, eps;
    magma_int_t     i, j, iiter, lddsa, lddr;

    /* Check arguments */
    *iter = 0;
    *info = 0;
    if ( n < 0 )
        *info = -1;
    else if ( nrhs < 0 )
        *info = -2;
    else if ( ldda < max(1,n))
        *info = -4;
    else if ( lddb < max(1,n))
        *info = -8;
    else if ( lddx < max(1,n))
        *info = -10;

    if (*info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) );
        return *info;

    if ( n == 0 || nrhs == 0 )
        return *info;

    lddsa = n;
    lddr  = n;

    dSA = dworks;
    dSX = dSA + lddsa*n;
    dR  = dworkd;

    eps  = lapackf77_dlamch("Epsilon");
    Anrm = magmablas_zlange(MagmaInfNorm, n, n, dA, ldda, (double*)dworkd );
    cte  = Anrm * eps * pow((double)n, 0.5) * BWDMAX;

     * Convert to single precision
    //magmablas_zlag2c( n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dSX, lddsx, info );  // done inside zcgetrs with pivots
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto FALLBACK;

    magmablas_zlag2c( n, n, dA, ldda, dSA, lddsa, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto FALLBACK;

    // factor dSA in single precision
    magma_cgetrf_gpu( n, n, dSA, lddsa, ipiv, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -3;
        goto FALLBACK;

    // Generate parallel pivots
        magma_int_t *newipiv;
        magma_imalloc_cpu( &newipiv, n );
        if ( newipiv == NULL ) {
            *iter = -3;
            goto FALLBACK;
        swp2pswp( trans, n, ipiv, newipiv );
        magma_setvector( n, sizeof(magma_int_t), newipiv, 1, dipiv, 1 );
        magma_free_cpu( newipiv );

    // solve dSA*dSX = dB in single precision
    // converts dB to dSX and applies pivots, solves, then converts result back to dX
    magma_zcgetrs_gpu( trans, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, dipiv, dB, lddb, dX, lddx, dSX, info );

    // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
    magmablas_zlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dR, lddr );
    if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
        magma_zgemv( trans, n, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                     dX, 1,
                     c_one,     dR, 1 );
    else {
        magma_zgemm( trans, MagmaNoTrans, n, nrhs, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                     dX, lddx,
                     c_one,     dR, lddr );

    // TODO: use MAGMA_Z_ABS( dX(i,j) ) instead of zlange?
    for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
        i = magma_izamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
        magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
        Xnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );

        i = magma_izamax ( n, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
        magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
        Rnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );

        if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
            goto REFINEMENT;

    *iter = 0;
    return *info;

    for( iiter=1; iiter < ITERMAX; ) {
        *info = 0;
        // convert residual dR to single precision dSX
        // solve dSA*dSX = R in single precision
        // convert result back to double precision dR
        // it's okay that dR is used for both dB input and dX output.
        magma_zcgetrs_gpu( trans, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, dipiv, dR, lddr, dR, lddr, dSX, info );
        if (*info != 0) {
            *iter = -3;
            goto FALLBACK;

        // Add correction and setup residual
        // dX += dR  --and--
        // dR = dB
        // This saves going through dR a second time (if done with one more kernel).
        // -- not really: first time is read, second time is write.
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            magmablas_zaxpycp( n, dR(0,j), dX(0,j), dB(0,j) );

        // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
        if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
            magma_zgemv( trans, n, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                         dX, 1,
                         c_one,     dR, 1 );
        else {
            magma_zgemm( trans, MagmaNoTrans, n, nrhs, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                         dX, lddx,
                         c_one,     dR, lddr );

        /*  Check whether the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy the
         *  stopping criterion. If yes, set ITER=IITER > 0 and return. */
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            i = magma_izamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
            magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
            Xnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );

            i = magma_izamax ( n, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
            magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
            Rnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );

            if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
                goto L20;

        /*  If we are here, the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy
         *  the stopping criterion, we are good to exit. */
        *iter = iiter;
        return *info;


    /* If we are at this place of the code, this is because we have
     * performed ITER=ITERMAX iterations and never satisified the
     * stopping criterion. Set up the ITER flag accordingly and follow
     * up on double precision routine. */
    *iter = -ITERMAX - 1;

    /* Single-precision iterative refinement failed to converge to a
     * satisfactory solution, so we resort to double precision. */
    magma_zgetrf_gpu( n, n, dA, ldda, ipiv, info );
    if (*info == 0) {
        magmablas_zlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dX, lddx );
        magma_zgetrs_gpu( trans, n, nrhs, dA, ldda, ipiv, dX, lddx, info );

    return *info;
Exemplo n.º 21
    CGEQRF3 computes a QR factorization of a complex M-by-N matrix A:
    A = Q * R.
    This version stores the triangular dT matrices used in
    the block QR factorization so that they can be applied directly (i.e.,
    without being recomputed) later. As a result, the application
    of Q is much faster. Also, the upper triangular matrices for V have 0s
    in them. The corresponding parts of the upper triangular R are
    stored separately in dT.

    m       INTEGER
            The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0.

    n       INTEGER
            The number of columns of the matrix A.  N >= 0.

    dA      COMPLEX array on the GPU, dimension (LDDA,N)
            On entry, the M-by-N matrix A.
            On exit, the elements on and above the diagonal of the array
            contain the min(M,N)-by-N upper trapezoidal matrix R (R is
            upper triangular if m >= n); the elements below the diagonal,
            with the array TAU, represent the orthogonal matrix Q as a
            product of min(m,n) elementary reflectors (see Further

    ldda    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dA.  LDDA >= max(1,M).
            To benefit from coalescent memory accesses LDDA must be
            divisible by 16.

    tau     COMPLEX array, dimension (min(M,N))
            The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors (see Further

    dT      (workspace) COMPLEX array on the GPU,
            dimension (2*MIN(M, N) + ceil(N/32)*32 )*NB,
            where NB can be obtained through magma_get_cgeqrf_nb( M, N ).
            It starts with a MIN(M,N)*NB block that stores the triangular T
            matrices, followed by a MIN(M,N)*NB block that stores
            the diagonal blocks of the R matrix.
            The rest of the array is used as workspace.

    info    INTEGER
      -     = 0:  successful exit
      -     < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
                  or another error occured, such as memory allocation failed.

    Further Details
    The matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors

        Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(k), where k = min(m,n).

    Each H(i) has the form

        H(i) = I - tau * v * v^H

    where tau is a complex scalar, and v is a complex vector with
    v(1:i-1) = 0 and v(i) = 1; v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in A(i+1:m,i),
    and tau in TAU(i).

    @ingroup magma_cgeqrf_comp
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n,
    magmaFloatComplex_ptr dA, magma_int_t ldda,
    magmaFloatComplex *tau,
    magmaFloatComplex_ptr dT,
    magma_int_t *info )
    #ifdef HAVE_clBLAS
    #define dA(i_, j_)  dA, (dA_offset + (i_) + (j_)*(ldda))
    #define dT(i_)      dT, (dT_offset + (i_)*nb)
    #define dR(i_)      dT, (dT_offset + (  minmn + (i_))*nb)
    #define dwork(i_)   dT, (dT_offset + (2*minmn + (i_))*nb)
    #define dA(i_, j_) (dA + (i_) + (j_)*(ldda))
    #define dT(i_)     (dT + (i_)*nb)
    #define dR(i_)     (dT + (  minmn + (i_))*nb)
    #define dwork(i_)  (dT + (2*minmn + (i_))*nb)
    magmaFloatComplex *work, *hwork, *R;
    magma_int_t cols, i, ib, ldwork, lddwork, lhwork, lwork, minmn, nb, old_i, old_ib, rows;
    // check arguments
    *info = 0;
    if (m < 0) {
        *info = -1;
    } else if (n < 0) {
        *info = -2;
    } else if (ldda < max(1,m)) {
        *info = -4;
    if (*info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) );
        return *info;
    minmn = min( m, n );
    if (minmn == 0)
        return *info;
    // TODO: use min(m,n), but that affects dT
    nb = magma_get_cgeqrf_nb( m, n );
    // dT contains 3 blocks:
    // dT    is minmn*nb
    // dR    is minmn*nb
    // dwork is n*nb
    lddwork = n;
    // work  is m*nb for panel
    // hwork is n*nb, and at least nb*nb for T in larft
    // R     is nb*nb
    ldwork = m;
    lhwork = max( n*nb, nb*nb );
    lwork  = ldwork*nb + lhwork + nb*nb;
    // last block needs rows*cols for matrix and prefers cols*nb for work
    // worst case is n > m*nb, m a small multiple of nb:
    // needs n*nb + n > (m+n)*nb
    // prefers 2*n*nb, about twice above (m+n)*nb.
    i = ((minmn-1)/nb)*nb;
    lwork = max( lwork, (m-i)*(n-i) + (n-i)*nb );
    if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_cmalloc_pinned( &work, lwork )) {
        *info = MAGMA_ERR_HOST_ALLOC;
        return *info;
    hwork = work + ldwork*nb;
    R     = work + ldwork*nb + lhwork;
    memset( R, 0, nb*nb*sizeof(magmaFloatComplex) );
    magma_queue_t queues[2];
    magma_device_t cdev;
    magma_getdevice( &cdev );
    magma_queue_create( cdev, &queues[0] );
    magma_queue_create( cdev, &queues[1] );
    if ( nb > 1 && nb < minmn ) {
        // need nb*nb for T in larft
        assert( lhwork >= nb*nb );
        // Use blocked code initially
        old_i = 0; old_ib = nb;
        for (i = 0; i < minmn-nb; i += nb) {
            ib = min( minmn-i, nb );
            rows = m - i;
            // get i-th panel from device
            magma_cgetmatrix_async( rows, ib,
                                    dA(i,i), ldda,
                                    work,    ldwork, queues[1] );
            if (i > 0) {
                // Apply H^H to A(i:m,i+2*ib:n) from the left
                cols = n - old_i - 2*old_ib;
                magma_clarfb_gpu( MagmaLeft, MagmaConjTrans, MagmaForward, MagmaColumnwise,
                                  m-old_i, cols, old_ib,
                                  dA(old_i, old_i         ), ldda, dT(old_i), nb,
                                  dA(old_i, old_i+2*old_ib), ldda, dwork(0),  lddwork, queues[0] );
                // Fix the diagonal block
                magma_csetmatrix_async( old_ib, old_ib,
                                        R,         old_ib,
                                        dR(old_i), old_ib, queues[0] );
            magma_queue_sync( queues[1] );  // wait to get work(i)
            lapackf77_cgeqrf( &rows, &ib, work, &ldwork, &tau[i], hwork, &lhwork, info );
            // Form the triangular factor of the block reflector in hwork
            // H = H(i) H(i+1) . . . H(i+ib-1)
            lapackf77_clarft( MagmaForwardStr, MagmaColumnwiseStr,
                              &rows, &ib,
                              work, &ldwork, &tau[i], hwork, &ib );
            // wait for previous trailing matrix update (above) to finish with R
            magma_queue_sync( queues[0] );
            // copy the upper triangle of panel to R and invert it, and
            // set  the upper triangle of panel (V) to identity
            csplit_diag_block( ib, work, ldwork, R );
            // send i-th V matrix to device
            magma_csetmatrix( rows, ib,
                              work, ldwork,
                              dA(i,i), ldda, queues[1] );
            if (i + ib < n) {
                // send T matrix to device
                magma_csetmatrix( ib, ib,
                                  hwork, ib,
                                  dT(i), nb, queues[1] );
                if (i+nb < minmn-nb) {
                    // Apply H^H to A(i:m,i+ib:i+2*ib) from the left
                    magma_clarfb_gpu( MagmaLeft, MagmaConjTrans, MagmaForward, MagmaColumnwise,
                                      rows, ib, ib,
                                      dA(i, i   ), ldda, dT(i),  nb,
                                      dA(i, i+ib), ldda, dwork(0), lddwork, queues[1] );
                    // wait for larfb to finish with dwork before larfb in next iteration starts
                    magma_queue_sync( queues[1] );
                else {
                    // Apply H^H to A(i:m,i+ib:n) from the left
                    magma_clarfb_gpu( MagmaLeft, MagmaConjTrans, MagmaForward, MagmaColumnwise,
                                      rows, n-i-ib, ib,
                                      dA(i, i   ), ldda, dT(i),  nb,
                                      dA(i, i+ib), ldda, dwork(0), lddwork, queues[1] );
                    // Fix the diagonal block
                    magma_csetmatrix( ib, ib,
                                      R,     ib,
                                      dR(i), ib, queues[1] );
                old_i  = i;
                old_ib = ib;
    } else {
        i = 0;
    // Use unblocked code to factor the last or only block.
    if (i < minmn) {
        rows = m-i;
        cols = n-i;
        magma_cgetmatrix( rows, cols, dA(i, i), ldda, work, rows, queues[1] );
        // see comments for lwork above
        lhwork = lwork - rows*cols;
        lapackf77_cgeqrf( &rows, &cols, work, &rows, &tau[i], &work[rows*cols], &lhwork, info );
        magma_csetmatrix( rows, cols, work, rows, dA(i, i), ldda, queues[1] );
    magma_queue_destroy( queues[0] );
    magma_queue_destroy( queues[1] );
    magma_free_pinned( work );
    return *info;
} // magma_cgeqrf_gpu
Exemplo n.º 22
int main(int ac, char** av){
	if(ac < 2){
		std::cout << "usage: ./signalAcceptance inputFile[s]" << std::endl;
		return -1;
	TH1F* allCategory = new TH1F("allCategory","all Category",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* preselCategory = new TH1F("preselCategory","presel Category",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* photonCategory = new TH1F("photonCategory","reco photon Category",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* VisAllCategory = new TH1F("VisAllCategory","all Category, Vis",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* VisPreselCategory = new TH1F("VisPreselCategory","presel Category, Vis",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* VisPhotonCategory = new TH1F("VisPhotonCategory","reco photon Category, Vis",11,0.5,11.5);
	TH1F* dROtherGen = new TH1F("dROtherGen", "dROtherGen", 800, 0.0, 4.0);
	TH1F* parentage = new TH1F("parentage","parentage",30, 0, 30);	
	TH1F* dptOverpt = new TH1F("dptOverpt","dptOverpt", 400, -2.0, 2.0);
	TH1F* dRrecoGen = new TH1F("dRrecoGen","dRrecoGen", 200, 0.0, 0.2);
	TH1F* dPhiRecoGen = new TH1F("dPhiRecoGen","dPhiRecoGen", 400, 0.0, 0.2);
	TH1F* dEtaRecoGen = new TH1F("dEtaRecoGen","dEtaRecoGen", 800, -0.2, 0.2);
	TH1F* dRGenNearJet = new TH1F("dRGenNearJet","dRGenNearJet", 200, 0.0, 1.0);
	TH1F* dPhiGenNearJet = new TH1F("dPhiGenNearJet","dPhiGenNearJet", 100, 0.0, 0.5);
	TH1F* dEtaGenNearJet = new TH1F("dEtaGenNearJet","dEtaGenNearJet", 200, -0.5, 0.5);

	//TH1F* dRGenNextNearJet = new TH1F("dRGenNextNearJet","dRGenNextNearJet", 600, 0.0, 6.0);
	//TH1F* dPhiGenNextNearJet = new TH1F("dPhiGenNextNearJet","dPhiGenNextNearJet", 300, 0.0, 3.0);
	//TH1F* dEtaGenNextNearJet = new TH1F("dEtaGenNextNearJet","dEtaGenNextNearJet", 600, -3.0, 3.0);

	// object selector
	Selector* selectorLoose = new Selector();
	// create event selectors here
	EventPick* evtPickLoose = new EventPick("LoosePhotonID");
	// do not do jet to photon dR cleaning
	evtPickLoose->veto_pho_jet_dR = 0.0;
	EventTree* tree = new EventTree(ac-1, av+1);
	double PUweight = 1.0;
	Long64_t nEntr = tree->GetEntries();
	for(Long64_t entry=0; entry<nEntr; entry++){
		if(entry%10000 == 0) std::cout << "processing entry " << entry << " out of " << nEntr << std::endl;

		evtPickLoose->process_event(tree, selectorLoose, PUweight);

		// fill the histograms
		fillCategory(tree, allCategory, PUweight);
		if(evtPickLoose->passPreSel) fillCategory(tree, preselCategory, PUweight);
		if(evtPickLoose->passAll) fillCategory(tree, photonCategory, PUweight);

		// fill histograms for gen photon passing the acceptance cuts defined in analysis
		bool inAcc = false;
		for(int mcInd=0; mcInd<tree->nMC_; ++mcInd){
			if(tree->mcPID->at(mcInd) == 22 && 
			(tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==2 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==10 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==26) && 
			tree->mcPt->at(mcInd) > 25 && 
			fabs(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd)) < 1.4442){
				inAcc = true;
			fillCategory(tree, VisAllCategory, PUweight);
			if(evtPickLoose->passPreSel) fillCategory(tree, VisPreselCategory, PUweight);
			if(evtPickLoose->passAll) fillCategory(tree, VisPhotonCategory, PUweight);
		// have at least one good photon
		if(!evtPickLoose->passAll) continue;

		// test
		//if(overlapMadGraph(tree)) continue;

		int phoInd = evtPickLoose->Photons.at(0);
		// experiment with delta R cuts for photons
		for(int mcInd=0; mcInd<tree->nMC_; ++mcInd){
			bool etetamatch = dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd),tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd),tree->phoEta_->at(phoInd),tree->phoPhi_->at(phoInd)) < 0.2 && 
			(fabs(tree->phoEt_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcPt->at(mcInd)) / tree->mcPt->at(mcInd)) < 1.0;
			if( etetamatch && tree->mcPID->at(mcInd) == 22){
				// test
				if(!(tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==2 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==10 || tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd)==26)) continue;
				// fill histograms for mathced photon candidate
				parentage->Fill( tree->mcParentage->at(mcInd) );
				dptOverpt->Fill( (tree->phoEt_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcPt->at(mcInd)) / tree->mcPt->at(mcInd));
				dRrecoGen->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd),tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd),tree->phoEta_->at(phoInd),tree->phoPhi_->at(phoInd)) );
				dPhiRecoGen->Fill( dPhi( tree->phoPhi_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd) ) );
				dEtaRecoGen->Fill( tree->phoEta_->at(phoInd) - tree->mcEta->at(mcInd) );
				int closestGenInd = secondMinDrIndex( mcInd, tree );
				if(dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->mcEta->at(closestGenInd), tree->mcPhi->at(closestGenInd)) < 0.01){
					std::cout << "closest PID " << tree->mcPID->at(closestGenInd) << "  MomPID " << tree->mcMomPID->at(closestGenInd) << std::endl;
					std::cout << "photon mother PID " << tree->mcMomPID->at(mcInd) << std::endl;
				dROtherGen->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->mcEta->at(closestGenInd), tree->mcPhi->at(closestGenInd)) );
				int closestJetInd = minDrIndex( tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_, tree->jetPhi_ );
				dRGenNearJet->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd), tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) ) );
				dPhiGenNearJet->Fill( dPhi( tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd) ) );
				dEtaGenNearJet->Fill( tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcEta->at(mcInd) );
				//closestJetInd = secondMinDrIndex( tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_, tree->jetPhi_ );	
				//dRGenNextNearJet->Fill( dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcInd), tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd), tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd), tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) ) );
				//dPhiGenNextNearJet->Fill( dPhi( tree->jetPhi_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcPhi->at(mcInd) ) );
				//dEtaGenNextNearJet->Fill( tree->jetEta_->at(closestJetInd) - tree->mcEta->at(mcInd) );


	// write histograms
	TFile outFile("signalAcc.root","RECREATE");
	saveHist(allCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(preselCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(photonCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(VisAllCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(VisPreselCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(VisPhotonCategory, &outFile);
	saveHist(dROtherGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(parentage, &outFile);
	saveHist(dptOverpt, &outFile);
	saveHist(dRrecoGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(dPhiRecoGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(dEtaRecoGen, &outFile);
	saveHist(dRGenNearJet, &outFile);
	saveHist(dPhiGenNearJet, &outFile);
	saveHist(dEtaGenNearJet, &outFile);
	//saveHist(dRGenNextNearJet, &outFile);
	//saveHist(dPhiGenNextNearJet, &outFile);
	//saveHist(dEtaGenNextNearJet, &outFile);


	delete tree;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
void BaderGrid::construct_bader(const arma::mat & P, double otoler) {
  // Amount of radial shells on the atoms
  std::vector<size_t> nrad(basp->get_Nnuc());
  Timer t;

  size_t nd=0, ng=0;
  // Form radial shells
  std::vector<angshell_t> grids;
  for(size_t iat=0;iat<basp->get_Nnuc();iat++) {
    angshell_t sh;
    // Compute necessary number of radial points for atom
    size_t nr=std::max(20,(int) round(-5*(3*log10(otoler)+8-element_row[basp->get_Z(iat)])));

    // Get Chebyshev nodes and weights for radial part
    std::vector<double> rad, wrad;
    nr=rad.size(); // Sanity check
    // Loop over radii
    for(size_t irad=0;irad<nr;irad++) {

  // List of grid points
  std::vector<gridpoint_t> points;
  // Initialize list of maxima
  for(size_t i=0;i<basp->get_Nnuc();i++) {
    nucleus_t nuc(basp->get_nucleus(i));
    if(!nuc.bsse) {
      // Add to list
      std::vector<gridpoint_t> ghlp;

  // Block inside classification?
  std::vector<bool> block(maxima.size(),false);
  // Index of last treated atom
  size_t oldatom=-1;
  for(size_t ig=0;ig<grids.size();ig++) {
    // Construct the shell
    // Form the grid again
    // Extract the points on the shell
    std::vector<gridpoint_t> shellpoints(wrk.get_grid());

    // Are we inside an established trust radius, or are we close enough to a real nucleus?
    bool inside=false;
    if(grids[ig].R<=TRUSTRAD && !(basp->get_nucleus(grids[ig].atind).bsse))
    else if(!block[grids[ig].atind] && oldatom==grids[ig].atind) {
      // Compute projection of density gradient of points on shell
      arma::vec proj(shellpoints.size());
      coords_t nuccoord(basp->get_nuclear_coords(grids[ig].atind));
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
      for(size_t ip=0;ip<shellpoints.size();ip++) {
	// Compute density gradient
	double d;
	arma::vec g;
	// Vector pointing to nucleus
	coords_t dRc=nuccoord-shellpoints[ip].r;
	arma::vec dR(3);
	// Compute dot product with gradient
      // Increment amount of gradient evaluations
      // Check if all points are inside
      const double cthcrit=cos(M_PI/4.0);
      inside=(arma::min(proj) >= cthcrit);
    // If we are not inside, we need to run a point by point classification.
    if(!inside) {
      Timer tc;
      // Reset the trust atom
      // and the current atom
      // Loop over points
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
      for(size_t ip=0;ip<shellpoints.size();ip++) {
	if(compute_density(P,*basp,shellpoints[ip].r)<=SMALLDENSITY) {
	  // Zero density - skip point
	// Track the density to its maximum
	coords_t r=track_to_maximum(*basp,P,shellpoints[ip].r,nd,ng);

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp critical
	  // Now that we have the maximum, check if it is on the list of known maxima
	  bool found=false;
	  for(size_t im=0;im<maxima.size();im++)
	    if(norm(r-maxima[im])<=SAMEMAXIMUM) {
	  // Maximum was not found, add it to the list
	  if(!found) {
	    std::vector<gridpoint_t> ghlp;

      // Continue with the next radial shell
    } else {
      // If we are here, then all points belong to this nuclear maximum
      reggrid[ grids[ig].atind ].insert(reggrid[ grids[ig].atind ].end(), shellpoints.begin(), shellpoints.end());

  if(verbose) {
    printf("Bader grid constructed in %s, taking %i density and %i gradient evaluations.\n",t.elapsed().c_str(),(int) nd, (int) ng);

    // Amount of integration points
    arma::uvec np(basp->get_Nnuc());
    // Amount of function values
    arma::uvec nf(basp->get_Nnuc());
    for(size_t i=0;i<grids.size();i++) {
    printf("Composition of atomic integration grid:\n %7s %7s %10s\n","atom","Npoints","Nfuncs");
    for(size_t i=0;i<basp->get_Nnuc();i++)
      printf(" %4i %-2s %7i %10i\n",(int) i+1, basp->get_symbol(i).c_str(), (int) np(i), (int) nf(i));
    printf("\nAmount of grid points in the regions:\n %7s %7s\n","region","Npoints");
    for(size_t i=0;i<reggrid.size();i++)
      printf(" %4i %7i\n",(int) i+1, (int) reggrid[i].size());
Exemplo n.º 24
bool Foam::chemPointISAT<CompType, ThermoType>::checkSolution
    const scalarField& phiq,
    const scalarField& Rphiq
    scalar eps2 = 0;
    scalarField dR(Rphiq - Rphi());
    scalarField dphi(phiq - phi());
    const scalarField& scaleFactorV(scaleFactor());
    const scalarSquareMatrix& Avar(A());
    bool isMechRedActive = chemistry_.mechRed()->active();
    scalar dRl = 0;
    label dim = completeSpaceSize()-2;
    if (isMechRedActive)
        dim = nActiveSpecies_;

    // Since we build only the solution for the species, T and p are not
    // included
    for (label i=0; i<completeSpaceSize()-nAdditionalEqns_; i++)
        dRl = 0;
        if (isMechRedActive)
            label si = completeToSimplifiedIndex_[i];

            // If this species is active
            if (si != -1)
                for (label j=0; j<dim; j++)
                    label sj=simplifiedToCompleteIndex_[j];
                    dRl += Avar(si, j)*dphi[sj];
                dRl += Avar(si, nActiveSpecies_)*dphi[idT_];
                dRl += Avar(si, nActiveSpecies_+1)*dphi[idp_];
                if (variableTimeStep())
                    dRl += Avar(si, nActiveSpecies_+2)*dphi[iddeltaT_];
                dRl = dphi[i];
            for (label j=0; j<completeSpaceSize(); j++)
                dRl += Avar(i, j)*dphi[j];
        eps2 += sqr((dR[i]-dRl)/scaleFactorV[i]);

    eps2 = sqrt(eps2);
    if (eps2 > tolerance())
        return false;
        // if the solution is in the ellipsoid of accuracy
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
    ZCGEQRSV solves the least squares problem
       min || A*X - B ||,
    where A is an M-by-N matrix and X and B are M-by-NRHS matrices.

    ZCGEQRSV first attempts to factorize the matrix in complex SINGLE PRECISION
    and use this factorization within an iterative refinement procedure
    to produce a solution with complex DOUBLE PRECISION norm-wise backward error
    quality (see below). If the approach fails the method switches to a
    complex DOUBLE PRECISION factorization and solve.

    The iterative refinement is not going to be a winning strategy if
    the ratio complex SINGLE PRECISION performance over complex DOUBLE PRECISION
    performance is too small. A reasonable strategy should take the
    number of right-hand sides and the size of the matrix into account.
    This might be done with a call to ILAENV in the future. Up to now, we
    always try iterative refinement.
    The iterative refinement process is stopped if
        ITER > ITERMAX
    or for all the RHS we have:
        o ITER is the number of the current iteration in the iterative
          refinement process
        o RNRM is the infinity-norm of the residual
        o XNRM is the infinity-norm of the solution
        o ANRM is the infinity-operator-norm of the matrix A
        o EPS is the machine epsilon returned by DLAMCH('Epsilon')
    The value ITERMAX and BWDMAX are fixed to 30 and 1.0D+00 respectively.

    m       INTEGER
            The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0.

    n       INTEGER
            The number of columns of the matrix A. M >= N >= 0.

    nrhs    INTEGER
            The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
            of the matrix B.  NRHS >= 0.

    dA      COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (LDDA,N)
            On entry, the M-by-N coefficient matrix A.
            On exit, if iterative refinement has been successfully used
            (info.EQ.0 and ITER.GE.0, see description below), A is
            unchanged. If double precision factorization has been used
            (info.EQ.0 and ITER.LT.0, see description below), then the
            array dA contains the QR factorization of A as returned by
            function DGEQRF_GPU.

    ldda    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dA.  LDDA >= max(1,M).

    dB      COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (LDDB,NRHS)
            The M-by-NRHS right hand side matrix B.
            May be overwritten (e.g., if refinement fails).

    lddb    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dB.  LDDB >= max(1,M).

    dX      COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (LDDX,NRHS)
            If info = 0, the N-by-NRHS solution matrix X.

    lddx    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dX.  LDDX >= max(1,N).

    iter    INTEGER
      -     < 0: iterative refinement has failed, double precision
                 factorization has been performed
        +        -1 : the routine fell back to full precision for
                      implementation- or machine-specific reasons
        +        -2 : narrowing the precision induced an overflow,
                      the routine fell back to full precision
        +        -3 : failure of SGEQRF
        +        -31: stop the iterative refinement after the 30th iteration
      -     > 0: iterative refinement has been successfully used.
                 Returns the number of iterations

    info    INTEGER
      -     = 0:  successful exit
      -     < 0:  if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value

    @ingroup magma_zgels_driver
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs,
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dA,  magma_int_t ldda,
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dB,  magma_int_t lddb,
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dX,  magma_int_t lddx,
    magma_int_t *iter,
    magma_int_t *info)
    #define dB(i,j)     (dB + (i) + (j)*lddb)
    #define dX(i,j)     (dX + (i) + (j)*lddx)
    #define dR(i,j)     (dR + (i) + (j)*lddr)
    #define dSX(i,j)    (dSX + (i) + (j)*lddsx)
    magmaDoubleComplex c_neg_one = MAGMA_Z_NEG_ONE;
    magmaDoubleComplex c_one     = MAGMA_Z_ONE;
    magma_int_t     ione  = 1;
    magmaDoubleComplex *hworkd;
    magmaFloatComplex  *hworks;
    magmaDoubleComplex *tau;
    magmaFloatComplex  *stau;
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dworkd;
    magmaFloatComplex_ptr  dworks;
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dR, dT;
    magmaFloatComplex_ptr  dSA, dSX, dST;
    magmaDoubleComplex Xnrmv, Rnrmv;
    double          Anrm, Xnrm, Rnrm, cte, eps;
    magma_int_t     i, j, iiter, lddsa, lddsx, lddr, nb, lhwork, minmn, size, ldworkd;

    /* Check arguments */
    *iter = 0;
    *info = 0;
    if ( m < 0 )
        *info = -1;
    else if ( n < 0 || n > m )
        *info = -2;
    else if ( nrhs < 0 )
        *info = -3;
    else if ( ldda < max(1,m))
        *info = -5;
    else if ( lddb < max(1,m))
        *info = -7;
    else if ( lddx < max(1,n))
        *info = -9;

    if (*info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) );
        return *info;

    if ( m == 0 || n == 0 || nrhs == 0 )
        return *info;

    nb   = magma_get_cgeqrf_nb(m);
    minmn= min(m, n);
    /* dSX contains both B and X, so must be max(m or lddb,n). */
    lddsa = ldda;
    lddsx = max(lddb,n);
    lddr  = lddb;
     * Allocate temporary buffers
    /* dworks(dSA + dSX + dST) */
    size = lddsa*n + lddsx*nrhs + ( 2*minmn + ((n+31)/32)*32 )*nb;
    if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_cmalloc( &dworks, size )) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of dworks failed (%d)\n", (int) size);
        *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC;
        return *info;
    dSA = dworks;
    dSX = dSA + lddsa*n;
    dST = dSX + lddsx*nrhs;

    /* dworkd(dR) = lddr*nrhs */
    ldworkd = lddr*nrhs;
    if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_zmalloc( &dworkd, ldworkd )) {
        magma_free( dworks );
        fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of dworkd failed\n");
        *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC;
        return *info;
    dR = dworkd;

    /* hworks(workspace for cgeqrs + stau) = min(m,n) + lhworks */
    lhwork = (m - n + nb)*(nrhs + nb) + nrhs*nb;
    size = lhwork + minmn;
    magma_cmalloc_cpu( &hworks, size );
    if ( hworks == NULL ) {
        magma_free( dworks );
        magma_free( dworkd );
        fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of hworks failed\n");
        *info = MAGMA_ERR_HOST_ALLOC;
        return *info;
    stau = hworks + lhwork;

    eps  = lapackf77_dlamch("Epsilon");
    Anrm = magmablas_zlange(MagmaInfNorm, m, n, dA, ldda, (double*)dworkd );
    cte  = Anrm * eps * pow((double)n, 0.5) * BWDMAX;

     * Convert to single precision
    magmablas_zlag2c( m, nrhs, dB, lddb, dSX, lddsx, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto FALLBACK;

    magmablas_zlag2c( m, n, dA, ldda, dSA, lddsa, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto FALLBACK;

    // factor dSA in single precision
    magma_cgeqrf_gpu( m, n, dSA, lddsa, stau, dST, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -3;
        goto FALLBACK;

    // solve dSA*dSX = dB in single precision
    magma_cgeqrs_gpu( m, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, stau, dST, dSX, lddsx, hworks, lhwork, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -3;
        goto FALLBACK;

    // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
    magmablas_clag2z( n, nrhs, dSX, lddsx, dX, lddx, info );
    magmablas_zlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, m, nrhs, dB, lddb, dR, lddr );
    if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
        magma_zgemv( MagmaNoTrans, m, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, 1,
                     c_one,     dR, 1 );
    else {
        magma_zgemm( MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, nrhs, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, lddx,
                     c_one,     dR, lddr );

    // TODO: use MAGMA_Z_ABS( dX(i,j) ) instead of zlange?
    for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
        i = magma_izamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
        magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
        Xnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );

        i = magma_izamax ( m, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
        magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
        Rnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );

        if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
            goto REFINEMENT;

    *iter = 0;

    /* Free workspaces */
    magma_free( dworks );
    magma_free( dworkd );
    magma_free_cpu( hworks );
    return *info;

    /* TODO: this iterative refinement algorithm works only for compatibile
     * systems (B in colspan of A).
     * See Matrix Computations (3rd ed) p. 267 for correct algorithm. */
    for( iiter=1; iiter < ITERMAX; ) {
        *info = 0;
        // convert residual dR to single precision dSX
        magmablas_zlag2c( m, nrhs, dR, lddr, dSX, lddsx, info );
        if (*info != 0) {
            *iter = -2;
            goto FALLBACK;
        // solve dSA*dSX = R in single precision
        magma_cgeqrs_gpu( m, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, stau, dST, dSX, lddsx, hworks, lhwork, info );
        if (*info != 0) {
            *iter = -3;
            goto FALLBACK;

        // Add correction and setup residual
        // dX += dSX [including conversion]  --and--
        // dR[1:n] = dB[1:n]   (only n rows, not whole m rows! -- useless if m > n)
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            magmablas_zcaxpycp( n, dSX(0,j), dX(0,j), dB(0,j), dR(0,j) );
        // dR = dB  (whole m rows)
        magmablas_zlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, m, nrhs, dB, lddb, dR, lddr );
        // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
        if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
            magma_zgemv( MagmaNoTrans, m, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, 1,
                         c_one,     dR, 1 );
        else {
            magma_zgemm( MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, nrhs, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, lddx,
                         c_one,     dR, lddr );

        /*  Check whether the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy the
         *  stopping criterion. If yes, set ITER=IITER > 0 and return. */
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            i = magma_izamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
            magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
            Xnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );

            i = magma_izamax ( m, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
            magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
            Rnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );

            if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
                goto L20;

        /*  If we are here, the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy
         *  the stopping criterion, we are good to exit. */
        *iter = iiter;

        /* Free workspaces */
        magma_free( dworks );
        magma_free( dworkd );
        magma_free_cpu( hworks );
        return *info;

    /* If we are at this place of the code, this is because we have
     * performed ITER=ITERMAX iterations and never satisified the
     * stopping criterion. Set up the ITER flag accordingly and follow
     * up on double precision routine. */
    *iter = -ITERMAX - 1;
    /* Single-precision iterative refinement failed to converge to a
     * satisfactory solution, so we resort to double precision. */
    magma_free( dworks );
    magma_free_cpu( hworks );

     * Allocate temporary buffers
    /* dworkd = dT for zgeqrf */
    nb   = magma_get_zgeqrf_nb( m );
    size = (2*min(m, n) + (n+31)/32*32 )*nb;
    if ( size > ldworkd ) {
        magma_free( dworkd );
        if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_zmalloc( &dworkd, size )) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of dworkd2 failed\n");
            *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC;
            return *info;
    dT = dworkd;

    /* hworkd(dtau + workspace for zgeqrs) = min(m,n) + lhwork */
    size = lhwork + minmn;
    magma_zmalloc_cpu( &hworkd, size );
    if ( hworkd == NULL ) {
        magma_free( dworkd );
        fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of hworkd2 failed\n");
        *info = MAGMA_ERR_HOST_ALLOC;
        return *info;
    tau = hworkd + lhwork;

    magma_zgeqrf_gpu( m, n, dA, ldda, tau, dT, info );
    if (*info == 0) {
        // if m > n, then dB won't fit in dX, so solve with dB and copy n rows to dX
        magma_zgeqrs_gpu( m, n, nrhs, dA, ldda, tau, dT, dB, lddb, hworkd, lhwork, info );
        magmablas_zlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dX, lddx );

    magma_free( dworkd );
    magma_free_cpu( hworkd );
    return *info;
Exemplo n.º 26
rspfSensorModelTuple::IntersectStatus rspfSensorModelTuple::
intersect(const DptSet_t   obs,
          rspfEcefPoint&  pt,
          NEWMAT::Matrix&  covMat) const
   IntersectStatus opOK = OP_FAIL;
   bool covOK = true;
   bool epOK;
   rspf_int32 nImages = (rspf_int32)obs.size();
   NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix N(3);
   NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix BtWB(3);
   NEWMAT::Matrix Ni(3,3);
   NEWMAT::ColumnVector C(3);
   NEWMAT::ColumnVector BtWF(3);
   NEWMAT::ColumnVector F(2);
   NEWMAT::ColumnVector dR(3);
   NEWMAT::Matrix B(2,3);
   NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix W(2);
   rspfGpt estG;
   theImages[0]->lineSampleHeightToWorld(obs[0], rspf::nan(), estG);
   for (int iter=0; iter<3; iter++)
      N = 0.0;
      C = 0.0;
      for (int i=0; i<nImages; i++)
         rspfDpt resid;
         if (!getGroundObsEqComponents(i, iter, obs[i], estG, resid, B, W))
            covOK = false;
         F[0] = resid.x;
         F[1] = resid.y;
         BtWF << B.t() * W * F;
         BtWB << B.t() * W * B;
         C += BtWF;
         N += BtWB;
      Ni = invert(N);
      dR = Ni * C;
      rspfEcefPoint estECF(estG);
      for (rspf_int32 i=0; i<3; i++)
         estECF[i] += dR[i];
      rspfGpt upd(estECF);
      estG = upd;
      if (traceDebug())
            << "DEBUG: intersect:\n"
            << "  iteration:\n" << iter
            << "  C:\n"  << C 
            << "  Ni:\n" << Ni 
            << "  dR:\n" << dR <<std::endl;
   } // iterative loop
   rspfEcefPoint finalEst(estG);
   pt = finalEst;
   if (covOK)
      covMat = Ni;
      epOK = true;
      epOK = false;
   if (epOK)
      opOK = OP_SUCCESS;
   return opOK;
Exemplo n.º 27
extern "C" magma_int_t
magma_zcgeqrsv_gpu(magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t nrhs,
                   magmaDoubleComplex *dA,  magma_int_t ldda,
                   magmaDoubleComplex *dB,  magma_int_t lddb,
                   magmaDoubleComplex *dX,  magma_int_t lddx,
                   magma_int_t *iter, magma_int_t *info)
/*  -- MAGMA (version 1.4.0) --
       Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
       Univ. of California, Berkeley
       Univ. of Colorado, Denver
       August 2013

    ZCGEQRSV solves the least squares problem
       min || A*X - B ||,
    where A is an M-by-N matrix and X and B are M-by-NRHS matrices.

    ZCGEQRSV first attempts to factorize the matrix in complex SINGLE PRECISION
    and use this factorization within an iterative refinement procedure
    to produce a solution with complex DOUBLE PRECISION norm-wise backward error
    quality (see below). If the approach fails the method switches to a
    complex DOUBLE PRECISION factorization and solve.

    The iterative refinement is not going to be a winning strategy if
    the ratio complex SINGLE PRECISION performance over complex DOUBLE PRECISION
    performance is too small. A reasonable strategy should take the
    number of right-hand sides and the size of the matrix into account.
    This might be done with a call to ILAENV in the future. Up to now, we
    always try iterative refinement.
    The iterative refinement process is stopped if
        ITER > ITERMAX
    or for all the RHS we have:
        o ITER is the number of the current iteration in the iterative
          refinement process
        o RNRM is the infinity-norm of the residual
        o XNRM is the infinity-norm of the solution
        o ANRM is the infinity-operator-norm of the matrix A
        o EPS is the machine epsilon returned by DLAMCH('Epsilon')
    The value ITERMAX and BWDMAX are fixed to 30 and 1.0D+00 respectively.

    M       (input) INTEGER
            The number of rows of the matrix A. M >= 0.

    N       (input) INTEGER
            The number of columns of the matrix A. M >= N >= 0.

    NRHS    (input) INTEGER
            The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns
            of the matrix B.  NRHS >= 0.

    dA      (input or input/output) COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (LDDA,N)
            On entry, the M-by-N coefficient matrix A.
            On exit, if iterative refinement has been successfully used
            (info.EQ.0 and ITER.GE.0, see description below), A is
            unchanged. If double precision factorization has been used
            (info.EQ.0 and ITER.LT.0, see description below), then the
            array dA contains the QR factorization of A as returned by
            function DGEQRF_GPU.

    LDDA    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dA.  LDDA >= max(1,M).

    dB      (input or input/output) COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (LDDB,NRHS)
            The M-by-NRHS right hand side matrix B.
            May be overwritten (e.g., if refinement fails).

    LDDB    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dB.  LDDB >= max(1,M).

    dX      (output) COMPLEX_16 array on the GPU, dimension (LDDX,NRHS)
            If info = 0, the N-by-NRHS solution matrix X.

    LDDX    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dX.  LDDX >= max(1,N).

    ITER    (output) INTEGER
            < 0: iterative refinement has failed, double precision
                 factorization has been performed
                 -1 : the routine fell back to full precision for
                      implementation- or machine-specific reasons
                 -2 : narrowing the precision induced an overflow,
                      the routine fell back to full precision
                 -3 : failure of SGEQRF
                 -31: stop the iterative refinement after the 30th iteration
            > 0: iterative refinement has been successfully used.
                 Returns the number of iterations

    INFO    (output) INTEGER
            = 0:  successful exit
            < 0:  if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value

    =====================================================================    */

    #define dB(i,j)     (dB + (i) + (j)*lddb)
    #define dX(i,j)     (dX + (i) + (j)*lddx)
    #define dR(i,j)     (dR + (i) + (j)*lddr)
    #define dSX(i,j)    (dSX + (i) + (j)*lddsx)
    magmaDoubleComplex c_neg_one = MAGMA_Z_NEG_ONE;
    magmaDoubleComplex c_one     = MAGMA_Z_ONE;
    magma_int_t     ione  = 1;
    magmaDoubleComplex *dworkd, *hworkd;
    magmaFloatComplex  *dworks, *hworks;
    magmaDoubleComplex *dR, *tau, *dT;
    magmaFloatComplex  *dSA, *dSX, *dST, *stau;
    magmaDoubleComplex Xnrmv, Rnrmv;
    double          Anrm, Xnrm, Rnrm, cte, eps;
    magma_int_t     i, j, iiter, lddsa, lddsx, lddr, nb, lhwork, minmn, size, ldworkd;

    /* Check arguments */
    *iter = 0;
    *info = 0;
    if ( m < 0 )
        *info = -1;
    else if ( n < 0 || n > m )
        *info = -2;
    else if ( nrhs < 0 )
        *info = -3;
    else if ( ldda < max(1,m))
        *info = -5;
    else if ( lddb < max(1,m))
        *info = -7;
    else if ( lddx < max(1,n))
        *info = -9;

    if (*info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) );
        return *info;

    if ( m == 0 || n == 0 || nrhs == 0 )
        return *info;

    nb   = magma_get_cgeqrf_nb(m);
    minmn= min(m, n);
    /* dSX contains both B and X, so must be max(m or lddb,n). */
    lddsa = ldda;
    lddsx = max(lddb,n);
    lddr  = lddb;
     * Allocate temporary buffers
    /* dworks(dSA + dSX + dST) */
    size = lddsa*n + lddsx*nrhs + ( 2*minmn + ((n+31)/32)*32 )*nb;
    if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_cmalloc( &dworks, size )) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of dworks failed (%d)\n", (int) size);
        *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC;
        return *info;
    dSA = dworks;
    dSX = dSA + lddsa*n;
    dST = dSX + lddsx*nrhs;

    /* dworkd(dR) = lddr*nrhs */
    ldworkd = lddr*nrhs;
    if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_zmalloc( &dworkd, ldworkd )) {
        magma_free( dworks );
        fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of dworkd failed\n");
        *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC;
        return *info;
    dR = dworkd;

    /* hworks(workspace for cgeqrs + stau) = min(m,n) + lhworks */
    lhwork = (m - n + nb)*(nrhs + nb) + nrhs*nb;
    size = lhwork + minmn;
    magma_cmalloc_cpu( &hworks, size );
    if ( hworks == NULL ) {
        magma_free( dworks );
        magma_free( dworkd );
        fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of hworks failed\n");
        *info = MAGMA_ERR_HOST_ALLOC;
        return *info;
    stau = hworks + lhwork;

    eps  = lapackf77_dlamch("Epsilon");
    Anrm = magmablas_zlange('I', m, n, dA, ldda, (double*)dworkd );
    cte  = Anrm * eps * pow((double)n, 0.5) * BWDMAX;

     * Convert to single precision
    magmablas_zlag2c( m, nrhs, dB, lddb, dSX, lddsx, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto FALLBACK;

    magmablas_zlag2c( m, n, dA, ldda, dSA, lddsa, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -2;
        goto FALLBACK;

    // factor dSA in single precision
    magma_cgeqrf_gpu( m, n, dSA, lddsa, stau, dST, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -3;
        goto FALLBACK;

    // solve dSA*dSX = dB in single precision
    magma_cgeqrs_gpu( m, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, stau, dST, dSX, lddsx, hworks, lhwork, info );
    if (*info != 0) {
        *iter = -3;
        goto FALLBACK;

    // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
    magmablas_clag2z( n, nrhs, dSX, lddsx, dX, lddx, info );
    magmablas_zlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, m, nrhs, dB, lddb, dR, lddr );
    if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
        magma_zgemv( MagmaNoTrans, m, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, 1,
                     c_one,     dR, 1 );
    else {
        magma_zgemm( MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, nrhs, n,
                     c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                dX, lddx,
                     c_one,     dR, lddr );

    // TODO: use MAGMA_Z_ABS( dX(i,j) ) instead of zlange?
    for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
        i = magma_izamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
        magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
        Xnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );

        i = magma_izamax ( m, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
        magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
        Rnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );

        if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
            goto REFINEMENT;

    *iter = 0;

    /* Free workspaces */
    magma_free( dworks );
    magma_free( dworkd );
    magma_free_cpu( hworks );
    return *info;

    /* TODO: this iterative refinement algorithm works only for compatibile
     * systems (B in colspan of A).
     * See Matrix Computations (3rd ed) p. 267 for correct algorithm. */
    for( iiter=1; iiter < ITERMAX; ) {
        *info = 0;
        // convert residual dR to single precision dSX
        magmablas_zlag2c( m, nrhs, dR, lddr, dSX, lddsx, info );
        if (*info != 0) {
            *iter = -2;
            goto FALLBACK;
        // solve dSA*dSX = R in single precision
        magma_cgeqrs_gpu( m, n, nrhs, dSA, lddsa, stau, dST, dSX, lddsx, hworks, lhwork, info );
        if (*info != 0) {
            *iter = -3;
            goto FALLBACK;

        // Add correction and setup residual
        // dX += dSX [including conversion]  --and--
        // dR[1:n] = dB[1:n]   (only n rows, not whole m rows! -- useless if m > n)
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            magmablas_zcaxpycp( n, dSX(0,j), dX(0,j), dB(0,j), dR(0,j) );
        // dR = dB  (whole m rows)
        magmablas_zlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, m, nrhs, dB, lddb, dR, lddr );
        // residual dR = dB - dA*dX in double precision
        if ( nrhs == 1 ) {
            magma_zgemv( MagmaNoTrans, m, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, 1,
                         c_one,     dR, 1 );
        else {
            magma_zgemm( MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, nrhs, n,
                         c_neg_one, dA, ldda,
                                    dX, lddx,
                         c_one,     dR, lddr );

        /*  Check whether the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy the
         *  stopping criterion. If yes, set ITER=IITER>0 and return. */
        for( j=0; j < nrhs; j++ ) {
            i = magma_izamax( n, dX(0,j), 1) - 1;
            magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dX(i,j), 1, &Xnrmv, 1 );
            Xnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Xnrmv, &ione, NULL );

            i = magma_izamax ( m, dR(0,j), 1 ) - 1;
            magma_zgetmatrix( 1, 1, dR(i,j), 1, &Rnrmv, 1 );
            Rnrm = lapackf77_zlange( "F", &ione, &ione, &Rnrmv, &ione, NULL );

            if ( Rnrm >  Xnrm*cte ) {
                goto L20;

        /*  If we are here, the nrhs normwise backward errors satisfy
         *  the stopping criterion, we are good to exit. */
        *iter = iiter;

        /* Free workspaces */
        magma_free( dworks );
        magma_free( dworkd );
        magma_free_cpu( hworks );
        return *info;

    /* If we are at this place of the code, this is because we have
     * performed ITER=ITERMAX iterations and never satisified the
     * stopping criterion. Set up the ITER flag accordingly and follow
     * up on double precision routine. */
    *iter = -ITERMAX - 1;
    /* Single-precision iterative refinement failed to converge to a
     * satisfactory solution, so we resort to double precision. */
    magma_free( dworks );
    magma_free_cpu( hworks );

     * Allocate temporary buffers
    /* dworkd = dT for zgeqrf */
    nb   = magma_get_zgeqrf_nb( m );
    size = (2*min(m, n) + (n+31)/32*32 )*nb;
    if ( size > ldworkd ) {
        magma_free( dworkd );
        if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_zmalloc( &dworkd, size )) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of dworkd2 failed\n");
            *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC;
            return *info;
    dT = dworkd;

    /* hworkd(dtau + workspace for zgeqrs) = min(m,n) + lhwork */
    size = lhwork + minmn;
    magma_zmalloc_cpu( &hworkd, size );
    if ( hworkd == NULL ) {
        magma_free( dworkd );
        fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of hworkd2 failed\n");
        *info = MAGMA_ERR_HOST_ALLOC;
        return *info;
    tau = hworkd + lhwork;

    magma_zgeqrf_gpu( m, n, dA, ldda, tau, dT, info );
    if (*info == 0) {
        // if m > n, then dB won't fit in dX, so solve with dB and copy n rows to dX
        magma_zgeqrs_gpu( m, n, nrhs, dA, ldda, tau, dT, dB, lddb, hworkd, lhwork, info );
        magmablas_zlacpy( MagmaUpperLower, n, nrhs, dB, lddb, dX, lddx );

    magma_free( dworkd );
    magma_free_cpu( hworkd );
    return *info;
Exemplo n.º 28
void Histogrammer::fill(Selector* selector, EventPick* selEvent, EventTree* tree, double weight){
	// sanity check: PU weight
	// 2d photon candidate histograms
	//std::cout << "here0" << std::endl;
		int candArrInd = -1;
		int candInd = -1;
		for(int phoItmp = 0; phoItmp < selEvent->PhotonsPresel.size(); phoItmp++){
			if((int)selEvent->PhoPassChHadIso[phoItmp] + 
			   (int)selEvent->PhoPassSih[phoItmp] >= 1){
				// at least 1 cut passed.
				candArrInd = selEvent->PhotonsPresel[phoItmp];
				candInd = phoItmp;
		//std::cout << "here01" << std::endl;
		if(candInd >= 0 && selEvent->PhoPassPhoIso[candInd]){
			hists2d["photon1_Sigma_ChIso"]->Fill(tree->phoSigmaIEtaIEta_->at(candArrInd),selector->Pho03ChHadIso[candArrInd], weight);
			hists2d["photon1_Sigma_ChSCRIso"]->Fill(tree->phoSigmaIEtaIEta_->at(candArrInd),selector->Pho03ChHadSCRIso[candArrInd], weight);
			hists2d["photon1_Sigma_Et"]->Fill(tree->phoSigmaIEtaIEta_->at(candArrInd), tree->phoEt_->at(candArrInd), weight);
			double phoEt = tree->phoEt_->at(candArrInd);
			if(phoEt>=25 && phoEt<35){
				hists2d["photon1_25_35_Sigma_ChSCRIso"]->Fill(tree->phoSigmaIEtaIEta_->at(candArrInd),selector->Pho03ChHadSCRIso[candArrInd], weight);
			if(phoEt>=35 && phoEt<45){
				hists2d["photon1_35_45_Sigma_ChSCRIso"]->Fill(tree->phoSigmaIEtaIEta_->at(candArrInd),selector->Pho03ChHadSCRIso[candArrInd], weight);
			if(phoEt>=45 && phoEt<60){
				hists2d["photon1_45_60_Sigma_ChSCRIso"]->Fill(tree->phoSigmaIEtaIEta_->at(candArrInd),selector->Pho03ChHadSCRIso[candArrInd], weight);
				hists2d["photon1_60_up_Sigma_ChSCRIso"]->Fill(tree->phoSigmaIEtaIEta_->at(candArrInd),selector->Pho03ChHadSCRIso[candArrInd], weight);
		if(candInd >= 0 && selEvent->PhoPassChHadIso[candInd]){
			hists2d["photon1_Sigma_PhoIso"]->Fill(tree->phoSigmaIEtaIEta_->at(candArrInd),selector->Pho03PhoIso[candArrInd], weight);
			hists2d["photon1_Sigma_PhoSCRIso"]->Fill(tree->phoSigmaIEtaIEta_->at(candArrInd),selector->Pho03PhoSCRIso[candArrInd], weight);
	//std::cout << "here1" << std::endl;
	// full event selection histograms
	if(!selEvent->passAll) return;

	// mc category
	if( tree->isData_ == 0 ){
		int EleP = 0;
		int EleM = 0;
		int MuP = 0;
		int MuM = 0;
		int TauP = 0;
		int TauM = 0;
		for( int mcI = 0; mcI < tree->nMC_; ++mcI){
			if(abs(tree->mcMomPID->at(mcI))==24 && tree->mcParentage->at(mcI)==10){
				if( tree->mcPID->at(mcI) == 11 ) EleP = 1;
				if( tree->mcPID->at(mcI) == -11 ) EleM = 1;
				if( tree->mcPID->at(mcI) == 13 ) MuP = 1;
				if( tree->mcPID->at(mcI) == -13 ) MuM = 1;
				if( tree->mcPID->at(mcI) == 15) TauP = 1;
				if( tree->mcPID->at(mcI) == -15) TauM = 1;
		hists["MCcategory"]->Fill(1.0, weight); // Total
		int nEle = EleP + EleM;
		int nMu = MuP + MuM;
		int nTau = TauP + TauM;
		if( nEle + nMu + nTau == 0) hists["MCcategory"]->Fill(2.0, weight); // All Had
		if( nEle + nMu + nTau == 1) hists["MCcategory"]->Fill(3.0, weight); // Single Lepton
		if( nEle + nMu + nTau == 2) hists["MCcategory"]->Fill(4.0, weight); // Di Lepton
		if(nEle==1 && nMu==0 && nTau==0) hists["MCcategory"]->Fill(6.0, weight); // 1 e
		if(nEle==2 && nMu==0 && nTau==0) hists["MCcategory"]->Fill(7.0, weight); // 2 e
		if(nEle==0 && nMu==1 && nTau==0) hists["MCcategory"]->Fill(8.0, weight); // 1 mu
		if(nEle==0 && nMu==2 && nTau==0) hists["MCcategory"]->Fill(9.0, weight); // 2 mu
		if(nEle==0 && nMu==0 && nTau==1) hists["MCcategory"]->Fill(10.0, weight); // 1 tau
		if(nEle==0 && nMu==0 && nTau==2) hists["MCcategory"]->Fill(11.0, weight); // 2 tau
		//std::cout << "EleP " << EleP << "  EleM " << EleM << "  MuP " << MuP << "  MuM " << MuM << "  TauP " << TauP << "  TauM " << TauM << std::endl;

	double MTW = 0.0;
	// muons
	if( selEvent->Muons.size() > 0 ){
		int ind = selEvent->Muons[0];
		hists["mu1Pt"]->Fill( tree->muPt_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["mu1Eta"]->Fill( tree->muEta_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["mu1RelIso"]->Fill( selector->Mu04RelIso[ind], weight );
		MTW = TMath::Sqrt(2*(tree->muPt_->at(ind))*(tree->pfMET_)*( 1.0 - TMath::Cos(dR(0.0,tree->muPhi_->at(ind),0.0,tree->pfMETPhi_)) ));

		hists["WtransMass"]->Fill( MTW, weight );

	// electrons
	if( selEvent->Electrons.size() > 0 ){
		int ind = selEvent->Electrons[0];
		hists["ele1Pt"]->Fill( tree->elePt_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["ele1Eta"]->Fill( tree->eleSCEta_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["ele1RelIso"]->Fill( selector->Ele03RelIso[ind], weight );
		hists["ele1MVA"]->Fill( tree->eleIDMVATrig_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["ele1D0"]->Fill( tree->eleD0_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["ele1Dz"]->Fill( tree->eleDz_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["ele1EoverP"]->Fill( tree->eleEoverP_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["ele1sigmaIetaIeta"]->Fill( tree->eleSigmaIEtaIEta_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["ele1MissHits"]->Fill( tree->eleMissHits_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["ele1DrJet"]->Fill( minDr(tree->eleSCEta_->at(ind), tree->elePhi_->at(ind), selEvent->Jets, tree->jetEta_, tree->jetPhi_), weight );
		if( tree->isData_ == 0 ){
			if( tree->eleGenIndex_->at(ind) >= 0 ){
				hists["ele1MotherID"]->Fill( fabs(tree->eleGenMomPID_->at(ind)), weight );
				//if( TMath::Abs(tree->eleGenMomPID_->at(ind)) == 11 )
				hists["ele1GMotherID"]->Fill( fabs(tree->eleGenGMomPID_->at(ind)), weight );
			else hists["ele1MotherID"]->Fill( 0.0, weight );
		if( selEvent->Electrons.size() > 1 ){
			int ind2 = selEvent->Electrons[1];
			hists["ele2Pt"]->Fill( tree->elePt_->at(ind2), weight );
			hists["ele2RelIso"]->Fill( selector->Ele03RelIso[ind2], weight );
			TLorentzVector ele1;
			TLorentzVector ele2;
			ele1.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->elePt_->at(ind), tree->eleSCEta_->at(ind), tree->elePhi_->at(ind), 0.0);
			ele2.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->elePt_->at(ind2), tree->eleSCEta_->at(ind2), tree->elePhi_->at(ind2), 0.0);
			hists["ele1ele2Mass"]->Fill( (ele1+ele2).M(), weight);
		if(selEvent->Photons.size() > 0){
			TLorentzVector ele;
			TLorentzVector pho;
			int phoi = selEvent->Photons[0];
			ele.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->elePt_->at(ind), tree->eleSCEta_->at(ind), tree->elePhi_->at(ind), 0.0);
			pho.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->phoEt_->at(phoi), tree->phoEta_->at(phoi), tree->phoPhi_->at(phoi), 0.0);
			hists["ele1pho1Mass"]->Fill( (ele+pho).M(), weight);
	//std::cout << "here2" << std::endl;
	// Loose Electrons (if any)
	if(selEvent->ElectronsLoose.size() > 0 && tree->isData_ == 0){
		int eleInd = selEvent->ElectronsLoose[0];
		double mindr = 999;
		for( int mcI = 0; mcI < tree->nMC_; ++mcI){
			if( tree->mcPID->at(mcI) == 22 ){
				double thisdr = dR(tree->mcEta->at(mcI), tree->mcPhi->at(mcI), tree->eleSCEta_->at(eleInd), tree->elePhi_->at(eleInd));
				if( mindr > thisdr ) mindr = thisdr;
		hists["looseEleDrGenPho"]->Fill(mindr, weight);
	//std::cout << "here3" << std::endl;
	// photons
	hists["nPhotons"]->Fill(selEvent->Photons.size(), weight);
	if( selEvent->Photons.size() > 0 ){
		int ind = selEvent->Photons[0];
		hists["photon1Et"]->Fill( tree->phoEt_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["photon1Eta"]->Fill( tree->phoEta_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["photon1IsConv"]->Fill( tree->phoIsConv_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["photon1ChHadIso"]->Fill( selector->Pho03ChHadIso[ind], weight );
		hists["photon1ChHadSCRIso"]->Fill( selector->Pho03ChHadSCRIso[ind], weight );
		hists["photon1ChHadRandIso"]->Fill( selector->Pho03RandChHadIso[ind], weight );
		double phoEt = tree->phoEt_->at(ind);
		if(phoEt>=25 && phoEt<35){
			hists["photon1_25_35_ChHadRandIso"]->Fill( selector->Pho03RandChHadIso[ind], weight );
		if(phoEt>=35 && phoEt<45){
			hists["photon1_35_45_ChHadRandIso"]->Fill( selector->Pho03RandChHadIso[ind], weight );
		if(phoEt>=45 && phoEt<60){
			hists["photon1_45_60_ChHadRandIso"]->Fill( selector->Pho03RandChHadIso[ind], weight );
			hists["photon1_60_up_ChHadRandIso"]->Fill( selector->Pho03RandChHadIso[ind], weight );

		hists["photon1NeuHadIso"]->Fill( selector->Pho03NeuHadIso[ind], weight );
		hists["photon1PhoIso"]->Fill( selector->Pho03PhoIso[ind], weight );
		hists["photon1PhoSCRIso"]->Fill( selector->Pho03PhoSCRIso[ind], weight );
		hists["photon1PhoRandIso"]->Fill( selector->Pho03RandPhoIso[ind], weight );
		hists["photon1HoverE"]->Fill( tree->phoHoverE_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["photon1SigmaIEtaIEta"]->Fill( tree->phoSigmaIEtaIEta_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["photon1DrElectron"]->Fill( minDr(tree->phoEta_->at(ind), tree->phoPhi_->at(ind), selEvent->Electrons, tree->eleSCEta_, tree->elePhi_), weight );
		hists["photon1DrJet"]->Fill( minDr(tree->phoEta_->at(ind), tree->phoPhi_->at(ind), selector->Jets, tree->jetEta_, tree->jetPhi_), weight );

		if( tree->isData_ == 0 ){
			if( tree->phoGenIndex_->at(ind) >= 0 ){
				hists["photon1MotherID"]->Fill( fabs(tree->phoGenMomPID_->at(ind)), weight );
				//if( TMath::Abs(tree->phoGenMomPID_->at(ind)) == 22 )
				hists["photon1GMotherID"]->Fill( fabs(tree->phoGenGMomPID_->at(ind)), weight );
			else {
				hists["photon1MotherID"]->Fill( 0.0, weight );
			// find the closest b-jet
			double mindr = minDrPhoB(ind, tree);
			int phoGen=-1;
			for( int mcI = 0; mcI < tree->nMC_; ++mcI){
				if( tree->mcIndex->at(mcI) == tree->phoGenIndex_->at(ind) ) 
			if( phoGen > 0)
				hists["GenPhotonEt"]->Fill(tree->mcPt->at(phoGen), weight);
			if(mindr<999) {
				hists["photon1DrMCbquark"]->Fill( mindr, weight );
	//std::cout << "here4" << std::endl;
	hists["Ht"]->Fill( calc_ht(selEvent, tree), weight );
	hists["MET"]->Fill( tree->pfMET_, weight );
	hists["nVtx"]->Fill( tree->nVtx_, weight );
	hists["nJets"]->Fill( selEvent->Jets.size(), weight );
	//std::cout << "here5" << std::endl;

	// jets
		TLorentzVector j1,j2,j3;
		int jetI;
		double minM3 = 99999.9;
		double M3maxPt = 99999.9;
		double M3minPt = 99999.9;
		double minPt = 99999.9;
		double M4maxPt = 99999.9;
		double max4Pt = 0.0;
		double maxPt = 0.0;
		double M3first = 0.0;
		TLorentzVector maxPtsystem;
		TLorentzVector phovec;
		if( selEvent->Photons.size() > 0 ){
                	int phoi = selEvent->Photons[0];
			phovec.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->phoEt_->at(phoi), tree->phoEta_->at(phoi), tree->phoPhi_->at(phoi), 0.0);
		for(int jet1I=0; jet1I < selEvent->Jets.size()-2; jet1I++){	
			jetI = selEvent->Jets[jet1I];
			j1.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->jetPt_->at(jetI), tree->jetEta_->at(jetI), tree->jetPhi_->at(jetI), 0.0);
			for(int jet2I=jet1I+1; jet2I < selEvent->Jets.size()-1; jet2I++){
				jetI = selEvent->Jets[jet2I];
				j2.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->jetPt_->at(jetI), tree->jetEta_->at(jetI), tree->jetPhi_->at(jetI), 0.0);
				for(int jet3I=jet2I+1; jet3I < selEvent->Jets.size(); jet3I++){
					jetI = selEvent->Jets[jet3I];
					j3.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->jetPt_->at(jetI), tree->jetEta_->at(jetI), tree->jetPhi_->at(jetI), 0.0);
					double m3 = (j1+j2+j3).M();
					double totalPt = (j1+j2+j3).Pt();

					if(jet1I==0 && jet2I==1 && jet3I==2) M3first = m3;
					if(m3 < minM3) minM3 = m3;
					if(minPt > totalPt){
						minPt = totalPt;
						M3minPt = m3;
					if(maxPt < totalPt){
						maxPt = totalPt; 
						M3maxPt = m3; 
						maxPtsystem = (j1+j2+j3);

					if( phovec.DrEtaPhi(j1) < 0.3 )
						j1 = j1 - phovec;
					if( phovec.DrEtaPhi(j2) < 0.3 )
						j2 = j2 - phovec;
					if( phovec.DrEtaPhi(j3) < 0.3)
						j3 = j3 - phovec;
					double m4 = (phovec+j1+j2+j3).M();
					double total4Pt = (phovec+j1+j2+j3).Pt();
					hists["M3phoMulti"]->Fill(m4, weight);
					if(max4Pt < total4Pt ){ 
		double toppt=0.0;
		double antitoppt=0.0;
		for(int mcInd=0; mcInd<tree->nMC_; ++mcInd){
			if(tree->mcPID->at(mcInd)==6) toppt = tree->mcPt->at(mcInd);
			if(tree->mcPID->at(mcInd)==-6) antitoppt = tree->mcPt->at(mcInd);
		double maxtoppt = std::max(toppt,antitoppt);
		if( maxtoppt < 30 ) hists["M3_0_30"]->Fill(M3maxPt, weight);
		else if( maxtoppt < 100) hists["M3_30_100"]->Fill(M3maxPt, weight);
		else if( maxtoppt < 200) hists["M3_100_200"]->Fill(M3maxPt, weight);
		else if( maxtoppt < 300) hists["M3_200_300"]->Fill(M3maxPt, weight);
		else hists["M3_300_up"]->Fill(M3maxPt, weight);

		hists["M3first"]->Fill(M3first, weight);
		hists["M3"]->Fill(M3maxPt, weight);
		hists["M3minPt"]->Fill(M3minPt, weight);
		if( selEvent->Photons.size() > 0 ) {
			hists["M3pho"]->Fill(M4maxPt, weight);
			hists["dRpho3j"]->Fill(phovec.DrEtaPhi(maxPtsystem), weight);
		hists["minM3"]->Fill(minM3, weight);
		hists2d["MTW_M3"]->Fill( MTW, M3maxPt, weight);

	if( selEvent->Jets.size() > 0 ){
		int ind = selEvent->Jets[0];
		hists["jet1Pt"]->Fill( tree->jetPt_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["jet1Eta"]->Fill( tree->jetEta_->at(ind), weight );
	if( selEvent->Jets.size() > 1 ){
		int ind = selEvent->Jets[1];
		hists["jet2Pt"]->Fill( tree->jetPt_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["jet2Eta"]->Fill( tree->jetEta_->at(ind), weight );
	if( selEvent->Jets.size() > 2 ){
		int ind = selEvent->Jets[2];
		hists["jet3Pt"]->Fill( tree->jetPt_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["jet3Eta"]->Fill( tree->jetEta_->at(ind), weight );
	if( selEvent->Jets.size() > 3 ){
		int ind = selEvent->Jets[3];
		hists["jet4Pt"]->Fill( tree->jetPt_->at(ind), weight );
		hists["jet4Eta"]->Fill( tree->jetEta_->at(ind), weight );
Exemplo n.º 29
double Histogrammer::minDr(double myEta, double myPhi, std::vector<int> Inds, std::vector<float> *etas, std::vector<float> *phis){
	int ind = minDrIndex(myEta, myPhi, Inds, etas, phis);
	if(ind>=0) return dR(myEta, myPhi, etas->at(ind), phis->at(ind));
	else return 999.0;