static void SOR_LCP (int m, int nb, dRealMutablePtr J, int *jb, dxBody * const *body, dRealPtr invI, dRealMutablePtr lambda, dRealMutablePtr fc, dRealMutablePtr b, dRealMutablePtr lo, dRealMutablePtr hi, dRealPtr cfm, int *findex, dxQuickStepParameters *qs) { const int num_iterations = qs->num_iterations; const dReal sor_w = qs->w; // SOR over-relaxation parameter int i,j; #ifdef WARM_STARTING // for warm starting, this seems to be necessary to prevent // jerkiness in motor-driven joints. i have no idea why this works. for (i=0; i<m; i++) lambda[i] *= 0.9; #else dSetZero (lambda,m); #endif // the lambda computed at the previous iteration. // this is used to measure error for when we are reordering the indexes. dRealAllocaArray (last_lambda,m); // a copy of the 'hi' vector in case findex[] is being used dRealAllocaArray (hicopy,m); memcpy (hicopy,hi,m*sizeof(dReal)); // precompute iMJ = inv(M)*J' dRealAllocaArray (iMJ,m*12); compute_invM_JT (m,J,iMJ,jb,body,invI); // compute fc=(inv(M)*J')*lambda. we will incrementally maintain fc // as we change lambda. #ifdef WARM_STARTING multiply_invM_JT (m,nb,iMJ,jb,lambda,fc); #else dSetZero (fc,nb*6); #endif // precompute 1 / diagonals of A dRealAllocaArray (Ad,m); dRealPtr iMJ_ptr = iMJ; dRealMutablePtr J_ptr = J; for (i=0; i<m; i++) { dReal sum = 0; for (j=0; j<6; j++) sum += iMJ_ptr[j] * J_ptr[j]; if (jb[i*2+1] >= 0) { for (j=6; j<12; j++) sum += iMJ_ptr[j] * J_ptr[j]; } iMJ_ptr += 12; J_ptr += 12; Ad[i] = sor_w / (sum + cfm[i]); } // scale J and b by Ad J_ptr = J; for (i=0; i<m; i++) { for (j=0; j<12; j++) { J_ptr[0] *= Ad[i]; J_ptr++; } b[i] *= Ad[i]; } // scale Ad by CFM for (i=0; i<m; i++) Ad[i] *= cfm[i]; // order to solve constraint rows in IndexError *order = (IndexError*) alloca (m*sizeof(IndexError)); #ifndef REORDER_CONSTRAINTS // make sure constraints with findex < 0 come first. j=0; for (i=0; i<m; i++) if (findex[i] < 0) order[j++].index = i; for (i=0; i<m; i++) if (findex[i] >= 0) order[j++].index = i; dIASSERT (j==m); #endif for (int iteration=0; iteration < num_iterations; iteration++) { #ifdef REORDER_CONSTRAINTS // constraints with findex < 0 always come first. if (iteration < 2) { // for the first two iterations, solve the constraints in // the given order for (i=0; i<m; i++) { order[i].error = i; order[i].findex = findex[i]; order[i].index = i; } } else { // sort the constraints so that the ones converging slowest // get solved last. use the absolute (not relative) error. for (i=0; i<m; i++) { dReal v1 = dFabs (lambda[i]); dReal v2 = dFabs (last_lambda[i]); dReal max = (v1 > v2) ? v1 : v2; if (max > 0) { //@@@ relative error: order[i].error = dFabs(lambda[i]-last_lambda[i])/max; order[i].error = dFabs(lambda[i]-last_lambda[i]); } else { order[i].error = dInfinity; } order[i].findex = findex[i]; order[i].index = i; } } qsort (order,m,sizeof(IndexError),&compare_index_error); #endif #ifdef RANDOMLY_REORDER_CONSTRAINTS if ((iteration & 7) == 0) { for (i=1; i<m; ++i) { IndexError tmp = order[i]; int swapi = dRandInt(i+1); order[i] = order[swapi]; order[swapi] = tmp; } } #endif //@@@ potential optimization: swap lambda and last_lambda pointers rather // than copying the data. we must make sure lambda is properly // returned to the caller memcpy (last_lambda,lambda,m*sizeof(dReal)); for (int i=0; i<m; i++) { // @@@ potential optimization: we could pre-sort J and iMJ, thereby // linearizing access to those arrays. hmmm, this does not seem // like a win, but we should think carefully about our memory // access pattern. int index = order[i].index; J_ptr = J + index*12; iMJ_ptr = iMJ + index*12; // set the limits for this constraint. note that 'hicopy' is used. // this is the place where the QuickStep method differs from the // direct LCP solving method, since that method only performs this // limit adjustment once per time step, whereas this method performs // once per iteration per constraint row. // the constraints are ordered so that all lambda[] values needed have // already been computed. if (findex[index] >= 0) { hi[index] = dFabs (hicopy[index] * lambda[findex[index]]); lo[index] = -hi[index]; } int b1 = jb[index*2]; int b2 = jb[index*2+1]; dReal delta = b[index] - lambda[index]*Ad[index]; dRealMutablePtr fc_ptr = fc + 6*b1; // @@@ potential optimization: SIMD-ize this and the b2 >= 0 case delta -=fc_ptr[0] * J_ptr[0] + fc_ptr[1] * J_ptr[1] + fc_ptr[2] * J_ptr[2] + fc_ptr[3] * J_ptr[3] + fc_ptr[4] * J_ptr[4] + fc_ptr[5] * J_ptr[5]; // @@@ potential optimization: handle 1-body constraints in a separate // loop to avoid the cost of test & jump? if (b2 >= 0) { fc_ptr = fc + 6*b2; delta -=fc_ptr[0] * J_ptr[6] + fc_ptr[1] * J_ptr[7] + fc_ptr[2] * J_ptr[8] + fc_ptr[3] * J_ptr[9] + fc_ptr[4] * J_ptr[10] + fc_ptr[5] * J_ptr[11]; } // compute lambda and clamp it to [lo,hi]. // @@@ potential optimization: does SSE have clamping instructions // to save test+jump penalties here? dReal new_lambda = lambda[index] + delta; if (new_lambda < lo[index]) { delta = lo[index]-lambda[index]; lambda[index] = lo[index]; } else if (new_lambda > hi[index]) { delta = hi[index]-lambda[index]; lambda[index] = hi[index]; } else { lambda[index] = new_lambda; } //@@@ a trick that may or may not help //dReal ramp = (1-((dReal)(iteration+1)/(dReal)num_iterations)); //delta *= ramp; // update fc. // @@@ potential optimization: SIMD for this and the b2 >= 0 case fc_ptr = fc + 6*b1; fc_ptr[0] += delta * iMJ_ptr[0]; fc_ptr[1] += delta * iMJ_ptr[1]; fc_ptr[2] += delta * iMJ_ptr[2]; fc_ptr[3] += delta * iMJ_ptr[3]; fc_ptr[4] += delta * iMJ_ptr[4]; fc_ptr[5] += delta * iMJ_ptr[5]; // @@@ potential optimization: handle 1-body constraints in a separate // loop to avoid the cost of test & jump? if (b2 >= 0) { fc_ptr = fc + 6*b2; fc_ptr[0] += delta * iMJ_ptr[6]; fc_ptr[1] += delta * iMJ_ptr[7]; fc_ptr[2] += delta * iMJ_ptr[8]; fc_ptr[3] += delta * iMJ_ptr[9]; fc_ptr[4] += delta * iMJ_ptr[10]; fc_ptr[5] += delta * iMJ_ptr[11]; } } } }
bool solvePGS(int n, int nskip, int /*nub*/, double * A, double * x, double * b, double * lo, double * hi, int * findex, PGSOption * option) { // LDLT solver will work !!! //if (nub == n) //{ // return LDLTSolver(n,nskip,A,x,b) //} int i, j, iter, idx, n_new; bool sentinel; double old_x, new_x, hi_tmp, lo_tmp, dummy, ea; double * A_ptr; double one_minus_sor_w = 1.0 - (option->sor_w); //--- ORDERING & SCALING & INITIAL LOOP & Test int* order = new int[n]; n_new = 0; sentinel = true; for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { // ORDERING if ( A[nskip*i + i] < option->eps_div ) { x[i] = 0.0; continue; } order[n_new++] = i; // INITIAL LOOP A_ptr = A + nskip*i; new_x = b[i]; old_x = x[i]; for (j = 0 ; j < i ; j++) new_x -= A_ptr[j]*x[j]; for (j = i + 1 ; j < n ; j++) new_x -= A_ptr[j]*x[j]; new_x = new_x/A[nskip*i + i]; if (findex[i] >= 0) // friction index { hi_tmp = hi[i] * x[findex[i]]; lo_tmp = -hi_tmp; if (new_x > hi_tmp) x[i] = hi_tmp; else if (new_x < lo_tmp) x[i] = lo_tmp; else x[i] = new_x; } else // no friction index { if (new_x > hi[i]) x[i] = hi[i]; else if (new_x < lo[i]) x[i] = lo[i]; else x[i] = new_x; } // TEST if (sentinel) { ea = fabs(x[i] - old_x); if (ea > option->eps_res) sentinel = false; } } if (sentinel) { delete[] order; return true; } // SCALING for (i = 0 ; i < n_new ; i++) { idx = order[i]; dummy = 1.0/A[nskip*idx + idx]; // diagonal element b[idx] *= dummy; for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) A[nskip*idx + j] *= dummy; } //--- ITERATION LOOP for (iter = 1 ; iter < option->itermax ; iter++) { //--- RANDOMLY_REORDER_CONSTRAINTS #if LCP_PGS_RANDOMLY_REORDER_CONSTRAINTS if ((iter & 7)==0) { int tmp, swapi; for (i = 1 ; i < n_new ; i++) { tmp = order[i]; swapi = dRandInt(i+1); order[i] = order[swapi]; order[swapi] = tmp; } } #endif sentinel = true; //-- ONE LOOP for (i = 0 ; i < n_new ; i++) { idx = order[i]; A_ptr = A + nskip*idx; new_x = b[idx]; old_x = x[idx]; for (j = 0 ; j < idx ; j++) new_x -= A_ptr[j]*x[j]; for (j = idx + 1 ; j < n ; j++) new_x -= A_ptr[j]*x[j]; new_x = (option->sor_w * new_x) + (one_minus_sor_w * old_x); if (findex[idx] >= 0) // friction index { hi_tmp = hi[idx] * x[findex[idx]]; lo_tmp = -hi_tmp; if (new_x > hi_tmp) x[idx] = hi_tmp; else if (new_x < lo_tmp) x[idx] = lo_tmp; else x[idx] = new_x; } else // no friction index { if (new_x > hi[idx]) x[idx] = hi[idx]; else if (new_x < lo[idx]) x[idx] = lo[idx]; else x[idx] = new_x; } if ( sentinel && fabs(x[idx]) > option->eps_div) { ea = fabs((x[idx] - old_x)/x[idx]); if (ea > option->eps_ea) sentinel = false; } } if (sentinel) break; } delete[] order; return sentinel; }
void dInternalStepIslandFast (dxWorld * world, dxBody * const *bodies, int nb, dxJoint * const *_joints, int nj, dReal stepsize, int maxiterations) { dxBody *bodyPair[2], *body; dReal *GIPair[2], *GinvIPair[2]; dxJoint *joint; int iter, b, j, i; dReal ministep = stepsize / maxiterations; // make a local copy of the joint array, because we might want to modify it. // (the "dxJoint *const*" declaration says we're allowed to modify the joints // but not the joint array, because the caller might need it unchanged). dxJoint **joints = (dxJoint **) ALLOCA (nj * sizeof (dxJoint *)); memcpy (joints, _joints, nj * sizeof (dxJoint *)); // get m = total constraint dimension, nub = number of unbounded variables. // create constraint offset array and number-of-rows array for all joints. // the constraints are re-ordered as follows: the purely unbounded // constraints, the mixed unbounded + LCP constraints, and last the purely // LCP constraints. this assists the LCP solver to put all unbounded // variables at the start for a quick factorization. // // joints with m=0 are inactive and are removed from the joints array // entirely, so that the code that follows does not consider them. // also number all active joints in the joint list (set their tag values). // inactive joints receive a tag value of -1. int m = 0; dxJoint::Info1 * info = (dxJoint::Info1 *) ALLOCA (nj * sizeof (dxJoint::Info1)); int *ofs = (int *) ALLOCA (nj * sizeof (int)); for (i = 0, j = 0; j < nj; j++) { // i=dest, j=src joints[j]->vtable->getInfo1 (joints[j], info + i); if (info[i].m > 0) { joints[i] = joints[j]; joints[i]->tag = i; i++; } else { joints[j]->tag = -1; } } nj = i; // the purely unbounded constraints for (i = 0; i < nj; i++) { ofs[i] = m; m += info[i].m; } dReal *c = NULL; dReal *cfm = NULL; dReal *lo = NULL; dReal *hi = NULL; int *findex = NULL; dReal *J = NULL; dxJoint::Info2 * Jinfo = NULL; if (m) { // create a constraint equation right hand side vector `c', a constraint // force mixing vector `cfm', and LCP low and high bound vectors, and an // 'findex' vector. c = (dReal *) ALLOCA (m * sizeof (dReal)); cfm = (dReal *) ALLOCA (m * sizeof (dReal)); lo = (dReal *) ALLOCA (m * sizeof (dReal)); hi = (dReal *) ALLOCA (m * sizeof (dReal)); findex = (int *) ALLOCA (m * sizeof (int)); dSetZero (c, m); dSetValue (cfm, m, world->global_cfm); dSetValue (lo, m, -dInfinity); dSetValue (hi, m, dInfinity); for (i = 0; i < m; i++) findex[i] = -1; // get jacobian data from constraints. a (2*m)x8 matrix will be created // to store the two jacobian blocks from each constraint. it has this // format: // // l l l 0 a a a 0 \ . // l l l 0 a a a 0 }-- jacobian body 1 block for joint 0 (3 rows) // l l l 0 a a a 0 / // l l l 0 a a a 0 \ . // l l l 0 a a a 0 }-- jacobian body 2 block for joint 0 (3 rows) // l l l 0 a a a 0 / // l l l 0 a a a 0 }--- jacobian body 1 block for joint 1 (1 row) // l l l 0 a a a 0 }--- jacobian body 2 block for joint 1 (1 row) // etc... // // (lll) = linear jacobian data // (aaa) = angular jacobian data // J = (dReal *) ALLOCA (2 * m * 8 * sizeof (dReal)); dSetZero (J, 2 * m * 8); Jinfo = (dxJoint::Info2 *) ALLOCA (nj * sizeof (dxJoint::Info2)); for (i = 0; i < nj; i++) { Jinfo[i].rowskip = 8; Jinfo[i].fps = dRecip (stepsize); Jinfo[i].erp = world->global_erp; Jinfo[i].J1l = J + 2 * 8 * ofs[i]; Jinfo[i].J1a = Jinfo[i].J1l + 4; Jinfo[i].J2l = Jinfo[i].J1l + 8 * info[i].m; Jinfo[i].J2a = Jinfo[i].J2l + 4; Jinfo[i].c = c + ofs[i]; Jinfo[i].cfm = cfm + ofs[i]; Jinfo[i].lo = lo + ofs[i]; Jinfo[i].hi = hi + ofs[i]; Jinfo[i].findex = findex + ofs[i]; //joints[i]->vtable->getInfo2 (joints[i], Jinfo+i); } } dReal *saveFacc = (dReal *) ALLOCA (nb * 4 * sizeof (dReal)); dReal *saveTacc = (dReal *) ALLOCA (nb * 4 * sizeof (dReal)); dReal *globalI = (dReal *) ALLOCA (nb * 12 * sizeof (dReal)); dReal *globalInvI = (dReal *) ALLOCA (nb * 12 * sizeof (dReal)); for (b = 0; b < nb; b++) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { saveFacc[b * 4 + i] = bodies[b]->facc[i]; saveTacc[b * 4 + i] = bodies[b]->tacc[i]; } bodies[b]->tag = b; } for (iter = 0; iter < maxiterations; iter++) { dReal tmp[12] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (b = 0; b < nb; b++) { body = bodies[b]; // for all bodies, compute the inertia tensor and its inverse in the global // frame, and compute the rotational force and add it to the torque // accumulator. I and invI are vertically stacked 3x4 matrices, one per body. // @@@ check computation of rotational force. // compute inertia tensor in global frame dMULTIPLY2_333 (tmp, body->mass.I, body->posr.R); dMULTIPLY0_333 (globalI + b * 12, body->posr.R, tmp); // compute inverse inertia tensor in global frame dMULTIPLY2_333 (tmp, body->invI, body->posr.R); dMULTIPLY0_333 (globalInvI + b * 12, body->posr.R, tmp); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) body->tacc[i] = saveTacc[b * 4 + i]; // add the gravity force to all bodies if ((body->flags & dxBodyNoGravity) == 0) { body->facc[0] = saveFacc[b * 4 + 0] + dMUL(body->mass.mass,world->gravity[0]); body->facc[1] = saveFacc[b * 4 + 1] + dMUL(body->mass.mass,world->gravity[1]); body->facc[2] = saveFacc[b * 4 + 2] + dMUL(body->mass.mass,world->gravity[2]); body->facc[3] = 0; } else { body->facc[0] = saveFacc[b * 4 + 0]; body->facc[1] = saveFacc[b * 4 + 1]; body->facc[2] = saveFacc[b * 4 + 2]; body->facc[3] = 0; } } #ifdef RANDOM_JOINT_ORDER //randomize the order of the joints by looping through the array //and swapping the current joint pointer with a random one before it. for (j = 0; j < nj; j++) { joint = joints[j]; dxJoint::Info1 i1 = info[j]; dxJoint::Info2 i2 = Jinfo[j]; const int r = dRandInt(j+1); joints[j] = joints[r]; info[j] = info[r]; Jinfo[j] = Jinfo[r]; joints[r] = joint; info[r] = i1; Jinfo[r] = i2; } #endif //now iterate through the random ordered joint array we created. for (j = 0; j < nj; j++) { joint = joints[j]; bodyPair[0] = joint->node[0].body; bodyPair[1] = joint->node[1].body; if (bodyPair[0] && (bodyPair[0]->flags & dxBodyDisabled)) bodyPair[0] = 0; if (bodyPair[1] && (bodyPair[1]->flags & dxBodyDisabled)) bodyPair[1] = 0; //if this joint is not connected to any enabled bodies, skip it. if (!bodyPair[0] && !bodyPair[1]) continue; if (bodyPair[0]) { GIPair[0] = globalI + bodyPair[0]->tag * 12; GinvIPair[0] = globalInvI + bodyPair[0]->tag * 12; } if (bodyPair[1]) { GIPair[1] = globalI + bodyPair[1]->tag * 12; GinvIPair[1] = globalInvI + bodyPair[1]->tag * 12; } joints[j]->vtable->getInfo2 (joints[j], Jinfo + j); //dInternalStepIslandFast is an exact copy of the old routine with one //modification: the calculated forces are added back to the facc and tacc //vectors instead of applying them to the bodies and moving them. if (info[j].m > 0) { dInternalStepFast (world, bodyPair, GIPair, GinvIPair, joint, info[j], Jinfo[j], ministep); } } // } //Now we can simulate all the free floating bodies, and move them. for (b = 0; b < nb; b++) { body = bodies[b]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { body->facc[i] = dMUL(body->facc[i],ministep); body->tacc[i] = dMUL(body->tacc[i],ministep); } //apply torque dMULTIPLYADD0_331 (body->avel, globalInvI + b * 12, body->tacc); //apply force for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) body->lvel[i] += dMUL(body->invMass,body->facc[i]); //move It! moveAndRotateBody (body, ministep); } } for (b = 0; b < nb; b++) for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) bodies[b]->facc[j] = bodies[b]->tacc[j] = 0; }
void createTest() { int i,j; if (world) dWorldDestroy (world); world = dWorldCreate(); // create random bodies for (i=0; i<NUM; i++) { // create bodies at random position and orientation body[i] = dBodyCreate (world); // dBodySetPosition (body[i],dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*2-1, // dRandReal()*2+RADIUS); dBodySetPosition (body[i],dRandReal()*SIDE-1,dRandReal()*SIDE-1, dRandReal()*SIDE+RADIUS); dReal q[4]; for (j=0; j<4; j++) q[j] = dRandReal()*2-1; dBodySetQuaternion (body[i],q); // set random velocity dBodySetLinearVel (body[i], dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*2-1, dRandReal()*2-1); dBodySetAngularVel (body[i], dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*2-1, dRandReal()*2-1); // set random mass (random diagonal mass rotated by a random amount) dMass m; dMatrix3 R; dMassSetBox (&m,1,dRandReal()+0.1,dRandReal()+0.1,dRandReal()+0.1); dMassAdjust (&m,dRandReal()+1); for (j=0; j<4; j++) q[j] = dRandReal()*2-1; dQtoR (q,R); dMassRotate (&m,R); dBodySetMass (body[i],&m); } // create ball-n-socket joints at random positions, linking random bodies // (but make sure not to link the same pair of bodies twice) for (i=0; i<NUM*NUM; i++) linked[i] = 0; for (i=0; i<NUMJ; i++) { int b1,b2; do { b1 = dRandInt (NUM); b2 = dRandInt (NUM); } while (linked[b1*NUM + b2] || b1==b2); linked[b1*NUM + b2] = 1; linked[b2*NUM + b1] = 1; joint[i] = dJointCreateBall (world,0); dJointAttach (joint[i],body[b1],body[b2]); dJointSetBallAnchor (joint[i],dRandReal()*2-1, dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*2+RADIUS); } for (i=0; i<NUM; i++) { // move bodies a bit to get some joint error const dReal *pos = dBodyGetPosition (body[i]); dBodySetPosition (body[i],pos[0]+dRandReal()*0.2-0.1, pos[1]+dRandReal()*0.2-0.1,pos[2]+dRandReal()*0.2-0.1); } }
int test_ray_and_box() { int i,j; dContactGeom contact; dVector3 s,p,q,n,q2,q3,q4; // s = box sides dMatrix3 R; dReal k; dSimpleSpace space(0); dGeomID ray = dCreateRay (0,0); dGeomID box = dCreateBox (0,1,1,1); dSpaceAdd (space,ray); dSpaceAdd (space,box); // ********** make a random box for (j=0; j<3; j++) s[j] = dRandReal() + 0.1; dGeomBoxSetLengths (box,s[0],s[1],s[2]); dMakeRandomVector (p,3,1.0); dGeomSetPosition (box,p[0],p[1],p[2]); dRFromAxisAndAngle (R,dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*2-1, dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*10-5); dGeomSetRotation (box,R); // ********** test zero length ray just inside box dGeomRaySetLength (ray,0); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q[j] = (dRandReal()-0.5)*s[j]; i = dRandInt (3); if (dRandReal() > 0.5) q[i] = 0.99*0.5*s[i]; else q[i] = -0.99*0.5*s[i]; dMultiply0 (q2,dGeomGetRotation(box),q,3,3,1); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q2[j] += p[j]; dGeomSetPosition (ray,q2[0],q2[1],q2[2]); dRFromAxisAndAngle (R,dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*2-1, dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*10-5); dGeomSetRotation (ray,R); if (dCollide (ray,box,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 0) FAILED(); // ********** test zero length ray just outside box dGeomRaySetLength (ray,0); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q[j] = (dRandReal()-0.5)*s[j]; i = dRandInt (3); if (dRandReal() > 0.5) q[i] = 1.01*0.5*s[i]; else q[i] = -1.01*0.5*s[i]; dMultiply0 (q2,dGeomGetRotation(box),q,3,3,1); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q2[j] += p[j]; dGeomSetPosition (ray,q2[0],q2[1],q2[2]); dRFromAxisAndAngle (R,dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*2-1, dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*10-5); dGeomSetRotation (ray,R); if (dCollide (ray,box,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 0) FAILED(); // ********** test finite length ray totally contained inside the box for (j=0; j<3; j++) q[j] = (dRandReal()-0.5)*0.99*s[j]; dMultiply0 (q2,dGeomGetRotation(box),q,3,3,1); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q2[j] += p[j]; for (j=0; j<3; j++) q3[j] = (dRandReal()-0.5)*0.99*s[j]; dMultiply0 (q4,dGeomGetRotation(box),q3,3,3,1); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q4[j] += p[j]; for (j=0; j<3; j++) n[j] = q4[j] - q2[j]; dNormalize3 (n); dGeomRaySet (ray,q2[0],q2[1],q2[2],n[0],n[1],n[2]); dGeomRaySetLength (ray,dCalcPointsDistance3(q2,q4)); if (dCollide (ray,box,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 0) FAILED(); // ********** test finite length ray totally outside the box for (j=0; j<3; j++) q[j] = (dRandReal()-0.5)*s[j]; i = dRandInt (3); if (dRandReal() > 0.5) q[i] = 1.01*0.5*s[i]; else q[i] = -1.01*0.5*s[i]; dMultiply0 (q2,dGeomGetRotation(box),q,3,3,1); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q3[j] = q2[j] + p[j]; dNormalize3 (q2); dGeomRaySet (ray,q3[0],q3[1],q3[2],q2[0],q2[1],q2[2]); dGeomRaySetLength (ray,10); if (dCollide (ray,box,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 0) FAILED(); // ********** test ray from outside to just above surface for (j=0; j<3; j++) q[j] = (dRandReal()-0.5)*s[j]; i = dRandInt (3); if (dRandReal() > 0.5) q[i] = 1.01*0.5*s[i]; else q[i] = -1.01*0.5*s[i]; dMultiply0 (q2,dGeomGetRotation(box),q,3,3,1); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q3[j] = 2*q2[j] + p[j]; k = dSqrt(q2[0]*q2[0] + q2[1]*q2[1] + q2[2]*q2[2]); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q2[j] = -q2[j]; dGeomRaySet (ray,q3[0],q3[1],q3[2],q2[0],q2[1],q2[2]); dGeomRaySetLength (ray,k*0.99); if (dCollide (ray,box,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 0) FAILED(); // ********** test ray from outside to just below surface dGeomRaySetLength (ray,k*1.01); if (dCollide (ray,box,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom)) != 1) FAILED(); // ********** test contact point position for random rays for (j=0; j<3; j++) q[j] = dRandReal()*s[j]; dMultiply0 (q2,dGeomGetRotation(box),q,3,3,1); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q2[j] += p[j]; for (j=0; j<3; j++) q3[j] = dRandReal()-0.5; dNormalize3 (q3); dGeomRaySet (ray,q2[0],q2[1],q2[2],q3[0],q3[1],q3[2]); dGeomRaySetLength (ray,10); if (dCollide (ray,box,1,&contact,sizeof(dContactGeom))) { // check depth of contact point if (dFabs (dGeomBoxPointDepth (box,contact.pos[0],contact.pos[1],contact.pos[2])) > tol) FAILED(); // check position of contact point for (j=0; j<3; j++) contact.pos[j] -= p[j]; dMultiply1 (q,dGeomGetRotation(box),contact.pos,3,3,1); if ( dFabs(dFabs (q[0]) - 0.5*s[0]) > tol && dFabs(dFabs (q[1]) - 0.5*s[1]) > tol && dFabs(dFabs (q[2]) - 0.5*s[2]) > tol) { FAILED(); } // also check normal signs if (dCalcVectorDot3 (q3,contact.normal) > 0) FAILED(); draw_all_objects (space); } PASSED(); }
int test_box_point_depth() { int i,j; dVector3 s,p,q,q2; // s = box sides dMatrix3 R; dReal ss,d; // ss = smallest side dSimpleSpace space(0); dGeomID box = dCreateBox (0,1,1,1); dSpaceAdd (space,box); // ********** make a random box for (j=0; j<3; j++) s[j] = dRandReal() + 0.1; dGeomBoxSetLengths (box,s[0],s[1],s[2]); dMakeRandomVector (p,3,1.0); dGeomSetPosition (box,p[0],p[1],p[2]); dRFromAxisAndAngle (R,dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*2-1, dRandReal()*2-1,dRandReal()*10-5); dGeomSetRotation (box,R); // ********** test center point has depth of smallest side ss = 1e9; for (j=0; j<3; j++) if (s[j] < ss) ss = s[j]; if (dFabs(dGeomBoxPointDepth (box,p[0],p[1],p[2]) - 0.5*ss) > tol) FAILED(); // ********** test point on surface has depth 0 for (j=0; j<3; j++) q[j] = (dRandReal()-0.5)*s[j]; i = dRandInt (3); if (dRandReal() > 0.5) q[i] = 0.5*s[i]; else q[i] = -0.5*s[i]; dMultiply0 (q2,dGeomGetRotation(box),q,3,3,1); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q2[j] += p[j]; if (dFabs(dGeomBoxPointDepth (box,q2[0],q2[1],q2[2])) > tol) FAILED(); // ********** test points outside box have -ve depth for (j=0; j<3; j++) { q[j] = 0.5*s[j] + dRandReal() + 0.01; if (dRandReal() > 0.5) q[j] = -q[j]; } dMultiply0 (q2,dGeomGetRotation(box),q,3,3,1); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q2[j] += p[j]; if (dGeomBoxPointDepth (box,q2[0],q2[1],q2[2]) >= 0) FAILED(); // ********** test points inside box have +ve depth for (j=0; j<3; j++) q[j] = s[j] * 0.99 * (dRandReal()-0.5); dMultiply0 (q2,dGeomGetRotation(box),q,3,3,1); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q2[j] += p[j]; if (dGeomBoxPointDepth (box,q2[0],q2[1],q2[2]) <= 0) FAILED(); // ********** test random depth of point aligned along axis (up to ss deep) i = dRandInt (3); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q[j] = 0; d = (dRandReal()*(ss*0.5+1)-1); q[i] = s[i]*0.5 - d; if (dRandReal() > 0.5) q[i] = -q[i]; dMultiply0 (q2,dGeomGetRotation(box),q,3,3,1); for (j=0; j<3; j++) q2[j] += p[j]; if (dFabs(dGeomBoxPointDepth (box,q2[0],q2[1],q2[2]) - d) >= tol) FAILED(); PASSED(); }