Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: heap.c Projeto: vdt/libcore
/* Complexity: O(log n) */
static void heapify_down(Heap *heap, unsigned long index)
    unsigned long left, right, largest;
    int done;

    done = 0;

    while(!done) {
        left = left_child_of(index);
        right = right_child_of(index);

        largest = index;

        if(left < heap_size(heap) &&
                heap->comparefn(darray_index(heap->h, left),
                                darray_index(heap->h, index)) > 0) {
            largest = left;

        if(right < heap_size(heap) &&
                heap->comparefn(darray_index(heap->h, right),
                                darray_index(heap->h, largest)) > 0) {
            largest = right;

        if(largest != index) {
            darray_swap(heap->h, index, largest);
            index = largest;
        } else {
            done = 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: heap.c Projeto: vdt/libcore
/* Complexity: O(n log n), worst-case if data is located
 * at the right-most leaf node on the lowest level of the
 * tree.
int heap_remove(Heap *heap, const void *data)
    unsigned long i;

    assert(heap != NULL);

    if(heap_is_empty(heap)) {
        return -1;

    for(i = 0; i < heap_size(heap); i++) {
        if(darray_index(heap->h, i) == data) {
            if(darray_swap(heap->h, i, darray_size(heap->h) - 1) < 0) {
                return -1;

            /* Don't care about the return value */
            darray_remove(heap->h, darray_size(heap->h) - 1);
            heapify_down(heap, i);

            return 0;

    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: heap.c Projeto: vdt/libcore
/* Complexity: O(log n) */
static void heapify_up(Heap *heap, unsigned long index)
    while(index > 0 &&
            heap->comparefn(darray_index(heap->h, index),
                            darray_index(heap->h, parent_of(index))) > 0) {
        darray_swap(heap->h, index, parent_of(index));
        index = parent_of(index);
        Sorts the darray pointed to by p according to the comparison
        rules specified within the function pointed to by cmp. If
        the sort could not be completed, false is returned. Otherwise,
        true is returned.
extern bool darray_sort(darray *p, int (*cmp)(const void*, const void*))
    size_t n = p->capacity;
    size_t i = n / 2;
    /* Make the entire array a valid heap */
    while (i-- > 0) {
        if (!do_heap(p, i, n, cmp))
            return false;
    while (--n < (size_t)-1) {
        /* Place the maximum value and fix the heap for remaining elements */
        if (!darray_swap(p, 0, n) || !do_heap(p, 0, n, cmp))
            return false;
    return true;
        A simple insertion sort.
extern bool darray_insertion_sort(darray *d_array, int (*cmp)(const void*, const void*))
    size_t i, j;
	unsigned char *temp; 
	for (i = 1; i < d_array->capacity; i++) {
		temp = &d_array->data[i * d_array->item_size]; // compare data		
		j = i-1;
		while (cmp(temp, &d_array->data[j * d_array->item_size]) && j>=0) {
			darray_swap(d_array, j+1, j);			
		memcpy(&d_array->data[(j+1) * d_array->item_size], &d_array->data[j * d_array->item_size], d_array->item_size);		

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: heap.c Projeto: vdt/libcore
/* Complexity: O(log n) */
void* heap_pop(Heap *heap)
    void *ret = NULL;

    assert(heap != NULL);

    if(heap_is_empty(heap)) {
        return NULL;

    if(darray_swap(heap->h, 0, darray_size(heap->h) - 1) < 0) {
        return NULL;

    ret = darray_remove(heap->h, darray_size(heap->h) - 1);
    heapify_down(heap, 0);

    return ret;