Exemplo n.º 1
static void write_constr_pdb(const char *fn, const char *title,
                             gmx_mtop_t *mtop,
                             int start, int homenr, t_commrec *cr,
                             rvec x[], matrix box)
    char          fname[STRLEN], format[STRLEN];
    FILE         *out;
    int           dd_ac0 = 0, dd_ac1 = 0, i, ii, resnr;
    gmx_domdec_t *dd;
    char         *anm, *resnm;

    dd = NULL;
    if (DOMAINDECOMP(cr))
        dd = cr->dd;
        dd_get_constraint_range(dd, &dd_ac0, &dd_ac1);
        start  = 0;
        homenr = dd_ac1;

    if (PAR(cr))
        sprintf(fname, "%s_n%d.pdb", fn, cr->sim_nodeid);
        sprintf(fname, "%s.pdb", fn);
    sprintf(format, "%s\n", get_pdbformat());

    out = gmx_fio_fopen(fname, "w");

    fprintf(out, "TITLE     %s\n", title);
    gmx_write_pdb_box(out, -1, box);
    for (i = start; i < start+homenr; i++)
        if (dd != NULL)
            if (i >= dd->nat_home && i < dd_ac0)
            ii = dd->gatindex[i];
            ii = i;
        gmx_mtop_atominfo_global(mtop, ii, &anm, &resnr, &resnm);
        fprintf(out, format, "ATOM", (ii+1)%100000,
                anm, resnm, ' ', resnr%10000, ' ',
                10*x[i][XX], 10*x[i][YY], 10*x[i][ZZ]);
    fprintf(out, "TER\n");

Exemplo n.º 2
static void dump_conf(gmx_domdec_t *dd,struct gmx_lincsdata *li,
                      t_blocka *at2con,
                      char *name,gmx_bool bAll,rvec *x,matrix box)
    char str[STRLEN];
    FILE *fp;
    int  ac0,ac1,i;
    fp = gmx_fio_fopen(str,"w");
    fprintf(fp,"CRYST1%9.3f%9.3f%9.3f%7.2f%7.2f%7.2f P 1           1\n",
    for(i=0; i<ac1; i++)
        if (i < dd->nat_home || (bAll && i >= ac0 && i < ac1))
            fprintf(fp,"%-6s%5u  %-4.4s%3.3s %c%4d    %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f\n",
                    "ATOM",ddglatnr(dd,i),"C","ALA",' ',i+1,
                    1.0,i<dd->nat_tot ? 0.0 : 1.0);
    if (bAll)
        for(i=0; i<li->nc; i++)
Exemplo n.º 3
int relax_shell_flexcon(FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, gmx_bool bVerbose,
                        gmx_int64_t mdstep, t_inputrec *inputrec,
                        gmx_bool bDoNS, int force_flags,
                        gmx_localtop_t *top,
                        gmx_constr_t constr,
                        gmx_enerdata_t *enerd, t_fcdata *fcd,
                        t_state *state, rvec f[],
                        tensor force_vir,
                        t_mdatoms *md,
                        t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle,
                        t_graph *graph,
                        gmx_groups_t *groups,
                        struct gmx_shellfc *shfc,
                        t_forcerec *fr,
                        gmx_bool bBornRadii,
                        double t, rvec mu_tot,
                        gmx_bool *bConverged,
                        gmx_vsite_t *vsite,
                        FILE *fp_field)
    int        nshell;
    t_shell   *shell;
    t_idef    *idef;
    rvec      *pos[2], *force[2], *acc_dir = NULL, *x_old = NULL;
    real       Epot[2], df[2];
    rvec       dx;
    real       sf_dir, invdt;
    real       ftol, xiH, xiS, dum = 0;
    char       sbuf[22];
    gmx_bool   bCont, bInit;
    int        nat, dd_ac0, dd_ac1 = 0, i;
    int        start = 0, homenr = md->homenr, end = start+homenr, cg0, cg1;
    int        nflexcon, g, number_steps, d, Min = 0, count = 0;
#define  Try (1-Min)             /* At start Try = 1 */

    bCont        = (mdstep == inputrec->init_step) && inputrec->bContinuation;
    bInit        = (mdstep == inputrec->init_step) || shfc->bRequireInit;
    ftol         = inputrec->em_tol;
    number_steps = inputrec->niter;
    nshell       = shfc->nshell;
    shell        = shfc->shell;
    nflexcon     = shfc->nflexcon;

    idef = &top->idef;

    if (DOMAINDECOMP(cr))
        nat = dd_natoms_vsite(cr->dd);
        if (nflexcon > 0)
            dd_get_constraint_range(cr->dd, &dd_ac0, &dd_ac1);
            nat = max(nat, dd_ac1);
        nat = state->natoms;

    if (nat > shfc->x_nalloc)
        /* Allocate local arrays */
        shfc->x_nalloc = over_alloc_dd(nat);
        for (i = 0; (i < 2); i++)
            srenew(shfc->x[i], shfc->x_nalloc);
            srenew(shfc->f[i], shfc->x_nalloc);
    for (i = 0; (i < 2); i++)
        pos[i]   = shfc->x[i];
        force[i] = shfc->f[i];

    /* When we had particle decomposition, this code only worked with
     * PD when all particles involved with each shell were in the same
     * charge group. Not sure if this is still relevant. */
    if (bDoNS && inputrec->ePBC != epbcNONE && !DOMAINDECOMP(cr))
        /* This is the only time where the coordinates are used
         * before do_force is called, which normally puts all
         * charge groups in the box.
        cg0 = 0;
        cg1 = top->cgs.nr;
        put_charge_groups_in_box(fplog, cg0, cg1, fr->ePBC, state->box,
                                 &(top->cgs), state->x, fr->cg_cm);
        if (graph)
            mk_mshift(fplog, graph, fr->ePBC, state->box, state->x);

    /* After this all coordinate arrays will contain whole molecules */
    if (graph)
        shift_self(graph, state->box, state->x);

    if (nflexcon)
        if (nat > shfc->flex_nalloc)
            shfc->flex_nalloc = over_alloc_dd(nat);
            srenew(shfc->acc_dir, shfc->flex_nalloc);
            srenew(shfc->x_old, shfc->flex_nalloc);
        acc_dir = shfc->acc_dir;
        x_old   = shfc->x_old;
        for (i = 0; i < homenr; i++)
            for (d = 0; d < DIM; d++)
                shfc->x_old[i][d] =
                    state->x[start+i][d] - state->v[start+i][d]*inputrec->delta_t;

    /* Do a prediction of the shell positions */
    if (shfc->bPredict && !bCont)
        predict_shells(fplog, state->x, state->v, inputrec->delta_t, nshell, shell,
                       md->massT, NULL, bInit);

    /* do_force expected the charge groups to be in the box */
    if (graph)
        unshift_self(graph, state->box, state->x);

    /* Calculate the forces first time around */
    if (gmx_debug_at)
        pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "x b4 do_force", state->x + start, homenr);
    do_force(fplog, cr, inputrec, mdstep, nrnb, wcycle, top, groups,
             state->box, state->x, &state->hist,
             force[Min], force_vir, md, enerd, fcd,
             state->lambda, graph,
             fr, vsite, mu_tot, t, fp_field, NULL, bBornRadii,
             (bDoNS ? GMX_FORCE_NS : 0) | force_flags);

    sf_dir = 0;
    if (nflexcon)
        init_adir(fplog, shfc,
                  constr, idef, inputrec, cr, dd_ac1, mdstep, md, start, end,
                  shfc->x_old-start, state->x, state->x, force[Min],
                  fr->bMolPBC, state->box, state->lambda, &dum, nrnb);

        for (i = start; i < end; i++)
            sf_dir += md->massT[i]*norm2(shfc->acc_dir[i-start]);

    Epot[Min] = enerd->term[F_EPOT];

    df[Min] = rms_force(cr, shfc->f[Min], nshell, shell, nflexcon, &sf_dir, &Epot[Min]);
    df[Try] = 0;
    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "df = %g  %g\n", df[Min], df[Try]);

    if (gmx_debug_at)
        pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "force0", force[Min], md->nr);

    if (nshell+nflexcon > 0)
        /* Copy x to pos[Min] & pos[Try]: during minimization only the
         * shell positions are updated, therefore the other particles must
         * be set here.
        memcpy(pos[Min], state->x, nat*sizeof(state->x[0]));
        memcpy(pos[Try], state->x, nat*sizeof(state->x[0]));

    if (bVerbose && MASTER(cr))
        print_epot(stdout, mdstep, 0, Epot[Min], df[Min], nflexcon, sf_dir);

    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "%17s: %14.10e\n",
                interaction_function[F_EKIN].longname, enerd->term[F_EKIN]);
        fprintf(debug, "%17s: %14.10e\n",
                interaction_function[F_EPOT].longname, enerd->term[F_EPOT]);
        fprintf(debug, "%17s: %14.10e\n",
                interaction_function[F_ETOT].longname, enerd->term[F_ETOT]);
        fprintf(debug, "SHELLSTEP %s\n", gmx_step_str(mdstep, sbuf));

    /* First check whether we should do shells, or whether the force is
     * low enough even without minimization.
    *bConverged = (df[Min] < ftol);

    for (count = 1; (!(*bConverged) && (count < number_steps)); count++)
        if (vsite)
            construct_vsites(vsite, pos[Min], inputrec->delta_t, state->v,
                             idef->iparams, idef->il,
                             fr->ePBC, fr->bMolPBC, cr, state->box);

        if (nflexcon)
            init_adir(fplog, shfc,
                      constr, idef, inputrec, cr, dd_ac1, mdstep, md, start, end,
                      x_old-start, state->x, pos[Min], force[Min], acc_dir-start,
                      fr->bMolPBC, state->box, state->lambda, &dum, nrnb);

            directional_sd(pos[Min], pos[Try], acc_dir-start, start, end,

        /* New positions, Steepest descent */
        shell_pos_sd(pos[Min], pos[Try], force[Min], nshell, shell, count);

        /* do_force expected the charge groups to be in the box */
        if (graph)
            unshift_self(graph, state->box, pos[Try]);

        if (gmx_debug_at)
            pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "RELAX: pos[Min]  ", pos[Min] + start, homenr);
            pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "RELAX: pos[Try]  ", pos[Try] + start, homenr);
        /* Try the new positions */
        do_force(fplog, cr, inputrec, 1, nrnb, wcycle,
                 top, groups, state->box, pos[Try], &state->hist,
                 force[Try], force_vir,
                 md, enerd, fcd, state->lambda, graph,
                 fr, vsite, mu_tot, t, fp_field, NULL, bBornRadii,

        if (gmx_debug_at)
            pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "RELAX: force[Min]", force[Min] + start, homenr);
            pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "RELAX: force[Try]", force[Try] + start, homenr);
        sf_dir = 0;
        if (nflexcon)
            init_adir(fplog, shfc,
                      constr, idef, inputrec, cr, dd_ac1, mdstep, md, start, end,
                      x_old-start, state->x, pos[Try], force[Try], acc_dir-start,
                      fr->bMolPBC, state->box, state->lambda, &dum, nrnb);

            for (i = start; i < end; i++)
                sf_dir += md->massT[i]*norm2(acc_dir[i-start]);

        Epot[Try] = enerd->term[F_EPOT];

        df[Try] = rms_force(cr, force[Try], nshell, shell, nflexcon, &sf_dir, &Epot[Try]);

        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug, "df = %g  %g\n", df[Min], df[Try]);

        if (debug)
            if (gmx_debug_at)
                pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "F na do_force", force[Try] + start, homenr);
            if (gmx_debug_at)
                fprintf(debug, "SHELL ITER %d\n", count);
                dump_shells(debug, pos[Try], force[Try], ftol, nshell, shell);

        if (bVerbose && MASTER(cr))
            print_epot(stdout, mdstep, count, Epot[Try], df[Try], nflexcon, sf_dir);

        *bConverged = (df[Try] < ftol);

        if ((df[Try] < df[Min]))
            if (debug)
                fprintf(debug, "Swapping Min and Try\n");
            if (nflexcon)
                /* Correct the velocities for the flexible constraints */
                invdt = 1/inputrec->delta_t;
                for (i = start; i < end; i++)
                    for (d = 0; d < DIM; d++)
                        state->v[i][d] += (pos[Try][i][d] - pos[Min][i][d])*invdt;
            Min  = Try;
            decrease_step_size(nshell, shell);
    if (MASTER(cr) && !(*bConverged))
        /* Note that the energies and virial are incorrect when not converged */
        if (fplog)
                    "step %s: EM did not converge in %d iterations, RMS force %.3f\n",
                    gmx_step_str(mdstep, sbuf), number_steps, df[Min]);
                "step %s: EM did not converge in %d iterations, RMS force %.3f\n",
                gmx_step_str(mdstep, sbuf), number_steps, df[Min]);

    /* Copy back the coordinates and the forces */
    memcpy(state->x, pos[Min], nat*sizeof(state->x[0]));
    memcpy(f, force[Min], nat*sizeof(f[0]));

    return count;
Exemplo n.º 4
void set_lincs(t_idef *idef,t_mdatoms *md,
               gmx_bool bDynamics,t_commrec *cr,
               struct gmx_lincsdata *li)
    int      start,natoms,nflexcon;
    t_blocka at2con;
    t_iatom  *iatom;
    int      i,k,ncc_alloc,ni,con,nconnect,concon;
    int      type,a1,a2;
    real     lenA=0,lenB;
    gmx_bool     bLocal;

    li->nc = 0;
    li->ncc = 0;
    /* This is the local topology, so there are only F_CONSTR constraints */
    if (idef->il[F_CONSTR].nr == 0)
        /* There are no constraints,
         * we do not need to fill any data structures.
    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug,"Building the LINCS connectivity\n");
    if (DOMAINDECOMP(cr))
        if (cr->dd->constraints)
            natoms = cr->dd->nat_home;
        start = 0;
    else if(PARTDECOMP(cr))
        start  = md->start;
        natoms = md->homenr;
    at2con = make_at2con(start,natoms,idef->il,idef->iparams,bDynamics,

    if (idef->il[F_CONSTR].nr/3 > li->nc_alloc || li->nc_alloc == 0)
        li->nc_alloc = over_alloc_dd(idef->il[F_CONSTR].nr/3);
        if (li->ncg_triangle > 0)
            /* This is allocating too much, but it is difficult to improve */
    iatom = idef->il[F_CONSTR].iatoms;
    ncc_alloc = li->ncc_alloc;
    li->blnr[0] = 0;
    ni = idef->il[F_CONSTR].nr/3;

    con = 0;
    nconnect = 0;
    li->blnr[con] = nconnect;
    for(i=0; i<ni; i++)
        bLocal = TRUE;
        type = iatom[3*i];
        a1   = iatom[3*i+1];
        a2   = iatom[3*i+2];
        lenA = idef->iparams[type].constr.dA;
        lenB = idef->iparams[type].constr.dB;
        /* Skip the flexible constraints when not doing dynamics */
        if (bDynamics || lenA!=0 || lenB!=0)
            li->bllen0[con]  = lenA;
            li->ddist[con]   = lenB - lenA;
            /* Set the length to the topology A length */
            li->bllen[con]   = li->bllen0[con];
            li->bla[2*con]   = a1;
            li->bla[2*con+1] = a2;
            /* Construct the constraint connection matrix blbnb */
            for(k=at2con.index[a1-start]; k<at2con.index[a1-start+1]; k++)
                concon = at2con.a[k];
                if (concon != i)
                    if (nconnect >= ncc_alloc)
                        ncc_alloc = over_alloc_small(nconnect+1);
                    li->blbnb[nconnect++] = concon;
            for(k=at2con.index[a2-start]; k<at2con.index[a2-start+1]; k++)
                concon = at2con.a[k];
                if (concon != i)
                    if (nconnect+1 > ncc_alloc)
                        ncc_alloc = over_alloc_small(nconnect+1);
                    li->blbnb[nconnect++] = concon;
            li->blnr[con+1] = nconnect;
            if (cr->dd == NULL)
                /* Order the blbnb matrix to optimize memory access */
            /* Increase the constraint count */

    /* This is the real number of constraints,
     * without dynamics the flexible constraints are not present.
    li->nc = con;
    li->ncc = li->blnr[con];
    if (cr->dd == NULL)
        /* Since the matrix is static, we can free some memory */
        ncc_alloc = li->ncc;
    if (ncc_alloc > li->ncc_alloc)
        li->ncc_alloc = ncc_alloc;
    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug,"Number of constraints is %d, couplings %d\n",
