Exemplo n.º 1
 * Check to see if a packet has been received. If so, read the packet and print
 * the packet payload to the serial monitor.
void receiveCan(CanBus* bus) {
    // TODO what happens if we process until the queue is empty?
    if(!QUEUE_EMPTY(CanMessage, &bus->receiveQueue)) {
        CanMessage message = QUEUE_POP(CanMessage, &bus->receiveQueue);
        decodeCanMessage(bus, message.id, message.data);
        bus->lastMessageReceived = systemTimeMs();
Exemplo n.º 2
void CanMsgParser::processCanMessage(const intercom::DataMessage::CanMsg * can_msg, bool just_check) {
	/* lookup can_msg in message hash */
	messageHashKey_t key = ntohl(can_msg->Id);
	message_t * dbc_msg = NULL;
	int i;

	/* loop over all bus assigments */
	for(i = 0; i < busAssignment->n ; i++) {
		busAssignmentEntry_t * entry = &busAssignment->list[i];

		/* check if bus matches */
		if((entry->bus == -1) || (entry->bus == can_msg->Bus)) {
			dbc_msg = (message_t *)hashtable_search(entry->messageHash, &key);
			if(NULL != dbc_msg) {
				decodeCanMessage(dbc_msg, can_msg, just_check);
				break; /* end search if message was found */