Exemplo n.º 1
static fz_pixmap *
decomp_image_from_stream(fz_context *ctx, fz_stream *stm, pdf_image *image, int in_line, int indexed, int l2factor, int native_l2factor, int cache)
	fz_pixmap *tile = NULL;
	fz_pixmap *existing_tile;
	int stride, len, i;
	unsigned char *samples = NULL;
	int f = 1<<native_l2factor;
	int w = (image->base.w + f-1) >> native_l2factor;
	int h = (image->base.h + f-1) >> native_l2factor;
	pdf_image_key *key = NULL;


	/* cf. http://code.google.com/p/sumatrapdf/issues/detail?id=1333 */
	if (l2factor - native_l2factor > 0 && image->base.w > (1 << 8) && in_line != -1)
		return decomp_image_banded(ctx, stm, image, indexed, l2factor, native_l2factor, cache);

		tile = fz_new_pixmap(ctx, image->base.colorspace, w, h);
		tile->interpolate = image->interpolate;

		stride = (w * image->n * image->bpc + 7) / 8;

		samples = fz_malloc_array(ctx, h, stride);

		len = fz_read(stm, samples, h * stride);
		if (len < 0)
			fz_throw(ctx, "cannot read image data");

		/* Make sure we read the EOF marker (for inline images only) */
		/* cf. http://code.google.com/p/sumatrapdf/issues/detail?id=1980 */
		if (in_line && 0)
			unsigned char tbuf[512];
				int tlen = fz_read(stm, tbuf, sizeof tbuf);
				if (tlen > 0)
					fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring garbage at end of image");
				fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring error at end of image");

		/* Pad truncated images */
		if (len < stride * h)
			fz_warn(ctx, "padding truncated image");
			memset(samples + len, 0, stride * h - len);

		/* Invert 1-bit image masks */
		if (image->imagemask)
			/* 0=opaque and 1=transparent so we need to invert */
			unsigned char *p = samples;
			len = h * stride;
			for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
				p[i] = ~p[i];

		fz_unpack_tile(tile, samples, image->n, image->bpc, stride, indexed);

		fz_free(ctx, samples);
		samples = NULL;

		if (image->usecolorkey && !image->base.mask)
			pdf_mask_color_key(tile, image->n, image->colorkey);

		if (indexed)
			fz_pixmap *conv;
			fz_decode_indexed_tile(tile, image->decode, (1 << image->bpc) - 1);
			conv = pdf_expand_indexed_pixmap(ctx, tile);
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, tile);
			tile = conv;
			fz_decode_tile(tile, image->decode);

		/* cf. http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=693517 */
		if (image->usecolorkey && image->base.mask && in_line != -1)
			pdf_unblend_masked_tile(ctx, tile, image);
Exemplo n.º 2
fz_pixmap *
fz_decomp_image_from_stream(fz_context *ctx, fz_stream *stm, fz_image *image, int indexed, int l2factor, int native_l2factor)
	fz_pixmap *tile = NULL;
	int stride, len, i;
	unsigned char *samples = NULL;
	int f = 1<<native_l2factor;
	int w = (image->w + f-1) >> native_l2factor;
	int h = (image->h + f-1) >> native_l2factor;
	/* cf. http://code.google.com/p/sumatrapdf/issues/detail?id=1333 */
	int is_banded = indexed < 0;


	/* cf. http://code.google.com/p/sumatrapdf/issues/detail?id=1333 */
	if (is_banded)
		indexed = -1 - indexed;
	else if (l2factor - native_l2factor > 0 && image->w > (1 << 8))
		return decomp_image_banded(ctx, stm, image, indexed, l2factor, native_l2factor);

		tile = fz_new_pixmap(ctx, image->colorspace, w, h);
		tile->interpolate = image->interpolate;

		stride = (w * image->n * image->bpc + 7) / 8;

		samples = fz_malloc_array(ctx, h, stride);

		len = fz_read(stm, samples, h * stride);

		/* Pad truncated images */
		if (len < stride * h)
			fz_warn(ctx, "padding truncated image");
			memset(samples + len, 0, stride * h - len);

		/* Invert 1-bit image masks */
		if (image->imagemask)
			/* 0=opaque and 1=transparent so we need to invert */
			unsigned char *p = samples;
			len = h * stride;
			for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
				p[i] = ~p[i];

		fz_unpack_tile(tile, samples, image->n, image->bpc, stride, indexed);

		fz_free(ctx, samples);
		samples = NULL;

		if (image->usecolorkey && !image->mask)
			fz_mask_color_key(tile, image->n, image->colorkey);

		if (indexed)
			fz_pixmap *conv;
			fz_decode_indexed_tile(tile, image->decode, (1 << image->bpc) - 1);
			conv = fz_expand_indexed_pixmap(ctx, tile);
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, tile);
			tile = conv;
			fz_decode_tile(tile, image->decode);

		/* cf. http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=693517 */
		if (image->usecolorkey && image->mask && !is_banded)
			fz_unblend_masked_tile(ctx, tile, image);
		if (tile)
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, tile);
		fz_free(ctx, samples);


	/* Now apply any extra subsampling required */
	if (l2factor - native_l2factor > 0)
		if (l2factor - native_l2factor > 8)
			l2factor = native_l2factor + 8;
		fz_subsample_pixmap(ctx, tile, l2factor - native_l2factor);

	return tile;