Exemplo n.º 1
void deconv3(void *g, int gx, int gy, int gz, void *f, int fx, int fy, int fz, void *out) {
	double *g2 = unpack3(g, gx, gy, gz, gy, gz);
	double *f2 = unpack3(f, fx, fy, fz, gy, gz);

	double ff[(gx - fx + 1) * gy * gz];
	deconv(g2, gx * gy * gz, f2, fx * gy * gz, ff, gy * gz);
	pack3(ff, gx - fx + 1, gy, gz, gy - fy + 1, gz - fz + 1, out);

Exemplo n.º 2
void deconv2(void *g, int row_g, int col_g, void *f, int row_f, int col_f, void *out) {
	double *g2 = unpack2(g, row_g, col_g, col_g);
	double *f2 = unpack2(f, row_f, col_f, col_g);

	double ff[(row_g - row_f + 1) * col_g];
	deconv(g2, row_g * col_g, f2, row_f * col_g, ff, col_g);
	pack2(ff, row_g - row_f + 1, col_g, col_g - col_f + 1, out);

Exemplo n.º 3
void a2lsf(const double* lpc, int displacement, double* lsf, int nbLSF)
    // should test if lpc is minimum-phase
    int nbLPC = nbLSF + 1 - (displacement > 1 ? displacement : 1);
    int pLen = 1 + nbLPC + displacement;
    int qLen = pLen;
    double ak[pLen];
    ak[0] = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < nbLPC; i++)
        ak[i + 1] = lpc[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < displacement; i++)
        ak[1 + nbLPC + i] = 0;
    double rootR[pLen];
    double rootI[pLen];
    int nbRoots = 0;
    roots(ak, nbLPC + 1, rootR, rootI, &nbRoots);
    for (int i = 0; i < nbRoots; i++)
        if (pow2(rootR[i]) + pow2(rootI[i]) >= 1)
                    << "ERROR: try to compute LSF of polynomial which is not minimum-phase !"
                    << endl;

    // form the sum and difference filters
    double pk[pLen];
    double qk[qLen];
    for (int i = 0; i < pLen; i++)
        pk[i] = ak[i] + ak[pLen - 1 - i];
        qk[i] = ak[i] - ak[pLen - 1 - i];

    // If order is even, remove the known roots at z = -1 for P and z = 1 for Q
    // If odd, remove both the roots from Q
    if (pLen % 2 == 1)
        static double qFilt3[] =
        { 1, 0, -1 };
        deconv(qk, qLen, qFilt3, 3);
        qLen -= 2;
        static double pFilt2[] =
        { 1, 1 };
        static double qFilt2[] =
        { 1, -1 };
        deconv(pk, pLen, pFilt2, 2);
        deconv(qk, qLen, qFilt2, 2);

    // Compute the roots of the polynomials
    int rootIndex = 0;
    roots(pk, pLen, rootR, rootI, &nbRoots);
    for (int i = 0; i < nbRoots; i += 2)
        lsf[rootIndex++] = atan2(rootI[i], rootR[i]);
    roots(qk, qLen, rootR, rootI, &nbRoots);
    for (int i = 0; i < nbRoots; i += 2)
        lsf[rootIndex++] = atan2(rootI[i], rootR[i]);
    // sort lsfs
    std::sort(lsf, lsf + rootIndex);
    for (int i = rootIndex; i < nbLSF; i++)
        lsf[i] = 0;
    // Append the scaling parameter for Schussler LSF
    if (displacement == 0)
        lsf[nbLSF - 1] = pk[0];