Exemplo n.º 1
std::unique_ptr<CSSParserSelector> CSSSelectorParser::consumeCompoundSelector(
    CSSParserTokenRange& range) {
  std::unique_ptr<CSSParserSelector> compoundSelector;

  AtomicString namespacePrefix;
  AtomicString elementName;
  CSSSelector::PseudoType compoundPseudoElement = CSSSelector::PseudoUnknown;
  if (!consumeName(range, elementName, namespacePrefix)) {
    compoundSelector = consumeSimpleSelector(range);
    if (!compoundSelector)
      return nullptr;
    if (compoundSelector->match() == CSSSelector::PseudoElement)
      compoundPseudoElement = compoundSelector->pseudoType();
  if (m_context.isHTMLDocument())
    elementName = elementName.lower();

  while (std::unique_ptr<CSSParserSelector> simpleSelector =
             consumeSimpleSelector(range)) {
    // TODO([email protected]): crbug.com/578131
    // The UASheetMode check is a work-around to allow this selector in
    // mediaControls(New).css:
    // video::-webkit-media-text-track-region-container.scrolling
    if (m_context.mode() != UASheetMode &&
                                                 compoundPseudoElement)) {
      m_failedParsing = true;
      return nullptr;
    if (simpleSelector->match() == CSSSelector::PseudoElement)
      compoundPseudoElement = simpleSelector->pseudoType();

    if (compoundSelector)
      compoundSelector = addSimpleSelectorToCompound(
          std::move(compoundSelector), std::move(simpleSelector));
      compoundSelector = std::move(simpleSelector);

  if (!compoundSelector) {
    AtomicString namespaceURI = determineNamespace(namespacePrefix);
    if (namespaceURI.isNull()) {
      m_failedParsing = true;
      return nullptr;
    if (namespaceURI == defaultNamespace())
      namespacePrefix = nullAtom;
    return CSSParserSelector::create(
        QualifiedName(namespacePrefix, elementName, namespaceURI));
  prependTypeSelectorIfNeeded(namespacePrefix, elementName,
  return splitCompoundAtImplicitShadowCrossingCombinator(
Exemplo n.º 2
const AtomicString& CSSSelectorParser::determineNamespace(
    const AtomicString& prefix) {
  if (prefix.isNull())
    return defaultNamespace();
  if (prefix.isEmpty())
    return emptyAtom;  // No namespace. If an element/attribute has a namespace,
                       // we won't match it.
  if (prefix == starAtom)
    return starAtom;  // We'll match any namespace.
  if (!m_styleSheet)
    return nullAtom;  // Cannot resolve prefix to namespace without a
                      // stylesheet, syntax error.
  return m_styleSheet->namespaceURIFromPrefix(prefix);
Exemplo n.º 3
        Stmt* Parser::forStatement()
            Expr* init=NULL;
            Expr* lhs=NULL;
            uint32_t numbindings = 0;
            bool is_each = false;

            eat (T_For);
            if (hd() == T_Identifier && identValue() == compiler->SYM_each) {
                is_each = true;
            uint32_t pos = position();
            eat (T_LeftParen);
            if (hd() == T_Var)
                uint32_t dummy = 0;
                init = varBindings(&dummy, defaultNamespace(), false, false, EFLAG_NoIn, &numbindings, &lhs);
            else if (hd() == T_Semicolon)
                lhs = init = commaExpression(EFLAG_NoIn);
            if (match(T_In)) {
                if (numbindings > 1)
                    compiler->syntaxError(pos, SYNTAXERR_FOR_IN_ONEBINDING);

                Expr* objexpr = commaExpression(0);
                eat (T_RightParen);
                Stmt* body = statement();
                AvmAssert( lhs != NULL );
                return ALLOC(ForInStmt, (pos, lhs, init, objexpr, body, is_each));
            else {
                if (is_each)
                    compiler->syntaxError(pos, SYNTAXERR_FOR_EACH_REQS_IN);

                Expr* test = hd() == T_Semicolon ? NULL : commaExpression(0);
                Expr* update = hd() == T_RightParen ? NULL : commaExpression(0);
                Stmt* body = statement ();

                return ALLOC(ForStmt, (pos, init, test, update, body));
Exemplo n.º 4
void CSSSelectorParser::prependTypeSelectorIfNeeded(
    const AtomicString& namespacePrefix,
    const AtomicString& elementName,
    CSSParserSelector* compoundSelector) {
  if (elementName.isNull() && defaultNamespace() == starAtom &&

  AtomicString determinedElementName =
      elementName.isNull() ? starAtom : elementName;
  AtomicString namespaceURI = determineNamespace(namespacePrefix);
  if (namespaceURI.isNull()) {
    m_failedParsing = true;
  AtomicString determinedPrefix = namespacePrefix;
  if (namespaceURI == defaultNamespace())
    determinedPrefix = nullAtom;
  QualifiedName tag =
      QualifiedName(determinedPrefix, determinedElementName, namespaceURI);

  // *:host/*:host-context never matches, so we can't discard the *,
  // otherwise we can't tell the difference between *:host and just :host.
  // Also, selectors where we use a ShadowPseudo combinator between the
  // element and the pseudo element for matching (custom pseudo elements,
  // ::cue, ::shadow), we need a universal selector to set the combinator
  // (relation) on in the cases where there are no simple selectors preceding
  // the pseudo element.
  bool explicitForHost =
      compoundSelector->isHostPseudoSelector() && !elementName.isNull();
  if (tag != anyQName() || explicitForHost ||
        tag, determinedPrefix == nullAtom &&
                 determinedElementName == starAtom && !explicitForHost);