Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc,char **argv)

	ros::NodeHandle nh;

	ros::Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("/scan", 10, &scanMessageReceived);
	ros::Subscriber sub_pose = nh.subscribe("/amcl_pose", 10, &poseMessageReceived);
	commandPub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/cmd_vel", 10);

	// Creating a message of type 'geometry_msgs'.
	geometry_msgs::Twist msgFor;
	//Assigning the linear and angular velocities.
	msgFor.linear.x = FORWARD_SPEED_MPS;
	msgFor.angular.z = 0;

	// Creating a message of type 'geometry_msgs'.
	geometry_msgs::Twist msgRot;
	//Assigning the linear and angular velocities.
	msgRot.linear.x = 0;
	msgRot.angular.z = ROTATE_SPEED_RADPS;

	//Set the loop at 10 HZ
	ros::Rate rate(10);

	while (ros::ok())
			case 0:



			case 1:

			rotate( degrees2radians(10), degrees2radians(rand() % 180 + 91), rand() % 2);


			case 2:

				// ROS_INFO("Covariance value: %f  %f  %d", volume, t2 - t1, flag);



				ROS_INFO("Error!! the code shouldn't arrive here.");

		if(state == 2)

		ros::spinOnce();//Call this function to process ROS incoming messages.

		rate.sleep();//Sleep the rest of the cycle until 10 Hz
Exemplo n.º 2
// COMPUTE ======================================
MStatus gear_rollSplineKine::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)

	MStatus returnStatus;
	// Error check
    if (plug != output)
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	// Get inputs matrices ------------------------------
	// Inputs Parent
	MArrayDataHandle adh = data.inputArrayValue( ctlParent );
	int count = adh.elementCount();
	if (count < 1)
		return MS::kFailure;
	MMatrixArray inputsP(count);
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		inputsP[i] = adh.inputValue().asMatrix();

	// Inputs
	adh = data.inputArrayValue( inputs );
	if (count != adh.elementCount())
		return MS::kFailure;
	MMatrixArray inputs(count);
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		inputs[i] = adh.inputValue().asMatrix();

	adh = data.inputArrayValue( inputsRoll );
	if (count != adh.elementCount())
		return MS::kFailure;
	MDoubleArray roll(adh.elementCount());
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		roll[i] = degrees2radians((double)adh.inputValue().asFloat());

	// Output Parent
	MDataHandle ha = data.inputValue( outputParent );
	MMatrix outputParent = ha.asMatrix();
    // Get inputs sliders -------------------------------
    double in_u = (double)data.inputValue( u ).asFloat();
    bool in_resample = data.inputValue( resample ).asBool();
    int in_subdiv = data.inputValue( subdiv ).asShort();
    bool in_absolute = data.inputValue( absolute ).asBool();
    // Process ------------------------------------------
    // Get roll, pos, tan, rot, scl
    MVectorArray pos(count);
    MVectorArray tan(count);
	MQuaternion *rot;
	rot = new MQuaternion[count];
    MVectorArray scl(count);
	double threeDoubles[3];
	for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++){
		MTransformationMatrix tp(inputsP[i]);
		MTransformationMatrix t(inputs[i]);
		pos[i] = t.getTranslation(MSpace::kWorld);
		rot[i] = tp.rotation();

		t.getScale(threeDoubles, MSpace::kWorld);
		scl[i] = MVector(threeDoubles[0], threeDoubles[1], threeDoubles[2]);
		tan[i] = MVector(threeDoubles[0] * 2.5, 0, 0).rotateBy(t.rotation());
    // Get step and indexes
    // We define between wich controlers the object is to be able to
    // calculate the bezier 4 points front this 2 objects
	double step = 1.0 / max( 1, count-1.0 );
	int index1 = (int)min( count-2.0, in_u/step );
	int index2 = index1+1;
	int index1temp = index1;
	int index2temp = index2;
	double v = (in_u - step * double(index1)) / step;
	double vtemp = v;
   // calculate the bezier
   MVector bezierPos;
   MVector xAxis, yAxis, zAxis;
      // straight bezier solve
      MVectorArray results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],v);
      bezierPos = results[0];
      xAxis = results[1];
   else if(!in_absolute){
      MVectorArray presample(in_subdiv);
      MVectorArray presampletan(in_subdiv);
      MDoubleArray samplelen(in_subdiv);
      double samplestep = 1.0 / double(in_subdiv-1);
      double sampleu = samplestep;
      presample[0]  = pos[index1];
      presampletan[0]  = tan[index1];
      MVector prevsample(presample[0]);
      MVector diff;
      samplelen[0] = 0;
      double overalllen = 0;
      MVectorArray results(2);
      for(long i=1;i<in_subdiv;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],sampleu);
         presample[i] = results[0];
         presampletan[i] = results[1];
		 diff = presample[i] - prevsample;
		 overalllen += diff.length();
         samplelen[i] = overalllen;
         prevsample = presample[i];
      // now as we have the
      sampleu = 0;
      for(long i=0;i<in_subdiv-1;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         samplelen[i+1] = samplelen[i+1] / overalllen;
         if(v>=samplelen[i] && v <=  samplelen[i+1]){
            v = (v - samplelen[i]) / (samplelen[i+1] - samplelen[i]);
			bezierPos = linearInterpolate(presample[i],presample[i+1],v);
			xAxis = linearInterpolate(presampletan[i],presampletan[i+1],v);
      MVectorArray presample(in_subdiv);
      MVectorArray presampletan(in_subdiv);
      MDoubleArray samplelen(in_subdiv);
      double samplestep = 1.0 / double(in_subdiv-1);
      double sampleu = samplestep;
      presample[0]  = pos[0];
      presampletan[0]  = tan[0];
      MVector prevsample(presample[0]);
      MVector diff;
      samplelen[0] = 0;
      double overalllen = 0;
      MVectorArray results;
      for(long i=1;i<in_subdiv;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         index1 = (int)min(count-2,sampleu / step);
         index2 = index1+1;
         v = (sampleu - step * double(index1)) / step;
         results = bezier4point(pos[index1],tan[index1],pos[index2],tan[index2],v);
         presample[i] = results[0];
         presampletan[i] = results[1];
		 diff = presample[i] - prevsample;
		 overalllen += diff.length();
         samplelen[i] = overalllen;
         prevsample = presample[i];
      // now as we have the
      sampleu = 0;
      for(long i=0;i<in_subdiv-1;i++,sampleu+=samplestep){
         samplelen[i+1] = samplelen[i+1] / overalllen;
         if(in_u>=samplelen[i] && in_u <= samplelen[i+1]){
            in_u = (in_u - samplelen[i]) / (samplelen[i+1] - samplelen[i]);
			bezierPos = linearInterpolate(presample[i],presample[i+1],in_u);
			xAxis = linearInterpolate(presampletan[i],presampletan[i+1],in_u);

	// compute the scaling (straight interpolation!)
	MVector scl1 = linearInterpolate(scl[index1temp], scl[index2temp],vtemp);

	// compute the rotation!
	MQuaternion q = slerp(rot[index1temp], rot[index2temp], vtemp);
	yAxis = MVector(0,1,0);
	yAxis = yAxis.rotateBy(q);
	// use directly or project the roll values!
	// print roll
	double a = linearInterpolate(roll[index1temp], roll[index2temp], vtemp);
	yAxis = yAxis.rotateBy( MQuaternion(xAxis.x * sin(a/2.0), xAxis.y * sin(a/2.0), xAxis.z * sin(a/2.0), cos(a/2.0)));
	zAxis = xAxis ^ yAxis;
	yAxis = zAxis ^ xAxis;

	// Output -------------------------------------------
	MTransformationMatrix result;

	// translation
	result.setTranslation(bezierPos, MSpace::kWorld);
	// rotation
	q = getQuaternionFromAxes(xAxis,yAxis,zAxis);
	result.setRotationQuaternion(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w);
	// scaling
	threeDoubles[0] = 1;
	threeDoubles[0] = scl1.y;
	threeDoubles[0] = scl1.z;
	result.setScale(threeDoubles, MSpace::kWorld);

	MDataHandle h = data.outputValue( output );
	h.setMMatrix( result.asMatrix() * outputParent.inverse() );

	data.setClean( plug );

	return MS::kSuccess;