Exemplo n.º 1
bool Utils::deleteDir(const QString& dirPath)
    QDir dir(dirPath);
    if (!dir.exists())
        return false;

    dir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks);

    QFileInfoList infoList = dir.entryInfoList();
    if (infoList.isEmpty())
        return false;

    QFileInfoList::iterator it = infoList.begin();
    QFileInfo fi;

    while( it != infoList.end() )
        fi = *it;
        if(fi.fileName() == "." || fi.fileName() == ".." )

        if( fi.isDir() )
        else if( fi.isFile() )


    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Function removes a directory if directory exists  
int rmdir()
   int valid = 0;
   Node* current = NULL;
   Node* pPrev = NULL;
   Node* pParent = NULL;
   pParent = findNode();
   valid = invalidPathError(pParent);
   if(!valid) {return 0;};
   // Find dir from parent node
   current = pParent->childPtr;
   while(current != NULL && strcmp(current->name, basename) != 0)
      pPrev = current;
      current = current->siblingPtr;
      printf("Error: Directory does not exist\n");
      return 0;
   valid = invalidFileTypeError(current, 'D');
   if(!valid) {return 0;}
   if(pParent->childPtr == current)
      pParent->childPtr = current->siblingPtr;
      printf("Parent = %s, child = %s, sibling = %s\n", pParent->name, current->name, current->siblingPtr->name); //For testing
      pPrev->siblingPtr = current->siblingPtr;

   //Directory has been found so delete it and everything within it
   return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
void PsUpdateDownloader::unpackUpdate() {
    QByteArray packed;
	if (!outputFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
		LOG(("Update Error: cant read updates file!"));
		return fatalFail();
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN // use Lzma SDK for win
	const int32 hSigLen = 128, hShaLen = 20, hPropsLen = LZMA_PROPS_SIZE, hOriginalSizeLen = sizeof(int32), hSize = hSigLen + hShaLen + hPropsLen + hOriginalSizeLen; // header
	const int32 hSigLen = 128, hShaLen = 20, hPropsLen = 0, hOriginalSizeLen = sizeof(int32), hSize = hSigLen + hShaLen + hOriginalSizeLen; // header
	QByteArray compressed = outputFile.readAll();
	int32 compressedLen = compressed.size() - hSize;
	if (compressedLen <= 0) {
		LOG(("Update Error: bad compressed size: %1").arg(compressed.size()));
		return fatalFail();

	QString tempDirPath = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp"), readyDirPath = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/ready");

	QDir tempDir(tempDirPath), readyDir(readyDirPath);
	if (tempDir.exists() || readyDir.exists()) {
		LOG(("Update Error: cant clear tupdates/temp or tupdates/ready dir!"));
		return fatalFail();

	uchar sha1Buffer[20];
	bool goodSha1 = !memcmp(compressed.constData() + hSigLen, hashSha1(compressed.constData() + hSigLen + hShaLen, compressedLen + hPropsLen + hOriginalSizeLen, sha1Buffer), hShaLen);
	if (!goodSha1) {
		LOG(("Update Error: bad SHA1 hash of update file!"));
		return fatalFail();

	RSA *pbKey = PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey(BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast<char*>(UpdatesPublicKey), -1), 0, 0, 0);
	if (!pbKey) {
		LOG(("Update Error: cant read public rsa key!"));
		return fatalFail();
    if (RSA_verify(NID_sha1, (const uchar*)(compressed.constData() + hSigLen), hShaLen, (const uchar*)(compressed.constData()), hSigLen, pbKey) != 1) { // verify signature
		LOG(("Update Error: bad RSA signature of update file!"));
		return fatalFail();

	QByteArray uncompressed;

	int32 uncompressedLen;
	memcpy(&uncompressedLen, compressed.constData() + hSigLen + hShaLen + hPropsLen, hOriginalSizeLen);

	size_t resultLen = uncompressed.size();
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN // use Lzma SDK for win
	SizeT srcLen = compressedLen;
	int uncompressRes = LzmaUncompress((uchar*)uncompressed.data(), &resultLen, (const uchar*)(compressed.constData() + hSize), &srcLen, (const uchar*)(compressed.constData() + hSigLen + hShaLen), LZMA_PROPS_SIZE);
	if (uncompressRes != SZ_OK) {
		LOG(("Update Error: could not uncompress lzma, code: %1").arg(uncompressRes));
		return fatalFail();
	lzma_stream stream = LZMA_STREAM_INIT;

	lzma_ret ret = lzma_stream_decoder(&stream, UINT64_MAX, LZMA_CONCATENATED);
	if (ret != LZMA_OK) {
		const char *msg;
		switch (ret) {
			case LZMA_MEM_ERROR: msg = "Memory allocation failed"; break;
			case LZMA_OPTIONS_ERROR: msg = "Specified preset is not supported"; break;
			case LZMA_UNSUPPORTED_CHECK: msg = "Specified integrity check is not supported"; break;
			default: msg = "Unknown error, possibly a bug"; break;
		LOG(("Error initializing the decoder: %1 (error code %2)").arg(msg).arg(ret));
		return fatalFail();

	stream.avail_in = compressedLen;
	stream.next_in = (uint8_t*)(compressed.constData() + hSize);
	stream.avail_out = resultLen;
	stream.next_out = (uint8_t*)uncompressed.data();

	lzma_ret res = lzma_code(&stream, LZMA_FINISH);
	if (stream.avail_in) {
		LOG(("Error in decompression, %1 bytes left in _in of %2 whole.").arg(stream.avail_in).arg(compressedLen));
		return fatalFail();
	} else if (stream.avail_out) {
		LOG(("Error in decompression, %1 bytes free left in _out of %2 whole.").arg(stream.avail_out).arg(resultLen));
		return fatalFail();
	if (res != LZMA_OK && res != LZMA_STREAM_END) {
		const char *msg;
		switch (res) {
			case LZMA_MEM_ERROR: msg = "Memory allocation failed"; break;
			case LZMA_FORMAT_ERROR: msg = "The input data is not in the .xz format"; break;
			case LZMA_OPTIONS_ERROR: msg = "Unsupported compression options"; break;
			case LZMA_DATA_ERROR: msg = "Compressed file is corrupt"; break;
			case LZMA_BUF_ERROR: msg = "Compressed data is truncated or otherwise corrupt"; break;
			default: msg = "Unknown error, possibly a bug"; break;
		LOG(("Error in decompression: %1 (error code %2)").arg(msg).arg(res));
		return fatalFail();


	quint32 version;
		QBuffer buffer(&uncompressed);
		QDataStream stream(&buffer);

		stream >> version;
		if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) {
			LOG(("Update Error: cant read version from downloaded stream, status: %1").arg(stream.status()));
			return fatalFail();
		if (version <= AppVersion) {
			LOG(("Update Error: downloaded version %1 is not greater, than mine %2").arg(version).arg(AppVersion));
			return fatalFail();

		quint32 filesCount;
		stream >> filesCount;
		if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) {
			LOG(("Update Error: cant read files count from downloaded stream, status: %1").arg(stream.status()));
			return fatalFail();
		if (!filesCount) {
			LOG(("Update Error: update is empty!"));
			return fatalFail();
		for (uint32 i = 0; i < filesCount; ++i) {
			QString relativeName;
			quint32 fileSize;
			QByteArray fileInnerData;
			bool executable = false;

			stream >> relativeName >> fileSize >> fileInnerData;
#if defined Q_OS_MAC || defined Q_OS_LINUX
			stream >> executable;
			if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) {
				LOG(("Update Error: cant read file from downloaded stream, status: %1").arg(stream.status()));
				return fatalFail();
			if (fileSize != quint32(fileInnerData.size())) {
				LOG(("Update Error: bad file size %1 not matching data size %2").arg(fileSize).arg(fileInnerData.size()));
				return fatalFail();

			QFile f(tempDirPath + '/' + relativeName);
			if (!QDir().mkpath(QFileInfo(f).absolutePath())) {
				LOG(("Update Error: cant mkpath for file '%1'").arg(tempDirPath + '/' + relativeName));
				return fatalFail();
			if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
				LOG(("Update Error: cant open file '%1' for writing").arg(tempDirPath + '/' + relativeName));
				return fatalFail();
			if (f.write(fileInnerData) != fileSize) {
				LOG(("Update Error: cant write file '%1'").arg(tempDirPath + '/' + relativeName));
				return fatalFail();
			if (executable) {
				QFileDevice::Permissions p = f.permissions();
				p |= QFileDevice::ExeOwner | QFileDevice::ExeUser | QFileDevice::ExeGroup | QFileDevice::ExeOther;

		// create tdata/version file
		tempDir.mkdir(QDir(tempDirPath + qsl("/tdata")).absolutePath());
		std::wstring versionString = ((version % 1000) ? QString("%1.%2.%3").arg(int(version / 1000000)).arg(int((version % 1000000) / 1000)).arg(int(version % 1000)) : QString("%1.%2").arg(int(version / 1000000)).arg(int((version % 1000000) / 1000))).toStdWString();

		VerInt versionNum = VerInt(version), versionLen = VerInt(versionString.size() * sizeof(VerChar));
		VerChar versionStr[32];
		memcpy(versionStr, versionString.c_str(), versionLen);

		QFile fVersion(tempDirPath + qsl("/tdata/version"));
		if (!fVersion.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
			LOG(("Update Error: cant write version file '%1'").arg(tempDirPath + qsl("/version")));
			return fatalFail();
		fVersion.write((const char*)&versionNum, sizeof(VerInt));
		fVersion.write((const char*)&versionLen, sizeof(VerInt));
		fVersion.write((const char*)&versionStr[0], versionLen);

	if (!tempDir.rename(tempDir.absolutePath(), readyDir.absolutePath())) {
		LOG(("Update Error: cant rename temp dir '%1' to ready dir '%2'").arg(tempDir.absolutePath()).arg(readyDir.absolutePath()));
		return fatalFail();

    emit App::app()->updateReady();
Exemplo n.º 4
void PsUpdateDownloader::clearAll() {
	deleteDir(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates"));
Exemplo n.º 5
    foreach (QString dirPath, sTempDirToCleanUp)
        qWarning() << "will delete" << dirPath;

Exemplo n.º 6
Desktopwidget::Desktopwidget (QWidget *parent)
      : QSplitter (parent)
   _model = new Dirmodel ();
//    _model->setLazyChildCount (true);
   _dir = new Dirview (this);
   _dir->setModel (_model);

   _contents = new Desktopmodel (this);

   QWidget *group = createToolbar();

   _view = new Desktopview (group);
   QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout (group);
   lay->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);
   lay->setSpacing (2);
   lay->addWidget (_toolbar);
   lay->addWidget (_view);

   connect (_view, SIGNAL (itemPreview (const QModelIndex &, int, bool)),
         this, SLOT (slotItemPreview (const QModelIndex &, int, bool)));

#ifdef USE_PROXY
   _proxy = new Desktopproxy (this);
   _proxy->setSourceModel (_contents);
   _view->setModel (_proxy);
//    printf ("contents=%p, proxy=%p\n", _contents, _proxy);

   // set up the model converter
   _modelconv = new Desktopmodelconv (_contents, _proxy);

   // setup another one for Desktopmodel, which only allows assertions
   _modelconv_assert = new Desktopmodelconv (_contents, _proxy, false);
   _proxy = 0;
   _view->setModel (_contents);
   _modelconv = new Desktopmodelconv (_contents);

   // setup another one for Desktopmodel, which only allows assertions
   _modelconv_assert = new Desktopmodelconv (_contents, false);

   _view->setModelConv (_modelconv);

   _contents->setModelConv (_modelconv_assert);

   _delegate = new Desktopdelegate (_modelconv, this);
   _view->setItemDelegate (_delegate);
   connect (_delegate, SIGNAL (itemClicked (const QModelIndex &, int)),
         this, SLOT (slotItemClicked (const QModelIndex &, int)));
   connect (_delegate, SIGNAL (itemPreview (const QModelIndex &, int, bool)),
         this, SLOT (slotItemPreview (const QModelIndex &, int, bool)));
   connect (_delegate, SIGNAL (itemDoubleClicked (const QModelIndex &)),
      this, SLOT (openStack (const QModelIndex &)));

   connect (_contents, SIGNAL (undoChanged ()),
      this, SIGNAL (undoChanged ()));
   connect (_contents, SIGNAL (dirChanged (QString&, QModelIndex&)),
      this, SLOT (slotDirChanged (QString&, QModelIndex&)));
   connect (_contents, SIGNAL (beginningScan (const QModelIndex &)),
      this, SLOT (slotBeginningScan (const QModelIndex &)));
   connect (_contents, SIGNAL (endingScan (bool)),
      this, SLOT (slotEndingScan (bool)));
   connect (_contents, SIGNAL(updateRepositoryList (QString &, bool)),
            this, SLOT(slotUpdateRepositoryList (QString &, bool)));

    // position the items when the model is reset, otherwise things
    // move and look ugly for a while
    connect (_contents, SIGNAL (modelReset ()), _view, SLOT (setPositions ()));


   // and when there are no selected items
   connect (_view, SIGNAL (pageLost()), _page, SLOT (slotReset ()));

   _parent = parent;
   _pendingMatch = QString::null;
   _updating = false;

   // setup the preview timer
   _timer = new QTimer ();
   _timer->setSingleShot (true);
   connect (_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updatePreview()));

   connect (_dir, SIGNAL (clicked (const QModelIndex&)),
            this, SLOT (dirSelected (const QModelIndex&)));
   connect (_dir, SIGNAL (activated (const QModelIndex&)),
            this, SLOT (dirSelected (const QModelIndex&)));
   connect (_model, SIGNAL(droppedOnFolder(const QMimeData *, QString &)),
            this, SLOT(slotDroppedOnFolder(const QMimeData *, QString &)));

   /* notice when the current directory is fully displayed so we can handle
      any pending action */
   connect (_contents, SIGNAL (updateDone()), this, SLOT (slotUpdateDone()));

   // connect signals from the directory tree
   connect (_dir->_new, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (newDir ()));
   connect (_dir->_rename, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (renameDir ()));
   connect (_dir->_delete, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (deleteDir ()));
   connect (_dir->_refresh, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (refreshDir ()));
   connect (_dir->_add_recent, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this,
            SLOT (addToRecent ()));
   connect (_dir->_add_repository, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this,
            SLOT (slotAddRepository ()));
   connect (_dir->_remove_repository, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this,
            SLOT (slotRemoveRepository ()));

   setStretchFactor(indexOf(_dir), 0);

   QList<int> size;

   if (!getSettingsSizes ("desktopwidget/", size))
      size.append (200);
      size.append (1000);
      size.append (400);
   setSizes (size);

   connect (_view, SIGNAL (popupMenu (QModelIndex &)),
         this, SLOT (slotPopupMenu (QModelIndex &)));

   // allow top level to see our view messages
   connect (_view, SIGNAL (newContents (QString)), this, SIGNAL (newContents (QString)));


   /* unfortunately when we first run maxview it starts with the main window
      un-maximised. This means that scrollToLast() doesn't quite scroll far
      enough for the maximised view which appears soon afterwards. As a hack
      for the moment, we do another scroll 1 second after starting up */
   QTimer::singleShot(1000, _view, SLOT (scrollToLast()));
Exemplo n.º 7
bool GameManager::InstallGame(std::string zipfile, bool deleteAfter) {
	if (installInProgress_) {
		ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Cannot have two installs in progress at the same time");
		return false;

	installInProgress_ = true;

	std::string pspGame = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_GAME);
	INFO_LOG(HLE, "Installing %s into %s", zipfile.c_str(), pspGame.c_str());

	if (!File::Exists(zipfile)) {
		ERROR_LOG(HLE, "ZIP file %s doesn't exist", zipfile.c_str());
		return false;

	int error;
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
	struct zip *z = zip_open(ConvertUTF8ToWString(zipfile).c_str(), 0, &error);
#elif defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
	// If zipfile is non-ascii, this may not function correctly. Other options?
	struct zip *z = zip_open(std::wstring(zipfile.begin(), zipfile.end()).c_str(), 0, &error);
	struct zip *z = zip_open(zipfile.c_str(), 0, &error);
	if (!z) {
		ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Failed to open ZIP file %s, error code=%i", zipfile.c_str(), error);
		return false;

	int numFiles = zip_get_num_files(z);

	// First, find all the directories, and precreate them before we fill in with files.
	// Also, verify that this is a PSP zip file with the correct layout.
	bool isPSP = false;
	int stripChars = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
		const char *fn = zip_get_name(z, i, 0);
		std::string zippedName = fn;
		if (zippedName.find("EBOOT.PBP") != std::string::npos) {
			int slashCount = 0;
			int lastSlashLocation = -1;
			int slashLocation = -1;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < zippedName.size(); i++) {
				if (zippedName[i] == '/') {
					slashLocation = lastSlashLocation;
					lastSlashLocation = (int)i;
			if (slashCount >= 1 && (!isPSP || slashLocation < stripChars + 1)) {
				stripChars = slashLocation + 1;
				isPSP = true;
			} else {
				INFO_LOG(HLE, "Wrong number of slashes (%i) in %s", slashCount, zippedName.c_str());

	if (!isPSP) {
		ERROR_LOG(HLE, "File not a PSP game, no EBOOT.PBP found.");
		installProgress_ = 0.0f;
		installInProgress_ = false;
		installError_ = "Not a PSP game";
		return false;

	size_t allBytes = 0, bytesCopied = 0;

	// Create all the directories in one pass
	std::set<std::string> createdDirs;
	for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
		const char *fn = zip_get_name(z, i, 0);
		std::string zippedName = fn;
		std::string outFilename = pspGame + zippedName.substr(stripChars);
		bool isDir = *outFilename.rbegin() == '/';
		if (!isDir && outFilename.find("/") != std::string::npos) {
			outFilename = outFilename.substr(0, outFilename.rfind('/'));
		if (createdDirs.find(outFilename) == createdDirs.end()) {
		if (!isDir && strchr(fn, '/') != 0) {
			struct zip_stat zstat;
			if (zip_stat_index(z, i, 0, &zstat) >= 0) {
				allBytes += zstat.size;

	// Now, loop through again in a second pass, writing files.
	std::vector<std::string> createdFiles;
	for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
		const char *fn = zip_get_name(z, i, 0);
		// Note that we do NOT write files that are not in a directory, to avoid random
		// README files etc.
		if (strchr(fn, '/') != 0) {
			struct zip_stat zstat;
			zip_stat_index(z, i, 0, &zstat);
			size_t size = zstat.size;

			fn += stripChars;

			std::string outFilename = pspGame + fn;
			bool isDir = *outFilename.rbegin() == '/';
			if (isDir)

			if (i < 10) {
				INFO_LOG(HLE, "Writing %i bytes to %s", (int)size, outFilename.c_str());

			zip_file *zf = zip_fopen_index(z, i, 0);
			FILE *f = fopen(outFilename.c_str(), "wb");
			if (f) {
				size_t pos = 0;
				const size_t blockSize = 1024 * 128;
				u8 *buffer = new u8[blockSize];
				while (pos < size) {
					size_t bs = std::min(blockSize, pos - size);
					zip_fread(zf, buffer, bs);
					size_t written = fwrite(buffer, 1, bs, f);
					if (written != bs) {
						ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Wrote %i bytes out of %i - Disk full?", (int)written, (int)bs);
						delete [] buffer;
						buffer = 0;
						// Yes it's a goto. Sue me. I think it's appropriate here.
						goto bail;
					pos += bs;

					bytesCopied += bs;
					installProgress_ = (float)bytesCopied / (float)allBytes;
					// printf("Progress: %f\n", installProgress_);
				delete [] buffer;
			} else {
				ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Failed to open file for writing");
	INFO_LOG(HLE, "Extracted %i files (%i bytes / %i).", numFiles, (int)bytesCopied, (int)allBytes);

	z = 0;
	installProgress_ = 1.0f;
	installInProgress_ = false;
	installError_ = "";
	if (deleteAfter) {
	return true;

	// We end up here if disk is full or couldn't write to storage for some other reason.
	installProgress_ = 0.0f;
	installInProgress_ = false;
	installError_ = "Storage full";
	if (deleteAfter) {
	for (size_t i = 0; i < createdFiles.size(); i++) {
	for (auto iter = createdDirs.begin(); iter != createdDirs.end(); ++iter) {
	return false;
	int IPC_deleteDir(const int year, const int month, const int day)
		char prefix[1024] = {0};
		(void)snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "%s/%d/%d/%d/", __ystNum, year, month, day);
		return deleteDir(__bucket, prefix);
Exemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char *argv[])	//Connecting to Server (SOCKET)
    int sockfd, portno, n;
    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
    struct hostent *server;

    if (argc < 3) {
		fprintf(stderr,"usage %s hostname port\n", argv[0]);
    portno = atoi(argv[2]);
    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (sockfd < 0) 
        error("ERROR opening socket");
    server = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
    if (server == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, no such host\n");
    bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    bcopy((char *)server->h_addr, 
		(char *)&serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
	if (connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) 
		error("ERROR connecting");

    printf("\n~~~~~  File Repository System  ~~~~~");

    int count = 0;
    while(count == 0){	//Getting Client's choice
		//printf("\n\n1.Create 2.Download 3.Send 4.Delete 5.Exit : ");
		printf("\n\nFile:      1.Send     2.Download   3.Create   4.Delete");
		printf("\nDirectory: 5.Create   6.Delete     7.Copy     8.Exit : ");
		char buffer[256];
		printf("\nPlease insert your choice: ");
		char input[256];
		strcpy(input, buffer);
		//Sending Client's choice to Server
		int datalen = strlen(buffer);
		int tmp = htonl(datalen);
		n = write(sockfd, (char*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
		if(n < 0) error("ERROR writing to socket");
		n = write(sockfd,buffer,datalen);
		if (n < 0) error("ERROR writing to socket");

		if((strcmp(input, "1\n")) == 0){	//Client send file to Server
		   count = 0;
		else if((strcmp(input, "2\n")) == 0){	//Client download file from Server
		   count = 0;
		else if((strcmp(input, "3\n")) == 0){	//Client create file to Server
		   count = 1;
		else if((strcmp(input, "4\n")) == 0){	//Client delete file to Server
		   count = 1;
		else if((strcmp(input, "5\n")) == 0){	//Create directory on client-site
		   count = 1;
		else if((strcmp(input, "6\n")) == 0){	//Delete directory on client-site
		   count = 1;
		else if((strcmp(input, "7\n")) == 0){	//Copy directory on client-site
		   count = 1;
		else if((strcmp(input, "8\n")) == 0){	//Client disconnect from Server
		   printf("\nWrong input, please try again.");	//Invalid input from Client
		   count = 0;
    printf("\n~~ Process End.\n~~ Disconnected from the Server.\n\n");
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
void deleteDirOrDie(char *dirname) {
  if(!deleteDir(dirname)) {
Exemplo n.º 11
mitk::DataStorage::Pointer mitk::SceneIO::LoadScene( const std::string& filename,
                                                     DataStorage* pStorage,
                                                     bool clearStorageFirst )
  // prepare data storage
  DataStorage::Pointer storage = pStorage;
  if ( storage.IsNull() )
    storage = StandaloneDataStorage::New().GetPointer();

  if ( clearStorageFirst )
      storage->Remove( storage->GetAll() );
      MITK_ERROR << "DataStorage cannot be cleared properly.";

  // test input filename
  if ( filename.empty() )
    MITK_ERROR << "No filename given. Not possible to load scene.";
    return NULL;

  // test if filename can be read
  std::ifstream file( filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary );
  if (!file.good())
    MITK_ERROR << "Cannot open '" << filename << "' for reading";
    return NULL;

  // get new temporary directory
  m_WorkingDirectory = CreateEmptyTempDirectory();
  if (m_WorkingDirectory.empty())
    MITK_ERROR << "Could not create temporary directory. Cannot open scene files.";
    return NULL;

  // unzip all filenames contents to temp dir
  m_UnzipErrors = 0;
  Poco::Zip::Decompress unzipper( file, Poco::Path( m_WorkingDirectory ) );
  unzipper.EError += Poco::Delegate<SceneIO, std::pair<const Poco::Zip::ZipLocalFileHeader, const std::string> >(this, &SceneIO::OnUnzipError);
  unzipper.EOk    += Poco::Delegate<SceneIO, std::pair<const Poco::Zip::ZipLocalFileHeader, const Poco::Path> >(this, &SceneIO::OnUnzipOk);
  unzipper.EError -= Poco::Delegate<SceneIO, std::pair<const Poco::Zip::ZipLocalFileHeader, const std::string> >(this, &SceneIO::OnUnzipError);
  unzipper.EOk    -= Poco::Delegate<SceneIO, std::pair<const Poco::Zip::ZipLocalFileHeader, const Poco::Path> >(this, &SceneIO::OnUnzipOk);

  if ( m_UnzipErrors )
    MITK_ERROR << "There were " << m_UnzipErrors << " errors unzipping '" << filename << "'. Will attempt to read whatever could be unzipped.";

  // test if index.xml exists
  // parse index.xml with TinyXML
  TiXmlDocument document( m_WorkingDirectory + Poco::Path::separator() + "index.xml" );
  if (!document.LoadFile())
    MITK_ERROR << "Could not open/read/parse " << m_WorkingDirectory << "/index.xml\nTinyXML reports: " << document.ErrorDesc() << std::endl;
    return NULL;

  SceneReader::Pointer reader = SceneReader::New();
  if ( !reader->LoadScene( document, m_WorkingDirectory, storage ) )
    MITK_ERROR << "There were errors while loading scene file " << filename << ". Your data may be corrupted";

  // delete temp directory
    Poco::File deleteDir( m_WorkingDirectory );
    deleteDir.remove(true); // recursive
    MITK_ERROR << "Could not delete temporary directory " << m_WorkingDirectory;

  // return new data storage, even if empty or uncomplete (return as much as possible but notify calling method)
  return storage;

Exemplo n.º 12
bool mitk::SceneIO::SaveScene( DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer sceneNodes, const DataStorage* storage,
                                           const std::string& filename)
  if (!sceneNodes)
    MITK_ERROR << "No set of nodes given. Not possible to save scene.";
    return false;
  if (!storage)
    MITK_ERROR << "No data storage given. Not possible to save scene.";  // \TODO: Technically, it would be possible to save the nodes without their relation
    return false;

  if ( filename.empty() )
    MITK_ERROR << "No filename given. Not possible to save scene.";
    return false;


    m_FailedNodes = DataStorage::SetOfObjects::New();
    m_FailedProperties = PropertyList::New();

    // start XML DOM
    TiXmlDocument document;
    TiXmlDeclaration* decl = new TiXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "UTF-8", "" ); // TODO what to write here? encoding? standalone would mean that we provide a DTD somewhere...
    document.LinkEndChild( decl );

    TiXmlElement* version = new TiXmlElement("Version");
    version->SetAttribute("Writer",  __FILE__ );
    version->SetAttribute("Revision",  "$Revision: 17055 $" );
    version->SetAttribute("FileVersion",  1 );

    //DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer sceneNodes = storage->GetSubset( predicate );

    if ( sceneNodes.IsNull() )
      MITK_WARN << "Saving empty scene to " << filename;
      if ( sceneNodes->size() == 0 )
        MITK_WARN << "Saving empty scene to " << filename;

    MITK_INFO << "Storing scene with " << sceneNodes->size() << " objects to " << filename;

      m_WorkingDirectory = CreateEmptyTempDirectory();
      if (m_WorkingDirectory.empty())
        MITK_ERROR << "Could not create temporary directory. Cannot create scene files.";
        return false;

      ProgressBar::GetInstance()->AddStepsToDo( sceneNodes->size() );

      // find out about dependencies
      typedef std::map< DataNode*, std::string > UIDMapType;
      typedef std::map< DataNode*, std::list<std::string> > SourcesMapType;

      UIDMapType nodeUIDs;              // for dependencies: ID of each node
      SourcesMapType sourceUIDs; // for dependencies: IDs of a node's parent nodes

      UIDGenerator nodeUIDGen("OBJECT_");

      for (DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator iter = sceneNodes->begin();
           iter != sceneNodes->end();
        DataNode* node = iter->GetPointer();
        if (!node)
          continue; // unlikely event that we get a NULL pointer as an object for saving. just ignore

        // generate UIDs for all source objects
        DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer sourceObjects = storage->GetSources( node );
        for ( mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator sourceIter = sourceObjects->begin();
              sourceIter != sourceObjects->end();
              ++sourceIter )
          if ( std::find( sceneNodes->begin(), sceneNodes->end(), *sourceIter ) == sceneNodes->end() )
            continue; // source is not saved, so don't generate a UID for this source

          // create a uid for the parent object
          if ( nodeUIDs[ *sourceIter ].empty() )
            nodeUIDs[ *sourceIter ] = nodeUIDGen.GetUID();

          // store this dependency for writing
          sourceUIDs[ node ].push_back( nodeUIDs[*sourceIter] );

        if ( nodeUIDs[ node ].empty() )
          nodeUIDs[ node ] = nodeUIDGen.GetUID();

      // write out objects, dependencies and properties
      for (DataStorage::SetOfObjects::const_iterator iter = sceneNodes->begin();
           iter != sceneNodes->end();
        DataNode* node = iter->GetPointer();

        if (node)
          TiXmlElement* nodeElement = new TiXmlElement("node");
          std::string filenameHint( node->GetName() );
          filenameHint = itksys::SystemTools::MakeCindentifier(filenameHint.c_str()); // escape filename <-- only allow [A-Za-z0-9_], replace everything else with _

          // store dependencies
          UIDMapType::iterator searchUIDIter = nodeUIDs.find(node);
          if ( searchUIDIter != nodeUIDs.end() )
            // store this node's ID
            nodeElement->SetAttribute("UID", searchUIDIter->second.c_str() );

          SourcesMapType::iterator searchSourcesIter = sourceUIDs.find(node);
          if ( searchSourcesIter != sourceUIDs.end() )
            // store all source IDs
            for ( std::list<std::string>::iterator sourceUIDIter = searchSourcesIter->second.begin();
                  sourceUIDIter != searchSourcesIter->second.end();
                  ++sourceUIDIter )
              TiXmlElement* uidElement = new TiXmlElement("source");
              uidElement->SetAttribute("UID", sourceUIDIter->c_str() );
              nodeElement->LinkEndChild( uidElement );

          // store basedata
          if ( BaseData* data = node->GetData() )
            //std::string filenameHint( node->GetName() );
            bool error(false);
            TiXmlElement* dataElement( SaveBaseData( data, filenameHint, error ) ); // returns a reference to a file
            if (error)
              m_FailedNodes->push_back( node );

            // store basedata properties
            PropertyList* propertyList = data->GetPropertyList();
            if (propertyList && !propertyList->IsEmpty() )
              TiXmlElement* baseDataPropertiesElement( SavePropertyList( propertyList, filenameHint + "-data") ); // returns a reference to a file
              dataElement->LinkEndChild( baseDataPropertiesElement );

            nodeElement->LinkEndChild( dataElement );

          // store all renderwindow specific propertylists
          const RenderingManager::RenderWindowVector& allRenderWindows( RenderingManager::GetInstance()->GetAllRegisteredRenderWindows() );
          for ( RenderingManager::RenderWindowVector::const_iterator rw = allRenderWindows.begin();
                rw != allRenderWindows.end();
            if (vtkRenderWindow* renderWindow = *rw)
              std::string renderWindowName( mitk::BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renderWindow)->GetName() );
              BaseRenderer* renderer = mitk::BaseRenderer::GetInstance(renderWindow);
              PropertyList* propertyList = node->GetPropertyList(renderer);
              if ( propertyList && !propertyList->IsEmpty() )
                TiXmlElement* renderWindowPropertiesElement( SavePropertyList( propertyList, filenameHint + "-" + renderWindowName) ); // returns a reference to a file
                renderWindowPropertiesElement->SetAttribute("renderwindow", renderWindowName);
                nodeElement->LinkEndChild( renderWindowPropertiesElement );

          // don't forget the renderwindow independent list
          PropertyList* propertyList = node->GetPropertyList();
          if ( propertyList && !propertyList->IsEmpty() )
            TiXmlElement* propertiesElement( SavePropertyList( propertyList, filenameHint + "-node") ); // returns a reference to a file
            nodeElement->LinkEndChild( propertiesElement );
          document.LinkEndChild( nodeElement );
          MITK_WARN << "Ignoring NULL node during scene serialization.";

      } // end for all nodes

    } // end if sceneNodes

    if ( !document.SaveFile( m_WorkingDirectory + Poco::Path::separator() + "index.xml" ) )
      MITK_ERROR << "Could not write scene to " << m_WorkingDirectory << Poco::Path::separator() << "index.xml" << "\nTinyXML reports '" << document.ErrorDesc() << "'";
      return false;
        Poco::File deleteFile( filename.c_str() );
        if (deleteFile.exists())

        // create zip at filename
        std::ofstream file( filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
        if (!file.good())
          MITK_ERROR << "Could not open a zip file for writing: '" << filename << "'";
          Poco::Zip::Compress zipper( file, true );
          Poco::Path tmpdir( m_WorkingDirectory );
          zipper.addRecursive( tmpdir );
          Poco::File deleteDir( m_WorkingDirectory );
          deleteDir.remove(true); // recursive
          MITK_ERROR << "Could not delete temporary directory " << m_WorkingDirectory;
          return false; // ok?
      catch(std::exception& e)
        MITK_ERROR << "Could not create ZIP file from " << m_WorkingDirectory << "\nReason: " << e.what();
        return false;
      return true;
  catch(std::exception& e)
    MITK_ERROR << "Caught exception during saving temporary files to disk. Error description: '" << e.what() << "'";
    return false;