Exemplo n.º 1
deleteSegment (SegmentTree * st, int n, Coord Y1, Coord Y2) {
    Coord discriminant;

    if (st->nodes[n].left >= Y1 && st->nodes[n].right <= Y2) {
        assert (st->nodes[n].covered);
    } else {
        assert (n < st->size / 2);
        discriminant = st->nodes[n * 2 + 1 /*right */ ].left;

        if (Y1 < discriminant) {
            deleteSegment (st, n * 2, Y1, Y2);

        if (discriminant < Y2) {
            deleteSegment (st, n * 2 + 1, Y1, Y2);

    /* fixup area */
    st->nodes[n].area = (st->nodes[n].covered > 0) ?
                        (st->nodes[n].right - st->nodes[n].left) :
                        (n >= st->size / 2) ? 0 :
                        st->nodes[n * 2].area + st->nodes[n * 2 + 1].area;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Compute the area of the union of the given rectangles.
 * O(N ln N) time.
ComputeUnionArea (BoxListType *boxlist)
  BoxType **rectLeft, **rectRight;
  Cardinal i, j;
  LocationList yCoords;
  SegmentTree segtree;
  Coord lastX;
  double area = 0.0;

  if (boxlist->BoxN == 0)
    return 0.0;
  /* create sorted list of Y coordinates */
  yCoords = createSortedYList (boxlist);
  /* now create empty segment tree */
  segtree = createSegmentTree (yCoords.p, yCoords.size);
  free (yCoords.p);
  /* create sorted list of left and right X coordinates of rectangles */
  rectLeft = (BoxType **)calloc (boxlist->BoxN, sizeof (*rectLeft));
  rectRight = (BoxType **)calloc (boxlist->BoxN, sizeof (*rectRight));
  for (i = 0; i < boxlist->BoxN; i++)
      assert (boxlist->Box[i].X1 <= boxlist->Box[i].X2);
      assert (boxlist->Box[i].Y1 <= boxlist->Box[i].Y2);
      rectLeft[i] = rectRight[i] = &boxlist->Box[i];
  qsort (rectLeft, boxlist->BoxN, sizeof (*rectLeft), compareleft);
  qsort (rectRight, boxlist->BoxN, sizeof (*rectRight), compareright);
  /* sweep through x segments from left to right */
  i = j = 0;
  lastX = rectLeft[0]->X1;
  while (j < boxlist->BoxN)
      assert (i <= boxlist->BoxN);
      /* i will step through rectLeft, j will through rectRight */
      if (i == boxlist->BoxN || rectRight[j]->X2 < rectLeft[i]->X1)
          /* right edge of rectangle */
          BoxType *b = rectRight[j++];
          /* check lastX */
          if (b->X2 != lastX)
              assert (lastX < b->X2);
              area += (double) (b->X2 - lastX) * segtree.nodes[1].area;
              lastX = b->X2;
          /* remove a segment from the segment tree. */
          deleteSegment (&segtree, 1, b->Y1, b->Y2);
          /* left edge of rectangle */
          BoxType *b = rectLeft[i++];
          /* check lastX */
          if (b->X1 != lastX)
              assert (lastX < b->X1);
              area += (double) (b->X1 - lastX) * segtree.nodes[1].area;
              lastX = b->X1;
          /* add a segment from the segment tree. */
          insertSegment (&segtree, 1, b->Y1, b->Y2);
  free (rectLeft);
  free (rectRight);
  free (segtree.nodes);
  return area * 0.0001;
Exemplo n.º 3
RouteView::RouteView(QObject* parent )
    m_parent = parent;

    config = Configuration::instance();

    //headers << "" << "Item" << "Name" << "1 way" << "Next" << "Prev" << "Dir" << "Seq" << "RSeq" << "StartDate" << "EndDate";
    mainWindow* myParent = qobject_cast<mainWindow*>(m_parent);
    ui = myParent->ui->tblRouteView;
    connect(ui->verticalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionCountChanged(int,int)), this, SLOT(Resize(int,int)));



    //m_myParent = myParent;
    ui->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows );
    ui->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection );

    //create contextmenu
    copyAction = new QAction(tr("&Copy"), this);
    copyAction->setStatusTip(tr("Copy Table Location"));
    connect(copyAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(aCopy()));

    pasteAction = new QAction(tr("&Paste"), this);
    connect(pasteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(aPaste()));

    reSequenceAction = new QAction(tr("&Start route here"), this);
    reSequenceAction->setStatusTip(tr("Start route at this segment"));
    connect(reSequenceAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(reSequenceRoute()));

    startTerminalStartAct = new QAction(tr("Start at start"), this);
    startTerminalStartAct->setStatusTip(tr("Start terminal is at start of segment"));
    connect(startTerminalStartAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(StartRoute_S()));

    startTerminalEndAct = new QAction(tr("Start at end"), this);
    startTerminalEndAct->setStatusTip(tr("Start terminal is at end of segment"));
    connect(startTerminalEndAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(StartRoute_E()));

    endTerminalStartAct = new QAction(tr("End terminal at start"), this);
    endTerminalStartAct->setStatusTip(tr("End terminal is at start of segment"));
    connect(endTerminalStartAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(EndRoute_S()));

    endTerminalEndAct = new QAction(tr("End terminal at end"), this);
    endTerminalEndAct->setStatusTip(tr("End terminal is at end of segment"));
    connect(endTerminalEndAct,SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(EndRoute_E()));

    deleteSegmentAct = new QAction(tr("Remove from route"), this);
    deleteSegmentAct->setStatusTip(tr("Delete the segment from the route"));
    connect(deleteSegmentAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteSegment()));

    unDeleteSegmentAct = new QAction(tr("Undo delete of segment"), this);
    unDeleteSegmentAct->setStatusTip(tr("Don't delete the segment from the route"));
    connect(unDeleteSegmentAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(unDeleteSegment()));

    selectSegmentAct = new QAction(tr("Select segment"),this);
    selectSegmentAct->setToolTip(tr("Select segment on map."));
    connect(selectSegmentAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(on_selectSegment_triggered()));

    editSegmentAct = new QAction(tr("Edit segment"), this);
    editSegmentAct->setStatusTip(tr("Edit this segment's properties"));
    connect(editSegmentAct, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(editSegment()));

    connect(ui, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint& )), this, SLOT(tablev_customContextMenu( const QPoint& )));
    sourceModel = new RouteViewTableModel(route, name, QDate::fromString(startDate, "yyyy/MM/dd"), QDate::fromString(endDate, "yyyy/MM/dd"), segmentInfoList);
    saveChangesAct = new QAction(tr("Commit changes"),this);
    saveChangesAct->setStatusTip(tr("Save any uncommitted changes"));
    //connect(saveChangesAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), sourceModel, SLOT(commitChanges()));
    connect(saveChangesAct, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(commitChanges()));

    myParent->proxyModel = proxymodel = new RouteViewSortProxyModel(this);
    connect(this, SIGNAL(sendRows(int, int)), sourceModel, SLOT(getRows(int,int)));

    //connect(ui, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(itemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*)));
    //connect(ui, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTableWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(handleSelectionChanged(QTableWidgetItem *)));
    connect(ui, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(itemSelectionChanged(QModelIndex)));
    connect(sourceModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), ui,
    //connect(myParent->saveChangesAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), sourceModel, SLOT(commitChanges()));

    connect(webViewBridge::instance(), SIGNAL(segmentSelected(qint32,qint32)), this, SLOT(on_segmentSelected(int,int)));

    myParent->ui->tabWidget->setTabText(0, "Route Segments");
    startTerminal = NULL;
    startSegment = -1;
    endSegment = -1;