//- Return current holding traction Foam::scalar Foam::linearCohesiveLaw::traction(scalar delta) const { if (delta > deltaC().value()) { return 0.0; } else if (delta < 0) { return sigmaMax().value(); } return sigmaMax().value()*(1.0 - delta/deltaC().value()); }
//- Return current holding traction Foam::scalar Foam::DugdaleCohesiveLaw::traction(scalar delta) const { if (delta > deltaC().value()) { return 0.0; } else if (delta < 0) { return sigmaMax().value(); } return sigmaMax().value(); }
bool IKTrajectoryHelper::computeIK(const double endEffectorTargetPosition[3], const double endEffectorTargetOrientation[4], const double endEffectorWorldPosition[3], const double endEffectorWorldOrientation[4], const double* q_current, int numQ,int endEffectorIndex, double* q_new, int ikMethod, const double* linear_jacobian, const double* angular_jacobian, int jacobian_size, const double dampIk[6]) { bool useAngularPart = (ikMethod==IK2_VEL_DLS_WITH_ORIENTATION || ikMethod==IK2_VEL_DLS_WITH_ORIENTATION_NULLSPACE) ? true : false; Jacobian ikJacobian(useAngularPart,numQ); ikJacobian.Reset(); bool UseJacobianTargets1 = false; if ( UseJacobianTargets1 ) { ikJacobian.SetJtargetActive(); } else { ikJacobian.SetJendActive(); } VectorR3 targets; targets.Set(endEffectorTargetPosition[0],endEffectorTargetPosition[1],endEffectorTargetPosition[2]); ikJacobian.ComputeJacobian(&targets); // Set up Jacobian and deltaS vectors // Set one end effector world position from Bullet VectorRn deltaS(3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { deltaS.Set(i,dampIk[i]*(endEffectorTargetPosition[i]-endEffectorWorldPosition[i])); } // Set one end effector world orientation from Bullet VectorRn deltaR(3); if (useAngularPart) { btQuaternion startQ(endEffectorWorldOrientation[0],endEffectorWorldOrientation[1],endEffectorWorldOrientation[2],endEffectorWorldOrientation[3]); btQuaternion endQ(endEffectorTargetOrientation[0],endEffectorTargetOrientation[1],endEffectorTargetOrientation[2],endEffectorTargetOrientation[3]); btQuaternion deltaQ = endQ*startQ.inverse(); float angle = deltaQ.getAngle(); btVector3 axis = deltaQ.getAxis(); if (angle > PI) { angle -= 2.0*PI; } else if (angle < -PI) { angle += 2.0*PI; } float angleDot = angle; btVector3 angularVel = angleDot*axis.normalize(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { deltaR.Set(i,dampIk[i+3]*angularVel[i]); } } { if (useAngularPart) { VectorRn deltaC(6); MatrixRmn completeJacobian(6,numQ); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { deltaC.Set(i,deltaS[i]); deltaC.Set(i+3,deltaR[i]); for (int j = 0; j < numQ; ++j) { completeJacobian.Set(i,j,linear_jacobian[i*numQ+j]); completeJacobian.Set(i+3,j,angular_jacobian[i*numQ+j]); } } ikJacobian.SetDeltaS(deltaC); ikJacobian.SetJendTrans(completeJacobian); } else { VectorRn deltaC(3); MatrixRmn completeJacobian(3,numQ); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { deltaC.Set(i,deltaS[i]); for (int j = 0; j < numQ; ++j) { completeJacobian.Set(i,j,linear_jacobian[i*numQ+j]); } } ikJacobian.SetDeltaS(deltaC); ikJacobian.SetJendTrans(completeJacobian); } } // Calculate the change in theta values switch (ikMethod) { case IK2_JACOB_TRANS: ikJacobian.CalcDeltaThetasTranspose(); // Jacobian transpose method break; case IK2_DLS: case IK2_VEL_DLS: case IK2_VEL_DLS_WITH_ORIENTATION: //ikJacobian.CalcDeltaThetasDLS(); // Damped least squares method assert(m_data->m_dampingCoeff.GetLength()==numQ); ikJacobian.CalcDeltaThetasDLS2(m_data->m_dampingCoeff); break; case IK2_VEL_DLS_WITH_NULLSPACE: case IK2_VEL_DLS_WITH_ORIENTATION_NULLSPACE: assert(m_data->m_nullSpaceVelocity.GetLength()==numQ); ikJacobian.CalcDeltaThetasDLSwithNullspace(m_data->m_nullSpaceVelocity); break; case IK2_DLS_SVD: ikJacobian.CalcDeltaThetasDLSwithSVD(); break; case IK2_PURE_PSEUDO: ikJacobian.CalcDeltaThetasPseudoinverse(); // Pure pseudoinverse method break; case IK2_SDLS: ikJacobian.CalcDeltaThetasSDLS(); // Selectively damped least squares method break; default: ikJacobian.ZeroDeltaThetas(); break; } // Use for velocity IK, update theta dot //ikJacobian.UpdateThetaDot(); // Use for position IK, incrementally update theta //ikJacobian.UpdateThetas(); // Apply the change in the theta values //ikJacobian.UpdatedSClampValue(&targets); for (int i=0;i<numQ;i++) { // Use for velocity IK q_new[i] = ikJacobian.dTheta[i] + q_current[i]; // Use for position IK //q_new[i] = m_data->m_ikNodes[i]->GetTheta(); } return true; }