Exemplo n.º 1
void ShapeDetector::detect( const Path2D &i_paths )
	// split in segments
	std::vector<std::vector<CGPoint>> segments;
	splitInSegments( i_paths, segments );

	// all different segements, the bool tells if it's a closed path or not
	std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<CGPoint>,bool>> allSegments;
	for ( auto segment : segments )
		if ( segment.size() < 3 )
		if ( aboutTheSame( segment.front(), segment.back(), kEpsilonForPoints ) )
			// first and last are about the same, a closed segment
			segment.back() = segment.front();
			allSegments.push_back( std::make_pair( segment, true ) );
			// try to merge it with a previous segments
			auto it = allSegments.begin();
			for ( ; it != allSegments.end(); ++it )
				if ( it->second )
					continue; // skip closed ones
				if ( aboutTheSame( segment.front(), it->first.front(), kEpsilonForPoints ) )
					it->first.insert( it->first.begin(), segment.rbegin(), segment.rend() );
				else if ( aboutTheSame( segment.front(), it->first.back(), kEpsilonForPoints ) )
					it->first.insert( it->first.end(), segment.begin(), segment.end() );
				else if ( aboutTheSame( segment.back(), it->first.front(), kEpsilonForPoints ) )
					it->first.insert( it->first.begin(), segment.begin(), segment.end() );
				else if ( aboutTheSame( segment.back(), it->first.back(), kEpsilonForPoints ) )
					it->first.insert( it->first.end(), segment.rbegin(), segment.rend() );
			if ( it == allSegments.end() )
				// new independant open segment
				allSegments.push_back( std::make_pair( segment, false ) );
				// check if the newly created combined segment is closed
				if ( aboutTheSame( it->first.front(), it->first.back(), kEpsilonForPoints ) )
					it->first.back() = it->first.front();
					it->second = true;
	for ( auto it : allSegments )
		std::vector<size_t> corners;

		std::vector<CGPoint> polyline;
		cleanUpPointsInStraightLines( it.first, polyline, kEpsilonForStraightLines * kEpsilonForStraightLines );
		if ( it.second )
			polyline.push_back( polyline.front() );
		CGPoint center;
		CGFloat radius;
		if ( it.second and looksLikeACircle( it.first, center, radius ) )
			shapeDetected( "Circle", Path2D::circle( radius, center ) );
			std::deque<CGPoint> resampled = uniformResample( polyline );
			detectCorners( resampled, it.second, corners, 16 );
			if ( corners.size() == 0 and not it.second and polyline.size() == 2 )
				report( "line", polyline );
			else if ( corners.size() == 3 and it.second and polyline.size() < 9 )
				polyline.push_back( resampled[corners[0]] );
				polyline.push_back( resampled[corners[1]] );
				polyline.push_back( resampled[corners[2]] );
				polyline.push_back( resampled[corners[0]] );
				reportTriangle( polyline );
			else if ( corners.size() == 3 and not it.second and polyline.size() < 12 )
				// potential arrow
				//! @todo: improve
				CGFloat a1 = smallestAngle( resampled[0], resampled[corners[0]], resampled[corners[1]] );
				CGFloat a2 = smallestAngle( resampled[corners[0]], resampled[corners[1]], resampled[corners[2]] );
				CGFloat a3 = angle( resampled[corners[1]], resampled[corners[2]], resampled.back() );
				if ( a1 < 80 and a2 < 10 and a3 < 100 )
					//! @todo: cleanup path
					report( "Arrow", it.first );
			else if ( corners.size() == 4 and it.second and polyline.size() < 12 )
				if ( not linesCross( resampled[corners[0]], resampled[corners[1]], resampled[corners[2]], resampled[corners[3]] ) and
							not linesCross( resampled[corners[1]], resampled[corners[2]], resampled[corners[3]], resampled[corners[0]] ) )
					polyline.push_back( resampled[corners[0]] );
					polyline.push_back( resampled[corners[1]] );
					polyline.push_back( resampled[corners[2]] );
					polyline.push_back( resampled[corners[3]] );
					polyline.push_back( resampled[corners[0]] );
					reportQuad( polyline );
			report( "unkown", it.first );
void FieldLineDetector::findTransformation(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& imgDst,
		std::vector<cv::Point2f>& modelBots, cv::Mat& H)
	this->botPosField = modelBots;

	Mat imgBw;
	blur(src, imgBw, Size(5, 5));
	cvtColor(imgBw, imgBw, CV_BGR2GRAY);

	Mat imgEdges;
	Canny(imgBw, imgEdges, 50, 100, 3);

//	imshow("bw", imgBw);
//	imshow("edges", imgEdges);

	std::vector<cv::Vec4i> lines;
	HoughLinesP(imgEdges, lines, 1, CV_PI / 180, min_threshold + p_trackbar,
			minLineLength, maxLineGap);

	// Expand the lines little bit (by scaleFactor)
	for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
		cv::Vec4i v = lines[i];
		cv::Point2f p1 = Point2f(v[0], v[1]);
		cv::Point2f p2 = Point2f(v[2], v[3]);
		cv::Point2f p1p2 = p2 - p1;
		float length = norm(p1p2);

		cv::Point2f scaleP2 = p2 + p1p2 * (scaleFactor / 10.0f);
		cv::Point2f scaleP1 = p1 - p1p2 * (scaleFactor / 10.0f);

		lines[i][0] = scaleP1.x;
		lines[i][1] = scaleP1.y;
		lines[i][2] = scaleP2.x;
		lines[i][3] = scaleP2.y;


	// do line detection!
	for (int i = 0; i < mappedEdges.size(); i++)
		cout << (*mappedEdges[i]) << endl;
	findFieldMatch(mappedEdges, H);

	if (imgDst.cols > 0)
		// Draw lines
		for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
			cv::Vec4i v = lines[i];
			cv::line(imgDst, cv::Point(v[0], v[1]), cv::Point(v[2], v[3]),
					cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);

		// draw corners
		for (int i = 0; i < cornerBuffer.size(); i++)
			cv::circle(imgDst, cornerBuffer.at(i), 1, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2);

		// draw filtered corners
		for (int i = 0; i < detectedCorners.size(); i++)
			circle(imgDst, detectedCorners[i]->point, (int) 20,
					Scalar(0, 255, 255), 1);

		// draw detected corner coordinates
		for (int i = 0; i < detectedCorners.size(); i++)
			stringstream ss;
			ss << detectedCorners[i]->point;
			putText(imgDst, ss.str(),
					detectedCorners[i]->point + Point2f(0, 10),
					FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, Scalar(250, 0, 0));