Exemplo n.º 1
void mqmscan(int Nind, int Nmark,int Npheno,int **Geno,int **Chromo, double **Dist, double **Pheno, int **Cofactors, int Backwards, int RMLorML,double Alfa,
             int Emiter, double Windowsize,double Steps, double Stepmi,double Stepma,int NRUN,int out_Naug,int **INDlist, double **QTL, int re_estimate,
             RqtlCrossType rqtlcrosstype,int domi,int verbose){
  int cof_cnt=0;
  MQMMarkerMatrix markers = newMQMMarkerMatrix(Nmark+1,Nind);
  cvector cofactor        = newcvector(Nmark);
  vector mapdistance      = newvector(Nmark);

  MQMCrossType crosstype = determine_MQMCross(Nmark,Nind,(const int **)Geno,rqtlcrosstype);

  change_coding(&Nmark, &Nind, Geno, markers, crosstype); // Change all the markers from R/qtl format to MQM internal

  for (int i=0; i< Nmark; i++) {
    mapdistance[i] = POSITIONUNKNOWN;  // Mapdistances
    mapdistance[i] = Dist[0][i];
    cofactor[i]    = MNOCOF;           // Cofactors
    if (Cofactors[0][i] == 1) {
      cofactor[i] = MCOF;              // Set cofactor
    if (Cofactors[0][i] == 2) {
      cofactor[i] = MSEX;
    if (cof_cnt+10 > Nind){ fatal("Setting %d cofactors would leave less than 10 degrees of freedom.\n", cof_cnt); }

  char reestimate = 'y';
  if(re_estimate == 0) reestimate = 'n';

  if (crosstype != CF2) {  // Determine what kind of cross we have
    if (verbose==1) Rprintf("INFO: Dominance setting ignored (setting dominance to 0)\n"); // Update dominance accordingly
    domi = 0;

  bool dominance=false;
  if(domi != 0){ dominance=true; }

  analyseF2(Nind, &Nmark, &cofactor, (MQMMarkerMatrix)markers, Pheno[(Npheno-1)], Backwards, QTL, &mapdistance, Chromo, NRUN, RMLorML, Windowsize,
            Steps, Stepmi, Stepma, Alfa, Emiter, out_Naug, INDlist, reestimate, crosstype, dominance, verbose);

  if (re_estimate) {
    if (verbose==1) Rprintf("INFO: Sending back the re-estimated map used during the MQM analysis\n");
    for (int i=0; i< Nmark; i++) {
      Dist[0][i] = mapdistance[i];
  if (Backwards) {
    if (verbose==1) Rprintf("INFO: Sending back the model\n");
    for (int i=0; i< Nmark; i++) { Cofactors[0][i] = cofactor[i]; }

  if(verbose) Rprintf("INFO: All done in C returning to R\n");
  #ifndef STANDALONE
    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); /* check for ^C */
}  /* end of function mqmscan */
Exemplo n.º 2
void R_mqmaugment(int *geno, double *dist, double *pheno, int *auggeno, 
               double *augPheno, int *augIND, int *Nind, int *Naug, int *Nmark,
               int *Npheno, int *maxind, int *maxiaug, double *minprob, int
               *chromo, int *rqtlcrosstypep, int *augment_strategy, int *verbosep) {
  int **Geno;
  double **Pheno;
  double **Dist;
  int **NEW;                      //Holds the output for the augmentdata function
  int **Chromo;
  double **NEWPheno;              //New phenotype vector
  int **NEWIND;                   //New list of individuals 
  const int nind0 = *Nind;        //Individuals we start with
  const int verbose = *verbosep;
  const RqtlCrossType rqtlcrosstype = (RqtlCrossType) *rqtlcrosstypep;

  if(verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Starting C-part of the data augmentation routine\n");
  ivector new_ind;

  MQMMarkerMatrix markers = newMQMMarkerMatrix(*Nmark, nind0);
  vector mapdistance = newvector(*Nmark);
  ivector chr = newivector(*Nmark);

  //Reorganise the pointers into arrays, Singletons are just cast into the function
  reorg_geno(nind0, *Nmark, geno, &Geno);
  reorg_int(*Nmark, 1, chromo, &Chromo);
  reorg_pheno(nind0, *Npheno, pheno, &Pheno);
  reorg_pheno(*Nmark, 1, dist, &Dist);
  reorg_int(*maxind, *Nmark, auggeno, &NEW);
  reorg_int((*maxiaug)*nind0, 1, augIND, &NEWIND);
  reorg_pheno((*maxiaug)*nind0, 1, augPheno, &NEWPheno);

  MQMCrossType crosstype = determine_MQMCross(*Nmark, *Nind, (const int **)Geno, rqtlcrosstype);        // Determine cross
  change_coding(Nmark, Nind, Geno, markers, crosstype);                                                 // Change all the markers from R/qtl format to MQM internal

  if(verbose) Rprintf("INFO: Filling the chromosome matrix\n");
  for (int i=0; i<(*Nmark); i++) {
    //Set some general information structures per marker
    mapdistance[i] = POSITIONUNKNOWN;
    mapdistance[i] = Dist[0][i];
    chr[i] = Chromo[0][i];

  if(mqmaugmentfull(&markers,Nind,Naug,&new_ind,*minprob, *maxind, *maxiaug,&Pheno,*Nmark,chr,mapdistance,*augment_strategy,crosstype,verbose)){
    //Data augmentation finished succesfully, encode it back into RQTL format
    for (int i = 0; i<(*Nmark); i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j<(*Naug); j++) {
        //Rprintf("INFO: Phenotype after return: %f",NEWPheno[0][j]);
        NEWPheno[0][j] = Pheno[0][j];
        NEWIND[0][j] = new_ind[j];
        NEW[i][j] = 9;
        if (markers[i][j] == MAA) {
          NEW[i][j] = 1;
        if (markers[i][j] == MH) {
          NEW[i][j] = 2;
        if (markers[i][j] == MBB) {  // [karl:] this might need to be changed for RIL
          crosstype==CRIL ? NEW[i][j]=2 : NEW[i][j] = 3;  //[Danny:] This should solve it 
        if (markers[i][j] == MNOTAA) {
          NEW[i][j] = 5;
        if (markers[i][j] == MNOTBB) {
          NEW[i][j] = 4;
    if (verbose) {
      Rprintf("# Unique individuals before augmentation:%d\n", nind0);
      Rprintf("# Unique selected individuals:%d\n", *Nind);
      Rprintf("# Marker p individual:%d\n", *Nmark);
      Rprintf("# Individuals after augmentation:%d\n", *Naug);
      Rprintf("INFO: Data augmentation succesfull\n");
  } else {
    //Unsuccessfull data augmentation exit
    Rprintf("INFO: This code should not be reached, data corruption could have occured. Please re-run this analysis.\n");
    *Naug = nind0;
    for (int i=0; i<(*Nmark); i++) {
      for (int j=0; j<(*Naug); j++) {
        NEWPheno[0][j] = Pheno[0][j];
        NEW[i][j] = 9;
        if (markers[i][j] == MAA) {
          NEW[i][j] = 1;
        if (markers[i][j] == MH) {
          NEW[i][j] = 2;
        if (markers[i][j] == MBB) {                       // [Karl:] this might need to be changed for RIL
          crosstype==CRIL ? NEW[i][j]=2 : NEW[i][j] = 3;  // [Danny:] This should solve it 
        if (markers[i][j] == MNOTAA) {
          NEW[i][j] = 5;
        if (markers[i][j] == MNOTBB) {
          NEW[i][j] = 4;
    fatal("Data augmentation failed", "");
  delMQMMarkerMatrix(markers,*Nmark); // [Danny:] This looked suspicious, we were leaking memory here because we didn't clean it