Exemplo n.º 1
void df_rdfs ( int *iret )
 * DF_RDFS (Resolution Dependent Filter for Scalar)			*
 *									*
 * This subroutine smoothes a scalar grid using a moving average	*
 * low-pass filter whose weights are determined by the normal 		*
 * (Gaussian) probability distribution function for two dimensions.	*
 * The weight given to any grid point within the area covered by the	*
 * moving average for a	target grid point is proportional to		*
 *									*
 *		    EXP [ -( D ** 2 ) ],				*
 *									*
 * where D is the distance from	that point to the target point divided	*
 * by the standard deviation of the normal distribution.  The value of	*
 * the standard deviation is determined by the degree of filtering	*
 * requested.  The degree of filtering is specified by giving an 	*
 * effective resolution in km for the output grid.  From this value,	*
 * an integer required as the input for the GWFS function is computed.  *
 *									*
 * See the documentation for the GWFS function for more details.	*
 *									*
 * When this function is invoked, the first argument is the grid to be	*
 * smoothed, the second is the effective resolution as described above:	*
 *									*
 *			RDFS ( S, dx )					* 
 *									*
 * where dx > 0.  If the value of dx is less than the grid spacing	*
 * on the internal grid, no filtering is done.				*
 *									*
 * DF_RDFS  ( IRET )							*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	IRET		INTEGER		Return code			*
 *					As for DG_GETS			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * K. Brill/HPC         05/12   Developed from DF_GWFS			*
    int nnw, kxd, kyd, ksub1, ksub2, zero, ier;
    int jj, ii, indx;
    int ixm, iym, ni, no;
    float *gnnw, *gnost;
    float gdx, gdy, dsg, eres, swl;
    *iret = 0;
    zero = 0;

    dg_ssub ( iret );

     * Compute map scale factors and grid increments.
    dg_mscl ( iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Get the grid spacing values:
    dg_qmsl ( &ixm, &iym, &gdx, &gdy, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
    if ( gdx > gdy ) {
	dsg = gdx;
    } else {
	dsg = gdy;
    dsg = dsg / 1000.0;

    /*printf ("  dsg = %f\n", dsg ); */

     * Get the input grid number.
    dg_gets ( &ni, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Get the user specified effective resolution (km).
    dg_gets ( &nnw, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
    dg_getg ( &nnw, &gnnw, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
    eres = gnnw[0];

    if ( eres < dsg ) {
	/*printf ( " No smoothing\n" );*/
	 *  Do nothing -- return original grid without smoothing.
         * Make a name of the form 'RDF'//S and update header;
         * update stack.
        dg_updh ( "RDF", &ni, &ni, &zero, iret );
        dg_puts ( &ni, iret );
        dg_esub ( &ni, &zero, &zero, &zero, &ier );
        if ( ier != 0 ) *iret = ier;
    } else {
	 * Call the GWFS program to smooth the grid. The smoother
	   footprint is chosen so as so suppress the 2 delta X
	   wave on the coarse grid to 1/e of the original amplitude.
	swl = (float)G_NINT ( ( eres / dsg ) * 2.0 );
	/*printf (" Smooth with footprint = %f\n", swl);*/
         * Get a new grid number for the output.
        dg_nxts ( &no, iret );
        if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
        dg_getg ( &no, &gnost, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
        for ( jj = 1; jj <= kyd; jj++ ) {
            for ( ii = 1; ii <= kxd; ii++ ) {
	        indx = ( jj - 1 ) * kxd + ii;
	        gnost[indx-1] = swl;
	 * Put two grids on the stack for the Gaussing weighted filter.
	dg_puts ( &no, iret );
        if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
	dg_puts ( &ni, iret );
        if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
	df_gwfs ( iret );
Exemplo n.º 2
void df_nmax ( int *iret )
 * df_nmax								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine computes NMAX (S,ROI), the neigborhood maximum	*
 * value of a scalar field (S) within some radius of influence    	*
 * (ROI; meters). Masking could be used [e.g., SGT(S1,S2)] to subset *
 * and filter the grid beforehand to allow for faster processing.      	*
 *									*
 * df_nmax ( iret )							*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					As for DG_GETS			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * C. Melick/SPC	06/12						*
    int num1, num2, num3, num, kxd, kyd, ksub1, ksub2, zero, indx, ier;
    int ixmscl, iymscl, jgymin, jgymax, jgxmin, jgxmax, idglat, idglon;
    int row, col, ibeg, iend, jbeg, jend, ibox, jbox, boxindx, nval;
    float  gddx, gddy, gdspdx, gdspdy, radius;
    float *gnum1, *gnumn, *gkxms, *gkyms, *gnumroi, *glat, *glon, *dist;
    *iret = 0;
    zero = 0;

    dg_ssub ( iret );

     * Compute map scale factors.
    dg_mscl ( iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Query DGCMN.CMN idglat/idglon.

    nval = 1;
    dg_iget ( "IDGLAT", &nval, &idglat, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
    dg_iget ( "IDGLON", &nval, &idglon, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Get the grids from the stack.
    dg_gets ( &num1, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
    dg_gets ( &num2, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Get a new grid number.
    dg_nxts ( &num3, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
    dg_nxts ( &num, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

    dg_qmsl ( &ixmscl, &iymscl, &gddx, &gddy, &ier );
    dg_qbnd ( &jgxmin, &jgxmax, &jgymin, &jgymax, &ier );
    dg_getg ( &num1, &gnum1, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, &ier );
    dg_getg ( &num,  &gnumn,  &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, &ier );
    dg_getg ( &ixmscl, &gkxms, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, &ier );
    dg_getg ( &iymscl, &gkyms, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, &ier );
    dg_getg ( &num2, &gnumroi, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, &ier );
    dg_getg ( &idglat, &glat, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, &ier );
    dg_getg ( &idglon, &glon, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, &ier );
    dg_getg ( &num3, &dist, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, &ier );

    radius = gnumroi[0];

    /*  QC check on lower and upper bounds of radius of influence.  */

    if ( radius < 0 ) {
        radius = 0.0;
        printf ("\n WARNING : RADIUS value less than zero.  "
                "Resetting to zero.\n");

    if ( radius > 0.5*gddx*(float)(kxd)) {
        radius = 0.5*gddx*(float)(kxd);
        printf ("\n WARNING : RADIUS value too high.  "
                "Resetting to half the distance in X (%f meters).\n",radius);

     * Loop over all grid points to initialize output grid.
    for ( row = jgymin; row <= jgymax; row++ ) {
        for ( col = jgxmin; col <= jgxmax; col++ ) {
            if ( ERMISS ( gnum1[indx] ) ) {
                gnumn[indx] = RMISSD;
            } else {
                gnumn[indx] = gnum1[indx];

     * Loop over all grid points to determine neighborhood maximum for each grid point.

    for ( row = jgymin; row <= jgymax; row++ ) {
        for ( col = jgxmin; col <= jgxmax; col++ ) {
            if ( ! ERMISS ( gnum1[indx] ) ) {
                gdspdx= gddx / gkxms[indx];
                gdspdy= gddy / gkyms[indx];

                /*  Constructing box for each grid point */
                ibeg = col- G_NINT(radius / gdspdx);
                iend = col+ G_NINT(radius / gdspdx);
                jbeg = row- G_NINT(radius / gdspdy);
                jend = row+ G_NINT(radius / gdspdy);
                if (ibeg < jgxmin) {
                    ibeg = jgxmin;
                if (iend > jgxmax) {
                    iend = jgxmax;
                if (jbeg < jgymin) {
                    jbeg = jgymin;
                if (jend > jgymax) {
                    jend = jgymax;
                for ( ibox = ibeg; ibox <= iend; ibox++ ) {
                    for ( jbox = jbeg; jbox <= jend; jbox++ ) {
                        if ((glat[indx] == glat[boxindx]) && (glon[indx] == glon[boxindx])) {
                        } else {
                            /* Great Circle Distance calculation */
                            dist[boxindx] = acos(sin(glat[boxindx])*sin(glat[indx]) + cos(glat[boxindx])*cos(glat[indx])*cos((glon[boxindx])-(glon[indx])));
                            dist[boxindx] = RADIUS * dist[boxindx];
                        /* Check maximum value if neighboring point is defined and within radius of influence. */
                        if ( (dist[boxindx] <= radius) && (! ERMISS ( gnum1[boxindx] ) ) ) {
                            if ( gnum1[boxindx] > gnumn[indx] ) {
                                gnumn[indx] = gnum1[boxindx];
                for ( ibox = ibeg; ibox <= iend; ibox++ ) {
                    for ( jbox = jbeg; jbox <= jend; jbox++ ) {
                        /* Spreading the response around to surrounding undefined values */
                        if ( ERMISS ( gnum1[boxindx] ) ) {
                            if (dist[boxindx] <= radius) {
                                if ( ERMISS ( gnumn[boxindx] ) ) {
                                    gnumn[boxindx] = gnumn[indx];
                                } else if ( gnum1[indx] > gnumn[boxindx] ) {
                                    gnumn[boxindx] = gnum1[indx];

     * Make a name of the form 'NMAX'//S and update header;
     * update stack.
    dg_updh ( "NMAX", &num, &num1, &num2, iret );
    dg_puts ( &num, iret );
    dg_esub ( &num, &zero, &zero, &zero, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) *iret = ier;
