Exemplo n.º 1
 * \param
 * \param
 * \return
 * */
gint utils_gtkbuilder_merge_ui_data_in_builder ( GtkBuilder *builder,
                    const gchar *ui_name )
    gchar *filename;
    gint result;
    GError *error = NULL;

    /* Chargement du XML dans bet_graph_builder */
    filename = utils_gtkbuilder_get_full_path ( ui_name );
    if ( !g_file_test ( filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) )
        gchar* tmpstr;

        tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Cannot open file '%s': %s"),
                        _("File does not exist") );
        dialogue_error ( tmpstr );
        g_free ( tmpstr );
        g_free ( filename );
        return 0;

    result = gtk_builder_add_from_file ( builder, filename, &error );
    if ( result == 0 )
        g_error ("%s", error->message);
        g_error_free ( error );
    g_free ( filename );

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
 *  return a new GtkBuilder initiate with a file
 * \param gchar         short name of UI file
 * \return GtkBuilder    new GtkBuildeR
 * */
GtkBuilder *utils_gtk_builder_new_from_file ( const gchar *ui_name )
    GtkBuilder *builder;
    gchar *filename;

    /* obtention du nom long du fichier UI */
    filename = utils_gtkbuilder_get_full_path ( ui_name );
    if ( !g_file_test ( filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) )
        gchar* tmpstr;

        tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Cannot open file '%s': %s"),
                        _("File does not exist") );
        dialogue_error ( tmpstr );
        g_free ( tmpstr );
        g_free ( filename );

        return NULL;

    builder = gtk_builder_new_from_file ( filename );

    g_free ( filename );

    return builder;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * ajoute une nouvelle icone pour le compte passé en paramètre
 * /param la chaine codée de l'icone
 * return TRUE if OK else FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_select_icon_new_account_icon_from_file ( gint account_number,
                        const gchar *filename )
    struct_account_icon *icon;
    GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
    GError *error = NULL;

    if ( !filename || !strlen ( filename ) )
        return FALSE;
        if ( !g_file_test ( filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) )
            return FALSE;

    icon = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( struct_account_icon ) );
    icon_buffer = icon;

    if ( !icon )
        dialogue_error_memory ();

        return FALSE;

    icon -> account_number = account_number;

    pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size ( filename , 32, 32, &error );

    if ( pixbuf )
        icon -> pixbuf = pixbuf;
        list_accounts_icon = g_slist_prepend ( list_accounts_icon, icon );

        return TRUE;
        gchar* tmp_str;

        tmp_str = g_strconcat( "Erreur de pixbuf : ",
                        error -> message, " image ",
                        filename, NULL );
        devel_debug ( tmp_str );
        dialogue_error ( tmp_str );
        g_error_free ( error );
        g_free ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( icon );

        return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Initialize user interface part when a new accounts file is created.
void gsb_file_new_gui ( void )
    GtkWidget *main_vbox;
    GtkWidget *tree_view_widget;
    GtkWidget *notebook_general;

    /* dégrise les menus nécessaire */
    gsb_menu_set_menus_with_file_sensitive ( TRUE );

    /*     récupère l'organisation des colonnes  */
    recuperation_noms_colonnes_et_tips ();

    /* Create main widget. */
    gsb_status_message ( _("Creating main window") );
    main_vbox = g_object_get_data ( G_OBJECT ( run.window ), "main_vbox" );
    gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( main_vbox ), gsb_gui_create_general_widgets ( ), TRUE, TRUE, 0 );

    /* create the model */
    if (!transaction_list_create ())
    dialogue_error (_("The model of the list couldn't be created... "
                        "Bad things will happen very soon..."));

    /* Create transaction list. */
    tree_view_widget = gsb_transactions_list_make_gui_list ();
    gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( tree_view_vbox ),
                0 );
    gtk_widget_show ( tree_view_widget );

    navigation_change_account ( gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account () );

    /* Display accounts in menus */
    gsb_menu_update_accounts_in_menus ();

    notebook_general = gsb_gui_get_general_notebook ( );
    gtk_notebook_set_current_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK( notebook_general ), GSB_HOME_PAGE );

    gtk_widget_show ( notebook_general );
Exemplo n.º 5
 * called by menu : begin the debug mode
 * show a message to say where the log will be saved
 * \param
 * \return FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_debug_start_log ( void )
    gchar *tmp_str;
    gchar *debug_filename;

    devel_debug ( NULL );

    if ( nom_fichier_comptes )
        gchar *base_filename = g_strdup ( nom_fichier_comptes );
        gchar *complete_filename;
        gchar *basename;

        base_filename [strlen ( base_filename ) - 4] = 0;
        complete_filename = g_strconcat ( base_filename, "-log.txt", NULL);
        basename = g_path_get_basename ( complete_filename );

        debug_filename = g_build_filename ( my_get_gsb_file_default_dir (), basename, NULL);

        g_free ( basename);
        g_free ( complete_filename );
        g_free ( base_filename );
        debug_filename = g_build_filename ( my_get_gsb_file_default_dir (), "No_name-log.txt", NULL);

    tmp_str = g_strdup_printf (_("The debug-mode is starting. Grisbi will write a log into %s. "
                        "Please send that file with the obfuscated file into the bug report."),
                        debug_filename );

    dialogue ( tmp_str );
    g_free (tmp_str);

    debug_file = g_fopen ( debug_filename, "w" );

    g_free ( debug_filename );

    if ( debug_file )
        GtkWidget *widget;
        gchar *tmp_str_2;
        GtkUIManager *ui_manager = gsb_menu_get_ui_manager ( );

        widget = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget ( ui_manager, "/menubar/FileMenu/DebugMode" );
        etat.debug_mode = TRUE;

        /* unsensitive the menu, we cannot reverse the debug mode */
        if ( widget && GTK_IS_WIDGET ( widget ) )
            gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( widget, FALSE );

        /* début du mode débogage */
        tmp_str = g_strdup_printf(_("%s, %2f : Debug - %s:%d:%s\n\n"),
                        get_debug_time ( ),
                        (double ) clock ( )/ CLOCKS_PER_SEC,
                        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
        fwrite ( tmp_str, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );

        /* write locales */
        tmp_str = gsb_main_get_print_locale_var ( );

        fwrite ( tmp_str, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );

        tmp_str = g_strdup_printf ( "gint64\n"
                        "\tG_GINT64_MODIFIER = \"%s\"\n"
                        G_GINT64_MODIFIER, G_MAXINT64 );

        fwrite ( tmp_str, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );

        tmp_str = gsb_main_get_print_dir_var ( );

        fwrite ( tmp_str, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );

        tmp_str = g_strdup ( "Formats importés\n" );
        fwrite ( tmp_str, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );

        tmp_str = gsb_import_formats_get_list_formats_to_string ( );
        tmp_str_2 = g_strconcat ( tmp_str, "\n", NULL );

        fwrite ( tmp_str_2, sizeof (gchar), strlen ( tmp_str_2 ), debug_file );
	    fflush ( debug_file );

        g_free ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( tmp_str_2 );
        dialogue_error (_("Grisbi failed to create the log file...") );

    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * save the config file
 * it uses the glib config utils after 0.6.0
 * if cannot load, try the xml file before that version
 * \param
 * \return TRUE if ok
 * */
gboolean gsb_file_config_save_config ( void )
    GKeyFile *config;
    const gchar *filename;
    gchar *file_content;
    gchar *name;
    gsize length;
    FILE *conf_file;
    gint i;

    devel_debug (NULL);

    filename = gsb_dirs_get_grisbirc_filename ();
    config = g_key_file_new ();

    /* set config model */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.stable_config_file_model );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.root_x );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.root_y );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.main_width );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.main_height );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.full_screen );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.maximize_screen );

    /* Remember size of main panel */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.panel_width );

    /* preferences size */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.prefs_width );

    /* save general */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Can modify R",
                        conf.r_modifiable );

    g_key_file_set_string ( config,
                        gsb_file_get_last_path () );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show permission alert",
                        conf.alerte_permission );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Function of enter",
                        conf.entree );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show alert messages",
                        conf.alerte_mini );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Use user font",
                        conf.utilise_fonte_listes );

    if ( conf.font_string )
        g_key_file_set_string ( config,
                        "Font name",
                        conf.font_string );

    if ( conf.browser_command )
        gchar *string;

        string = my_strdelimit ( conf.browser_command, "&", "\\e" );
        if ( string )
            g_key_file_set_string ( config,
                        string );
        g_free (string);

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.pluriel_final );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.metatree_action_2button_press );

     /* save backup part */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Make backup",
                        conf.make_backup );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Make backup single file",
                        conf.make_bakup_single_file );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Make backup every x minutes",
                        conf.make_backup_every_minutes );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Compress backup",
                        conf.compress_backup );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Make backup nb minutes",
                        conf.make_backup_nb_minutes );

    if (gsb_file_get_backup_path ())
        g_key_file_set_string ( config,
                        "Backup path",
                        gsb_file_get_backup_path ());

    /* save input/output */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Load last file",
                        conf.dernier_fichier_auto );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Save at closing",
                        conf.sauvegarde_auto );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Save at opening",
                        conf.sauvegarde_demarrage );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Nb last opened files",
                        conf.nb_max_derniers_fichiers_ouverts );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Compress file",
                        conf.compress_file );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Force saving",
                        conf.force_enregistrement );

    if ( conf.nb_derniers_fichiers_ouverts > 0
        g_key_file_set_string_list ( config,
                        "Names last files",
                        (const gchar **) tab_noms_derniers_fichiers_ouverts,

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.check_for_archival );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.max_non_archived_transactions_for_check );

    /* save scheduled section */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Days before remind",
                        nb_days_before_scheduled );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Execute scheduled of month",
                        conf.execute_scheduled_of_month );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Balances with scheduled",
                        conf.balances_with_scheduled );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.group_partial_balance_under_accounts );

    /* save shown section */
    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show transaction form",
                        conf.formulaire_toujours_affiche );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show selected transaction in form",
                        conf.show_transaction_selected_in_form );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show transaction gives balance",
                        conf.show_transaction_gives_balance );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.transactions_list_primary_sorting );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.transactions_list_secondary_sorting );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show automatic financial year",
                        conf.affichage_exercice_automatique );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Automatic completion payee",
                        conf.automatic_completion_payee );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Limit payee completion",
                        conf.limit_completion_to_current_account );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.automatic_recover_splits );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.automatic_erase_credit_debit );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Display toolbar",
                        conf.display_toolbar );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        conf.active_scrolling_left_pane );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show headings bar",
                        conf.show_headings_bar );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show closed accounts",
                        conf.show_closed_accounts );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Display grisbi title",
                        conf.display_grisbi_title );

    /* save messages */
    for ( i = 0; messages[i].name; i ++ )
        name = g_strconcat ( messages[i].name , "-answer", NULL );

        g_key_file_set_integer ( config, "Messages", messages[i].name, messages[i].hidden );
        g_key_file_set_integer ( config, "Messages", name, messages[i].default_answer );
        g_free ( name );

    for ( i = 0; delete_msg[i].name; i ++ )
        g_key_file_set_integer ( config, "Messages", delete_msg[i].name,
                        delete_msg[i].hidden );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Last tip",
                        conf.last_tip );

    g_key_file_set_integer ( config,
                        "Show tip",
                        conf.show_tip );

    /* save into a file */
    file_content = g_key_file_to_data ( config, &length, NULL );

    conf_file = fopen ( filename, "w" );

    #ifndef _WIN32
    if ( !conf_file )
        utils_files_create_XDG_dir ( );
        conf_file = fopen ( filename, "w" );

    if ( !conf_file
     !fwrite ( file_content, sizeof ( gchar ), length, conf_file ) )
        gchar* tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Cannot save configuration file '%s': %s"),
                        g_strerror ( errno ) );
        dialogue_error ( tmpstr );
        g_free ( tmpstr );
        g_free ( file_content);
        g_key_file_free (config);
        return ( FALSE );

    fclose ( conf_file );
    g_free ( file_content);
    g_key_file_free (config);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 7
/* get the line af the file,
 * convert it in UTF8 and fill string with that line
 * \param fichier
 * \param string
 * \param coding_system	the orig coding system of the string
 * \return EOF, 1 if ok, 0 if problem
 * */
gint get_utf8_line_from_file ( FILE *fichier,
                        gchar **string,
                        const gchar *coding_system )
    gchar c = 0;
    gint i = 0;
    gint j = 0;
    gchar *pointeur_char = NULL;
    gchar *tmp_string;

    if ( !fichier )
	return 0;
    /* allocate 30 characters, and increase it 30 by 30 */
    pointeur_char = (gchar*)g_realloc(pointeur_char,30*sizeof(gchar));

    if ( !pointeur_char )
	/* ouch, not enough memory */
	dialogue_error ( _("Memory allocation error" ));
	return 0;

    /* get the string untill \n or \r (windows format) */
    c =(gchar)fgetc(fichier);
    while ( ( c != '\n' ) && (c != '\r') && !feof (fichier))
	pointeur_char[j++] = c;

	if ( ++i == 29 )
	    pointeur_char = (gchar*)g_realloc(pointeur_char, j + 1 + 30*sizeof(gchar));

	    if ( !pointeur_char )
		/* ouch, not enough memory */
		dialogue_error ( _("Memory allocation error" ));
		return 0;
	    i = 0;
	c =(gchar)fgetc(fichier);
    pointeur_char[j] = 0;

    /* if we finished on \r, jump the \n after it */
    if ( c == '\r' )
	c =(gchar)fgetc(fichier);
	if ( c != '\n' )
	    ungetc ( c, fichier );

    tmp_string = g_convert ( pointeur_char, -1, "UTF-8", 
			     coding_system, NULL, NULL,
			     NULL );
    if (!tmp_string)
        devel_debug ("convert to utf8 failed, will use latin2utf8");
        tmp_string = latin2utf8 (pointeur_char);
        if ( tmp_string == NULL )
            dialogue_special ( GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, make_hint (
                            _("Convert to utf8 failed."),
                            _("If the result is not correct, try again by selecting the "
                            "correct character set in the window for selecting files.") ) );
            return 0;
    *string = tmp_string;
    g_free (pointeur_char);

    if ( feof(fichier))
        return EOF;
        return 1;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * save the category file
 * we don't check anything here, all must be done before, here we just write
 * the file
 * use the same method as gsb_file_save_save_file
 * \param filename the name of the file
 * \return TRUE : ok, FALSE : problem
 * */
gboolean gsb_file_others_save_category ( gchar *filename )
    gchar *file_content;
    gchar *tmp_str;
    FILE *file;
    gulong iterator;
    gulong length_calculated;
    gulong length_part;

    devel_debug (filename);

    /* we begin to try to reserve enough memory to make the entire file
     * if not enough, we will make it growth later
     * the data below are about the memory to take for each part and for 1 of this part
     * with that i think we will allocate enough memory in one time but not too much */

    length_part = 500;

    length_calculated = length_part * g_slist_length (gsb_data_category_get_categories_list());
    if ( length_calculated == 0 )
        tmp_str = g_strdup ( _("There is no category to record. Back.") );
        dialogue_error ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( tmp_str );

        return ( TRUE );

    iterator = 0;
    file_content = g_malloc0 ( length_calculated );

    /* begin the file whit xml markup */

    iterator = gsb_file_save_append_part ( iterator,
					   my_strdup ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<Grisbi_categ>\n"));

    iterator = gsb_file_others_save_general_part ( iterator,

    iterator = gsb_file_save_category_part ( iterator,
					     &file_content );

    /* finish the file */

    iterator = gsb_file_save_append_part ( iterator,
					   my_strdup ("</Grisbi_categ>"));

    /* the file is in memory, we can save it */

	file = utils_files_utf8_fopen ( filename, "w" );

    if ( !file
	 !fwrite ( file_content,
		   sizeof (gchar),
		   file ))
        tmp_str = g_strdup_printf ( _("Cannot save file '%s': %s"),
                        g_strerror ( errno ) );
        dialogue_error ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( file_content );
        if (file)
        return ( FALSE );

    fclose (file);
    g_free ( file_content);

    return ( TRUE );
Exemplo n.º 9
gboolean gsb_file_others_load_budget_from_category ( const gchar *filename )
    gchar *file_content;
    gchar* tmp_str;
    GSList *import_list = NULL;

    devel_debug (filename);

    /* general check */
    if ( !g_file_test ( filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ) )
        tmp_str = g_strdup_printf (_("Cannot open file '%s': %s"),
					 g_strerror ( errno ) );
        dialogue_error ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( tmp_str );
        return FALSE;

    /* check here if it's not a regular file */
    if ( !g_file_test ( filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR ) )
        tmp_str = g_strdup_printf (
                        _("%s doesn't seem to be a regular file,\nplease check it and try again."),
					   filename );
        dialogue_error ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( tmp_str );
        return ( FALSE );

    /* load the file */
    if ( g_file_get_contents ( filename, &file_content, NULL, NULL ) )
        GMarkupParser *markup_parser;
        GMarkupParseContext *context;

        /* check if it's a good file */
        if ( !gsb_file_others_check_file ( file_content, 5 ) )
            g_free ( file_content );
            return FALSE;

        /* we load only after 0.6 files,
         * there is very few people who will want to upgrade previous categories, budgets...
         * and i'm too lazy to create an import for old files */
        /* fill the GMarkupParser for a new xml structure */
        markup_parser = g_malloc0 (sizeof (GMarkupParser));
        markup_parser -> start_element = (void *) gsb_file_others_start_budget_from_category;
        markup_parser -> error = (void *) gsb_file_load_error;

        context = g_markup_parse_context_new ( markup_parser,
                               NULL );
        g_markup_parse_context_parse ( context,
                           strlen ( file_content ),
                           NULL );

        /* on remplit l'arbre des imputation */
        budgetary_lines_fill_list ( );

        g_markup_parse_context_free ( context );
        g_free ( markup_parser );
        g_free ( file_content );

        gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE );
        tmp_str = g_strdup_printf (_("Cannot open file '%s': %s"),
					 g_strerror ( errno ) );
        dialogue_error ( tmp_str );
        g_free ( tmp_str );
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * check if the file given in param is a good file with the origin
 * \param file_content the file loaded
 * \param origin what we want (0: category, 1:budget, 2:report)
 * \return TRUE ok, FALSE else
 * */
gboolean gsb_file_others_check_file ( gchar *file_content,
				      gint origin )
    if ( !file_content
	 strlen (file_content) < 37 )
	dialogue_error ( _("This is not a Grisbi file, loading canceled..."));
	return FALSE;

    file_content = gsb_string_uniform_new_line ( file_content, 37 );
    if ( !file_content )
        dialogue_error ( _("This is not a Grisbi file, loading canceled..."));
        return FALSE;

    switch ( origin )
	case 0:
	    if ( !strncmp ( file_content,
			    "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<Grisbi_categ>",
			    36 ) )
		/* check if not before 0.6 */
		if ( !strncmp ( file_content,
				"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<Grisbi_categ>\n	<General\n",
				47 ) )
		    return TRUE;
		    dialogue_error (_("The file version is below 0.6.0, Grisbi cannot import it."));
		dialogue_error ( _("This is not a category file, loading canceled..."));

	case 1:
	    /* check first if it's not below 0.6 */
	    if ( !strncmp ( file_content,
			    "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<Grisbi_ib>",
			    33 ) )
		    dialogue_error (_("The file version is below 0.6.0, Grisbi cannot import it."));
		if ( !strncmp ( file_content,
				"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<Grisbi_budget>",
				37 ) )
		    return TRUE;
		    dialogue_error ( _("This is not a budget file, loading canceled..."));

	case 2:
	    /* check first if it's not below 0.6 */
	    if ( !strncmp ( file_content,
			    "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<Grisbi_etat>",
			    35 ) )
		dialogue_error (_("The file version is below 0.6.0, Grisbi cannot import it."));
		if ( !strncmp ( file_content,
				"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<Grisbi_report>",
				37 ) )
		    return TRUE;
		    dialogue_error ( _("This is not a report file, loading canceled..."));

	case 5:
	    if ( !strncmp ( file_content,
			    "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<Grisbi_categ>",
			    36 ) )
		/* check if not before 0.6 */
		if ( !strncmp ( file_content,
				"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<Grisbi_categ>\n	<General\n",
				47 ) )
		    return TRUE;
		    dialogue_error (_("The file version is below 0.6.0, Grisbi cannot import it."));
		dialogue_error ( _("This is not a category file, loading canceled..."));

    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 11
 * called to load the category/budget/report file given in param
 * \filename the filename to load with full path
 * \return TRUE if ok
 * */
gboolean gsb_file_others_load ( gchar *filename,
				gint origin )
    gchar *file_content;
    GSList *import_list = NULL;
    GError *error = NULL;

    devel_debug (filename);

    /* general check */

    if ( !g_file_test ( filename,
        gchar* tmpstr = g_strdup_printf (_("Cannot open file '%s': %s"),
	dialogue_error ( tmpstr );
	g_free ( tmpstr );
	return FALSE;

    /* check here if it's not a regular file */
    if ( !g_file_test ( filename,
        gchar* tmpstr = g_strdup_printf (
                        _("%s doesn't seem to be a regular file,\nplease check it and try again."),
					   filename );
	dialogue_error ( tmpstr );
	g_free ( tmpstr );
	return ( FALSE );

    /* load the file */

    if ( g_file_get_contents ( filename,
			       NULL ))
	GMarkupParser *markup_parser;
	GMarkupParseContext *context;

	/* check if it's a good file */
	if ( !gsb_file_others_check_file ( file_content,
					   origin ))
	    g_free (file_content);
	    return FALSE;

	/* we load only after 0.6 files,
	 * there is very few people who will want to upgrade previous categories, budgets...
	 * and i'm too lazy to create an import for old files */
	/* fill the GMarkupParser for a new xml structure */

	markup_parser = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( GMarkupParser ) );
	markup_parser -> start_element = ( void * ) gsb_file_others_start_element;
	markup_parser -> error = ( void * ) gsb_file_load_error;

    context = g_markup_parse_context_new ( markup_parser, 0, &import_list, NULL );

    if ( !g_markup_parse_context_parse ( context, file_content, strlen ( file_content ), &error ) )
        gchar* tmpstr;

        tmpstr = g_strdup_printf (_("Error parsing file '%s': %s"), filename, error->message );
        dialogue_error ( tmpstr );

        g_free ( tmpstr );
        g_markup_parse_context_free ( context );
        g_free ( markup_parser );
        g_free ( file_content );

        return FALSE;

    gint report_number;

	/* now, import_list contains the list of categories/budget or report */
	switch ( origin )
	    case 0:
		/* comes for category */
		categories_fill_list ();

	    case 1:
		/* comes for budget */
		budgetary_lines_fill_list ();

	    case 2:
		/* comes for report,
		 * as we cannot have the same things between differents grisbi files,
		 * we cannot export/import currencies, financial years, accounts names,
		 * categories, budgetaries and parties
		 * so we erase them here because perhaps they doesn't exist and show
		 * a warning : the user has to do it by himself (untill a druid to help him ?) */

		/* we import only 1 report, so it's the last one */
		report_number = gsb_data_report_max_number ();

		if (report_number)
		    /* set the currencies */
		    gsb_data_report_set_currency_general ( report_number,
							   1 );
		    gsb_data_report_set_category_currency ( report_number,
							    1 );
		    gsb_data_report_set_budget_currency ( report_number,
							  1 );
		    gsb_data_report_set_payee_currency ( report_number,
							 1 );
		    gsb_data_report_set_amount_comparison_currency ( report_number,
								     1 );
		    /* erase the financials years */
		    gsb_data_report_set_financial_year_list ( report_number,
							      NULL );
		    /* erase the accounts */
		    gsb_data_report_set_account_numbers_list ( report_number,
		    /* erase the transferts accounts */
		    gsb_data_report_set_transfer_account_numbers_list ( report_number,
								   NULL );
		    /* erase the categories */
		    gsb_data_report_set_category_struct_list ( report_number,
							  NULL );
		    /* erase the parties */
		    gsb_data_report_set_payee_numbers_list ( report_number,
							NULL );
		    /* erase the kinds of payment */
		    gsb_data_report_set_method_of_payment_list ( report_number,
								 NULL );

		    gsb_gui_navigation_add_report ( report_number );

		    /* inform the user of that */
		    dialogue_hint ( _("Some things in a report cannot be imported:\n"
                        "The selected lists of financial years, accounts, transfer accounts, "
                        "categories, budgetaries, parties and kind of payments.\nSo that lists "
                        "have been erased while the import.\nThe currencies have been set too "
                        "on the first currency of this Grisbi file.\nYou should check and modify "
                        "that in the property box of that account."),
				        _("Importing a report"));

	g_markup_parse_context_free (context);
	g_free (markup_parser);
	g_free (file_content);

        gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE );
        gchar* tmpstr = g_strdup_printf (_("Cannot open file '%s': %s"),
	dialogue_error ( tmpstr );
	g_free ( tmpstr );
	return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 12
 * callback called by the button to launch the automatic association
 * between transactions and reconcile
 * \param button
 * \param assistant
 * \return FALSE
 * */
static gboolean gsb_assistant_reconcile_config_lauch_manu_asso ( GtkWidget *button,
                        GtkWidget *assistant )
    GList *tmp_list;
    GtkTreeIter iter;
    GtkTreeModel *model;
    GtkTreeSelection *selection;
    GList *path_list;
    gint account_number = -1;
    GtkWidget *dialog;
    GtkWidget *label;
    GtkWidget *scrolled_window;
    GtkWidget *dialog_tree_view;
    GtkListStore *dialog_store;
    gint return_value;
    gint i;
    enum dialog_column {
    gint selected_reconcile_number;
    gint transaction_number;

    /* get the selection */
    selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview_transactions_to_link));

    /* get the selected transactions */
    path_list = gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows ( GTK_TREE_SELECTION (selection),
						       &model );
    if (!path_list)
	return FALSE;

    /* ok, we have a selection, before continuing,
     * we check that all the transactions are on the same account */
    tmp_list = path_list;
    while (tmp_list)
	GtkTreePath *path;

	path = tmp_list -> data;

	if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL (model),
				      path ))
	    gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL (model),
				 TRANSACTION_NUMBER, &transaction_number,
				 -1 );
	    if (account_number == -1)
		account_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number);
		if (gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number) != account_number)
		    dialogue_error (_("All the selected transactions have to belong to the same account !"));
		    /* erase the path_list */
		    g_list_foreach (path_list, (GFunc) gtk_tree_path_free, NULL);
		    g_list_free (path_list);
		    return FALSE;
	tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

    if (account_number == -1)
	/* erase the path_list */
	g_list_foreach (path_list, (GFunc) gtk_tree_path_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (path_list);
	return FALSE;

    /* ok, all the transactions belong to the same account, we can
     * show a dialog to select the reconcile */
    dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ( _("Selection of a reconciliation"),
					   GTK_WINDOW ( assistant ),
					   "gtk-cancel", GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL,
					   "gtk-ok", GTK_RESPONSE_OK,
					   NULL );

    gtk_window_set_default_size ( GTK_WINDOW ( dialog ), 770, 412 );
    gtk_window_set_position ( GTK_WINDOW ( dialog ), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT );
    gtk_window_set_resizable ( GTK_WINDOW ( dialog ), TRUE );
    gtk_container_set_border_width ( GTK_CONTAINER ( dialog ), 12 );

    label = gtk_label_new ( _("Select the reconciliation to associate to the selected transactions: ") );
    gtk_misc_set_alignment ( GTK_MISC ( label ), 0.0, 0.0 );
    gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( dialog_get_content_area ( dialog ) ),
			 10 );

    /* make the list */
    scrolled_window = gtk_scrolled_window_new (FALSE, FALSE);
    gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy ( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled_window),
    gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( dialog_get_content_area ( dialog ) ),
			 0 );

    dialog_store = gtk_list_store_new ( DIALOG_NB_COL,
					G_TYPE_INT );
    dialog_tree_view = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (dialog_store));
    g_object_unref (G_OBJECT(dialog_store));
    gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (dialog_tree_view), TRUE);
    gtk_container_add ( GTK_CONTAINER (scrolled_window),
			dialog_tree_view );

    /* set the columns */
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
	GtkCellRenderer *cell;
	gchar *titles[] = {
	    _("Reconciliation reference"), _("Initial date"), _("Final date")
	gfloat alignment[] = {

	cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
	g_object_set ( G_OBJECT (cell),
		       "xalign", alignment[i],
		       NULL );
	column = gtk_tree_view_column_new ();
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing ( column,
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_alignment ( column,
					     alignment[i] );
	gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start ( column, cell, TRUE );
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_title ( column, titles[i] );
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_attributes (column, cell,
					     "text", i,
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_expand ( column, TRUE );
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable ( column,
					     TRUE );
	gtk_tree_view_append_column ( GTK_TREE_VIEW(dialog_tree_view), column);

    /* fill the tree view */
    tmp_list = gsb_data_reconcile_get_reconcile_list ();
    while (tmp_list)
	gint reconcile_number;

	reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_get_no_reconcile (tmp_list -> data);

	if (gsb_data_reconcile_get_account (reconcile_number) == account_number)
	    gchar *init_date_str;
	    gchar *final_date_str;

	    init_date_str = gsb_format_gdate (gsb_data_reconcile_get_init_date (reconcile_number));
	    final_date_str = gsb_format_gdate (gsb_data_reconcile_get_final_date (reconcile_number));

	    gtk_list_store_append ( GTK_LIST_STORE (dialog_store),
				    &iter );
	    gtk_list_store_set ( GTK_LIST_STORE (dialog_store),
				 DIALOG_NAME, gsb_data_reconcile_get_name (reconcile_number),
				 DIALOG_INIT_DATE, init_date_str,
				 DIALOG_FINAL_DATE, final_date_str,
				 DIALOG_RECONCILE_NUMBER, reconcile_number,
				 -1 );
	    g_free (init_date_str);
	    g_free (final_date_str);
	tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

    gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);

    /* launch the dialog */
    return_value = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));

    if (return_value != GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
	return FALSE;

    /* we get the selected reconcile */
    if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (dialog_tree_view)),
					   &iter ))
	dialogue_warning (_("No selection found, the transactions are not modified."));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
	return FALSE;

    gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL (dialog_store),
			 DIALOG_RECONCILE_NUMBER, &selected_reconcile_number,
			 -1 );
    /* ok we have the reconcile number, we can destroy the dialog */
    gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

    /* and now, fill the selected transactions with that reconcile number */
    tmp_list = g_list_last (path_list);
    while (tmp_list)
	GtkTreePath *path;

	path = tmp_list -> data;

	if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL (model),
				      path ))
	    gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL (model),
				 TRANSACTION_NUMBER, &transaction_number,
				 -1 );
	    gtk_list_store_remove ( GTK_LIST_STORE (model),
				    &iter );
	    gsb_data_transaction_set_reconcile_number ( transaction_number,
							selected_reconcile_number );
	tmp_list = tmp_list -> prev;

    /* erase the path_list */
    g_list_foreach (path_list, (GFunc) gtk_tree_path_free, NULL);
    g_list_free (path_list);

    /* now there is 2 way :
     * either transactions_to_link is 0, we go directly to the succes page
     * either it's not null, and the user should create more reconciles */
    if (transactions_to_link)
	gchar *string;

	/* update the labels */
	string = g_strdup_printf (_("Still %d transactions to link with a reconciliation."),
	gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL (label_transactions_to_link_1),
	gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL (label_transactions_to_link_3),
	g_free (string);
	gtk_widget_grab_focus (treeview_transactions_to_link);
	/* go to the success page */
	gsb_assistant_set_next ( assistant,
	gsb_assistant_next_page (assistant);
    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 13
 * this function try to understand in what order are the content of the date,
 * the two order known are d-m-y or y-m-d (hoping Money won't do something like m-y-d...)
 * the only way to know that is to check all the transactions imported and verify the first
 * order, if doesn't work, it's the second
 * \param transactions_list	the list of imported transactions
 * \return -1 for not found, or ORDER_... (see the enum at the begining of file)
 * */
static gint gsb_qif_get_date_order ( GSList *transactions_list )
    GSList *tmp_list;
    gint order = 0;
    gchar *date_wrong[ORDER_MAX];

    /* to find the good order of the content of the date, we check all possible orders
     * and check if all the dates are possible with that order. if one day 2 different order
     * can be good with that check, we should implement a second check : the transactions
     * are sorted normally, either in ascending, sometimes in descending order.
     * so check for the valids order if the transactions are sorted, normally, only one we be correct */

    tmp_list = transactions_list;
    while ( tmp_list )
        struct struct_ope_importation *transaction = tmp_list -> data;
        gchar **array;
        gint year = 0, month = 0, day = 0;

        if ( !transaction -> date_tmp )

        array = gsb_qif_get_date_content ( transaction -> date_tmp );

        /* if array still contains /, there is a problem (more than 2 / in the first entry) */
        if ( memchr ( array[2], '/', strlen ( array[2] ) ) )
            gchar *string = g_strdup_printf ( _("The date %s seems contains more than 2 separators.\n"
                                            "This shouldn't happen. Please contact the Grisbi team to try to "
                                            "add your strange format into Grisbi"),
                                            transaction -> date_tmp );
            dialogue_error ( string );
            g_free ( string );
            return -1;

        /* get the day, month and year according to the order */
        switch (order)
            case ORDER_DD_MM_YY:
            day = atoi (array[0]);
            month = atoi (array[1]);
            year = atoi (array[2]);

            case ORDER_MM_DD_YY:
            day = atoi (array[1]);
            month = atoi (array[0]);
            year = atoi (array[2]);

            case ORDER_YY_MM_DD:
            day = atoi (array[2]);
            month = atoi (array[1]);
            year = atoi (array[0]);

            case ORDER_YY_DD_MM:
            day = atoi (array[1]);
            month = atoi (array[2]);
            year = atoi (array[0]);

            case ORDER_DD_YY_MM:
            day = atoi (array[0]);
            month = atoi (array[2]);
            year = atoi (array[1]);

            case ORDER_MM_YY_DD:
            day = atoi (array[2]);
            month = atoi (array[0]);
            year = atoi (array[1]);

        /* the year can be yy or yyyy, we change that here */
        if ( year < 100 )
            if ( year < 80 )
                year = year + 2000;
                year = year + 1900;

        if ( g_date_valid_dmy ( day, month, year ) )
            /* the date is valid, go to the next date */
            tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
            /* the date is not valid, change the order or go away */
            date_wrong[order] = transaction -> date_tmp;

            if ( order < ORDER_MAX )
                /* we try again with the new order */
                tmp_list = transactions_list;
                /* the order was already changed for all the formats, we show the problem and leave */
                gint i;
                gchar *string = my_strdup ( _("The order cannot be determined,\n") );

                for ( i = 0; i < ORDER_MAX; i++ )
                    gchar *tmp_str;
                    tmp_str = g_strconcat ( string,_("Date wrong for the order "),
                                order_names[i], " : ",
                                date_wrong[i], "\n", NULL );
                    g_free (string);
                    string = tmp_str;

                dialogue_error (string);
                g_free (string);
                g_strfreev (array);
                return -1;
        g_strfreev (array);

    return order;
Exemplo n.º 14
 * \brief Import QIF data.
 * Open a QIF file and fills in data in a struct_compte_importation
 * data structure.
 * \param assistant	Not used.
 * \param imported	A pointer to structure containing name and
 *			format of imported file.
 * \return		TRUE on success.
gboolean recuperation_donnees_qif ( GtkWidget *assistant, struct imported_file *imported )
    gchar *tmp_str;
    struct struct_compte_importation *imported_account;
    gint returned_value = 0;
    gboolean premier_compte = TRUE;
    FILE *qif_file;

    qif_file = utf8_fopen ( imported -> name, "r" );
    if ( ! qif_file )
        return FALSE;

    mismatch_dates = TRUE;

    /* qif_file pointe sur le qif_file qui a été reconnu comme qif */
    rewind ( qif_file );

    imported_account = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( struct struct_compte_importation ));
    imported_account -> nom_de_compte = unique_imported_name ( _("Invalid QIF file") );
    imported_account -> filename = my_strdup ( imported -> name );
    imported_account -> origine = my_strdup ( "QIF" );

    /* save filename */
    imported_account -> real_filename = my_strdup (imported -> name);

    /* It is positioned on the first line of file */
    returned_value = get_utf8_line_from_file ( qif_file, &tmp_str, imported -> coding_system );

        GSList *tmp_list;
        gchar *account_name = NULL;
        gint order = 0;
        gboolean name_preced = FALSE;
        struct struct_ope_importation *imported_transaction;

            if (  returned_value != EOF
             g_ascii_strncasecmp ( tmp_str, "!Account", 8 ) == 0 )
                /* create and fill the new account */
                imported_account = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( struct struct_compte_importation ) );
                imported_account -> origine = my_strdup ( "QIF" );

                /* save filename and account_name */
                imported_account -> real_filename = my_strdup ( imported -> name );
                imported_account -> filename = my_strdup ( imported -> name );

                account_name = gsb_qif_get_account_name ( qif_file, imported -> coding_system );
                imported_account -> nom_de_compte = unique_imported_name ( account_name );
                g_free ( account_name );

                name_preced = TRUE;
                premier_compte = FALSE;
                returned_value = get_utf8_line_from_file ( qif_file, &tmp_str, imported -> coding_system );
            else if ( returned_value != EOF
             g_ascii_strncasecmp ( tmp_str, "!Type:Cat", 9 ) == 0 )

                    returned_value = gsb_qif_recupere_categories ( qif_file,
                                        imported -> coding_system );

                    if ( returned_value == 0 )
                        tmp_str = last_header;
                /* continue untill the end of the file or a change of account */
                while ( returned_value != EOF && returned_value != 0 );
            else if ( returned_value != EOF
             g_ascii_strncasecmp ( tmp_str, "!Type", 5 ) == 0 )
                gint account_type;

                account_type = gsb_qif_get_account_type ( tmp_str ) ;
                if ( account_type == -1 )
                    name_preced = FALSE;
                    if ( name_preced == FALSE )
                        /* create and fill the new account */
                        imported_account = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( struct struct_compte_importation ) );
                        imported_account -> origine = my_strdup ( "QIF" );

                        /* save filename and account_name */
                        imported_account -> real_filename = my_strdup ( imported -> name );
                        imported_account -> filename = my_strdup ( imported -> name );
                        imported_account -> nom_de_compte = unique_imported_name (
                                                                my_strdup ( _("Imported QIF account" ) ) );

                        premier_compte = FALSE;

                    if ( account_type == 6 )
                        /* on considère le imported_account d'investissement comme un imported_account
                         * bancaire mais met un warning car pas implémenté, aucune idée si ça passe ou pas... */
                        gchar *msg;

                        msg = g_strdup_printf ( _("Grisbi found an investment account:\n%s\n"
                                        "which is not implemented yet.  Nevertheless, Grisbi will try "
                                        "to import it as a bank account." ),
                                        imported -> name );
                        dialogue_warning ( msg );
                        g_free ( msg );

                        account_type = 0;

                    imported_account -> type_de_compte = account_type;
                    returned_value = -2;
                name_preced = FALSE;
        while ( returned_value != EOF && returned_value != -2 );

        if ( returned_value == EOF )
            if ( premier_compte )
            /* no account already saved, so send an error */
                liste_comptes_importes_error = g_slist_append ( liste_comptes_importes_error,
                                        imported_account );
                fclose ( qif_file );
                return FALSE;
                /* we have at least saved an account before, ok, enough for me */
                fclose ( qif_file );
                return TRUE;

            returned_value = gsb_qif_recupere_operations_from_account ( qif_file,
                                        imported -> coding_system,
                                        imported_account );

            if ( returned_value == 0 )
                tmp_str = last_header;
        /* continue untill the end of the file or a change of account */
        while ( returned_value != EOF && returned_value != 0 );

        /* first, we need to check if the first transaction is an opening balance
         * or a normal transaction
         * update : money sometimes translate Opening balance... */
        if ( g_slist_length ( imported_account -> operations_importees) > 0 )
            imported_transaction = imported_account -> operations_importees -> data;
            if ( imported_transaction -> tiers
             (!g_ascii_strncasecmp ( imported_transaction -> tiers, "Opening Balance", 15 )
             !g_ascii_strcasecmp ( imported_transaction -> tiers, _("Opening Balance") ) ) )
                /* ok, we are on an opening balance, we transfer the first transaction
                 * to the initial datas of the account */

                /* get the initial amount */
                imported_account -> solde = imported_transaction -> montant;

                /* get the name of account */
                tmp_str = my_strdelimit (imported_transaction -> categ, "[]", "");
                if ( imported_account -> nom_de_compte )
                    g_free ( imported_account -> nom_de_compte );
                imported_account -> nom_de_compte = unique_imported_name ( tmp_str );
                g_free (tmp_str);

                /* get the date of the file */
                imported_account -> date_solde_qif = my_strdup ( imported_transaction -> date_tmp );

                /* now, we can remove the first imported transaction */
                imported_account -> operations_importees = g_slist_remove ( imported_account -> operations_importees,
                                            imported_transaction );
                g_free (imported_transaction);
            /* now we need to transform the dates of transaction into gdate */

            /* try to understand the order */
            order = gsb_qif_get_date_order ( imported_account -> operations_importees );
            if (order == -1)
                dialogue_error ( _("Grisbi couldn't determine the format of the date into the qif file.\n"
                                        "Please contact the Grisbi team ([email protected]) to find "
                                        "the problem.\nFor now, all the dates will be imported as 01.01.1970") );

        tmp_list = imported_account -> operations_importees;
        while (tmp_list)
            imported_transaction = tmp_list -> data;
            if (order == -1)
                /* we didn't find the order */
                imported_transaction -> date = g_date_new_dmy ( 1,1,2000 );
                imported_transaction -> date = gsb_qif_get_date ( imported_transaction -> date_tmp, order );

            tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

        /* set the date of the qif file */
        if ( imported_account -> date_solde_qif )
            imported_account -> date_fin = gsb_qif_get_date (imported_account -> date_solde_qif, order);

        /* add that account to the others */
        liste_comptes_importes = g_slist_append ( liste_comptes_importes, imported_account );
    /* go to the next account */
    while ( returned_value != EOF );

    fclose ( qif_file );

    return ( TRUE );
Exemplo n.º 15
 * remplit le modèle qu'il crée et attache au GtkIconView
 * \param nom de l'icône initiale ou NULL
 * \return un GtkTreePath qui donne la position de l'icône passée
 * en paramètre
 * */
GtkTreePath * gsb_select_icon_fill_icon_view (  gchar * name_icon )

    GDir *dir;
    GError *error = NULL;
    GtkTreePath *tree_path = NULL;

    devel_debug ( path_icon );

    dir = g_dir_open ( path_icon, 0, &error );
    if ( dir )
        GtkListStore *store;
        GtkTreeIter iter;
        GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
        GSList *liste = NULL;
        gint i = 0;
        const gchar *name = NULL;

        while ( (name = g_dir_read_name ( dir ) ) )
            liste = g_slist_append ( liste, g_strdup ( name ) );
        liste = g_slist_sort ( liste, (GCompareFunc) my_strcasecmp );
        store = gtk_list_store_new (3, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_POINTER);
        while ( liste )
            gchar *tmpstr = g_strconcat ( path_icon, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
                            liste -> data, NULL );
            if ( g_strcmp0 ( tmpstr, name_icon ) == 0 )
                gchar *tmpstr = utils_str_itoa ( i );
                tree_path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string ( tmpstr );
                g_free ( tmpstr );
            pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size ( tmpstr, 32, 32, NULL);
            if ( pixbuf )
                gchar *tmpstr;

                gtk_list_store_append ( store, &iter );
                tmpstr = gsb_select_icon_troncate_name_icon ( liste -> data, 10 );
                gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, PIXBUF_COLUMN, pixbuf,
                            TEXT_COLUMN, tmpstr, -1);
                g_free ( tmpstr );
                g_object_unref (pixbuf);

            g_free ( tmpstr );
            liste = liste -> next;
        gtk_icon_view_set_model (GTK_ICON_VIEW ( icon_view ), GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));
        g_dir_close ( dir );
        dialogue_error ( error -> message );
        g_error_free ( error );

    if ( tree_path == NULL )
        tree_path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string ( "0" );
    return tree_path;