Exemplo n.º 1
static void ora_avemariam(const size_t numerus, const size_t dies) {
	size_t n;
	const char **rosario_hodiernus = rosario[dies];

	for(n = 0; n < 4; n++)
	for(n = 4; n < 8; n++)
Exemplo n.º 2
shared_ptr<Dic> IndexPersister::readIndexFromFile(string termFile, string postingsFile)
    cout << "Reading index from disk.." << endl;
    ifstream termStream(termFile, ios::binary);
    ifstream postingsStream(postingsFile,ios::binary);
    shared_ptr<Dic> dic(new Dic());
    char charCount;
    while(termStream.read(&charCount, sizeof(charCount)))
        char term_cstr[255];
        termStream.read(term_cstr, charCount);
        term_cstr[charCount] = 0;
        string term(term_cstr);
        int docNum = 0;
        termStream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&docNum), sizeof(docNum));
        shared_ptr<List> list(new List(term));
        for(int i = 0; i < docNum; i++)
            int docId;
            postingsStream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&docId), sizeof(docId));
        dic->addList(term, *list);
    return dic;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    std::ofstream dic ("hunspell-test.dic");
    dic << "2\nHello\nWorld";
    std::ofstream aff ("hunspell-test.aff");
    aff << "SET UTF-8\nTRY loredWH\nMAXDIFF 1";
    Hunspell h("hunspell-test.aff", "hunspell-test.dic");

    if (h.spell("Hello") == 0)
        std::cerr << "Error: hunspell marked correct word as wrong" << std::endl;
    if (h.spell("wrld") != 0)
        std::cerr << "Error: hunspell marked wrong word as correct" << std::endl;

    char ** result;
    int n = h.suggest(&result, "ell");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) std::cout << result[i];

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
BOOL DirectInputInitialize()
	HRESULT   hr;
	UINT	  error_mode;
	dic_proc  dic;

	if (hDLL != NULL)
		return TRUE;


	/* Turn off error dialog for this call */
	error_mode = SetErrorMode(0);
	hDLL = LoadLibrary(TEXT("dinput.dll"));

	if (hDLL == NULL)
		return FALSE;

#ifdef UNICODE
	dic = (dic_proc)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hDLL, "DirectInputCreateW");
	dic = (dic_proc)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hDLL, "DirectInputCreateA");
	if (dic == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	hr = dic(GetModuleHandle(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, &di, NULL);

	if (FAILED(hr))
		hr = dic(GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0x0300, &di, NULL);

		if (FAILED(hr))
			ErrorMsg("DirectInputCreate failed! error=%x\n", (unsigned int)hr);
			di = NULL;
			return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool DirectInputInitialize(void)
	dic_proc dic;

	/* Turn off error dialog for this call */
	UINT error_mode = SetErrorMode(0);
	HANDLE hDLL = LoadLibrary(TEXT("dinput.dll"));

	if (hDLL == NULL)
		return false;

	dic = (dic_proc)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hDLL, "DirectInputCreateW");

	if (dic == NULL)
		return false;

	hr = dic(GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0x0700, &dinp, NULL);

	if (FAILED(hr))
		hr = dic(GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0x0500, &dinp, NULL);

		if (FAILED(hr))
			hr = dic(GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0x0300, &dinp, NULL);
			if (FAILED(hr))
				ErrorMessageBox("DirectInputCreate failed! error=%x\n", (unsigned int)hr);
				dinp = NULL;
				return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
 int romanToInt(std::string s) {
     std::unordered_map<char, int> dic({{'I', 1}, {'V', 5}, {'X', 10}, {'L', 50}, {'C', 100}, {'D', 500}, {'M', 1000}});
     int ans = 0;
     int prev_c2n = 10000;
     int curr_c2n = 0;
     for(char c : s) {
         curr_c2n = dic[c];
         ans += curr_c2n;
         if(prev_c2n<curr_c2n) {
             ans -= prev_c2n<<1;
         prev_c2n = curr_c2n;
     return ans;
 int maxProduct(vector<string>& words) {
     int n = words.size();
     vector<int> dic(n);
     for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
         int bit = 0;
         for (auto word:words[i]){
             bit = bit | 1<<(word-'a');
     int m = 0;
     for (int i=0;i<n-1;i++){
         if (words[i].length() * words[i].length() < m) continue;
         for (int j=i+1;j<n;j++){
             if (dic[i] & dic[j]) continue;
             m = max(m,int(words[i].size() * words[j].size()));
     return m;
Exemplo n.º 8
static void ora(const char **comprecatio, const size_t numerus) {
	size_t n;

	for(n = 0; n < numerus; n++)
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Create an FST based on an RNN
void FlatBOFstBuilder::convertRNN(CRnnLM & rnnlm, VectorFst<LogArc> &fst) {
	queue<NeuronFstHistory> q;
	VectorFst<LogArc> new_fst;
	NeuronFstHistory fsth(rnnlm.getHiddenLayerSize(),getNumBins());
	FstIndex id = 0;
	NeuronFstHistory new_fsth(rnnlm.getHiddenLayerSize(),getNumBins());
	FstIndex new_id;

	NeuronFstHistory min_backoff(rnnlm.getHiddenLayerSize(),getNumBins());
	NeuronFstHistory bo_fsth(rnnlm.getHiddenLayerSize(),getNumBins());
	bool backoff = false;
	vector<FstIndex> deleted;

	real p = 0.00;
	real p_joint = 0.00;
	real entropy = 0.0;
	real delta = 0.0;
	vector<real> all_prob(rnnlm.getVocabSize());
 	vector<real> posterior(10);
	map< FstIndex,set<FstIndex> > pred;
	vector<bool> non_bo_pred(rnnlm.getVocabSize());
	vector<int> to_be_added;
	vector<int> to_be_removed;
	for (int i = 0; i < rnnlm.getVocabSize(); i++) {
	vector<real> to_be_added_prob;

 	FstIndex n_added = 0;
 	FstIndex n_processed = 0;
 	FstIndex next_n_added = 0;
 	FstIndex next_n_processed = 0;
 	FstIndex n_backoff = 0;
 	FstIndex n_only_backoff = 0;
	int v = rnnlm.getVocabSize();
	int w = 0;

	// Initialize
//	printNeurons(rnnlm.getInputLayer(),0,10);

	// Initial state ( 0 | hidden layer after </s>)
	fsth.setFstHistory(rnnlm, *dzer);
	addFstState(id, new NeuronFstHistory(fsth), fst);
	// Final state (don't care about the associated discrete representation)
	fst.SetFinal(FINAL_STATE, LogWeight::One());
 	/*posterior.at(INIT_STATE) = MY_LOG_ONE;*/
	computeEntropyAndConditionals(entropy, all_prob, rnnlm, min_backoff);
	min_backoff = getBackoff(rnnlm, min_backoff, set_min_backoff, all_prob, to_be_removed);
	cout << "MIN BACKOFF " << min_backoff.toString() << endl;
//	addFstState(id, min_backoff, fst);
//	q.push(min_backoff);

	// Estimate number of backoff loop to bound the backoff path length
// 	float ratioa = 0.0;
// 	float ratiob = 0.0;
	float ratio = 0.0;
// 	for (int i=0; i < min_backoff.getNumDims(); i++) {
// 		if (min_backoff.getDim(i) == 1) {
// 			ratioa++;
// 		}
// 		if (fsth.getDim(i) == 1) {
// 			ratiob++;
// 		}
// 	}
// 	ratioa /= min_backoff.getNumDims();
// 	ratiob /= min_backoff.getNumDims();
// 	ratio = (ratioa*(1.0-ratiob))+(ratiob*(1.0-ratioa));

//	printf("ratio=%f\t%i BO loops\n", ratio, n_bo_loops);
	//foreach state in the queue
	while (!q.empty()) {
		fsth = q.front();
		id = h2state[&fsth];
		state2h.push_back(new NeuronFstHistory(fsth));
		if (id == FINAL_STATE) { continue; }

	dprintf(1,"-- STUDY STATE %li = %s\n", id, fsth.toString().c_str());

/*		try { posterior.at(id) = MY_LOG_ONE; }
		catch (exception e) {
			posterior.resize((int) (posterior.size()*1.5)+1);
			posterior.at(id) = MY_LOG_ONE;
		computeEntropyAndConditionals(entropy, all_prob, rnnlm, fsth);
		//compute BO in advance and check if it is a min BO node
		bo_fsth = getBackoff(rnnlm, fsth, set_min_backoff, all_prob, to_be_removed);
		if (bo_fsth == fsth) { bo_fsth = min_backoff; }
		//foreach w (ie, foreach word of each class c)
		//test if the edge has to kept or removed
		backoff = false; //no backoff yet since no edge has been removed
		for (w=0; w < rnnlm.getVocabSize(); w++) {
				p = all_prob[w];
				/*p_joint = exp(-posterior[id]-p);*/
				p_joint = exp(-p);
				delta = -1.0*p_joint*log2(p_joint);
				//accept edge if this leads to a minimum
				//relative gain of the entropy

				dprintf(2,"P = %e \tP_joint = %e \tH = %e \tDelta =%e \tDelta H = %.6f %%\n",exp(-p), p_joint, entropy, delta, 100.0*delta/entropy);

				if (set_min_backoff.find(fsth) != set_min_backoff.end() || (delta > pruning_threshold*entropy)) {
//				if ((fsth == min_backoff) || (delta > pruning_threshold*entropy)) {
					dprintf(2,"\tACCEPT [%li] -- %i (%s) / %f --> ...\t(%e > %e)\n", id, w, rnnlm.getWordString(w), p, delta, pruning_threshold*entropy);
//					to_be_removed.push_back(w);
				else {
//					to_be_removed.push_back(w);
					backoff = true;
					dprintf(2,"\tPRUNE [%li] -- %i / %f --> ...\n", id, w, p);
				if (next_n_processed % 100000 == 0) {
						fprintf(stderr, "\rH=%.5f / N proc'd=%li / N added=%li (%.5f %%) / N bo=%li (%.5f %%) / %li/%li Nodes (%2.1f %%) / N min BO=%i", entropy, n_processed, n_added, ((float) n_added/ (float)n_processed)*100.0, n_backoff, ((float) n_backoff/ (float)n_added)*100.0, id, id+q.size(), 100.0 - (float) (100.0*id/(id+q.size())), (int) set_min_backoff.size());
//			}

		//Set a part of the new FST history
		new_fsth.setFstHistory(rnnlm, *dzer);

		//if at least one word is backing off
		if (backoff) {
			if (to_be_added.size() == 0) {
			if (addFstState(new_id, new NeuronFstHistory(bo_fsth), fst)) {
				try { non_bo_pred.at(new_id) = false; }
				catch (exception e) {
					non_bo_pred.resize(new_id+(int) (non_bo_pred.size()*0.5)+1);
					non_bo_pred.at(new_id) = false;
			dprintf(1,"BACKOFF\t[%li]\t(%s)\n-------\t[%li]\t(%s)\n", id, fsth.toString().c_str(), new_id, bo_fsth.toString().c_str());

			fst.AddArc(id, LogArc(EPSILON, EPSILON, LogWeight::Zero(), new_id));
			addPred(pred, new_id, id);
		vector<real>::iterator it_p = to_be_added_prob.begin();
		for (vector<int>::iterator it = to_be_added.begin(); it != to_be_added.end(); ++it) {
			w = *it;
			p = *it_p;

			if (w == 0) {
				fst.AddArc(id, LogArc(FstWord(w),FstWord(w),p,FINAL_STATE));
				dprintf(1,"EDGE [%li] (%s)\n---- %i (%s) / %f -->\n---- [%li] FINAL STATE)\n\n", id, fsth.toString().c_str(), FstWord(w), rnnlm.getWordString(w), p, FINAL_STATE);				
			//accept edge
			else {
				//if sw not in the memory
				//then add a new state for sw in the FST and push sw in the queue
				if (addFstState(new_id, new NeuronFstHistory(new_fsth), fst)) {
					try { non_bo_pred.at(new_id) = true; }
					catch (exception e) {
						non_bo_pred.resize(new_id+(int) (non_bo_pred.size()*0.5)+1);
						non_bo_pred.at(new_id) = true;
				else { /* already exists */ }
				//add the edge in the FST
				non_bo_pred.at(new_id) = true;
				fst.AddArc(id, LogArc(FstWord(w),FstWord(w),p,new_id));
				dprintf(1,"EDGE [%li] (%s)\n---- %i (%s) / %f -->\n---- [%li] (%s)\n\n", id, fsth.toString().c_str(), FstWord(w), rnnlm.getWordString(w), p, new_id, new_fsth.toString().c_str());				

//				posterior.at(new_id) += posterior[id]*p;

			/*if (posterior[id]+p < LogWeight::Zero().Value()) {
				p_joint = exp(-posterior[id]-p);
				entropy -= p_joint*log2(p_joint);
		n_added = next_n_added;
		n_processed = next_n_processed;
		//reset queues
//		to_be_removed.clear();

	cout << endl;
	//compute backoff weights
	deleted = compactBackoffNodes(fst, pred, non_bo_pred);
	computeAllBackoff(fst, pred);

	//remove useless nodes
	removeStates(fst, new_fst, deleted);
	fst = new_fst;
	//Fill the table of symbols
	SymbolTable dic("dictionnary");
	dic.AddSymbol("*", 0);
	for (int i=0; i<rnnlm.getVocabSize(); i++) {
		dic.AddSymbol(string(rnnlm.getWordString(i)), i+1);

						//printf("H=%.5f / N proc'd=%li / N added=%li (%.5f %%) %li/%li Nodes (%2.1f %%)\n", entropy, n_processed, n_added, ((float) n_added/ (float)n_processed)*100.0, id, id+q.size(), 100.0 - (float) (100.0*id/(id+q.size())));
	cout << "END" << endl;
Exemplo n.º 10
void AzPrepText2::gen_regions_parsup(int argc, const char *argv[]) const
  const char *eyec = "AzPrepText2::gen_regions_parsup"; 
  AzPrepText2_gen_regions_parsup_Param p(argc, argv, out);   
  AzMats_file<AzSmat> mfile; 
  int feat_data_num = mfile.reset_for_read(p.s_feat_fn.c_str()); 

  AzStrPool sp_typ(10,10); sp_typ.put(kw_bow, kw_seq); 
  AzXi::check_input(p.s_xtyp.c_str(), &sp_typ, eyec, kw_xtyp);  
  bool do_xseq = p.s_xtyp.equals(kw_seq); 
  bool do_skip_stopunk = (do_xseq) ? false : true; 

  AzDic dic(p.s_xdic_fn.c_str()); 
  AzX::throw_if((dic.size() <= 0), AzInputError, eyec, "No vocabulary"); 
  /*---  scan files to determine buffer size and #data  ---*/
  AzOut noout; 
  AzStrPool sp_list; 
  AzIntArr ia_data_num; 
  int buff_size = AzTools_text::scan_files_in_list(p.s_inp_fn.c_str(), p.s_txt_ext.c_str(), 
                                                   noout, &sp_list, &ia_data_num);   
  int data_num = ia_data_num.sum(); 
  AzX::throw_if ((data_num != feat_data_num), eyec, "#data mismatch"); 
  /*---  read data and generate features  ---*/
  AzDataArr<AzSmat> am_x(data_num), am_y(data_num); 
  buff_size += 256; 
  AzBytArr s_buff; 
  AzByte *buff = s_buff.reset(buff_size, 0); 
  int no_data = 0, data_no = 0, cnum = 0, cnum_before_reduce = 0; 
  feat_info fi[2]; 
  for (int fx = 0; fx < sp_list.size(); ++fx) { /* for each file */
    AzBytArr s_fn(sp_list.c_str(fx), p.s_txt_ext.c_str()); 
    const char *fn = s_fn.c_str(); 
    AzTimeLog::print(fn, log_out);   
    AzFile file(fn); 
    int num_in_file = ia_data_num.get(fx); 
    int inc = num_in_file / 50, milestone = inc; 
    int dx = 0; 
    for ( ; ; ++dx) {  /* for each doc */
      AzTools::check_milestone(milestone, dx, inc); 
      int len = file.gets(buff, buff_size); 
      if (len <= 0) break; 
      /*---  X  ---*/
      AzBytArr s_data(buff, len); 
      int my_len = s_data.length();
      AzIntArr ia_tokno;        
      int nn = 1; 
      AzTools_text::tokenize(s_data.point_u(), my_len, &dic, nn, p.do_lower, p.do_utf8dashes, &ia_tokno);        
      AzIntArr ia_pos; 
      bool do_allow_zero = false;       
      if (do_xseq) gen_X_seq(ia_tokno, dic.size(), p.pch_sz, p.pch_step, p.padding, 
                             do_allow_zero, do_skip_stopunk, am_x.point_u(data_no), &ia_pos);       
      else         gen_X_bow(ia_tokno, dic.size(), p.pch_sz, p.pch_step, p.padding, 
                             do_skip_stopunk, am_x.point_u(data_no), &ia_pos); 
      AzSmat m_feat; 
      if (am_x.point(data_no)->colNum() <= 0) {
      if (p.top_num_each > 0 || p.top_num_total > 0 || p.scale_y > 0) {
        double min_ifeat = m_feat.min(); 
        AzX::no_support((min_ifeat < 0), eyec, "Negative values for internal-feature components."); 
      /*---  Y (ifeat: internal features generated by a supervised model) ---*/ 
      gen_Y_ifeat(p.top_num_each, p.top_num_total, &m_feat, &ia_tokno, &ia_pos, 
                  p.pch_sz, -p.dist, p.dist, p.do_nolr, 
                  p.f_pch_sz, p.f_pch_step, p.f_padding, 
                  am_y.point_u(data_no), fi); 
      if (p.min_yval > 0) {
      cnum_before_reduce += am_x.point(data_no)->colNum(); 
      reduce_xy(p.min_x, p.min_y, am_x.point_u(data_no), am_y.point_u(data_no));              
      if (am_x.point(data_no)->colNum() <= 0) {
      cnum += am_x.point(data_no)->colNum(); 
    } /* for each doc */
    AzBytArr s("   #data="); s << data_no << " no_data=" << no_data << " #col=" << cnum; 
    AzPrint::writeln(out, s); 
  } /* for each file */

  AzBytArr s("#data="); s << data_no << " no_data=" << no_data << " #col=" << cnum << " #col_all=" << cnum_before_reduce;        
  AzPrint::writeln(out, s); 
  s.reset("all:"); fi[0].show(s); AzPrint::writeln(out, s); 
  s.reset("top:"); fi[1].show(s); AzPrint::writeln(out, s); 

  if (p.do_binarize) {
    AzTimeLog::print("Binarizing Y ... ", log_out); 
    for (int dx = 0; dx < data_no; ++dx) am_y(dx)->binarize(); /* (x>0) ? 1 : (x<0) ? -1 : 0 */
  else if (p.scale_y > 0) {
    double max_top = fi[1].max_val; 
    double scale = 1; 
    if (max_top < p.scale_y) for ( ; ; scale *= 2) if (max_top*scale >= p.scale_y) break; 
    if (max_top > p.scale_y*2) for ( ; ; scale /= 2) if (max_top*scale <= p.scale_y*2) break; 
    s.reset("Multiplying Y with "); s << scale; AzPrint::writeln(out, s); 
    for (int dx = 0; dx < data_no; ++dx) am_y(dx)->multiply(scale); 
  const char *outnm = p.s_rnm.c_str(); 
  AzTimeLog::print("Generating X ... ", out);  
  write_XY(am_x, data_no, p.s_batch_id, outnm, p.s_x_ext.c_str(), &dic, xtext_ext); 
  AzTimeLog::print("Generating Y ... ", out);  
  write_XY(am_y, data_no, p.s_batch_id, outnm, p.s_y_ext.c_str());   
Exemplo n.º 11
int main()
  //string url("http://www.amazon.com/");
  std::string a("http://www.amazon.com/Turtle-Beach-Call-Duty-Playstation-3/");
  std::string b("dp/B005EEMYCO/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1329798456&sr=8-7");
  //std::string a("http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002GYWHSQ/?tag=googhydr-");
  //std::string b("20&hvadid=16413069595&ref=pd_sl_1gtlqzgaj7_b");
  std::string c = a.append(b);
  //std::string c("http://eng.utah.edu/~ccurtis/page1.html");
  std::string url(c);
  std::string filename ("words.txt");
  Dictionary dic(filename);

  RateLimiter limiter(8);

  /* DEBUG */
  printf("Calling Map!\n");

  Page *page =  Map(url, limiter, dic);
  //Page page = Map(url, dic);

  //printf("Page URL: %s\n", page.Url().c_str());
  printf("<<Map has Finished Running>>\n");

  std::vector<std::string> links = page->GetLinks();

  //std::vector<string>::iterator it;
  //cout << "Links: \n \n" << endl;
  //for (it = links.begin(); it < links.end(); ++it)
    //cout << "link ~ " <<  *it << "\n\n" << endl;

  /* Set up Page's Histogram */
  Word_Count *histogram = page->GetHistogram();
      // Print the Histogram
  printf("Page has %i total English words!\n", histogram->NumberOfWords());
  std::vector<std::string> words = histogram->GetWords();
  printf("There are %i misspellings!\n", 

  std::vector<AmazonCustomer> customers = page->GetReviewers();

  std::vector<AmazonCustomer>::iterator it;
  std::vector<std::pair <double, double> >::iterator it2;
  printf("\nPage has %i images\n\n", page->GetImageCount());
  printf("\nReviewers: \n\n");
  double x;
  std::vector <std::pair <double, double> > pairs;
  for (it = customers.begin(); it < customers.end(); ++it)
      x = ((double)(*it).length_of_reviews/(*it).number_of_reviews);
      printf(" ~ %s\n", (*it).name.c_str());
      printf("Total Words = %i\n", (*it).length_of_reviews);
      printf("Has %i total reviews.\n", (*it).number_of_reviews);
      printf("With an average review length of %f words.\n", x);
      printf("And %i misspellings.\n\n", (*it).misspellings_count);

      printf("Max Review Length of %i\n", (*it).max_review_length);

      pairs = (*it).stars_cost;
      int j = 0;
      for (it2 = pairs.begin(); it2 < pairs.end(); ++it2)
	  printf("(Stars, Cost) = (%f, %f)\n",
		 pairs.at(j).first, pairs.at(j).second);
	  j += 1;

  return 0;