Exemplo n.º 1
KrecipesView::KrecipesView( QWidget *parent )
	: QWidget( parent ), m_actionshandler( 0, 0 )
	new KrecipesAdaptor(this );
	QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/Krecipes", this);

#ifndef NDEBUG
	QTime dbg_total_timer; dbg_total_timer.start();
	// Init the setup wizard if necessary
	kDebug() << "Beginning wizard" ;
	kDebug() << "Wizard finished correctly" ;

	// Show Splash Screen

	KStartupLogo* start_logo = 0L;
	start_logo = new KStartupLogo();
	start_logo -> setHideEnabled( true );

	// Initialize Database

	// Check if the database type is among those supported
	// and initialize the database in each case
	START_TIMER("Initializing database")

	// Design the GUI
	QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout;
	setLayout( layout );
	splitter = new KHBox( this );
	layout->addWidget( splitter );
	// Create Left and Right Panels (splitter)

	leftPanelFrame = new QFrame( splitter );
	leftPanel = new KreMenu;
	QHBoxLayout *leftPanelFrameLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
	leftPanelFrame->setLayout( leftPanelFrameLayout );
	leftPanelFrameLayout->addWidget( leftPanel );
	leftPanelFrameLayout->setMargin( 0 );
	leftPanelFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Raised );
	leftPanelFrame->setFrameRect( QRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
	rightPanel = new PanelDeco( splitter, i18n( "Find/Edit Recipes" ), "system-search" );

	// Design Left Panel

	START_TIMER("Setting up buttons")
	// Buttons

	button0 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, SelectP );
	button0->setIconSet( KIcon( "system-search" ) );
	buttonsList.append( button0 );

	button1 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, ShoppingP );
	button1->setIconSet( KIcon( "view-pim-tasks" ) );
	buttonsList.append( button1 );

	button7 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, DietP );
	button7->setIconSet( KIcon( "diet" ) );
	buttonsList.append( button7 );

	button8 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, MatcherP );
	button8->setIconSet( KIcon( "view-filter" ) );
	buttonsList.append( button8 );

	// Submenus
	dataMenu = leftPanel->createSubMenu( i18n( "Data..." ), "server-database" );
	recipeButton = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, RecipeEdit );
	recipeButton->setIconSet( KIcon( "document-save" ) );
	buttonsList.append( recipeButton );
	recipeButton->setEnabled( false );

	button2 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, IngredientsP, dataMenu );
	button2->setIconSet( KIcon( "ingredients" ) );

	button3 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, PropertiesP, dataMenu );
	button3->setIconSet( KIcon( "properties" ) );
	buttonsList.append( button3 );

	button4 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, UnitsP, dataMenu );
	button4->setIconSet( KIcon( "units" ) );
	buttonsList.append( button4 );

	button9 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, PrepMethodsP, dataMenu );
	button9->setIconSet( KIcon( "methods" ) );
	buttonsList.append( button9 );

	button5 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, CategoriesP, dataMenu );
	button5->setIconSet( KIcon( "folder-yellow" ) );
	buttonsList.append( button5 );

	button6 = new KreMenuButton( leftPanel, AuthorsP, dataMenu );
	button6->setIconSet( KIcon( "authors" ) );
	buttonsList.append( button6 );	

	contextButton = new QPushButton( leftPanel );
	contextButton->setObjectName( "contextButton" );
	contextButton->setIcon( KIcon( "system-help" ) );
	contextButton->setGeometry( leftPanel->width() - 42, leftPanel->height() - 42, 32, 32 );

	QPalette p = palette();
	p.setColor(backgroundRole(), contextButton->palette().color(backgroundRole()).light( 140 ) );
	contextButton->setFlat( true );

	KConfigGroup config(KGlobal::config(), "Performance" );
	int limit = config.readEntry( "CategoryLimit", -1 );

	// Right Panel Widgets
	START_TIMER("Creating input dialog")
	inputPanel = new RecipeInputDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( inputPanel );

	START_TIMER("Creating recipe view")
	viewPanel = new RecipeViewDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( viewPanel );

	START_TIMER("Creating recipe selection dialog")
	selectPanel = new SelectRecipeDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( selectPanel );


	START_TIMER("Creating ingredients component")
	ingredientsPanel = new IngredientsDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( ingredientsPanel );

	START_TIMER("Creating properties component")
	propertiesPanel = new PropertiesDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( propertiesPanel );


	START_TIMER("Creating units component")
	unitsPanel = new UnitsDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( unitsPanel );


	START_TIMER("Creating shopping list dialog")
	shoppingListPanel = new ShoppingListDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( shoppingListPanel );


	START_TIMER("Creating diet wizard dialog")
	dietPanel = new DietWizardDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( dietPanel );


	START_TIMER("Creating categories component")
	categoriesPanel = new CategoriesEditorDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( categoriesPanel );


	START_TIMER("Creating authors component")
	authorsPanel = new AuthorsDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( authorsPanel );


	START_TIMER("Creating prep methods component")
	prepMethodsPanel = new PrepMethodsDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( prepMethodsPanel );


	START_TIMER("Creating ingredients matcher dialog")
	ingredientMatcherPanel = new IngredientMatcherDialog( rightPanel, database );
	rightPanel->addStackWidget( ingredientMatcherPanel );



	// Use to keep track of the panels
	panelMap.insert( inputPanel, RecipeEdit );
	panelMap.insert( viewPanel, RecipeView );
	panelMap.insert( selectPanel, SelectP );
	panelMap.insert( ingredientsPanel, IngredientsP );
	panelMap.insert( propertiesPanel, PropertiesP );
	panelMap.insert( unitsPanel, UnitsP );
	panelMap.insert( shoppingListPanel, ShoppingP );
	panelMap.insert( dietPanel, DietP );
	panelMap.insert( categoriesPanel, CategoriesP );
	panelMap.insert( authorsPanel, AuthorsP );
	panelMap.insert( prepMethodsPanel, PrepMethodsP );
	panelMap.insert( ingredientMatcherPanel, MatcherP );

	m_activePanel = SelectP;
	m_previousActivePanel = SelectP;
	slotSetPanel( SelectP );

	// i18n

	// Connect Signals from Left Panel to slotSetPanel()
	connect( leftPanel, SIGNAL( clicked( KrePanel ) ), this, SLOT( slotSetPanel( KrePanel ) ) );

	connect( contextButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( activateContextHelp() ) );

	connect( leftPanel, SIGNAL( resized( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( resizeRightPane( int, int ) ) );

	// Retransmit signal to parent to Enable/Disable the Save Button
	connect ( inputPanel, SIGNAL( enableSaveOption( bool ) ), this, SLOT( enableSaveOptionSlot( bool ) ) );

	// Create a new button when a recipe is unsaved
	connect ( inputPanel, SIGNAL( createButton( QWidget*, const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( addRecipeButton( QWidget*, const QString & ) ) );

	// Connect Signals from selectPanel (SelectRecipeDialog)

	connect ( selectPanel, SIGNAL( recipeSelected( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( actionRecipe( int, int ) ) );
	connect ( selectPanel, SIGNAL( recipesSelected( const QList<int>&, int ) ), this, SLOT( actionRecipes( const QList<int>&, int ) ) );

	// Connect Signals from ingredientMatcherPanel (IngredientMatcherDialog)

	connect ( ingredientMatcherPanel, SIGNAL( recipeSelected( int, int ) ), SLOT( actionRecipe( int, int ) ) );

	// Close a recipe when requested (just switch panels)
	connect( inputPanel, SIGNAL( closeRecipe() ), this, SLOT( closeRecipe() ) );

	// Show a recipe when requested (just switch panels)
	connect( inputPanel, SIGNAL( showRecipe( int ) ), this, SLOT( showRecipe( int ) ) );

	// Close the recipe view when requested (just switch panels)
	connect( viewPanel, SIGNAL( closeRecipeView() ), this, SLOT( closeRecipe() ) );

	// Create a new shopping list when a new diet is generated and accepted
	connect( dietPanel, SIGNAL( dietReady() ), this, SLOT( createShoppingListFromDiet() ) );

	// Place the Tip Button in correct position when the left pane is resized
	connect( leftPanel, SIGNAL( resized( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( moveTipButton( int, int ) ) );

	connect( rightPanel, SIGNAL( panelRaised( QWidget*, QWidget* ) ), SLOT( panelRaised( QWidget*, QWidget* ) ) );

	connect( selectPanel, SIGNAL( recipeSelected(bool) ), SIGNAL( recipeSelected(bool) ) );
	connect( ingredientMatcherPanel, SIGNAL( recipeSelected(bool) ), SIGNAL( recipeSelected(bool) ) );

	// Close Splash Screen
	delete start_logo;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	kDebug()<<"Total time elapsed: "<<dbg_total_timer.elapsed()/1000<<" sec";
Exemplo n.º 2
void DietWizardDialog::createShoppingList( void )
	emit dietReady();