Exemplo n.º 1
static mrb_value
mrb_digest_hmac_hexdigest(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) {
  mrb_digest *digest;
  void *ctx_tmp;
  unsigned char md[MRB_DIGEST_AVAILABLE_SIZ];
  size_t md_len;

  digest = mrb_get_datatype(mrb, self, &mrb_hmac_type);
  if (digest == NULL) {
    mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "invalid argument");

  ctx_tmp = malloc(digest->ctx_size);
  if (ctx_tmp == NULL) {
    mrb_raise(mrb, E_RUNTIME_ERROR, "cannot allocate memory");
  memcpy(ctx_tmp, digest->ctx, digest->ctx_size);

  md_len = 0L;
  call_hmac_final(mrb, FFI_FN(digest->func_final), ctx_tmp, md, &md_len);


  return mrb_str_new(mrb, (const char *)digest2hex(hex, md, md_len), md_len * 2);
Exemplo n.º 2
void test_gridfile(gridfs *gfs, char *data_before, uint64_t length, char *filename, char *content_type) {
    gridfile gfile[1];
    char *data_after = malloc( LARGE );
    if( data_after == NULL ) {
        printf("Failed to allocated memory");
    FILE * fd;
    mongo_md5_state_t pms[1];
    mongo_md5_byte_t digest[16];
    char hex_digest[33];
    uint64_t i = length;
    int n;

    gridfs_find_filename(gfs, filename, gfile);

    fd = fopen("output", "w+");
    gridfile_write_file(gfile, fd);
    fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
    ASSERT(fread(data_after, length, sizeof(char), fd));
    ASSERT( strncmp(data_before, data_after, length) == 0 );

    gridfile_read( gfile, length, data_after );
    ASSERT( strncmp(data_before, data_after, length) == 0 );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), filename ) == 0 );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == length );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_chunksize( gfile ) == DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_contenttype( gfile ), content_type ) == 0) ;

    ASSERT( strncmp( data_before, data_after, length ) == 0 );


    n = 0;
    while( i > INT_MAX  ) {
        mongo_md5_append(pms, (const mongo_md5_byte_t *)data_before + (n * INT_MAX), INT_MAX);
        i -= INT_MAX;
        n += 1;
    if( i > 0 )
        mongo_md5_append(pms, (const mongo_md5_byte_t *)data_before + (n * INT_MAX), i);

    mongo_md5_finish(pms, digest);
    digest2hex(digest, hex_digest);
    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_md5( gfile ), hex_digest ) == 0 );

    gridfs_remove_filename(gfs, filename);
    free( data_after );
Exemplo n.º 3
static void mongo_pass_digest( const char *user, const char *pass, char hex_digest[33] ) {
    mongo_md5_state_t st;
    mongo_md5_byte_t digest[16];

    mongo_md5_init( &st );
    mongo_md5_append( &st, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )user, strlen( user ) );
    mongo_md5_append( &st, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )":mongo:", 7 );
    mongo_md5_append( &st, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )pass, strlen( pass ) );
    mongo_md5_finish( &st, digest );
    digest2hex( digest, hex_digest );
Exemplo n.º 4
static int format_hex(const uint8_t *p, size_t plen, off_t flen, const char *path) {
	char *hexdigest = alloca(2*plen + 1);

	digest2hex(hexdigest, p, plen);
	fputs(hexdigest, stdout);
	fputs("  ", stdout);
	if (*path == '\0') path = "-";

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char hash[HASH_LEN];
    if (argc < 3) 
        printf("Usage: %s hash_file rainbow_file\n", argv[0]);
    // Open both hash and rainbow.bow file for reading
    FILE *hf = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    if (!hf) {
        printf("Hash file could not be opened!\n");

    FILE *rf = fopen(argv[2], "rb");
    if (!rf) {
        printf("Binary file could not be opened!\n");
    // Takes the hash file and hashes each value
    // Seeks to the appropriate mem location and returns password found
    while ( fscanf(hf, "%s\n", hash) != EOF ) 
        entry e;
        int file_location = locate_file(hash);
        if (fseek(rf, file_location, SEEK_SET) < 0)
            P("Error! %s\n", strerror(errno));
        // Loops while password is not found
        while(fread(&e, sizeof(entry), 1, rf) == 1)
            // Convert the raw data to hex
            char *new_hash = digest2hex(e.hash);
            // Compare raw hashes, if equal, print
            // the hash and plain text password, break
            if (memcmp(new_hash, hash, 16) == 0)
                P("%s %s\n", hash, e.pass);
Exemplo n.º 6
static int format_hexlen(const uint8_t *p, size_t plen, off_t flen, const char *path) {
	char *hexdigest = alloca(2*plen + 1), buf[12] = "           \0";

	digest2hex(hexdigest, p, plen);
	fputs(hexdigest, stdout);
	putc(' ', stdout);
	int2str(buf, flen);
	fputs(buf, stdout);
	if (*path == '\0') path = "-";

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
bson_bool_t mongo_cmd_authenticate( mongo *conn, const char *db, const char *user, const char *pass ) {
    bson from_db;
    bson cmd;
    bson out;
    const char *nonce;
    bson_bool_t success = 0;

    mongo_md5_state_t st;
    mongo_md5_byte_t digest[16];
    char hex_digest[33];

    if( mongo_simple_int_command( conn, db, "getnonce", 1, &from_db ) == MONGO_OK ) {
        bson_iterator it;
        bson_find( &it, &from_db, "nonce" );
        nonce = bson_iterator_string( &it );
    } else {
        return MONGO_ERROR;

    mongo_pass_digest( user, pass, hex_digest );

    mongo_md5_init( &st );
    mongo_md5_append( &st, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )nonce, strlen( nonce ) );
    mongo_md5_append( &st, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )user, strlen( user ) );
    mongo_md5_append( &st, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )hex_digest, 32 );
    mongo_md5_finish( &st, digest );
    digest2hex( digest, hex_digest );

    bson_init( &cmd );
    bson_append_int( &cmd, "authenticate", 1 );
    bson_append_string( &cmd, "user", user );
    bson_append_string( &cmd, "nonce", nonce );
    bson_append_string( &cmd, "key", hex_digest );
    bson_finish( &cmd );

    bson_destroy( &from_db );
    /*bson_init( &from_db ); */
    if( mongo_run_command( conn, db, &cmd, &out ) == MONGO_OK ) {
        bson_iterator it;
        if( bson_find( &it, &out, "ok" ) )
            success = bson_iterator_bool( &it );

    bson_destroy( &from_db );
    bson_destroy( &cmd );

    if( success )
        return MONGO_OK;
        return MONGO_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 8
void test_gridfile(gridfs *gfs, char *data_before, size_t length, char *filename, char *content_type) {
    gridfile gfile[1];
    char data_after[UPPER];
    FILE * fd;
    mongo_md5_state_t pms[1];
    mongo_md5_byte_t digest[16];
    char hex_digest[33];

    gridfs_find_filename(gfs, filename, gfile);
    fd = fopen("output", "w+");
    gridfile_write_file(gfile, fd);
    fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
    ASSERT(fread(data_after, length, sizeof(char), fd));
    ASSERT( strncmp(data_before, data_after, length) == 0 );
    gridfile_read( gfile, length, data_after);
    ASSERT( strncmp(data_before, data_after, length) == 0 );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), filename ) == 0 ); 

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == length );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_chunksize( gfile ) == DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_contenttype( gfile ), content_type ) == 0) ;

    mongo_md5_append(pms, (const mongo_md5_byte_t *)data_before, (int)length);
    mongo_md5_finish(pms, digest);
    digest2hex(digest, hex_digest);
    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_md5( gfile ), hex_digest ) == 0 );

    gridfs_remove_filename(gfs, filename);
Exemplo n.º 9
void test_gridfile( gridfs *gfs, char *data_before, int64_t length, char *filename, char *content_type )
    gridfile gfile[1];
    FILE *stream;
#ifdef	DYING
    mongo_md5_state_t pms[1];
    mongo_md5_byte_t digest[16];
    char hex_digest[33];
    int64_t i = length;
    int n;
    char *data_after = (char*)bson_malloc( LARGE );
    int truncBytes;
    char* lowerName;

    ASSERT(gridfs_find_filename( gfs, filename, gfile ) == MONGO_OK);
    ASSERT( gridfile_exists( gfile ) );

    stream = fopen( "output", "w+" );
    gridfile_write_file( gfile, stream );
    fseek( stream, 0, SEEK_SET );
    ASSERT( fread( data_after, (size_t)length, sizeof( char ), stream ) );
    fclose( stream );
    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)length ) == 0 );

    gridfile_read_buffer( gfile, data_after, length );
    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)length ) == 0 );

    lowerName = (char*) bson_malloc( (int)strlen( filename ) + 1);    
    strcpy( lowerName, filename );
    _strlwr( lowerName );
    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), lowerName ) == 0 );
    bson_free( lowerName );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == (size_t)length );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_chunksize( gfile ) == DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_contenttype( gfile ), content_type ) == 0 ) ;

    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)length ) == 0 );

    if( !( gfile->flags & GRIDFILE_COMPRESS ) ) {
#ifdef	DYING
      mongo_md5_init( pms );

      n = 0;
      while( i > INT_MAX  ) {
          mongo_md5_append( pms, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )data_before + ( n * INT_MAX ), INT_MAX );
          i -= INT_MAX;
          n += 1;
      if( i > 0 )
          mongo_md5_append( pms, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )data_before + ( n * INT_MAX ), (int)i );

      mongo_md5_finish( pms, digest );
      digest2hex( digest, hex_digest );
        const char * _digest = NULL;
        int xx;
        while( i > INT_MAX  ) {
          xx = rpmDigestUpdate(ctx, (char *)data_before + (n*INT_MAX), INT_MAX);
          i -= INT_MAX;
          n += 1;
        xx = rpmDigestFinal(ctx, &_digest, NULL, 1);
        strncpy(hex_digest, _digest, 32+1);
	hex_digest[32] = '\0';
        _digest = _free(_digest);

      ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_md5( gfile ), hex_digest ) == 0 );

    truncBytes = (int) (length > DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 4 ? length - DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 2 - 13 : 23); 
    gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, filename, content_type, GRIDFILE_DEFAULT);
    ASSERT( gridfile_truncate(gfile, (size_t)(length - truncBytes)) == (size_t)(length - truncBytes));
    gridfile_writer_done( gfile );

    gridfile_seek(gfile, 0);
    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == (size_t)(length - truncBytes) );
    ASSERT( gridfile_read_buffer( gfile, data_after, length ) ==  (size_t)(length - truncBytes));
    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)(length - truncBytes) ) == 0 );

    gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, filename, content_type, GRIDFILE_DEFAULT);
    gridfile_truncate(gfile, 0);
    gridfile_writer_done( gfile );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == 0 );
    ASSERT( gridfile_read_buffer( gfile, data_after, length ) == 0 );

    gridfile_destroy( gfile );
    ASSERT( gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, filename ) == MONGO_OK );
    free( data_after );
    gridfs_test_unlink( "output" );
Exemplo n.º 10
void test_gridfile( gridfs *gfs, char *data_before, int64_t length, char *filename, char *content_type ) {
    gridfile gfile[1];
    FILE *stream;
    mongo_md5_state_t pms[1];
    mongo_md5_byte_t digest[16];
    char hex_digest[33];
    int64_t i = length;
    int n;
    char *data_after = (char*)bson_malloc( LARGE );
    int truncBytes;
    char* lowerName;

    ASSERT(gridfs_find_filename( gfs, filename, gfile ) == MONGO_OK);
    ASSERT( gridfile_exists( gfile ) );

    stream = fopen( "output", "w+" );
    gridfile_write_file( gfile, stream );
    fseek( stream, 0, SEEK_SET );
    ASSERT( fread( data_after, (size_t)length, sizeof( char ), stream ) );
    fclose( stream );
    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)length ) == 0 );

    gridfile_read( gfile, length, data_after );
    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)length ) == 0 );

    lowerName = (char*) bson_malloc( (int)strlen( filename ) + 1);
    strcpy( lowerName, filename);
    _strlwr( lowerName );
    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), lowerName ) == 0 );
    bson_free( lowerName );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == (size_t)length );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_chunksize( gfile ) == DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_contenttype( gfile ), content_type ) == 0 ) ;

    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)length ) == 0 );

    if( !( gfile->flags & GRIDFILE_COMPRESS ) ) {
      mongo_md5_init( pms );

      n = 0;
      while( i > INT_MAX  ) {
          mongo_md5_append( pms, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )data_before + ( n * INT_MAX ), INT_MAX );
          i -= INT_MAX;
          n += 1;
      if( i > 0 )
          mongo_md5_append( pms, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )data_before + ( n * INT_MAX ), (int)i );

      mongo_md5_finish( pms, digest );
      digest2hex( digest, hex_digest );
      ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_md5( gfile ), hex_digest ) == 0 );

    truncBytes = (int) (length > DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 4 ? length - DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 2 - 13 : 23); 
    gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, filename, content_type, GRIDFILE_DEFAULT);
    ASSERT( gridfile_truncate(gfile, (size_t)(length - truncBytes)) == (size_t)(length - truncBytes));
    gridfile_writer_done( gfile );

    gridfile_seek(gfile, 0);
    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == (size_t)(length - truncBytes) );
    ASSERT( gridfile_read( gfile, length, data_after ) ==  (size_t)(length - truncBytes));
    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)(length - truncBytes) ) == 0 );

    gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, filename, content_type, GRIDFILE_DEFAULT);
    gridfile_truncate(gfile, 0);
    gridfile_writer_done( gfile );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == 0 );
    ASSERT( gridfile_read( gfile, length, data_after ) == 0 );

    gridfile_destroy( gfile );
    gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, filename );
    free( data_after );
    _unlink( "output" );