uint* RetroDetector::Discrepancy(
			Change R, Change G, Change B,
			uint &max,uint &min
	int size = sizeof(i0)/(sizeof(uchar) * PIXELSIZE);
	uint discreps[size]; // the array of float values representing discrepancies
	max = 0; // keep track of largest and smallest values
	min = 99999;
	for(int i = 0,ind=0; i < size; i++,ind += PIXELSIZE)
		uint dR = discrep(i0[ind+RIND],i1[ind+RIND],R);
		uint dG = discrep(i0[ind+GIND],i1[ind+GIND],G);
		uint dB = discrep(i0[ind+BIND],i1[ind+BIND],B);
		uint res = dR*dG*dB+1;
		discreps[i] = res;
		if(res > max){max = res;}
		if(res < min){min = res;}
	return NULL; // discreps;  Remove "warning: address of local variable `discreps' returned"
float* RetroDetector::Discrepancy(
			uchar*R0, uchar*G0, uchar*B0, 
			uchar*R1, uchar*G1, uchar*B1,
			Change R, Change G, Change B,
			int channelsused,
			float &max,float &min
	int size = sizeof(R0)/sizeof(uchar);
	float discreps[size]; // the array of float values representing discrepancies
	max = -99999; // keep track of largest and smallest values
	min = 99999;
	for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
		float dR = discrep(R0[i],R1[i],R,3);
		float dG = discrep(G0[i],G1[i],G,3);
		float dB = discrep(B0[i],B1[i],B,3);
		float res = pow(dR*dG*dB,1.0/channelsused);
		discreps[i] = res;
		if(res > max){max = res;}
		if(res < min){min = res;}
	return discreps;
Exemplo n.º 3
int dnls1_general_driver(DNLS1_STORAGE * pStorage, void * pGeop, double * x, double * fit, double *st_err,
                         double * max_diff, char * message) {

    int iw = 4, i, err = 0;
    double dummy_fit = 0.;

    if(!pGeop)    return 0;
    if(!pStorage) return 0;

    if(pStorage->err) return -1;

    if(pStorage->iopt==-1)   pStorage->iopt=1;
    if(pStorage->ftol==-1.)  pStorage->ftol= sqrt(d1mach_(&iw));
    if(pStorage->xtol==-1.)  pStorage->xtol= sqrt(d1mach_(&iw));
    if(pStorage->gtol==-1.)  pStorage->gtol= 0.;
    if(pStorage->maxfev==-1) pStorage->maxfev= 40000;
    if(pStorage->epsfcn==-1) pStorage->epsfcn= 0.;
    if(pStorage->mode  ==-1) pStorage->mode= 1;
    if(pStorage->factor==-1) pStorage->factor = 100;
    if(pStorage->nprint==-1) pStorage->nprint = 1;

    pStorage->ldfjac       = pStorage->m;
    pStorage->n_iterations = 0;

    memcpy(pStorage->x, x, sizeof(double)*pStorage->n);

    FCN_PARAMS params;
    params.pData = pStorage;
    params.pFcnParams = pGeop;

    /*  if(pStorage->iopt==1) { // forward differencing for jackobian
        int iflag=1;
        memset(pStorage->fjac, sizeof(double)*pStorage->n*pStorage->m, 0);

       (*pStorage->fcn)(&iflag, &pStorage->m, &pStorage->n, pStorage->x,  // need to compute fvec
    			  pStorage->fvec, pStorage->fjac, &pStorage->ldfjac, (void *)&params);

        dfdjc3_(pStorage->fcn, &pStorage->m, &pStorage->n, pStorage->x,
        		pStorage->fvec, pStorage->fjac, &pStorage->ldfjac, &iflag, &pStorage->epsfcn,
        		pStorage->wa4, (void *)&params);
        		fprintf(stderr,"%d %d %d\n", pStorage->m, pStorage->n, pStorage->ldfjac);
         else {
           int iflag=2;
           int ldfjac = 1;
     	   (*pStorage->fcn)(&iflag, &pStorage->m, &pStorage->n, pStorage->x,
    			  pStorage->fvec, pStorage->fjac, &pStorage->ldfjac, (void *)&params);


           fprintf(stderr,"pStorage->n=%d pStorage->m=%d\n", pStorage->n, pStorage->m);

            for(i=0; i<pStorage->m; i++) {
                     fprintf(stdout,"%d " ,i);
                     for(int j=0; j<pStorage->n; j++)
                          fprintf(stdout,"%lg ", pStorage->fjac[pStorage->m*j+i]);

      exit(0);  */

    fprintf(stderr,"pStorage->ldfjac=%d\n",  pStorage->ldfjac);
    fprintf(stderr,"pStorage->ftol=%lg\n",   pStorage->ftol);
    fprintf(stderr,"pStorage->xtol=%lg\n",   pStorage->xtol);
    fprintf(stderr,"pStorage->gtol=%lg\n",   pStorage->gtol);
    fprintf(stderr,"pStorage->maxfev=%d\n",  pStorage->maxfev);
    fprintf(stderr,"pStorage->epsfcn=%lg\n", pStorage->epsfcn);
    fprintf(stderr,"pStorage->mode=%d\n",    pStorage->mode);
    fprintf(stderr,"pStorage->factor=%lg\n", pStorage->factor);
    fprintf(stderr,"pStorage->nprint=%d\n",  pStorage->nprint);*/

    if(!pStorage->compute_only_stdev) {

        dnls1_(pStorage->fcn, &pStorage->iopt, &pStorage->m, &pStorage->n, pStorage->x,
               pStorage->fvec, pStorage->fjac, &pStorage->ldfjac, &pStorage->ftol, &pStorage->xtol,
               &pStorage->gtol, &pStorage->maxfev, &pStorage->epsfcn, pStorage->diag,
               &pStorage->mode, &pStorage->factor, &pStorage->nprint, &pStorage->info,
               &pStorage->nfev, &pStorage->njev, pStorage->ipvt, pStorage->qtf,
               pStorage->wa1, pStorage->wa2, pStorage->wa3, pStorage->wa4, (void *)&params);

        if(message) {
            switch(pStorage->info) {
            case 0:
                strcpy(message, "DNLS1: improper input parameters.");

            case 1:
                sprintf(message, "DNLS1: both actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL=%lg",pStorage->ftol);

            case 2:
                sprintf(message, "DNLS1: relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL=%lg",pStorage->xtol);

            case 3:
                sprintf(message, "DNLS1:  both actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL=%lg and relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL=%lg", pStorage->ftol, pStorage->xtol);

            case 4:
                sprintf(message, "DNLS1: the cosine of the angle between FVEC and any column of the Jacobian is at most GTOL=%lg in absolute value.",pStorage->gtol);

            case 5:
                strcpy(message, "DNLS1: number of calls to FCN for function evaluation has reached its limit or executaion has been cancelled");

            case 6:
                sprintf(message, "DNLS1: FTOL=%lg is too small.  No further reduction in the sum of squares is possible.", pStorage->ftol);

            case 7:
                sprintf(message, "DNLS1: XTOL=%lg is too small.  No further improvement in the approximate solution X is possible",pStorage->xtol);

            case 8:
                sprintf(message, "DNLS1: GTOL=%lg is too small.  FVEC is orthogonal to the columns of the Jacobian to machine precision.", pStorage->xtol);

                strcpy(message, "DNLS1: No information is available.");


        *fit = discrep(pStorage->fvec,pStorage->m, pStorage->n);

        // find max. difference

        *max_diff = fabs(pStorage->fvec[0]);
        double am;
        for(i=0; i<pStorage->m; i++) {
            am = fabs(pStorage->fvec[i]);
            if(am > *max_diff) *max_diff = am;
    else { // only estimate std. dev
        //*fit      = 0.;
        //*max_diff = 0.;

    memcpy(x, pStorage->x, sizeof(double)*pStorage->n);

    //fprintf(stdout,"-----------------scov matrix ---------------\n");
    //for(i=0; i<pStorage->n; i++)  {
    //	   for(int j=0; j<pStorage->n; j++) {
    //			   fprintf(stdout,"%10e ", r[ldr*j+i]/((*fit)*(*fit)));
    //	   }
    //	   fprintf(stdout,"\n");
    //fprintf(stdout,"-----------------end of scov matrix ---------------\n");

// old way how to compute covariance


    // compute standard covariance matrix

    int ldr =  (pStorage->iopt == 3) ? pStorage->n :  pStorage->m;
    int info;

    int iflag=1;

    dcov_(pStorage->fcn, &pStorage->iopt, &pStorage->m, &pStorage->n,
          pStorage->x, pStorage->fvec, pStorage->fjac, &ldr, &info,
          pStorage->wa1, pStorage->wa2, pStorage->wa3, pStorage->wa4, (void *)&params);

    if(pStorage->compute_only_stdev) { // only could find discr AFTER dcov_
        dummy_fit = discrep(pStorage->fvec,pStorage->m, pStorage->n);
        for(i=0; i<pStorage->n; i++) st_err[i] =  sqrt(fabs(pStorage->fjac[ldr*i+i]))/(dummy_fit);
        for(i=0; i<pStorage->n; i++) {
            //fprintf(stderr,"Jc %lf\n", pStorage->fjac[ldr*i+i]);
            st_err[i] =  sqrt(fabs(pStorage->fjac[ldr*i+i]));

    for(i=0; i<pStorage->n; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j<pStorage->n; j++) {
            //fprintf(stderr, "Jc %d %d %6.2lf ", i, j, pStorage->fjac[ldr*i+j]);
            pStorage->fjac[ldr*i+j] /= (st_err[i]*st_err[j]);
        //fprintf(stderr, "\n");


    // compute jackobian

    int pack = 1;

    if(pStorage->iopt==1) { // forward differencing for jackobian
        int iflag=1;
        pack =1;

        (*pStorage->fcn)(&iflag, &pStorage->m, &pStorage->n, pStorage->x,  // need to compute fvec
                         pStorage->fvec, pStorage->fjac, &pStorage->ldfjac, (void *)&params);

        dfdjc3_(pStorage->fcn, &pStorage->m, &pStorage->n, pStorage->x,
                pStorage->fvec, pStorage->fjac, &pStorage->ldfjac, &iflag, &pStorage->epsfcn,
                pStorage->wa4, (void *)&params);
    else {

        int iflag=2;
        int ldfjac = 1;
        (*pStorage->fcn)(&iflag, &pStorage->m, &pStorage->n, pStorage->x,
                         pStorage->fvec, pStorage->fjac, &ldfjac, (void *)&params);


    compute_standard_errors(pStorage->fjac, pStorage->m, pStorage->n, pStorage->ipvt,
                            pStorage->wa1, pack, *fit, st_err);

    //compute_standard_errors_svd(pStorage->fjac, pStorage->m, pStorage->n, *fit,
    //                            st_err);


    return 1;
