Exemplo n.º 1
void test_distributed_mutexes(redis::client & c)
  redis::distributed_int dist_int(INT_VARIABLE, c);
  dist_int = 0;
  ASSERT_EQUAL(dist_int.to_int(), 0);
  ostringstream os;
  os << "incremented in " << THREAD_COUNT << " threads with distributed mutexes";
    block_duration dur(os.str(), THREAD_COUNT*INCREM_COUNT);
    boost::array< boost::optional<unsave_increment_in_mutex>, THREAD_COUNT > incrementors;
    boost::array< boost::thread, THREAD_COUNT > threads;
    for(int i=0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++)
      incrementors[i] = unsave_increment_in_mutex(c, "mutex1", INCREM_COUNT);
    for(int i=0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++)
      threads[i] = boost::thread( *incrementors[i] );
    for(int i=0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++)
  ASSERT_EQUAL( boost::lexical_cast<int>( c.get(INT_VARIABLE) ), THREAD_COUNT*INCREM_COUNT);
Exemplo n.º 2
  void operator()()
    redis::distributed_int dist_int(INT_VARIABLE, 0, *shr_c);
    for(int i=0; i < count; i++)
      redis::distributed_mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
      redis::client::int_type local_int = dist_int.to_int() + 1;
      dist_int = local_int;

      if( local_int % (THREAD_COUNT*10-1) == 0 )
        //cout << boost::this_thread::get_id() << ": " << local_int << endl;

    ASSERT_EQUAL(dist_int.to_int() >= count, true);
Exemplo n.º 3
int main() {

    const unsigned oversample = 2;
    const unsigned w = 2048*oversample, h = 2048*oversample;
    cout << "allocating memory for a " << w << " x " << h << " image buffer..." << flush;
    simg img( w, h, {0, 0, 0, 255} );
    cout << " done." << endl;

    // list of points
    const int numpoints = 5;
    uniform_int_distribution<> dist_int( 0, numpoints-1 );
    vector< double[2] > points( numpoints );

    // radius: 0.5 will just touch the edges of the image
    const double rad = 0.99 * 0.5;
    // initial rotation: not important but makes each image unique
    const double rot = rand01();

    // distribute points evenly around a circle (not necessary, but makes it easy to compare)
    for( int p = 0; p < numpoints; p++ ) {
        double angle = (rot + ((double)p / numpoints)) * 2. * 3.14159265358979323846;
        points[p][0] = 0.5 + rad*cos(angle);
        points[p][1] = 0.5 + rad*sin(angle);

    // additive RGBA (may be negative, usually want to leave alpha = 0)
    const srgba_light light = {10, 10, 10, 0};

    // a touchy constant: too big and the render appears fuzzy
    const double beta = 1. / 2.;

    // note: may need to try many different starting points to get a good image
    // * note: so far has worked with a single starting point
    double point[2] = { rand01(), rand01() };

    // how many times to plot the point: too big = slow
    const unsigned long numplots = 100000000;

    // do a render
    cout << "rendering " << numplots << " points..." << flush;
    for( unsigned long i = 0; i < numplots; i++ ) {
        // pick a point to move toward
        int p = dist_int( rand_gen );

        // compute new coordinates
        point[0] = points[p][0] + beta * ( point[0] - points[p][0] );
        point[1] = points[p][1] + beta * ( point[1] - points[p][1] );

        // plot point
        if( point[0] >= 0. && point[0] < 1. && point[1] >= 0. && point[1] < 1. ) {
            unsigned x = floor(point[0] * w);
            unsigned y = floor(point[1] * h);
            img.add( x, y, light );
    cout << " done." << endl;

    char filename[1024];
    sprintf( filename, "%d-points_%ux%u_%lu-samples.png", numpoints, w, h, numplots );

    img.save( string(filename) );

    return 0;