Exemplo n.º 1
int widget_padding_get_right ( const widget *wid )
    int distance = distance_get_pixel ( wid->padding.right, ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL );
    distance += distance_get_pixel ( wid->border.right, ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL );
    distance += distance_get_pixel ( wid->margin.right, ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL );
    return distance;
Exemplo n.º 2
int widget_padding_get_bottom ( const widget *wid )
    int distance = distance_get_pixel ( wid->padding.bottom, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
    distance += distance_get_pixel ( wid->border.bottom, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
    distance += distance_get_pixel ( wid->margin.bottom, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
    return distance;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int listview_get_desired_height ( widget *wid )
    listview *lv = (listview *) wid;
    if ( lv == NULL || lv->widget.enabled == FALSE ) {
        return 0;
    int spacing = distance_get_pixel ( lv->spacing, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
    int h       = lv->menu_lines;
    if ( !( lv->fixed_num_lines ) ) {
        if ( lv->dynamic ) {
            h = MIN ( lv->menu_lines, lv->req_elements );
        else {
            h = MIN ( lv->menu_lines, lv->max_displayed_lines );
    if ( h == 0 ) {
        if ( lv->dynamic && !lv->fixed_num_lines ) {
            // Hide widget fully.
            return 0;
        return widget_padding_get_padding_height ( WIDGET ( lv ) );
    int height = widget_padding_get_padding_height ( WIDGET ( lv ) );
    height += h * ( lv->element_height + spacing ) - spacing;
    return height;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void listview_resize ( widget *wid, short w, short h )
    listview *lv = (listview *) wid;
    lv->widget.w = MAX ( 0, w );
    lv->widget.h = MAX ( 0, h );
    int height       = lv->widget.h - widget_padding_get_padding_height ( WIDGET ( lv ) );
    int spacing_vert = distance_get_pixel ( lv->spacing, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
    lv->max_rows     = ( spacing_vert + height ) / ( lv->element_height + spacing_vert );
    lv->max_elements = lv->max_rows * lv->menu_columns;

    if ( lv->scrollbar->widget.index == 0 ) {
        widget_move ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ),
                      widget_padding_get_left ( WIDGET ( lv ) ),
                      widget_padding_get_top  ( WIDGET ( lv ) ) );
    else {
        widget_move ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ),
                      lv->widget.w - widget_padding_get_right ( WIDGET ( lv ) ) - widget_get_width ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ),
                      widget_padding_get_top ( WIDGET ( lv ) ) );
    widget_resize (  WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ), widget_get_width ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ), height );

    listview_recompute_elements ( lv );
    widget_queue_redraw ( wid );
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: box.c Projeto: yusiwen/rofi
static int box_get_desired_height ( widget *wid )
    box *b      = (box *) wid;
    int spacing = distance_get_pixel ( b->spacing, b->type );
    int height  = 0;
    if ( b->type == ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ) {
        int active_widgets = 0;
        for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) {
            widget * child = (widget *) iter->data;
            if ( !child->enabled ) {
            if ( child->expand == TRUE ) {
                height += widget_get_desired_height ( child );
            height += widget_get_desired_height ( child );
        if ( active_widgets > 0 ) {
            height += ( active_widgets - 1 ) * spacing;
    else {
        for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) {
            widget * child = (widget *) iter->data;
            if ( !child->enabled ) {
            height = MAX ( widget_get_desired_height ( child ), height );
    height += widget_padding_get_padding_height ( wid );
    return height;
Exemplo n.º 6
scrollbar *scrollbar_create ( widget *parent, const char *name )
    scrollbar *sb = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( scrollbar ) );
    widget_init ( WIDGET ( sb ), parent, WIDGET_TYPE_SCROLLBAR, name );
    sb->widget.x = 0;
    sb->widget.y = 0;
    sb->width    = rofi_theme_get_distance ( WIDGET ( sb ), "handle-width", DEFAULT_SCROLLBAR_WIDTH );
    int width = distance_get_pixel ( sb->width, ROFI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL );
    sb->widget.w = widget_padding_get_padding_width ( WIDGET ( sb ) ) + width;
    sb->widget.h = widget_padding_get_padding_height ( WIDGET ( sb ) );

    sb->widget.draw               = scrollbar_draw;
    sb->widget.free               = scrollbar_free;
    sb->widget.trigger_action     = scrollbar_trigger_action;
    sb->widget.motion_notify      = scrollbar_motion_notify;
    sb->widget.get_desired_height = scrollbar_get_desired_height;

    sb->length     = 10;
    sb->pos        = 0;
    sb->pos_length = 4;

    return sb;
Exemplo n.º 7
void widget_draw ( widget *widget, cairo_t *d )
    // Check if enabled and if draw is implemented.
    if ( widget && widget->enabled && widget->draw ) {
        // Don't draw if there is no space.
        if ( widget->h < 1 || widget->w < 1 ) {
            widget->need_redraw = FALSE;
        // Store current state.
        cairo_save ( d );
        int margin_left   = distance_get_pixel ( widget->margin.left, ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL );
        int margin_top    = distance_get_pixel ( widget->margin.top, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
        int margin_right  = distance_get_pixel ( widget->margin.right, ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL );
        int margin_bottom = distance_get_pixel ( widget->margin.bottom, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
        // Define a clipmask so we won't draw outside out widget.
        cairo_rectangle ( d,
                          widget->x + margin_left,
                          widget->y + margin_top,
                          widget->w - margin_right - margin_left,
                          widget->h - margin_top - margin_bottom
        cairo_clip ( d );
        cairo_set_source_rgba ( d, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
        rofi_theme_get_color ( widget, "background", d );
        cairo_paint ( d );

        // Set new x/y possition.
        cairo_translate ( d, widget->x, widget->y );
        cairo_set_source_rgba ( d, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

        int left   = distance_get_pixel ( widget->border.left, ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL );
        int right  = distance_get_pixel ( widget->border.right, ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL );
        int top    = distance_get_pixel ( widget->border.top, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
        int bottom = distance_get_pixel ( widget->border.bottom, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
        if ( left || top || right || bottom ) {
            cairo_save ( d );
            rofi_theme_get_color ( widget, "foreground", d );
            if ( left > 0 ) {
                cairo_set_line_width ( d, left );
                distance_get_linestyle ( widget->border.left, d );
                cairo_move_to ( d, margin_left + left / 2.0, margin_top );
                cairo_line_to ( d, margin_left + left / 2.0, widget->h - margin_bottom );
                cairo_stroke ( d );
            if ( right > 0 ) {
                cairo_set_line_width ( d, right );
                distance_get_linestyle ( widget->border.right, d );
                cairo_move_to ( d, widget->w - margin_right - right / 2.0, 0 );
                cairo_line_to ( d, widget->w - margin_right - right / 2.0, widget->h - margin_bottom );
                cairo_stroke ( d );
            if ( top > 0 ) {
                cairo_set_line_width ( d, top );
                distance_get_linestyle ( widget->border.top, d );
                cairo_move_to ( d, margin_left, margin_top + top / 2.0 );
                cairo_line_to ( d, widget->w - margin_right, margin_top + top / 2.0 );
                cairo_stroke ( d );
            if ( bottom > 0 ) {
                cairo_set_line_width ( d, bottom );
                distance_get_linestyle ( widget->border.bottom, d );
                cairo_move_to ( d, margin_left, widget->h - bottom / 2.0 - margin_bottom );
                cairo_line_to ( d, widget->w - margin_right, widget->h - bottom / 2.0 - margin_bottom );
                cairo_stroke ( d );
            cairo_restore ( d );
        widget->draw ( widget, d );
        widget->need_redraw = FALSE;

        cairo_restore ( d );
Exemplo n.º 8
static void listview_draw ( widget *wid, cairo_t *draw )
    unsigned int offset = 0;
    listview     *lv    = (listview *) wid;
    if ( lv->scroll_type == LISTVIEW_SCROLL_CONTINIOUS ) {
        offset = scroll_continious ( lv );
    else {
        offset = scroll_per_page ( lv );
    // Set these all together to make sure they update consistently.
    scrollbar_set_max_value ( lv->scrollbar, lv->req_elements );
    scrollbar_set_handle_length ( lv->scrollbar, lv->cur_columns * lv->max_rows );
    if ( lv->reverse ) {
        scrollbar_set_handle ( lv->scrollbar, lv->req_elements - lv->selected - 1 );
    else {
        scrollbar_set_handle ( lv->scrollbar, lv->selected  );
    lv->last_offset = offset;
    int spacing_vert = distance_get_pixel ( lv->spacing, ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
    int spacing_hori = distance_get_pixel ( lv->spacing, ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL );

    int left_offset = widget_padding_get_left ( wid );
    int top_offset  = widget_padding_get_top ( wid );
    if ( lv->scrollbar->widget.index == 0 ) {
        left_offset += spacing_hori + lv->scrollbar->widget.w;
    if ( lv->cur_elements > 0 && lv->max_rows > 0 ) {
        // Set new x/y possition.
        unsigned int max = MIN ( lv->cur_elements, lv->req_elements - offset );
        if ( lv->rchanged ) {
            unsigned int width = lv->widget.w - spacing_hori * ( lv->cur_columns - 1 );
            width -= widget_padding_get_padding_width ( wid );
            if ( widget_enabled ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) ) ) {
                width -= spacing_hori;
                width -= widget_get_width ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ) );
            unsigned int element_width = ( width ) / lv->cur_columns;
            for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < max; i++ ) {
                unsigned int ex = left_offset + ( ( i ) / lv->max_rows ) * ( element_width + spacing_hori );
                if ( lv->reverse ) {
                    unsigned int ey = wid->h - ( widget_padding_get_bottom ( wid ) + ( ( i ) % lv->max_rows ) * ( lv->element_height + spacing_vert ) ) - lv->element_height;
                    textbox_moveresize ( lv->boxes[i], ex, ey, element_width, lv->element_height );
                else {
                    unsigned int ey = top_offset + ( ( i ) % lv->max_rows ) * ( lv->element_height + spacing_vert );
                    textbox_moveresize ( lv->boxes[i], ex, ey, element_width, lv->element_height );

                update_element ( lv, i, i + offset, TRUE );
                widget_draw ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ), draw );
            lv->rchanged = FALSE;
        else {
            for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < max; i++ ) {
                update_element ( lv, i, i + offset, FALSE );
                widget_draw ( WIDGET ( lv->boxes[i] ), draw );
    widget_draw ( WIDGET ( lv->scrollbar ), draw );
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: box.c Projeto: yusiwen/rofi
static void hori_calculate_size ( box *b )
    int spacing           = distance_get_pixel ( b->spacing, ROFI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL );
    int expanding_widgets = 0;
    int active_widgets    = 0;
    int rem_width         = widget_padding_get_remaining_width ( WIDGET ( b ) );
    int rem_height        = widget_padding_get_remaining_height ( WIDGET ( b ) );
    for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) {
        widget * child = (widget *) iter->data;
        if ( child->enabled && child->expand == FALSE ) {
            widget_resize ( child,
                            widget_get_desired_width ( child ), //child->w,
                            rem_height );
    b->max_size = 0;
    for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) {
        widget * child = (widget *) iter->data;
        if ( !child->enabled ) {
        if ( child->expand == TRUE ) {
        // Size used by fixed width widgets.
        if ( child->h > 0 ) {
            b->max_size += child->w;
    b->max_size += MAX ( 0, ( ( active_widgets - 1 ) * spacing ) );
    if ( b->max_size > ( rem_width ) ) {
        b->max_size = rem_width;
        g_debug ( "Widgets to large (width) for box: %d %d", b->max_size, b->widget.w );
    if ( active_widgets > 0 ) {
        int    left  = widget_padding_get_left ( WIDGET ( b ) );
        double rem   = rem_width - b->max_size;
        int    index = 0;
        for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) {
            widget * child = (widget *) iter->data;
            if ( child->enabled == FALSE  ) {
            if ( child->expand == TRUE ) {
                // Re-calculate to avoid round issues leaving one pixel left.
                int expanding_widgets_size = ( rem ) / ( expanding_widgets - index );
                widget_move ( child, left, widget_padding_get_top ( WIDGET ( b ) ) );
                left += expanding_widgets_size;
                widget_resize ( child, expanding_widgets_size, rem_height );
                left += spacing;
                rem  -= expanding_widgets_size;
            else {
                widget_move ( child, left, widget_padding_get_top ( WIDGET ( b ) ) );
                left += widget_get_width (  child );
                left += spacing;
    b->max_size += widget_padding_get_padding_width ( WIDGET ( b ) );
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: box.c Projeto: yusiwen/rofi
static void vert_calculate_size ( box *b )
    int spacing           = distance_get_pixel ( b->spacing, ROFI_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL );
    int expanding_widgets = 0;
    int active_widgets    = 0;
    int rem_width         = widget_padding_get_remaining_width ( WIDGET ( b ) );
    int rem_height        = widget_padding_get_remaining_height ( WIDGET ( b ) );
    for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) {
        widget * child = (widget *) iter->data;
        if ( child->enabled && child->expand == FALSE ) {
            widget_resize ( child, rem_width, widget_get_desired_height ( child ) );
    b->max_size = 0;
    for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) {
        widget * child = (widget *) iter->data;
        if ( !child->enabled ) {
        if ( child->expand == TRUE ) {
        if ( child->h > 0 ) {
            b->max_size += child->h;
    if ( active_widgets > 0 ) {
        b->max_size += ( active_widgets - 1 ) * spacing;
    if ( b->max_size > rem_height ) {
        b->max_size = rem_height;
        g_debug ( "Widgets to large (height) for box: %d %d", b->max_size, b->widget.h );
    if ( active_widgets > 0 ) {
        int    top   = widget_padding_get_top ( WIDGET ( b ) );
        double rem   = rem_height - b->max_size;
        int    index = 0;
        for ( GList *iter = g_list_first ( b->children ); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next ( iter ) ) {
            widget * child = (widget *) iter->data;
            if ( child->enabled == FALSE ) {
            if ( child->expand == TRUE ) {
                // Re-calculate to avoid round issues leaving one pixel left.
                int expanding_widgets_size = ( rem ) / ( expanding_widgets - index );
                widget_move ( child, widget_padding_get_left ( WIDGET ( b ) ), top );
                top += expanding_widgets_size;
                widget_resize ( child, rem_width, expanding_widgets_size );
                top += spacing;
                rem -= expanding_widgets_size;
            else {
                widget_move ( child, widget_padding_get_left ( WIDGET ( b ) ), top );
                top += widget_get_height (  child );
                top += spacing;
    b->max_size += widget_padding_get_padding_height ( WIDGET ( b ) );