Exemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
    std::cout<<"usage: "<<argv[0]<<" <octoMap.bt>"<<std::endl;

  octomap::OcTree *tree = NULL;
  tree = new octomap::OcTree(0.05);

  //read in octotree

  std::cout<<"read in tree, "<<tree->getNumLeafNodes()<<" leaves "<<std::endl;

  double x,y,z;
  octomap::point3d min(x,y,z);
  //std::cout<<"Metric min: "<<x<<","<<y<<","<<z<<std::endl;
  octomap::point3d max(x,y,z);
  //std::cout<<"Metric max: "<<x<<","<<y<<","<<z<<std::endl;

  bool unknownAsOccupied = true;
  unknownAsOccupied = false;
  float maxDist = 1.0;
  //- the first argument ist the max distance at which distance computations are clamped
  //- the second argument is the octomap
  //- arguments 3 and 4 can be used to restrict the distance map to a subarea
  //- argument 5 defines whether unknown space is treated as occupied or free
  //The constructor copies data but does not yet compute the distance map
  DynamicEDTOctomap distmap(maxDist, tree, min, max, unknownAsOccupied);

  //This computes the distance map

  //This is how you can query the map
  octomap::point3d p(5.0,5.0,0.6);
  //As we don't know what the dimension of the loaded map are, we modify this point
  p.x() = min.x() + 0.3 * (max.x() - min.x());
  p.y() = min.y() + 0.6 * (max.y() - min.y());
  p.z() = min.z() + 0.5 * (max.z() - min.z());

  octomap::point3d closestObst;
  float distance;

  distmap.getDistanceAndClosestObstacle(p, distance, closestObst);

  std::cout<<"\n\ndistance at point "<<p.x()<<","<<p.y()<<","<<p.z()<<" is "<<distance<<std::endl;
  if(distance < distmap.getMaxDist())
    std::cout<<"closest obstacle to "<<p.x()<<","<<p.y()<<","<<p.z()<<" is at "<<closestObst.x()<<","<<closestObst.y()<<","<<closestObst.z()<<std::endl;

  //if you modify the octree via tree->insertScan() or tree->updateNode()
  //just call distmap.update() again to adapt the distance map to the changes made

  delete tree;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main( int , char** ) {

	//we build a sample map
  int sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ;

  bool*** map;
  map = new bool**[sizeX];
  for(int x=0; x<sizeX; x++){
  	map[x] = new bool*[sizeY];
  	for(int y=0; y<sizeY; y++){
  		map[x][y] = new bool[sizeZ];
  		for(int z=0; z<sizeZ; z++){
  				if(x<2 || x > sizeX-3 || y < 2 || y > sizeY-3 || z<2 || z > sizeZ-3)
  					map[x][y][z] = 1;
          	map[x][y][z] = 0;

  map[51][45][67] = 1;
  map[50][50][68] = 1;

  // create the EDT object and initialize it with the map
  int maxDistInCells = 20;
  DynamicEDT3D distmap(maxDistInCells*maxDistInCells);
  distmap.initializeMap(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, map);

  //compute the distance map

  // now perform some updates with random obstacles
  int numPoints = 20;
  for (int frame=1; frame<=10; frame++) {
  	std::cout<<"\n\nthis is frame #"<<frame<<std::endl;
    std::vector<IntPoint3D> newObstacles;
    for (int i=0; i<numPoints; i++) {
      double x = 2+rand()/(double)RAND_MAX*(sizeX-4);
      double y = 2+rand()/(double)RAND_MAX*(sizeY-4);
      double z = 2+rand()/(double)RAND_MAX*(sizeZ-4);

    // register the new obstacles (old ones will be removed)

    //update the distance map

    //retrieve distance at a point
    float dist = distmap.getDistance(30,67,33);
    int distSquared = distmap.getSQCellDistance(30,67,33);
    std::cout<<"distance at  30,67,33: "<< dist << " squared: "<< distSquared << std::endl;
    if(distSquared == maxDistInCells*maxDistInCells)
    	std::cout<<"we hit a cell with d = dmax, distance value is clamped."<<std::endl;

    //retrieve closest occupied cell at a point
    IntPoint3D closest = distmap.getClosestObstacle(30,67,33);
    if(closest.x == DynamicEDT3D::invalidObstData)
    	std::cout<<"we hit a cell with d = dmax, no information about closest occupied cell."<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"closest occupied cell to 30,67,33: "<< closest.x<<","<<closest.y<<","<<closest.z<<std::endl;


  std::cout<<"\n\nthis is the last frame"<<std::endl;

  // now remove all random obstacles again.
  std::vector<IntPoint3D> empty;

  //retrieve distance at a point
  float dist = distmap.getDistance(30,67,33);
  int distSquared = distmap.getSQCellDistance(30,67,33);
  std::cout<<"distance at  30,67,33: "<< dist << " squared: "<< distSquared << std::endl;
  if(distSquared == maxDistInCells*maxDistInCells)
  	std::cout<<"we hit a cell with d = dmax, distance value is clamped."<<std::endl;

  //retrieve closest occupied cell at a point
  IntPoint3D closest = distmap.getClosestObstacle(30,67,33);
  if(closest.x == DynamicEDT3D::invalidObstData)
  	std::cout<<"we hit a cell with d = dmax, no information about closest occupied cell."<<std::endl;
  	std::cout<<"closest occupied cell to 30,67,33: "<< closest.x<<","<<closest.y<<","<<closest.z<<std::endl;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main() {	
	//return 0;

	vector<BlendShape> shapes;

	const int nShapes = 150;			// 150 identity
	const int nExprs = 47;				// 46 expressions + 1 neutral
	const int nVerts = 11510;			// 11510 vertices for each mesh

	const string path = "C:\\Users\\Peihong\\Desktop\\Data\\FaceWarehouse_Data_0\\";
	const string foldername = "Tester_";
	const string bsfolder = "Blendshape";
	const string filename = "shape.bs";

	for(int i=0;i<nShapes;i++) {
		stringstream ss;
		ss << path << foldername << (i+1) << "\\" << bsfolder + "\\" + filename;

	int nCoords = nVerts * 3;

	// create an order 3 tensor for the blend shapes	
	Tensor3<float> t(nShapes, nExprs, nCoords);

	// fill in the data
	for(int i=0;i<shapes.size();i++) {
		const BlendShape& bsi = shapes[i];
		for(int j=0;j<bsi.expressionCount();j++) {
			const BlendShape::shape_t& bsij = bsi.expression(j);
			for(int k=0, cidx = 0;k<nVerts;k++, cidx+=3) {
				const BlendShape::vert_t& v = bsij[k];

				t(i, j, cidx) = v.x;
				t(i, j, cidx+1) = v.y;
				t(i, j, cidx+2) = v.z;

	cout << "Tensor assembled." << endl;

	// create deformation map
	Tensor2<float> distmap(nShapes, nVerts);
	for(int i=0;i<shapes.size();i++) {
		const BlendShape::shape_t& bsi0 = shapes[i].expression(0);
		const BlendShape& bsi = shapes[i];
		for(int j=1;j<bsi.expressionCount();j++) {
			const BlendShape::shape_t& bsij = bsi.expression(j);

			for(int k=0, cidx = 0;k<nVerts;k++, cidx+=3) {
				const BlendShape::vert_t& v0 = bsi0[k];
				const BlendShape::vert_t& v = bsij[k];
				float dx = v.x - v0.x, dy = v.y - v0.y, dz = v.z - v0.z;
				distmap(i, k) += sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);


	// perform svd to get core tensor
	cout << "Performing SVD on the blendshapes ..." << endl;
	int ms[2] = {0, 1};		// only the first two modes
	int ds[2] = {150, 47};	// pick 50 for identity and 25 for expression
	vector<int> modes(ms, ms+2);
	vector<int> dims(ds, ds+2);
	auto comp2 = t.svd(modes, dims);
	cout << "SVD done." << endl;	

	auto tcore = std::get<0>(comp2);
	auto tus = std::get<1>(comp2);	
	cout << "writing core tensor ..." << endl;
	cout << "writing U tensors ..." << endl;
	for(int i=0;i<tus.size();i++) {
		tus[i].write("blendshape_u_" + toString(ms[i]) + ".tensor");
	cout << "Validation begins ..." << endl;
	Tensor3<float> tin;

	cout << "Core tensor dimensions = " 
		<< tin.dim(0) << "x"
		<< tin.dim(1) << "x"
		<< tin.dim(2) << endl;

	float maxDiffio = 0;

	for(int i=0;i<tin.dim(0);i++) {
		for(int j=0;j<tin.dim(1);j++) {
			for(int k=0;k<tin.dim(2);k++) {
				maxDiffio = std::max(fabs(tin(i, j, k) - tcore(i, j, k)), maxDiffio);
	cout << "Max difference io = " << maxDiffio << endl;

	tin = tin.modeProduct(tus[0], 0).modeProduct(tus[1], 1);

	cout << "Dimensions = " 
		<< tin.dim(0) << "x"
		<< tin.dim(1) << "x"
		<< tin.dim(2) << endl;
	float maxDiff = 0;

	for(int i=0;i<tin.dim(0);i++) {
		for(int j=0;j<tin.dim(1);j++) {
			for(int k=0;k<tin.dim(2);k++) {
				maxDiff = std::max(fabs(tin(i, j, k) - t(i, j, k)), maxDiff);

	cout << "Max difference = " << maxDiff << endl;
	cout << "done" << endl;

	return 0;