Exemplo n.º 1
//generator pseudonahodnych cisiel exponencialneho rozlozenia so stredom v x
double Model::GeneratorExp(double x)
	std::mt19937 rng((int)std::time(0) * RandomGenerator());	//ak sa generator zavola v rovnakom strojovom case generuje rovnake hodnoty	
	std::exponential_distribution<double> distrib(1 / x);		//semienko je teda vynasobene nahodnym cislom z intervalu 0 - 100

	return distrib(rng);
Exemplo n.º 2
//generator pseudonahodnych cisiel, rovnomerne rozlozenie z intervalu
//<a, b>; implicitne hodnoty: a=1, b=100
//pouziva sa pre urcenie pravdepodobnosti
int Model::RandomGenerator(int a, int b)
	std::random_device rand;
	std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distrib(a, b);
	std::mt19937 rng(rand());

	return distrib(rng);
Exemplo n.º 3
extern "C" int main(int ac, char **av)
  MPI_CALL(Init(&ac, &av));

  std::mt19937 rng(std::random_device{}());
  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distrib(0, 255);

  int numRuns = 1000000;
  int rank = -1;
  int numRanks = 0;

  int numMessages = 100;
  int payloadSize = 100000;

  MyHandler handler;

  char *payload = (char*)malloc(payloadSize);
  for (int i=0;i<payloadSize;i++)
    payload[i] = distrib(rng);

  for (int run=0;run<numRuns;run++) {
    double t0 = ospcommon::getSysTime();

    for (int mID=0;mID<numMessages;mID++) {
      for (int r=0;r<numRanks;r++) {

    while (handler.numReceived != numRanks*numMessages*(run+1)) {

    double t1 = ospcommon::getSysTime();
    double bytes = numRanks * numMessages * payloadSize / (t1-t0);
    std::string rate = ospcommon::prettyNumber(bytes);
    printf("rank %i: received %i messages in %lf secs; that is %sB/s\n",rank,numRanks*numMessages,t1-t0,


int main()
  KarpShenker ks(0.2);
  std::mt19937 seed(getpid());
  std::normal_distribution<double> distrib(500.0, 20.0);

  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
    uint32_t idx = distrib(seed)/10;
    std::cout << idx << std::endl;
  std::cout << ks << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 5
random_switch_task::random_switch_task(std::shared_ptr<graph_data> graph_data, double mu, size_t step_count, size_t graph_step, const std::string& output_dir) :
  base_task(graph_data, mu, step_count, graph_step, output_dir)
  undirected_graph& graph_ = gr_data_->graph_;
  size_t vertices_count = boost::num_vertices(graph_);
  size_t all_edges_count = vertices_count * (vertices_count - 1) / 2;
  size_t non_existing_edges_count = all_edges_count - boost::num_edges(graph_);
  vertex_iterator v, v_end;
  boost::tie(v, v_end) = boost::vertices(graph_);
  size_t index = 0;
  for(; v != v_end; ++v)
    vertex_iterator v1 = v;
    for(++v1; v1 != v_end; ++v1)
      if(!boost::edge(*v, *v1, graph_).second)
        non_existing_edges_.push_back(std::make_pair(*v, *v1));
  std::uniform_int_distribution<> distrib(0, non_existing_edges_.size() - 1);
  var_generator_ = new boost::variate_generator<random_generator, std::uniform_int_distribution<>>(rand_generator_, distrib);
Exemplo n.º 6
const Key& CountDictionary<Key>::sample(){

   //put that somewhere else...
     std::vector<double> w(this->dict.size());
     int idx = 0;
     for(typename std::unordered_map<Key,unsigned>::iterator it = this->dict.begin();it != this->dict.end();++it){
       arg_vec[idx] = it->first;
       w[idx] = it->second;
     std::discrete_distribution<int> dtmp(w.begin(),w.end());
       std::vector<double> p = distrib.probabilities();
     for(int i = 0; i < p.size();++i){
       std::cout << arg_vec[i] <<  p[i] << endl;

     sampling_allowed = true;
   //distrib.reset() ?;
   return arg_vec[distrib(rd_generator)];
Exemplo n.º 7
BOOL arith_rel_quasi_eval(Term atom)
  /* This is an initial version for testing only. */
  if (SYMNUM(atom) == Eq_sn) {
    BOOL negated = NEGATED(atom);
    Term atom2 = copy_term(atom);
    BOOL val;

    atom2 = distrib(atom2);
    /* printf("after distrib:  "); fwrite_term_nl(stdout, atom2); */
    ac_canonical2(atom2, -1, term_compare_vcp);
    /* printf("after AC canon: "); fwrite_term_nl(stdout, atom2); */

    ARG(atom2,0) = qsimp(ARG(atom2,0));
    ARG(atom2,1) = qsimp(ARG(atom2,1));

    /* printf("after qsimp: "); fwrite_term_nl(stdout, atom2); */

    if (term_ident(ARG(atom2,0), ARG(atom2,1)))
      val = negated ? FALSE : TRUE;
      val = FALSE;

    return val;
    return FALSE;
}  /* arith_rel_quasi_eval */
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: Rand.hpp Projeto: Agilack/vle
         * @brief Generate a real using an exponential distribution.
         * @param rate
         * @return a real between 0 and infinite.
        double exponential(double rate)
            boost::exponential_distribution < > distrib(rate);
            boost::variate_generator < boost::mt19937&,
                boost::exponential_distribution < > > gen(m_rand, distrib);

            return gen();
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: Rand.hpp Projeto: Agilack/vle
         * @brief Generate a real using the Log Normal law.
         * @param mean
         * @param sigma
         * @return a real.
        double logNormal(double mean, double sigma)
            boost::lognormal_distribution < > distrib(mean, sigma);
            boost::variate_generator < boost::mt19937&,
                boost::lognormal_distribution < > > gen(m_rand, distrib);

            return gen();
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: Rand.hpp Projeto: Agilack/vle
         * @brief Generate a real from begin to end [begin..end).
         * @param begin The minimum value.
         * @param end The limit (exclude) of the range.
         * @return a random real.
        inline double getDouble(double begin, double end)
            boost::uniform_real < > distrib(begin, end);
            boost::variate_generator < boost::mt19937&,
                boost::uniform_real < > > gen(m_rand, distrib);

            return gen();
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: Rand.hpp Projeto: Agilack/vle
         * @brief Generate a real value [0, 1)
         * @return a random real.
        inline double getDouble()
            boost::uniform_real < > distrib(0.0, 1.0);
            boost::variate_generator < boost::mt19937&,
                boost::uniform_real < > > gen(m_rand, distrib);

            return gen();
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: Rand.hpp Projeto: Agilack/vle
         * @brief Generate an integer from begin to end [begin..end].
         * @param begin The minimum value include.
         * @param end The limit of the range.
         * @return a random integer.
        inline int getInt(int begin, int end)
            boost::uniform_int < > distrib(begin, end);
            boost::variate_generator < boost::mt19937&,
                boost::uniform_int < > > gen(m_rand, distrib);

            return gen();
Exemplo n.º 13
void	put_dots(t_dot *dot, t_mlx mlx)
	int		ct;

	ct = 0;
	mlx.mlx = mlx_init();
	mlx.win = mlx_new_window(mlx.mlx, 1600, 1600, "lol");
	while (!(dot + ct)->end)
		distrib(*(dot + ct), *(dot + ct + 1), mlx);
		if ((ct / mlx.len) != mlx.line - 1)
			distrib(*(dot + ct), *(dot + ct + mlx.len), mlx);
	mlx_key_hook(mlx.win, ft_quit, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: Rand.hpp Projeto: Agilack/vle
         * @brief Generate a real using the Poisson distribution.
         * @param mean
         * @return a real.
        double poisson(double mean)
            boost::poisson_distribution < > distrib(mean);
            boost::variate_generator < boost::mt19937&,
                boost::poisson_distribution < > > gen(m_rand, distrib);

            return gen();
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: Rand.hpp Projeto: Agilack/vle
         * @brief Generate a real using the Gamma distribution.
         * @param alpha
         * @return a real.
        double gamma(double alpha)
            boost::gamma_distribution < > distrib(alpha);
            boost::variate_generator < boost::mt19937&,
                boost::gamma_distribution < > > gen(m_rand, distrib);

            return gen();
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: Rand.hpp Projeto: Agilack/vle
         * @brief Generate a real using the triangular law.
         * @param a
         * @param b
         * @param c
         * @return a real.
        double triangle(double a, double b, double c)
            boost::triangle_distribution < > distrib(a, b, c);
            boost::variate_generator < boost::mt19937&,
                boost::triangle_distribution < > > gen(m_rand, distrib);

            return gen();
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: Rand.hpp Projeto: Agilack/vle
         * @brief Generate a real using the Cauchy law.
         * @param median
         * @param sigma
         * @return a real.
        double cauchy(double median, double sigma)
            boost::cauchy_distribution < > distrib(median, sigma);
            boost::variate_generator < boost::mt19937&,
                boost::cauchy_distribution < > > gen(m_rand, distrib);

            return gen();
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: Rand.hpp Projeto: Agilack/vle
         * @brief Generate a real using the Geometric distribution.
         * @param p
         * @return a real.
        double geometric(double p)
            boost::geometric_distribution < > distrib(p);
            boost::variate_generator < boost::mt19937&,
                boost::geometric_distribution < > > gen(m_rand, distrib);

            return gen();
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: Rand.hpp Projeto: Agilack/vle
         * @brief Generate a real using the Binomial distribution.
         * @param t
         * @param p
         * @return a real.
        double binomial(int t, double p)
            boost::binomial_distribution < > distrib(t, p);
            boost::variate_generator < boost::mt19937&,
                boost::binomial_distribution < > > gen(m_rand, distrib);

            return gen();
Exemplo n.º 20
void	modul(t_precis *nb, t_flag *flag, char *format, int *len)
    distrib(nb, flag, format);
    nb->j = double_modulo(nb, format);
    if (nb->min != 0)
        *len += nb->min;
Exemplo n.º 21
    double StdMaterial::lightFreePathLength(const Raycast& ray) const
        double opa = opacity(ray.origin);

        if(opa <= 0.0)
            return Raycast::BACKDROP_LIMIT;
        else if(opa >= 1.0)
            return 0.0;
            double scatterRate = 1 / (1 / (opa) - 1);
            std::exponential_distribution<> distrib(scatterRate);
            return distrib(_randomEngine);
Exemplo n.º 22
std::size_t generate_random_number(unsigned min, unsigned max) {

	std::mt19937 typedef generator_t;
	std::random_device generate_seed;
	generator_t gen(generate_seed());
	boost::uniform_int<> distrib(min, max);
	//std::uniform_int<> distrib(min, max);
	std::function<size_t()> uni_random(std::bind(distrib, gen));
	return uni_random();
Exemplo n.º 23
  void			Population::Mutation(void)
    unsigned int	index;
    std::default_random_engine gen;
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distrib('a', 'z');
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distrib_d(0,1);
    std::vector<char>	genes;

    for (std::list<Chromosome *>::iterator it = _samples.begin(); it != _samples.end(); ++it)
	if (distrib_d(gen) <= _mutation_rate)
	    index = RandomInt(0, _gene_size);
	    genes = (*it)->getGenes();
	    genes[index] = (char)distrib(gen);
Exemplo n.º 24
Term distrib(Term t)
  if (VARIABLE(t))
    return t;
  else {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < ARITY(t); i++)
      ARG(t,i) = distrib(ARG(t,i));

    if (SYMNUM(t) != Prod_sn)
      return t;
    else {
      if (SYMNUM(ARG(t,1)) == Sum_sn) {
	/* a*(b+c) */
	Term a = ARG(t,0);
	Term b = ARG(ARG(t,1),0);
	Term c = ARG(ARG(t,1),1);
	return build_binary_term(Sum_sn,
				 distrib(build_binary_term(Prod_sn, a, b)),
				 distrib(build_binary_term(Prod_sn, copy_term(a), c)));
      else if (SYMNUM(ARG(t,0)) == Sum_sn) {
	/* (b+c)*a */
	Term a = ARG(t,1);
	Term b = ARG(ARG(t,0),0);
	Term c = ARG(ARG(t,0),1);
	return build_binary_term(Sum_sn,
				 distrib(build_binary_term(Prod_sn, b, a)),
				 distrib(build_binary_term(Prod_sn, c, copy_term(a))));
	return t;
}  /* distrib */
Exemplo n.º 25
 typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor
 random_edge(Graph& g, RandomNumGen& gen) {
   if (num_edges(g) > 1) {
     uniform_int<> distrib(0, num_edges(g)-1);
     variate_generator<RandomNumGen&, uniform_int<> > rand_gen(gen, distrib);
     typename graph_traits<Graph>::edges_size_type 
       n = rand_gen();
     typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator
       i = edges(g).first;
     while (n-- > 0) ++i; // std::advance not VC++ portable
     return *i;
   } else
     return *edges(g).first;
Exemplo n.º 26
 typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor
 random_vertex(Graph& g, RandomNumGen& gen)
   if (num_vertices(g) > 1) {
     std::size_t n = std::random( num_vertices(g) );
     uniform_int<> distrib(0, num_vertices(g)-1);
     variate_generator<RandomNumGen&, uniform_int<> > rand_gen(gen, distrib);
     std::size_t n = rand_gen();
     typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator
       i = vertices(g).first;
     return *(boost::next(i, n));
   } else
     return *vertices(g).first;
Exemplo n.º 27
graph_types::remove_add_edges_pair random_switch_randomizer::get_step()
    graph_types::remove_add_edges_pair r_a_p;
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> distrib(0, 
        m_non_existing_edges.size() - 1);
    auto variate_generator = new boost::variate_generator<
        std::uniform_int_distribution<>>(m_random_generator, distrib);
    graph_types::edge e1 = m_graph.random_edge(m_random_generator);
    unsigned n_e_e_index = (*variate_generator)();
    auto& e2 = m_non_existing_edges[n_e_e_index];
    m_non_existing_edges.erase(m_non_existing_edges.begin() + n_e_e_index);
    delete variate_generator;
    return r_a_p;
Exemplo n.º 28
void		Plazza::start()

  char	buff[4096];
  std::string line;

  while (line != "quit")
      move(40, 2);
Exemplo n.º 29
static void up_handler(state_t s, event_t e, unmarsh_t abv) {
    endpt_id_t origin ;
    unmarsh_endpt_id(abv, &origin) ;
    if (s->partition) {
	sys_abort() ;
    } else {
	etime_t delay ;
	if (!distrib(s, &delay)) {
	    up_free(e, abv) ;
	} else {
	    etime_t when = time_add(alarm_gettime(s->alarm), delay) ;
	    item_t item = record_create(item_t, item) ;
	    /*eprintf("type=%s\n", event_type_to_string(event_type(e))) ;*/
	    item->type = DROP_UP ;
	    item->u.up.event = e ;
	    item->u.up.abv = abv ;
	    priq_add(s->priq, when, item) ;
	    dnnm(s, event_timer_time(when)) ;
Exemplo n.º 30
const Distribution1D *SpatialLightDistribution::Lookup(const Point3f &p) const {
    ProfilePhase _(Prof::LightDistribLookup);

    // Compute integer voxel coordinates for the given point |p| with
    // respect to the overall voxel grid.
    Vector3f offset = scene.WorldBound().Offset(p);  // offset in [0,1].
    Point3i pi;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) pi[i] = int(offset[i] * nVoxels[i]);

    // Create the per-thread cache of sampling distributions if needed.
    LocalBucketHash *localVoxelDistribution =
    if (!localVoxelDistribution) {
        LOG(INFO) << "Created per-thread SpatialLightDistribution for thread" <<
        localVoxelDistribution = new LocalBucketHash;
    else {
        // Otherwise see if we have a sampling distribution for the voxel
        // that |p| is in already available in the local cache.
        auto iter = localVoxelDistribution->find(pi);
        if (iter != localVoxelDistribution->end())
            return iter->second;

    // Now we need to either get the distribution from the shared hash
    // table (if another thread has already created it), or create it
    // ourselves and add it to the shared table.
    ProfilePhase __(Prof::LightDistribLookupL2);

    // First, compute a hash into the first-level hash table.
    size_t hash = std::hash<int>{}(pi[0] + nVoxels[0] * pi[1] +
                                   nVoxels[0] * nVoxels[1] * pi[2]);
    hash &= (nBuckets - 1);

    // Acquire the lock for the corresponding second-level hash table.
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutexes[hash]);
    // See if we can find it.
    auto iter = voxelDistribution[hash].find(pi);
    if (iter != voxelDistribution[hash].end()) {
        // Success. Add the pointer to the thread-specific hash table so
        // that we can look up this distribution more efficiently in the
        // future.
        (*localVoxelDistribution)[pi] = iter->second.get();
        return iter->second.get();

    // We need to compute a new sampling distriibution for this voxel. Note
    // that we're holding the lock for the first-level hash table bucket
    // throughout the following; in general, we'd like to do the following
    // quickly so that other threads don't get held up waiting for that
    // lock (for this or other voxels that share it).
    ProfilePhase ___(Prof::LightDistribCreation);

    // Compute the world-space bounding box of the voxel.
    Point3f p0(Float(pi[0]) / Float(nVoxels[0]),
               Float(pi[1]) / Float(nVoxels[1]),
               Float(pi[2]) / Float(nVoxels[2]));
    Point3f p1(Float(pi[0] + 1) / Float(nVoxels[0]),
               Float(pi[1] + 1) / Float(nVoxels[1]),
               Float(pi[2] + 1) / Float(nVoxels[2]));
    Bounds3f voxelBounds(scene.WorldBound().Lerp(p0),

    // Compute the sampling distribution. Sample a number of points inside
    // voxelBounds using a 3D Halton sequence; at each one, sample each
    // light source and compute a weight based on Li/pdf for the light's
    // sample (ignoring visibility between the point in the voxel and the
    // point on the light source) as an approximation to how much the light
    // is likely to contribute to illumination in the voxel.
    int nSamples = 128;
    std::vector<Float> lightContrib(scene.lights.size(), Float(0));
    for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
        Point3f po = voxelBounds.Lerp(Point3f(
            RadicalInverse(0, i), RadicalInverse(1, i), RadicalInverse(2, i)));
        Interaction intr(po, Normal3f(), Vector3f(), Vector3f(1, 0, 0),
                         0 /* time */, MediumInterface());

        // Use the next two Halton dimensions to sample a point on the
        // light source.
        Point2f u(RadicalInverse(3, i), RadicalInverse(4, i));
        for (size_t j = 0; j < scene.lights.size(); ++j) {
            Float pdf;
            Vector3f wi;
            VisibilityTester vis;
            Spectrum Li = scene.lights[j]->Sample_Li(intr, u, &wi, &pdf, &vis);
            if (pdf > 0) {
                // TODO: look at tracing shadow rays / computing beam
                // transmittance.  Probably shouldn't give those full weight
                // but instead e.g. have an occluded shadow ray scale down
                // the contribution by 10 or something.
                lightContrib[j] += Li.y() / pdf;

    // We don't want to leave any lights with a zero probability; it's
    // possible that a light contributes to points in the voxel even though
    // we didn't find such a point when sampling above.  Therefore, compute
    // a minimum (small) weight and ensure that all lights are given at
    // least the corresponding probability.
    Float sumContrib =
        std::accumulate(lightContrib.begin(), lightContrib.end(), Float(0));
    Float avgContrib = sumContrib / (nSamples * lightContrib.size());
    Float minContrib = (avgContrib > 0) ? .001 * avgContrib : 1;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < lightContrib.size(); ++i) {
        VLOG(2) << "Voxel pi = " << pi << ", light " << i << " contrib = "
                << lightContrib[i];
        lightContrib[i] = std::max(lightContrib[i], minContrib);
    LOG(INFO) << "Initialized light distribution in voxel pi= " <<  pi <<
        ", avgContrib = " << avgContrib;

    // Compute a sampling distribution from the accumulated
    // contributions.
    std::unique_ptr<Distribution1D> distrib(
        new Distribution1D(&lightContrib[0], lightContrib.size()));

    // Store a pointer to it in the per-thread cache for the future.
    (*localVoxelDistribution)[pi] = distrib.get();

    // Store the canonical unique_ptr for it in the global hash table so
    // other threads can use it.
    voxelDistribution[hash][pi] = std::move(distrib);

    return (*localVoxelDistribution)[pi];