Exemplo n.º 1
struct dlNode *dlGetBeforeHead(struct dlList *list)
/* Get the node before the head of the list */
if (dlEmpty(list))
    return list->head;
    return list->head->prev;
Exemplo n.º 2
struct dlNode *dlGetAfterTail(struct dlList *list)
/* Get the node after the tail of the list */
if (dlEmpty(list))
    return list->tail;
    return list->tail->next;
Exemplo n.º 3
struct cachedSeqFile *openTwoBitFromCache(struct dlList *cache, char *fileName)
/* Return open file handle via cache.  In this case it's just a cache of one.  */
struct cachedSeqFile *cn;
if (dlEmpty(cache))
    cn->fileName = cloneString(fileName);
    cn->tbf = twoBitOpen(fileName);
    dlAddValHead(cache, cn);
    cn = cache->head->val;
return cn;
Exemplo n.º 4
void *synQueueGet(struct synQueue *sq)
/* Get message off start of queue.  Wait until there is
 * a message if queue is empty. */
void *message;
struct dlNode *node;
while (dlEmpty(sq->queue))
    pthreadCondWait(&sq->cond, &sq->mutex);
node = dlPopHead(sq->queue);
message = node->val;
return message;
Exemplo n.º 5
struct dgNodeRef *dgConstrainedPriorityOrder(struct diGraph *dg)
/* Return traversal of graph in priority order subject to
 * constraint that all parents must be output before
 * their children regardless of node priority. 
 * Graph must be cycle free. */
struct dlList *sortedList = newDlList();
struct dgNode *graphNode;
struct dlNode *listNode;
struct dgNodeRef *refList = NULL, *ref;

if (dgHasCycles(dg))
    errAbort("Call to dgConstrainedPriorityOrder on graph with cycles.");

/* Make up list sorted by priority. */
for (graphNode = dg->nodeList; graphNode != NULL; graphNode = graphNode->next)
    dlAddValTail(sortedList, graphNode);
    graphNode->visited = FALSE;
dlSort(sortedList, cmpPriority);

/* Loop taking first member of list with no untraversed parents. */
while (!dlEmpty(sortedList))
    for (listNode = sortedList->head; listNode->next != NULL; listNode = listNode->next)
	graphNode = listNode->val;
	if (dgParentsAllVisited(graphNode))
	    ref->node = graphNode;
	    slAddHead(&refList, ref);
	    graphNode->visited = TRUE;
return refList;
Exemplo n.º 6
void sweepOutOldPacketsSeen(struct rudp *ru, long now)
/* Sweep out old packets seen, we can only remember so many. */
int period = 8;  /* seconds */
struct dlNode *node;
struct packetSeen *p;
while (TRUE)
    if (dlEmpty(ru->recvList))
    p = ru->recvList->head->val;
    if (now - p->lastChecked < period)
    node = dlPopHead(ru->recvList);
    hashRemove(ru->recvHash, p->recvHashKey);
Exemplo n.º 7
void rudpFree(struct rudp **pRu)
/* Free up rudp.  Note this does *not* close the associated socket. */
struct rudp *ru = *pRu;
if (ru->recvHash)
    struct dlNode *node;
    while (!dlEmpty(ru->recvList))
	node = dlPopHead(ru->recvList);
	struct packetSeen *p = node->val;
	hashRemove(ru->recvHash, p->recvHashKey);
Exemplo n.º 8
void ccCp(char *source, char *dest, char *hostList)
/* Copy source to dest on all files in hostList. */
time_t startTime = time(NULL);
time_t curTime, lastTime = 0;
struct machine *machineList = NULL;
struct netSwitch *nsList;
struct machine *m, *m2;
struct dlList *toDoList = newDlList();          /* We haven't done these. */
struct dlList *finishedList = newDlList();	/* All done here. */
struct dlList *sourceList = newDlList();        /* These are sources for copies. */
struct dlList *workingList = newDlList();       /* These are copying data to themselves. */
struct dlList *errList = newDlList();           /* These are messed up 3x or more. */
bool firstOk = FALSE;
struct dlNode *finNode, *node, *sourceNode, *destNode;
struct dyString *cmd = newDyString(256);
int machineCount;
int machinesFinished = 0;
char *thisHost = getenv("HOST");
off_t size;
int goodMachines;
double grandTotal;

/* Get host and switch info. */
readHosts(hostList, &machineList, &nsList);
machineCount = slCount(machineList);

/* Make sure file exists.... */
if (!fileExists(source))
    errAbort("%s doesn't exist\n", source);
size = fileSize(source);
printf("Copying %s (%lld bytes) to %d machines\n", source, (unsigned long long)size, machineCount);

/* Add everything to the to-do list. */
for (m = machineList; m != NULL; m = m->next)
    dlAddValTail(toDoList, m);

/* Loop through to-do list trying to do first copy. */
for (node = toDoList->head; node->next != NULL; node = node->next)
    m = node->val;
    m = node->val;
    if (sameString(thisHost, m->name))
	if (sameString(source, dest))
	    /* Hey, this is too easy. */
	    firstOk = TRUE;
	    dyStringPrintf(cmd, "cp %s %s", source, dest);
	dyStringPrintf(cmd, "rcp %s %s:%s", source, m->name, dest);
    if (system(cmd->string) == 0)
	dlAddTail(finishedList, node);
	firstOk = TRUE;
    else  /* some error in rcp */
	warn("Problem with %s\n", cmd->string);
	m->errCount += 1;

/* Loop around launching child processes to copy and
 * wait for them to finish. */
while (machinesFinished < machineCount)
    int pid;
    int status;

    /* Start all possible copies. */
    while (matchMaker(finishedList, toDoList, &sourceNode, &destNode))
	dlAddTail(sourceList, sourceNode);
	dlAddTail(workingList, destNode);
	m = destNode->val;
	m->sourceNode = sourceNode;
	startCopy(sourceNode->val, destNode->val, dest, thisHost, cmd);

    curTime = time(NULL);
    if (curTime - lastTime >= 3)
	printf("%d finished in %d seconds, %d in progress, %d to start, %d errors, %d total\n",
	    dlCount(finishedList) + dlCount(sourceList), (int)(curTime - startTime),
	    dlCount(workingList), dlCount(toDoList), dlCount(errList), machineCount);
	lastTime = curTime;

    /* Wait for a child to finish.  Figure out which machine it is. */
    pid = wait(&status);
    finNode = NULL;
    for (node = workingList->head; node->next != NULL; node = node->next)
	m = node->val;
	if (m->pid == pid)
	    finNode = node;
    if (finNode == NULL)
	errAbort("Returned from wait on unknown child %d\n", pid);

    m = finNode->val;
    m->pid = 0;
    m2 = m->sourceNode->val;
    if (m->netSwitch != m2->netSwitch)
    dlAddTail(finishedList, m->sourceNode);

    if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0)
	/* Good return - move self and source node to finished list. */
	dlAddTail(finishedList, finNode);
	/* Bad return.  Increment error count, and maybe move it to
	 * error list. */
	if (++m->errCount >= maxErrCount)
	    dlAddTail(errList, finNode);
	    fprintf(stderr, "Gave up on %s\n", m->name);
	    dlAddMiddle(toDoList, finNode);
	    fprintf(stderr, "Retry %d on %s\n", m->errCount, m->name);
if (!dlEmpty(errList))
    fprintf(stderr, "errors in:");
    for (node = errList->head; node->next != NULL; node = node->next)
	m = node->val;
	fprintf(stderr, " %s", m->name);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
goodMachines = dlCount(finishedList);
grandTotal = (double)goodMachines * (double)size;
printf("Copied to %d of %d machines (grand total %e bytes) in %d seconds\n", 
	goodMachines, machineCount, grandTotal, (int)(time(NULL) - startTime));
Exemplo n.º 9
struct wordStore *wordStoreForChainsInFile(char *fileName, int chainSize)
/* Return a wordStore containing all words, and also all chains-of-words of length 
 * chainSize seen in file.  */
/* Stuff for processing file a line at a time. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
char *line, *word;

/* We'll build up the tree starting with an empty root node. */
struct wordStore *store = wordStoreNew(chainSize);
struct wordTree *wt = store->markovChains = wordTreeNew(wordStoreAdd(store, ""));	

/* Loop through each line of file, treating it as a separate read. There's 
 * special cases at the beginning and end of line, and for short lines.  In the
 * main case we'll be maintaining a chain (doubly linked list) of maxChainSize words, 
 * popping off one word from the start, and adding one word to the end for each
 * new word we encounter. This list is added to the tree each iteration. */
while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
    /* We'll keep a chain of three or so words in a doubly linked list. */
    struct dlNode *node;
    struct dlList *chain = dlListNew();
    int curSize = 0;
    int wordCount = 0;

    /* skipping the first word which is the read id */
    word = nextWord(&line);

    while ((word = nextWord(&line)) != NULL)
	struct wordInfo *info = wordStoreAdd(store, word);
	 /* For the first few words in the file after ID, we'll just build up the chain,
	 * only adding it to the tree when we finally do get to the desired
	 * chain size.  Once past the initial section of the file we'll be
	 * getting rid of the first link in the chain as well as adding a new
	 * last link in the chain with each new word we see. */
	if (curSize < chainSize)
	    dlAddValTail(chain, info);
	    if (curSize == chainSize)
		addChainToTree(wt, chain);
	    /* Reuse doubly-linked-list node, but give it a new value, as we move
	     * it from head to tail of list. */
	    node = dlPopHead(chain);
	    node->val = info;
	    dlAddTail(chain, node);
	    addChainToTree(wt, chain);
    /* Handle last few words in line, where can't make a chain of full size.  Also handles       
    * lines that have fewer than chain size words. */
    if (curSize < chainSize)
 	addChainToTree(wt, chain);
    while ((node = dlPopHead(chain)) != NULL)
	if (!dlEmpty(chain))
	    addChainToTree(wt, chain);

wordTreeSort(wt);  // Make output of chain file prettier
return store;