Exemplo n.º 1
static void snapSoftToCloseHard(struct rbTree *vertexTree, struct rbTree *edgeTree, int maxSnapSize,
	int maxUncheckedSnapSize, struct nibTwoCache *seqCache, char *chromName)
/* Snap hard vertices to nearby soft vertices of same type. */
struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
addWaysInAndOut(vertexTree, edgeTree, lm);
struct dlList *vList = sortedListFromTree(vertexTree);
struct dlNode *node;
int snapCount = 0;
for (node = vList->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    if (snapVertex(node, maxSnapSize, maxUncheckedSnapSize, seqCache, chromName))
	rbTreeRemove(vertexTree, node->val);
/* Clean up ways in and out since have removed some nodes. */
for (node = vList->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    struct vertex *v = node->val;
    v->waysIn = v->waysOut = NULL;
if (snapCount > 0)
    verbose(3, "Snapped %d close edges, now have %d vertices\n", snapCount, vertexTree->n);
void listJobs()
/* Report jobs running and recently finished. */
struct job *job;
struct dlNode *node;

pmPrintf(&pmIn, "%d running", dlCount(jobsRunning));
if (!pmSend(&pmIn, mainRudp))
for (node = jobsRunning->head; !dlEnd(node); node=node->next)
    job = node->val;
    pmPrintf(&pmIn, "%s", job->startMessage);
    if (!pmSend(&pmIn, mainRudp))
pmPrintf(&pmIn, "%d recent", dlCount(jobsFinished));
if (!pmSend(&pmIn, mainRudp))
for (node = jobsFinished->head; !dlEnd(node); node=node->next)
    job = node->val;
    pmPrintf(&pmIn, "%s", job->startMessage);
    if (!pmSend(&pmIn, mainRudp))
    pmPrintf(&pmIn, "%s", job->doneMessage);
    if (!pmSend(&pmIn, mainRudp))
Exemplo n.º 3
void optBranch(struct dlList *iList)
/* Optimize branch instructions. */
struct hash *labelHash = hashLabels(iList);
struct dlNode *node, *next;
for (node = iList->head; !dlEnd(node); node =  next)
    struct isx *isx = node->val;
    next = node->next;
    switch (isx->opType)
	case poBeq:
	case poBne:
	case poBlt:
	case poBle:
	case poBgt:
	case poBge:
	case poBz:
	case poBnz:
	    if (!dlEnd(next))
		struct isx *nextIsx = next->val;
		if (nextIsx->opType == poJump)
		    struct dlNode *nn = next->next;
		    if (!anyRealBefore(nn, isx->dest))
			// uglyf("Consolidating cond/jump into !cond\n");
			isx->opType = invOp(isx->opType);
			isx->dest = nextIsx->dest;
			next = nn;
	    isx->dest = makeDirect(isx, labelHash);
	case poJump:
	    isx->dest = makeDirect(isx, labelHash);
Exemplo n.º 4
static boolean snapVertex(struct dlNode *oldNode, int maxSnapSize, int maxUncheckedSnapSize,
	struct nibTwoCache *seqCache, char *chromName)
/* Snap vertex to nearby previous hard vertex. */
/* Figure out hard type we want to snap to, and return if not
 * soft to begin with. */
struct vertex *vOld = oldNode->val;
int oldPos = vOld->position;
enum ggVertexType currentType = vOld->type;

/* If no seqCache, then set up things so not bothering to check it. */
if (seqCache == NULL)
    maxUncheckedSnapSize = maxSnapSize;

/* Search backwards */
if (currentType == ggSoftEnd)
    struct dlNode *node;
    for (node = oldNode->prev; !dlStart(node); node = node->prev)
	struct vertex *v = node->val;
	int newPos = v->position;
	int dif = oldPos - newPos;
	if (dif > maxSnapSize)
	if (v->type == ggHardEnd)
	    if (checkSnapOk(vOld, v, FALSE, dif, maxUncheckedSnapSize, seqCache, chromName))
		vOld->movedTo = v;
		verbose(3, "snapping vertex %d to %d\n", oldPos, newPos);
		return TRUE;

/* Search forward */
else if (currentType == ggSoftStart)
    struct dlNode *node;
    for (node = oldNode->next; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
	struct vertex *v = node->val;
	int newPos = v->position;
	int dif = newPos - oldPos;
	if (dif > maxSnapSize)
	if (v->type == ggHardStart)
	    if (checkSnapOk(vOld, v, TRUE, dif, maxUncheckedSnapSize, seqCache, chromName))
		vOld->movedTo = v;
		return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 5
static struct isxAddress *makeDirect(struct isx *isx, struct hash *labelHash)
/* Isx is a conditional or unconditional jump instruction.
 * If it's target is an unconditional jump, then eliminate
 * the middle man or men, and jump straight to final destination */
struct isxAddress *dest = isx->dest;
char *name = dest->name;
struct dlNode *node = hashMustFindVal(labelHash, name);
for (; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    struct isx *isx = node->val;
    switch (isx->opType)
	case poLabel:
	case poLoopStart:
	case poLoopEnd:
	case poCondCase:
	case poCondStart:
	case poCondEnd:
	case poJump:
	    // uglyf("Short circuiting %s\n", name);
	    return makeDirect(node->val, labelHash);
	    return dest;
return dest;
Exemplo n.º 6
struct dlNode *dlValInList(struct dlList *list, void *val)
/* Return node on list if any that has associated val. */
struct dlNode *node;
for (node = list->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    if (node->val == val)
        return node;
return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 7
FILE *openFromCache(struct dlList *cache, struct seqFilePos *sfp)
/* Return open file handle via cache.  The simple logic here
 * depends on not more than N files being returned at once. */
static int maxCacheSize=16;
int cacheSize = 0;
struct dlNode *node;
struct cachedFile *cf;
int size;

/* First loop through trying to find it in cache, counting
 * cache size as we go. */
for (node = cache->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    cf = node->val;
    if (sameString(sfp->file, cf->name))
	dlAddHead(cache, node);
	return cf->f;

/* If cache has reached max size free least recently used. */
if (cacheSize >= maxCacheSize)
    node = dlPopTail(cache);
    cf = node->val;

/* Cache new file. */
cf->name = cloneString(sfp->file);
if (sfp->isTwoBit)
    cf->f = (FILE *)twoBitOpen(sfp->file);
else if (sfp->isNib)
    nibOpenVerify(sfp->file, &cf->f, &size);
    if (cf->f == NULL)
	errAbort("can't open nibfile %s\n",sfp->file);
    sfp->pos = size;
    cf->f = mustOpen(sfp->file, "rb");
dlAddValHead(cache, cf);
return cf->f;
Exemplo n.º 8
void addChainToTree(struct wordTree *wt, struct dlList *chain)
/* Add chain of words to tree. */
struct dlNode *node;
wt->useCount += 1;
for (node = chain->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    struct wordInfo *info = node->val;
    verbose(2, "  adding %s\n", info->word);
    wt = wordTreeAddFollowing(wt, info);
Exemplo n.º 9
void addToTrie(struct trie *trie, struct dlList *ll)
/* Add chain of letters to trie. */
struct dlNode *node;
struct trie *next;
trie->useCount += 1;
for (node = ll->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    UBYTE *s = node->val;
    UBYTE c = *s;
    if (trie->branchCount)
	if (trie->singleFollowing)
	    next = trie->singleFollowing;
	    if (next->letter != c)
		/* Move from single to multiple followers. */
		trie->singleFollowing = NULL;
		AllocArray(trie->multipleFollowing, 256);
		trie->multipleFollowing[next->letter] = next;

		/* Allocate and initialize new follower. */
		next->letter = c;
		trie->multipleFollowing[c] = next;
		trie->branchCount += 1;
	    next = trie->multipleFollowing[c];
	    if (next == NULL)
		next->letter = c;
		trie->multipleFollowing[c] = next;
		trie->branchCount += 1;
	next->letter = c;
	trie->singleFollowing = next;
	trie->branchCount = 1;
    next->useCount += 1;
    trie = next;
struct job *findJobOnList(struct dlList *list, int jobId)
/* Return job if it's on list, otherwise NULL */
struct dlNode *node;
struct job *job;
for (node = list->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    job = node->val;
    if (job->jobId == jobId)
        return job;
return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 11
void addChainToTree(struct wordTree *wt, struct dlList *chain, 
	struct lm *lm, struct rbTreeNode **stack)
/* Add chain of words to tree. */
struct dlNode *node;
wt->useCount += 1;
for (node = chain->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    char *word = node->val;
    verbose(2, "  %s\n", word);
    wt = wordTreeAddFollowing(wt, word, lm, stack);
void doResurrect(char *line, struct sockaddr_in *hubIp)
/* Send back I'm alive message */
struct paraMessage pm;
struct dlNode *node;
int jobsReported = 0;
pmInit(&pm, ntohl(hubIp->sin_addr.s_addr), paraHubPort);
pmPrintf(&pm, "alive %s", hostName);
for (node = jobsRunning->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    struct job *job = node->val;
    pmPrintf(&pm, " %d", job->jobId);
for (node = jobsFinished->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    struct job *job = node->val;
    if (jobsReported >= maxProcs)
    pmPrintf(&pm, " %d", job->jobId);
pmSend(&pm, mainRudp);
Exemplo n.º 13
struct wordTree *predictFromWordTree(struct wordTree *wt, struct dlNode *recent)
/* Predict next word given tree and recently used word list.  Will use all words in
 * recent list if can,  but if there is not data in tree, will back off, and use
 * progressively less previous words until ultimately it just picks a random
 * word. */
struct dlNode *node;

for (node = recent; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    struct wordTree *result = predictNextFromAllPredecessors(wt, node);
    if (result != NULL)
        return result;
return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 14
static void wordTreeGenerateFile(struct wordStore *store, int maxSize, struct wordTree *firstWord, 
	int maxOutputWords, char *fileName)
/* Create file containing words base on tree probabilities.  The wordTreeGenerateList does
 * most of work. */
struct dlList *ll = wordTreeGenerateList(store, maxSize, firstWord, maxOutputWords);
FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
struct dlNode *node;
for (node = ll->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    struct wordInfo *info = node->val;
    fprintf(f, "%s\n", info->word);
Exemplo n.º 15
char *dlListFragWords(struct dlNode *head)
/* Return string containing all words in list pointed to by head. */
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
dyStringAppendC(dy, '{');
struct dlNode *node;
for (node = head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    if (node != head)
       dyStringAppendC(dy, ' ');
    struct wordInfo *info = node->val;
    dyStringAppend(dy, info->word);
dyStringAppendC(dy, '}');
return dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
void doStatus()
/* Report status. */
pmPrintf(&pmIn, "%d of %d CPUs busy", busyProcs, maxProcs);
if (busyProcs > 0)
    struct dlNode *node;
    pmPrintf(&pmIn, ". Jobs:");
    for (node = jobsRunning->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
	struct job *job = node->val;
        pmPrintf(&pmIn, " %d", job->jobId);
pmSend(&pmIn, mainRudp);
Exemplo n.º 17
char *predictNext(struct wordTree *wt, struct dlList *recent)
/* Predict next word given list of recent words and wordTree. */
struct dlNode *node;
for (node = recent->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    char *word = node->val;
    struct wordTree key;
    key.word = word;
    wt = rbTreeFind(wt->following, &key);
    if (wt == NULL)
        errAbort("%s isn't a follower of %s\n", word, wt->word);
char *result = NULL;
if (wt->following != NULL)
    result = pickRandomWord(wt->following);
return result;
Exemplo n.º 18
struct wordTree *predictNextFromAllPredecessors(struct wordTree *wt, struct dlNode *list)
/* Predict next word given tree and recently used word list.  If tree doesn't
 * have statistics for what comes next given the words in list, then it returns
 * NULL. */
verbose(2, " predictNextFromAllPredecessors(%s, %s)\n", wordTreeString(wt), dlListFragWords(list));
struct dlNode *node;
for (node = list; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    struct wordInfo *info = node->val;
    wt = wordTreeFindInList(wt->children, info);
    verbose(2, "   wordTreeFindInList(%s) = %p %s\n", info->word, wt, wordTreeString(wt));
    if (wt == NULL || wt->children == NULL)
struct wordTree *result = NULL;
if (wt != NULL && wt->children != NULL)
    result = pickRandom(wt->children);
return result;
Exemplo n.º 19
struct cachedSeqFile *openNibFromCache(struct dlList *cache, char *dirName, char *seqName)
/* Return open file handle via cache.  */
static int maxCacheSize=32;
int cacheSize = 0;
struct dlNode *node;
struct cachedSeqFile *cn;
char fileName[512];

/* First loop through trying to find it in cache, counting
 * cache size as we go. */
for (node = cache->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    cn = node->val;
    if (sameString(seqName, cn->name))
	dlAddHead(cache, node);
	return cn;

/* If cache has reached max size free least recently used. */
if (cacheSize >= maxCacheSize)
    node = dlPopTail(cache);
    cn = node->val;

/* Cache new file. */
cn->name = cloneString(seqName);
snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%s/%s.nib", dirName, seqName);
cn->fileName = cloneString(fileName);
nibOpenVerify(fileName, &cn->f, &cn->size);
dlAddValHead(cache, cn);
return cn;
Exemplo n.º 20
FILE *openFromCache(struct dlList *cache, char *fileName)
/* Return open file handle via cache.  The simple logic here
 * depends on not more than N files being returned at once. */
static int maxCacheSize=32;
int cacheSize = 0;
struct dlNode *node;
struct cachedFile *cf;

/* First loop through trying to find it in cache, counting
 * cache size as we go. */
for (node = cache->head; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    cf = node->val;
    if (sameString(fileName, cf->name))
	dlAddHead(cache, node);
	return cf->f;

/* If cache has reached max size free least recently used. */
if (cacheSize >= maxCacheSize)
    node = dlPopTail(cache);
    cf = node->val;

/* Cache new file. */
cf->name = cloneString(fileName);
cf->f = mustOpen(fileName, "rb");
dlAddValHead(cache, cf);
return cf->f;
Exemplo n.º 21
static struct hash *hashLabels(struct dlList *iList)
/* Return hash of all labels. */
struct dlNode *node;
struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
for (node = iList->head; !dlEnd(node); node =  node->next)
    struct isx *isx = node->val;
    switch (isx->opType)
	case poLabel:
	case poLoopStart:
	case poLoopEnd:
	case poCondCase:
	case poCondEnd:
	    hashAdd(hash, isx->dest->name, node);
return hash;
Exemplo n.º 22
struct wordTree *predictFromPreviousTypes(struct wordStore *store, struct dlList *past)
/* Predict next based on general pattern of monomer order. */
int maxToLookBack = 3;
    { /* Debugging block */
    struct dlNode *node = nodesFromTail(past, maxToLookBack);
    verbose(3, "predictFromPreviousTypes(");
    for (; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
	struct wordInfo *info = node->val;
	verbose(3, "%s, ", info->word);
    verbose(3, ")\n");
int pastDepth;
struct dlNode *node;
for (pastDepth = 1, node = past->tail; pastDepth <= maxToLookBack; ++pastDepth)
    if (dlStart(node))
	verbose(2, "predictFromPreviousTypes with empty past\n");
	return NULL;
    struct wordInfo *info = node->val;
    struct wordType *prevType = hashFindVal(store->typeHash, info->word);
    if (prevType != NULL)
	struct wordType *curType = advanceTypeWithWrap(store->typeList, prevType, pastDepth);
	struct wordInfo *curInfo = pickRandomFromType(curType);
	struct wordTree *curTree = wordTreeFindInList(store->markovChains->children, curInfo);
	verbose(3, "predictFromPreviousType pastDepth %d, curInfo %s, curTree %p %s\n", 
	    pastDepth, curInfo->word, curTree, curTree->info->word);
	return curTree;
    node = node->prev;
verbose(2, "predictFromPreviousTypes past all unknown types\n");
return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 23
static boolean anyRealBefore(struct dlNode *node, struct isxAddress *label)
/* Return TRUE if get any real instruction before label */
for ( ; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    struct isx *isx = node->val;
    switch (isx->opType)
	case poLabel:
	case poLoopStart:
	case poLoopEnd:
	case poCondCase:
	case poCondStart:
	case poCondEnd:
	    if (isx->dest == label)
	        return FALSE;
	    return TRUE;
return TRUE;