int main(void) { dict_h lh ; dict_iter iter ; int i ; int *ip ; lh = dll_create( int_comp, int_kcomp, 0 ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ ) { nums[ i ] = 10-i ; if ( dll_insert( lh, &nums[ i ] ) != DICT_OK ) { printf( "Failed at %d\n", i ) ; exit( 1 ) ; } } printf( "Successor test\n" ) ; for ( ip=INTP(dll_minimum( lh )) ; ip ; ip=INTP(dll_successor( lh, ip )) ) printf( "%d\n", *ip ) ; printf( "Predecessor test\n" ) ; for ( ip=INTP(dll_maximum( lh )) ; ip ; ip=INTP(dll_predecessor( lh, ip )) ) printf( "%d\n", *ip ) ; printf( "Search/delete test\n" ) ; i = 7 ; ip = INTP( dll_search( lh, &i ) ) ; if ( ip == NULL ) printf( "Search failed\n" ) ; else if ( dll_delete( lh, ip ) != DICT_OK ) { printf( "Delete failed\n" ) ; exit( 0 ) ; } printf( "Successor test 2\n" ) ; for ( ip=INTP(dll_minimum( lh )) ; ip ; ip=INTP(dll_successor( lh, ip )) ) printf( "%d\n", *ip ) ; printf( "Predecessor test 2\n" ) ; for ( ip=INTP(dll_maximum( lh )) ; ip ; ip=INTP(dll_predecessor( lh, ip )) ) printf( "%d\n", *ip ) ; printf( "Iteration test\n" ) ; iter = dll_iterate( lh, DICT_FROM_START ) ; while (( ip = INTP( dll_nextobj( lh, iter ) ) )) if ( *ip == 5 ) (void) dll_delete( lh, ip ) ; else printf( "%d\n", *ip ) ; exit( 0 ) ; }
int list_replace_items(pgenobj_cmp_t lri_cmp, DLL_NODE_PTR list) { int error = 0; FF_VALIDATE(list); list = dll_first(list); while (!DLL_IS_HEAD_NODE(list)) { DLL_NODE_PTR list_walker = NULL; list_walker = dll_next(list); while (!DLL_IS_HEAD_NODE(list_walker)) { if ((*lri_cmp)(list->data.u.var, list_walker->data.u.var)) { list = dll_previous(list); dll_delete(list->next); break; } list_walker = dll_next(list_walker); } list = dll_next(list); } return(error); }
int dll_free_holdings(DLL_NODE_PTR head) { DLL_NODE_PTR node = NULL; int count = 0; FF_VALIDATE(head); if (head == NULL) return(0); dll_rewind(&head); node = dll_first(head); while (!DLL_IS_HEAD_NODE(node)) { dll_delete(node); count++; node = dll_first(head); } #ifdef DLL_CHK assert(DLL_COUNT(head) == 0); #endif head->next = head->previous = NULL; #ifdef FF_CHK_ADDR head->check_address = NULL; #endif memFree(head, "Header Node"); return(count); }
int main(void) { A* a = malloc(sizeof(A)), *b = malloc(sizeof(A)), *c = NULL; List* l = list_init(); Stack* s = stack_init(); Queue* q = queue_init(); DoubleLinkedList* d = dll_init(); printf("a: %d\nB: %d\nc: %d\n", (int)a, (int)b, (int)c); a->a1 = 1; a->a2 = 'c'; b->a1 = 2; b->a2 = 'a'; printf("\n=== LIST TEST ===\n"); list_add(l, a, 0); list_append(l, b); list_remove(l, 0); list_print(l); c = list_get(l, 0); printf("c: %d\n", (int)c); list_delete(l); printf("\n=== STACK TEST ===\n"); stack_push(s, b); stack_push(s, a); stack_pop(s); stack_print(s); c = stack_peek(s); printf("c: %d\n", (int)c); stack_delete(s); printf("\n=== QUEUE TEST ===\n"); queue_push(q, a); queue_push(q, b); queue_pop(q); queue_print(q); c = queue_peek(q); printf("c: %d\n", (int)c); queue_delete(q); printf("\n=== DOUBLE LINKED LIST TEST ===\n"); dll_add(d, b, 0); dll_prepend(d, a); dll_remove(d, 1); dll_print(d); c = dll_get(d, 0); printf("c: %d\n", (int)c); dll_delete(d); free(a); free(b); return 0; }
void dllhashtable_delete(struct DLLHASHTABLE* dllhashtable_ptr, void* key) { struct DLL* dll_ptr; struct HASHTABLE* hashtable_ptr; struct HASHITEM* hashitem_ptr; struct DLLHASHTABLE_HASHTABLEVALUE* hashtablevalue_ptr; struct DLLHASHTABLE_DLLITEM* dllitem_ptr; dll_ptr = dllhashtable_ptr->dll_ptr; hashtable_ptr = dllhashtable_ptr->hashtable_ptr; hashitem_ptr = hashtable_search(hashtable_ptr, key); hashtablevalue_ptr = hashitem_ptr->value; dllitem_ptr = hashtablevalue_ptr->dllitem_ptr; dll_delete(dll_ptr, (struct DLLITEM*)dllitem_ptr); hashtable_delete(hashtable_ptr, key); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { dllist_t *list = (dllist_t*) malloc(sizeof(dllist_t)); dll_init(list); dll_print(list); dll_add(list, 12); dll_print(list); dll_add(list, 12); dll_add(list, 13); dll_add(list, 14); dll_print(list); dll_remove(list, 12); dll_print(list); dll_delete(list); free(list); return 0; }
int main(void) { doublylinkedlist *sample = dll_create(); doublylinkedlistnode node; char input[15][30] = {0, }; int position = 0; int element = 0; printf("ListCommader\n"); printf("Set list name: "); //scanf("%s", &input[14]); input[14][0] = 's'; input[14][1] = 'a'; input[14][2] = 'm'; input[14][3] = 'p'; input[14][4] = 'l'; input[14][5] = 'e'; printf("%s\n", input[14]); printf("\nHint: h<enter>\n"); while(true) { printf("Select list type: "); scanf("%s", &input[15]); if(!strcmp("q", input[15])) break; else if(!strcmp("h", input[15])) { printf("--------------------------------\n"); printf("Available list types \n"); printf("dll Use DoublyLinkedList \n"); printf("--------------------------------\n"); printf("Available commands \n"); printf("q Quit ListCommander \n"); printf("--------------------------------\n"); } else if(!strcmp("dll", input[15])) { printf("\nYou are in [%s:doublylinkedlist].\n", input[14]); while(true) { printf("Enter command: "); scanf("%s", &input[0]); if(!strcmp("h", input[0])) { printf("--------------------------------\n"); printf("Available commands \n"); printf("a Add element \n"); printf("r Remove element \n"); printf("c Clear all elements \n"); printf("l Show length \n"); printf("s Show all elements \n"); printf("q Close and delete list \n"); printf("--------------------------------\n"); } else if(!strcmp("a", input[0])) { printf("Position: "); scanf("%s", &input[1]); printf("Value of the element: (int)"); scanf("%s", &input[2]); position = strtol(input[1], NULL, 10); element = strtol(input[2], NULL, 10); node.element = element; dll_add_element(sample, position, node); printf("\"%d\" to %d added.\n", element, position); } else if(!strcmp("r", input[0])) { printf("Position: "); scanf("%s", &input[1]); position = strtol(input[1], NULL, 10); dll_remove_element(sample, position); printf("Element of position %d has been removed.\n", position); } else if(!strcmp("c", input[0])) dll_clear(sample); else if(!strcmp("l", input[0])) printf("Size: %d\n", dll_get_length(sample)); else if(!strcmp("s", input[0])) { printf("--------------------------------\n"); dll_interate(sample); printf("--------------------------------\n"); } else if(!strcmp("q", input[0])) break; else printf("%s is not a command\n"); } dll_delete(sample); printf("[%s:doublylinkedlist] has been deleted.\n", input[14], input[15]); printf("Hint: q<enter> again to quit\n"); } else printf("%s is not a list type or a command\n", input[15]); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/* Get flow ring ID, if not present try to create one */ static INLINE int dhd_flowid_lookup(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, uint8 ifindex, uint8 prio, char *sa, char *da, uint16 *flowid) { uint16 id; flow_ring_node_t *flow_ring_node; flow_ring_table_t *flow_ring_table; unsigned long flags; DHD_INFO(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!dhdp->flow_ring_table) return BCME_ERROR; flow_ring_table = (flow_ring_table_t *)dhdp->flow_ring_table; id = dhd_flowid_find(dhdp, ifindex, prio, sa, da); if (id == FLOWID_INVALID) { if_flow_lkup_t *if_flow_lkup; if_flow_lkup = (if_flow_lkup_t *)dhdp->if_flow_lkup; if (!if_flow_lkup[ifindex].status) return BCME_ERROR; id = dhd_flowid_alloc(dhdp, ifindex, prio, sa, da); if (id == FLOWID_INVALID) { DHD_ERROR(("%s: alloc flowid ifindex %u status %u\n", __FUNCTION__, ifindex, if_flow_lkup[ifindex].status)); return BCME_ERROR; } /* register this flowid in dhd_pub */ dhd_add_flowid(dhdp, ifindex, prio, da, id); } ASSERT(id < dhdp->num_flow_rings); flow_ring_node = (flow_ring_node_t *) &flow_ring_table[id]; DHD_FLOWRING_LOCK(flow_ring_node->lock, flags); if (flow_ring_node->active) { DHD_FLOWRING_UNLOCK(flow_ring_node->lock, flags); *flowid = id; return BCME_OK; } /* Init Flow info */ memcpy(flow_ring_node->, sa, sizeof(flow_ring_node->; memcpy(flow_ring_node->flow_info.da, da, sizeof(flow_ring_node->flow_info.da)); flow_ring_node->flow_info.tid = prio; flow_ring_node->flow_info.ifindex = ifindex; flow_ring_node->active = TRUE; if (flow_ring_node->status != 0) DHD_ERROR(("setting flowring status to pending from %d\n", flow_ring_node->status)); flow_ring_node->status = FLOW_RING_STATUS_PENDING; DHD_FLOWRING_UNLOCK(flow_ring_node->lock, flags); DHD_FLOWID_LOCK(dhdp->flowid_lock, flags); dll_prepend(&dhdp->bus->const_flowring, &flow_ring_node->list); DHD_FLOWID_UNLOCK(dhdp->flowid_lock, flags); /* Create and inform device about the new flow */ if (dhd_bus_flow_ring_create_request(dhdp->bus, (void *)flow_ring_node) != BCME_OK) { DHD_FLOWRING_LOCK(flow_ring_node->lock, flags); flow_ring_node->active = FALSE; DHD_FLOWRING_UNLOCK(flow_ring_node->lock, flags); DHD_FLOWID_LOCK(dhdp->flowid_lock, flags); flow_ring_node->status = FLOW_RING_STATUS_CLOSED; dll_delete(&flow_ring_node->list); DHD_FLOWID_UNLOCK(dhdp->flowid_lock, flags); DHD_ERROR(("%s: create error %d\n", __FUNCTION__, id)); return BCME_ERROR; } *flowid = id; return BCME_OK; }